Embryo's Gift To Mankind

This You And The World Project is to inform our peers into many world issues they may not know of that interest us. ​My project is going to be about how stem cells can be used to get rid of a great number of diseases and may be a breakthrough into cloning technology. Stem cells affect everyone because for now it can cure a few diseases and it is believed that it can cure many more. In order to get stem cells they have to take embryonic cells and other adult stem cells found in many different tissues. I have learned that stem cell research can already cure certain types os cancer like leukemia, Alzheimer and a few other diseases and it is still being researched for more benefits.Also i know that Stem cell research is frowned upon for the simple reason that is is like playing god because you can give many people a second chance by curing certain diseases and defects. Other than that there is no cons about stem cell research.




         Childhood obesity is when a child's excess fat effects him in a bad way toward his health and well being. When kids are obese the may often have diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.


Quotes from  Sites-

                  "The rate of obesity among children and adolescents in the United States has nearly tripled between the early 1980s and 2000. It has however not changed significantly between 2000 and 2006 with the most recent statistics showing a level just over 17 percent. In 2008, the rate of overweight and obese children in the United States was 32%, and had stopped climbing."



         "Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years."



       "Shouldn't he have more to look forward to than diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma?"




Disaster From Mother Nature

This is how the tornado looked like when it was hitting in Alabama.

During the past years many Natural disasters has happen but the world became as one and helped each other out. The latest Natural disasters that has happen was the tornado that had hit Tuscaloosa, Al and the places around. It wen close to the south of Philadelphia but didn't do as much damage as it did in Alabama. There were 312 tornado's that occurred during 24 hours. That is a lot of tornado's for that little time limit. The amount of people killed was around 340 but i can't say the exact number since more people couldn't have been injured and died today so this is just a estimation. One thing i wonder about is how do people prepare for tornado's. Do they hide in a corner or under a table? Well I'll be back later so we can get on the topic about the earthquake that had hit japan.

                                       By Eric Loth

How do you think the animals are feeling?

For this project you and the World we are picking an issue that is happening in the world that you are interested in researching and learning more about. The issue I am doing is animal abuse. The reason I am doing this is because I love animals. My opinion about this is that I will not eat them or hurt them and its wrong that other people do.


Animals should be treated just like a person, You wouldn’t want anyone hurting you well around the world there are people abusing animals and its wrong. Cruelty to animals should be a crime in all states. The use of animals for testing in laboratories has recently become an issue. Some things that are happening are Killing, injures, neglect, or cruel mistreatment.


I wonder what the people are thinking when they are doing all these things to animals. What’s going through there minds? Also why are they doing it?

Are there a lot of people out there trying to stop it?  How do you think the animal feels? Next I am going to look at different organizations that are trying to stop it and read about different animals and what there stories are.




Love Is Love .

Gay marriage has often been a major topic of discussion for a long period of time. Same sex marriage is restricted in multiple states and countries for the most part. Homophobia was passed down from generation to generation which now makes most of teens my age view homosexuality as a bad thing.


The issue I have chosen for a connection between the world and I is gay marriage. I have always been interested in not only this topic, but also the topic of gay rights in general. Mainly because I have am for gay marriage and equal rights. I feel as though everyone should have freedom and be with whom we please. Why must people of the same gender who are in love have to hide it because society isn’t ready to see it?


I have searched for many websites that have information on same sex marriages, and I have learned about proposition 8. Proposition 8 or the California Marriage Protection Act, was passed in November of 2008, legalizes gay marriage in California.  Something that I wonder is why religion is a major factor of same sex marriage and why the government plays a major part. I hope that maybe , just maybe , the world will realize that love is love and who are we to judge when no one is perfect.


economy system

I am choosing the type issue because I think I should know what my money is begging invested into but not only all people should know. Also to better my self in the world to not make the same mistake  some American did with our economy.

One Shot Man Down

“One Shot Man Down


            This blog is part of a project called You and The World. The point of this project is for us to find a problem or issue in our world (that we are interested in) and blog on it.

           The topic I chose was gangs and gang related violence and what causes or influences it. I’m interested in this topic because it’s something that’s all around us, that happens everyday and we just don’t pay a lot of attention to it. I found in my research that 100% of cities with a population of 250,000 or more report gang violence or activity.

           I’ve discovered through real life experiences and research that not all people in gangs are bad. Some of the leading causes of people joining gangs are because of  the area in which they live, relatives or family run gangs, peers and protection. The causes of the actual violence can be anything from rivalry between two gangs in the same area or “turf, drugs and even the music we listen to today.

            As I did my research I found that 94% of gang members are males. I wonder why It is so many males if males are known for not holding grudges like girls etc.

      In the next blog I will be explaining more statistics and opinions on gang activity in different areas and why.


Lola Akinsola Sculpture and other things

The reason I made the twin towers was simply because the idea was given to me by a friend. He said that since I am from New York and I was in New York and got a smell and glimpse of the smoke and witnessed the towers fall from a distance, making this sculpture would feel personal and would keep me determined to finish it. He was right. As I began folding the cardboard into the towers it reminded me of how the towers used to stand. The materials that I used were red, white, and blue paint, cardboard, scissors, glue, and a needle and thread. I did it the way I did it because I was thinking of it as like a grave stone so I put the American flag under it.

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Mi Comida

Esta es mí comida para la día. Esta es poptarts. Me gusta comer poptarts con un taza de leche. Poptarts son tan delicioso cuando sé tuestan, pero disfrutado con té frio y una manzana


Fotos de Comida

​Leche es mas importante para huesos de fuerte.  Tambien eso es una necessario parte de cereales.  Usted no puede comer cereales con no leche.

Galletas es una mas importante parte de desayuno.  Galletas tambien es mas bueno con leche.  Mi favorito sabor es chocolate.

Jugo y leche no mas bueno pero solamente bueno.  Me gusta jugo con pan y almuerzo.
Photo on 2011-05-04 at 09.13 #3
Photo on 2011-05-04 at 09.13 #3
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Photo on 2011-05-04 at 09.14 #2
Photo on 2011-05-04 at 09.14
Photo on 2011-05-04 at 09.14

Mi Comida

Photo on 2011-05-04 at 08.22 #2 Este es mi desayuno. Es Honey Nut Cheerios, este es uno de mis favoritos Cheerios.

Photo on 2011-05-04 at 08.22 Este es mi almuerzo. Es unas galletas abuela, estas son unas galletas bienas.

DSC00175  Este es mi cena. Se trata de un bistec de queso con queso, salsa de tomate mayonesa. Me encanta bistec de queso, creo que es realmente buena.

Second Chances

They say everybody deserves a second chance, and while I believe that is true sometimes it hurts to give that person second chance. You think to yourself they wouldn't need a second chance if they didn't mess up the first time, but then again everyone makes mistakes. Even though I am giving you a second chance don't think that there will be a third because I been put through enough. So remember yes this is your second chance but it is also your last.

Phone call

My dad's friend and I were talking on the phone when we finished I returned the phone to my dad. Not knowing it was still on speaker phone she said "Oh gosh! Sean that was Perry?! She sounds like a little girl over the phone!"


Did a night hike. It was short. Only two miles. My dog, Oreo, was having some trouble, so we turned around. She's getting old. I'm starting to worry about her. She has trouble keeping up with us, she has doggy arthritis, she snorts, and she produces stinky farts; which apparently a lot of older dogs do. She's an old dog now. Crap. I don't want her to get old, she might die soon. Hope I'm away in college when does.

Childhood Obesity, What's Killing Our Future's

The you and the world is a project about YOU.  Well, you can kind of add the world to that statement as well, but that’s beside the point.  This project is about exploring a subject that you feel like exploring.  The only rule is that the subject has to be some type of world issue.  My topic is childhood obesity one of the biggest issues there is.

    Childhood obesity is important to me because I always feel bad about it.  Whenever I see an obese person, even if they are extremely mean, I pity them.   I wonder how they go through life without running, or any exercise at all.  I wonder what stress they must go through, and I pity them.


I have discovered that childhood obesity leads to depression through bullying, Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and sleep apneal.  These are all serious problems, and just add on to the already bad reputation being fat has.

            I wonder if there is any cure for obesity.  The reason I wonder if there is a “Cure” is because obesity is both a physical, and mental disease.  If an obese person concentrates on working out and losing weight, they might slip back into it again.

            My next step will be focusing on seeing if this disease has any cure.  If it does, I will research that, and then move on to any other cures that might exist.


Willie Willson, Signing out

Save me now- Mary Mary Feat. Kirk Franklin

It was once upon a time not long ago
Lived a little black boy in the middle of the ghetto
Pretty good kid but he always found trouble
Inner city life it ain't hard to find trouble
No income in the home you find struggle
2 years struggling it's no puzzle
He hit the block hard and found him a hustle
Burned the wrond bridge and now he needs muscle
He tried to let it go but the streets don't forgive
I guess they ain't heard of live and let live
But after going round and round he broke it down finally found out
That only god can save him now

Save me now, please save me now, save me now, please save me now
I'm on my knees, down at the floor
You're the one i need oh lord
Save me now

[verse 1]
I heard the story many times before/still i'm wondering
How in the world did i get here/and what am i doing
Took the ring and acted like i do/without the ceremony
Now i got three little ones and i'm/hurting and i'm lonely
Threw away my dreams when i left school/now i'm 22 never should've choose him over you


Take me away/i don't wanna stay here
I wanna go/back to the beginning
To that place/where love is forever
You and me together
Lord will you please 


I was once a child laborer.  

Every year, Friends Select hosts the lower school bake sale and bazaar.  It happens, without fail, the Wednesday before winter break.  For months before, every student must help create crafts to sell for a few cents to their peers.  In 2nd grade, Tr. Rita informed us that we would be making scented pillows.  We spent a few hours everyday sewing rectangular pieces of fabric 3/4 of the way closed, turning them inside out and then stuffing them with cotton a potpourri.  We were given no compensation for all of our blood, sweat and tears.  In fact, I had to buy my own pillow a few weeks later.

I recently found the pillow, after 10 years of sitting in my drawer.  It didn't smell like potpourri anymore.    

Jordan Debate

Recently, I was involved in a debate over Skype with two kids from Jordan. We were able to utilize technology in a completely new way for an activity that has become relatively monotonous over time. We debated the topic: The United States should actively spread democracy in the middle east. When you think about it on a surface level, this is just really really cool. We were able to learn and collaborate with some of the smartest people around the world. Our opponents were named the top debaters in a region including Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, etc. We had relatively little background knowledge when this was assigned to us, and our opponents live this every day. Aside from being extremely well prepared, they were able to apply the knowledge they have amassed through their daily lives and apply it to the debate. Although we were definitely outmatched, we held our ground. This was able to challenge us in a way that simply debating Philadelphia schools wouldn't be able to.