Childerns Book by Anastasia and mario



Where did Sallie go? 

Who was with her? 

On the first day, where did they go? 

What did Sallie get from the mall? 

What did they do on the beach? 

What did sallies mom and dad have to eat? 

What sport were her and her friends playing? 

What sport were sallies parents playing? 

How many times did they go to the beach? 

Tyler Creighton, Sara Nesbitt, Anotnio Reveron Love Canal Presentation

Link to our info-graphic


Source one-DePALMA, Anthony . "Love Canal Declared Clean, Ending Toxic Horror." New York Times. (2004): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.


I chose this website because this website supplied great information about the love Canal and its environmental impact. From this website they’ve described the event by saying that it was such a large event during that time. According the research, I found that two decades after the Love canal became the first polluted site on the newly created Superfund list, federal officials announced yesterday that the neighborhood that epitomized environmental horror in the late 1970’s was clean enough to be taken off the list. This event was known to be the ending toxic horror as many people described it. This specific article was very useful to our research because in our paper we decided that it was most important to list as much information as we could about the downfalls of the Love Canal and it’s negative impact on this nation. That’s why I specifically chose this website to be my source in research.

Source two- Danis, Karen. " ." The History of Superfund: Love Canal. N.p., 12 01 2001. Web. 22 Mar 2013. <>.


I chose this website because this website also touched upon the actual history of the Love canal and what went on. This website was relevant to my research because I thought that it was very important to give enough information about the Canal’s history. Towards the end of this website it talked about the development of the Superfund Bill. The most important thing  that I’ve gained from this part of my research was  

Source three-BROOK, MARISA . "Damn Interesting ." THE TRAGEDY OF THE LOVE CANAL. The damn Interesting E-Book. Web. 22 Mar 2013. <>.


I chose this website because I thought that the information that was given on the website would be relevant to my paper. This website talked mainly about the tragedies that went on with the Love Canal. This website gave a lot of information about the history of what had happened during this time. The website also talked about the Love Canal neighborhood evacuation and also talked about William T. Love and his most perfect city in existence.


Source #1:,28804,1986457_1986501_1986441,00.html

  • Cruz, Gilbert. "Love Canal - Top 10 Environmental Disasters - TIME."Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - N.p., 3 May 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <,28804,1986457_1986501_1986441,00.html>.

This source is useful because it tells us about “Love Canal”. The advantages to this site is it tells us what was “Love Canal”, what affects it had on the people in the environment around them and what the government did to solve this environmental hazard. The disadvantage to this is it explains it all in one paragraph. In other words, it generalizes the Love Canal. There is still enough information in this site that will answer the basic question... What is Love Canal?

Source #2:

  • "America's worst man-made environmental disasters: Love Canal | MNN - Mother Nature Network."Environmental News and Information | MNN - Mother Nature Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source is helpful because it gives more detailed information about Love Canal. It explains it in more than one paragraph, gives description what happened in the environment around while the toxic waste laid below the neighborhood, and what happened to the people exposed to the chemicals from the waste.

Source #3:

  • "What We Can Learn From Love Canal."EarthShare: One Environment. One Simple Way to Care for It.. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source is helpful because it gives a unique perspective of Love Canal. It goes to the perspective of an individual who experienced all of the toxic waste oozing through her home and her neighbors.


#1--Beck , Eckardt. "Love Canal Tragedy ." EPA . N.p., 15 February 2013. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <>.

This source is very helpful in talking about the high expectations of Love Canal, and how it drastically changed the environment forever. They do a really good job on talking about the series of events that happened to lead up to the final effects it had on both the environment, and people living near it.

There were miscarriages in women, birth defects in children, and people at a higher risk for leukemia. This site shows the cold hard facts which I think is great, and I will be using it frequently to refer back to in our infographic.

The information seems very reliable knowing that it is a .gov site, it’s documented from the EPA (US. Environmental Protection Agency). There are also no ads, which is always a good sign that the site is reliable.

#2-- Hertz, Joshua. "The Love Canal Disaster: An Error in Engineering or Public Policy?." OEC. National Academy of Sciences.. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <;.

When taking a first look at this site without reading anything yet is really helpful find exactly what you want to research about, because the entire site is sectioned off with headers telling you about each paragraph. This is really easy if you are looking to research a particular aspect of the disaster.

There are about 2-4 paragraph within each section, which is nice because it’s not a book, but you are educated with a lot of information. The topics that are covered are the cost of the disaster, the historical background, process and what chemicals, and the governmental aspects.

I think this is a useful source because it’s organized and has a lot of great information. I also trust it a bit more because it’s a .org site.

#3-- Whalen, Robert. "Love Canal - Public Health Time Bomb."New York Department of Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <>.

I really like the brief summary of the love canal,  I thought it was relevant and they didn’t drag it on. I also thought that the table at the bottom was helpful, because I haven’t seen anything with air samples. That was a really good experiment and idea to inform people about. I think that the site is very reliable and has great facts that we used in our infographic.

Additional Sources:

1. . N.p.. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <>.

2. Lester, Stephen . "Making a Bad Decision Worse – Reselling Homes at Love Canal." CHEJ. N.p.. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <>.

3. "30 years after Love Canal – schoolchildren are still at risk."Eideard. N.p., 22 Aug 2008. Web. 5 Apr 2013. <>.

Annotations of the Pictures

Source #1

  • Adams, Dory . "In This Light: Abandoned Things: Love Canal, New York." In This Light. N.p., 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. <>.

Source #2

Source #3

Source #4

Source #5


  • Montanus, James . "Love Canal - an Environmental Disaster of Epic Proportions - and a great motorcycle ride!." Montanus Photography, LLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. <>.

Source #6

Source# 7

Luisa y Pablo

Click Here


Who was the doctor in the story?

Why was fish sad?

Who was having a party?

Who provided the music?

Who are the main characters?

What game did the animals play?

what was the problem in the story?

Whose house did the fish go to first?

What floor did Mr. Octopus live on?

What river did the animals live in?


James, Kyler, Isaac. Tennessee Coal Ash Spill


1. "America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters."Mother Nature Network. (2008): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source summarizes the events that lead to the spill as well as the cleanup afterwards. It gives us pictures and facts that we can use in an infographic. It will help us identify the cause and effect of the situation.

2."Ash Slide at TVN Kingston Fossil Plant." Department of Environment and Conservation. (2008): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source is a primary response from the Tennessee State government about the disaster. It will help us single out the direct response for our infographic.


1.Dewan, Shaila. "Water Supplies Tested After Tennessee Spill." New York Times. (2008): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source explains the water testing procedures after the waste was spilled. The water department said the water was safe for drinking even though heavy amounts of waste were being emptied into water. They said it’s 30 times bigger than Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.

2.Ferrar, Rebecca. "Alexander, Duncan challenge TVA as hearing looms." Knox News. (2008): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

This source explains how committee was scheduling a hearing on the tragedy, but represents how they use tragedies for their own political gain.


1. Schrope, Mark. "Methylmercury Levels Spiked After Tennessee Coal Ash Spill." Chemical & Engineering News, 13 Jan 2013. Web. 22 Mar 2013. <>.

This source is from a website dedicated to news about Chemical and Engineering issues all over the world. It is a .org which right off the bat makes me have more confidence in it’s accuracy. It talks about how in 2008 at a Tennessee power plant large amounts of coal ash spilled into two of Tennessee’s rivers. It talks about how bacteria covered in mercury was found in the water. The EPA conducted studies that looked for total amounts of mercury in the area, and found that less and less was found than was believed originally. They believed that the mercury found was from nuclear weapon processing in the 1900s.

2. Dewan, Shaila. "Tennessee Ash Flood Larger Than Initial Estimate." The New York Times, 26 Dec 2008. Web. 22 Mar 2013. <>.

This source is from one of the most widely trusted newspapers in the world The New York Times. It talks about the Tennessee coal ash flood and how it was much larger than people estimated. It says that 1.7 million cubic yards of wet coal ash spilled into a pond near Knoxville. Later they found that it was actually 5.4 million cubic yards that spilled into the pond. They tested the water and found excessive amounts of lead and thallium. They both can cause birth defects and disorders in the nervous and reproductive system. Obviously the water is not safe to drink. Apparently three houses were destroyed by a tide of the muddy water from the near the Emory River. Some authorities say the water is fine while most others disagree with that. Residents were nervous that the stuff spilled would start to solidify and move into the air.

3. Sims, Leslie. United States. Environmental Protection Agency. TVA Kingston Flyash Release . Harriman: , 2008. Web. < >.

This source is the official EPA press release about the coal ash spill which occurred at the Kingston Fossil Fuel plant. This source provides the information about how much was released (5.4 million cubic yards). It doesn’t provide tons of information in terms of words describing it, but it talks about specific location, it even mentions the latitude and longitude. It also provides the reader with someone to email in case they want to more information or to volunteer to clean it up.

4. Tennessee Coal Ash Sludge Graphic. 2008. Graphic., New York City. Web. 3 Apr 2013. <>.

This source is from the New York Times and it is a graphic showing how fly ash is produced and where along the ponds and rivers of Tennessee they expect the sludge to move to. This source provides a lot of visual information and it also adds words to put it all into perspective for the audience.

5. Hunt, Nicholas. "Roane County hoping reopening of Emory River will boost economy." Knoxnews[Knoxville] 02 June 2010, n. pag. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.

This source is from a news source in Knoxville, Tennessee which was at the front of the coal ash spill. This source is from 2010 which is about 2 years after the spill, it talks about how the Emory River is almost completely cleaned up, and as a result of the cleanup this article mentions that locals believe that Roane County’s economy will thrive as a result of the river opening back up. It says that a month or so before the river was open for boat traffic, and will soon be open to people who want to swim in it.

6. Tennessee. Tennessee Valley Authority. Kingston Recovery. Knoxville: , 2011. Web. <>.

This source is from the Tennessee Valley Authority about the Kingston recovery. It shows how they have cleaned the river since 2008, and they also show what it looks like in 2011. This source’s purpose is more for showing people a then and now in terms of photos of the Emory River.


Libby Asbestos Contamination

​This is an info graphic on the libby asbestos contamination. It provides facts and pictures on how it effected the people and the town. 

Info graphic: 


Jessica Maiorano, Keith Moody, Taylor Thomas.