Msanders Science BMark

Serving size: 7-8

12.00 dollars


1/2 cup of magrine

1/2 cup of Sugar

4 eggs

1 bag of wheat bread crumbs

20 onces of crush pineapples.

 1 cup of skim milk.

2 tablespoons of salt.

5 tablespoons of pumpkin spice.

1. Preheat oven 350 degrees

2. Mix the bowls with the ingredients.

3. Bake the 350 degree oven for an hour before serving.

Serving size 2 people.

Some of the food is process and some is whole. The pineapples and eggs are not process and they are whole foods. But the extra ingredients like sugar margarine is process. Its pretty healthy as it only has 166 calories. I say it’s like 55% process and 45% not process. It is very high in natural sugar and process sugar. It also has eggs for protein and bread for bread use. This food dish lacks vitamin A, B and D. Also it does not have a lot of cholesterol. Some of the food that is processed all of the food will go straight to your systems that will be processed and then go to your stomach. Margarine comes from vegetable oil and skim milk. That is healthier then butter.

Margarine comes from vegetable oil and skim milk. So they came from a farmers.  So does the eggs that were made. My specific margarine and eggs comes from Kentucky. I am not aware wear my eggs came from but its company was Foodhold USA which is in Maryland. The rolls came from Florida and my Pineapples also came from Florida. That is a total of 1324 miles traveled just to get in my home. The Margarine, bread, pineapples, and sugar were all processed. Only the eggs were not processed. But the chicken who laid it was.

This meal cost around 12 dollars. This meal is suppose to serve 8 people. This is a lot more expensive then a 4 dollar menu burgers from McDonalds. This is an outrage that a dish served for 8 cost so much more. The stuff that cost the most is pineapples which were 2.00 dollars. Obviously the Martians, Doles and other foods won the deal by stealing my money. 

My bread cubes cubes some soybeans and Monocalcuim in it. I have no idea how they managed to add those items in bread  but the did.  I’m pretty sure if I made the bread those items would not be included in my bread. My eggs have no significant source of Dietary fiber or sugar. But I have no idea how to make eggs the right way. Plus I have no chickens.

I learned different effects that food can have on someone. I knew that eating unhealthy can cause an unhealthy life in the future. I knew that liver problems and other serious diseases are caused by eating habits. What I learned the most was from the videos, even though we didn’t finish the movie I learned a lot about the food culture. I learned that the food producers are a bunch of a-holes. Sorry for the rude language but it’s beyond me that a food company can just about contaminate almost all of the natural foods to make them more fattening just for money. It’s terrible to kill the cows, chickens and pigs the way they do. Not only make them fat but you basically make them kill them in the most gruesome way. And once someone talks about it, they get sued by the food companies. The workers can’t stop because they need the money to survive. So no one wins. This is a messed up society we have. Another reason why this world is messed up is because people in low income can not afford healthy foods because 1 low income and 2 there are no grocery store. This a terrible world we live in.

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My Auto-Biography

​This Quarter in English we learned about language and how it affects many people's lives.  Our benchmark for the quarter was to create a language auto-biography which shows reflection on language and it's influence over my life.  Partnered with my auto-biography is a video that summarizes the main theme of my auto-biography, change.

" My mother told me that my first words were “up please”, something simple for any child to ask- except I was the ripe age of 9 months old. I have always had a complex vocabulary, according to my mother I was able to say 26 words by the time I was a year old.  Since I was unable to walk yet, I suppose I attempted to let my mother know exactly what I wanted and needed.  My mother likes to relate my early talking with the fact that I could read basic reading books with ease by the time I was two.  Needless to say that language is possibly the biggest part of communication.  Now, at 15 years old, I speak multiple different “languages”.  I define language as something that is spoken by a group of people, so by my definition there are languages within languages.
The first language I learned was English.  There are many different variations of English in my life.  Proper English, improper english, slang, Philly Slang, New England Slang, but the form of english I am most fluent in besides English, is basketball.  Yell out “backdoor cut” into a crowd and watch how many people turn around.  By the time I was 6 I could watch basketball, speak basketball, sign basketball and do scoreboards.  I have basketball in my blood, its not a second nature to me.
In a bigger way New England flows through my veins.  The New England terminology is my first language.  I spent the first five years of my life in Amherst, Massachusetts.  About two and a half hours west of Boston, in Amherst the accent is a little thinner, the English is more proper, there is no difference between the inner city accent and the suburban accent because Amherst is more of a farming town.  I still have a faint New England accent to show my roots.  

I remember when I first moved to Philly, I was five years old and beginning my kindergarten year at Norwood Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic School in Chestnut Hill.  I walked down the stairs in my favorite polo dress and my hair in one ponytail and hopped in the car after what seemed like thousands of pictures from my overly emotional mother.  I never understood the tears, I mean, I did go to preschool for three years before that.  We rolled into the construction filled school in our Ford Explorer with the Massachusetts license plate.  Nervousness ran through my whole body. I sat down on the “magic carpet” when we went around the circle to say our names and where we are from.  When it was my turn I sat up straight, head held high, and said “My name is Gabrielle Aahrnold and I am from Amhuuuuurst Massachusetts.”  Naturally my teachers were concerned that I wasn’t developing my phonics correctly.  Fast forward 10 years later with a little “Hooked on Phonics” and “speech therapy”, I speak with little to no accent.  

My accent was one of the things that defined me.  Amherst is in my blood.  My accent made me different from everyone else.  I stood out from the crowd.  I wasn’t just a Philly girl, I was an Amherst girl, and damn proud of it.  I still am an Amherst girl... but a Philly girl as well.  My accent was a conversation starter, something distinct, something beautiful.  That’s the beauty of language, regardless of how your voice sounds, where you are and who you’re with.  There will always be someone who will listen to your voice and instantly connect with you.  Their voice rubs off on you.

I began attending Germantown Friends School September of 2003.  My vocabulary from the time I was very young has always been vaster than what was the expectation. Over time I began to talk more and more like my peers, we began our own language.  “Obvi” began to slowly creep into my “all the time vocabulary, annoying my parents and pushing my cousins to call me “white girl”.  My aunt began to taunt my cousins and I when she saw us talking, “And I’m like, and he’s like, and I’m like and he’s like”.  She says this to this day.  I’ve changed schools so the taunting hasn’t been as severe since I picked up a majority of my other cousin’s vocabulary when I began attending Science Leadership Academy in the fall of 2011.

When I began attending Science Leadership Academy, I learned a new type of English, Philly slang.  Most of my friends at GFS were from the outskirts of Philly, we had our own slang.  “That’s dead” slowly began to creep into my vocabulary so much so that my mother has begun saying it.  

I love that my language reflects all the places I have been in life.  Amherst, Philly, Norwood, SLA.  My language is like one of my style, something that is visible always and represents who I am to the fullest. "

The Mob


Over the past three years of living in Philadelphia my language has changed dramatically compared to when I lived in Delaware. Not only did I move to a totally different state with a different way of living, talking, dressing, etc., but I got older as well. Living in Philly I definitely have picked up the slang that’s used on a daily basis. When I am with my friends we use different slang words then someone maybe from south Philly. My weekends are full of fun random sayings that we make up.

My friends that live in West Philly, together we call each other The Mob. In the Mob my closest friend is Shania. She Is the one closest to my age (17). “Shine bright like a diamond” a song by Rihanna (my sister Shania’s ringtone) begins to play as my day is interrupted by her daily text messages or phone calls. Most the time she is calling or messaging me to ask if im going to come down there that day to chill or go to a party. “Yo shawty. Whats up? Instead of just “Hey” or “Hi” those are usually the things she’ll say. My response mainly sounds something like “Hey love. How r u?” I use love as a way to show I care about you on some level. If I call you my love its basically like calling you my friend or my homie.  Majority of the Mob’s conversations involve finding out the swerve (the move; activity) of the day/night. They can also involve a lot of plotting and planning sessions.

Our conversations go on they begin to get sillier and sillier. Someone will say something that someone else should have already known the answer to. Or (usually) Shania will ask a dumb question like five times in four different ways. We are the youngest of our crew of about 20 people (we are 16). The oldest direct member of our family will be 21 this year. Shania and I being the young ones, they basically took us in as there lil sisters/ young bulls. For someone who doesn’t hang out with us on a daily basis they would think we are they WEIRDEST people alive. One thing that we do to basically laugh at each other is what is called Follow ups. “That’s one…follow ups”; this is usually stated when someone does something wrong or says something totally Stupid off. What happens is that you get hit on the shoulder back arm area by everyone around you. You can say “No Follow ups” Saying this is basically acknowledging that you screwed up in some way. It also yells “dont hit me!”

Another language that is used a lot in my life is the language of arts. Whether its rap poetry or singing its always happening (especially if im with my friends) We use it to not only express ourselves but to make things more fun. We could be walking down the street and someone will randomly start singing or rapping about what we are doing. Seven out of the 15 people in The Mob rap and go to the studio. When PurpVarsity (the rap group) with Cazz, Drew and two people not from The Mob throws parties they preform and give other people the opportunity to perform as well.  The arts have become of big part of how I communicate to strangers and very close people. Its not pressuring, its comfortable and fun.

Color Coded Conversations

Through an assignment assigned by Mr.Block my classmates and I were to each write a short auto biography about our unique experiences and uses of language. This short essay by me, Charles Matthews explores the impact language has had on my life.

Over the short amount of years I have been in this world, I have learned a lifetimes worth of things just from language alone. I have learned ,thanks entirely to the judgment of others, that my way of speaking is 'white'. Which on paper sounds kind of ridiculous as you wouldn't think of language as actually having a color. But I assure you people in this day and age have color coded the english language. While slang and grammatically incorrect english is usually referred to as 'black' more articulated, polished english is thought of as 'white'. There exist a grey zone where broken english falls into but that's a story for another day. In the hierarchy of colored language someone speaking in a 'white' manner is always thought to be smarter than someone who speaks in a 'black' or even 'grey' dialect and that shouldn't be so. Take my first day of 6th grade for example.

“Welcome to Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love!” I still remembered the giant billboard ushering us into Philadelphia after what seemed like endless drive along a highway that seemed like it stretched on forever. Now I stood at a classroom door, scared nervous, out of my element. I put doubt behind me as I remembered I was in the city of brotherly love of course they would accept me they had too. Right? I slowly crept through the door accidently closing it a bit harder than I intended to. Instantly 30 pairs of eyes swallowed me whole from my hair to my skin color to the shoes I wore. Everything  was put on the forefront. I remember my teacher, Ms.Graves, booming voice. “Okay class this is Charles” Char-els she somehow managed to shove two syllables in my name “Char-els tell us about yourself!” It was more of a command then a suggestion. I looked out at my classmates they were hungry for information their eyes said so. “Well, my name is Charles,” I said emphasizing the way my name is supposed to be spoken the way my mom says it. In one breath, short sweet, but it carried power. I remember getting weird looks just from this statement, not form what I said, but form my annunciation and pronunciation, nervously I continued. “I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I just moved here not to long ago and I—“ “Why is you talkin’ so white?” This outburst came from a girl right in front of me, it wasn’t a tease, it was not an insult. It was a sincere question. Why did I talk so white? The whole class went up in laughter; they had all been wondering the same thing apparently. I never did answer that girl, I didn’t know how too. 

That was the first time I had not only realized i talked differently from other black kids, but I was assumed to be smartly purely from just me muttering a few words. My time in 6th grade was spent trying to adjust to the Philadelphia dialect. At first I had mental cringes every time a kid would say "I be" or "They is" and I'll admit at time I thought of them as stupid or uneducated. But then came the days we had classroom discussions and it were those days that I realized my peers 'black' language did not reflect how bright there minds were. My fancy words didn't make my point anymore valid than the next man-- or kid in my classroom and I realized from that day on that people assuming intellectual levels based on speech is ignorance at it's finest. In their defense, it's only logical to think an idea is only as good as it is portrayed verbally. However what we overlook is what's being spoken and what's being spoken are two very different things. 

In closing, a persons mastery over their respective language, or even others, should not reflect how educated or smart you think they are. doing that is not only ignorant but it's one of the very prudent forms of modern racism. Thinking this way can only hurt you in expanding your mind to the different cultures of the world.  

Q2 THenry -Senior Art

For the second quarter, I followed the drawing tutorials available on in order to practice shading, drawing fur on forms, and other important drawing lessons.  It gave me the chance to draw things that I wouldn't have normally attempted to sketch.
This was an opportunity to learn how to shade using hatching lines, which is something I didn't previously know how to do.  The shading would have gone a lot better if I used a wider range of   pencil mediums for the darks and lights.  I already had experience using natural shapes for faces and animals, which made some pictures a little easier to sketch than others.

Some of the drawings used scribbles as opposed to normal lines which provided a different affect for the final drawing.  The drawings were broken down into more steps than I would have originally thought, but it made things come together much easier later. The second picture is more of a doodle than anything else, it was not a part of the lessons on shading and shapes.
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Sci-Soc: Food BenchMark Q2

1 lb of salted cod 
1 large yellow onion, sliced
1/2 large avocado or a whole small avocado, chopped 
2 hard boiled eggs, diced 
olive oil 


First rinse the salt off the cod. If you have the time you can also let it soak for about 30 minutes. I usually don’t have the time so I just give it a good rinse. 

Bring a large pot of water to a boil, drop your cod in let it boil for about 10 mins and then change the water. Repeat this step 3 times, changing the water each time. 

During the last boil add your eggs. boil for about 7 minutes, transfer to a bowl with some of the hot water and let it sit about another 5 minutes or until ready to peel and dice. 

Sweat onions into a hot skillet with 2 Tbs of olive oil. Cook the onion until they just begin to get opaque, do not cook them through, you want to maintain a bit of a crunch. 

Drain cod fish. Combine, onions, cod fish, eggs and avocado in a large bowl. Drizzle with 3 Tbs of olive oil and toss, breaking up cod fish.

Served over a bed of white rice. Keep the olive oil handy in case you want an extra drizzle.



Analysis- Continued

Approximately what percent of the meal is processed vs. whole food?

Eggs- whole food

Cod Fish- Processed

Olive Oil- Processed

Onions- Whole food

Avocado- Whole food



Use the nutritional info on the label to estimate the caloric content, sugar content, fat content, etc.  


What is your role in the larger food system?


My role in the food system is to dictate what needs to be mass-produced. If I buy a lot of one product the need for that product increases. Such as during ‘Food Inc.’ when the need for one product increase, manufacturers ramp up the form of production. If more people began changing that way they eat, or how it is produced then the food industries would have no choice but to change.


What do you see as the biggest problems with our food system, and why? The problem with our food system is how food is made and the type of changes it has made on the human digestive system. When you add higher amount of sugar or salt to the human diet it changes how humans function


What are some changes you could make to your food choices?

When Mr. Best read from the book about health, there was a part that said do not eat anything that has more than five ingredients, or even just not eating products that have ingredients that you can not pronounce.


What would be the impact of these changes?

There would be less mass-produced foods mainly due to the fact that they have thousands of ingredients and many of them are sugar, salt, or acid related.


Are you willing to make these changes?

It this stage of my life, I do not have to means to make such a decision, if in the future I have more money or an easier why of getting to an organic market that I would change, but going into college I don’t have the capability to promise such a change

Egg- 63 Calories, 4g Fat, 186mg Cholesterol, 6g Protein

Un-washed Cod Fish (2.oz)- 60 Calories, 0.5g Fat, 30mg Cholesterol, 3720mg Sodium (is reduced when washed), 15g Protein

Olive Oil (1 tbsp)- 119 Calories, 14g Fat

Onion (sliced)- 46 Calories, 5mg Sodium, 11g Carbohydrates, 1g Protein

Avocado (1 cup)- 240 Calories, 22g Fat, 11mg Sodium, 13g Carbohydrates, 3g Protein


It will easily digest it, and use the vitamins and other nutrients with in the meal. Your stomach take out the various vitamins and proteins to help your body, then as it passes through your system, a great deal of the salt is also taken out. You would gain high blood pressure from overexposure sodium, and fat.




What state/country do you think your ingredients came from?

Eggs- USA

Cod Fish- Canada

Olive Oil- Italy

Onions- USA

Avocado- Mexico


Which food traveled the farthest?  Olive Oil 


How many total miles did your meal travel?  8012 Miles, all together

Was it organically grown (not as much fertilizer/pesticide/fossil fuel) or commercially grown?  

Eggs- commercially grown

Cod Fish- commercially grown

Olive Oil- organic

Onions- organic

Avocado- organic

Trosario- FoodRule
Trosario- FoodRule

Malik's Barilla Pasta

Barilla Mostaccioli

“White pasta”



-       2 oz of Barilla Mostaccioli pasta

-       4-6 quarts of water

-       Pot

-       Strainer

-       One stick of Land O Lakes Butter

-       2-5 teaspoons of Spice Classics ground Black Pepper

-       3-6 teaspoons of salt.


Steps to making “White Pasta”

  1. Pour 4-6 quarts of water into a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Place 2 oz of Barilla pasta into the pot.
  3. Stir and add 3-6 teaspoons of salt for flavor.
  4. Once the pasta is tender, strain the water from the pot.
  5. Place one stick of butter into the pot and mix.
  6. Add 2-5 teaspoons of black pepper for additional flavor.
  7. Done!


Barilla Pasta: Barilla Pasta derives from the Montebello Food Corp Located in the New York Metropolitan area (Brooklyn). Assuming the products used to make the pasta is made gathered from an agricultural plane (Wheat, flower, eggs etc), Barilla’s product travels a long way. The processed pasta is sent to the food corp. in New York and is then sent 100 miles by bus/plane (burning more energy than it costs to produce to product) to Philadelphia. Barilla pasta contains 200 calories, 2 percent fat, 14 percent total carbohydrate, 8 percent dietary fiber and 7g of protein per serving.



Land O Lakes Butter: Land O Lakes butter comes from a farmer-owned cooperative that can be found in Arden Hills, Minnesota. This butter is created on many farms and is shipped over 1,171 miles to reach Philadelphia. The butter is made with milk which can spoil easily if not contained in proper refrigeration. The butter claims to be packaged in a “FlavorProtect” wrapper that keeps the rich flavor in the butter from escaping it’s packaging. Land O’lakes butter contains 100 calories, 17 percent fat, 37 percent saturated fat, 10 percent cholesterol (30mg), and 4 percent sodium


Morton’s Sea Salt: The salt is the highest quality of sea salt and is harvested from the Mediterranean Sea on Spain's Costa Blanca. The product is then distributed from the Morton International, Inc. located in Chicago, IL. This product travels 765 miles to reach the local grocery shops of Philadelphia, PA. Salt is a self-preserving ingredient so “food miles” surely has no effect on it. Morton’s Sea Salt contains a daily value of 0 calories, 0 percent fat, 23 percent sodium, 0 percent total carbohydrate and 0 grams of protein (Percent Daily Values are Based on a 2,000 calorie diet). $4.75

Spice Classics Ground Black Pepper: Spice Classics black pepper is freshly ground from peppercorn plants that are grown in agricultural fields all across America. It is manufactured at the Por Han-Dee Pak Inc. in Cockeysville, MD. This product travels 104 miles to be sold in local supermarkets. Pepper is also self-preserving so “food miles” has no effect on it. This product contains 0 calories, 0 grams of Saturated Fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 0 milligrams of sodium, 0 milligrams of Potassium, 0 grams of Carbohydrate, and 0 grams of Dietary Fiber. $2.59

Meal Analysis

If this meal were to be prepared with the need of all ingredients, it will cost $11.85 and approximately 20 minutes of your time. The meal is overall healthy for it avoids high use of carbohydrates and salt in comparison to fast food products. But if this meal were to be eaten everyday, ones health will defiantly be in risk of obesity. Pasta has a high amount of carbohydrate and is eaten with many sauces/cheese products that raise blood pressure. Although it may not be healthy to consistently eat this meal, it is wiser to stick to pasta rather than a Big Mac and Fries. This meal is prepared easily but it is not as convenient as to order a meal through drive through. There is no labor behind the stove and no long wait. In conclusion both sums of money will provide a meal for 8 but one is simply more convenient than the other. Unfortunately Americans are willing to risk their health for a faster and easier way to eat a meal. Until the public realizes this lifestyle is threatening to their health, there will be no progression towards a “healthier America.”


The U.S. food system is corrupt in many ways. One of which is the average American’s diet. From personal experience and the research done for this project I tend to notice that the average American diet consists of a lot of salty and sugary foods. Soda is heavily preferred with a meal as apposed to water or other non-chemically carbonated beverages. Also the American diet lacks diversity.  Every meal consists of a type of meat and or bread covered with cheese. The average American diet lacks color, greens, and grains of white rice, fish and or vegetables. It seems to define itself with a restricted type of food that consists of no rich vitamin of minerals that is necessary in a diet.

The U.S. also provides convenient and affordable meals when it comes to “fast-food”.There are now fast food restaurants open 24 hours a day providing large amounts of processed foods for a cheap price. These restaurants not only provide cheap unhealthy food but also quick food. These foods come out of window instead of out of hard work over a stove so why work for food? The issue is that the average American work schedule is intense and the availability of fast food is too convenient to pass up over resting. These issues can all be resolved. I believe that with the simple step of enhancing the quality of food that surround us it will eventually reach the homes of citizens. This will turn the tables and create a culture in which cooking at home will be more convenient than buying fast food. With the first step of introducing alternate access to food (more diners), the U.S. food system will reach the idealistic health level it needs.

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BM- Project



6 apples - peeled, cored and chopped


1 cup of finely chopped walnuts


1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon 


1/3 cups of sweet red whine ( this is being replaced with a similar trap juice that is non alcoholic. )


Place the apples and walnuts into a large bowl. Mix together the cinnamon, sprinkle over the apples. Stir in the grape juice. Serve immediately, or refrigerate until serving.



This meal is traditionally a jewish meal that is ate at passover, which is a jewish holiday, although I am not jewish i do have family that are jewish. Usually this meal has some processed food in it, however the way I am making it is made with completely 100% whole food. When it comes to fat content sugar content and caloric content all of these are very low for this dish aside from the traces of sugar throughout the meal there isn't really anything that contains a lot of calories or fat. Its not something that would have any negative effects of your body and it actually can make you feel more energetic and healthy. This food is pretty much completely organically grown and all the ingredients can be pretty easily found in nature. This meal is much much healthier then fast food because its not greasy or fatty and isn't processed.

Personal reflection:

 I feel that my role in the food system is that I am a human. I feel that each human has a certain role where each animal has a role. The food chain is a huge part of the food system and I feel that although most humans don't take part in this role our role should be keeping balance in the food system and making sure the world and ourselves are healthy. Most humans don't do this, and to be quite honest neither do I. However, I feel that in a perfect world we would all eat healthier and try harder to keep a balance in the worlds food system. The biggest issue we have as a food system is our lack of healthy foods and our abundance of animal slaughter for food. I love to eat unhealthy food and animals, but I see where it is too much and wrong. I see that as people we don't want to balance things and that is a huge and major issue with our culture, society and food system. This is because we are raised in a way that we see ourselves as superior and life has been like that for so long that that is all we seem to know anymore. Changes I would personally like to make and that I could make would be less fast food and fatty foods in my diet to be replaced with more healthy foods. I would also want to eat less fatty foods and maybe cut down on the amount of food that I eat. The impact of these changes would be little to nothing on a grand scale, but could very well change and even save my life. Part of me is willing to make these changes, but I know that it will be something that is very hard for me because I am accustomed to eating the way I do. I have tried being vegetarian and although I could do it I just didn't feel like me and I wouldn't ever change myself. 

DylanC food
DylanC food

Alex's Vegan Cupcakes!



1/2 cup vegan margarine (80% fat is best)

1/4 cup  sugar

1 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 1/2 teaspoons nutmeg

1 1/4 cups unsweetened applesauce

1 teaspoon vanilla



  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. Cream margarine until fluffy.
  3. Add to organic unbleached sugar and blend.
  4. Sift together dry ingredients.
  5. Add to margarine mixture alternately with applesauce, mixing well after each addition.
  6. Stir in vanilla and nuts.
  7. Spoon into 12 cupcake pans sprayed with vegetable pan spray or use paper baking cups.
  8. Bake 15-20 min.


1 cup powdered sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa poweder

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 tablespoons of warm-hot water


  1. Mix cocoa and powdered sugar
  2. Blend in vanilla.
  3. Add in water gradually

Recipe Analysis

This recipe doesn't really tie in culturally to me. However, it does tie in slightly to my family. My family has a small history of having lots of health issues so to have recipes that are as healthy and wholesome as possible is often preferred. This recipe is vegan, which means that it does not rely on the use of animals. Soy milk is a very popular milk alternative for vegans. Margarine is also a popular butter substitute.

The cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, and salt are the most whole foods used in my recipe. Some of the stuff is processed. REAL soy milk is fairly unprocessed and because of this it generally would last only a few days in the refrigerator. Processed soy milk is designed to last about 2 weeks or more.

I chose this recipe mainly because after seeing how terribly we treat animals in the production of meats, I thought against using meat for a dish. Instead, I decided that since it’s a Friday, why not celebrate with some awesome vegan cupcakes! Doing something like this is good to bring attention to issues like animal cruelty.


One of the main things that I learned during the course of this unit is that the American food system is fucked. The American food culture revolves around the 'need' (which is more of a want) for convenience. However, when we take a deep analysis of our own behaviors, we realize that our diet is very unhealthy for both ourselves and our environment. If we could take a step back from all of the regulations and red tape and see the system for what it is. We as a country should reevaluate what good food is and what food is actually good for you. I'm sure that if every person in America knew their meat was 90% likely to be washed by ammonia, they wouldn't eat meat and would boycott it. It all begins at home with making conscious choices to eat healthy, wholesome food, and preparing good meals. I'm willing to make these changes but I'm sure a good chunk of America is too stuck in its ways. I could personally begin to make healthier choices when buying food. Yeah, it is easy and cheaper to buy the unhealthy food but it will cost me more in the long run to eat many unhealthy meals as opposed to one or two healthy meals. Although I’m in a lower SES, I do try my best to eat healthy and wholesome food. After watching Food Inc., I’m not even entirely sure if I want to eat meat, knowing how it is processed. 

Science & Society Benchmark: Food Project.


Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes (or so)
Servings: 13


6 tablespoons of pure olive oil
1 onion, peeled and chopped fine
2 cherry tomatoes, cut into small chucks
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 yellow squash, peeled and cubed
1 zucchini, peeled and cubed
10 mushrooms, washed and cut into thin slices
8 baby carrots, washed and cut lengthwise
1/2 red bell pepper, washed and cut into thin slices
1/2 green bell pepper, washed and cut into thin slices
All the stalks of broccoli, washed and cut into chucks
5 cups of water, preferably from the kitchen faucet
A box of Barilla Whole Wheat Rotini
    A tablespoon of bubbarai
    Salt, pepper and cumin to taste
    Chopped Italian Parsley as garnish

1.) Heat up oil in a wok under medium heat.
2.) Add in onion and stir occasionally for five minutes.
3.) Toss in tomatoes and garlic and continue to stir.
4.)  Combine the yellow squash and garlic, the mushrooms and carrots and bubbarai, the salt and pepper and cumin and half of the Italian Parsley, the red and green bell peppers, and the broccoli with five minute intervals in between.
5.) Turn the flame down to low. Splash water into a standard pot and turn the heat on high.
6.) When water is boiled, gentle spill rotini.
7.) Stir when needed.
8.) Drain off almost of the water; leave roughly two cups left.
6.) Finish by tossing the vegetables and the rotini (with water) together. Top off with the remainder of the Italian Parsley.


The olive oil, water, pasta and two of our seasonings are probably the only pieces of this dish that are processed. If I am not mistaken, many of the vegetables in our household come from a farmers’ market in New Jersey and the rest hail from a store that exclusively sells fruits and veggies. Yes, the drive does release harmful gases into the air, but at the very least, we know where our food is coming from. As for the spices, we have a community garden that grows herbs, like the parsley, and we keep them handy until the time comes.

Although they are considerably low in protein and fat, veggies have varying proportions of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbs throughout. It makes for a pretty well-balanced meal, even so eating this all day would not be very smart. As a remedy to where it is lacking, adding some well done meat or nuts of some kind to mix would beneficent to one’s health. Having it once a day is okay move for it does not necessarily hold everything a human body requires.

We know that the pasta was manufactured in the United States and the olive oil was imported from Italy, but there is one other thing that has traveled a far distance to end up on this plate. My grandfather is visiting from Ethiopia and the bubbarai that was used is a combination of spices that is a homegrown concoction. He made it with his bare hands, I swear. The trip over took him roughly a day, though and no matter how I look at it, that has to take away from the overall environmental impacts because yeah, the taste literally had to fly via airplane, the ecologist deathtrap.

Price has never been my strong point, still if I had to guess, I would say that a portion reaches into the nine dollar and seventy-six cents category. The actual price of each could not have been exceedingly expensive, but there was a bucketload to incorporate. On the bright side, dividing it between that many people should be about enough to cover the cost.

Thankfully, this was a flavorful vegetarian dish sans any type of meat, in other words, no corn for us. This project really delved deep into our food system and the phrase”made from scratch” is given an entirely different meaning. The ingredients that allow for it all to come together are not conveniently placed in our backyards. The distance traveled probably outweighs the health benefits, but now, we know.


I am the daughter of a consumer. While I do eat out with my friends on our weekly excursions, the grand majority of my meals are eaten in the dining room / kitchen area. Shoveling down whatever is available is considered okay for there are very few stomach-turning products make it past my mother. She is a critical human being and her judgement is adequate by my standards because my not-dying-yet is a testament to her choices.

However just because she gives into her motherly duty of combing through whatever she places on the table does mean the rest of country can. The way foods are labeled confuses, the practice in which they are introduced to the public is wholly disgusting, but more importantly, the American government allows multinational companies to carry on with their operations scott free. The healthy is far more expensive than the fast and all of this is playing on my wry humor more than it should.

Maybe it is just our mindset, because we are too young to have been corrupted with the temptations of the big bucks that we are able to think clearly. The food system is a cutthroat business where only the rich and cunning can rule and the ones trying to fight for the betterment of humanity are left to perish. Ah, and suddenly, this nation seems more like the land of the exorbitant and the home of the convenient.

Personally, this unit has entitled me with of the facts and figures to make the correct assumptions altogether. I have noticed that I look more critically at the soft drinks than the bottles of water, that I pass over the deep fried for the whole grain. Hopefully, there is something to be said here.

final project post

Isralie Cous Cous 

Olive Oil-2 tbps

Parmasan cheese - sprinkle

Grape tomatos


hot pepper flakes


First you heat the olive oil on a low heat

Add the cous cous to the dish along with the mixture

Cook until it gets hot, make sure to stir constantly

turn heat down when it looks ready 

put in bowl

Either refrigerate or eat :)

When this dish is made the serving size 3/4 cups has about 200 calories and 15 grams of protein

During this unit, i've learned a lot about various topics that relate to food. I learned about foods that can destroy my body and foods that can help my body. My role in the larger food system is to eat as healthy as possible. I mainly live on a green diet and eat a lof organic tofu, no meat. The biggest problem with our food system is that its too expensive to eat healthy food so a lot of people cant afford to live a healthy lifestyle. I don't want to change my diet maybe. Im not making any changes to my diet. 

Personal Reflection 
Eating healthy has been important to me since the start of 11th grade. This unit was interesting, I feel as though it helped people engage themselves and learn about foods that they would have never thought to eat before. Everyone always says that veganism is hard and disgusting. But it's delicious and one of the healthiest diets in the world. Most food places are becoming more vegan friendly, now vegan doesn't always mean healthy. For example Oreos are vegan but they're full of calories and fat. But many vegan foods are good, like what I made. It's full of protein and low in calories. I hope that this unit did as much for others as it did for me. 

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Tucker Bartholomew's Lemony Pasta with Wilted Arugula

Lemony pasta with wilted arugula

Ingredients: (4 servings)

• coarse salt and ground pepper

• 3/4 pound short tubular pasta

• 3 ounces wild or baby arugula (3 cups)

• 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest, plus 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

• 3/4 cup grated pecorino cheese, plus more for serving


In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package instructions. In a large bowl, compbine arugula with lemon zest and juice; season with salt and pepper. Drain pasta and immediately add to arugula along with oil and cheese. Toss and season with salt and pepper. Serve topped with more cheese (if desired).


While the specificity behind its name would insinuate a unique history and background, "Lemony pasta with wilted arugula" is simply an alternative to both salad, and pasta. The ingredients are simple, and incorporate whole foods and processed foods. The pasta is a toss-up. Normally, pasta is considered a "whole food", yet many genetically modified strains of pasta are sold in supermarkets and local delis. The arugula is typically bought local, so it is almost definitely a "whole food." The lemons used for juice and zest are also whole foods. The only other potentially GMO besides the pasta is the olive oil (the cheese is also bought 'organically').

Overall, the meal is fairly healthy, albeit one or two exceptions. In one serving, you consume 443 calories, approximately 13 grams of fat (4 of which are saturated), 18 grams of protein, 65 grams in carbohydrates, and 3.1 grams of fiber. The meal would be great after a long run, or extended break in a day's meal. While 443 calories for one serving is a lot, the standard calorie count for a main dish at a meal is 510 cal. 

The environmental impact is very low. While the liquids may have been processed, the other foods are purchased locally at delis or farmers markets that sell food from local farms. I can proudly say that the meal is entirely American, and the majority of the meal only traveled approximately 100 miles (excuse the liquids). 

Depending on the quality of pasta, cheese, lemons, and other ingredients, the meals price varies. This dish costs approximately $22, however broken down over four people it only comes to around $5.50 per person (assuming only four people are eating. When you double the amount of people, you double the ingredients). 

The social ramifications are not steep. The farm that the arugula comes from is in Lancaster County, PA, and was purchased at a local farmers' market at Clark Park in West Philadelphia. The majority of the food that my family buys is from local farmers' markets, so Supreme Shop n' Bag would not be gaining profit. 

Personal Reflection:

Over the course of this unit, I’ve learned a great deal about the production and consumption of food. Furthermore, we have studied the cause and effect behind everyday foods - going into depth about the effects of sugars, carbohydrates, and fats. Placing myself into the larger food system, I realize that my footprint in the food market directly aligns with the footprint of other consumers - whether I like it or not. This is one of the biggest problems in our food market: while we can choose what to buy at the store, we do not choose where it comes from. The simplest solution to these problems would be to buy things locally, and support non-industrialized farming. For me, this would mean supporting the local farmers market, and purchasing food grown in Lancaster Country or other rural parts of Pennsylvania. Preferably non-genetically modified foods as well. While the impact would be small, I would hope these trends transcend my own food-footprint and into other communities. 

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to make these changes. Local food is often more expensive than industrial food because its price is based on quality, and the time it took to make. However, I am willing to try to make these changes. 

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Food!!!!!! A Benchmark Targeting Health and Society

​Heya! Sasha Sapp here presenting my Food Unit Benchmark. This unit covered from individual health, to comunal health, to the food industry and its political role in the nation. My Benchmark has 3 parts: a "Food Rules" slide, a personal reflection of the unit and a recipe an analysis of my home family dish. Enjoy!

Part 1: Food Slide

SCISOC Slide.001

Part 2: Personal Reflection 

I can definitely say that this has been a very relevant and engaging unit in more ways than one. While the point of this class is to merge the relevance of science within everyday society, I feel like this unit really touches more on the role of the individual, and makes everyone accountable- in a way. Firstly, I've always been aware of the disparities in our world among food, access, resources, and other things. Yet, this unit has made me see these disparities a bit differently- I now see everything as more interconnected. For example,  I learned the roles that physicians and health care play in and the national debt from Doctor Brenner. It presented the idea of a very minute group controlling the system of out healthcare; furthermore, the idea of a very small group controlling an entire system, in general. That is the way that the world works. This also ties into the very few, powerful companies controlling our entire food systems. The degradation of food quality, and even how we obtain out food has been corrupted. Yet the furthest corner of my mind, I can see no other way. 

Firstly, there are over 7 billion people on this planet; of course, we don’t have the adequate resources to feed, clothe, and house them all. It’s just impossible. That being said, how exactly is it supposed to be that everyone is “entitled” or “should” have access to the better quality food. Regardless, there’s someone out there that doesn’t have access to food in general. While our system isn’t just in some aspects, it is adequate to feed people, in the moment. It can still be improved in the long run- maybe. I say “maybe” because we have no idea how we’ll be in the next 50 years, let alone 20, so what sort of substantial promises to better access and quality to basic resources can we make, when we cannot sufficiently supply all right now? I believe it is that problem that must be tackled, in the most practical of senses. What are to do with an ever growing population, and continuously decreasing supply of land and resources- the Earth is not ever-expendable. 

In all, it’ll take years to re-work system so firmly established- when there’s money being made, it’s hard to fight against it. Food/health is just another thing that has been turned into a product of capital gain, and for that reason, the system- while wrong and corrupt- will remain. Considering the socio-economic factors that dictate health and lifestyles only solidify that. I suppose my point overall is that in a grander scheme of things, its impractical to put the importance of “good food” over food at all- though I realize that we only have this argument in the first place because we are in a country that has the luxury to do so (please don’t mind, my thoughts are sort of rambling). It's not that I don’t care about having good quality foods, I just think that looking outside- and even still within, this country- having food in general is the more important problem to be tackled. America and other nations that are developed can afford to say, “people need better food!”. Though, a ridiculous amount of other countries do not have that luxury. I think we need to look beyond ourselves as a nation, just for a bit, and see that on a grander scheme of things, having food at all will be the questions for the next generations.

Part 3: Recipe and Analysis

Chicken Fried Rice

Serve 8:

Calories Per Serving: approximately 400

Preparation time: Around 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 1 hour

Boneless Chicken Breast (family pack)- (140 calories per slab)

White Rice (5 cups)- (242 calories per cup)

Onion (1) (44 calories)-

Green Pepper (1)(33 calories)-

Habanero Pepper (1)-

Pepper (1)-

Season Salt (1)-

Onion Salt (1)- 

Chicken broth (1 can) 94.55 calories-



  1. On a cutting board, slice the chicken slabs into assorted chunk sizes. Also, slice the onions and peppers.
  2. Setting the stove to high, bring a skillet to a low simmer with butter. 
  3. Once the butter is thoroughly melted, toss the chicken into the skillet and turn the burner low. Add the sliced peppers and onions as well as a few dashes of each seasoning. 
  4. Turn the pilot very low and sauté the chicken for 60 minutes (the low simmer allows for a well-marinated taste). At the same time, as the chicken broth for extra flavor.
  5. 40 minutes through the sautéing the chicken, fill a crocpot with water and add the 5 cups of rice to the water. Let the rice cook for 20 minutes 
  6. When the 60 minutes are through, combine the chicken and the rice. Eat and enjoy!


My meal as a whole is mostly healthy, and ecenomically sound, but it is mostly socially impactful. 

Processed vs. Whole: The majority of the foods in this meals are whole foods, other than the white rice and the chicken broth. The white rice would be is bleached to the make it look white- it would've been healthier to use brown rice. As the for the chicken broth, it is only a compilation of chicken extract and other flavors, therefore it is not a whole food. The peppers and onions, however, are whole foods.

Health/Nutrition: As stated above, the most unhealthy part of my meal would be the white rice and the chicken broth. While I wouldn't recommend eating white rice everyday, it is one of the most- if not the most- consumed product in the world. Most people in Asia eat rice with everything, and they are very healthy. The onions provide some Vitamin C and Fiber, and peppers are very high in Vitamin C. The peppers are very high in various vitamins and minerals but contribute no cholesterol. As for the seasoning salt they are low in calories, but high in sodium. This part of the recipe, you'd like to consume in moderation. But overall, the recipe has a lot more nutritional benefits than setbacks. 

Environmental: Just about all of the ingredients are harvested on US soils, so any effects that we see occur here. The production off the peppers can be taken into question, as the peppers that I bought were grown commercially. The peppers are sprayed with Ethephon, which is used to promote early ripening. However, the toxicity of the Ethephon is quite low, so the environmental impact isn't as bad as it could be.

Political/Economic: This meal cost a little over 8 dollars, which really isn't so bad at all especially compared to fast food. For this price, you could get around two small meals at a fats food place, but my meal was enough to bring into class, and still have enough at home. It's a great and tasty meal for families on a budget. On another note, the main company that gets my money in this case would be Perdue. Perdue is one of the largest producers of poultry in the nation and as we've learned in this unit, big companies control the food system.

Social: I can the most impactful purchase of all of my ingredients would be the chicken. The impact of the "The Chicken Market" is heavily controversial because of the treatment and conditions of the chickens. This is a reason that some people turn into vegetarians, because they've been informed of the conditions of the animals. Also, all of these purchases came from a supermarket.


Food, Food and more Food =)

Meat Sauce and Spaghetti Recipe: 

1.5 lbs of ground beef

2 packets of onion soup mix (one box usually contains two packets)

2 cloves of garlic

2 twenty-six oz bottles of traditional tomato sauce

1/4 cup of sugar

6 Italian sausages (approx. 12 oz)

1 tsp of worcestershire or A1

bay leafs

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp fresh ground peppercorn

1/4 cup of sugar

1 medium-sized bell pepper (green or red)

1 medium-sized yellow onion

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tbsp basil

1.  Begin to brown the ground beef in a skillet on medium high heat

2. While browning the meat, add one packet of onion soup mix and 1 tsp of Worcestershire or A1 sauce.

3. Add two bottles of 26 oz traditional tomato sauce to a slow cooker (crockpot), set on low heat. 

4. Mince two cloves (or as much as desired) of fresh garlic

5. Once the beef is browned, drain the meat, then add it to the crockpot with the sauce, stir well

6. Remove the casing on the Italian sausage. 

7. Separate the sausage meat the best you can and put the sausage into the skillet on medium-high heat and brown the sausage while chopping it with the spatula.

8. Add a few bay leaves, the salt, pepper and sugar to the sauce and stir well. 

9. Cut 1/2 of a medium-sized pepper into fine cubes and add it to the crockpot

10. Cut 1/2 of a medium-sized onion and add this to the crockpot also, stir well

11. Add the second packet of onion soup mix to the sauce, stir

12. Add garlic powder and basil to the sauce

13. Let the sauce simmer on low heat for about an hour while stirring occasionally. 


2 boxes (any kind desired) 





1. Fill a big pot mostly with water and let it boil

2. Once the water comes to a rolling boil, gradually add the spaghetti noodles

3. Stir occasionally to make sure that the noodles do not stick to the bottom or the sides of the pot

4. Remove the pot from the heat once the noodles are soft and drain the water

5. Top with warm sauce

Because some people in the class do not it pork, we make two bowls of the sauce. One bowl we poured right in from the crock pot and the other bowl we put the rest of the sauce into another bowl and we added the sausage to eat for those of whom that can eat pork and want some. Then we put the rest of the onion soup mix into the bowl with the sauce and sausage. So when making this dish you might want to fix it based on who will be eating it. 


The reason why I wanted to make this meal is because first of course I love, love love Spaghetti. But, it is a family thing, we eat it all the time. When my granddad was younger he use to eat it all the time with his family and he still eats it with his family now. So Sabrina and I wanted to combined. We used all fresh things to make this to try and help keep a good diet. 

Personal Reflection: 

During this unit I have learned a lot about what I “thought” I knew about food. Before it seems as if as students were not taught the “truth” about things because we were younger. But now the truth comes out it seems a bit not normal. I say that because of the food unit we just had. I use to think that some of the foods that we ate we some what healthy, but it turns out that nothing we eat is really “healthy”. If man made it then it is not good for the human body and man makes EVERYTHING. I feel like I do not really have a “role” in a larger food system because in a sense there is nothing that just one individual can do to change the way we eat as a whole. The biggest problem is our food system that nothing is purely organic and basically everything is GMO. Some changes I can make to make food choices is to not eat as much or drink as much soda as I would like to all the time. Most of the time I like to drink water but once I have a taste of soda I always want to drink more of it. I can just tell myself that I don’t need it and that it is not healthy for me to drink it as much. My family has changed the way we eat as a whole and I just have to make sure I stick to that way of eating. These changes would really have an “impact” per say It’s just a healthier way of living. Well, I guess you can say a healthier way of living would be the “impact”. Yes, I am willing to make these changes after seeing the video of how our meat/food is made. It just makes me want to change some of the things that I put into my body. 

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Kimberly Parker, Food Project. Tag Food11E

Ingredients and Recipe for Baked Eggplant

 2 large eggplants(Organic) 

2 cups of Extra Virgin Olive Oil(Organic) 

1 cup Balsamic Vinegar 

Salt(Raw)/Pepper(Organic) to taste 

Fresh grated Locatelli Cheese 

Directions on how to cook ‘Baked Eggplant’

  Heat oven to 350 degrees. Remove the top and bottom of the eggplant using a knife. Slice eggplant from top to bottom (about 1/4 inch slices).

   In a large bowl, pour olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper over the eggplant and coat the liquid mixture evenly using your hands or a basting brush. Once evenly coated, place eggplant slices on a raised baking pan and bake uncovered until edges are crisp and center is tender about 35-45 minutes depending on thickness of each slice.  

Grate fresh Locatelli Cheese over the top and ENJOY. 

Recipe Analysis

  Approximately what percent of this meal is processed vs. whole food? -0% of this meal is processed. These are all whole foods. The eggplants are whole foods because they were grown on a farm and not tampered with any chemicals or growth hormones. The olive oil is a whole food because it is organic and not processed with any chemicals or additives in which I cannot pronounce. The balsamic vinegar is not processed because vinegar is naturally oxidized from fermented organic grapes. I used raw salt and organic pepper so neither one of those ingredients are processed foods.The fresh Locatelli cheese is also not processed because the cheese comes from cultured bacteria and goat’s milk only. (There is a process to make and produce these products but I personally do not consider them to be “processed foods”)

 •Health/Nutrition There is 33 calories, 1 gram of fat, 13 grams of sugar, 6 grams of protein, and 11 grams of sodium per eggplant. There is 1909 calories, 216 grams of fat, and 4 mg of sodium per cup of olive oil. There is 224 calories, 38 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein per cup of balsamic vinegar. There is 6,976 mg of sodium per tbsp of salt. For pepper, there is 16 calories, 3 mg of sodium and 2 grams of dietary fiber per tbsp. For Locatelli cheese, per ounce, there is 110 calories, 8 grams of fat, 30 grams of cholesterol, 55 mg of sodium and 7 grams of protein. If a person was to eat this meal everyday, depending on how much salt they used, it could create high blood pressure. There is a lot of olive oil in this dish and if someone were to consume that much oil everyday, they would gain weight and possibly clog arteries. 

•Environmental The eggplants I bought came from California and the rest of them I believe came from Pennsylvania because I purchased them at a local organic shop that only carries local ingredients in order to support local businesses. The eggplant traveled the furthest. The eggplant was organically grown and all of my ingredients are also organic. •Political/Economics This meal altogether costed me $17.00. This compares to fast food because fast food is much cheaper. It’s cheaper because I don’t have to buy all the ingredients when I eat fast food to make it, I just buy that one single item and it comes out to be much cheaper rather than preparing a whole meal. The items in my meal are regulated by making sure they are all actually organic and not processed. The small businesses involved are local organic food markets and the farm in California where the eggplant was grown. 

•Social There are no social ramifications of my meal choice. The eggplant I bought from the local organic market directly purchased the vegetable from the farmer in California. The olive oil I bought from the market probably directly bought the olive oil from another local market that got it from an organic distributer that bought it from an organic olive farm where the olive oil is made. It would have been cheaper for me to buy eggplant seeds and grow it myself, but it was more convenient for me to go to the market and purchase it.

Personal Reflection: 

During this unit of science and society we focused mainly on stem cell research, America’s food system, obesity/diabetes rates, and how the food system is linked to obesity and diabetes. In the beginning of this unit, Mr. Best introduced the idea of stem cell research, I had no idea about what this concept was. While studying stem cell research, I learned the pros and cons to using stem cells in research and cures. In the assignment, “Intro to Stem Cells” I got to discover what kind of stem cells can be used on different parts of the body. For example, I learned where scientists can find somatic cells in brain tissue, teeth, skin, liver, gut, blood, and muscle tissues. It was interesting because Mr. Best also showed us two sides of stem cells research, why people think it’s a good thing and why it might be considered a bad thing to do. We did come to a conclusion as a class that stem cell research doesn’t mean killing babies. 

The second half of the unit is where the class focused in on food systems. We started off with a warm up and we were asked to write down a few things that was can do personally to live longer. The next assignment let me discover how much overweight America really is. I learned that in about 20 years, America went from between >10% and 15% to >or equal, all the way to 30% overweight. That means about 30% of Americans are overweight. After learning about America’s obesity rates, I learned about the disease that goes hand in hand with obesity, diabetes. The diabetes rate is rapidly increasing along with the obesity rate. I discovered that the a lot of the areas that are impoverished are also overweight, this is because no one in the area can afford healthy food. Healthy food has become more expensive than fatty, high processed foods like McDonald’s. This is because the food system has become skewed. The “whole foods” are so much more expensive because they are real foods rather than fake, this is the biggest problem in our food system. I learned that I could make a lot of changes to my food choices. I need to stay away from processed foods altogether because people consume so many chemicals everyday and it’s unnatural and very bad for us to be eating on a daily. If everyone stopped eating processed and fatty foods, the obesity and diabetes rate would drop down. Personally, I am willing to make these changes if it means living a healthier life. Food Rule Slide:

Food Benchmark

Potato Salad Recipe

Step 1:

Clean 6 potatoes 

Step 2:

Peal the 6 potatoes 

Step 3: 

Boil the 6 potatoes 

Step 4:

After boiling the potatoes, cut the potatoes anyway you like 

Step 5:

Get a big size bowl, perfect size for your servings.

Step 6:

Jar of light mayo (of your choice) 


Boil 5 eggs

Step 8:

Peal shell off of eggs

Step 9: 

Cut eggs (or put into grinder) 

Step 10:

Pour the cut potatoes and cut boiled eggs in to bowl

Step 11:

Scoop hole jar of mayo, or half jar of mayo into the bowl then stir

Step 12:

After have two onions cut and pour into bowl

Step 13: 

Stir ingredients together

Step 14: 

Your choice of seasoning but if not add salt and pepper 

Step 15:

Put in refrigerators for and 1 hour then ready to serve


I believe that there are a lot of problems with our country's food system. Our country consists of so much unhealthy variety of foods. Also how people can get their foods that people have. A lot of our cities are obese because there aren't a lot of markets available for people to get real food from. Instead we have a lot of corner stores that have unhealthy snacks for people to eat. If those stores consist of a lot of market food in there, then people would have a reason to buy healthy snacks. I see the biggest problem with our food system is, how food is advertised. If places advertise healthier food, and create more markets, instead of prisons, and disciplinary schools. Having more markets benefit better living. In my neighborhood, I have a market 3 blocks from my house. Within those 3 blocks, there are about 10 corner stores that I encounter. I think that eliminating the problem will result in a better solution. This unit has made me think about what I eat and where my foods came from. Since out unit I have changed my eating habits. I have been eating better then before for 3 weeks. I feel a lot better and I think that it impacts my life because it has made me feel better and helped me.



Our potato salad is very simple; 6 potatoes, 12 boiled eggs, a jar of mayonnaise, an onion, some salt and pepper. The potatoes were most likely grown in Idaho or Washington which are two of the biggest potatoes growing states. They are then put on a truck and driven to Pennsylvania and put on the supermarket shelves. Potatoes are a wonderful food because they are almost fat free, cholesterol free, and sodium free. They are also an excellent source of nutrients, high in potassium, fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and protein. In addition, they are low calorie. As for the eggs, they were most likely grown on a farm somewhere in Pennsylvania then shipped to the supermarket. Most likely, the farm was a chicken farm which specialized in the mass production of eggs. Different growth hormones were probably given to the chickens to make the eggs produce quicker. Eggs are a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein and Selenium. However, they are high in saturated Fat, and very high in cholesterol. The mayonnaise originates from Spain but now it’s created all over the world with a simple mix of oil, egg yolk, and vinegar or lemon juice depending on your taste. For this recipe we used Hellmann's light mayo which has half the calories, only 35, and uses cage-free eggs. Onions are mainly grown in Idaho and Washington but some are grown in Pennsylvania. Little growth hormones are used in growing onions because they grown very easily. They are low in calorie and fat yet high in fiber. The salt comes from a salt mine or is made from sea water and the pepper is made from a tropical plant grown native to India. Salt and pepper is low in calorie but obviously high in sodium. The total calorie count of a serving of potato salad is about 350 calories per cup. They only part of the meal that is processed is the mayonnaise because we chose to use Hellman’s mayo instead of homemade. The meal was very cheap, the most expensive part was the mayonnaise which was about $6. This could be because the mayo traveled the farthest or it takes the most to produce. Unfortunately, we could not find a listing for where Hellman’s mayo is produced so we do not know how far it traveled to get to the supermarket. As for the other ingredients, they could all be home grown expect for the salt and pepper. This would be safer because there would be no growth hormones or pesticides but the process would take so long that it would just be easier to buy the products from the store. Most of the products were probably grown in Pennsylvania or a nearby state anyway, so it doesn’t take much to ship them to the supermarket.

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Bethany's food benchmark

Chocolate Breakfast Pudding
Makes 2 servings

1/2 avocado
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of ice
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons of honey
pinch of cinnamon

Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend on high until it is thick, creamy, and smooth.

Of the ingredients 90% if them are whole foods and only the cocoa powder and the cinnamon is nonorganic. The raw milk came from Chambersburg, PA. The avocados came from San Juan Bautista, CA. The Bananas came from Ecuador meaning it traveled the farthest at about 2630 miles. There is about 20 grams of sugar in one serving and about 125 calories. Over all nether of those numbers are a lot and one can add less honey. If you ate nothing but this meal you would die of malnourishment because there isn’t enough fat and other stuff in it. It wouldn’t have any negative affects as long as you didn’t eat to much of it and ate other food as well. The raw milk cost $4 for a half of a gallon, though this is a lot the milk is fresh and is a small business. The cows are raised organically and are grass fed. The milk is also raw and is subject to more tests then is required by PA state law. They then make biweekly drop offs to different locations where people can go and pick up what they ordered. The avocados and bananas cost around $1.50, not sure exactly because they come as part of a box with different produce. The produce comes from different organic farms, is then put into select boxes and delivered to one's door.    

Personal Reflection 
One of the biggest problems with are food system is what food is made available to people. This deals with not only the location of good supermarkets but income levels as well. Sometimes it seems that people do not have a choice when it comes to what they eat because low quality food can be found almost everywhere and is cheep while it is harder to find high quality food and when one does it is usually expensive. My role in the food system is that stores sell what people will buy so by myself buying healthy alternatives, though it won’t seem like much, will slowly show stores that people want high quality food and so it will hopefully become more available to society as a whole. The problem isn’t just that people are not eating healthy but that the system sometimes prevents them from doing so. Some of the changes I should make to my diet is variety, specifically with different fruits and vegetables. Also I need to eat less of some things and more of others to balance things out more. Over all I don’t think this unit will affect how I eat because I already knew most of the information we talked about in class.        

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Media Fluency

The inspiration behind my slide was myself. I designed it based on the things who make me who I am and what I like. Christianity and peace make me who I am. I chose to put my name in blue because my favorite color is blue. I chose the other colors because they describe my attitude about the words. I tried not to make it so complex, but making it “Media at a Glance”. Because of that, I also wanted to leave empty space and use the color black as my background in order for the colors to pop out.
Old Slide
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New Slide 

Upon going through the process of critiquing others work, I've decided to change my slide altogether. The inspiration behind my new slide was 1 Corinthians 13:4 and 6-7, the definition of love. I chose this as my inspiration because it describes what I try to posses. I tried to use the empty space concept from the presentation Zen article. I learned not to clutter my slide with a lot of ideas, but to keep it simple and presentable.  

Water Stream Teen Magazine Publication

Water Stream Teen Magazine Publication

please leave comments for us because we look forward to your reactions!

When I started teaching this amazing group of students at SLA, I knew that we'd do some great work together. I wanted to make sure that my students had authentic experiences as readers and writers.  So this quarter, we have worked together to create this teen magazine.  Our hope is that this project will inspire other classes to create similar work.  If you like our work, please share it widely and leave us comments because we are eager to hear from you. Thank you for checking out our work.   

My student, Rose did a great job documenting this process, an portion of which you will find below:

At the beginning of our first quarter Ms. Rami explained to us how she wanted us to do “real” learning instead of “fake” learning. A common theme in high school english is that the teachers will assign their students a book to read and a large portion of the students will only read a little of the book but pretend that they did. If there is no real reading than classroom discussions become fake and mundane. We as a class wanted to be real readers. The kind of readers that challenge ourselves and motivate others to do the same. Another aspect of “real learning” is writing. This quarter we have focussed on making our writing real and relevant which is where this magazine comes into play. At first the magazine was just an idea but then it turned into this amazing project.

During one of our first classes of the 2nd Quarter Ms. Rami introduced the project to us. She had us brainstorm different ideas that we would want to write our articles on. The following week we sat around in a circle and had a class discussion on ideas. Some of the braver more confident people jumped at the chance to share their ideas. Meanwhile the more hesitant listened from the side. When someone shared their idea either Ms. Rami or other students would recomend other things that they could add to their idea making it something more specific or letting it go a little deeper. Eventually the shy bystanders started to share their ideas and there began to be a sense of what this magazine would end up looking like. It was great to see the ideas float around and begin to form into their full glory. Our assignment at the end of the class was to decide the final topic that we wanted to work on and if their were other people we could work with.

Once each of us had come up with our solid ideas and figured out if it was going to be a partner article or not we started to learn how to write articles in an appealing way. We read “Saying No to College” at our tables in class and took out parts that stood out to us. Then as a group we talked about those parts and how we can implicate them in our articles. We also talked about what parts we didn’t like which is an important part of a discussion. A really interesting thing that we did was we got the opportunity to skype in with Kristen Graham, a Pulitzer Prize winner, about her experience as a journalist. We all got the opportunity to ask her questions about how she gets the stories, what it is like to have a career as a journalist. From her we were able to get the advice we needed to really get started.

A big part of any magazine is making it turn into a well written, visually appealing piece of work. In order to make that possible a couple of people needed to volunteer to do some extra work. There were a couple different roles that needed to be filled. We needed someone to make a name for the magazine, copy editors, photo and art editors, visual layout designer, and someone to get the word out to everyone. Lastly we needed a couple people to oversee all of those roles. It was surprisingly easy to get all of those rolls filled. The simplicity of that showed how interested and excited everyone is about this project.

In the last stages we have a deadline for the rough draft to be due. The classes leading up to the deadline have been fully work periods in which the different people can work together to get the article ready for edits.

As a part of the editing process we were given a sheet to fill out.  The sheet needed to be filled out by the lit lab that we have during lunch periods. The Lit Lab is a place where a couple of stellar students can help out other students by proof reading their writing work.

Earth Stream Teen Magazine

Earth Stream Teen Magazine Publication Link

please leave comments for us because we look forward to your reactions!

When I started teaching this amazing group of students at SLA, I knew that we'd do some great work together. I wanted to make sure that my students had authentic experiences as readers and writers.  So this quarter, we have worked together to create this teen magazine.  Our hope is that this project will inspire other classes to create similar work.  If you like our work, please share it widely and leave us comments because we are eager to hear from you. Thank you for checking out our work.   

My student, Rose did a great job documenting this process, an portion of which you will find below:

At the beginning of our first quarter Ms. Rami explained to us how she wanted us to do “real” learning instead of “fake” learning. A common theme in high school english is that the teachers will assign their students a book to read and a large portion of the students will only read a little of the book but pretend that they did. If there is no real reading than classroom discussions become fake and mundane. We as a class wanted to be real readers. The kind of readers that challenge ourselves and motivate others to do the same. Another aspect of “real learning” is writing. This quarter we have focussed on making our writing real and relevant which is where this magazine comes into play. At first the magazine was just an idea but then it turned into this amazing project.

During one of our first classes of the 2nd Quarter Ms. Rami introduced the project to us. She had us brainstorm different ideas that we would want to write our articles on. The following week we sat around in a circle and had a class discussion on ideas. Some of the braver more confident people jumped at the chance to share their ideas. Meanwhile the more hesitant listened from the side. When someone shared their idea either Ms. Rami or other students would recomend other things that they could add to their idea making it something more specific or letting it go a little deeper. Eventually the shy bystanders started to share their ideas and there began to be a sense of what this magazine would end up looking like. It was great to see the ideas float around and begin to form into their full glory. Our assignment at the end of the class was to decide the final topic that we wanted to work on and if their were other people we could work with.

Once each of us had come up with our solid ideas and figured out if it was going to be a partner article or not we started to learn how to write articles in an appealing way. We read “Saying No to College” at our tables in class and took out parts that stood out to us. Then as a group we talked about those parts and how we can implicate them in our articles. We also talked about what parts we didn’t like which is an important part of a discussion. A really interesting thing that we did was we got the opportunity to skype in with Kristen Graham, a Pulitzer Prize winner, about her experience as a journalist. We all got the opportunity to ask her questions about how she gets the stories, what it is like to have a career as a journalist. From her we were able to get the advice we needed to really get started.

A big part of any magazine is making it turn into a well written, visually appealing piece of work. In order to make that possible a couple of people needed to volunteer to do some extra work. There were a couple different roles that needed to be filled. We needed someone to make a name for the magazine, copy editors, photo and art editors, visual layout designer, and someone to get the word out to everyone. Lastly we needed a couple people to oversee all of those roles. It was surprisingly easy to get all of those rolls filled. The simplicity of that showed how interested and excited everyone is about this project.

In the last stages we have a deadline for the rough draft to be due. The classes leading up to the deadline have been fully work periods in which the different people can work together to get the article ready for edits.

As a part of the editing process we were given a sheet to fill out.  The sheet needed to be filled out by the lit lab that we have during lunch periods. The Lit Lab is a place where a couple of stellar students can help out other students by proof reading their writing work.

Symone's Food Benchmark :)

Taco Recipe: (8-10 people)


2 packets of ground turkey

2 packs taco seasoning packet 

1 pack of Whole grain taco shells

1 pack of Shredded Cheese

1 head of lettuce or pack of shredded lettuce


3 tablespoons of onion (chopped)

2 small cloves of garlic (minced)

3 tomatoes (peeled,chopped,seeds removed)

2 hot chile peppers (finely chopped)

2 1/2 table spoons of cilantro (minced)

1 1/2 tablespoons of lime juice

Salt and pepper


3 avocados

1 tablespoon of lime juice

1/2 cups of red onion (chopped)

1 tablespoon of cilantro (chopped)

1 jalapeño pepper (seeded,chopped)

1 glove of garlic (minced)

1/4 teaspoon of ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1/8 teaspoon of black pepper

1 tomato (seeded,diced,)

Steps for Guacamole:

Cut avocados in half and remove seeds.

Scoop the avocado into a bowl and mash together with all the other ingredients.

Stir and cover.

Steps for Salsa:

Boil two cups of water.

Put chopped onion and garlic in a strainer.

Pour bowling water over onion and garlic.

Combine onions and garlic with other ingredients.

Chill for 2-4 hrs.

Steps for Meat:

Turn on pilot to highest degree and place a large sauce pan on it. Allow to heat up.

Once hot, place ground turkey into the pan. Brown on both sides.

Use a fork to break meat apart.

Let sit until golden brown.

Drain off liquid.

Add a little water,less than 1/2 cups.

Add both packs of taco seasoning and stir.

Let simmer.



The only processed part of this meal is the ground turkey,tacos seasoning packets and the soft whole grain shells. So maybe 50% of this meal is processed. Everything in the guacamole and salsa was fresh/whole food.To give a round estimate, this dish is less than 300 calories. I think all the sugars in this dish are natural because i didn't add any sugar. Fruit and veggies are good for the body. Ground turkey is light but somewhat filling so you won't be left hungry. I do think this meal may contain too much salt to eat everyday.I know for a fact that ground turkey is produced here in the US. I think the tomatoes and avocados I used were commercially grown, I didn't get them out of the organic section.At the market the groceries rang up to less than $40. You could problem get a least 4 meals from a fast food restaurant for that price. ShopRite made money off of this meal because that were I brought all my ingredients from. The brand of ground turkey I brought was Butterball so they made some money off this meal. From researching I found that Shoprite gets some of their tomatoes from NJ, which isn't too far away. When you grow tomatoes yourself they tend to be more red and have more flavor. I did know that the tomatoes I brought were a lighter red and not a deeper red.


I think simply put I'm a consumer in our food system. I buy what I like and whats easy not necessarily what is best for my health, as many do. There is where the problem lays.It is easier to grab a hamburger from McDonald's than it is to go to the supermarket and then make a salad at home. It takes extended effort and time to buy or cook food that is better for ones health. Easier more convenient food is always cheaper than food that is healthy. As we learned in class there are some areas where supermarkets are more than a mile away. People today don't have as much time or money anymore.Thus the good stuff is inaccessible. When the obvious healthy food is unavailable people turn to the things that seem to be healthy. Stuff with labels that say “all natural” and “light/lite”. We may think these things are benefiting us when in actuality they aren’t as healthy as we may think.

As for me personally I try to be conscience about the food I eat but not overly conscience to the point where I become obsessed. More recently I have been eating less fast food and making more food at home. Changes in diet almost always bring results either for the better or for the worst. Eating less fast food will most likely result is less risk of things such as obesity or high blood pressure. One change I’m working on is drinking more water and less juice. This could definitely lower my risk of having diabetes. It may be a struggle but it’s worth the effort in the end.

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Food Benchmark

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Self Reflection : 

 In the spot we are now as a society we are pressured into thinking that eating greens and being healthy is the only way to if you want to live longer. However that is countered by the daily reminder of how “amazing” fast food is. So how are we supposed to react to this? So are we suppose to fall prey to those daily advertisements of that perfect juicy burger, with a side of crispy French fries, and a fresh cool soda on the side? How is it that we are so pressured into finding healthy ways to eat and live when we aren’t able to get away from those type of advertisements. Are we really the ones who are supposed to just learn to say no? Or are we going to always put up that healthy diet for next week?

 Even though people like to blame those advertisements I think that what you put in your mouth, chew, and swallow is all up to you. Nobody is forcing you to eat fat, greasy foods. You are the one choosing to ignore all the side effects that all those meals will give you over time. In the end you are only really hurting yourself right? So why blame others for what you choose to do or eat? Now, I’m not saying that eating fast food is the worst thing in the world or that you shouldn’t eat it at all. All Im saying is that if you’re going to eat it constantly you shouldn’t blame advertisements. You should be able to realize that if you want to live a healthy lifestyle it is up to you to make those healthy choices.

 With this I feel like I myself need to change my choices on the different types of foods I eat. Even though my mom cooks home cooked meals every night I still choose to sometimes order out. So this goes to show that it will always be up to you to make your own choices and that even though those not so healthy choices will be up in your way you should be strong enough to say no and take the healthy route. I think that once I’m able to do that for a majority of the time then I will be able to live the healthy life. 

Link To Recipe : )