
  • Briefly summarize the countries that you selected.

The two countries I did my third quarter benchmark on were Brazil and Haiti. I choose these to countries because they are both interesting. I choose Haiti because I was curious to whether Haiti was always corrupt or was it due to current disaster. While researching I realized that Haiti has been in the same for a long time. After being oppressed by their oppressor for over 20 years they don’t same to be going forward but rather they seems to be going backward year after year. Brazil was also oppressed but managed to overcome their oppressor after gaining their independence.


  • Give an overview of your process

My process on my benchmark was pretty much successful, the problem I faced was the way in which I was to present my project. I had a lot of things in mind that I wanted to do but none really work when I try putting the finishing touch together. But in the end I decided to present my project using info graphics.


  • Reflect upon the 5point framework. Was it straightforward, easy, difficult, perplexing, etc.

I found the five-point framework really helpful and straightforward. It never occurred to me that using the five-point framework let you see and view the world in a whole different light. After doing this project, now every time I come across a country or a state I use the five-point framework to evaluate things. 


  • If you could change one thing about your product, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing about my product it would be my presentation because even though I’ve turn in my project I’m still not excited about my overall visuals it could have been much better.


  • Other thoughts, reflections, feedback.

I really like this project because I was able to do things the way in which I never r seen it before. The one thing I feel could be change is the time frame. There were a lot of things going on but not enough time to do the work. I hope you take my thoughts into consideration.

Fed Up

"Lenea, help me please!" He stood in front of me with frustration. I felt helpless. I wanted to take his hand and just tell him to count to ten, or ten thousand. I understand how nerve wracking it is to deal with my mother on a friday night; especially if she's exceptionally emotional. 

"Get out of her face!" She screamed and her hand flew up and made contact with his face. He was caught of guard and fell in the direction of the smack. He jumped back up swiftly and tackled her to the ground. 

I jumped from the couch and pulled him off her, pushed him back, calmed him down, then went to help her up from the floor. She tried to grab a window that was lying up against the wall, but I snatched it from her and put it back. She started to complain about her arm, while clutching at her heart. 

She picked up the phone and began to speak; I never saw her dial any number. 

"Come and get him! He threw me on the ground! If ya'll don't come and finish it, then I will." 

She hang up the phone. They carried on in an argument. She constantly told him to get out, and assured her that he planned on leaving. The next morning, Bobby left, vowing never to come back again. 

China/Libya Comparison

For my comparison, I chose two very different countries, China and Libya. China is a world superpower with an enormous economy. It's physically large and biodiverse. Libya is a small middle eastern country whose primary resource is oil and whose population is currently rebelling against their dictator. It's also at war with NATO forces.

I thought it would be interesting make my comparison using an infographic that broke each section of the five-point framework into quantitative data. I began my research by sifting through environmental databases available through the Penn library. I was lucky to find EarthTrends Environmental Information, whose searchable database proved to be a trove of statistics regarding the environments and economies of countries all over the world. This website also gave me the vocabulary I needed to find similar data elsewhere on the internet.

I had two problems use the five-point framework. First, I had trouble discerning which data belonged to which section. The difference between the "Environmental Damage" section and the "Climate Change" section often confused me; I also had trouble sorting out "Hostile Neighbors" from "Friendly Trading Partners." (Having few friendly trading partners is roughly the same thing as having many hostile neighbors.)

Also, when Jared Diamond developed his five-point framework, he had whole civilizations in mind - not individual countries. The climate change that we worry about today acts on a global scale. No individual country suffers from significant swings in climate due to climate change.

As I worked on this project, I realized that not every section of the five-point framework could be expressed numerically. How do I quantify a country's relationship with the world? I would have liked to use quotes from the New York Times and other periodicals, or describe the nuances of the country's political situation in my own words. But I felt this wouldn't be in keeping with the indexical nature of the medium. In retrospect, I wish I had done it anyway. Ultimately, I'm glad I got to experiment with this form of delivering content. I'm fascinated by the some of the infographic posters we have hanging in the classroom, and I've been wanting to create something similar. I'm glad I had the opportunity.

My bibliography is here.

Egypt & Kenya

HEre is my project

My countries were Egypt and Kenya. Egypt is Sub Saharan Africa while the other, the middle east.  Choosing my countries and Finding the information was the easiest part. I found multiple websites that had tons of information.  The hardest part was putting the information in a presentable form.  It was difficult to choose a way to represent the data and put it in a way that made it worth seeing.  I would spend more time making it more presentable if i could.  I wanted to do something extra but didnt have the time.  

Warm Blanket

Have you ever placed a blanket in the dryer for 10-15 minutes and then take it out to cuddle with? I have. I do all the time. I remember when I first discovered the comfort of dryer blankets. It all started three years ago, I was folding clothes that came straight from the dryer.  Half way through folding I came across my favorite blanket. It was so warm. I placed it to my cheek. I then wrapped the blanket around my body a few moments later I was rolling around on the floor engrossed in the blanket. The warmth and fuzziness overcame me. I was in a happy place and I didn't want to leave.  After a minute or two my mom came down seeing me rolling around in front of half folded laundry. I usually would be embarrassed at a moment like this, but I was just to comfortable to care. My inner peace couldn't be shattered. Unfortunatley, the warmth of the blanket wore off and I continued back to folding the laundry.

love and basketball

why does every black girl who has seen the love and basketball  movie wishes there virginity was taken away to the song "this womans worth " by maxwell.
like pull it together.
maxwell talking about what he should have done with the girl
theres way better songs
like " back that ass up"
sike but , really ? so cliche.


​I had picked Egypt and the Philippines for my assignment because they were honestly chosen at random. My assignment isn't really pretty or interesting, but I had to get something in. Anyway, while doing the assignment I learned that despite the areas being completely different biomes, they were a lot alike when it came to the 5 point framework. The only major difference between them was their climate change. The Philippines hasn't seen much of a drastic change to their climate, compared to Egypt. However there were a lot of similarities that showed that the seemingly opposite countries aren't as different then they appear.

Real life Pacman!

I was sitting in the library, trying to decide on a topic for today's story.  Suddenly, in ran two juniors, covered in paper.  I was confused at first, and slightly annoyed that they had interrupted my work-space.  However, as they turned to run past me, I noticed that one was dressed in yellow paper, cut to that tell-tale sliced pie shape.  The girl behind was a red ghost. I burst out in laughter, realizing that I had found my story topic!

Advanced Art BM3

Drawing these specific figures and items were interesting but challenging. My favorite out of all seven of them would have to be the pencil drawing of my hand. It's simple because it's a hand, 5 fingers and a palm. But what made it so compelling was all the details and features that had to be portrayed, i.e the way the hand is positioned, shadows, and the hundreds of lines thats on your hand. 

Surprisingly I did a good job on my self-portrait. I think that was my most successful drawing because I doubted myself before I drew it. Once I go the outline of of face I knew from that point on I was going to do okay. A good start off for me is a success. The charcoal drawing of the snapple was also successful because it looks exactly like a peach snapple bottle and I didn't have a hard time doing it at all.

Drawing for a week was a bit draining but because all of my drawing were done and successful it was intriguing. At first I really thought I was going to crack and give up. But once I finished one drawing and seen how good it came out, that pushed me to keep going. 

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Screen shot 2011-04-01 at 9.22.38 AM
clear bottle big
clear bottle big
Photo on 2011-03-28 at 14.20 #2
Photo on 2011-03-28 at 14.20 #2
Photo on 2011-04-01 at 12.17
Photo on 2011-04-01 at 12.17

Michael Hall Perspective drawing

2011-04-05 11.46.27
2011-04-05 11.46.27
This is my perspective drawing of the back wall.


In this project we had to learn some key things. One of those were the focus point. The focus point is drawn on the horizon line. The horizon line is draw from left to right on the piece of paper. The focus point is where all the things being drawn are drawn to. When things are drawn closer to the focus point the farther away they seem. That is true vice versa. Once we were done drawing we had to draw a box that would soon be the window. That was drawn by using the focus point as the origin point. Then you had to decide how long the tile spaces were going to be depending on how many tiles there are. Once that was done you had to decide how far the window was going to go down by using your keen eye. Once that was done all we had to do was draw everything you saw and detail it.


The easiest thing for me to learn was the concept of how to draw things that come out 3-d. For example when I was drawing the wall there was a part of it that came out of the wall. All I did was follow the vertical lines that came down from the ceiling.


The hardest part for me to learn was the math part of this assignment. What made it hard was that we used real math words in this learning process. To understand these terms you had to understand math. 

​Jovan Lewis 

Comment - Your picture is really drawn well. I like how the doors is drawn well coming off the wall. 

5 Photo Story

Lola Akinsola's Bunch of Drawings

​​​            For this marking period I had a lot of difficulties drawing these pictures. I'm not good at drawing from life and I am absolutely terrible at shading. The most difficult drawing for me was the hand. My hand has two totally different shades and it felt impossible to blend the two shades in like it looks on my hand. So instead of having a nice blend of dark and light shades I had a straight line dividing the two shades, making it look even more unrealistic. I also had a problem matching up where the shades were on my hand. Where the division of shades is on my hand is not a straight line so when I tried so draw the rest of my hand it came out inaccurate due to the confusion of the lines.
               The second most difficult drawing was the clear bottle drawing. The hardest part of this was, of course, figuring out where to shade the dark and light spots of the container. Anyone would think that a clear container has no dark or light spots because it has no color. However, when you look at an actual drawing of one you do see some gray and black shading here and there. Another problem I had with this drawing was the curves of the container. The pitcher that I was drawing had a lot of curves and detail and it was hard to make those visible the same way it was visible when I was drawing it. Also, the lines that went up and down the pitcher were sort of round so it threw me off when I was drawing it and made my lines look crooked.

Surprisingly, the easiest thing for me was the cluster of objects on the table. I personally liked this drawing the best. I did have some trouble drawing it, but it was not as tedious as all of the others. The shapes were much easier to make out than the others. The second easiest was the self-portrait. The problem that I had with the self-portrait however, was the shading of course. I had no clue how to determine the dark and light spots on my face so instead of applying more charcoal to the picture I just tried to bring out as much color from the sides as possible and onto my face and chest. It doesn't look like I shaded it that much but it is better than if I had applied more charcoal to the picture. Lastly, the full portrait that I draw of Trevor was in the middle. It was easy to make out the outside shape, but once I got to the actual detail drawing it became very complex. The eyes and the lips were all uneven and crooked, but overall I think I did okay.





I was barely nervous, and I had the best interviewer ever!  She was so easy to talk to!  I felt like I was just having a regular, intelligent conversation with a friend at school.  I answered every question perfectly, and she really seemed to like me.  We laughed a lot, and I feel like participating in City Year will be the perfect job for me, at least while I get my stuff together and prepare for college.  Like I told my interviewer, I love the idea of taking a year off from school.  But I do not want to just sit at home and do nothing.  City Year will allow me to take a year off but still do something with my life at the same time. 

I will know whether I am accepted into the program by May 2, 2011.  Wish me luck!

It wasn't that funny

Today I was awaken by a phone call from my mom:

Mom: You know they canceled school right?
Me: For what?
Mom: Because it's Nor Easter
Me: What's that?
Mom: It's just a holiday before Easter
Me: Oh okay!
(Pulls Cover over head, closes eyes... phone rings again)
Me: Hello?
Mom: April Fools! Get up it's 6:30 so you can get ready.
(Throws phone off bed)


Una pintura yo pareció muy interesante es una pintura llamada “Retrata de Roma” por el famoso artista Oscar Domínguez. Me gusta porque me recordó un poco de mi vida.  Mis experiencias en la vida me han enseñado que cuando la vida parece que nunca hay nada más fácil, creer en Dios y el hará una forma de.

Creo que el gobierno no mirar hacia fuera para el mejor interés de todos en el país sólo para las personas que pueden ayudar al país a ser mas exitoso. Todo el mundo debería importar en el país

Creo que las personas en este mundo que trabajo duro recebien ciertas cosas se merecen. Personas quiere tratar otras personas diferentes porque no viven un cierta estilo vida entonces ellos son tratados como ellos no pertenecen.  Creo que las personas no deben ser juzgar por que de lugar donde viven o cuanto mucho dinero ellos tienen. Todo personas debería tener mismos derechos viven y trabajan en el mismo país. Cosas que debe hacer frente ahora que pensé que el cambio no esta siendo capaz de cuidar de mi familia como quiero a.  Otra cosa es que yo creo que esto nunca va a cambiar. Espero que el cambio viene pronto.

 En el foto hay una mujer de pie al piano con su manos cortadas jugarlo. En su cara de la mujer su ojos su ven muy perdido y triste. Ella parece como ha sido protegido durante toda su vida. Ahora ella es atrapado en el mismo día a día de rutina. Parte de su quiere a dejar pero el otro parte no permitir su. Ella es como un fantasma en su propio mundo ahora. Ella es no visto o oído. Los colores en la pintura era brillante pero oscuro en mismo tiempo. El brillo en el vestido de la mujer más probablemente representa su personalidad que ella quiere a mostrar otro personas. Alrededor su manos esta es un tipo de humo que tiene su manos a al piano. Es como si el humo es algún tipo de fuerza de retención allí. También en la pintura notado que en el cuarto la mujer es en tiene al piano y dos otro pinturas nada más. Esto quede sugerir que esto cuarto es por bellas arte. Me siento como por que su crió en clase de obra como una señorita su es espera que actúe de cierta manera.

En conclusión, me pueden ver en las mujeres en la pintura. Ella es una mujer atrapada en una sociedad que ya no quiere ser parte de. Ella quiere irse, pero algo no se premite. Así que esacapes su realidad por deriva en su mente. Un día, ella espera que las cosas van a ser diferentes.


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Screen shot 2011-04-01 at 8.16.25 AM

University of Pennsylvania

4:00-Okay, one more hour. 
4:14-I can do this. It's not that long.
4:52-I didn't get accepted. I shouldn't even be this nervous.
5:01-Check Penn's financial aid availability: $40,000.
5:15-Mom walks through the door.
5:16-Tackles mom

Moral of the story: Ivy league schools cause so much anxiety, and if you're not careful, someone will end up with a bruised back.