Net Neutrality - Blog post #2

In the ongoing debate of net neutrality, the people representing me on a federal level are the House Representative for the 1st district of Pennsylvania, and the Senators of Pennsylvania. These elected officials are as follows: Robert Brady is my Representative, and Robert Casey Jr. and Patrick Toomey are Pennsylvania's Senators.

Robert Brady has served seven terms, and is currently serving his eighth term as the Representative of Pennslyvania's first Congressional district. Robert Brady has consistently earned high marks ("A" or 100 percent, depending on the grading system) from every national human rights organization that scores Congress. Robert Brady is a huge advocate for improving the quality of life for financially disadvantaged people, as well as the well being of veterans. In addition, he voted no on H J Res 37, a bill intended to stop the FCC from enforcing rules that would keep the internet a free place, which supports my cause.

Robert Casey Jr has been a Pennsylvania senator since 2007. He's very interested in the U.S job market. He's made many pushes to give tax breaks to small companies, and eliminate tax incentives for large companies to send U.S jobs overseas. He is also a huge supporter of future generations, and is an avid advocate for child education and child care. He voted yes on S Amdt 3907, an amendment to a bill that prevented telecommunication providers from performing surveillance on their consumers through the services they provided. This is another key point in net neutrality, that internet service providers cannot do anything with the information sent through their service unless it violates a law/terms of service.

Lastly, Patrick Toomey, even though he was elected to the first Congressional district of Pennsylvania just this year, he had previously served the fifteenth Congressional district of Pennsylvania from 1999 to 2004. He is very interested in improving the economy, and as such serves on many boards and committees regarding the economy. He voted yes on H.R.3709, a bill that prevents local and state governments from taxing internet access for another five years. Even if it's not the most related bill to net neutrality, it does illustrate some interest in maintaining internet accessibility, one of the founding principles of net neutrality.

Although it seems that net neutrality is on the back burner of legislation, based on these voting records, I think it's fair to say that they would all be in support of net neutrality, or at the very least neutral.


1. This project was intended to make us learn what people did during their previous summers while also practicing conjugations. 
2.I used Inquiry because I wanted to know what I did that was good and bad when my peers peer edited my work. I used collaboration when they edited my work and I edited their work. I used research when I went through my Step dad’s iPhoto and looked for pictures of previous summer. I used presentation when I made my iMovie. And my reflection is what you’re currently reading.

3. I learned how to conjugate better in the past tense and about other people's summers.
4. I feel like I understood it really well from the get go. I feel like I moved forward a lot more once I sat down with my step dad to find pictures from previous summers.
5. I would look for more pictures of past summers and use a lot more descriptions.
6. I enjoyed this project a lot. It helped me learn something I wasn't very good at (past tense conjugations) and it felt like a good, and laid back way to help me learn spanish. 

Bike paths lobbying-Blog #2

The second step to my lobbying topic is to find out the State representative regarding to my topic. My representative is also the representative of the State of Philadelphia Traffic Court. The representative for the Philadelphia Traffic Court is FRANK DICICCO, along with seven traffic court judges.

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Screen shot 2011-10-25 at 8.54.49 PM

            Frank Dicicco councilman is currently serving as a Philadelphia’s First District City Councilman. Dicicco started out his life resident in South Philadelphia and his career began at Philadelphia Traffic during the year of 1967. After 1986 Dicicco left Traffic Court and became a Budget Analyst for the Pennsylvania State Senate. However, in 1990, Frank Dicicco advises his skills to bear as the “Deputy Director of Special Investigations for the Philadelphia City Controller.” But after 1993, Decicco decided to return to Philadelphia Traffic Court and work as an Administrator, which he then run for the First District City Council. Dicicco is now working for the Philadelphia district 1 and the founding of Philadelphia.


            During November 18, 2009 Councilman DiCicco introduced a Bill regarding to bikers and vehicle in Philadelphia. The bill is basically states for riding safety purposes and to recognize more laws in Philadelphia/Pennsylvania that is relating to double wheels vehicle. Dicicco and other council members are working together to enforce more laws as well as rights for the bikers out there in Philadelphia.




Q1 BM spanish Max Amar-Olkus

In this project, we had to collect pictures from our summer and write captions to go with them in the past tense in spanish. The mission was to show that we have a firm understanding of past tense conjugation in spanish. 
I used the research part of the core values in this project when I needed to look up a word or conjugation. I used the inquiry value when i asked questions about this project. I used the collaboration part when I peer edited to improve my project. When I did the voiceover i used the presentation value. I am doing the refection part of the core values right now.
I learned about conjugation in the past tense for normal verbs and even some irregular verbs. I also learned more about imovie. 
If i could do anything differently, I would add more pictures.
I enjoyed this project because I got to look through pictures from past summers.

Spanish Lesson (Anita Hutchins & Maribel Kang)

Asking/Telling Time

What if you were placed in a situation where you had to ask for the time in Spanish or someone who only spoke Spanish asked you for the time? Here is what you would need to know:

What time is it?(English)=¿Que hora es?(Spanish)
If the hour is 1, say "es la".
If the hour is 2-12, say "son las".

1:00=Es la una. 3:00=Son las tres. 5:00=Son las cinco.
If the minutes are 1-30, say "y" between the hour and minutes.
If the minutes are 31-59, state the hour ahead. Then, say "menos". Finally, say how minutes there are until the next hour.

2:12=Son las dos y doce.  7:36=Son las ocho menos veinticuatro.

Additional Information:
-If the hour is 1, say "una" instead of "uno".
-If the hour is on the dot, say "en punto" after the hour.

7:00=Son las siete en punto.


3:15=Son las tres y cuarto. 3:45=Son las cuatro menos cuarto.


7:30=Son las siete y media.


If you want to start, then end a conversation with a Spanish-speaking person, what would you need to know?



-¡Hola!= Hi

-¡Buenos Dias!= Good Morning

-¡Buenas Tardes!= Good Afternoon

-¡Buenas Noches!= Good Night


2.How are you?

-¿Como estas? (informal)

-¿Como esta usted? (formal)

-¿Como estan ustedes? (plural)


3.Responses to “How are you?”

-Feliz= Happy

-Bien/Regular= OK

-Mal/Horrible= Bad/Poorly

-Mas o menos= So so



-Adios= Goodbye (Generic)

-Chao= Goodbye (Slang)

-Hasta luego= See you later.

-Hasta manana= See you tomorrow.

-Mucho gusto= Nice to meet you.

-Un placer= It’s a pleasure.

-Encantada/o= Charmed.

Courtesy phrases


If you want to be friendly with a Spanish-speaking person, what terms do you need to know?


-Gracias. = Thank you.

-Muchas Gracias. = Thanks a lot.

-Mil Gracias. = Thanks a million.

-De nada. = You’re welcome.

-Por favor. = Please.

-Con permiso. (when someone’s standing in your way)= Excuse me.

-Disculpe. (to get someone’s attention)= Excuse me.

-Perdon. (if you accidently bump into someone)= Excuse me.
Basic Conversation

If you want a basic conversation with someone new that speaks Spanish, what questions would you want ask? How do you respond to these questions?


Basic Conversation Questions

What is your name? = ¿Como te llamas? (informal), ¿Como se llama? (formal)

Where do live? = ¿De donde eres?

How old are you? = ¿Cuanto anos tienes?


Basic Conversation Answers

Me llamo es… = My name is…

Soy de (blank) pero vivo en Filadelfia = I am from (blank) but live in Philadelphia.

Yo tengo (#) anos = I am (#) years old.

Lobbying Blog Post #2

Philadelphia City Officials

State Representative Tom Murt

State Representative Dennis O’Brien

State Representative John Taylor

City Council Brian O’Neill C

City Council Jack Kelly

City Council Frank Rizzo

City Commisioner Joseph Duda


Anna C. Verna, who is the president of the city council, became the first women in Philadelphia’s 300-year history to become the president of the city council. Verna is a one of the supports of tax reductions She always been a supporter of wage and business tax reductions and committed to public services. Anna C. Verna represents the 2nd district in Philadelphia. According to Philadelphia’s City Council page, it claims Anna C. Verna fought for $6,000,000 in funding in the city’s operating budget for 100 more police officers and supports the idea of curfew. In December 2006, the council passed a bill that she strongly supported calling for $30,000,000 of the city’s surplus to be set aside for recreation, police and fire facilities. She’s going to make sure there is also money to improve public education.




Ryan Francis Lobbying Topic #1

​In the city of Philadelphia, the percentage of African American males & females incarcerated is gradually climbing. 70% of the inmates in Pennsylvania on death row are of african-american decent, and there are roughly 85,000 people in this state alone jailed. 50% of them Are african american. The topic I chose to Lobby is the african american incarceration rate. (In the chart below, you can see the incarceration rate by typical race)
The reason I wanted to research, and monitor this topic is because Ive been involved in some of the movements to change it, such as the 
Saving Our Boys seminar, the Think & Grow Rich conference, Daddy University, and the Young Men's Conference. The purpose of these events/conferences was to reach young boys between the ages of 10-17 to connect them positive adult leaders who could push them in a positive direction, to keep them from becoming lost to the jail system and the dangers of the streets. 
So far, in Philadelphia, people have been planning and establishing these events at different locations such as Benjamin Franklin High School, the School District Building, even at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Some of the people involved are Howard John of C.E.O. of S.E.I.L. (Success through Education, Inspiration and Leadership), Michele Lawrence, of Call me KING, and Michele Jackson of Positive Impact. Each of these leaders has helped empower the young african americans around the city if Philadelphia with knowledge and drive to achieve new heights in their lives. 
There are not really any people opposing it, but a lot of people promote, and accept it. The main point of this topic is to show the change that is proposed to fix the incarceration rate of african Americans, & for people to see the movement that is happening within the community. There is no pending legislation, but there needs to be some type of Law that fixates to not only the black community, but teens at a whole to keep them from getting in trouble, or there needs to be some rally to get teens into doing positive things and staying out of trouble to keep them from BEING incarcerated.

Howard Jean: 



Hola mi amigo!(Days of the week in Spanish)

You are in wonderful,hot, and sunny Spain. But everyone speaks Spanish! You are going to be there for a while because you need to know when the markets open; so you need to find out the days of the week. Here is a quick easy chart.

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Screen Shot 2011-10-26 at 6.05.48 PM

How to say proper greetings en Spanish

The first thing you need know before you can speak Spanish is how to say your greetings. You can’t just talk to someone in Spanish unless you know your greetings! This is why I wrote this topic. The first thing you need to know is how to say hello, and Good morning/afternoon/evening, in Spanish. Then, you will learn to say, “how are you?” to someone, and how to reply back. Lastly, you will learn how to say your goodbyes in Spanish.

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Screen Shot 2011-10-26 at 12.03.13 PM
Now this is an example of how say proper greetings in spanish to a friend. 

Kevans span bmark 2011

​reflection: This project was not hard for me but took allot of time to do. I think I work well in the project until the end. I use the core values because I learned about new things like how to use powerpoint and that google does not support voice. If I had to do my project again I would add more pic for a better grade. I did not enjoy this project because it did't have anything to do with what we were learning. 

span 2011 slide

Spanish Survival Guide:

Have you ever wanted to speak in spanish? Well, we are here to help you! 
Here's are the words/questions/answers you would need to know to have a conversation with a person in spanish!


Hello: ¡Hola!
Good morning: ¡Buenos Diaz:!
Good Afternoon: ¡Buenas Tardes!
Good night: ¡Buenas Noches!

Conversation questions/answers:

How are you?: ¿Cómo estas?
Happy: Feliz
Great: Excellente
Fine: Bien
So,so: Mas o menos
Sad: Mal 
What's your name? (informal): ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is...: me llamo es...
What's your name? (formal): ¿Cómo se llama?
My name is...: me llamo..
Where are you from?: ¿De donde eras?
I am from...: Soy de...
I am from (blank) but I live in Philadelphia: Soy de (blank) pero vivo en Filadelfia       


Goodbye (slang): ¡Chao!
Goodbye (generic): Adios
See you later: ¡Hasta leugo!
See you tomorrow: ¡Hasta manana!
Nice to meet you: ¡Mucho gusto!

Here's how to tell time in spanish!

Tips for telling time:

-when you are saying minutes from 10-90 you need to say "y"
-to connect hundreds with 10's you just state the numbers
-15 means cuarto
-30 means media 

To learn how to tell time follow these steps!

(0-30 minutes)
1.Choose between es la (1) or son las (2-12)
2.State the hour
3.If there are minutes say "y"
4.State the minutes
example: 4:30: son las cuatro y media

(31-59 minutes)
1.Choose between es la (1) or son las (2-12)
2.State the hour ahead (if its 9:35, the hour ahead would be 10)
3.To connect minutes and hours say menos
4.State how many minutes it would take to get to the given hour in step 2
example: 8:50: son las nueve menos diez

Here's how to say interrogatives in spanish!


Who: ¿Quien?
What: ¿Que
When: ¿Cuando?
Where: ¿Donde?
Why:  ¿Por Que?
How: ¿Cómo

Here's how to say different types of weather in spanish!


Raining: Esta lloviendo
Sunny: Hace sol
Snowing: Esta Nevando
Windy: Hace viento
Cloudy: Esta Nublado

Here's how to talk about your likes and dislikes in spanish!


I like...: Me gusta...
You like....: Te gusta...
They like...: Le gusta...
I don't like ...: No me gusta...
You don't like...: Que no le gusta...
They don't like...: Que no les gusta....

Joseph Tartaglia spanish Bench mark

1. The project was about My Make a wish for when i had blood cancer.

2. I don't know how to answer that i really didn't use any.

3. I learned that you can relive the past with photographs.

4. I was proud of myself when i finish my voice over and descirption

5. I would change the design

6. I did enjoy this because i got to see old pictures of the good old days.

Mi Verano Pasado Maggie Hohenstein

​- For my quarter 1 spanish benchmark we had to present what we have done in past summers. I made an imovie with 11 different pictures and descriptions of what I have done. Instead of having people read my descriptions I recored myself saying them.

-I used Inquiry by explaining what I did over the summer therefore answering the question “Que hice el verano?” I used research but finding our information from my parents about what we’ve done in past summers and looking through old photo albums to find pictures that I could use. I used collaboration but helping others with their project and getting help on mine. I used presentation by putting everything onto an imovie so that it can be easily shown to other people. I also used reflection by filling out this last part of the project.

-I learned that writing out full sentences with limited vocabulary is really hard and it’s really important to remember everything you can.

-I had a break through when I found pictures of my trips to my uncle's house in Chinquotegue. It gave me a lot to say and made it possible to have so many pictures.

-I would use more pictures for each description so that it was more of a collage and it is more interesting to look at.

-I did not because it was the same thing again and again. You just kept going through the same process for a lot of pictures.

Mi Intersante Verano


·       Explain this project in your own words.  (the mission, etc.)

The mission of this project was to talk about what we did over the summer  using past tense.

·       How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?

I think I applied the SLA core values by asking my friends for help, helping them with their project, and asking my teacher for help.

·       What did you learn through completing this project?

I learned how to say what I did last summer. I learned how to tell the reader/ viewer what I did.

·       Think back to your process in completing this project.  Did you have any major break-throughs or a moment where everything started clicking?  Or maybe instead everything fell apart?

At first I thought it was going to be cake. I started lacking but then I realize that it wasn’t as easy as I thought.

·       If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?

I would do a collage which is what I was going to originally do but I ran out of time.

·       Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

I did at first but then after a while it started to annoy me because I started overthinking about it. By the end I liked it again.

Mi verano vacaciones

The mission of this project was to tell the viewer about a vacation we went on. 

I asked myself what pictures, I wanted to use and how I wanted to present my project.

I did learn a better understanding of some of the words I was unfamiliar with.

At first I dint know how to do the project but I as I reviewed through it again, it started to click in my head what I had to do.

If I could do this project all over again I'd use a different vacation than the one from last year.

I didn't enjoy this project because I had a very hard time pronouncing the words.

Spanish BM


What grade would you assign yourself for each category?

Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Approaches Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations













Strengths of your process or product

Weaknesses of your process or product

 My process consisted of trying to get pictures from my friends who I spent time with over the summer. I recorded using powerpoint and made it easy to see where to click for sound.

I turned in the pictures late and got my project edited late.

How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?
I collaborated with my friends in order to get pictures. I researched vacations I had in the past. I answered what I did last summer. I posted it up on the blog for others to see. 

What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?
 I learned how to speak in the past tense so that I can say what I did the day before. 

What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback?  What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?
  I didn't have to fix much aside from some words in the slides.

If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?
 I would ask my friend for the pictures before trying to help my dad find the camera charger. I also would have gotten people to edit it sooner.

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
  yes because I got to try a new form of spanish speaking aside from just "how are you?" 

Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?


Mi Verano Pasado

Explain this project in your own words.

This project is like a summary of what you did over the summers. it didn't just have to be last summer but any summer and you had to present it. it could be an album, keynote, collage, ect.

How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?

The way I applied the core values are that for inquiry I was asking what pictures I wanted to use and how I wanted them to be presented.Then for research I started going around looking for the pictures. After that I started putting the project together And then I collaborated with my peers to see if there was anything I needed change.

What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?

I learned that some new words and how to use them.

Did you have any major break-throughs or a moment where everything started clicking? Or maybe instead everything fell apart?

When the teacher first mentioned the project I knew automatically what I wanted to do which was a keynote but things didn't go the way I planned so I did an IMovie instead.

What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback?  What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?

I changed my grammar and the way the project was going to look. I was going to do a keynote but then decided to do it on imovie.

If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?

If I could do this project over I changed my pictures and choose more of them.

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

I did enjoy this project because I love talking about my summers and how much fun I had.

Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?

I have no suggestions.

Novela Numero Dos

1) ​El tema central de la novela que leí es "popularidad"

2) "Como se difine poplaridad en la segundaria"

Ejemplos (3):

1- pg 14 ,

"Annie la facil lo hizo otra vez."

-qué sucedió?

-salió con ese vago de Rick Andover"


"había tardado casi dos semanas para conseguir que Skip la invitara, ya que el muchacho era de los años superiores y aseguraba que jamás saldría con una chica del curso de chica" 

3- pg 86,

"Suzanne Devlin es atractiva, talentosa, inteligente, y sofisticada- señaló Jessica."

En el tiempo de las Mariposas

- ¿Cual es el tema central de la novela?
    Familia y libertad.
- Concentrando en el tema, ¿hay una pregunta de investigación como una pregunta esencial que corresponde a la novela?
    ¿Si familia no era importante, la vida de uno puede ser diferente?
    ¿Familia te puede ayudar ganar la libertad?
- ¿Cuáles son tres ejemplos de la novela que corresponden a la pregunta de investigación?  Escribe las citas directas con los números de la página.

25 de Octubre

-​La tema central de la novela es amor, come vives su vida, y la contra entre dos vidas como dos personalidades.
-Es posible a sali una vida y hacer una nueva personalidad? Como vives su vida? Es posible cambiar?
-Ejemplos: pg 50, pg 40, pg 36

Rail Funding Lobbying - Blog 2

​The next step in my quest to secure funding for Amtrak was to learn about my representatives. A constituent of the 1st district of New Jersey, I am represented in the federal government by Representative Rob Andrews, Senator Robert Menendez, and Senator Frank Lautenberg. While all have been in support of railroads in the past, Sen. Lautenberg is the national railroad advocate (which greatly helps my cause).

Lautenberg, the chair of the Senate's Surface Transportation subcommittee, has always been in favor of railroad transportation throughout the United States. In fact, for his efforts to support railroads, the 
Secaucus Junction train station (a large transfer station serving three quarters of all NJ Transit trains) was renamed the "Frank R. Lautenberg Secaucus Junction Station." Lautenberg's focus on railroads comes partly from his background, since his immigrant family often traveled on trains, but also comes from his work as Executive Commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. His efforts to support railroads are widely supported, since many North Jersey and Central Jersey residents use NJ Transit to commute to work in New York City. Overall, it will be easy to get Senator Lautenberg to support Amtrak Funding.

Senator Menendez, while not an outspoken rail advocate, does support railroads. He has voted in favor of Amtrak in every rail-based election since his inauguration. While this support often comes from pressure by Sen. Lautenberg, it will still be easy to get him to support rail funding.

Lastly, Rep. Rob Andrews has been a partial railroad advocate. While he personally wants to support railroads, many South Jersey residents don't. This is most likely the result of a lack railroad transportation in South Jersey (with only the PATCO, Atlantic City Line, and River Line). However, Rep. Andrews has been supporting the proposed Camden-Glassboro line. If the state bill passes, he can certainly support an Amtrak bill without any negative campaigning from his constituents.

Overall, my representatives will be easy to work with and will hopefully support my efforts to increase rail funding.

Lobbying Topic #1

Revolving door: When a elective official to leave his position as a means to transfer into a position to work as a lobbyist the same goes for the versa. This can be called a form of corruption. This is an issue because of the information passed through using this method.


Laurence Lessig called people to challenge the presidential candidates to promise that they will only appoint FCC commissioners who promise not to work for those who have regulated for at least 5 years after their term is over. He issued that call-to-action after the GAO found that the FCC is providing information to lobbyist about upcoming meeting agenda. Basically FCC members were lobbying information a week before its public announcement.

David E. Jeremiah: 
While serving on the Defense Policy Board, which advises the Secretary of Defense (Donald H. Rumsfeld at the time) on military strategy, was hired by Boeing Company as a consultant while it was seeking Pentagon approval for a $20 billion contract for aerial refueling tankers. "An internal Boeing e-mail message indicated that the men, Adm. David Jeremiah, a retired vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a member of five corporate boards, and Gen. Ronald Fogleman, who retired from the Air Force, were to lobby Mr. Rumsfeld's office." 

Gill, Kathy. "The Revolving Door(and what can we do about it).", Oct/18/07. Web. 24 Oct 2011. <>.