One Summer Night

I woke up at 2 in the morning as I had been doing every summer. At 13 years old, it was surprisingly easy to get up without an alarm at these times now. It had become my routine. My baby brother was crying. It was time for his bottle. I waited a minute to listen for shuffling feet. Maybe She was upstairs and would give it to him this time (for once). Silence. Without a reaction I swung my feet out of the bed and went into my parent's bedroom. I walked through the darkness to his crib, lifted him up, and carried him with me down the steps. 

Bottle. Mix. Water. Microwave. Test. Feed. Burp. Sleep (for the both of us).   

TJ Nicolella- Musical Instrument Blog #1

​          I was thinking about making some type of acoustic guitar for this project because a guitar is the only instrument that I have at least a little bit of experience with. I do know that guitars have been around since the 1500’s and can vastly differ from one another. However, most acoustic guitars have six strings varying in width and mass that are laid over a hollow body to emanate a louder sound to be heard at a further distance. On a regular acoustic guitar, strings become thicker from bottom to top of the bridge of the guitar, so the higher the string on the bridge, the thicker the string. When the strings are plucked they actually make little noise but this disturbance makes a disturbance in the air around it that also vibrates the bridge of the guitar. The strings can also make different noises based on how you work them whether it be plucking or tapping them, etc.

The body of a guitar is usually made of spruce or other “springy” woods that can vibrate up and down relatively easily. In the case of an acoustic guitar, most of the sound is produced by the vibrations of the strings when they are touched or plucked, the body of the guitar only makes the conversion of energy from the strings to the body more efficient, creating more sound when the strings are plucked. Meanwhile, an electric guitar does not have the same effect because it does not have a hollowed out body and many vibrations do not convert to sound (unless connected to an electric amp.)

Allen Collins

Roger Waters Liveg JamesHetfieldallen2

Musical Instrument Blog #2

I am making a thumb piano. The sound coming from a "thumb piano" is the rate of vibration of the key/pins over the hollow in the base. The body of the instrument, the base, is responsible for providing a stable platform to hold the keys very tight. It also acts as a resonating chamber to amplify the vibratory sound of the keys. The principal is the same as it is for a guitar. The main difference being each key on a thumb piano is only connected at one end. I will be changing the pitch with the length of the keys. Which are physical and important to the thumb piano besides from the base of it. I will be making the base out of a block a wood made hollow and bobby pins with pop sickles stick holding it in place tightly. Miner thing I might need help with is how the make the sound as loud as possible.  


Musical Instrument Blog #1

I am making a thumb piano. It is a rectangular shaped block, which belongs in the string family. It is played while in your hands or on a flat surface by flicking the pins, which act as the keys on this piano. The keys/ pins are different lengths so when you flick it, it produces different sounds. I plan to make it a 3 by 5 rectangle with bobby pins as keys, with different lengths to make different notes. A connection from this to waves are the vibration of the strings and the keys on my piano.




Went to H&M today and got 9 things for 70 bucks. That's a good deal. I got some shorts and tee shirts. I don't like shopping that much anymore. After 30 minutes I get tired of it and stop. I used to love shopping and went all the time. I would spend the entire day at the mall and never get bored. Now, I can't bare being in  mall for more than an hour.


Hola mi nombre es Sterling, (Letter)

Tiene: Bistec

Viene Con: Arroz, tequenos y jugo

Es bueno para protenias

Prediccion: Muy bien y sabroso




My first impression of Sazon and it’s staff was “WOW” I felt like I was really in Venezuela for a minute. The food was excellent too. It was exciting to try new types of food that weren’t from the US. The first food I tried was the Bistec. My first impression was that it was very tasty, kind of sweet and I wanted more.


Favorite Stats Benchmark

During Stats I had a hard time really understand what was going on, it took a long time for me to really understand the subject that was being taught. During the 3rd Quarter we had a benchmark on probability. At first I thought it would be hard and I didn't want to do it but after reading over the project description again I knew I could do it. After doing the project my understanding of how probability and statistics go hand and hand grew. 

Inquiry: What is the probability that a person can win three games of  “Skip-Bo” row.

Collaboration: This was a solo project, I needed three or four players, that actually know how to play the game well.

Presentation: I  presented this project on a iweb that will teach people how to play the game. 

Reflection: After doing the project I understood that it is hard to really tell the chances of a person winning three times in a row. 

Capstones have just begun

I got the website looking cool
the boxes are all in order
Every student has a page
And their information is surrounded by a border
But unfortunately for me
I am never truly done
I am sorry to say
But all my work has just begun
I could do more to make it better
I could add more colors and shades
A nice design changing page would be nice
All of this can be done at my pace
So while everyone else is finished
Everyone is cheering horray
I will have to continue to work
Until my site becomes completely perfect
So of course that's not today :(