Mi Familia

Está es una foto  de mi familia. Está no es mi todo familia, pero es mi hermano Roberto, y mi sobrinos de Robert, Robbie y Davion. Él apodo de Robert es Bobbie. De vez en cuando jugamos baloncesto. Bobbie le encanta jugar al baloncesto. Robbie le encanta jugar videojuegos y baloncesto. Davion le encanta ver al televisión. Depende del día vemosia televisión o pasamos tiempo juntos. Cuando tengo tiempo libre leo a ellos. Mayormente, me encanta mi familia y hacemos muchos actividades.

Revolution Guide

In this unit my class learned about the many aspects of revolutions. We studied various revolutions and analyzed them. We looked at what worked and also at what went wrong. For one of our projects we did a role play. During the project we took the role of one of the many powerful characters of the French Revolutions. Putting myself in their shoes made me realize how important it is to strategize.

For this benchmark I'm going to do a guide for revolutions. This project is mainly focused on non-violent revolutions and violent revolutions. I will be comparing the two and give my reasoning for why I think non-violent revolutions are better

Artículo respuesta #3

Betty Louis Q3

Senorita Manuel

Las cataratas del Niágara, congeladas por el vórtice polar

Este artículo es sobre las cataratas del Niágara congeladas ser por el vórtice polar. Las cataratas del Niágara es un sito bonita. Me encantaría visitar. Es que se supone que es un experiencia asombrosa. Ahora que algunos de lo es de congelado personas como turista cree que sus hermosas. Incluso la artículo dije “Los turistas aprovecharon para disfrutar del inusual paisaje, mientras que millones de personas en Estados Unidos empiezan a evaluar los daños que dejó el paso del temporal.” Yo creo que le es extraño, que pasa a Las cataratas del Niágara. Yo espero que esta no significa nada malo. Las cataratas del Niágara es un significativa y preciosa lugar. Yo espero la parte congelada se funde en el verano o antes.  En el articulo por encima de la escritura hay un video con muchas fotos de las cataratas del Niágara congelada. En el video hay un hombre hablando sobre lo. El artículo también dije “Las bajas temperaturas de estos días no se habían sentido en Norteamérica desde la década de 1990, y hacía 72 que no bajaban tanto en el Niágara, según registros meteorológicos,”  Esto podría ser algo malo después de todo. No estoy seguro de lo que es pero sé que lo es no todos los buenos.

Wordcount: 210


"Las Cataratas Del Niágara, Congeladas Por El Vórtice Polar." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014. <http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2014/01/09/las-cataratas-del-niagara-congeladas-por-el-vortice-polar/>.

Decisións de Yo y Mis Amigos

    Mis amigos correr a escuela diario. Colin juega GTA 5 y trabajar todos los días. Colin llava el ipod diaro. El nunca duerma en escuela. Liam nunca ascosa ellos y ellas. El es inteligente. Liam juega Minecraft y lea web cómicos. Va al gamestop y a la tienda. Jason juega Candy Crush a veces. Va al ginmasio y al centro. Ellos completan su tarea y benchmarks. Mi fascina Tosh.0 y rap musico. Yo escribo ensayos para mi escuela, comer patatas fritas, y juego con mi ipad. Yo también estudiar mi algebra trabajo.


YATW #2: Storm Preparedness

As you probably already know from either common sense or experience, hurricanes and other severe storms are some of the most destructive things nature can throw at us. As you already know if you've been following my blogs, it can be difficult to find out how to prepare for storms beforehand, and a lot more emphasis is placed on storms while they're happening as opposed to during the beginning of the season, when it's relatively easy to prepare.

I recently interviewed Hurricane Sandy victim Mrs. Parks, proud owner of a house in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Her tales of how “you could see through the house because the walls were gone” provide a caution for how damaging storms can be even with the proper precautions. It's very difficult to rebuild when you have “to gut the entire house,” while “still waiting for our insurance, we haven't gotten a cent yet.”

Of course, hurricanes aren't the only type of storm that can necessitate gutting a house. A recent blizzard caused a pipe to freeze over burst in my family's house, also in Sea Isle. The resulting damage destroyed all of our appliances and flooring, and most of the walls in the front of the house had to be removed.

IMG_0174.jpg  IMG_0176.jpg

The interior of the shorehouse on Pleasure Ave. in Sea Isle, NJ

Now that I've personally experienced storm damage, I can see that sometimes it's not possible to take all necessary precautions. However, that only means it's more important to be aware of the threats faced by storms. The fact that storms that may not be considered “natural disasters” can cause catastrophic damage just as easily as those that are only makes it more important to be ready for storms of all kinds at all points in the year.

One of the easiest parts of preparing for storms of all kinds is to have a disaster supplies kit. However, it can be difficult to keep one ready and organized at all times. For my Agent of Change project, I plan to put together basic supply kits to distribute to residents of a shore town in anticipation of the next storm. Wish me luck!

Annotated bibliography

Revolution Digital Guidebook

During this quarter, we focused on revolutions and the sub-topic within them. Out of all the revolutions we studied, the Egyptian Revolution was by the far the biggest one. We discussed the the different things that may cause revolutions, and the various steps in attempt to continue revolutions. Another thing that we did, which I really enjoyed was role playing the French/Haitian Revolution and comparing recent revolutions with past ones.

My project goes more into depth of why the Ukrainian and Egyptian were caused, and how they both relate to the cause of the French/Haitian Revolution. I also include the uprising turmoil that other countries have brought onto the countries that are already involved in their revolution already. These revolutions were mainly caused by a certain someone who obtains most of the country's power. The rest is for you to find out!!!!!!!!

Reflection 2

'Gravity' se lleva siete Óscar

Por Andrew Roberts: Reflection 2

Los Premios de la Academia, o los Oscars, tuvieron lugar el sábado pasado. Una de las películas que ganaron varios premios fue la película “Gravity”, una historia sobre un accidente en el espacio. Fue dirigida por Alfonso Cuarón y había protagonizada por Sandra Bullock y George Clooney. Mientras “Gravity” no ganó el premio más grande, Mejor Película, ganó siete premios, Mejores Efectos Visuales, Edición de Sonido, Mezcla de Sonido, Fotografía, Edición, Banda Sonora Original y Mejor Director y fue nominado para tres más (Mejor Película, que fue a 12 Years a Slave, Mejor Actriz, que fue a Cate Blanchett, y Mejor Diseño de Producción, que fue a The Great Gatsby).

No creo que “Gravity” tendría que haber ganado premios porque era mucho científicamente inexacto.  Neil DeGrasse Tyson despotricó sobre la película en twitter (“Los Misterios de #Gravity: ¿Por qué Bullock, quien es una doctora medicó, era reparando el Hubble Space Telescope?” y “Los Misterios de #Gravity: El máximo de satélites giran alrededor del mundo oeste a este pero los satélites en “Gravity” giraron este a oeste”).  ‘Realista’ película debería ser realista.  Es Hollywood para ti.

202 Palabras


Revolution Guidebook Project

This unit was all about revolutions and the different things that make them successful and also what makes them different. Several different revolutions, both historical and current, were compared to see what made them work and what was done wrong. There are a number of different variables in making a revolution successful and different, including leaders, strategies, age groups, and time periods. Everyone decided on a question that they would like to explore based on a different topic that they found engaging a made a digital story, including quotes from both historical and current revolutions, to portray the answer that they have found. 

For my digital story, I decided to focus on leaders of revolutions and how they can determine whether or not a revolution is successful. I looked at leaders from both historical and current revolutions and compared their strategies to see what seem to work and what didn't. My digital story helped me come to an answer for my beginning question which was 'What Types of Leaders Do Successful Revolutions Need'. My answer pinpoints three major strategies which seem to always help a revolution become more successful. 

Un Interesante Título (o Mi Loca Familia)

Este es un foto de mi familia yo pongo arriba. Mis mejores hermanos, Cole y Owen, son locos y divertidos. Ellos siempre duermen y juegan videojuegos, pero ellos juegan afruera también. Mis padres nombres es Steven y Mary. Ellos trabajadores y unos poca stricto, pero no siempre. A veces ellos miran televisor con mi, y jugamos. También mi perro Zues es un pequeño, hiperactivo uno, que duerme todos los diás. Y yo, Quinn. Me gusta jugar fútbol y videojuegos, y nunca hago la tarea, y voy al cine. 

Mis Amigos

Estas es una foto de mis amigos y yo. Nosotros comamos mucho en almuerzo. Mis amigos trabajan mucho en las clases. Nosotros cantamos terrible siempre. Mis amigos son bobos todos los dias y son nunca aburrido. Mis amigos le gustaria jugar deportes. Mis amigos son muy listos. Nosotros le gusta ir a las tiendas. Les gustamos pasar un rato con amigos. Nos gusta dormimos en la clase de bioquímica. Por último, nos gustas divertirnos todo los dias! 


In this unit for our History class, we have been studying revolutions. We have been breaking them down to what started them, the background behind them, and watching videos about different types of revolutions and the catastrophes they leave behind. 

For this specific project, we were assigned to create a "Digital Storybook" about different revolutions and to explore one question to research while learning about the revolutions you choose. For instance, I chose to do the Philippine Revolution (The Yellow Revolution) and the Afghanistan vs. Soviet War in Afghanistan.

Click HERE to see my video. (Vimeo says my video is too big to upload, I had to settle for Google Drive.)

Ensayo: Write a paragraph about what people do

1) Post a picture here (of a family - if you don't have one of your own family, find one on line or use a photo of friends)


2) Describe the variety of things that people do using frequency phrases.


Frequency phrases: todos los días/siempre, los (día), a veces/a menudo/cuando tengo tiempo libre/los fines de semana, (casi) nunca


Esta es una foto de mi familia. Mi hermana menor se llama Lola. Es muy trabajadora. Es por eso que todos los días ayuda en casa, cocina y cuida a nuestros sobrinos. Mis padres se llaman Antonio y Adela. Leen mucho y a veces ven la televisión. Mi hermano se llama  Patricio y su esposa se llama Denise. Denise es muy activa. Por lo tanto, siempre hace ejercicio. Corre todos los lunes, martes y jueves. Patricio es perezoso. Nunca trabaja.


¿Y yo? Juego deportes, leo mucho y estudio español.

Ensayo: Write a paragraph about what people do

1) Post a picture here (of a family - if you don't have one of your own family, find one on line or use a photo of friends)


2) Describe the variety of things that people do using frequency phrases.


Frequency phrases: todos los días/siempre, los (día), a veces/a menudo/cuando tengo tiempo libre/los fines de semana, (casi) nunca


Esta es una foto de mi familia. Mi hermana menor se llama Lola. Es muy trabajadora. Es por eso que todos los días ayuda en casa, cocina y cuida a nuestros sobrinos. Mis padres se llaman Antonio y Adela. Leen mucho y a veces ven la televisión. Mi hermano se llama  Patricio y su esposa se llama Denise. Denise es muy activa. Por lo tanto, siempre hace ejercicio. Corre todos los lunes, martes y jueves. Patricio es perezoso. Nunca trabaja.


¿Y yo? Juego deportes, leo mucho y estudio español.

Revolution Benchmark

In this unit we covered numerous topics on Revolutions, first focusing more on the French Revolution. We got a perspective on what it would be like to be in the Revolution with the role-play and were challenged to think like the characters assigned to us, despite our personal opinions. After the French Revolution we focused more on modern Revolutions (Venezuela, Arab Springs, Ukraine) and we were able to do our own research. Throughout the unit I learned numerous things, not just about revolutions that happened or are happening now.  I learned about what makes a revolution, and how to carry through a successful Revolution.

For instance, taking advantage of the internet, getting lots of people involved but have a small group for people who are more involved. One of the larger things I learned was to approach with peace, although violence is a way to show your feelings, it just causes more injury and death. When people are approached with peace they don’t feel threatened, and they are more open to the idea of negotiation.  

The Fun in Revolutions

Revolutions are all about the grimace misfortune of violence and conflict. It is about an underdog rising to victory, and the good side of the group becoming free at last. However, this is incorrect. It is also completely hollywood and naive. There are many sides to any story, and there are many stories in revolutions.

Fun is a great aspect in life, and plays a major part in human life within itself. This video seeks to bring out one aspect in this multitude and livelihood of stories. It was created to explore the fun in revolutions. I believe there is much fun to be had in between the struggle. As any revolution continues, life will go on.

Artículo respuesta #2

Betty Louis Q3

Senorita Manuel

Al menos 11 muertos en Indonesia tras la erupción de un volcán

Este artículo es sobre un erupción de un volcán en Indonesia. Durante este erupción once personas eran muertos. Lo es muy malo. El artículo dice “El volcán arrojó columnas 2.000 metros de altura de ceniza y nubes de ceniza caliente bajaron por su ladera arrasando todo lo que encontraban”. Yo sería tan asustada si que ocurriera a mí. Yo no seria sé qué hacer. La familias de el personas que murieron, yo espero es buen. Yo lloraría por horas si un miembro de mi familia murió. Quizá días si un miembro de mi familia es muy muy cerca a mí corazón. El artículo dije que los personas once se vieron afectadas por las nubes de ceniza y tristemente mató instantáneamente a. “El volcán arrojó columnas 2.000 metros de altura de ceniza y nubes de ceniza caliente bajaron por su ladera arrasando todo lo que encontraban, dijo Nugroho.” dije el articulo. 2.000 metros es sobre uno milla. Que es es un lote de terreno para cubrir.  Yo espero el personas de Indonesia son capaces de reparar el daño y se mudaron lejos de el volcán. viven cerca de un volcán es muy peligroso Incluso si no se ha surgió en los años.

Wordcount: 204


"Al Menos 11 Muertos En Indonesia Tras La Erupción De Un Volcán." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., 1 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Feb. 2014. <http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2014/02/01/al-menos-11-muertos-en-indonesia-tras-la-erupcion-de-un-volcan/>.


The unit that has just been taught to us is about revolutions. We kicked off this unit by researching the french revolution. After a few days of research, we were given specific roles of people who influenced and had an impact on the outcome of the revolution. When it was time to role play, we were given a series of questions and ideas, and as our given person we answered the question like we thought they would've felt. 

We then studied the Arab Springs. After studying these two revolutions, we were assigned to make a digital story. You could've picked any topic. It's supposed to be a guide to a successful revolution. On our own, we came up with reasons as to why we thought a revolution didn't work and how it was similar to the other revolutions that failed. My digital story is about what path a revolution you're trying to start should take; violent vs. non-violent.

Revolution Guidebook Project

For the past month or so, our history class has been focusing on revolution. We talked about we causes them and what strategies are used to for their success. One main revolution we focused on was the French revolution and what part different people played in it. We had a roundtable set up and in the places of our assigned character, spoke out about what we believe should happen to our government and society. We also talked about the Egyptian revolution for a bot and watch a little bit of the documentary "The Square", which told the story of what was happening in Egypt.

For my benchmark, I chose to compare 3 revolutions: Egyptian, French, and Ukraine, and talk about the similarities in them. They all involved leaders not meeting the basic require for living in their society, causing a mass uproar through out the cities.

Revolution Guidebook Project

In this unit of world history class we studied revolutions.  We learned quite a lot of information about revolutions. We used guiding questions like; What causes revolutions? What determines a successful revolution? Why are revolutions made? From those guiding questions came a great project. We were assigned to make a digital story about revolutions. 

I decided and chose two guiding questions. What determines a revolution's success? How does media interact with a revolution? Based on these two questions I decided to focus on the way that leaders are interpreted in revolutions, and the censorship that plays in media. This project was definitely one of my favorite!  

Amigos de Calamity

Es una fotographia de mi mejores amigas: Rekha, Eva, Crystal y yo somos muy divertidas. Mi amiga Rekha siempre trabaja mucho. Es por eso que todos los días completa la tarea. Rekha sale y siempre hace la tareaMi amiga se llama Eva. Le gusta comer mucho y nunca lea mucha en español. Eva valla a la escuela para estudiar. Cuando tiene tiempo libre, Crystal a veces baila y canta. ¿Y yo? Yo siempre canto mucho y de costumbre bailo.
Screenshot 2014-03-24 at 7.22.55 AM
Screenshot 2014-03-24 at 7.22.55 AM

Foto de tu familia o comunidad

1) Post a picture here (of a family - if you don't have one of your own family, find one on line or use a photo of friends)


2) Describe the variety of things that people do using frequency phrases.


Frequency phrases: todos los días/siempre, los (día), a veces/a menudo/cuando tengo tiempo libre/los fines de semana, (casi) nunca


Esta es una foto de mi familia. Mi hermana menor se llama Lola. Es muy trabajadora. Es por eso que todos los días ayuda en casa, cocina y cuida a nuestros sobrinos. Mis padres se llaman Antonio y Adela. Leen mucho y a veces ven la televisión. Mi hermano se llama  Patricio y su esposa se llama Denise. Denise es muy activa. Por lo tanto, siempre hace ejercicio. Corre todos los lunes, martes y jueves. Patricio es perezoso. Nunca trabaja.


¿Y yo? Juego deportes, leo mucho y estudio español.

Revolutions' Aftermath

In this unit of World History, the 10th grade class explored many different types of revolutions and even had the chance of watch a revolution unfold during this unit. One of the first steps to this unit is examine how to start a revolutions, many key points were said such as you have to have a goal that pleasures the people and is great enough that it makes change for everyone. Other things such as having enough supports were also key point on how to actually get a revolution off the ground. In class, us students even acted out the French Revolution. 

For this project, us students had to choose a topic and come up with a question based off of that topic that will help them gain better knowledge of how revolutions work.The topic I wanted to explore was, what happens to a country and it's people after the person(s) who is in control of the country is charged with war crimes? I've learned that after charges are file most likely the person in charge has a tragic end wether it's death or them escaping to a safer place but it normally doesn't end well for the country because they still have to fight for what they want to achieve. This is the Revolutions' Aftermath: