Monday 9/26 is Picture Day!

​Monday, 9/26 is Picture Day for all 9-11th grade students. Students will sit for their photos with Moffa Photography by streamed classes, as indicated on the schedule below. On September 12, picture order forms were distributed in Advisories; our photographer's policy asks that students bring these forms to their sitting, even if pictures are not being purchased. Students who misplaced their forms should see Mr. Reddy for a new form prior to getting their picture taken. Families with questions about photos should contact Moffa directly at 215-463-1717. Say "cheese" and smile!

Picture Day Schedule

08:25  Blue Stream - Baird
08:55  Iron Stream - Dunda
09:25  Gold Stream - Sanchez
09:55  Silver Stream - Best
10:25  Red Stream - VK
11:00  Open for Staff
11:45  Earth Stream - Laufenberg
12:15  Fire Stream - Echols
12:55  Air Stream - Herman
01:25  Copper Stream - Block
02:05  Water Stream - Rami
02:35  Green Stream - Kay
03:05  Orange Stream - Sherif (following pictures, please report to Advisory)

Back to School Nights!

SLA Families: 

Back to School Nights are coming!

10th and 11th grade Back to School Night is on Tuesday, September 20th from 6:00pm - 8:30pm.

9th and 12th grade Back to School Night is on Thursday, September 22th from 6:00pm - 8:30pm.

We hope to see all SLA families there!

I'm from - Allen Yang

I’m from a rather different ethnic background
I’m from a different past
From my parents of whom were born
From the “homeland”, thousands of miles distant

From the old past
To the newer beginning, and the many years
From now, looking back
To the future of tomorrow?

I’m from the beat of dribbling at the recess yard
I’m from the sound of rapid footsteps
and the scream of “You’re it!”
From the exploration of restricted school premises

From the All City Orchestra...
I’m from Generation Y.

I'm from - Allen Yang

I’m from a rather different ethnic background
I’m from a different past
From my parents of whom were born
From the “homeland”, thousands of miles distant

From the old past
To the newer beginning, and the many years
From now, looking back
To the future of tomorrow?

I’m from the beat of dribbling at the recess yard
I’m from the sound of rapid footsteps
and the scream of “You’re it!”
From the exploration of restricted school premises

From the All City Orchestra...
I’m from Generation Y.

Micah Getz performs in Philly Fringe Festival

Micah Getz will be performing in the play 'Green People' on Friday at 7 PM. You can buy tickets here

A show about what connects us, what makes community, and how to claim humanity from the rubble of our differences. From Yes! And . . . ’s SHADOW Company, who brought you to the streets last year with the flash mob inspired Flash!, comes another original, cutting-edge production performed by Philadelphia’s best teenage storytellers

Support SLA Athletics - Shop at Modells

If you are planning a trip to Modells, be sure to print out the attached coupon and get 15% off your purchase while supporting SLA! For the next four weeks, Modells will donate 5% of all purchases made with the coupon back to SLA Athletics!

Planning on buying some Phillies playoff gear or just a new pair of sneakers? Be sure to support SLA when you do!

I am From

I am from the parks,

From Citizens Bank Park and the Spectrum.

I am from the stoop sitting neighborhood.

I am from the parks,

The football

whose grass stained tackles I could taste.

I am from my friends,

From the trust worthy I got your back people.

Im from the no strings attached,

from the serious.

I am from the un-diverse neighborhood,

The cold winters, hot summers,

friends right around he corner neighborhood,

I am from the inspired,

the hardworking,

the gifted.

Where I'm From

I’m from

the wave less curves and
movement on the paper from the pencil
the smooth combination of words
moving to their own beat
the poetic lyrics
moving through the endless
and limitless mind
I’m from the
"Be as free as a stallion
running through the fields"
Type of poetry thang

I’m from
the consequences
of being sulked and submerged
in the devil’s taste
seeing the movement of objects
that aren’t really there
From the let’s go have fun

From girls night out

Or guys free night
Type of one night stand thang

I’m from
some ignorant
and multied emotional eyes
From the side snickers and comments
that always revolve in a circular motion around
but never towards me
From the rolling of eyes
but inspired action
the "She'll never be good enough,
she's nothing."
Type of girl jealousy thang

I’m from
some moving as freely
as a ballet dancer
the not holding back,
breaking out
the crazy and fun rapid movement
of the frame and physic
the "Go on girl, do your thang"
Type of dancer thang

I’m from
I’ve been to more funerals than close friends
lonely nights laying
looking at the ceiling
wondering why not me?
From the that’s a cat scratch and I fell down
the steps marks
the long nights yelling and debating with
my authorities that have yet to realize
my full potential
From lost childhood and lost innocence
A gift that was taken by force and can never be given
Type of abusive thang

I’m from
some repeated beats
with the words changing
until it gets to the chorus
the precussion mixing slowly
with the classical music
the voice and tone escaping my mouth
to create a sympathy
that moves the crowd
the multi racial and artists
creating the change of people
to create a better world and society
Type of singer thang

I’m from
some dark, colored,
and faded skinny jeans
the Converse and All Stars'
swiftly moving across the solid
and unbreakable pavement
the plain but colored
sequenced t-shirts
the "I"m kinda a tomboy
and it's comfortable"
Type of skater girl thang
I’m from
just being beautiful me

New buttons on blog create page

Public or Private

​​​We made some changes to the blog create page over the summer. There is a new "Visibility" toggle that you can click to make the blog public or private. It looks like this.


If you select private than only those with user accounts on the site can see the blogpost. However if you hit public everyone who visits can see it. It defaults to public so make sure you don't forget to set private if you want it to private.

Embed Content Button

On the bottom of the blog form next to the button to insert pictures and whatnot there is a new button. It says "Paste Embed Code" and thats all the instructions you need. Simple click that and paste any embed code inside the new window. No more dealing with pesky html yourselves. 
embed code button
embed code button

Ok so we aren't going to lie and say that tagging was never broken. We saw the complaints and have fixed all of the bugs. if you separate tags by commas now they all will become their own individual tag. Also if you forgot to hit enter now, its cool. Tagging will take whatever is in the field too and make it a tag.

The last feature to announce will be the new google integration on the site. Look forward to the announcement in the next few days.

RSS Features

​We have added RSS feeds to most of the pages. You can get a feed of the blogposts for an individual course page, an individual tag page, or the global blog page. 

Getting Global Blog RSS Feed

All you need is the link for this one. It's "".

Getting Tag RSS Feed

First you need to think of the tag you want your blogpost to filter by. We will use the Homepage tag in the example url. The url would be "" but you could replace Homepage with any tag you want to see. 

Getting Course Section RSS Feed

This one is a little tricker instructions are as follows:

1. Go to the Course Page 
2. Go all the way to the bottom and click the rss icon that looks like this

3. Copy that link and use it wherever you want. 

I am from... more or less.

​I am from streets.
New York streets, Philly streets and not the streets that have cleaners and doormen or polished gold gates. 

I am from policed streets and not because they feel safer to patrol such a godly good ghost town but because for once they have stepped up to the call of beaten wives and frightened children hiding in their basements with their little cousins crying more because he has to see her beaten down and cornered into her own insecurity that now she lies their humbling like it were a role mean't to be played specifically by her. 
I am from rags to riches only hypothetically speaking however, from a place my heart has created to survive from the punctures that it once endured alone for years it must conquer the mentality and reality in my mind only to pretend I'll beat the odds, pretending might just be enough to make it maybe and I won't be that girl with a baby I'm going to college I'll be the first and my mother would never let me forget it. 
I am from a place where murders would be less punishable than ignorance or unintelligence, where to be belittled by a man who acts like a boy would hypocritically make you damned.I have unfortunately not been able to see a women escape that damnation personally but I've heard its like being reborn from a phoenix heart as on fire and alive.
I am from abnormal is normality and to be anything else foreign. 
I am from is not where I will be or where I'm going, that is the farthest place in my future forgetting who I am is not worth fame because fulfillment is only the feeling of achievement and that is where I am from. 

I'm From By: Yasmeen Brownlee

I’m From the suburban apartment area
to the gantsa downtown Philly
I’m From the smell of clean and
to the foggy ciggarette smog that follows in my footsteps
I’m from the Vegan whole foods meals
to the vegetarian any were meals
I’m From caring and overly loving family
to the outright hilarious entourage
I’m from the immediate family of five
down to the disheveled and put together family of four
To be continued...

I am From

I am from everywhere all at the same time.

From transcontinental culture,

and hometown warmth

I am from my family at its prime.

I am from France

From oven baked baguette

that sounds a symphony of crinkled bliss

when you break it

From the rustic cobblestones of Paris

they outline the decrepitly beautiful city in a sea of gray brick.

I am from La Chapelle, a village one usually finds only by chance.

I am from the influence of Morocco

From vegetable dyed maroon rugs

Made with love and not malice

From Belly dancing and Arabic music

that contorts and shakes

I am from the love j'ai por tata zboo.

I am from Philadelphia

From City of Brotherly Love

of water ice and cheesesteaks

I don't really like them…

but it doesn't mean I don't cherish them

From Fairmont where I grew up

but wasn't born.

From playing on slate side walk

hands gritty with chalk

skipping hopscotch

I am from the childhood

that I only wish I could have cling to when it was possible

I am from the demons

that I survived

and conquered

I am from me

Pure, simple,

and real

I am from me.

I Am From

I am from struggle

Determination to do better than my family members

I can’t count on others but on my self

From tears and laughs

Smiles that are fake as plastic

I’m a goof ball

And serves a fantastic ball as well

And dribbles at my own risk

I am from music that soothes the soul

Where talking to others is hard

Who mom expects everything from you

Who little brother is just annoying

And my little sister who I call “Girl”

Working and Learning a priority

Christians who believe in God

Where pizza and hot dogs are a main food

Guess its just our favorite

I am from almost drowning in a pool

From always being the short chubby girl

Now I am the one they want

I am from a dangerous place

But the people only see that

Not the good in the area

I am from doing what I love most

Living and caring for those who care for me

I’m from things that turn into disasters

Hard to over come things

But do live through the hard times

I am from “ what if my father would love me “

Never had one to do so

Whom mom struggles but it strong

I’m from a life where wrong is right and right is wrong

Either way, I am from me and I plan to stay that way

I'm from

I'm from Philadelphia, born and raised.

I'm from the warm spring breezes and the biting autumn gusts through it

I'm from the sag of my couches, the foreigners of my speakers, and the songs of my radiators

I'm from Christine and Edward, and Louis, Elizabeth, and Gabriel, and even Cody and Zane

I'm from Sunday dinners

I'm from the promises not to tell mom

I'm from the ink soaked seats and the filth laden floors of a school bus

I'm from tying my hair back and licking mom's spoon

I'm from swimming in the knitted blankets of my father's back seat

I'm from the scraped knees, bruised elbows, and bumped heads that I donned

I'm from the gentle and all powerful hands of God

I'm from the denial and resistance of these things as well as the eventual acceptance of them