Tech Slide

Untitled presentation

What I changed

Usually in past presentations,  I have made my slides “Boring” as Ms. Hull would say. But thanks to her constructive criticism I have tried using some new things such as different colored words to make the presentation more attractive , I highlighted important topics and included pictures. I also gave some of my sentences colored borders.

Slide Presentation

I’m going to be talking about my process of making my slide. In the beginning, I looked up some ways on how to make it look more presentable and professional than how I would usually make one. The websites said to keep the slide simple, use space, bleed the pictures, make the text big, and to give the slide a theme. I chose the theme: yellow because the picture that I chose matched it. Since the petals of the flowers are opened, I used a quote that reflected on open mindedness. I put the picture in the corner for the bleeding effect. I also chose this quote because I think that I’m an open minded person. I tried to make the text on the slide as big as I could so that it was easy to read and stood out to the audience. I also tried to keep the slide simple so that it wasn’t too overwhelming and that it focusing on the main point.
Untitled presentation

Ways to Make a Good Slide

So here is my slide. There are many reasons why I chose to make my slide look like this. First, I chose this background for three reasons. First because of the symmetry. Symmetry is not only appealing to the eye, but it also makes your slide look more interesting and professional. Secondly, I really am interested in nature, so instead of writing that out, I put in an image of a tree to resemble that. Finally, I like the colors present on the picture, so again instead of writing my favorite colors, which creates more words, I could pick an image that have those colors.

Also. I put a heart in my thing for two reasons. First I put it to the side for the bleeding effect. We all know the other half of the heart, so I can have more blank space by only putting half of it. Secondly, I like to believe that I am a kind hearted person, so the heart is there to represent that. With adding a picture, it eliminates the need for words.

Finally, I used a quote that really represented my mentality towards life. I firmly believe that if you do things in life that are given to you, you won’t get far or enjoy the life that you have. But, if you challenge yourself throughout your life, you will benefit and thank yourself in the future. Again, instead of writing all of that out, I put a quote that gets that message across. I also made the font pretty big that way you guys can read it and I made the text color light, that way it was a color contrast and easily visible.

Overall, with all of the research I did, the websites Ms. Hull provided, and my basic knowledge of how to make a good slide, I was able to make, what I believe to be, a good slide that really shows who I am.

Tech Presentation

One Slide Assignment

For my one slide project, I kept the slide simple and open. I put a few key things on the slide that are important to me. I didn't want to crown the slide or make it hard to understand so I only put a few key things from my identity. I made my name in a big font, in a color that contrasts with my background. This makes it easy to read at a single glance. On the Presentation Zen website one of the many things that I learned was to make your presentation visual. This way, it makes it more interesting and the readers won't be overloaded with words and information. Instead of writing my actual date of birth I put a picture of my zodiac sign. Also, instead of writing that volleyball was one of my interests, I put a picture of a volleyball. From these pictures on my slide you guys can infer that I am an Aries and that I play volleyball and enjoy it. My pictures have designs on them that make them stand out and easy to notice at a glance.
1 Slide- Week 4 (1)

Tech Slide

Tech slide

 My slides theme was anime. Anime is something I feel very deeply about and I love!

At one point in my life I had a hard time being happy because a lot of  things were going on in my life  and a friend recommend for me to watch anime because it could be a way to make me happy. For this slide I wanted to give it a clean look. So to achieve this  I went with the empty space type of look. I wanted the corners diagonally across  from each other to be empty. Then to keep the style consistent I put text in the corners that were diagonally across from each other too. I then took a picture of me and my favorite anime character (Obito Uchiha) and erased the background so it could blend in with the background and look clean. Lastly, I made the background white because it brought everything together and gave it a clean finish. I knew  that  color was important to bringing everything together and giving it a clean look so  I choose black for the text and white for the background since my pictures were somewhat colorful.

One Slide About Londyn

Tech-Me Slide-11%2F22%2F17

I made my slide the way I did because it was what felt most natural to me. I started out with just the silhouette and the wording in the top left corner because that was something I knew I definitely wanted to do when the project was introduced to us. I added the paint splatters because I like how abstract paint splatters seem even if they are controlled. I also added paint splatters because it my research, I found that color is very eye catching and my original idea was just black and white with a lot of negative space so, the bright colored paint splotches added contrast. I came up with the idea of a silhouette because I didn’t want there to be too many colors for the audience to focus on. The girl is seen reading while lying down on her stomach and I picked this specific silhouette because this was the most relatable image to me. I love reading and when I am reading I normally find myself in this position. In addition to the silhouette and the paint splatters, there are words in the upper right hand corner that I think sum who I am up in less than twenty words. From the top, the words read as my birthday, my name and a sentence I thought up to describe everything about me. I was born November 3, 2002 and on that day I got my name, Londyn Monét. Over time, I became “the little girl with big dreams and a powerful mind” because I was curious about everything and interested in learning all I could while always pushing myself to go above and beyond even when it wasn’t required. Since I was a child, I’ve had crazy dreams of being trained at every profession under the sun. Now, I know I want to be a self-made billionaire to be able to help others all around the world. Can you say big dreams?

I placed everything the way I did after taking in the advice Ms.Hull gave and after doing more research on how to create an eye-catching slide. The silhouette of the girl bleeds off the slide because it makes the image appear bigger and more appealing to the audience. The paint splatters, as I mentioned before, add contrast to an otherwise black and white slide. The few words on the slide get straight to the point of telling you what the slide is about and supposed to represent; me.

This is Me!

Tech project
Why I had made my slide look the way it does is because it expresses the way I describe myself. I would describe myself as an athlete. So when you look at my slide it represents the certain sports I am the most proud of being able to be apart of. In  the center I had included one of my favorite quotes that represents me being a athlete. There was a couple things that influenced me while making my decisions on the slide. One of them was making sure I had only one point and not multiple things on the slide that would take me forever to explain. Another thing was the Size of the text and where the quote was positioned which was right in the center. I had placed it there because it would be the center of attention. My focus on my whole slide would be around that one quote. One of the major things that influenced my decision makings was the positions of my pictures used. The bigger the image the more it brings the attention which, was the dancer that bled of the page to show how that was the second biggest thing to look at on the slide. Then the other images are apart of my identity of myself but aren’t as valued. This is why I made my slide the way it looks.


My slide is all about my religion, Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion where Muslims believe that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger. We mostly practice peace but all of Allah’s teachings and beliefs are written down in the Holy Quran (scripture of Islam) in Arabic and translated to english in some Qurans. Muslims believe that there are 5 things that can get you into heaven, the five pillars of Islam. Shahada, believing that there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger. Salat, performing the 5 daily prayers every single day. Zakat, which is basically giving money to charity or providing needs for the less fortunate as a whole. Sawm, fasting in the month of Ramadan. The last one is Hajj, making pilgrimage to Mecca, the best place to go repent for your sins.

     Muslims are only supposed to celebrate one holiday and one holiday only, Eid. Eid is celebrated twice a year, right after Ramadan is over, and almost a month or 2 after that. Ramadan consists of fasting for 30 days for the purpose of the homeless. We sacrifice food during this month and it’s the holiest month for Muslims and a lot of minor sins are forgiven during this time.

1 Slide Project (2)

One Slide about Brooklin

tech 1-slide
Hello everyone 

This is my "all about me" slide

I choose to do star bullet points for each characteristic about myself because it shows creativity and it isn’t like other presentations. I choose to do bullet points because I wanted to show that I can't be easily defined by one statement. I stated only 3 bullet points because it shows simplicity and people can quickly read it and direct their attention back to me. This could be called the 1-6-6 rule. Certain words are in a different color. I did this so people can scan the slide and the important words or points can be easily noticed. I used sleek and modern fonts so my slide could be taken seriously, but still be different and pleasing to look at. I choose to use a close up picture, so you can know exactly what or in this case who the slide is about. I also used the bleeding effect, so the image spills off the screen. I used the colors blue, white and yellow because they are bright and energetic. The color blue is calming and the color yellow catches attention. I also only  used those colors because I’m not looking for my slide to be a rainbow. I  don’t want my slide to be so distracting that people divert their attention from me. 

Overall, this is me! Thank you for listening!

The Power Of Language

The power of language
I decided to make my slide this way because I wanted to show my viewers the way people see me from the outside but also show things that are important to me that only people close to me might know.  I added pictures about my family and best friend.  I also added pictures of my most recent visit to Mexico. It’s something very important because when I meet people they never expect me to be Mexican and it’s something i’m very proud of.
Language is something very important to me.  I grew up with people speaking to me in Spanish and English.  During school hours it’s the few time I actually speak in English, at the end of the day I go home and the language I speak is Spanish.  The reason for this is because it’s the language my mother primarily speaks.  Before attending school I would learn English from my sister and dad.  Since most of the people in the house spoke English it soon became the language I started speaking more and every day that passed by I would forget my Spanish and sooner or later I could just understand Spanish and could no longer speak it.
Every year till I was five my mom, sister and I would to Mexico to visit family and get to know the place my mom grow up.  This was the only time I would pick my Spanish back up since everyone around would speak it.  However it would take time to be able to speak to people again fluently.  As a result of  this I remember my family I planned a week stay at a hotel to celebrate someone in my families birthday.  I remember going to the beach with my mom and I was speaking to her in English out of nowhere I can hear these kids bear me making fun of the way I spoke and started to imitate me.  Since then I was determined to make sure I knew how to speak in Spanish.
My Spanish got better when I accepted to old school Independence Charter School. At my old school you had the option to take classes in Spanish or take classes in English and learn Spanish.  Throughout my 7 years at ICS I learned how to read, write and help my pronunciation.  I was even given the opportunity to travel outside the courtny with my classmates to Nicaragua.  From going to Nicaragua I realized how lucky I was to be bilingual and my goal is to speak fluent in 3 more languages.  In 7th grade I taught myself how to write and read hangul(Korean alphabet) I know a few words but I need to keep on studying.

One Slide Speech

My slide is about my love for my favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles. I’m really glad to be an Eagles fan this year, so far we are 9-1 and it looks like we’re going to the playoffs, it’s been awhile since we’ve been there. I started to get into football and began to watch the Eagles in 2010 when we were still with Andy Reid, and lost the Wild Card to the Green Bay Packers. For my slide I made it so that Carson Wentz and the Eagles logo was two dimensional. I made the background a black hue and the letter green, so that it made the logo and the football player the main center of attention and catches the eye. I made sure to add balance by making all the colors fit each other, the words “Fly Eagles Fly!” were white like one of the main colors in the team’s uniforms and logo. The white title and black background made there be a new value to the other pictures.

One Slide One Speech

One Slide One Speech

There are a few thing that i live by and one of them like you see on the slide is Dream Big Work hard and get better this can apply to many things in my life other then my passion and my drive which is baseball Ever since i was born one thing i always did was work hard and got better. From baseball, to school work, or even in everyday chores or conversation. We all start somewhere but one thing I always keep in mind is to dream big work hard get better, and i take that everywhere and use it for everything it is just something that is like and encouragement or a motive., but mostly for baseball my passion. I honestly love baseball and in all humility i am really good and i believe baseball will really be something for me in my future and as I pursue my dreams one thing i will remember is Dream big work hard and Get better

The reason why i kept it so simple though because in the links or websites they all had one thing in common and that was that they all said they had to keep it short and simple and it just need to be able to pop or be able to be understood in a few seconds something. One other reason that I also liked and followed the examples given by the links we were able to visit was it gives me the ability to explain myself and not the slide. It is like a balance of contrast in my color in my slide, i also left some space in my slide because i feel they shouldn't be focused much on my slide but more or so on me or my face.

Play Soccer


I play soccer, and so do a lot of other people. The beautiful game is loved all over the planet. You could travel to any country you like and no matter where that country is you can find people who play the sport. That’s exactly why you should play soccer. No this not recruitment, this is encouragement. Get up and get outside to spend some good quality time playing soccer with your friends. What’s that, no friends? Hey that’s okay you can easily make some by simply joining in on a pickup game at your local field. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. “But Tristan I suck at soccer, I would play and all but I’m just really bad.” Well worry no longer because one day you will get better. Just stick with it and skill will come.

Now imagine that you did get better, you're like super good at soccer. Being good at soccer opens doors… many doors. Yes of course a collage scholarships is amazing, especially for playing a sport but, that is very difficult and there are so many other ways to use that ability. Playing the game opens up a whole new world to people. If you play and you really love playing then you will understand how all players have a connection. That probably sounded very cliche but it’s true. The connection isn’t always on the field but sometimes off it. Don’t take this the wrong way and think that I believe that playing soccer is the only way that playing a sport will get you connected with people. All sports do this, but like I said soccer is played everywhere. So just think to yourself, If you played soccer no matter where you went you would know someone.


All About Me (1)

Hi, my name is Preston and my favorite hobby is photograhpy. I started taking photos as a hobby since the age of 12. Every time I put my hands on a camera, I feel calm and at peace. I developed the hobby of taking photos ever since my brother bought me a camera for my 12th birthday. The love for photography grew when I signed up for Instagram. It was really a good format because I could share with people the photos I took and take pride for my accomplishments.

I chose this photo because I really liked the beauty of the picture. It follows through my quote that pictures are stories I can’t describe. In addition, I thought that the horizon was really eye-catching and beautiful. In addition, the veritcal lines help lead audiences’ eyes to the main attraction, the horizon. Furthermore, I believe that the variety of colors is another reason why I chose this photo. The different colors help catch people’s eyes and grabs attention. I really enjoyed making this presentation. Thank you guys for taking the time to listen!

All About Me

All About Me (Tech)Caresten Moses


Caresten Moses

Blue Stream


I chose only to include 3 photos and just my name  because I want to catch the listener’s attention while I’m talking and them not be distracted by lots of writing and pictures. It shows what I learned about having Variety in art, using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.  I also wanted to have Balance in my slide, since that was something else I researched.  Having balance in my artwork is combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. I used symmetry with my pictures and had a lot of Space of the sides.In the space, there is a colorful background to show a more creative use of the picture and relationship with them. Space is needed because it is an element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art.

I am a dancer. I chose a quote and used the art element of Shape to show  element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.

I used an image of a black female adjusting her crown. I believe that all women all queens. The black culture is very important to me, and I strongly believe that every black woman is beautiful and a Queen. We have gone through, and still go through many challenges as a culture. We have to embrace our race and culture and inner queen. I have always been taught that I was a black queen and my father called me his ‘’ black princess’’ from an early age.

I love clothes and shoes. I really love sneakers and looking for cute trendy clothes. I also like beauty and makeup. I chose this picture because it displays just the right amount of information for the audience to understand.

Thank you, I hope this helped you to know ME a little more.

Indiya's slide

tech prestation
Today I’m going to be talking about how I made this one slide about me. My slides theme is dance because I have been dancing since the age of two and it’s been a big part of my life. Dancing has always been something that I loved and enjoyed doing. Which is why I choose my theme to be dancing(My me magazine was about dance).
 Over the course of the few weeks, I’ve learned about how to make a somewhat good slide. With using many resources online such as presentation zen, youtube, and zachholman. I learned many things but I could only incorporate so many into my slide. The most important things that I came across and incorporated into my slide were huge text, contrasting colors, and fewer words. Another was to use as less space as possible and to bleed and basically bleeding is when you cut some of the picture out of the slide.
 In the beginning, I thought about the image I’d be using because it needed to represent me in a way and catch people’s eyes.  Then I thought about what I could say to which would match my picture. At this point, I stopped to think “Would this catch someone’s eye on a highway and be able to go straight back to driving?” I got a few opinions and they said it would catch your eye. At this point, I was almost finished my draft. I lastly enter my name into the slide and moved around my words. I put my slide on presentation and looked at it for like five minutes. I remembered that I should bleed which Mrs.Hull also told us about. Then I changed the color of my font and also the type of font because my white background and black font didn’t look very nice so I went for a brighter look and choose blue but neon blue because it’s one of my favorite colors. Lastly, I intended to use the rule of three’s but I don’t think I did it right. This is actually one of the things I would fix if I had more time because I think it could have been better.

My Life -Kankoue Folly

Life of me


My slide is really bland and it has a soccer ball on a field as the background if I’m being honest all I did was try to make my slide as similar to the ikea sign and works with the idea that the fonts should be large and the picture should be the words which creates less words.


After my presentation I got some critique from my classmates. For the most part they talked about how to make my slide better by making the fonts a different color. Then they said to try make them into one line.  Ms.Hull told me to try to make my font color match those of the ball so I tried to do all these things in my new slide. At first I didn't really want to make the changes to the slide but then I did what my classmates suggested. When I compared it to my old one and I decided that the edited version is better.  The updated version might not reach simplicity but it got closer to reaching it in my opinion. The research is the main benefactor to this project. Without the research I think my project would be worse than it was before. The research made me rethink many things I did ,for example writing less and letting the picture be my words.My main source for creating this slide is the ikea sign that is what I focused on the most because I saw it dragged the viewers attention without having too much in it. This project thought me many things and that is something I appreciate about this project.

Design Project Slide

Design slides
My design incorporated several ideas from the presentation zen website. Presentation Zen talked a lot about “glance media”, specifically, keeping the design easy to understand and easily readable. Which was tough for my design so the best I could do was try to bunch up the different logos as much as possible without making it look too crowded. Another thing presentation zen talked about was making the type big and understandable. I think I definitely could have done more with my type but it still works. I think it also helps the flow of my slide because the attention goes from the main info (the slide)  to the title.

Isabella - Single Slide


My goal for this slide was for it to be simple, clean, and straightforward. I wanted it to have “2015 tumblr vibes” and I think I accomplished that. I know I wanted have a simple, pretty background that wasn’t white, but I also wanted the pictures to be the main point of focus (obviously). So I chose white marble as my background. At first I didn’t know what I wanted to be my focal point. I wanted it to be something most people remember me by when they look at me, my big curly hair. I chose photos that show my defined curls. I angled the photos more to the right side so I could I could have some negative space, and where I can put my heading. For the heading, there’s no need for me to put a whole paragraph because who has time to read that? I put my name, it’s straightforward and what people call me.

Zachary Sanders- Life Slide

In my slide I decided to base it on something that I love to do: Play video games. I don't remember what age I got into video games but I think the first type of hand held game I had or got handed down to me was a Game Boy from my mom. And from there I got a Game Boy Pocket, my first Nintendo DSi, a Wii, a Nintendo 3DS XL, an Xbox One, and finally another Nintendo 3DS XL since my second one broke along with the first one. Currently most games I play are FPS, platformers, and RPGS. FPS aka first person shooter are games where you, well, shoot things. For example the games Destiny and Destiny two that I have in my slides that are one of my favorite games. The next which is a platformer are pretty basic parkour type of games like Mario. Last, RPGS are popular games like Skyrim or for the older people out there a popular one like Dungeons and Dragons which isn't actually a video game but still goes along the terms of an RPG. Now explaining everything else in my slide like the procrastination and lazy things like the panda is pretty simple. It’s really just that, well, i'm a teen and there are times when teens are lazy and just don't want to do which is basically what I am expressing. But with all that in mind this is my slide.

Single Slide Design

Tech Slide

When I first began to create the slide, I found that something that would be incredibly important is large text. From the “Slide Design for Developers” page, I found that one crucial point was large text that even the people from the back seats could even see. I made each text size at least 50 pt so that the text can pop. In addition, I made sure that the text was something simple and quick because a paragraph is dreadful to see when watching a slideshow. Next, I wanted to pay attention to the colors I used. I wanted some colors to pop while giving a pretty decent contrast in colors. This creates flexibility for the text, backgrounds, and objects. Now, I wanted to make the background something simple and not overwhelming. I used a grey radiant gradient background which added a touch of movement by giving a bit of difference in color. Next, I went back to the “Slide Design for Developers” page and found that my text could be used as shapes and I played around with the font and how the text was arranged and came out with something that would look better than 3 straight lines of text. From here, I decided to add a couple of images. One of them would be a simple wire while I would also have a Playstation console. I knew both of the images will add movement because there are almost guidelines. I tried to make the images go along with the words by following the same tilt of text. Overall, I tried to be simple focus on large text, less words, and colors that were consistent and close to each other.

Antonia-Single Slide


In my slide I wanted to incorporate one point method. It is simple but informative at the same time by having both visual things and a minimal amount of writing. The lines leading from city to city show movement to lead the viewer’s eyes around the entire slide.  I also chose for the layout of my slide to have the main things centered and the rest of the things to show a rhythm. The big font was purposeful so that people would stay engaged in my slide and so that the slide would be clear and easy to read and understand. I also wanted to use very vibrant colours and for the colours to show a contrast to attract people to my slide. The colours I used in my slide are in what is called a triad which is three colours that compliment each other. Even though the colours have darker value, they still have bright intensity.

Tech-My Life

My Life
The slide you see here is based off my life hence the name of the title, but also what makes me who I am. I made the slide the way it was because it somewhat fits my personality as something simple, however after reading the Slide Design website I found that everything can be used to your advantage. In my slide I made a collage of my family because that have impacted my life in many ways. The decision to use my family came to me when one day I was just thinking how did I become the person I am today? And the answer was clear to me my family has and still has a huge impact on me and my decision making. My slide is not perfect, but neither am I, I believe my slide represents everything I care about and I now walk away wanting to redesign and redo the entire concept of my slide. In conclusion our assignments class was to make a slide one slide about things that pertain to your life and I did that by showcasing my family.bottom line my family is completely crazy they look harmless and nice, but underneath they are crazy, but they´re also very loving and caring and that was my goal when making this slide Thanks for listening.

SpaceX Slide design

Slide Design #2

SpaceX, short for Space Exploration Technologies is the future of space exploration and is a major interest of mine.  Future astronauts will, to quote Star Trek,  will boldly go where no man has gone before.  They will start first with the Falcon 9 with the dragon capsule bound for low earth orbit to the International Space Station.  Then they will go manned with Dragon V2 to the ISS.  The final step is to set up a permanent Mars colony using the Falcon Heavy These aren’t just astronauts that will go to Mars, but rather paying customers.  Just like the Airplane age of decades ago, space travel will be available to most rather than just the governments of a few nations.  

The design itself of the slide involves few words for quick reading as people do not like to deal with large walls of text on a poster or anything along those lines.  The Background is not filled with an image but rather just negative space for further simplicity and it is a dark color to contrast with the colors of the rockets and the text.  The rockets bleed beyond the slide, which is another important design decision for grabbing people’s attention.


This slide is a message to all those out there who don't feel like their being seen. The little black girls who have role models that don't really look like them. The young girls who don't feel like their being seen. This doesn't really apply to me, itś just to motivate those who feel alone. It's to tell them to keep moving forward and that one day, they will be seen. I chose those pictures to show that there are beautiful black role models for them to look up to. It took me forever to choose a topic about me, so instead I chose to do a topic thatś not about me.

- Click the post to see it.
Tech Design Slides
Tech Design Slides