Getting My Mojo Back

For the past couple I weeks I just haven't been feeling my art. I have felt like I couldn't draw anymore and I was completely uninspired. I think it was because I started feeling depressed and unhappy with the things that were going on in my life. You would think that because the saying goes, a tortured artist makes the best work, that I would be finishing beautiful pieces left and right.

The past couple weeks I lost myself, myself as Desireé and my self as an artist. I need to get back to the person I was and the artist I had become. With this project I started from scratch. I set up still life objects as my models and started with charcoal between my fingers. Then just drew. It took more than four class periods with a couple of struggles. My struggles came down to a battle between my worst enemy, the human mouth, on the skull I was drawing. It was challenging but the most important part is remembering to be patient and not get frustrated. Everything doesn't have to be perfect that's the beauty in art.

During those class periods I only thought about what I was drawing not everything that was keeping me depressed. I drew until I felt finished. When I was done I stood back to take it all in. I wasn't completely in love with the finished product but I was happy with it and a little tiny bit proud that I finished the piece. 

P.S. Sorry about the Quality of the picture I had to use my phone my computer hasn't been functioning at its best for awhile now.  
Photo on 2011-06-06 at 17.38
Photo on 2011-06-06 at 17.38
Photo on 2011-06-06 at 18.06
Photo on 2011-06-06 at 18.06

Jesus Jimenez - Humanities Portfolio 2011

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Screen shot 2011-06-03 at 1.30.35 PM
General Understanding
The world is an unfair place. It's our duty as citizens of this planet to try to do the best to make it fair for everyone. (The beginning of the year)

I have many beautiful memories of this past year. My knowledge of the world has not only expanded, but my views of what goes on in planet Earth have changed as well. During my year in both English 2 and World History, I was introduced to many subjects that I could’ve ignored if it wasn’t for school. One of them was inequality. Inequality is defined by to be a “Difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.;”. I find this to be an accurate definition for the world we currently live in. An Op-Ed I wrote earlier in the year has a lot of the points I thought to be very important when pitching ideas to make the world a more equal place. 
    Here’s one quote from that Op-Ed: “We could go for a social-political view like Marxism or such, that can give the people actual power in their government. Many of them are possible solutions to inequality in the world. Too many beliefs and righteousness is in jeopardy for other people for them to agree with this.”
    A year ago I couldn’t see myself writing about things like this. After reading through some of my stuff from this year, I can’t help but think that some of the reason the world is like this is my fault. I try to be the best person I can possibly be. When there are moments in life where I think I did something wrong or unacceptable, I usually try to fix it. But things like this, that affect the world or a society, I want to take the blame for it because I’m not doing anything at all. I could be making a change in the world or have an interest in something. 
    A few more things, the 2010 - 2011 school year has been an excellent one for me. I have not only grown in age, but in experience. Experiences from opportunities given to me from events, work, and especially people. "We have to be simple minded when it comes to changing personalities slightly. Think too much, and we might change the character completely." this quote is from my Literary Lenses Explanation. We took the book: “Their Eyes were Watching God”, and looked at it through different views (Feminism, Marxism, etc.).

The biggest message I took away from this year's classes was that there will always be inequality in the world. Yes, we can try to make it a better place and all that stuff, but there will always be an opposition with it's followers going against the point that both you and I know is right. Then I learned another thing, just because I'm just one person doesn't mean I should stop doing something I know is right. Many people in history have done magnificent things on their own and with the support of people. I'm positive I'll be one of them one day, if something ever comes up in the world that I strongly disagree with, I will make my voice be heard. Not only that but I would've been part of something way bigger, and that's how you fight something bigger. You fight it with support and numbers (amounts of people). 

Portfolio - Journals

​Over the year, we began to write in our journals periodically throughout the year.  As much as I love expressing my feelings, I don't really like doing it through writing. Nonetheless, here are 4 fresh journals from the year!
Feb. 17th, 2011.

Um, An impossible task that I’m usually faced with is completing a giant assignment at 2 am during the end of summer because I never do my work right when I get it. I’m not exactly alone though since half of the grade is up messaging each other asking how the heck they’re going to complete it in 3 hours. Somehow we all manage to finish and get a passing grade though we normally help each other on the questions to get it done as fast as we can. I’ll never learn to get my work done…

OH WELL, I’m passing.

Feb. 2nd 2011


                        A hero in my opinion doesn’t need to be able to fly, or melt things with their awesomeness. They are just somebody who has exceptional qualities and strong emotions. Somebody with an enormous amount of intelligence is just as much a hero as somebody with no fears.  Sure Superman and all are great but the chances of somebody who can fly around and save the day dressed in tight clothes are kind of small. Chuck Norris is obviously an exception, as he does possess the powers listed in the beginning of this article and many more of course.

January 20, 2011.


1.)  My advisor mister chase is an excellent storyteller.  He once rambled on about bees or something for a good 10 minutes. Making it up as he went along. It was pretty cool.

2.)  I really enjoy reading story’s about survival in the wilderness. My favorite book has been brains winter since I read it in the 6th grade. I’ve read it several times. I would love to read stories like this more often but can never find one that catches my attention. Hopefully I’ll find one soon.


January 24, 2011


1.)  To me, being an adult is nothing more than being at least 21. Although, ACTING like a 21 year old is something a lot of people need to learn. If you abuse your children or commit constant felonies you aren’t an adult, just a fully developed buffoon.  You know you’re finished when you have all privileges, aside from the senior citizen discounts.

Portfolio - Independent Reading

​My favorite type of reading is a man verse nature scenario. Nothing is more exciting than a person or people lost in an unfamiliar environment. Into thin air is a great example of these type of stories with a thrilling expedition to the famed Mount Everest!

                                       Into Thin Air

              By: Jon Krakauer




Into thin air, this compassionate story of survival brings you into a benumbing scenario with almost no hope of living through a living nightmare. Option calls it “A searing book” while Elle states “Into Thin Air is being billed as ‘one of the most memorable adventure sagas of all time,’ and is likely to earn that accolade . . . Krakauer makes one excellent decision after another about how to tell it.” Being a New York Times best seller, this book is not one to be overlooked and is a great investment of time.



Jon Krakauer is an ordinary man who is tasked with the job of describing the commercialism on Mount Everest. Jon thinks to him self “What better way to do this then climb the mountain myself?” So that he does. Before climbing up the mountain however, he realizes it’s not an easy task so he joins the climbing industry with the name of Adventure Consultants who assigns him a group of hiker companions as well as a leader under the name of Robert Hall.


Throughout the trip Jon begins writing down his experience, hoping to be able to share the experience after. As the hikers and he gain altitude, they begin to succumb to the wide array of effects that come with hiking such as weight lose, sickness, and drowsiness. From the inexperienced hikers to the veterans, all people begin slowly bringing themselves to their unaware endings that will soon befall them.


The turning point in the story is when Robert signals for a turning point in the trip. For those unaware, turning point is a given time where everyone must head back to their campground to risk death. In this case it is 2:00pm. As the hike returning down ensues. Several members of the trip die from blizzards and oxygen depletion in the unforgiving terrain. Miraculously, Jon survives.


Without a doubt, the most heart grabbing character in this story would have to be Robert. This is for the sole reason of his skills of a leader. In one instance he risks his life to save others from a terrifying blizzard that had come over the mountain.


      I feel as though people could learn the importance of teamwork and good planning, as well as never expect the best luck. I doubt any of the hikers anticipated there hike going to hell in such a high degree, but with teamwork, some managed to overcome nature.



      I can wholeheartedly say that this is one of the greatest books I’ve ever read. My favorite form of reading is a man verses nature type theme, and the fact that this actually happened to people fueled my excitement even more.  Although there were some flaws with the book grabbing my attention, the most notable of course being that for a while in the beginning I was bored out of my mind. being there wasn’t much of my interest. I liked that it strengthened itself content wise greatly during the middle and ended very strong.


      Being a real experience to somebody, changing something would drastically alter the storyline as everything affects it in some way. It would be rather entertaining to put this in a desert scenario though. Rather than a blizzard it would be a sandstorm, or perhaps dehydration replacing reduced oxygen levels.


      I don’t find myself relating to any characters in this book. I have never leaded any organization nor have I been put in a near death scenario. I obviously have not ever died as well.


      I’m sure some of the survivors left to die felt alone, scared and like they had no God or master looking over them. I’ve felt this way in some cases, although not in their scenario. Overall, I could relate to this book in very few ways. I just do not find myself relating to a situation where the temperature is far below freezing in a blizzard and I have no means of survival.



      I would say anybody who enjoys a great story about survival through teamwork as well as luck, or just anybody looking for a great booking renowned for its content.

Anthony Buchanico

Orange Stream

January 10th, 2011

Portfolio - Odysseus Compare and Contrast

​Star Wars has always been one of my favorite movie sagas. It's a lengthy tale of love and trust spread out over years. This reminded me closely to The Odyssey. So for my Q3 Benchmark I decided to compare these two epic journeys.

Anthony Buchanico

Orange Stream

English, March 6th 2011


In the eyes of several, Odysseus can relate to almost any fictional character ever made due to the major influence his story has had on modern day media. One of the most significant instances of this would be the Star Wars prequels. Although different in several ways, the tale of Odysseus can closely be related to Anakin Skywalker and his struggle for sanity due to his loved one.  


            The story of Odysseus starts off with a foresight to the end of the journey where he has been stranded on a land away from all he loves and only one person to care for him due to his carelessness.  Similarly, if we go to the end of Anakin’s journey he is stranded alone in his own landmass of a prison with only one man to care for him.  This can be thought of as the first notable similarity. It shows both the character’s poor judgment in teamwork and desire to save their lover has been their downfall. Going back to the beginning of Odysseus’ journey, he must gather men to help him save his loved one from harm without them exactly knowing what his intentions were.  Likewise, in episode two of Anakin’s journey, he finds his loved one and himself facing certain danger. With the use of his crew known as the Jedi, he manages to save his loved one, and himself. This states another ground point. Although these occurrences are not in similar order, they can still be thought of as similar purposes. This occurrence in Anakin’s life can also be thought to pertain to Odysseus and his crew facing Circes, seeing as it was a wicked beast that tears apart people and Anakin was faced against a set of beasts himself. 


These journeys, no matter how similar, are still “A long time ago” and “A galaxy far far” apart.  For one, the Star Wars trilogy is scientifically ions ahead of Ancient Greek civilization seeing as they use terminating lasers, aircrafts and many more futuristic inventions. The stories, no matter how similar in plot cannot be an exact copy of the other. If they were to do so it’d more likely be called “The Odyssey: Episodes 1-9!” Another thing that can be associated in plot differences it that the challenges and humans they face are different people of consisting of difference race and sex, Obi-Wan is Anakin’s Athena and Padme is the Penelope of the time.


            Moving back into similarities, looking at “Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith,” we find Anakin losing his sanity in order to keep the one he loves and the mindset he believes in an everlasting reality. He was so set on this that he betrayed those who he had once loved all for one woman. Sound familiar? Odysseus sacrificed all he had close to him in order to save Penelope from the suitors. Even after 10 years he still sacrificed his life and slaughtered mass amounts of people just to be with the one he aspired to hold close to him. Their love had blinded the both of them and drove them to the walls of insanity. In the category of both a similarity and difference lies the child of Odysseus, Telemachus, where is he found in the Star Wars saga? In one perspective, Telemachus may be thought of as the force. It was always a part of Anakin’s life just as Telemachus was to Odysseus. Neither of them had noticed it for quite sometime however. But in the end, it helps them both reach their final goal. Another way to think of the force is to recognize the Goddess Athena.


            Athena was always a divine power Odysseus had that could help him during his harshest times. When Odysseus and his son were fighting off the suitors in their home Athena was there for the protection of Odysseus. She’d always offer Odysseus a wiser option to the situation. Anakin also had that ability, to use the force to help him out of a difficult situation. There are also other Gods that stood in Odysseus’ way, just as their were other sith that would obstruct Anakin’s journey.


            So, as stated previously, love blinded these individuals and drove them to the ends of the Earth to save the ones they desire. They betrayed everything they held dear and suffered immense hardships just to be close to the one that they wanted.

Portfolio - Macbeth Creative Piece

The first notable thing I had done in the year in my opinion was my Macbeth benchmark. Macbeth is an amazing tale of greed and it's recommended for everyone. In this project we had to trace a character throughout the book and note how their behavior had changed over time.

Macbeth Creative Writing

Anthony Buchanico


            In the story of Macbeth, Macbeth had gone from such a bold and noble man with no sense of violence except those against his loved ones, yet when he heard of his chance to be king he slowly fell under the lust for power and began his journey consisting of slaughtering anybody in his way.  This can be shown throughout the story in his words as well as the words of others.


            In Act 1 scene 3 Banquo and Macbeth have come to contact with the witches and are discussing the prophecies told to them. Macbeth has been said to become king while Banquo has been told his children shall inherit the throne afterward. While in discussion whether this prophecy may be true Banquo states, “If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not.” To see which grain will grow and which will not is to take note of whose future will flourish and whose will come to an end.

            Act 1 scene 5; Macbeth is in deep thought over the plan to end the life of the King. To end the life of someone he considers a friend is just too much for him to simply go about doing, but he would do almost anything for the power of king as well as make his wife happy.  So while in a soliloquy, Macbeth cries “Stars, hide your fires!

Let not light see my black and deep desires.” In short, Macbeth doesn’t wish for such controversy over being king, but doesn’t want to admit he will eventually fall to his lust for power.

            For Act 1, scene 7 the majority of Macbeth’s time is spent arguing with his wife over the deed to end Duncan. Macbeth is taking the side of finding another way to go about obtaining kingship while his wife wants the deed done immediately and to the fullest extent. She accuses Macbeth of being everything under a man and the only way to bring his masculinity back he would need to murder someone with a familiar face.  As a response, he replies with “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none.” He’s saying manhood cannot be judged by taken lives. And this would turn him to a beast rather a man.

            The remainder of Act 1, scene 7 is spent discussing the way to rid of the king. Lady Macbeth’s influence had finally hit Macbeth. Rather then take his task with confidence like on the battlefield; he is extremely timid at the thought of the murder. For words of confidence, Lady Macbeth responds with “Screw your courage to the sticking-place.” Saying this had told Macbeth to center his courage before taking the task. This gave him the confidence shown on the battlefield to apply to the murder of Duncan.

            After the dawning of the day Duncan’s death is discover, Act 2 scene 3 is spent detailing the conversation with the ones close to the king such as Macbeth and Macduff. Although most are unsuspecting, Donalbain had sensed guilt among the crowd. “There's daggers in men's smiles.” Is said by him when he suddenly feels a large amount of guilt in the crowd. He senses one man had done this. That Macbeth did the deed is not apparent however.

            Act 3, scene 4 begins to show the ruthless man Macbeth is becoming. He begins to find out Banquo knows Macbeth completed the death of Duncan. As a result he begins to contemplate yet another murder to keep his secret safe. He begins to enter another soliloquy. This time he states “I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.” Saying this shows Macbeth knows he has to murder again, he doesn’t think of it as such a crime though. He’s done it once he’ll do it again. The only difference now is his hired assassins shall do the deed.

            Act 4, scene 2 Lady Macbeth has had a growing regret over the murder since the deed was committed. She is slowly falling apart. Macbeth realizes this and tries to assure her the problem is over and nothing bad will come from this anymore. She is still rather doubtful about it no matter what he says. She realizes they are traitors no matter what. “When our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors.” This shows just that.

            Macbeth has been a horrible king. His citizens are afraid of his wrath and are afraid to make any action. There are few people who aren’t afraid to go against him. These people are devoted. Going against him they tell each other his rude ways. One man, Angus notes how afraid his subjects are. “Those he commands move only in command, nothing in love: now does he feel his title Hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Angus is saying his power is not meant for him and is too much for him to maintain. This is related to the dwarf owning the oversized robe in that manner.

Macbeth’s final time of battle is near. He realizes the forest is coming after him.  The only thing he can do is stay devoted and fight for his life. “I have almost forgot the taste of fears;

The time has been, my senses would have cool’d

To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of hair

Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir

As life were in't: I have supp'd full with horrors;

Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts

Cannot once start me.” This is a short speech about how Macbeth shall embrace death with acceptance in a way, but won’t let it bring him down so easily. If this is really how his life is supposed to end. It is at least worth the test.

            In the final act of the play, Macbeth’s mistress has come to an end. He shows very little grief nor feels it.  He just embraces it. She was but a mere assistance to him in the long run. Thought of as his puppet. “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.” These words signify the end of Macbeth’s heart. He is nothing but a shadow of his former self, a walking beast who’s hungry for any power possible.

As shown above, Macbeth’s character has changed dramatically. Once the most modest man in the entire world, he is not a relentless demon seeking nothing but personal benefit. This gives the strong message that power can change even the kindest of hearts. Power destroys people.












Macbeth Analysis

Macbeth Creative Writing

Anthony Buchanico


            In the story of Macbeth, Macbeth had gone from such a bold and noble man with no sense of violence except those against his loved ones, yet when he heard of his chance to be king he slowly fell under the lust for power and began his journey consisting of slaughtering anybody in his way.  This can be shown throughout the story in his words as well as the words of others.


            In Act 1 scene 3 Banquo and Macbeth have come to contact with the witches and are discussing the prophecies told to them. Macbeth has been said to become king while Banquo has been told his children shall inherit the throne afterward. While in discussion whether this prophecy may be true Banquo states, “If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not.” To see which grain will grow and which will not is to take note of whose future will flourish and whose will come to an end.

            Act 1 scene 5; Macbeth is in deep thought over the plan to end the life of the King. To end the life of someone he considers a friend is just too much for him to simply go about doing, but he would do almost anything for the power of king as well as make his wife happy.  So while in a soliloquy, Macbeth cries “Stars, hide your fires!

Let not light see my black and deep desires.” In short, Macbeth doesn’t wish for such controversy over being king, but doesn’t want to admit he will eventually fall to his lust for power.

            For Act 1, scene 7 the majority of Macbeth’s time is spent arguing with his wife over the deed to end Duncan. Macbeth is taking the side of finding another way to go about obtaining kingship while his wife wants the deed done immediately and to the fullest extent. She accuses Macbeth of being everything under a man and the only way to bring his masculinity back he would need to murder someone with a familiar face.  As a response, he replies with “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none.” He’s saying manhood cannot be judged by taken lives. And this would turn him to a beast rather a man.

            The remainder of Act 1, scene 7 is spent discussing the way to rid of the king. Lady Macbeth’s influence had finally hit Macbeth. Rather then take his task with confidence like on the battlefield; he is extremely timid at the thought of the murder. For words of confidence, Lady Macbeth responds with “Screw your courage to the sticking-place.” Saying this had told Macbeth to center his courage before taking the task. This gave him the confidence shown on the battlefield to apply to the murder of Duncan.

            After the dawning of the day Duncan’s death is discover, Act 2 scene 3 is spent detailing the conversation with the ones close to the king such as Macbeth and Macduff. Although most are unsuspecting, Donalbain had sensed guilt among the crowd. “There's daggers in men's smiles.” Is said by him when he suddenly feels a large amount of guilt in the crowd. He senses one man had done this. That Macbeth did the deed is not apparent however.

            Act 3, scene 4 begins to show the ruthless man Macbeth is becoming. He begins to find out Banquo knows Macbeth completed the death of Duncan. As a result he begins to contemplate yet another murder to keep his secret safe. He begins to enter another soliloquy. This time he states “I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.” Saying this shows Macbeth knows he has to murder again, he doesn’t think of it as such a crime though. He’s done it once he’ll do it again. The only difference now is his hired assassins shall do the deed.

            Act 4, scene 2 Lady Macbeth has had a growing regret over the murder since the deed was committed. She is slowly falling apart. Macbeth realizes this and tries to assure her the problem is over and nothing bad will come from this anymore. She is still rather doubtful about it no matter what he says. She realizes they are traitors no matter what. “When our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors.” This shows just that.

            Macbeth has been a horrible king. His citizens are afraid of his wrath and are afraid to make any action. There are few people who aren’t afraid to go against him. These people are devoted. Going against him they tell each other his rude ways. One man, Angus notes how afraid his subjects are. “Those he commands move only in command, nothing in love: now does he feel his title Hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Angus is saying his power is not meant for him and is too much for him to maintain. This is related to the dwarf owning the oversized robe in that manner.

Macbeth’s final time of battle is near. He realizes the forest is coming after him.  The only thing he can do is stay devoted and fight for his life. “I have almost forgot the taste of fears;

The time has been, my senses would have cool’d

To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of hair

Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir

As life were in't: I have supp'd full with horrors;

Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts

Cannot once start me.” This is a short speech about how Macbeth shall embrace death with acceptance in a way, but won’t let it bring him down so easily. If this is really how his life is supposed to end. It is at least worth the test.

            In the final act of the play, Macbeth’s mistress has come to an end. He shows very little grief nor feels it.  He just embraces it. She was but a mere assistance to him in the long run. Thought of as his puppet. “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.” These words signify the end of Macbeth’s heart. He is nothing but a shadow of his former self, a walking beast who’s hungry for any power possible.

As shown above, Macbeth’s character has changed dramatically. Once the most modest man in the entire world, he is not a relentless demon seeking nothing but personal benefit. This gives the strong message that power can change even the kindest of hearts. Power destroys people.












American Transportation - What if?

Learn more about American Transportation

Reflection: I greatly enjoyed this project. I found the ability to deeply study one piece of history and change one aspect to create a new one quite intriguing. While fulfilling, it was challenging to find the tiny details that would change the outcome of history. The most interesting thing that I researched was the individual impacts of Senator Pell and the founder of the NARPA on the magnitude of future outcomes. Specifically, their efforts in advocating for the bill were the sole reasons that Amtrak and rail transportation exists today. They are only one example of individuals having such an impact on the historical record. Systemic changes also affect the historical record in many ways. For example, if Amtrak was never founded, the 9/11 Shanksville, PA crash. In addition, these all revolved around the one decision as to whether or not Amtrak should be created. In the future, I would like to see a possible adaptation wherein students could work in a pair with two separate changes and create an alternate history based upon two separate PODs. Also, if I were to repeat the process, I would create more primary sources for each event and expand my list of events even further.
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Screen shot 2011-06-07 at 2.19.45 PM

Blog #1

I will be playing bass in my musical group. In order to play base one must fist get a guitar, then set us the frets appropriately to fit the sound of the song. Usually, the bass carries the deepest tone, and its always constant. Its actually the backbone of the song, and must be held by plucking the frets throughout the song. Unlike the rest of the instruments, it doesn't change at all past its consistent four count. In order to change a note you have put a finger on a different fret and continue strumming. This particular guitar is shaped like a rounded rectangle with a squeeze towards the middle, but the shape actually doesn't matter, so long as it has a hole directly under the strings for the sound to escape.

When you pluck the strings, the sound waves head into the hole directly beneath them, and resonate inside, bounding off the walls to enhance the sound and give it longevity. In addition to that, you can see the strings vibrating after you pluck them.

Globalization Benchmark


This benchmark was actually really fun to work on. I got to go around the city and take pictures of different things, some of which I don't know much about, and others that have a lot if meaning to me. I got to connect these things back to Philadelphia. The only issue i had with this benchmark was my camera getting stolen, and losing all my pictures. Other than that i feel that this was a great experience.

Yadi Angeles Q4

​For this quarter, we took 200 pictures, made sculptures, copied a piece of art by a famous artist, drew a bike, and drew from observation. From all the work that I went through with the other classes, I couldn't quite focus on this one, so I didn't always put my all into every assignment. This was definitely my worse quarter, but I was able to get most of the assignments done.
In all the stress of my other classes, I was unable to do a picture from outside.

These are the unedited pictures from the 200 pictures I took:
Pre-edited flower gets thirsty

Pre-edited Gigi

And these are my final product:


Flower got thirsty

Flower takes the elevator



These are the sculptures I made:

Flowers (sculpture)

This is the art I copied by a famous artist:

This is the finished piece:

Art Calvin

I was unable to upload my bike pictures.

Q4 ArtWork

​In the 4th quarter we had a list of things to do in a certain amount of time. 
-Take 200 photos, then edit 3 of them.
-Draw a bike three times;line negative and shading.
-Copy a famous piece of art.
-Create a sculpture
In this quarter i got off to a rough start i did not feel like doing anything. That made me get caught behind. The day i decided to do everything had me over whelmed. I started to work on everything then I realized that time was running out. This was not one of my best quarters. My favorite project was the sculpture and the photo editing. I had fun doing everything else as well but the most appealing to me was those two. 
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Photo on 2011-02-17 at 11.58 #2
Photo on 2011-02-17 at 11.58 #2
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Screen shot 2011-06-06 at 8.33.32 AM

Blog #2

Thumb piano produced sound by the vibrations of the metal when it’s being pressed. The sound than travels through the box and produce  a sound. When pressing down on the metal piece, the longer the piece vibrate the sound will travel for a longer period of time. The piano can be tune by changing the length of the metal piece. By undoing the bar that holds the metal, the metal pieces can be move around and changes it tune. I will be using different sized of woods and make a wooden box with a circle whole in the middle. I will then add about a dozen of metal piece that can be found in a rake or something close to it for the piano’s keys. Also a wooden bar to hold the metal together and a screws that can be move around for tuning.

Blog #1

When talking about music and instrument, I have the biggest heart for piano. Since piano is one of the instrument that I’ve learned to play I have always want to get better at it. My wish was being able to create my own piano that I can bring along with me and play songs. I did some research and found an interesting instrument call a Thumb piano that can be easily build right at home. The instrument included a box that can be build in many different sizes along with different sized metal pieces that are being held down by a stick. The instrument will produce sound when pressing down on the metal pieces then releasing it. Since the metal is being pressed down in able to produce sound, the metal piece is causing a sharp sound. Also the box is to is to so the metal please can bounce back and make the sound travel. The sound can be tune by how long our short the metal piece might be and how hard a piece of wood is pressing against it.