Vacationing in Delaware again this year!


Last summer and two summers before that, my family was invited to my mom's friend's beach house on Rehoboth Beach for a few days. 

I swear, this is the most ideal place to get away from reality and spend a little time focusing on de-stressing.

And we get to go again this summer!


Here are a few pictures from last year!

Capstone Blogs


For my capstone I decided to do a series of blog post. These blog posts represent big themes I see throughout a freshman drama class. As I am student teaching and interacting with these students I write about big themes that I see happening and how these tools can be used outside the classroom. I decided to do this for my benchmark because drama has affected my life in a tremendous way and I know that a lot of budget cuts across the nation has lead to cuts in art programs such as drama. By blogging about what I see and the incredible growth I see in my students as a person and as a performer I hope to make people think twice about art programs and there significance to a student’s learning.


I remember the very first drama class green stream had. Their first task was to imagine that they were eating an orange. Seems easy enough, right? But there’s more to it than that. You have to imagine the shape, how it feels to dig your nail in to it’s skin and start to peel it and even how you eat it. A lot of thought goes into this. A lot of imagination goes into this.

I remember Mr. Kay saying to his class that we as a society have labeled imagination as a bad thing after a certain point. After a certain period in a child’s life making up new worlds and imagine things seem immature. But we tend to forget that everything that’s around us was once imagined. From the house you live in to plane in the sky before it was created it was imagined.
As I am writing this I’m thinking about what imagination is. I can’t really define it though. When I looked it up on oxford dictionary “the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses”. I agree with most of this definition. Except when it says that the new ideas, images and concepts are not present to the senses. Because every time I see my kids come up with new scenes and act them out on stage I can see what they’ve been imagining. See the detail that goes into it. I can see their creation.


I’m a pretty timid person. Over time though being up on stage has allowed my voice to flourish. I’ve noticed kids are pretty loud in drama class because of its looser format. Until they get on stage that is. Some people become quieter and some people use the same voice they would use to talk to one person.

As we know in our society our voice is extremely important. If you don’t speak your mind when you should people will ignore you. And that goes for acting as well. If my eyes start to wonder away from an actor’s performance that means that they’re not doing a good job of keeping my attention. We want people to notice us, to listen and grasp what we are saying. And that’s where drama comes in. We show kids how to project there voice and add purposeful movements to it so they can be noticed on stage.

        For the first half of the semester the kids weren’t even allowed to use their voices. They had to learned how to engage their audience with purposeful movements. Once they were able to master the skills needed to keep their audience engage they were allowed to use their voices. At first it was hard for them to put everything together. But eventually they learned the art of storytelling. Which will help them throughout all their classes and make what they say more meaningful. Because sometimes we take our voices for granted; letting anything come out our mouths or we lock our voices up assuming what we say will not be important enough. I’ve seen the transformations with my own eyes. Someone who walks through those drama room doors and is super timid and has major stage fright hears the supportive claps of their peers and applies the knowledge that they’ve learned end up more outgoing. And I’m not saying that it’s a drastic change but it’s still great to see them come out of their shells.

Overcoming Stage Fright

This year I’ve learned that stage fright comes in all shapes and sizes. I thought that people who usually have stage fright are people who are timid. But this year I met a guy who is extremely outgoing and has a huge personality but has major stage fright. I wasn’t expecting him to say that he had stage fright when he first got up on stage and it was a huge shock to me. I was wondering how someone who has such a presence off the stage could be so scared to be on the stage. Then I realized that being on stage is a whole different ball game. Having people fixated on what your doing or saying can be nerve racking for anyone. Luckily though in this drama class we give constant encouragement. Mr. Kay makes a point of it to clap for whoever comes of stage and whenever they leave the stage. At the end of all performances students are asked if they want to give shout-outs to any of their peers. These techniques help give students confidence and praise. Once you realize that most people are rooting for you rather than judging you it easier to let stage fright fade away. So hopefully the skills we teach and the encouragement we give will kids concur stage fright on and off the stage.

Stress Reliever

        SLA is not your average high school. We don’t have AP classes because every class we have is already at an AP level. We have what is called “Benchmark Season” which is when every student is working on 4 benchmarks for there 4 four major classes. These projects are usually worth at least 20% of your grade and need to show what you’ve learned over the course of the quarter. Needless to say it can get pretty stressful around here. So when kids come to drama they leave their stressors at the door. We play various improv games and let them make up their own scenes with few requirements attached to them. Because in the end we know that this is the place for them to have fun, relax a little but still learn a lot. When talking to my students about what they’ve learned throughout the year and how it has affected them I sensed a feeling of relief from them. A feeling of relief that at least they have these classes like drama, art and music that aren’t about straight up learning facts and figures but teach you just as much anyway. Because the truth is what we learn in our Math, Science, History and English classes is great and interesting and it’s great to show what we’ve learned but it’s also great to take a step back and just learn great skill as well. Sometimes in the mist of it all we forget to laugh, to have fun. And here at SLA we do a great job of balancing the two.

Schelduled Life

​Prom- 8days

All of which I have to spend money on.

I need my clutch and my jewelry. Plus, hair and getting its done.


I need a dress and some shoes and other minor things.

I need like everything in life, clothes, shoes, accessories, EVERYTHING!

 so yea, thats my life and that just up unitil the end of next month.!

E4 AHORITA 12/05/11 (A, D)

Antes de leer

1) ¿Cuántos años tenía Rigoberta cuando empezó a aprender español?


2) Qué crees: ¿Por qué no pudo aprender el español usando un libro?


Ahora, lee:

At twenty years of age, Ms. Menchú had already lost her father, her mother and a brother as a result of the indiscriminate violence exercised by the armed forces of Guatemala in their attempts to control and suppress the indigenous people.


After growing up amid this violence and repression, Ms. Menchú decided to learn Spanish, using the language of her oppressors to fight for the rights of her people. Since then, words have been her weapon in her untiring defense of the human rights of all indigenous peoples.


Ms. Menchú states that, "We have seen repeated occupations of our land, long lines of colonists have arrived, and they remain today. In the case of my country, 65 percent of the inhabitants are indigenous. The constitution speaks of protection for the indigenous. Who authorized a minority to protect an immense majority?"


Ms. Menchú also states, "Racism in our countries is a fact in that the Indian is not allowed to be a politician or aspire to being head of state. It has reached the point that 99 percent of the indigenous women have not gone to school. The indigenous are condemned to live in a situation designed to exterminate them. They receive a pittance of a salary, they neither speak nor write the language, politics dictates their situation. Is this slavery? I don't know what it's called. It is not the same as before because we are in modern times."


In 1992, Ms. Menchú won the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest , as well as the first indigenous person to ever win the prize.



3) Hay una creencia (belief) que los indígenas en la América Latina siempre son VICTIMAS y que no se organizan para luchar por sus derechos. En el caso de Rigoberta Menchú, ¿qué hizo para luchar?


4) Rigoberta Menchú aprendió español para luchar y defender. ¿Qué conexión ves entre los idiomas y la opresión? ¿Ves conflictos causados por los idiomas?


5) Los idiomas (language) ¿es un tema (issue) político en los estados unidos? ¿Cómo?

The Jitters

Well, today is a big day not only for me but for all the members of the 2011 SLA baseball. I say that because should we win (when we win) we will be locking up our spot in the playoffs. So, you can say that I'm just a little nervous...

Cat Naps and Documentaries

I've discovered how useful and powerful cat naps can be. They really do rejuvenate you. I've been taking cat naps every day this week and feel F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S.

My mom lost my school ID and now I have to pay for a new one.

I watched a documentary about lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs and Netflix. Apparently when a lion digs it claws into it's pray it hooks into the skin and it's impossible for it's meal to escape from it's latch. I also started to watch a documentary about dreams, but I only got 5 minutes into it because I feel asleep and started dreaming.


​.......... I truly am at a loss for words, I ran out of stories i wanted to talk about a few weeks back and these posts are getting harder for me............. Also today was interesting. 
title only happens to be musical because i'm listening to music at the moment.

A Day In the Life of an Australian Child.

Australia was very easy to do in a way, because​ they really relate to the western part of the world. A lot of the customs Australia does mimic what America does. An Australian kid can sit down all day in play video games, watch the new episode of his favorite show and go on dates like a normal child. I expected all of these things because my previous knowledge of Australia that why it is big on tourist sales. They do have indigenous Australians, who like the natives, have the same equal right. I would expect them to treat them different, but because Australia is such a happy place they are huge on equality. They have one of the best healthcare system some people in America could have. They are a peaceful place and raising your children in Australia is the best bet for them to have a wonderful life.    



A Day In The Life : Austria

Kids who live in austria have pretty similar lives to those of the U.S.. They get up in the morning and do the daily morning rituals. Well for some of us that is. That includes waking up to brush their teeth, fixing themselves up in the mirror, then putting clothes on and gearing up for the day. They then partake in eating breakfast which consists of usual breakfast things like cereal or toast, eggs, Oj, and bacon. Afterwards they grab there backpacks and they head for the bus stop. They travel to school and their school day officially begins. After classes until about 3 they make their ways home. Thats when the real fun begins. (:. They watch TV, play games, and get into child like stuff. Of course this all happens after homework is done. Then they have diner with the family. Finally here comes bedtime. After a good nights rest they get up and do it all over again. 


Doing research on how the kids live in Austria it didn't really surprise me how similar there daily lives as a child were to ours. When I was there age my life was pretty bland, well not bland but expected. The whole daily routine thing, and since I didn't go out like I do now it was really a routine thing. Being 40 in Austria I feel like there life would be pretty chill. They don't give off the hint that you need to be extra this to have this kind of job or anything. 

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