How Many Wars Are There?

War On Terror



            In the last blog I said I would answer the questions I didn’t get a chance to answer yet.  One question was “Why did it take us so long to find Osama Bin Laden?” Some may say that he was hiding to good for us or when President Bush was asked this question he said “Because he’s hiding” but that means we need to find him right.  Also some may say that the counterterrorism team had change their course of finding him to the American war against Iraq.


Another Question was “How does the families fell about Osama Bin Laden’s death?”  They are happy about the Death of Osama Bin Laden but some around not under standing why President Obama was so low-key about speaking on the death and how he wasn’t answering questions about the whole 9/11.


 Let’s get into the U.S. Military!  The United States Military has the Navy, Army, Marines and Air Force.  Imagine How many gangs are in the United States of America?  Now think about the same gangs that kill, sell drugs and go to jail, which are the same soldier that we train and support everyday.  Not all solider are in gangs but when you see pictures of Gang tangs over sea’s where the U.S. is fighting, I believe that is disturbing.


  Look forward to a continuation of this topic. The plan for the future is to go farther in research to explain more on this topic to the world. BYE see you next time!


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Bonjour, Salam, Hello Mr. Sunshine! It Appears 8 O'Clock is the Envy Hour!

Oh he is so terribly funny. A clever lad as well. He has done just fine for himself thus far and he is still so young! What a future he has! He simply cannot help from excelling. Day in and day out...
yet I cannot hold it against the boy.
But does he have to excel so close to where I sit?
Does he have to do it so audibly?
Cannot his wonder be hidden?
Of course not. It oozes from his pores. Light shines from him and he mistakenly believes that I contain such greatness as well... it is simply the reflection of your light that you see, silly!
Well, let us not dwell on this fact. Let me simply envy and admire from my corner, warming myself in your glow, and every now and again do a musical number.


Today was National Kiss Day. First of all, who even came up with that? And second of all, did we really need another day to make all of the single people feel like garbage? Absolutely not. I was lonely today. However, my incredibly wonderful guy best friend made sure that I got a kiss today and hoped that I'd feel better... I do.

12/5/11 tarea

1. Qué opinas: ¿Sabe la mayoría de la gente que tenemos 30 derechos humanosuniversales nombrados por Las Naciones Unidas?

Creo que no. Muchos personas son inalfabeta o no tiene un buen educación y no puede aprender de esos.

2. ¿Crees que es importante saber que tenemos los 30 derechos humanos universales?

Si. No hay razón for estas cosas sí la gente no sabe. El punto es para mejorar la sociedades.

3. Si todos supiéramos nuestros 30 derechos humanos universales, ¿crees que lo sociedad sería diferente?

Si. La gente tenía mas esperanza por el futuro y fuerte para luchar.

Medical Marijuana, an Answer to Diseases.

Marijuana serves the human race in many different ways including medicine. The use of medical marijuana has been used for thousands of years, Surprisingly enough marijuana has been used in medicines dating back to 2737 BC according to the Mohamed Ben Amar who studies ethnopharmicology. According to Abel Ernest’s Marijuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years it was first used by Ancient Chinese doctors, the doctors used the plant and turned it into an oil which was used to treat wounds, eruptions, and falling of the hair. As a matter of fact Marijuana is one of the fifty different fundamental herbs used in Chinese herbal medicine. In the third century CE a physician known as Hua Tuo who was and still is respected by many physicians first used Marijuana powder as an anesthetic during surgery. In ancient Egypt the Ebers Papyrus describes medical marijuana and says to use hemp to treat hemorrhoids. According to ancient texts from India and the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Indian doctors used Marijuana to treat headaches, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders, to relieve the pain from childbirth. According to Haworth Press in ancient Greece they not only used Marijuana to treat human diseases but for veterinary medicine. They used marijuana treat wounds and sores that horses encountered. In humans marijuana was used to treat nosebleeds and to expel tapeworms. It was also used to treat pain for ear inflammation. In medieval Islamic society marijuana was used as a diuretic, antiemetic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, painkiller, and as antipyretic. Some of you readers might be thinking, some of these things we already have treatments and cures for. We use Tylenol, Advil and Vicodin as painkillers, and Ignatia to treat worms why would we need marijuana anymore? These were some of the most advanced societies in the world at the time when it cam to medicine. Even in European medicines at the time were based off of all these societies. But the truth is without these ancient medicines we wouldn’t have the drugs we have today. If we approve the use of marijuana doctors can make more medicines that will prevent more diseases. Your proof is here, marijuana does more good than bad for our society, history has proven it.

Ancient Chineese Doctor
Ancient Chineese Doctor
toke like an egyptian
toke like an egyptian

One Shot Man Down Pt 2

 One Shot Man Down Pt 2


    In the last blog I talked about the reasons why people join gangs, the different ethnicities of gangs and how gang violence is overlooked. Another factor I didn’t include in the last blog was the media today. Do you think that the music we listen to and games we play or shows we watch influence gang violence and activity? (please comment)


     Now gangs are multiplying and are spreading out into unsuspected places such as suburban areas and even the military.  Members of nearly every major street gang, including the Bloods, Crips, Black Disciples, Gangster Disciples, Hells Angels, Latin Kings, The 18th Street Gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), Mexican Mafia, Nortenos, Surenos, Vice Lords, and various white supremacist groups, have been documented on military gangs. According to the FBI Gang Report (here) our country (in 09) had at least 200,000 gangs coast to coast. Also 1/3 acts of violence are gang related. So I end this blog with the question can gang violence be stopped?




All Traffic Is Bad Traffic

Through out my first blog I spoke of human trafficking and explained basic facts about it. After having a good a idea on what human trafficking was I wanted to get into depth with the United States and Human trafficking. How much is the U.S affected by it and what is the U.S doing to prevent it.  

According to the Department of Justice it is estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 people, especially children and women are victims of Human Trafficking every year in the United States.  It is known that Atlanta, Georgia has the highest rate of human trafficking with 200-300 exploited per month. TVPA (Trafficking Victims Protection Act) has concluded that there are 3 main ways to put this to a stop; public awareness, consultation, and economic alternatives. Public awareness will reach people across this globe. It is a form that if more people have more information on Human trafficking than there will be less people mindless to the situation. For consultation, non-governmental organizations will be contacted to enhance the idea of public awareness. Finally but not least is the economic alternatives. TVPA says that that economic deprivation is the main problem for human trafficking. 

After researching about human trafficking in the United States I realized that we are affected by it as much as any other country. Up to 17,500 in the U.S is affected by this and half of that is children. I also noticed that the U.S has a big issue to be concerned about which is that children are being sold and most of them are used to prostitute but not only that, they get abused for not returning with the right amount of money from prostituting. The U.S should have a more powerful way to end this, because not only does it hurt to be a victim of human trafficking but it also hurts to know that you could be a victim of human trafficking. 

Human trafficking should be more of an issue and should be spoken of more. Schools should inform their students about what's really going on in the world. To step out and see theres more than gossip to worry about. The media should grab the attention of people around the world and help decrease human trafficking. If one person knows, thats one less person to worry about. If we all knew how dangerous this is we would all be more vigilant. Not fall into the dirty tricks that traffickers use and be that one less person who outsmarted traffickers!


Image Below:

human trafficking sex trade
human trafficking sex trade

The Economy is crazy !

So far on my latest research on the economy there hasn’t be much change in it so far. But if there is I dough I would be realest to the public. But after surfing the Internet I found some thing interesting .it says that the world economy had a strong growth this year. They say GPD over the next two years should have a 4 percent increase also around 2012. Jan Hatzius, a German economist   who is the US economist and is responsible for setting the firm's US economic and interest rate outlook. Although Minnesota’s unemployment rate is relatively low at 6.6 percent, businesses large and small are reluctant to hire and the depressed real estate market remains a drag on the economy.



Now thing start to heat up. Did you know our economy is in big trouble and millions of American families are hurting .Now I know some of you know that but Job loss and unemployment is at an all-time high? This is not good at all. We to fix this like now. Sorry folks until next time.




What not to put on Facebook???

        During further research I have gathered information on what not to put on facebook that may either stop you from being accepted into a college of your choice or take away a acceptance/scholarship. I have also learned more about how many colleges look at facebook profiles. Below is the knowledge I have gained so far

  • From statistics it has been said that 70% of colleges look at facebook profiles to recruit students. Many educational experts say that what is posted on facebook such as photos, statuses and comments can very much affect college acceptances.
  • From the website posted below (website #3) Howard Verman - Sr. Associate, Strategies For College says that posting inappropriate pictures of yourself or someone else on facebook can hurt your chances.
  • A NYTimes article called “The Choice” says that posting information such as being accepted into collage, or being dejected from college can also affect your chances. Posting a status that shows a lack of care of interest in a college acceptance can be the cause of a acceptance removal.

Websites Used for research:

Budget Updates, and where our money went...

     Last time I talked about the project I'm doing in English class this year, and how I will be posting updates on the recent developments in the school districts budget crisis, my last post can be found here.
     I'd like to start off By giving a statistic, there are 577 teachers planning to retire next year, and 147 teachers have informed the district that they are resigning. But those 724 teachers leaving the district still won't be enough to help the district cut back on jobs enough for next year, another 536 teachers will have to be laid off next year on top of the resigning teachers. Many of our great teachers will need to find new jobs next year because of the damage this deficit has done.
     There is one piece of "good" news though, a recent state budget plan released by republicans will provide an additional $310 million statewide for education. It isn't clear yet how much money will be given to the Philadelphia School District, it won't come close to fixing the $610 million deficit, but it is money we can use. Here's something Arlene Ackerman said
   "With $630 million [to cut], and only $300 million of that being from the stimulus funds, which we knew was going to go – by the way, we spent that money exactly the way the federal government outlined it. …"
    The funny thing about this statement though, the federal government outlined that the stimulus funds should be used for one-time costs and improvements to schools. What did the district do? They spent the funds on long terms purchases and on the upkeep of the district to help with that years budget. That money is gone now, and we are in debt.

The Jasmine Revolution Pt. 2, Egypt

    In my last blog post I talked about the Tunisian revolution, and how that set off similar a revolutions in Egypt, and an ongoing rebellion in Libya. In this blog post I will be talking about the revolution in Egypt, and what caused the protests to be successful and cause Hosni Mubarak to step down from office after 30 years.

    Asmaa Mahfouz created video blog posts that she wanted to motivate the Egyptians to protest against Hosni Mubarak. She posted them on Facebook and YouTube, which was the reasons the internet was taken down by the government the day after the protests began. The protests began in January 25th, when tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo, and more in other cities in Egypt. January 25th was the day chosen because it was a national holiday, that celebrated the police officers who died in a confrontation with British soldiers. This most likely led to these protests to be successful because it was symbolic of the Egyptian people overcoming a oppressing force. On January 28th there began a series of protests called the "Fridays of Anger", where protesters would gather to protest with many other people in cities around Egypt. The Egyptian government then began to use the military to counter to protesters, but the military refused to do certain things such as shoot at the protesters. Finally, on February 11th, after 16 days of protesting and violence, Hosni Mubarak stepped down, and the Egyptian parliament was dissolved 2 days later, to be replaced by a temporary council that would hold power for 6 months to give time for elections to be had. 

    There were many causes for the revolution, but some of the main ones were police brutality, corruption,  and "The Emergency Law". Before the protests, police brutality had become common in Egypt. Mubarak and his regime frequently denied the use of brutality and torture by the police, despite videos and first hand accounts of the existence of police brutality. For the 30 years of Mubarak's presidency, there had been suspicion of manipulation of election results. For the 5 elections Mubarak was in, he won each time with a huge majority. In 2005 Ayman Nour was imprisoned before the elections that he was running against Mubarak of that year. An emergency law had been made after the six day war in Egypt in 1967, but despite it being suspended for 18 months in the 1980s, it is still in effect. It suspended certain constitutional rights, legalized censorship, and allowed the government to imprison individuals indefinitely without cause. This law has not been removed yet, but it has been announced that it will.

    In my next blog post I will be talking about the ongoing rebellion in Libya, what led up to it, the political state in Libya, and about Muammar Gaddafi.

Education In Harm

Over the course of a year 1.35 million children are more then likely to become homeless in the U.S. Being homeless is devastating. People think that it isn’t that hard or anything major because they haven’t gone through any of it. One main of the things it affects is their education. School supplies alone is over 150 dollars, add the clothes and the transportation that’s close to 500 dollars. Most families struggle to afford that, if you are homeless there is no way you can make that!

  The homeless children that are able to enroll into public school suffer through obstacles. Out of 87% of the homeless children that are enrolled, only 77% attended almost everyday. In addition to money and enrollment problems, the fact that the children and their families move around in order to find shelter their education shifts from up and down. This is not healthy for the child's mind stability. 

 If homeless children were to attend private or catholic school would there education status be better? Would a stable place for them to live result in a better education?

 In my next blog I am going to be talking about the jobs the homeless people come out in life with.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1221&bih=701


Suffering From Economic Crisis

Since the economy has gone bad " The percentage of poor people has reached a 32- year high, millions of working Americans are falling closer to poverty life and the gulf between the nation's "Haves" And "Have-nots" continues to widen " according to the Common Dreams. This means that more and more people are losing there jobs because the place that they are working at does not have the money worthy enough to paying them what they need. Due to this bad news this means that since people are losing there jobs , they also might lose there homes because of the money they don't have to pay rent or bills. If this case happens so that means that there will be more poverty in the U.S. According to McClatchy Newspaper analysis of 2005 senses figure, found that nearly 16 million Americans are living in deep poverty or severe poverty. This and many more things have helped 43% of people in the U.S to fall into poverty the highest rate since at least 1975.

From what we can tell this man maybe had a home with children and then the economy got bad and it came to a point where he lost his home and had to live into poverty and is now one of the million people that don't have a home and have to sit on the corners and ask for money.



I have gotten new information such as the actual numbers and graphs on the people that drop out of school from grades 9-12 or sooner. I had to restart my blog so i don't have a blog one. I will be investigating further more on my issue and trying to fine the cost of people dropping out. 

Really people… 

I'll be discussing about the serious issue of Children/Teens dropping out of school.

Many of you may be saying "so, i got my education why should i worry bout a couple of trouble makers dropping out". Well, these "trouble makers" are the words future and if we don't do nothing to stop them then the world will be a awful place. We need come up with a solution to get these teens out the streets and into the class room learning. Now, below you will see a graph showing multiple races and class years. If you see, "latinos" always are the first ones to drop out of school and have the lowest graduation percentile than any other right next to african americans. Of course Asian and whites are in first but it's not base on skin color. It's based on the child's back ground, environment and their inspirations. Many young black males and latino males have nobody there to sit with them and go over the days homework or have someone read them a simple book or even ask them how their day was. They just come home to hang out with their friends in the streets are get shot up on the block. Where are the parents at you ask? probably out in the streets or in a dead end job trying to put food on the table. I just think that this is the most serious american issue because these kids are our future and we Must get them help and try to teach them valuable things and instead of yelling at them and making them feel bad about them even more, sit down with them and listen to them and try to be a loyal friend. So, the graph below will be explaining all of the data that i got from research and such. i also see that no matter what i the Asian is always on first and latino/ black are always on last that's why there are so many stero types about us. !19-charts.jpg

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Same-sex Marriages.

Blog Day # 2.

    I’ve ended up researching about same sex marriages. There are not a lot of topics about gay rights. I originally wanted to write about how gays are treated differently than others.

  Blog number 1 honestly left me off thinking about and wanting to write about how Gays are treated, there seems not to have a lot of information on that, so where I’m going with Blog number 2 is gay marriages.

  Same-sex marriages-is legally or socially recognized marriage between two people of the same sex. Since 2001, ten countries have begun legally formalizing same-sex marriages and the recognition. The conflicts arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into marriage.

  In my opinion I wonder why people are so worried about same-sex marriages. It’s the couples choice right? So why do they care so much where they legalize it in specific places, I don’t get the concept in that. I think it’s unfair, who ever made the law up they are definitely not being conscientious.

  Same-sex marriage is legal in the U.S  in 2004. As of March 2011 , 41 states prohibit same sex marriages. Since the early 70’s the U.S has been fighting for same sex marriages to be passed.


Until next time

Bibliography :




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Picture 3

HIV=AIDS fact or fraud! #2

Prevention/How to be infected

Ways in which you can get infected with HIV/AIDS are by having unprotected sex with someone with AIDS, which is the most common way, blood transfusions, being born with it, dirty and unsanitary needles for example, a needle you found on the ground, and if one person with AIDS have a cut, and their blood touches your cut.

         Since you do not know if a person has HIV/AIDS by just looking at them, its best to play it safe. Ways in which you can prevent HIV/AIDS are by having protected sex. You can greatly reduce your risk by using a latex or polyurethane condoms. Drugs could increase your risk of getting HIV. When using drugs, never have sex while your high because its easy to forget about safe sex, If you must use drugs never inject them, and if you must inject them, then never share the equipment you used such as the needles, syringes, cotton, and rinse water.

If you are pregnant you should get tested for HIV, just to be sure because if you do have HIV, then your infant could also get it during your pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during delivery. If you are helping someone and they are bleeding, try not to get their blood into any cuts or open sores you have, your mouth, or your eyes. If possible, you should wear gloves and protective eye wear because you will never know if they are infected or not.

I wonder what are the types of tests they run on HIV/AIDS patients. Are there many needles involved in the tests, is it just big machines you have to go into or lay on? In addition, what does HIV/AIDS do to people when they are infected with it?

Below are pictures of HIV cells.

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Speak up. Someone cares. Part2

Depression is not a choice someone chooses to make it’s a biologic disease some people go through. There is no individual cause of depression, but it can be transferred genetically, biochemically, and environmentally. With teenagers the depression is more common especially when it comes to high school. This disease is usually not recognized by families until they notice bad or unusual behavior.


Signs of Depression:

                Frequent vague, non-specific physical complaints such as headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches or tiredness

                Frequent absences from school or poor performance in school

                Talk of or efforts to run away from home

                Outbursts of shouting, complaining, unexplained irritability, or crying

                Being bored

                Lack of interest in playing with friends

                Alcohol or substance abuse

                Social isolation, poor communication

                Fear of death

                Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure

                Increased irritability, anger, or hostility

                Reckless behavior

Difficulty with relationships


Suicide is the leading cause of teenage deaths and more teenagers die from it than cancer or any other serious disease. Every year suicide is planned by over 2millions high students in the U.S. and 400 thousand of them attempt it and need medical attention. These attempts are mainly made by gays, bisexuals, and transgenders.


The rates of teen suicide are shown to have increased because of teen suicide coverage by the media. Whites at 31% are shown to receive the most treatment for suicidal cases, while blacks show only 22% and Hispanics show only 14%. Some say it’s a racial issue that whites get the most help out of all the other races, but others say its because they get the most attention from there families. I say it all depends on how busy and loving your parents are, they show you the most attention. If they noticed things different about you, then they do their all to get you the help you need.


Im not lovin it :-(

You maybe used to saying "barra ba ba ba im lovin it"-Mcdonald's ,but you should really be saying you hate it.In the new line of sandwiches called Angus, all of those all of the sandwiches have all their calories over 700 calories, most are often almost 800 calories.WOW thats a lot.well its actually more than you think because the recommended amount of a day is 2000 if you think about it you are basically eating just abut half of the calories you are aloud to eat in a day.This is only the sandwich itself and not including the fries I mean come on man that is just to much to intake in about 5 minuets.
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On the top you can see the McChicken T.V
and on the bottom you can see the one in real life

The life of a Pregnant Teen Part 2

    I live in West Philadelphia and there are a number of teen mothers. Just walking from point A to B. I slightly observed a glib of what young mothers go through. Meaning, the stress of caring for an infant with limited income and resources. Difficulties of maintaining work and school responsibilities, finding employment and childcare, and finally excelling well academically. Some teen mothers makes it look like it's so easy, however others are obviously stressed, dealing with the  pain of being a young mother, and finally some have realized it was a devastating mistake.  
    There is one thing  I noticed, and that is everyone has flaws and make mistakes. So why judge others? I also notice people walking down the street and will see a teen mom and instantly make this judgmental face towards this teen mother.  In this blog I'm focusing more on judging then an actual pregnancy.  How does a teen feel during a long 9 months period of pregnancy. This is a  nine months of having a balloon size stomach.
    In our English 9th grade class, we had a debate. We focus on the topic of teen pregnancy. The debate had two sides, how the media influences sex within teens and how it doesn't. This debate opened the eyes of many people. People realized that many things have an effect on a pregnancy. For an example, showing sex scenes in teen movies allow teens to think having sex won't have any bad results. When in reality there are bad results and consequences.  
    This topic, has such a powerful understanding of Tenn pregnancy, how people judge and criticize. There are so many points of view, and this is only one point. But the most strongest point of view is from teen parents.

School District Budget Cuts: Cutting the Future: Followup

The total amount of budget cuts over the next two years is proposed to be 400 million dollars, on top of the 40 million for this year. Most recently, full-day kindergarten has been compromised, as have many buses. If Governor Corbett's budget is approves, the district may go from 3.2 billion dollars of operating budget to 2.7 billion by July 1st. What I'm about to write is a lot of statistics, so if you don't want the details you may want to skip this part. 

The proposed budget by Governor Corbett would "
shave the district's share of basic education funds ($107 million); eliminate charter-school reimbursements ($110 million); end accountability block grants for full-day kindergarten ($55 million); cut educational assistance funds for after-school tutoring ($19 million); and excise dual-enrollment programs that allow high school students to earn college credit ($1 million)." 3800 jobs are said to be lost, as well. Operating budgets are to be cut by 29%, kindergarten funding by 43%, transportation by 44%, alternative education programs by 50%, extended day programs to be eliminated altogether, vocational education cut by 30%, high-incidence special education staffing by 5% leading to a 77% cut of special education liaison positions. Gifted education will be cut by 50%, english language learner supports by 20%, 50% cuts for central offices which leads to 430 job losses, instrumental music cut by 9%, early childhood programs by 16% resulting in 730 pre-K slots lost by The Bright Futures program and 216 lost by Comprehensive Early Learning Centers.

Arlene Ackerman (pictured below) has said that the District's way of handling these cuts aren't bad. She brought up the point that some are saying, for example, to save art programs while others save literature, and there isn't enough money left after the cuts to save all programs. Part of the issue that Ackerman is dealing with is that if she saves one program, she won't be able to save another, and there isn't a single program that all members of the community don't want to save. Be that as it may, in my opinion, there is still more that she could be doing, maybe even contributing some of her own pay, (possibly $500,000 this coming year,) or managing the money the District will receive more efficiently although, as I've said, she is in a difficult position.

Dr. Arlene Ackerman - Superintendent - School District of Philadelphia

Teen Suicide Numbers can be Shocking

In my resent research I have found some interesting facts. These facts really made me think. I had a few things on my mind while I was looking at this data. The entire time I was thinking to myself  “These adolescent teens are killing themselves while they are still young what would make them want to do that. They think that there is no way out of their horrible lives, instead of getting help the go ahead and end the lives they have not yet lived.

            If you read my last blog you would know that I was talking about what causes a child or teen to kill them selves. A question asked last time was “ What would make a person old or young want to end their lives when they still have more of life to live.” If you haven’t read my last blog please refer back to it if you want to know more or are interested in finding out why teens and people do this to themselves,

In this blog I will be talking about the math of this matter. Yes the statistics of teen suicide. This information is both very socking but absolutely true. These statistics are from 2001, if you think that these numbers are high think of how they changed over 10 years. 400,000 people that year went to the emergency room for hurting themselves. 30,622 deaths occurred that year for teen suicide. Deaths per 100,00 population is 10.8, this means that almost 11 of 100,000 people die for every 100,000 people in a population. Deaths due to firearm are 5.9 people and 6,869 people. Suffocation suicides are 2.2 people and 6,198 deaths. Poisoning are 1.8 people and 5,191 deaths. Although these numbers are not as high as expected this data is from 2001 and the number have and still are going up.

Next time I will be talking about the signs of teen suicide and how to prevent it, until next time readers. If you want to see more graphs go to this link below.


Another Mass Murderer: Part 2

Last week, my blog post was about the types of cancers and their causes. This week, I researched the number of people these cancers affected in 2007. Also, I researched the charities that are raising money to fund more research to find a cure.

In the United States, 2007, the cancer prevalence, the number of people living with cancer, came to a total of 11,714,000 people (rounded to the nearest 1000). This includes males, females and all the types of cancer. 5,353,000 males were living with cancer in 2007; this includes all types of cancer. Also, 6,361,000, females were living with cancer in 2007; this also includes all types of cancer. The type of cancer that most people were living with in 2007 is breast cancer; 13,000 males lived with it and 2,592,000 females lived with it. To think if these people didn't die, what good they would do to the world aside from the bad that is already in the world like wars, but that's a whole different blog. One of them could've started something big to help the world get back up from what ever brought it down. I always wondered what life would be like knowing you don't have much time left if your not that old, but these victims have and I hope they used the rest of their time well. Are you really living if you're not making each day different and lively?

The best cancer charities to donate to are the “Breast Cancer Fund”, “Breast Cancer Research Foundation”, “Susan G. Komen for the Cure”, and “St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital”.

I also researched if cancer if curable. The answer to that is yes! 80% of all types of cancer can be cured, but only if treated early. Although, not everyone still survived. A vaccine can’t cure it though because a vaccine can only heal against a disease by a germ and cancer isn’t a germ, therefore a vaccine will never cure cancer.

So what is the cure? Read next week’s blog to read my further research on this “cure”.


Collectivism- the opposite of Individualism and America

It is important to know about collectivism because it is almost the exact opposite of individualism and they are both very strongly opposing philosophies. Having some understanding of collectivism will help you better understand individualism

​Collectivism is the political theory that people should be interdependent on others and all conform to the same ideas and worship the goals of group than that of the individual. It's a broad term that expands to many different topics and politics. Collectivists believe in order to form the more common good that the people should be united as a whole live their lives for the community, nation, or society.

Collectivism stresses the worth of the group instead of that of the individual. Collectivism has been expressed strongly through political philosophies such as socialism, fascism, and communism. Examples of collectivism can be viewed in our society such as things as privately owned media, and corporate America.
Part 2: America, Collectivist or Individualist?

Privately owned media can dictate the things that people watch therefore, they have control over what we view. If everyone views the same things than everyone is united by that. Corporations because they force people to all consume at the same products there for making shopping a common interest.

Those are examples of collectivism in a federal constitution republic, capitalist, democracy with two political parties (republicans and democrats). If you think about it, even though we have a democracy it really is another form of collectivism because only the people who vote, and the majority's opinions rule.
Individualism can play out in America through capitalism, but it's very limited what you can do because of laws, government, coercive institutions such as school, and money. It's a system of working for others all your life and maintaining your lifestyle. Also, it becomes even more collective because you have to conform to others expectations, and if everyone has to meet those expectations than everyone eventually sells themselves to popular opinion, in order to have more freedom.

So freedom is limited, to how much money you have, and how others feel about you.
For example, one trying to enter the workforce knows that she may have to dress a certain way and act very friendly and be basically a yes-man for her boss in order to get the job. She wants the job because she needs the money to support her psuedo-bohemian lifestyle, she can't afford to dine at high end restaurants if she works odd jobs. So conforms herself to a common system of doing things in order to have more freedom and power.
That is an obvious idea of collectivism because she is molding her mind to the beliefs and behaviors of
the majority.

So America is unfortunately more collectivist than it ever will be individualist. Unless you are willing to break all rules than individualist. The moral worth of the individual does not exist in this society, because we are constantly told to fit into other people's molds, the legislative branch places laws that say what we cannot do, class and jobs create a hierarchy that people are defined by, and authority basically strips away the purpose of individualism because you have to be a slave to authority in order to gain some freedom ( which doesn't even exist because of the limitations of rules).

So it's justifiable to say that American is collectivist, in a very divided, organized, and clever way.

Sex Slave Trade_Blog #2_Hunt

In my first blog post I talked about the Sex Slave Trade that goes on all throughout the world. Also, in my first blog post I talked about what I was interesting to me and wrote basic information. In my prior blog there was talk about where the Sex Slave Trade. This is my second blog post and I will go into more depth into what is going on with the trade at the moment.

New research that has been selected for this blog is where Sex Slave Trade originated. There is not an exact place that there is said that it originated because slaves come from everyone. Although, many of resources say that is flourished in Islam while others say that it started in Thailand, while others say this started back during the slave trade itself. Disregarding from where this originated that is not the problem. The real problem is the Sex Slave Trade itself.

Currently, the Sex Slave Trade is known to be illegal in most parts of the world. Although, it is illegal the population of this trade is starting to grow as the years pass by us. It is said that in the United States we are the lowest ranked human trafficking country in the world. On the contrary in Thailand, they are the highest ranked country that part-takes in the Sex Slave Trade. Since, the 1900’s there have been approximately 80,000 women and children sold into this market.

Why is sex slave trade being done? In the Islamic culture most of the men find the women to be their property and think that they can do anything they want with them. In most countries especially poorer countries it is done for the money. In Thailand, the trafficking industry is being done because it is an annual 8 billion dollar industry.

Every year there are thousands of people that are human trafficked throughout the world. Even though the Sex Slave Trade is too big for anyone to make a huge impact to stop this there are organizations for this. Organizations are out the search in order to help victims stand up for what is right in hopes that this trade will be abolished. Some organizations to help are “Abolish Slavery” and “Not for Sale”.






