Team 6: Photosynthesis

Hi, my name is Colin Pierce. I worked with 3 other students in Team 6, and this is our presentation about the respiratory system commonly known as photosynthesis. We cover all of the topics about photosynthesis, including the function, cycle, and equation. Before learning about photosynthesis, The group thought that only plants used this process but after researching photosynthesis, it was found that bacteria and protists also use it. Next project we will make a bigger effort to research and divide tasks evenly between everyone.

Click here to see the presentation.


This is our presentation on Cellular Respiration

What we wanted to learn was how respiration worked, what cycle it uses, what produces energy during cellular respiration.One important thing that we learned was that cellular respiration with oxygen and without oxygen result in different thing. Cellular respiration with oxygen or lack of oxygen results in fermentation that becomes ethanol or lactic acid.When enough oxygen is present the krebs cycle take place. One thing we would change would be to add a voice over to the slides, we think it would have added a nice touch to the presentation.

Photosynthesis Lesson

Photosynthesis Presentation

For the past week our group has been working on a powerpoint presentation on photosynthesis. In this project our goal was to inform about basic information because many people don’t know what photosynthesis really is. We, as a group, wanted to learn, through photosynthesis, how sugar is produced and more on it’s organelle system. One of the most important things that we learned was how photosynthesis makes not only energy but, oxygen too. Next time we will do more research and have a better take on what we are learning about.

Photosynthesis Lesson

Respiration Presentation

This is our presentation on Cellular Respiration

What we wanted to learn was how respiration worked, what cycle it uses, what produces energy during cellular respiration.One important thing that we learned was that cellular respiration with oxygen and without oxygen result in different thing. Cellular respiration with oxygen or lack of oxygen results in fermentation that becomes ethanol or lactic acid.When enough oxygen is present the krebs cycle take place. One thing we would change would be to add a voice over to the slides, we think it would have added a nice touch to the presentation.



In Bio-Chem we learned about respiration and photosynthesis.  After we learned everything we got into groups of four and we picked a paper out of a beaker.  The paper either said photosynthesis or respiration and our mission was to make a presentation about that.  My group got respiration.  While on this unit we learned about the different functions of respiration and our slides shows our learning.  One thing that I learned that I didn't know before was that all most all living creatures use respiration.We  also learned about the equation of respiration and the mitochondria which is where respiration happens.  We also learned about glucose.  If I was to change one thing about our slide is that I wish I could put audio over my presentation.  I could not figure out a way to do that.


In Bio-Chem we learned about respiration and photosynthesis.  After we learned everything we got into groups of four and we picked a paper out of a beaker.  The paper either said photosynthesis or respiration and our mission was to make a presentation about that.  My group got respiration.  While on this unit we learned about the different functions of respiration and our slides shows our learning.  One thing that I learned that I didn't know before was that all most all living creatures use respiration.We  also learned about the equation of respiration and the mitochondria which is where respiration happens.  We also learned about glucose.  If I was to change one thing about our slide is that I wish I could put audio over my presentation.  I could not figure out a way to do that.



Hey, my name is Fodie Camara. My topic is hunger. I choose this topic of hunger because I want to know all about hunger and how it affects people in differents ways. When I learn it, I want to tell people and try to stop hunger. I will spread the information around to teach people about hunger and many different.

We have many different groups in Philadelphia to stop hunger or support food to programs. We have Stop Hunger Now, Coalition against Hunger,  Philabundance. They all have one motto, is to stop hunger and feed people who don’t have enough meals in Philadelphia. They try their best to help people without food or in some type in trouble.

Stop Hunger Now works with international partners that ship and gives meals in country.

Volunteers come and package the meals. They serve 70% of its meals to provide programs such as school feeding programs, vocational training programs, early childhood development programs, orphanages, and medical clinics. Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger program that has been promised to stop hunger for more than 15 years. They working with school and after school programs will try to stop poverty.

Philabundance was created in 1984. Philabundance works with families hit hard by the recession. They work with seniors trying to make ends meet and they are the largest hunger group in Philadelphia. They are now able to address hunger through direct service such as food cupboards, emergency kitchens, shelters, and many more. Philabundance has take hunger really serious in Delaware Valley. They use Food donations, and the community. Philabundance helps 72,000 people per week.

People are hunger because of many different reasons. Like 5 billion in benefits cut in food stamps. Having no money can’t buy you food, so how else are people going to eat. If they don’t have no money and food stamps benefits are getting cut, how else suppose to get feed. There are even more cuts coming like, the house wants to take 40 billion dollars over the next 10 years. So they want to take even more money from benefits each year. So that is going to create even more hunger people in Philadelphia. There are a lot of effects of being hunger or not having one meal. Some effects are hunger people get sick a lot, have a chance to repeat the same grade, get horrible grades, and many more things.

Lastly, I really choose this topic of hunger because I want to know all about hunger and how it affects people in different ways. I want to get this information stuck in my brain, and teach other people about it. Feeling good about my self spreading an important topic in my school. We have so many different groups and programs to stop hunger, so we can do it. Believe in our self and we don’t have to see the pain people go when they are hunger.

9th Grade English Launches You and the World!

Red and Orange 9th grade English students have begun their You and the World projects!  This year-long project asks students to take an interest in local, national, or international issues that they are willing to learn more about. They develop a passion for research, relay that knowledge and passion to others, and seek to educate themselves and those around them via public writing and a service component. 

Fueled by essential questions like, Why is this world issue important to me? How can I be a global citizen? How can change occur?, students will become "agents of change" for their issues in the Spring when they choose to do volunteer work, perform a civic action, or spread awareness through presentations and activities in our school community (including The Franklin Institute).

Students craft a series of blogs about their experiences going through the You and the World process. Please click on Red Stream  Orange Stream to read and comment on their first round posts. They would love to hear from you!!



Amy Farrell 
Lisa Kang
Peter Ricker 
Aaron Tang 

Sources from the Video 

Original Broadcast Design. Video. Youtube. Videostone Stone, Jan 2nd, 2013. Medium. Retrieved 12/15/13.
KAPOOYOW!! Video. Youtube. Gurpreet Caur. Medium. Retrieved 12/15/13

Snow Update! Kitsap. Picture. March 15th, 2009. Retrieved 12/15/13

Respiration blog

In Bio-Chem we learned about respiration and photosynthesis.  After we learned everything we got into groups of four and we picked a paper out of a beaker.  The paper either said photosynthesis or respiration and our mission was to make a presentation about that.  My group got respiration.  While on this unit we learned about the different functions of respiration and our slides shows our learning.  One thing that I learned that I didn't know before was that all most all living creatures use respiration.We  also learned about the equation of respiration and the mitochondria which is where respiration happens.  We also learned about glucose.  If I was to change one thing about our slide is that I wish I could put audio over my presentation.  I could not figure out a way to do that.

Respiration Presentation: Presented by Gabrielle Kreidie

In Bio Chemistry, each table came together and made their very own PowerPoint presentation either for respiration or photosynthesis. My table and I got the  topic of respiration. We studied respiration inside human beings and learned "a lot". After a week of making this presentation to the best of our ability we finished this presentation for the whole world to find. 

We already knew about respiration since we studied the topic of respiration for many class periods. Our job was to go deeper and figure out the tough questions. For example: why do we breathe? Not all questions and answers made it into our presentation but we got the basics. Next time we may want to make the presentation as deep as we found so that people would be able to find out more and more. 

Never the less, I present to you the PowerPoint presentation on respiration by Tomas Arango, Quinn Grzywinski, Niah Lambo, and myself, Gabrielle Kreidie. Enjoy!


Respiration Story

Hi my name is Niah Lombo and I go to Science Leadership Academy. Recently in Bio-Chem 9 we were studying the process of respiration and photosynthesis. We made a slideshow about respiration and its function in living organisms. Me and my team ended up making a detailed slide show containing all the facts of respiration.

We learned many new things while working on this slideshow. We learned how energy is transferred and where respiration occurs. I wish we would have been more creative when designing our slideshow, but I am happy with the finished product.

Respiration Lesson by Tomas,Ellie,Niah, and Quinn

Recently in Bio-Chem 9 we were studying the process of respiration and photosynthesis. We made a slideshow about respiration and its function in living organisms. We wanted to learn more than the simple information about respiration and dig deeper in its meaning. We began working and researching respiration and its function, equation, energy transfer, and the vocabulary. We ended up with a detailed slide show containing all the facts of respiration.

We learned many new things while working on this slideshow. We learned how energy is transferred and where respiration occurs. It was a topic that greatly interested me and I enjoyed learning about it. I wish we would have been more creatie when designing our slideshow, but I am happy with the finished product.

Respiration Lesson:

Hello my name is Quinn Grzywinski, and I'm a ninth grader at Science Leadership academy in Philadelphia. This is a project for my Bio-Chem 9 class; we had to make a story about respiration and learn the ins and outs of the functions of respiration. 

A major thing we wanted to learn was more than what the typical chap does, which is air comes in, energy comes out. An interesting thing I personally learned during this experience was how big a part the mitochondria plays in respiration, being the main organelle that lets respiration possible. While I don't have any real regrets about how the presentation turned out, I kinda wish that we were a little more creative with our presentation, perhaps adding audio or some kind of creative practice. 
             The equation of respiration.......... 

Wheeling our way to a better SEPTA

Made by Brycen Itzko, Micah Getz, Jian Zhang, and Molly Olshin, but inspired and built off the backs of a whole sympathetic community. Thank you to all who helped us get this far, and we hope that we can roll farther still.