World war 3, Op-Ed

World War 3.

You ever about if there will be a third world war? Well, maybe it’s in motion.  There’s a little place in North African, called Tunisia. A little vendor burned himself alive, and put in motion what could be the third world war. After the revolution in Tunisia happened, there was one in Egypt that was monumental, another uprising in Syria, and an uprising in Libya. In Libya fighting has broken out and the US has intervened, we can expect them to intervene in the Syrian situation as well. This could bring another war into affect, because of the positioning and the importance of Syria if The United States tries to intervene Iran, will step in, then causing another world war. To say that this isn’t bad for the United States, because war produces money, like in factories and produces jobs. 

Tunisia is where this all started, a street vendor. He went to college in Tunisia, but with Tunisia’s horrible economy he didn’t find a good enough job, so he had to sell fruit. “There were too many smart young people and too little jobs in Tunisia” Says Kim Marzouk. Who lived in Tunisia for the first 25 years of his life before coming to America.

In Egypt, the situation has calmed down to where they’re rebuilding their government. There military is in powerful, but a slip, and we could see something like what happened in Haiti? 

There has been tension between the United States and the Middle East for years, and this is just something to maximize that violence.

This is what America need. In the 1950’s America was facing hard times, they entered World War 2, which brought money to the United States. Money comes in from factories that make weapons of war like tanks, guns, warplanes and ammunition.  

If you think about what’s really good for our country this would be it But, it could also good for our enemy countries. Iran’s nuclear presence worries the United States, and an engage of the United States into Syria could prompt Iran into declaring war which will prompt all of The United States alleys to invade, like Poland, Qatar, Norway, Spain, and many more.

All and all. This might be a long shot, because the United States could be fearful to tamper with Syria because of the Situation it has with other Middle Eastern countries could prompt a nuclear war. My Parents have inside knowledge about the situation, and they agree. “If American touches Syria, then Iran will declare war, we will see action from Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and his group, which will prompt other terrorist groups in Afghanistan, like Al-qudia. 

All in all, this might be the worst thing that could come from all of this, war, death and destruction. But, in the long run, it might be helpful for the United States.

5pt-framework: Ireland & NZ

I compared New Zealand and Ireland, two separate and well-to-do nations.  They are both islands, and have english speaking residents, which gives them some similarities even though they are far apart.  

I focused mostly in the research aspect, which brought me to tough place at the end.  I decided to create a google doc to record all the useful information I found, divided by country and "point."  By the time I had enough information, the project was due and I was left with just a google doc and not a website as planned.  Retrospectively, I should have gone straight to the website after each section. If I could change it, I would definitely fix the entire product.  I'm displeased with the result, and wish I had chosen a different process to get there.  

The five point framework in itself was not too complex.  However it was harder to find good information that was more in depth that a general overview of each nation.  One of my difficulties was separating some of the information.  While researching, I found certain pieces that I thought could be part of more than one point in the framework.  Distinguishing them was sometimes tricky, especially with environmental damage and climate change.  Over all, it was not my best benchmark to say the least, but I still learned a lot about Ireland and New Zealand.  

Significance on Advertising

Advertising has an influence on everyone in one way or another, but it especially has an influence on the consumers in the United States and people who don’t realize the significance behind it. Catchy jingles, funny slogans, and cartoon characters are all key factors that have persuaded consumers on certain products. Advertising influences the toys children buy, the clothes they wear, and the food they eat. But the worst part is they’re unaware of the true meaning behind it all. 

Advertising influences children’s choice of toys for example. When a commercial shows children laughing and playing, children assume it must be a fun toy, regardless of what it really is. For example, my four-year-old nephew begs his mother for a pogo-stick all the time, even though he’s never used one before. Every time he sees a pogo-stick commercial, he’ll get excited and start screaming. The advertisements have made him believe that if he had a pogo-stick, he would instantly have the same fun and skill as the boys and girls using the pogo-sticks on TV. He also wants a fingernail kit like the one my sister has. He doesn’t really know what a fingernail kit is, but he knows from the commercials he sees that it has glitter and stickers, which are both very appealing. This is only one of the many ways advertisements can attract customers like parents into buying their products. 

Another influence advertising has is with the clothes people want to wear. Clothes from K-Mart and Target are no longer good enough. Brand names such as Hollister, Aéropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle are much more appealing to the people. My teenage sister is always looking through magazines examining each outfit with such little detail. She always wants to change her outfits to keep up with the latest fashion and most popular brand names without even properly knowing what she’s wearing. But of course, clothes worn by celebrities are always at the top of her shopping list. Little does she know of the huge impact she’s having in regards to buying those clothes. Sweatshops are a huge part of American society in such a very subtle way. Ignorance also plays a big part in advertising, not letting people know who actually makes their clothes. For example, workers in El Salvador's clothing factories make just about 72 cents an hour. In other factories, the workers only make 12 cents for every 20 dollar shirt that gets bought. As a US Consumer, we’re not aware of the huge problem we’re supporting. And it’s clothing brands like American Apparel who endorse their “No sweatshop made” policies that earn them the rightful publicity they deserve. 

Lastly, advertising influences even the food we want to eat. Cartoon characters are placed on boxes of foods like fruit snacks and cereal to influence and persuade young children. For instance, my family and I were grocery shopping one day. And my cousin asked me if I would buy her some yogurt to have for breakfast. Without realizing, for the cheapest brand of yogurt on the shelf and was about to put it in the cart when she said, "I want the Power Rangers yogurt." I didn’t realize at first what she was talking about until she pointed to the shelf behind me. I noticed a container of yogurt with pictures of Power Rangers characters on the front. I tried to tell her that the yogurt I had picked up, which happened to be a dollar cheaper, would taste the same. After arguing back and forth, I finally submitted and purchased the more expensive Power Rangers yogurt. As we continued shopping, she also spotted Blues Clues applesauce, Hot Wheels fruit snacks, and Spongebob cheese-crackers on the shelves and wanted me to buy those as well. I found myself once again trying to explain to a four year old that all the items taste the same as the other, non-branded kinds. Which means as long as companies continue to target children with advertising jingles, slogans, and cartoon characters, children will continue to be influenced. And they will be ignorant to the fact they are being subliminally influenced without even realizing. And it all starts at the young age, with the toys they want, the clothes they wear, and the food they want to eat. And the product with the most advertising appeal will determine it.

Merger to Monopolize

Recently, debate over the proposed merger of two phone companies has been clogging the tubes of the tech world. Cellphone giant, AT&T, announced on March 20th that it has agreed to acquire T-Mobile USA for a whopping $39 billion dollars. To most, this would seem to be a considerably hefty price, but in reality, the acquisition’s benefits outweigh its disadvantages for AT&T. From this purchase, the company would gain substantial network space, which would assist it in relinquishing its dismal reputation as being “the network with the most dropped calls,” as well as aid in the development of its up and coming 4G network. Though that news alone is significant, it is not what has become the center of a considerably heated debate.

AT&T and T-Mobile cellphones operate using a technology called Global System for Mobile Communications, which is more commonly known by its acronym, GSM. GSM is the international standard for cellphones, and is used by consumers across the globe. Why does it matter that AT&T and T-Mobile are GSM carriers? Well, they are the only GSM carriers in the United States, as other American cellphone giants, such as Verizon Wireless and Sprint NEXTEL, use a different cellphone technology, CDMA.

Considering that this merger would produce a monopoly of sorts on GSM technology in the United States, many prominent figures in the cellphone industry have risen in an uproar, opposing the union of the two companies. Cellphone manufacturers such as Motorola and HTC are among those who are against the merger, because If there is only one GSM carrier in the United States, that carrier can now dictate the prices of the mobile phones it buys from manufacturers, as they are their only GSM customers, ultimately controlling the amount of profit the manufacturers achieve. 

Another company that has strongly voiced its opposition towards the merger, is Sprint NEXTEL. As of now, Sprint is number three on the list of largest cellphone carriers, above T-Mobile and behind AT&T. If T-Mobile is acquired by AT&T, AT&T will skyrocket to the top of the list, above Verizon Wireless, leaving Sprint still in third, but a considerably smaller company than either AT&T or Verizon, eliminating it from being any sort of competition to either network giant.

So, what does this mean for consumers across the nation? Well, if you belong to  a CDMA service provider, and you never plan to leave the country, you are the least affected by this, and you probably have an indifferent standpoint on the whole debacle. If you are a GSM user currently on T-Mobile, or a future GSM user, you are most effected by the merger, and should view this dilemma as a cause to protest. For current T-Mobile customers, the future of your phone bill is unclear as of now, but expect to eventually have to pay AT&T’s exceptionally expensive rates. As for future GSM customers, you will only have one choice in carriers, and if you do not favor their price, tough luck. 

Reviewing all of the facts, it is evident from this acquisition, AT&T is concerned only with their own personal growth, and the growth of their customer ecosystem. It is unfortunate that they are more concerned with the future of their company, and not with  American consumers as a whole. Then again, in an industry as competitive as the cellphone industry, the favored saying must be, “to survive, you either have to eat, or be eaten.”

Q3 Globalization BM

Here is a direct link to my iWeb presentation of my Globalization Benchmark.
Quarter 3 Globalization Benchmark

(Preferred browser is Firefox)

The countries that I have chose for my project were Cambodia and Libya. The process of going about the iWeb was tedious. I gathered images and links first, then I read over my links and if they weren't beneficial for myself then I discarded them, after that I used the "good" links and the information I knew to create an iWeb.
The five-point framework that we had to base our countries' status was something to guide me. Personally, I felt like it was straightforward with a challenge. It gave me a point to search for and actually think about what I was doing. But if I were to change something about the project itself, I would have possibly done it in a different way other than an iWeb. I would've done a video of some sort to see how I can get the point across to show how these countries are struggling.

The Wrong Affection To The Heart Of A Child

                  All over the Internet, child abuse tapes are being downloaded clicked and played, from Berlin, to Mexico, then Florida and New York; Everywhere. For all the young people who where taking advantage of it was recorded while it happen. If that is not handing a child low self esteem then the human mind must be at a lost for what is.

                  Just as most children in the world a young 11 year old girl in Cleveland, Texas was allegedly sexually assaulted and of course it was all lead to being her fault. A small blog about this story stated, “Some who attended the meeting in Cleveland blamed the girl for the way she dressed and claimed she lied about her age.” Theoretically she wanted this act upon her. A small committee gathered in her town to discuss what was going on and came to the conclusion she was asking to be sexually abused. Seamus O Riley said on her blog “Kids are groomed to think this is a good person who cares about them." She is right when things like this happen kids think it is an act of affection and they adapt to it.

                  Child abuse is more or less just a “Hi” and “Bye” thing; because most people have such a nonchalant attitude they just say it’s “bad” people abuse their child. Whenever the top comes up people just think if everybody does it there is nothing that can be done. So not much thought should be put into it.

                  Physical, sexual, emotional and mental are all different things but it is still abuse to a child. When a child is emotionally abused they have a lot of build up fear in them and they’re not attached to their parent or guardian, as they should be. They don’t feel genuine love.

                  Statistics say “An average of nearly four children die every day as a result of child abuse or neglect (1,760 in 2007).” Also “Girls are sexually abused three times more often than boys. Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls. The incidence of fatally injured girls declined slightly, while the incidence of fatally injured boys rose. Found no race differences in maltreatment incidence.” 

                  The most obvious is the physical abuse towards a child, causing unnecessary injury to a child with hands or any object. Making bruises, welts and cuts, causing them to flinch for no reason and having inappropriate clothing on, according to what the weather is during that day.

                                    People have must really sit back and think about how they are the adults. Take a few minutes and talk to a child before you decide to raise your hand and ask yourself is this action you’re doing to a child helping them in any way or is it hurting them. Realize child abuse is harming the new generation of the world and if children are being affect now.  Who is to say in the future when youngsters become the next mayor and president that the world won’t be at a grate disadvantage. 

                 Adults have to start going beyond what they think they know about raising or disciplining a child. Embrace children of the world because some people need to feel physical affection and ask them, do you feel loved?


Imagine hearing the cries of thousands of animals as you take a big bite of your meal. Ever wonder where the food that many big companies such as McDonalds and Burger King get their meat products. Not many Americans look at the real story behind the process of where their food that they are about to consume comes from. Both you and I know that animal abuse is the last thing that pops up in our heads when we take a big of that nice juicy tender burger. They have to suffer through the neglect and inhumane places where they are held just to provide us with our food.


The blame can’t fall on the factories but also the failure of government regulators to join with the powerful meat industry to help the matters better. The meat industry is morally untenable and often well hidden in modern society behind large advertisements. Sue Coe an artiest that regulates the act of the cruelty to animals through her artwork stated, “We need to educate the public about how ‘food’ is raised. I believe in the goodness of people, and I think people are intelligent enough to make a choice. Open the doors to the slaughterhouses and the factory farms. Let people see how sows are tethered in crates their entire lives, standing on slats or concrete, not enough room to turn around. Pigs, in a natural state, would spend 70% of their ‘waking hours exploring their environment, making nests, rooting in the dirt and socializing” In an interview back in 2005. Since she grew up living next to a slaughterhouse, as a child she saw many terrible actions happening with the animals. Through her visual arts, Coe continues to raise the public’s awareness of the abuse of living things till this day. Through Sue’s work she wants to convey the message of what she saw and felt so many off her views can feel the same way and realize the acts behind what really is happening in these meat industries.


But behind the people that help stop the cruelty that is happening in the farms would need the governmental bound they have with society. Many other activists help fight the battle between the meat industries through different acts of research. "Factory farming has taken the joy out of the lives of millions of calves and pigs, and billions of hens; it has driven countless family farmers off the land; it has polluted streams and rivers; it has injected massive amounts of antibacterial and other drugs into the public food supply resulting in serious health risks. It has lowered food quality," says Christine Stevens, author of the book Factory Farming, The Experiment That Failed.  Society may not know the real story behind the torture and bad conditions that their meat products come from but this is not only bad for the animals but for the persons health too. If the animal is being tortured by being starved or given steroids then the chances of it showing up in your meat can be a result. In the near future be concerned about the conditions these animals have to sacrifice their lives for. WE can help, and WE can make a change not for ourselves but for the animals that provide us


​Lend a Hand

In a recent rape report, which was put in the news, a teacher sexually assaulted a fourteen-year-old girl. Many of the parents were astonished since the teacher was ‘very popular with the kids’. This incident was not a one-time incident. The girls went on to say that this had been a recurring thing for three consecutive years. How is it that she was able to endure that type of abuse for three years? In retrospect an adult claims,
"Whatever they said he did, he didn't do," said another father. "It's just a little kid looking for attention." If a child says they were raped then there is no harm in pursuing the matter. How would that father have felt if that was their child? Many times when a child is raped it is by a close friend, or an actual family member. This in turn tends to have the result of adults not believe the victim. In America, the statistics for rape are astronomical. One of the most unknown rape statistics is that one in ten rape victims is a male. When is comes to rape, a majority of victims are under the age of eighteen.

If children are our future, why do we not listen to them? There are so many children in the world that do not speak out because they are afraid, or even taught, that adults will not listen. The majority of child victims do not tell anyone what was done to them. This leaves the rapist safe, when in reality they should be punished by law. When a child is raped they have a certain amount of time to tell. If they wait too long then the evidence of the incident will be lost.

After a victim gains the ability to voice their assault, it takes time and many methods to heal the battered soul. Many people never fully recover. In a statistic from ‘Rape, Victims, Survivors, and What We Can Do’, ‘Thirty percent of rape victims will contemplate suicide.  Slightly more will seek therapy.  Slightly less will invest in some form of self-defense.  The overwhelming majority, 82%, will tell you that their lives have been permanently changed.’ When it is the case of women many have said ‘The way they view men will be permanently changed as well.’

The percentage of males that are raped in America is three percent. Males tend to be the least likely to report an assault. People’s opinion of the reason differs. Some say it is because they are emasculated. Others feel that men can get over it more quickly, since they are supposed to have a tough way of living. But no matter the gender of the victim or the assailant, this is still a crime worth punishing.

When it comes to rape, the punishment should be harsh. Not only are Rapists taking something precious from a humans being, they are also changing the person. Rape needs to end, people need to speak up against it. Suspected rapist should not be let out on bail, until proved innocent. That gives them a chance to hide, or strike again.

To all the people who have been abused, you are not alone. Every two minutes another female is being sexually assaulted. I tell you this hoping that you will have learned that rape is a major issue in America and listening to a victim, especially children, makes all the difference. Lend a helping hand by lending an open ear. 

Are They Really Bad?



                                ARE THEY REALLY BAD?


By: Rondel Calloway


Most kids enjoy lounging around spending their free time playing video games. There’s nothing wrong with playing video games. There’s so much you can learn from video games. What you learn might not be positive but your still learning. Who cares that you learned how to steal a car or learned to break into someone’s house.  These are things people think children learn from video games. 


People tend to think video games are bad because studies show that prolonged exposure to video games can desensitize people to violence. It also shows that video games can make the players more aggressive towards other people. According to the “Review of Research on the Impact of Violent Computer Games on Young People”, written by Raymond Boyle and Matthew Hibberd in 2002 Robert Steinheaesuer killed 16 people. They think that his actions were influenced by the popular computer game “Counter-Strike.”


            Yes this may be a bad thing especially since there are over 36 million gaming consoles in households throughout the United States.  The video game industry makes over 9 billion dollars a year.  This may be true but that doesn’t mean that all the video games are bad. Mary Schlimme says that video games can have a positive effect on children. She also thinks that video games can help improve children ability to solve puzzles and create different solutions to problems. Gaming companies like Leapster help children learn the alphabet and how to read, but it’s not just the PG games that teach kids new things. Assassin’s Creed 2 is rated M for mature that means that there is blood, gore, and possibly suggestive themes. It also takes place in Italy and it indirectly gives the player a history lesson about the famous artists that lived back in the 15th century.  Another point she makes is that playing video games comes with two major cons.


The first is the player becomes less socially active and they become too attached to their gaming console. The second con is that the gaming console becomes a source of addiction. By playing the player then gets an emotional high aka an adrenaline rush. So the player continues to play so they can experience this emotional rush. These may be two major drawbacks but Mary Schlimme still thinks that the pros of video games still out weigh the cons. Video games are not the source of violence in a teenager’s life.


When the Virginia Tech Massacre happened there was no sign that Seung-Hui Chao was influenced by video games. In 2004 there were 1,972 video games released, there were also 1,423,677 crimes committed by teenagers. In 2005 there were 2,089 games released, there was 1,360,088 crimes committed by teenagers.  With the rapid growth of video games in the United States teenagers are becoming more involved with them.  They might be the reason why the number of crimes that were committed by teenagers has decreased from 2004-05.  Ultimately video games can be the reason why the player is in the house playing the game instead of doing something that could ruin his/her life.




Progress. Stressing.


Welp I forgot to post yesterday so whatever. But the progress that I a making is pretty cool. I'm not rushing to do it because I have a setup and I know that it will only take a atter of three days to do. I think I'll tart the tweets sometime next week.


God help me. I have & minutes to finish my history benchmark.

Emaggiano Q3 History Benchmark

History benchmark on Colombia and Singapore

For my 3rd quarter benchmark project I picked Colombia and Singapore to study and review their collapse-ability. Colombia is located in South America and Singapore is located in South East Asia, they are both countries that are developing and trying to cope with the changing world. I thought they were similar enough to have some problems that would be the same, but different to the point that it wouldn't be boring.
I first started to research on Colombia first because I knew more about Colombia then I did Singapore. I knew for a fact that cocaine was one of the main contributes to their environmental problems and the steps that they were taken to kill the cocaine plants highly impacted their climate. So finding information was fairly easy. Singapore on the other hand, didn't have many problems that I was able to find and research. They didn't have any hostile neighbors that I could find and overall Singapore is a country that sticks to themselves and doesn't bother anyone as long as they're not bothered themselves.
I thought after reading Collapse the five-point-framework was kind of straightforward. I knew what was being asked and I was able to answer them to the best of my abilities. Yes, some were harder to find information on then others, for example I had trouble with hostile neighbors for both of my countries, I found old information(countries that they were fighting with in the past) but it was hard for me to find updated stuff that I could use in my Iweb. Also the last question we had to answer, how they are dealing with their environmental problems gave me a little trouble as well, because sadly Colombia wasn't dealing with them in a way that would possibly save their environment. Cocaine is their main source of money, so they're going to continue to grow and sell it, in their eyes it's doing more good then harm.
Now, if I was given the opportunity to do this project over again I would probably try and find more information then I did, I would of dug deeper. Also, I probably would of picked a country other then Singapore, because they don't have enough problems to make for a very interesting place to do my benchmark on.

kbrown_Globalization Q3 Benchmark

​Here you go.  It is completed :3!

Globalization Q3 Benchmark_kbrown_Australia and Thailand

Briefly summarize the countries that you selected.-
I have chosen Thailand and Australia.  Thailand is a country inside of south east asia.  It's known for it's trade when it comes to Rice and grains. Thailand has been facing difficult problems with pollution.  Their water supply has become problematic, as well as bad air pollution due to their use of motorcycles.  They must also deal with not being able to obtain things such as water from Japan due to the radioactivity.  Then there is Australia.  Australia has mainly been dealing with the effects of the greenhouse gasses.  Australia is facing flooding and drought, and strong storms.  Due to the greenhouse gasses the great barrier reef is being bleached by the change in water temperature.  Plus Australia is dealing with trying to protect the GBR after spilling a ton of oil in it.  Which led to the death of some animals.

Give an overview of your process-
The process to create my project was quite simple.  I spent around 2-3 days looking up the information for Thailand, then I looked up the information for Australia.  Once all the information was found I began to brainstorm how I would create my presentation and chose to use Pages.  Then I found the pictures that I felt would be best for each section in order to make the pages colorful and interesting.  Once those were found I began to look at the information I got my both countries and wrote a shorter version for the presentation.  This took a moment because I had to take the information I had gotten for both countries and make the paragraph small enough to fit onto the page.  But detailed so that the reader would understand.  Once this was completed I took the citations that I put under each paragraph I had written on my google doc, and put them into my bibliography.  Thus my presentation was completed.

My process wasn't as hard as I expected it to be.
Reflect upon the 5 point framework. Was it straightforward, easy, difficult, perplexing, etc.-

It was quite....straightforward at times.  I believe that it only one section did I have trouble.  That was with hostile neighbors.  Because was country hardly had any there seemed to be no information that would help me.  Either than or I would be given information that didn't even go with what I was looking for when I was looking for information about the hostile neighbors in Thailand and Australia.

If you could change one thing about your product, what would it be and why?-

I would change the design of my product.  I believe that it could have been much better, but I was having trouble coming up with a better design.  When I said it could have been better I am not lying, there are probably a bunch of projects that were much more interesting than mine because of it's design.

Op Ed

“She bashed my head into the bathroom sink. I have fifteen stitches on my forehead because of it. All because she thought I disliked her.” -Anonymous Philadelphia School District Student 

The reasons why our youth drop out of high school is because 57% of our students believe it’s the lack of discipline in the high schools. But why care that some students are dropping out of high school? Our dropout rate makes not only Philadelphia appear as a bad place to live as a whole, but it puts the future in jeopardy for much of the city. When youth drop out of school, their problems don’t go away.  About 52% of those reasons were out-of-school related problems. That means that the communities that surround the school influence their determination to remain in school. Many of the big high schools have kids that feed from their school in more than a suitable walking distance. That means along the way, there is bound to be violence with so many kids in one area. Going to a large school also means that the kids may not know each other very well. That could be a threat to anyone. 

Chad and Ethiopia 3rd Quarter Benchmark

Here's my 3rd quarter benchmark website.

My two countries were Ethiopia and Chad. Ethiopia is a poor country facing many problems such as famine, poverty, and drought. It located in North Africa. Chad is a poor country as well and deals with similar problems such as poverty, drought, and war.  It is located in Sub-Saharan Africa.

I did a lot of research which it was difficult for me this time around. Sometimes I had toruble finding sources of information relating to the countries five point framework today. Many of my sources talked about either hostile neighbors and friendly trade partners in previous years rather than in the present year. My other problem consist of the exact opposite. I found various the websites that had all this information on environmental problems and climate change for both countries. I had so many sites and information I was overwhelmed and struggled in grasping the important information.  I even faced the problem of deciding where to use my sources for the climate change and environmental damage, but int he end I kind of combined the two sources (without repeating myself) since climate change caused environmental problems. After I had all my information organizing it was quite simple but then I had to give each country a rating, which I also had some trouble doing. After I rated my countries "collapse'ibility", I then had people overview my website and check to see if I gave an accurate rating. Overall, the whole process was difficult for me. Finding sources was problem, the overload of information was difficult, and rating the collapse'ibility of my countries.

It was difficult to find information on hostile neighbors for both Chad and Ethiopia. Both countries have had huge wars in the past between neighboring countries, but it was difficult to find news sources discussing their relations with those countries they have now.

If I could change one thing I would compare two different countries. I felt liek Chad and Ethiopia were to similar to each other based on the five point framework and I would have liked to have compare countries that deeply contrast from one another. Sometimes I felt like I was reading the same thing for research on both my countries.

I think this project could have more exciting.

When it comes down to it....

The state should illegalized marijuana permanently due to the fact of the percentage rate of students drop out. What is marijuana? It is a weed that came from the Cannabis saliva plant. It contains more than 400 chemicals. 39.8 percent of the United State population has tried marijuana once in their life. Many people tried this drug because it's supposed be considered the "safe" drug, which is not true. It actually has a lot of effect on a human body.

It can create short-term memory and reduce the ability to do certain actions like driving around. THC is also one of the main ingredients. It affects the brain the most because the brain binds to work with Cannabis receptors. The receptors control your memory, thought, concentration, and other parts.

 When a person smokes marijuana, they tend to lose themselves. This drug mainly affects the young generations. The more they do it, the more they enjoy it. The more they enjoy it, the more they want to smoke and only smoke. Meaning that they lose interest in school and other hobbies.

 Studies show that young people, who use marijuana regularly, lose interest in schooling. It affects their learning in all subjects. They can't seem to remember things when they are high. This is probably why teens drop out of school often.

 If you think about it, young people do drugs because they think it's cool or because they are stressed out about something; mainly school and families. They feel as though that marijuana can help them unwind but at the end of the day, the problem is still there. You can escape from a situation for about a night, but when you wake up in the morning, it's still there. 

 Peers influence a mass amount of these young teens in their actions. Their peers usually peer pressure them into doing smoking. Some teens know that it's wrong but still do it because it's what’s considered "cool."

 This is probably why teens drop out of school often. I feel as though that the school district does not keep the kids motivated to learn so they can care less. In this case, the kids turn to drugs to pass the time.

 In the year of 2007, 18.8 percent of seniors used marijuana. Some seniors at that stage don't really care for school because it's there last year and they don't need to do anything so they might as well have fun. With that decision made, it can affect their future with college. Getting into a good college is harder than ever these days. Most community colleges and universities will look beyond the grades and check all of your high school student records. A history of drug use, possession, and buying, or selling drugs may kill your chances of getting into the college or university of your choice.

 Study shows that if a person smokes five joints a day can get cancer. Not only that, but if you're a pregnant and you smoke marijuana constantly, it can damage your baby's health. It will mainly cause more pain for your child than you.

 Marijuana can damage our emotions. It can make you laugh one minute and then make you depressed the next. What these people don't realize is that the decisions they make, affect their surroundings.

 For a pregnant woman, her decision to smoke marijuana affects her baby. For a teen, his/her decision affects his/her future and friends. Once you make that one decision, you can’t go back to it.



“Since When Is It Okay?”


     At an elementary school a teacher had taken a girl’s hair and cut one of the braids. She cut the braid because the girl was playing with it. At another school a teacher kicked out her student because of the kind of hair product she had in her hair. The girl was mixed with black and white and was the only colored child in the class; the teacher was white. She kicked the girl into the hallway and then told her to go to another class were it was all black students. The parents were mad about the whole thing because the teacher didn’t take it up with the parents.

            Women have started to have a big eating disorder. About 5-10 million girls in the USA suffer from an eating disorder. One girl name Jade Hughes had a problem with this and was diagnosed with chronic anorexia. She played soccer from elementary to high school was always in shape, was only 120 pounds and 5”4. She was never over weight but because of what people told her she wanted to be in charge of something in her life. She took control of her eating, the only thing she had control over. She had to eventually go to the hospital and got therapy to help her and try to go back to were she was because she had to drop down to 80 pounds.

            Women have had a problem lately with being disrespected, frowned upon, and so many other things. Media has become a big factor in why women are looked down on as if they can’t be equal to a male. The music today is all about a girl shaking her butt to a beat and men being put over top of the women. Music went being about the music and something new in life to be about “money, trappin, and hoes.” On Kanye West new CD album he has a picture of a naked white women on top of a black men. Men and women have lost respect for each other they don’t have the same values as people did when back in the 80’s and early 90’s.

            When did it become okay for a man to down grade a woman? When did it become okay for girls to call each other out of name and laugh about it as if it was nothing?  These are the questions I ask when I see a women being disrespected by a man who doesn’t even deserve her. These are the types of questions I ask when I walk through the hallways in a high school and see boys cursing girls out like its nothing. Or when I see a boy trying to act like they all big and bad. Why sit there and take that type of disrespect and just laugh about it, it shows what type of women you are when you let that stuff slide. 

            As women we should be treated as royalty. Not for the simple fact that we should but we are what keep the world growing. Women need to step up and not take the disrespect that we have already endured enough. We fought for so long to have the same right as a man but in the end we let them walk all over us. It’s time for women to be treated like a women and not a dog. It’s time for change.

3rd Quarter BM and Reflection

This is my 3rd quarter benchmark. I did a compare and contrast between Belize vs. Japan. 


The countries I picked were Japan and Belize. Japan is located in East Asia and recently had a tsunami and an earthquake. It is one of the technologies driven country in the world but this disaster has severely damaged them. The Belize is located in Central America. Belize has been dealing with a lot of environmental damages with deforestation and also extreme climate changes with hurricanes.

      For my benchmark, I did a compare and contrast with Japan and Belize, and also individually gave them a ranking for 5 different categories. When I first started, I did Japan first because the tsunami was so recent, and it was easy to get information about their environment and how their society is dealing with the environment. But for climate change, it was hard for me to do that because I didn’t know if a tsunami could be considered a climate change, so I kicked that to the side and looked at climate changes from the 1990’s up to 2010. Other than that, I think Japan was interesting to do since I got to learn about the deeper aspects of how they are dealing with their current situation. Belize wasn’t that hard for me to find information because when I looked up climate change on google, it automatically went to hurricanes in Central America and also I found out that Belize’s neighbors were their friendly trade partners, so it was easy deciding on hostile neighbors ranking.

Environmental damage for Belize and Japan was easy to figure out since a lot of their environmental damages was either recent, or going on for a long time. Climate change for Belize was easy for me to find, but Japan’s was harder for me because I was looking at the current times and didn’t know if a tsunami was considered to start from climate change, so I had to look at the climate change from the 1990’s to 2010 and found that the climate changes went up the roof from long ago. Hostile neighbors were also pretty easy for me because Belize’s neighbors were their friendly trade partners and for Japan, it was mainly surrounded by water and their neighbors were their friendly trade partners besides North Korea. Friendly trade partners for Japan was easy for me because Japan is known as one of the most technology driven countries in the world so it was likely they had a lot of trade partners who were interested in their items and technology. For Belize, it was kind of easy also because they seemed to like to do local trades with the countries around them. Last was society’s response to their environmental damage, which was a little easy. Because Japan’s situation wasn’t so long ago, it was easy to find news reports of how Japan is dealing with their situation, then for Belize, I had to look in deeper to see how they were fixing their environment and found out that environmental rebuilding was a part of the school’s curricular.

If I could change one thing about my product, I think I would of picked maybe better pictures or wrote more words because I think I don’t have enough words but also I didn’t want my project to be mainly words, I wanted the pictures to convey what was going on around the world.

This project was really fun because I got to know more about other countries and see how they are dealing with their society compared to how we deal with ours when in the same situation.

Op Ed

                   Who will cry for them?

           When growing up men are told two things; “never show emotions it makes you seem weak and never lay your hands on a women.” Those two rules ruins the way men are looked at in society and doesn’t preserve their rights as human beings. For ages women have fought for rights, only to throw them away by playing victim.  There is an epidemic that is sweeping the world and destroying cultures based on how women should carry themselves and how men should be presented in society. 


            When growing up in school people hear about not having a good report with their father or not knowing them at all, the justification usually heard is “he let after the he found out my mom was pregnant.” Women always tend to victimize themselves. Unless the sex wasn’t consensual then the women had the choice to wear a condom or protect her self and preserve her future the best way she could. 


            Women usually put themselves in a situation where they can play victim.  In some cases women will deliberately poke holes in condoms, hoping being pregnant will keep the guy around.  When Hilary Clinton was running for president in 2008 she was bashed with cartoons that held negative connotations regarding women and their status in society, during that process many women around the world were outraged. Yet everyday women degrade themselves and put themselves in harmful situations that they can prevent and/or stand up to.


            An incident that occurred February 25th is a perfect example of how women put themselves in a predicament that will do harm. In Manhattan, New York a man was in his car trying to find a parking space, he seen a women who was standing on the driver side of her car, he assumed she was pulling out of the space. He then waited and she refused to move from the space they began to argue, he got out of his car and she then decided to hit him repeatedly. He hit her one time to defend him self she fell to the ground, hit her head, she was then in a coma.


            In this situation there were blog posts from many different places that bashed that mans character. It said things like “It doesn’t matter that she hit him, a man has no right to hit her back.” Women wrote the majority of the quotes that shows how much they want to be pitied. If a women acts like a man and does bodily harm to a man then he has the right to do the same. The most degrading thing a woman could do to herself is playing the victim in a situation that could destroy another person’s life.


            There is a difference between abusing someone and a person defending themselves. Society tends to draw a vague line between what the borders are for being a women and being a man are.  There is no vague line between being a human there is no excuse for why men shouldn’t be able to defend themselves if someone does physical harm to them.


            These two rules: “never show emotions, it makes you seem weak and never lay your hands on a women.” Should be the most insulting thing to a women and the thing men should want to change most in order to be considered equal to one another and human. 

Reflecting On The Benchmark Thus Far

First, I would like to address the work I have done so far for my benchmark: I have created my character's Tumblr and sent out my first few posts. Next, I would like to discuss how terribly difficult it was to stop after completing the aforementioned tasks. Tumblr is so terribly interesting! I set aside a half hour to complete the work on my benchmark because I thought the registering and posting would take all of ten minutes with the most time consuming portion her blog's creation being character appropriate decorating or customizing (to use the Tumblr lingo.) However, by the time I had logged off her account, a good hour had passed. I just wanted to keep posting! I wanted to pick a favorite book for her, a favorite movie, a favorite weekday dessert, a favorite place. So I did, condoning my actions with pointing out that had she really just created this account she would have been as over zealous as I was. What I neglected to note is that I had known this would happen and had built such excitement into the timeline. Tomorrow was the day I was supposed to go buckwild on the site, posting each menial thought and seemingly inconsequential like or dislike.  Oh the horror! I had deviated from the timeline on the first day! Wishing to return to the clearly laid path, I took down everything I posted excepting the first post and saved it in a word document making my deviation preparation. In summation, I think things are going well for my benchmark. ​

Reflecting on the Benchmark Thus Far

First, I would like to address the work I have done so far for my benchmark: I have created my character's Tumblr and sent out my first few posts. Next, I would like to discuss how terribly difficult it was to stop after completing the aforementioned tasks. Tumblr is so terribly interesting! I set aside a half hour to complete the work on my benchmark because I thought the registering and posting would take all of ten minutes with the most time consuming portion her blog's creation being character appropriate decorating or customizing (to use the Tumblr lingo.) However, by the time I had logged off her account, a good hour had passed. I just wanted to keep posting! I wanted to pick a favorite book for her, a favorite movie, a favorite weekday dessert, a favorite place. So I did, condoning my actions with pointing out that had she really just created this account she would have been as over zealous as I was. What I neglected to note is that I had known this would happen and had built such excitement into the timeline. Tomorrow was the day I was supposed to go buckwild on the site, posting each menial thought and seemingly inconsequential like or dislike.  Oh the horror! I had deviated from the timeline on the first day! Wishing to return to the clearly laid path, I took down everything I posted excepting the first post and saved it in a word document making my deviation preparation. In summation, I think things are going well for my benchmark.


So far I've created the four twitters I needed for my four characters in my story. The more I think about my story, the more I had to it's storyline which is bringing in more characters. Since I'm bringing in more characters, I may have to create at least 2 more twitter profiles. I've decided that I'm going to tweet what my characters are doing a day prior to when my actual story begins. So readers can have a little bit more knowledge about the characters. By 4/8 (the check-in) I plan to have told much of my story through twitter, the only details in my story that won't be in the tweets are what I'm currently still adding to the story.