Life on the Streets


Tell us a bit about your digital story, what did you set out to do?

We set out to show what the day to day life of a teenager in Philadelphia is.

How did you accomplish this goal?

We took tons of photos, and compiled the best ones in this photo essay. 

What do you hope your audience gains for viewing/listening your piece?

We hope that the audience gains some insight into a life different from their own, to show that this world is full of different perspectives. 


My post is about a memoir for my grandpa.

I write about my grandpa and our relationship, I put some memoirs that we have together and I expressed all my love that I have for them. He was a special person in my life and continued to be. 

I hope that them to like my digital story and to understand my love that I have for him and the importance that has he in my life. 

Donesha LeeDigital Story

I planned to demonstrate how seniors at Science Leadership have changed from their freshman selves. I fulfilled this challenge by using video clips, audio, and some pictures. I would like the audience to focus on how people have changed within a short amount of time and realize that sometimes focusing on the old can make you realize the new.



​My digital story is focusing on how the community of your school can change who you are. My goal was to tell a story on how once upon a time, I was a bad kid because of my community. My community was raised on violence and fights. I wanted to tell a story on how coming to SLA changed who I am, for the better. 

I accomplished this goal by showing small clips of my community and small clips on event that I attended at Chicago. I also think that my narrating help because it spoke about how SLA changed me.

I want my audience to know that it is possible to change for the better because I did.  

Menu - Kate & Asher

Nombres: Kate y Asher

Fecha: 28/3/15

Para quien es su menú? Nosotros!

Tiene el/ ella un dieta especial (vegetarian@, Kosher, Musulman, diabetico, etc.)? Cual?

No, Nosotros no tenemos un dieta especial, porque nosotros tenemos hambre

Plan one meal a day

Which meal: desayuno, almuerzo, cena





Panqueques y






Jarabe y Agua



Tocino y Brindis

Jugo de Naranja



Brindis Francés y jambón

Leche con Chocolate



Sándwich PB&J




Cerdo y Ensalada

Cerveza y Tequila



Pastel de Manzana y Helado

Jugo de Uvas

Spanish Skit - Sydney, Emma, Kate

K: Emma, ven conmigo.

E: Porque? Que pasa?

K: No te preocupes, sólo venga conmigo.

E: No puedo! Tengo que hacer mi tarea, pratcicar deportes y más.

K: No ahora!

E: En serio Kate, no puedo. Tengo que ir a muchos lugares.

K: Sólo dame un minuto.

E: Fino, bien.

(They walk around for a bit and Sydney appears with a poster saying prom? on it)

S: Yo quiero ir a prom con usted, pero yo no sólo quiero ir a prom. Quiero llevar a lugares, comprar cosas y ver que cada día. Te amo tanto que quiero ir a la playa con usted y juntos yacen en las arenas del tiempo Me hace el hombre más feliz y vaya a prom con mí?

E: Uhh, No! Tu eres un acasador obsesivo. Yo no quiero ir al prom contigo. Adíos!

From The Heart

In this short vlog, I am attempting to show people the music I am creating and how I'm striving to create something different than what the masses expect.

I think that I accomplished this goal by having the snippets of people talking about the music I've been creating over the past few months.

I hope that they understand how hard I've worked on my music, and that they should expect a new sound to emerge from the project I've created


My digital story was about Lloydism. It is episode 4 of an ongoing podcast that outlines the lloydist mantra. I chose to do this because I feel that alot of people don't understand where lloydism came from, or what it is about. This episode focused on the origin of Lloydism, as well as the ongoing effort to provide quality content for all of the lloydist people. I hope that through this podcast you will come to understand the life, adn effort, of a lloydist.
lloydist podcast episode 4

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is an American Movement that feeds on people consisting of the Trayvon Martin, Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes. There are many reasons why this organization was made. There are 2.8 million innocent blacks who are in prison today, This in itself is a crime. Black women are being assaulted. Did you know that there are 500,000 blacks in the states who are illegal immigrants? I bet you didn’t know that. These are things that we need to prevent for our society. I am interested in this project because it targets kids my age in today's society and educates them about crimes committed against minorities. Black Lives Matter also encourages us to come up with solutions to make a change and ensure that this violence doesn’t continue."

It is important for Americans to be able to rely and trust authority figures, such as police officers, EMTs, Firefighters, etc. Police brutality is both tragic and real. Take Trayvon Martin and Eric Gardner for example. Both men ended up dead because of then injustice brought upon them by the police"

I’m wondering how to prevent domestic violence, to say No more to being assaulted. It’s time that we take a stand and make an improvement. To mine and possibly others, it’s Cruel and it’s Racist. I’m willing to create a survey about our segregation. would be better.

ooooooh kill em
ooooooh kill em

The Art of Rowing - A Digital Story

My digital story is a compilation of some clips taken during my training that lead up to a race. My goal was to show the intensity of a sport that isn't as popular and well-known as many others. I didn't find the need to add much audio (besides the music) because the videos tell it all. I hope my audience just gets a chance to enjoy the short video and learn a little more about a new sport. 

Digit Storytelling - People Affect Other People

In my digit story, I wanted to show people that the other in you're life can affect the person you are and the person you become. The main focus was people who go from a high school life to a college life. The way I accomplished this goal is by questioning someone who went to college. I asked this person how did he change and if the hang was beneficial. By watching my video, I would like to encourage my audience to be aware of who they call their friends and make sure these people will benefit you in a positive way. Other than that I hope you enjoy my short video.

Jane Doe

Over View:
Jane Doe represents the overall story of how some children and teens live from day to day with depression, low self-esteem, and bullying. Represents the struggles and seclusion that people feel day in and day out. Represents the pain that people choose not to notice when they see it. The kid everyone laughs at in class, the girl who always gets profanity written on her locker, the boy who gets abused in the locker room. Many choose to turn the other cheek and pretend that they don't see it. That it's not their business or their fight. But by doing nothing they are feeding into this abuse. By doing nothing they are partially to blame for the kid that can't take the pain anymore and ends their own life. Jane Doe is just as important as anyone else.

Creators Notes:
I must say sorry in advance for this project. I took so much time off from school for medical reasons that this final product is not as good as it could have been. As it should have been. This topic was personal to me so I feel bad putting out this video that isn't good enough to me. I hope you all enjoy it and please leave comments. I will create a better version soon.


Pollution is a very important worldwide topic, because we are killing ourselves. Third world countries are getting devastated by pollution. Did you know that highway pollution can cause autism in children? Over the years we have been destroying our world. Sooner or later, the full power of the sun will be unleashed, melting our world. There are so many other options for energy that we can use. For example, We can use windmills, solar panels, and even dams. We have hybrids and electric cars and planes! We literally have green fuel. My point is that we have all there great amazing alternate sources of energy.

This has always been an important topic for me, because I have experienced the effects of pollution firsthand. I have been conserving energy for my entire life. I convinced my parents to get cfls and to turn off the lights. I try to use cars as little as possible.The most common form of air pollution is smog. Ever been to Japan? Japan has the highest report of smog in the world. This is caused by overpopulation.  Overpopulated cities mean too many vehicles which leads to big time smog. Many people in Japan can be seen wearing masks to protect themselves from pollution this is a problem, but It can be easily solved.

The solution will take time, but it is very possible. We must focus more of our funding to saving this planet. We must slowly begin converting to clean green energy sources, starting with hybrid cars. They are not too expensive and they generate a lot less pollution. The big problem with industrialized countries is that they generate way too much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Now plants suck up most of our co2, but not all of it. And that extra co2 goes straight into the atmosphere.We must reduce our carbon footprint. It was us who created things like acid rain. Third world countries are being devastated by our air pollution! Once we create it, it can travel in clouds and in wind all the way to places like afghanistan.

Electric cars people! They are not that expensive. Ever heard of the zombie car. Its an electric car that can accelerate faster than a bugatti veyron! My point is electric cars aren’t so bad and we should start using them. Some things I am worrying about is my original research, because I don’t know what kind of results I’ll get. I am thinking about doing field observation or a survey.

Essik, Peter. "Air Pollution Facts, Air Pollution Effects, Air Pollution Solutions, Air Pollution Causes - National Geographic." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. <>.

"11 Facts About the BP Oil Spill." 11 Facts About the BP Oil Spill. Do Something, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. <>.

WWF. "Pollution." World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. <>.

Love in Full Bloom

I set out to tell the story of how my parents met, but since they don’t live under the same roof it was hard to get them in one room to tell their story. One Sunday evening at my grandma's house I stumbled across my aunt and uncle telling the story of how they met. I asked my aunt if she could start the story over and she happily obliged. We sat in the ,living with my grandma, grandpa, my mom, my cousin, and his girlfriend. I thought it would be interesting to have their commentary as well, so throughout the piece you'll hear some side comments.  

I hope the audience gains a little insight on love and how it’s not a streamlined process. It takes time and eventually “Bam” love. 


Growth and Change

Tell us a bit about your digital story, what did you set out to do?

In my digital story I was set to describe how change affected me in the communities I've lived in and thats where growth plays a part. Images I used are a resemblance of me growing up.

How did you accomplish this goal?

I accomplished this goal by putting something what I called a collage and talk presentation.

What do you hope your audience gains for viewing/listening your piece?

Growth and change are apart of everyones life.

SLA has changed me!

Tell us a bit about your digital story, what did you set out to do?

What I set out to do is to tell a story of a student who was messed up in all kinds of way changed after 4 years of SLA. It is a success story. 

How did you accomplish this goal?

I told a story of me being able to push through and become successful.

What do you hope your audience gains for viewing/listening your piece?

I hope the audience would gain an understanding of how effort and determination and of course SLA could change a person. 

Digital Story- How Has Your Faith Shaped You?

My digital story is just about the faith that people have in Jesus, how that affects them as people, and how they apply their faith to their daily lives. The whole point of this was to show a "real" side of church-goers, like a behind the scenes, not just what's portrayed on the outside. A lot of people assume all churches are the same, and that the people who go their are too, but that's not always the case. The audience can gain whatever they want from viewing this video, everyone is different so each person will probably gain something different from the video, therefore I don't have a set hope for what I want people to get out of it. 

So....for whatever reason my upload keeps failing. I'm just going to post the link. It's just another click, not too difficult. 

Digital Story by Audrey Pham

Digital Story by Audrey Pham 1
Tell us a bit about your digital story, what did you set out to do?

I created a podcast about my own story, my own personal experience. 

How did you accomplish this goal?

I had to learn how to open up about this topic and just be able to talk about it. 

What do you hope your audience gains for viewing/listening your piece?

To understand that everyone has their own personal struggle. To be understanding and more kind, to be more caring. 

Digital Story, Kenny and Penelope

    For this digital story, we asked 2 of my middle school teachers and a friend of ours. Penelope and I asked them about crossing boundaries such as whether they had to act or behave a certain way our of their restrictions. We interviewed them and got their stories on how their lives were affected by racism and adjusting to a different environment. We accomplished our goal by asking them specific questions and asking them further and further for specific details of their stories. Turns out, they had amazing stories of their adaptations for who they are in society. 
​     We hope that this digital story would make the audience feel more comfortable about themselves adjusting to a new environment. Everyone has a story and we hope that the audience would feel comfortable enough to step out of their comfort zone and express themselves for who they are.

Digital Story; Penelope and Kenny