Darius Purnell Art Gallery

​My goal for each assignment given was to put my own spin into as well as have it relate back to my personal interest. The first art piece is my ceiling tile. As a comic book and super hero fan, I am constantly asked one question "Marvel or DC". I could never decide. All that comes to mind is a future movie saga of Marvel Universe vs. DC Nation. What better design for the assignment of making a ceiling tile that will be seen as long as the school continues at this building than my fan art poster? My process to design this poster was to first get a rough design digitally. I first found a cool Marvel logo and a cool DC logo. I then found a fancy "VS" sign. I then made a rough sketch on the tile using horizontal  and vertical lines to allow me to have straight lines of words and an origin. To finish the sketches before I painted. i made series of lines and drawing from my original four lines. My next piece was a free draw. i choose to use this assignment to create a title for a play I am working on; "The Slithering Snake, The Abiding Angel & The Innocent Soul". The key items from the play is a snake, a gun, and a ribbon with the name Emily Johnson written on it. The process for this drawing to me about 3 hours. I first drew 4 different guns on sheets of paper, 3 different snake poses on another, and 7 different ribbon folds. Once I found the proper gun, snake pose, and ribbon fold, i then drew each of the three items three more times very lightly. Next I brain stormed how I wanted them to connect. Once I came up with a concept I then drew each item on separate pages with missing spots where the other items will cover. In a way I used layers to draw my final picture. My self portrait is the next work of art in my slide show. I started out with drawing my head and dividing it into sections to make out my eyes, nose, and mouth. From there I focused on small features such as my cheeks and complexion for shading. Next I focused on hair, I drew my hair line and shaded my hair. I drew my eyebrows, mustache, small beard, and side burns and shaded them in. Finally I drew my glasses, headphones, and shirt. My final piece is cut outs of bats. I could have taken a route of making them look close to a normal bat but instead I decided to make batman bat symbols.

Doumbia, Online Identity

  1. ​WE watch a cartoon get bully online because he didn't fit in with the cool kid so the cool kid choose to go online and try to cyber bullying because he was home and they couldn't house just to make them self feel better.
  2. I feel that people only bully because they know that life won't be anything so why not do the same with someone else.
  3. Online i appear to be a person who unknow because i really don't speak social media.
  4. I think people see me as kid who don't speak that much or not that so much fun.
  5. The goal of internet troll is stop them and make friends.
  6. The positive is that they aren't beating them or physically hurt the person and the negative is that  they still hurt the person without caring.                                                                                                                                             Link to the Picture https://www.flickr.com/photos/keithallison/5493678758
Screenshot 2015-11-13 at 8.29.05 AM
Screenshot 2015-11-13 at 8.29.05 AM

Quarter 1 Artwork

In the first slide the character 2D from the music group Gorillaz has been recreated on a ceiling tile. The character is mostly silhouette except a few pieces of him which are cartoonish. The hardest part of this piece was blending the different shades of blue to make a gradient effect.

The second slide is a drawing of a woman drawn in pencil with color starting from a focal point and spreading over her face. I based the woman's face off of a picture that I found online, then I added in splashes of color using colored pencils.

In the third piece I used construction and tissue paper to make origami pumpkins. To emphasize that the pumpkins were in fact meant to be pumpkins I cut out a pumpkin shape on the surface of the origami pumpkins. When making the bats I cut out their silhouettes using black construction paper and hung them up with string to make it look as if they were really flying.

On the fourth slide is a self portrait. I made it very simple drawing very little detail. I wanted to get a very stripped down version of my face, devoid of details.

Kristian Reflection

Screenshot 2015-11-12 at 6.38.40 PM
Screenshot 2015-11-12 at 6.38.40 PM
In tech class we watched a video from the I am a Witness Campaign. The video talked about a boy that was being bullied. When you looked at the boy, you could see how upset he was and it was then when I felt a connection to him, I could see the pain in his eyes and it really touched me. But, there was this eye emoji, and when you pressed this emoji you helped the boy out. The topic reminds of me of different situations of Cyber Bullying which I have read on the internet. Online, my name is known as a political reporter who is pretty well-known. I think it's hard for people to perceive me because it's hard to find me due to this other guy. Their goal is to make you feel like you're not as good as them, they want the pleasure of feeling superior when deep down they're less then them. One positive thing is the privacy, you're able to say things and feel comfortable because you know that people won't know who said it. One negative thing is that people would just not know who you are.

Quarter 1 Senior Art

This first quarter of art has been good and has given me an outlet to express my creativity through art. Art class for me has been a time to work and relax unlike my other class which are more difficult and stressful. In art class I have learned some more history through assignments and have learned some new techniques. Through art class my painting skill have improved as well as my ability to draw.

In art class we had multiple assignments. We had complete a painted ceiling tile, a sketch, self portrait, charcoal drawing, jack lanterns, and a drawing of our choice. These assignments were fun to do unlike tackling all the school work and college preparation that comes along with senior year.

Out of all the assignments I did so far this year my favorites are the ceiling tiles. They’re my favorites because I had the freedom to put on the tiles whatever I wanted to . Therefore I got to paint my favorite two cartoon characters, Spongebob and Woody and have them displayed in a place where everyone in the art room can see.

Quarter #1 Artwork

Its another year of art and I wanted to continue what I did last year. I know it is the same exact course as last year but it will be a great opportunity to improve from last year. These were the projects I did for this first quarter…. 

Ceiling Tile: This was my favorite project. I really love to paint. I decided to go with an SLA type tile, by creating the main key about the school, which is the rocket. I love how the colors stand out in all of his paintings. I feel great on how it came out. I like the the kind of colors I used. My favorite part is the fire. It doesn’t look like an ordinary fire take off. I just wanted to be creative and take it my own way. 

Drawing of anything I want to draw: As of last year I really wanted to continue my legacy of pencil drawings. It’s funny my girlfriend inspired me to do something with a heart in it. So I decided to do a heart and flower type mix. I enjoyed using different shades of pencil.

Jack-o-lantern: Its another pencil drawing because, like I said last year I like to make pencil drawings. The jack-o-lantern has an evil look. As you can see I decided to make different patterns on the jack-o-lantern because I wanted to be creative and have fun with, after all I am the artist.

Self Portrait: I was able to draw myself again. This year was totally different because one I had longer hair, and two I’m wearing a hat in the photo. Personally I like this portrait better because I think I look better with longer hair.

In conclusion I enjoyed redoing this course again because I know it will be a great year and a fun and relaxing time!

First ILP Class

For my ILP I am taking a Law Class in school. So far the law students talked about the amendments and real life situations. Then we gave real life examples and how we would personally act on those situations. It is very interesting and it really gets us thinking because we talked about things we could use if we get into those situations. I'm really enjoying my ILP and I hope I get to learn more about law.

I still don't have an ILP

​No I still do not have an ILP. I have been emailing Jeremy. Jeremy has got in the way of me not having an ILP. I may be getting an ILP , working with Kindergartners.  I have been doing everything I was supposed to do meeting with Jeremy, talking to other schools and I just received an email and I may be starting an ILP next week. 

Jamie Polson's November Post

Although I may have not have my original ILP I found a new one and have been attending for 3 or 4 weeks now.  The ILP is I am an intern for the Give and Take jugglers which is a juggling group based in Philly and they do shows at schools and if you request them to perform they will kindly do that.  In the past few weeks I have done lot's of financial work for them such as searching elementary schools in the Pennsylvania Delaware area and get genral info about each like where it is who the principal is, the url and email for the school and principal and that type of thing.  Also I had to research Country clubs and get the same type of info and make a table to put all the info on.  That's the business side of it but the fun stuff is that I also get to practice classic give and take routines like spinning a ball on my finger and perform pipo and pepe which is a kind of acrobatic act where your in this suit bent over and it looks like there are these two guys (puppet people) dancing and you move your hands and legs to make them move and it looks really realistic and awesome!!  

Wellner- ILP Checki-in (11/12/15)

The last time I went to my ILP was 1 week ago, on Wednesday 11/4, because the Library was closed on the 11th for Veteran's day. Currently, me and my partner are working to create a documentary on the paintings that are in the children's department of the library. It's very interesting, because the paintings were donated to the library in the mid 1900's, and have undergone a few changes, from being moved, to the restoration process they have and are going through right now. There are multiple paintings, such as Thumbelina, to the Giant Squid, to the original Snow White. Hopefully next week, we will be able to have our interview in order to gain more information, so we can edit and finalize our documentary. 

ILP Update- 11/12/15

I really like the class I am taking. Everyone is so welcoming and it feels like family. I am learning new things like conjugating verb and verb tenses. Also, I am looking forward to next class, we are sharing ideas in class. I really enjoy this activity because it gives everyone a chance to say what's on their mind and we all learn from each other. What stands out to me is the sense of family in the class. Everyone is really close. The teachers are very encouraging and really want you to succeed and help you along the way. Which I think is very important for a child who is striving to learn and grow. 

NO ILP (11-12-15)

I still do not have an ILP. What I have done to get an ILP is contacting via email to several businesses. I talked to Jeremy before but it seems he has forgotten to help. Tomorrow I'll be talking to Jeremy again and see if he can help me crack down to getting an ILP. If we cannot get in contact tomorrow then hopefully Monday by the latest. Things that has got into the way of me getting an ILP is probably that fact that everyone has been busy and me not contacting Jeremy as soon as possible. Another thing that has gotten into the way of me getting an ILP is me not talking to Jeremy in person instead of via email. 

Chen: ILP Check in

I am enjoying my ILP. My ILP is still at greenfield every Wednesday at 1:30 pm. I am currently still helping the teacher and children. I really enjoy spending my time with the children. Sometime, I help the children's such as help the children's on the assignment and games like the puzzles. Every lunch time, they go out to play and then I noticed that the children still have snack time every Wednesday that I am there. I find this to be important because children's need to eat to snack time once in the while. I am looking forward to seeing the children's every Wednesday because I enjoy helping the children's and teacher out. The children's are very interesting and amusing and it feel nice to actually help them.

About my ILP now and then

​My Ilp is in Rm 301 every Wednesday at 1:30. At my Ilp I am learning how to take apart & put together  a Chromebook. We are also how to re-image a Chromebook. I am really excited to find out what we are doing next. I made a couple of new friends named Scott & Nick. They are really nice and cool. That is it for now.  I will tell more about my Ilp next time.

Asher Swartz ILP Update Thursday 11/12/15

Last Wednesday, 11/4/15, I attended my first ILP session with the ACE Mentor program.

It went very well, I think. I enjoyed it a lot, and am looking forward to the rest. I was a bit awkward, the only other kids from SLA are Juniors, but next time another Sophomore is coming. I can probably work on the whole "not being awkward around strangers I don't share a whole lot in common with" thing.

I am generally just looking forward to anything. It is a program that shows a broad view of engineering, and I am just excited to learn more.

I have only had one meeting, but I think they provide pizza everytime as it is somewhat late in the day. I like the food part, though we do have to answer questions to get it, but that isn't a problem. I feel like we're also going to be visiting active sites (not the enzyme kind, the building kind) which is gonna be cool.

I think I need to definitely work on the social thing, as I probably look a little bit weirder than I really am. Its important to remember that collaboration is an important part of engineering, and I need to do that better.

ILP Check in #2

In my ILP I have been working with amazing people that have been helping me learn how to use Excel. Now that I have mastered Excel I am now organizing important data. I love my internship because it is everything that I wanted to do and then some. Next week on Wednesday 18th I will continue to organize information and learn more about budgeting as well as  how the School District budgets their money. What I look forward to is to working with Ms. Karla and enhancing my knowledge of this practice as a whole. 

Jamie Polson's ILP October post

My first ILP in the month of October was I was an Intern for A production of Watership down.  It was directed by A man named Allen Radway who also goes to my church and that is how I found out about it.  It met Mondays-Saturdays from 7-11 pm.  It happened at Drexel University and was really fun.  Some days we would go over the script and do read through's, other days we would act like rabbit's and interact with each other as rabbit's.  Other days we would just do theatre games and fun stuff like that.  We practiced doing shadow puppets a lot because the show had a major puppetry aspect to it which was another reason why I joined.  Since I am a minor the University did not allow me to be on the campus and would have charged my family and I millions of dollars if I got hurt in any way because they did not want to be responsible.  So I had to stop doing that ILP but I saw the show on the 6th and it was amazing!!  I would highly recomend it to anyone who likes theatre  

I have an ILP #2

Ilp is going great. My Ilp is at my old school, Alliance for progress charter school and what I do there is just help the teachers with the kindergarten class during their gym class and when its time to go home. Im looking forward to working in that field someday and just for now seeing how things go. Nothing major has happened so far. I enjoy not listening to the teachers I can do what I want... kinda. 

Wes Midgett ILP Update

My ILP is at the Hacktory in University City. At the moment DM + D is moving locations so whenever I go there I am helping them pack up and transport there things to the new location. So far, everything is going well and I am getting to know a lot of new people. I am looking forward to moving into the new location and starting to work on a project.