History Journal #29: "The Somebodies"

"The Somebodies"
The somebodies
The somebodies are not blind
Blind to the fact that there are nobodies.
Nobodies are powerless
Powerless does not inclue the somebodies.
Somebodies have power
Power is money
Money does not grow everywhere
Everywhere like places in other countries
Countries where countless people are forgotten
Forgotten by the somebodies, everybody
Everybody that is a somebody. 

English Journal #34

How do you define freedom? Why?

I define freedom to be the ability to live without fear, be able to govern yourself and you environment. I define it this way because if you have no choice in the way you live by, if you cannot have an impact on the laws that are in place you do not control yourself, similar to being controlled by a puppeteer. If your actions are being pre-determined how are you free?   

Journal Entry

History Journal #29:

"The Somebodies"

Those who dream of navigation without maps. Those who wish to be like bees. The somebodies that begin their name with a bumble. Everyone dreams of having the sixth sense they possess, but these hopefuls aren't even using all of their 5. They can try and try, forgetting to bring maps. But they'll always end up lost in the end. Perishing, waking up each day like the last, aspiring to be like THEM. The somebodies are falling in numbers. Owners of infinite knowledge. The somebodies; those with everything, seeming like nothing, but still something.
    No way ---> someway.
    No return ---> some paths.
    No hope ---> some to spare.
    No maps ---> no problems.
The somebodies, the Bess, like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", knowing always of where they'll land.

History Journal #40

Which is more powerful, violence or nonviolence?

     In my opinion, violence is more powerful in certain situations. For example, if a cop is after a criminal, the cop would use violence to stop him. Nonviolence is more powerful when it's mentally, unlike violence where it involves physically.

Gabby Nigro Capstone

The inspiration in doing this project was the long years of cheering and he amazement of cheerleaders in the movies such as Bring it On. I have been cheering since the age of three until current time today. Although the cheerleading team was not first started by me, but by my sister. I still decided to take the team in my hands. During my junior year of high school I did not know that I was going to take cheerleading on with me to my senior year. This is where I decided I was going to make cheerleading into a project. rather than just a club at SLA. Doing this with the team did not only require me to take a big responsibility, but it made me learn new aspects of cheerleading. When doing cheerleading I was always used to being taught the routine, just being told what money was due, and where each competition was. Now that I took a whole team into my own hands I was the one learning as the process went on. I had to make up a routine then teach it. I also has to deal with all the money and worry about what competition was coming up, and if the girls were ready. During the process of all this the team helped me out a lot giving me ideas and thoughts on the dance. I also worked with girls individually to make up music and lines. My mom helped manage the money and whenever we had to pay or give in a an order she would be the one to help me out the most. When this project started to come to its end I realized everything that was done during this project took dedication and time. I also learned that with dedication and time it would create the greatest cheerleading team. I enjoyed my time and dedication with the girls who put all their effort into the RCA

Rockets cheerleading team. I hope to see one of the girls carry out the hard work that was put in, and keep the team going next year.

RCA Rockets preparing before competition!

After competition pep talk!
RCA Rockets at competition, waiting to compete.
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Annotated Bibliography:

"Cheerleading Dance Moves." YouTube. YouTube, 25 June 2011. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

For my project I used this Video. From this video I took the eight count that she did in the video. I used this eight count in my Cheerleading routine. It also breaks it down step by step so I could teach it to the girls.

"WWMS Cheer - Youth Cheer Dance Tutorial 1." YouTube. YouTube, 07 May 2011. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

This is a video from a cheer camp. I used the one eight count in this video for the beginning of my routine. I turned the eight count into a ripple.

"Cheerleading Competition." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Oct. 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

From this video I took a few eight counts to use to teach to the girls. Not all the eight counts are used in the routine, but the girls know them. I also used one of the teams cheer in this video, not to use but to get an idea of what our cheer would be for this year in the routine.

"West Forsyth 2009-2010." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Jan. 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

This video was one of my favorites to use. It gave me so many ideas on what to do for gymnastics in the routine. I was stuck on what to choose for gymnastics. This video gave me plenty of ideas.

“Siswick, Zoe. Personal Interview. N.d.”

This really wasn't an interview. This was a meeting with my mentor. In this meeting we talked about possible competitions. We also talked about my capstone. This meeting really helped me realize how to get the girls on the team together and to let them know that it is time to crack down. The meeting helped me bring the team together to cooperate.

Dj Howie. "Cheerleading Mix 2012-2013." Rec. July 2012. Dj Howie, 2012. Web. 21 Aug. 2012.

This is the music that was made for the cheerleading season. My friend Howie who is a Dj for many events, and also makes the New Years brigades music put this together. He took a few recent songs and mixed them together. He added sound effects and voice overs to make is special just for the RCA rockets.

"Cheerleading Uniforms." Cheerleading Company, n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.

Using this website and also the magazine it gave me and the team an idea for what type of uniforms we wanted. This also gave me an idea of price ranges and different kind of package deals we could use.

"Cheerleading Apparel." Cheerleading Apparel - Classic Cheer Uniforms | Team Cheer ©. Team Cheer, n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.

This is another magazine that I used to get different ideas of prices. It gave an idea for which kind of uniforms we wanted to get.

“Nigro, Bianca. Personal Interview.”

Bianca was the original person who started the RCA Rockets team. I wouldn’t say that this was such an interview, but when I needed help on things with the team she was who helped me get to what needed to get done. Without her the team would not exist. RCA Rockets would never make it as far as it did.

"Stand Out From the Crowd in GTM Cheerleading Uniforms." Cheerleading Uniforms. Omni Cheer, n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.

This website was found by one of the cheerleaders. It had a very similar type of uniform of the ones we were looking to buy. But on this site we found it for much cheaper. I looked into this site more to see if it was worth buying the uniforms from.

“, Sarah. Personal Interview.”

Sarah is one of the cheerleader’s mom. She was a big help to the team. She came in and helped out with measuring the girls for uniforms. She also gave suggestions of cheaper uniforms, and was helping to get the ordering of the uniforms completed.

Henninger, Mcneil, Smith, Fichera - Podcast 1

Group Members Present:

Dayona Mcneil

Chelsea Smith

Chris Fichera

Sophia Henninger


Since this was our first podcast we wanted to outline statistics itself and what it means to us. We just introduced ourselves and then everyone individually explained their definition of statistics and what it meant to us. Since this podcast had very little to do with the book itself, there was not much to disagree about. 

Stats 1 1

National Spanish Exam Level 2

YATW Blog 3 Teen Haven

Sattera Mark                                        Blog Post 3                                            You and the World

     In my English class were doing a project called “You and The World”. For this project we had to chose a topic that we were passionate about. I chose to learn more about the foster care system. (For more about that you can go to my first and second blog post).  It’s many children that don’t have a place to call home or have real parents. I feel for these children because I know how it feels to have a parent missing. When I first explored this topic I was confused on what to do. Then, I decided that I should get involved with a camp called Teen Haven. Teen Haven is a Christian camp that is located in Brogue Pa. I have been volunteering there as a Junior counselor since January and I will continue to do so in the summer. So far I have been there four times.  It was an amazing experience to be a mentor to girls from different cities. At camp they’re girls from Philadelphia, Lancaster, and York. It’s nice to get out of the city and meet new people.

      Starting the project was difficult. It seemed like it would be impossible to do. This was just not some ordinary school project. This project forced us to get out of our comfort zones and get into the world. This sounded scary at first but my teacher Ms. Dunn assured me that I was capable of successfully doing this project.  After my pep talk with Ms. Dunn I decided that I should try to get some things started. I talked to one of My Camps leaders, Chanea Whittington. She informed me about the Leadership group called “Restore”. I became active in that group and attended a leadership retreat. There we became comfortable with other leaders and prepared ourselves for the upcoming camp dates.

       Doing this project is probably one of the most productive things I’ve done in my life. The stories of some of the girls I’ve met will forever have an impact on my life. I’ve heard stories about rape, death, foster care, placement, and more. These stories are heartbreaking and left many tears in the eyes of the people who heard them. This camp is truly a haven. It feels like home and it’s a place for the girls to get away from all their problems at home. I love the atmosphere there. It’s warm and friendly and I know that girls love it too. I gives me joy to see them return to the camp with smiles on their faces. By the way they act you could never tell that they are going through so much. Sometimes I feel as if they made a bigger impact on me that I’ve made on them. They taught me to be grateful and be content. I feel blessed to have my mom because many of the girls at camp don’t. Some don’t even have a place to call home.

        When I first started volunteering I was nervous. I’m still very young and some girls that come to camp are older than me. That was a little intimidating. I also had to become stern. I’m a laid back person so it was hard for me to lead. I had to come out my comfort zone.That was something I struggled with at first but, soon overcame it by constantly coming to camp. I’ve learned so much by being there. I learned how to be a leader and develop speaking skills. Being there I’m still learning and planing to do more. During the summer I would love to lead discussion or run activities. I’m expecting to have an even better summer there.


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Power puff Girls ft. Mojo Jojo

Group members present during the discussion
How you discussed it
* Answered your questions first
* Stated our opinion on how we felt about the pages we read
Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion
*No, but we all agreed that people should ask more questions about the data that is given to them.
Questions that came up as a result of the discussion
* Why dont companies give direct answers ?
* Why is it so hard for people to look at the screwed graphs and realize they are getting manipulated? 
Power Puff Girls Ft. Mojo Jojo Part 2

YATW Blog 3: Gay Rights

Hi folks, I'm Morgan and this is my You and The World final blog. My issue was LGBT rights, and for my agent of change I made a blog with my friend for SLA's Gay/Straight Alliance. This is a club that meets during X and Y band in Mr. Block's room to see what we can do to make SLA and other schools a safe space for LGBT students. Our blog url is gsaatsla.wordpress.com. Due to technical difficulties, its not totally done yet but it will be shortly. 

I worked with another member of the GSA to create this blog. Together, we worked to write different pieces on news and opinions we had. He is working on an advice column for LGBT youth and their families. I personally work with following the news, and things like Jason Collins' coming out. We plan to continue this blog throughout our years here and to add more people to work with us. Right now, the GSA is rather small and inactive, but of you would like to help and learn more, please come to one of our meetings or email me at mcaswell@scienceleadership.org. 

One of the things I learned while doing this project is that there is never really any limit to trying to help, sometimes raising awareness is just as helpful. This blog was not my original plan, but I'm only 14 and I wasn't old enough to work anywhere. My plan then became a blog. So, check it out and I hope you enjoy it. 

How to lie . . . Pt. 2

Taina R. and Jamelia B. podcast #2

Taina and Jamelia discussing chapters 4-6

We basically give overviews of what we think the chapters are trying to teach us. There wasn't any arguing since we took each others opinions into consideration. One of out questions was, if we understand that some statistics lies how can we find out about the ones that are telling the truth? 

You And The World: Agent Of Change; Brain Cancer

To the doctor whom it may concern,

As recent as February of 2012 my best friends dad was checked into Lankenau Hospital off of Lancaster Avenue. He had tumors in his brain, as time progressed the tumors had turned into a serious form of cancer. By November and after many treatments of chemo he had become weak and frail. I was unaware of how serious his condition was until he then went to the hospital for a second time for which he stayed for about four and a half weeks until he was sent home. And was told he was not going to make it after the cancer spread from just his brain to then his stomach. For a project at school I have set out to make a difference, I have done my research on cancer, chemo, and tumors. Here is an excerpt from my blog post at school on the subject: “Brain tumors are created by abnormal division of cells, in the brain itself. They can also grow outside of the brain: on the skull, in blood vessels, and can also spread into other organs. Brain tumors are life threatening because there is little room for the tumor to grow, which forces it to push the brain to one side due to limited space. The skull is around the brain so unlike other tumors, you cannot act on the tumor until it is formed. That then causes unexplained symptoms. Brain tumors are about the trickiest to work on because it is risky to operate on the brain, especially after the patient is weak from prior surgery.My best friend's father has brain cancer, and cancer in his stomach. Everyday after school in November, I went to Lankenau Hospital to support my friend and her father. On November 30 of this year, he was released from the hospital. The cancer had finally spread to the entirety of his stomach and brain; there was nothing else that the doctors could for him except try to comfort him, and give him pain pills. He was far too weak for surgery; it would’ve been very risky to perform it on him at that stage in.” Mainly my interest is to make a difference in any way just to prevent cancer rather than be reactive to it and trying to cure it because more and more people are dying from all forms of cancers. Contact me at: tsamuels@scienceleadership.org

~Todd Samuels, Jr.

For my Agent of Change I wrote a letter to Lankenau Hospital. In which my friends dad stayed. I felt this would be effective because if I was able to directly tell the Hospital how I feel it might be most effective rather than trying to raise money which also is important. I just thought that it was not everyday that a 15 year old would voice his opinion through writing my hope was that I would raise enough attention to the doctors for them to write me back, or we could even find more ways for me to do research to learn to prevent cancer rather than treat it after it was too late. Through my letter I explain the condition and the fight that a loved one had to endure for nearly a year.

Since my second post I have realized that cancer is more dangerous than I originally thought it was. Cancer attacks one part of the body and it continues to spread which took the life of someone I cared about at first it was only in the brain, then it spread to the liver and stomach which ultimately took the life. “Brain tumors are created by abnormal division of cells, in the brain itself. They can also grow outside of the brain: on the skull, in blood vessels, and can also spread into other organs. Brain tumors are life threatening because there is little room for the tumor to grow, which forces it to push the brain to one side due to limited space. The skull is around the brain so unlike other tumors, you cannot act on the tumor until it is formed. That then causes unexplained symptoms. Brain tumors are about the trickiest to work on because it is risky to operate on the brain, especially after the patient is weak from prior surgery. My best friend's father has brain cancer, and cancer in his stomach. Everyday after school in November, I went to Lankenau Hospital to support my friend and her father. On November 30 of this year, he was released from the hospital. The cancer had finally spread to the entirety of his stomach and brain; there was nothing else that the doctors could for him except try to comfort him, and give him pain pills. He was far too weak for surgery; it would’ve been very risky to perform it on him at that stage in.” The previous quote from my blog post one shows how I felt about the strain of cancer before the death. Now I have further educated myself to understand how the cancer took over the body; I also put this in my letter just to give the doctors an understanding of what I knew and what I saw.

I mainly wanted the doctors to understand the loss, but at the same time we have to find ways to prevent cancer it is hard to do that when so many things supposedly cause cancer today. I just want answers directly as well which might be difficult to get. Heart disease is the leading killer in the U.S., within the next decade it will be cancer. Why not try to prevent this is my only question, if we can treat it through chemo we can find a way to stop it. 

my bibliography ----> To the doctor whom it may concern,

As recent as February of 2012 my best friends dad was checked into Lankenau Hospital off of Lancaster Avenue. He had tumors in his brain, as time progressed the tumors had turned into a serious form of cancer. By November and after many treatments of chemo he had become weak and frail. I was unaware of how serious his condition was until he then went to the hospital for a second time for which he stayed for about four and a half weeks until he was sent home. And was told he was not going to make it after the cancer spread from just his brain to then his stomach. For a project at school I have set out to make a difference, I have done my research on cancer, chemo, and tumors. Here is an excerpt from my blog post at school on the subject: “Brain tumors are created by abnormal division of cells, in the brain itself. They can also grow outside of the brain: on the skull, in blood vessels, and can also spread into other organs. Brain tumors are life threatening because there is little room for the tumor to grow, which forces it to push the brain to one side due to limited space. The skull is around the brain so unlike other tumors, you cannot act on the tumor until it is formed. That then causes unexplained symptoms. Brain tumors are about the trickiest to work on because it is risky to operate on the brain, especially after the patient is weak from prior surgery.My best friend's father has brain cancer, and cancer in his stomach. Everyday after school in November, I went to Lankenau Hospital to support my friend and her father. On November 30 of this year, he was released from the hospital. The cancer had finally spread to the entirety of his stomach and brain; there was nothing else that the doctors could for him except try to comfort him, and give him pain pills. He was far too weak for surgery; it would’ve been very risky to perform it on him at that stage in.” Mainly my interest is to make a difference in any way just to prevent cancer rather than be reactive to it and trying to cure it because more and more people are dying from all forms of cancers. Contact me at: tsamuels@scienceleadership.org

~Todd Samuels, Jr.

For my Agent of Change I wrote a letter to Lankenau Hospital. In which my friends dad stayed. I felt this would be effective because if I was able to directly tell the Hospital how I feel it might be most effective rather than trying to raise money which also is important. I just thought that it was not everyday that a 15 year old would voice his opinion through writing my hope was that I would raise enough attention to the doctors for them to write me back, or we could even find more ways for me to do research to learn to prevent cancer rather than treat it after it was too late. Through my letter I explain the condition and the fight that a loved one had to endure for nearly a year.

Since my second post I have realized that cancer is more dangerous than I originally thought it was. Cancer attacks one part of the body and it continues to spread which took the life of someone I cared about at first it was only in the brain, then it spread to the liver and stomach which ultimately took the life. “Brain tumors are created by abnormal division of cells, in the brain itself. They can also grow outside of the brain: on the skull, in blood vessels, and can also spread into other organs. Brain tumors are life threatening because there is little room for the tumor to grow, which forces it to push the brain to one side due to limited space. The skull is around the brain so unlike other tumors, you cannot act on the tumor until it is formed. That then causes unexplained symptoms. Brain tumors are about the trickiest to work on because it is risky to operate on the brain, especially after the patient is weak from prior surgery. My best friend's father has brain cancer, and cancer in his stomach. Everyday after school in November, I went to Lankenau Hospital to support my friend and her father. On November 30 of this year, he was released from the hospital. The cancer had finally spread to the entirety of his stomach and brain; there was nothing else that the doctors could for him except try to comfort him, and give him pain pills. He was far too weak for surgery; it would’ve been very risky to perform it on him at that stage in.” The previous quote from my blog post one shows how I felt about the strain of cancer before the death. Now I have further educated myself to understand how the cancer took over the body; I also put this in my letter just to give the doctors an understanding of what I knew and what I saw.

I mainly wanted the doctors to understand the loss, but at the same time we have to find ways to prevent cancer it is hard to do that when so many things supposedly cause cancer today. I just want answers directly as well which might be difficult to get. Heart disease is the leading killer in the U.S., within the next decade it will be cancer. Why not try to prevent this is my only question, if we can treat it through chemo we can find a way to stop it. 


YATW Blog 3-Hunger

Hello guys, my name is Dejanyia Johnson. I am currently a freshman at Science Leadership Academy. What you are about to read is my blog post number 3. My blog is about hunger and poverty. Here are the links to my blog post 1 and blog post 2.

I believe that hunger and poverty is a major issue. That is why I choose that as my topic. For this english project, I had to choose a topic that I felt something the world should know about. I picked hunger because it is a major issue, but it doesn't get much light shined on it. For our last blog, we had to become an agent of change. An agent of change is when you basically become a person who makes people aware and do something about your topic. I decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen, called, "Surviving To Thriving Ministry." Here I volunteered for about three hours. While volunteering I noticed and did several things. I gave food out and assisted where I was needed. 

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While I assisted, I noted and started to think in a new way about hunger. I say that because looking at these people, and seeing them made me think that I am more fortunate then I thought I was. It made me realize how blessed I am to have the things I need and want. I had to go through a lot to get to even volunteer, though. I was having a hard time finding a place, and when I did, it was a process to get there, but I am glad I did it. I learned a lot from working with Nana. Nana is one of the ladies who oversaw the soup kitchen. She seems to be a very happy lady and she is wonderful working with the people.
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This issue may not seem as big as you think it it because you may not be in poverty, but take a look from a different perspective. Just think about the people you see going to work and going to where ever you're going. Stop and think how they are affected by this and see if you feel the same. The world needs to view the issue hunger more closely and think of a way to prevent and/or stop it. Here's something you can do: Volunteer!

Click here for bibliography.
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English 1-Dunn Blog
#English 9 #You and the world

Chelsea Ann Smith Capstone

For my project I focused on giving back to my SLA community. SLA has given me so much and I have also lived my life by giving back. I based my Capstone off the things I learned while being a part of City Year: City Heroes Program. For my project, I painted different pieces of art work around the school to encourage positive attitudes and to beautify the school. Doing this helps students to have better attitudes and to feel more part of a community that cares. There is three final products that are located around the school. For these pieces I led groups of students in prepping and painting. Through this project I learned more time management skills and got to put my leadership skills to the test to help make the school a prettier place to be. This project also helped me to leave a permanent imprint of me and my beliefs on the school community.  

Annotated Bib:

Paint it forward. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.homedepot.com/?cm_mmc=SEM|THD|G|BT1|HighVolumeExact&skwcid=TC|13614|home depot||S|e|9436124004&gclid=CPTc2ZOXk7UCFQLd4AodMyAAVQ

I used this website to help me find prices of supplies that I am going to need during my event. I also used it to get ideas of other materials I am going to need during the event. This helps give me an idea of things to get and the amount of money I need to have prepared before I walk into the store. This helps me be a smart shopper.

Never stop improving . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.lowes.com/Paint/_/N-1z0yyfe/pl?goToProdList=true&UserSearch=paint&rpp=32

I used Lowe’s website to help me find prices of supplies that I know I am going to need during my event. I used two different sites so I was able to compare prices and buy supplies from the cheaper of the two stores, this helped so I was able to spend my money wisely and stay on my budget.

Art news. (2013, Jan 30). Retrieved from http://www.mutualart.com/

I used this site to help me get some basic art ideas that I can add into my murals that I am going to paint. This site talked about different artist and their range of styles. This helped give me different ideas to take when approaching cool art to put on the walls here at SLA.

Jonas, P. (2013, Feb 1). Interview by C.A Smtih [Personal Interview]., SLA.

For this project, I talked to Pearl Jonas about how she took part in past service projects through City Year Greater Philadelphia. She worked on the Corps team for the Young Hero Program in 2008-2009. I was able to ask her questions about her experience in planning the events and ask her for advice in planning my event.

City year: Give a year, change the world. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cityyear.org/CityYear/Home_New_2011/Home_A_2011.aspx

City Year is a program that I was a part of for four years. Every skill that I am using in this project, I have learned through City Year and the time I spent in their program. They have helped me gain and sharpen these skills in a way that now I am able to do my own type of service project on my own. City Year is my main resource of instruction when it has come to planning and preparing for this event.

Boddy-Evans, M. (n.d.). How to paint a wall mural . Retrieved from http://kiwaniskids.org/en/KKids/Serve/Planning_a_service_project.aspx

This site talked a lot about different ways to paint a mutual on a wall. It gave me ideas and suggestions of ways to approach this task. This is important because I have to make sure the sketches I put on the walls are good enough to be painted in and for people at SLA to take serious in a beautification sense.

Pegan, C. (2013, Jan 20). Interview by C.A Smtih [Personal Interview]., SLA.

Cheyenne is a good friend of mine, who has great artistic talent. She is going to help me create the sketches of the murals to be painted on the walls. We have sat down and talked about what these sketches should look like and what direction I am heading in by the theme of the sketches.

Utzig, M. (2013, Jan 20). Interview by C.A Smtih [Personal Interview]., SLA.

Marley is one of my best friends who has great doodling and lettering styles. Along with a mix of small murals, I am also going to be putting up a few quotes, these quotes are going to be written in different types of bubble letters. This is where Marley comes in, she is going to help me design the font and style of this quotes.

Planning a service project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://kiwaniskids.org/en/KKids/Serve/Planning_a_service_project.aspx

This site has given me pointers and ideas about how to go about planning my service event. This site is a guide to planning service events. This site has touched on things that had slipped my mind and has also retouched on some things that I already knew. By the site doing this, I was able to recognize what things were super important to making this event a success.

Dig Vid Crew. (2013, Feb). Interview by C.A Smtih [Personal Interview]., SLA.

On the day of my service project, I am going to have a few Dig Vid students come out and film the event. They are helping me create a few minute video that is going to document the event. This is going to capture the service taking place. I am going to use this video during my presentation to show the viewers a little bit of the actual service project happening.