This I Believe: Everything Is All In Our Head

​Heh. From the slightest physical feeling, to the strongest emotional break down... we allow ourselves to feel those things. From my fear of zombies eating me alive.. or the feeling of someone walking behind me as I go up/down the stairs. It's the approval of us giving our brain the "ok" to agree with those feelings or fears. Whenever I walk into the doctors office to get blood drawn, I know deep down I would rather not have a little needle stick into my skin. The single pinch freaks me out. But all my life I have lived in something called my "bubble", where I am NOT apart of reality. Where I can physically and emotionally step aside from my human feelings and allow an action to take place with no regard or thought about it. Ignore it's existence. It's not an easy task. It's not like someone can just become inhuman? We are all human. We all have to fear something and care for something. 

I use this tacit a lot when it came down to my father. For endless nights.. hours on hours.. he would lecture me about who I am. How bad a daughter I was, how I'd never succeed.. MY GOODNESS IT WENT ON FOREVER. Homework was never able to get done in my house. Over time.. I stopped caring. I had to force myself to care less about my fathers opinions or emotions. Especially because I thought I was a pretty amazing person. Every time he would try to get emotional with me, I would give him a goofy smile and swing my finger around in a circle.. indication " Woooh best conversation ever!" Oh, how that would piss him off. 

My bubble comes in handy a lot when it deals with emotional fights with people, physical pain I don't want to feel, sickness, laziness to do things... It comes in handy for everything! Instead of thinking too much about a situation.. just act on impulse. I have learned to believe life is a lot more enjoyable when you don't worry about the little things and just go. Go, go, GO. Go, don't think, don't feel.. do nothing that would make you connect with yourself. 

Though.. there are those days when I sit in my bed.. and everything hits me. The moment I step back into reality... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G hits me. It's not easy being heartless forever. I still need to show love to my best friends, my family, and my self. 

My bubble: Optimistic 
Reality: Downer

:) Happiness is greater. Much is also leaves you emotionless. 
It's just what I believe. 

Do You Regret Your Decision? Welp I Don't =]

I believe that everything happens for a reason and you should never regret what you do or say.. One day I'm sitting on the bus and i was just thinking of the way i chose to do certain things. like if i would have just sat there in the car with my grandmother and would have never responded to her last question i would still be living with her. i would have to pay my own phone bill and i wouldn't be on punishment, but at the same time i would have never met some of my friends. the fact that i see that i control and make the choices that affect everything that happens after kind of freaks me out.  every single time ou do or say something there is a reaction to it from both sides weather it is good or bad.

There is always something else you could have possibly said differently. my grandfather came into the house and gave me and my cousins and brothers all ten dollar. my grandmother was like if you wanna spend that then go ahead to the store but you should save you money. so me and my cousins go to the store and get into a fight and end up at the police station. if i had stayed in the house i would have never been in the fight. i would have never lost ten dollars. i would have never been at the police station.

At the same time i would have never met my therapist who help me out with a lot of things and i would have never got sent to this other place where i met another women who is really cool. but in that i got ear of the school i am in now. so what i am saying is the decision you make play on later events and affect who you meet and what you end up doing. im pretty sure that many people can look back and say "damn if i only did this the other way i would have..." but at the same time you say "but then i would have meet..." or  "i would have done..." and say well i don't regret that decision because something good came out of it.

This I believe: Smallest Things

I live in a city where a lot of things go unnoticed or ignored. When I was little I used to not care about the world. It was all about me. I didn't care what people ever did for me, I just knew that people did it. Now that I have grown up my belief that everything should be noticed. No matter how small the action it should be acknowledged. 
When I was younger my family and I would visit my grandparents every sunday. My grandparents are not rich, they live in a comfortable home, but they are not poor. When I was younger I used to just toss any loose change I had, if it wasn't a dollar bill I did not keep it. One day I was with my grandfather and I threw a penny up in the air. My grandfather father started yelling at me saying "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!". I immediately turned around and said "It was just a penny". He then said "Even the smallest amount will eventually equal something". This struck me because I knew it was true yet I never thought about it. 
When I went home and thought about what he said that night I never let go of it. Eventually pennies will equal to dollars. Ever since that day I thought never ignore the smal things. That includes small things people do for you. Such as encourage you, cook for you, help you with an assignment, hand you your things you just dropped, anything. Now that I'm older I went back and thanked anyone I could for doing the things that they have done, my mother, my father, any siblings, and especially my grandfather for teaching me this lesson. still to this day I will thank everyone for anything they do for me because I feel if they go through the effort to do these things how hard is it for me to say "Thank you". 

What I believe cool is!

I believe that people that do things that are commonly looked down upon do it for attention and to be cool. For example people that smoke cigarettes in high school I think that it is done for the pure reason to be cool and to look cool. I came to this belief because when I was in eighth grade the coolest kid in our school was considered a badass because she did things that weren’t like what normal teen would do. She would do all these things that were just not appropriate for young teens and she would share her stories. Everyone but me wanted to be like her because they thought she was cool, but I don’t believe that doing bad things is what makes a person cool because obviously the majority of cool people would be like in jail or a drug dealer.

            Once when I was on a school trip we went to the beach and on the boardwalk, some of the guys thought if they stole something that they would look cool in the eyes of the women and be the spotlight of the trip, which they were. No, they did not get caught but when everyone looks back on that day we all think how much more stupid could one get? Now that we are in high school the idea of cursing to be cool and doing bad things to be cool are still around but people have learned that it is not cool to do bad things, except for the few who fall into the trap and have become a follower.

            If a young adult were to look at everything they did through the eyes of an adult they would probably do about 50% of the stuff they did differently and think it through. A lot of the things I do I think of what the consequences would be if you do them and what you get out of not doing the things.  I am a free person and can make decisions that could definitely ruin my future for good, but if you look through the eyes of an adult would it be something that they would do?

            What makes an adult cool? I’m not exactly sure what makes an adult cool because I am not one yet but I know that I have many adult like ways of approaching stuff compared to my colleagues. I believe want makes an adult cool it their sense of humor their wits/wisdom and their person interests such as what’s hip or something like following a sports team. Men do take risks as adults such as going to the bar and getting wasted and maybe having sex with someone but it’s nothing they would do to look cool it just what they do. Don’t make your self do things you don’t want to look cool.

This I Believe: People over the age of 60 should NOT drive.!

I remember one summer afternoon when i was nine years old. I was outside playing football with the rest of the boys on the block, and a few of my cousins.We were playing football in the big alley across the street from my house. When i was in elementary school i got out of school at 2:00 so i was out of school before a lot of older kids. So we were playing football for a little while. Then before we knew it, it was 3:15 and we saw the kids from turner high-school walking over the bridge. My grandma was across the street watching us, but when she noticed that the turner students were coming over the bridge she told us to come back across the street to my porch. She knew that they were typically delinquents, and probably wanted to start trouble. So we all decided to race across the street. We said " Ready, Set, GO.! Then we all took off and then out off nowhere a car came flying around the corner. All we heard was skuuuuuurt BOOM.! Everyone around me realized that i was hit. It took me awhile, but i managed to open my eyes, while i was crying and noticed that there was blood everywhere. The ambulance eventually came and so did the cops. I left with the ambulance, and the man got multiple tickets. The main one was driving with an expired license. The reason he hit me was, because he claimed he didn't see me running across the street. I strongly believe that once you turn 60 you should never control a motored vehicle again in your life. By the way the man was 62. I think that old people senses and motor skills are significantly worst than average age people, and it should be illegal to drive once you turn 60. Most older people have to wear glasses and or hearing aids, take medication, and don't pay attention to well.Now he has no license, so he should not be driving. 

This I Believe: Talking About Death

In the last week, death keeps coming up at work. Not because anybody has died, or is close to dying -- because I keep casually bringing it up. 

I should mention that I'm a high school English teacher, so each situation has involved me talking to a bunch of teenagers about death. And they don't like it. When analyzing a funeral scene in a novel, I was getting a lukewarm reaction from the class, so I appealed to their personal senses of mortality: "You guys realize that you're all going to die, right?" 

This did no go over well. To try and improve the situation, I pointed out that I planned on dying before they did. They were equally dismayed by this statement. 

Same thing when I made an off-hand remark in the office about a weekend activity: "So-and-so's got it all planned, so if I die before Saturday, everything will still run smoothly." I got a few surprised looks. "Why would you say something like that?"

I don't really mean it, of course. I have no intention of dying anytime soon. But I usually meet their reaction with a shrug. Why not talk about death like any other topic? It happens every day, all around the world. It has affected each of us in some way, and is the guaranteed shared experience that accompanies life.

When I told one class about my experiences this week, a few students agreed with my viewpoint. "I fear the moment of death, but not the fact that my life will end." A few people nodded their heads in agreement. I thought about all of ways our discussion could go on this subject: what happens after we die? what makes a good death? how should we honor the dead? 

Another student reflected on the fact that she felt like she might be wasting her life sitting at home and playing video games, when she should be out making memories. "Life is short... I'm almost seventeen." 

I know many adults would laugh at that statement -- but I think most grown-ups are trudging towards death with far less awareness than the students in my class. If we can acknowledge death, even in the background, then I think we can live a better life. 

This I believe; My Dear Cioci Stella

​I believe that influences from other people play a big part on who you are today. Who you knew or know and spend a lot of time with will unintentionally leave a little bit of themselves with you. When I was younger, my great great aunt Stella was still alive. She was what made my Christmas most enjoyable. Sure I would get excited for all my presents but I would be most excited to watch her open up her presents and watch her smile. After the Christmas was over at my grandmother's house, I would sleep over my aunt Stella's house. She was 95 years old when she passed away and I remember her last Christmas. She would wait for everyone else to open their gifts, then slowly open hers. She loved puzzle book and music boxes. She got the same things for Christmas ever year but was still so happy looking at all of the gifts that were simple and cheap, but so meaningful to her. Christmas was not about who spent the most or who got the expensive gifts, it was about the thoughtfulness and just happiness of being together and smiling. My family loved to watch aunt Stella smile and talk because she was always so happy. Christmas was her favorite holiday and she always told us stories about growing up during the great depression and how when her sisters were bad, her mother would put orange peels in their stockings. These Christmas stories and her presence was what brought me joy on Christmas. We would also crochet together after dinner and continue our conversations. Aunt Stella was so happy all of the time and made me appreciate the little things in life that sometimes, we don't notice. She made me realize that Christmas is not all about gifts or spending, it was about spending time with family and enjoying each other's company. I'm so glad that I can remembrer her last Christmas with us because I can still see her smiling, sitting on her little blue rocking chair watching everyone open up their gifts. Aunt Stella taught me many life lessons that I will never forget, I will cherish the memory of her for the rest of my life. 

This I Believe: The Different the Better

Walking through the hallways in class you can tell that no two people are the same, but why are so many people judge for being so different. Whether someone dresses out of the ordinary or just they aren't afraid to be themselves everyone looks at it as a problem. I look at it completely different.
I strongly believe that people should dance like no one is watching, sing like no one can hear them, live like it's heaven on earth, and to love as though you never been hurt. In order to do these things you have to be yourself. 
I remember at the start of wanting to come into high school I was nervous about whether I would be accepted or if people acted the way I did. As i went through my first week of high school I realized that no one is going to act the way I do, laugh the way I do, or in all just be me.
I learned that it is fine for me to be that different person, because with everyone being so different it makes the world go round. I was looking at a show The Fairly Odd Parents and remember a specific episode were Timmy wished that everyone was exactly the same so he could stop being bullied.Through out the show he was enjoying the fact that everyone was the same, but as time went on he started to realize how boring life was for the fact that everyone wanted to be the exact same. 
America is made up of billions of people with no two people the same. People who have different opinions on the same topic, enjoy different types of music, or may be from the same culture and eat a different type of food. I look at it as though if someone has to change the way they are just to fit in a crowd they aren't being true to them self. As the saying goes rather be loved for who I am then who I'm not. Fitting in may same like the easiest thing to do but as life goes on I have learned the different the better. 

This I Believe; Everything Happens For A Reason

Ever since I was little my mom has always said "everything happens for a reason." This quote has always stuck with me. It makes it easy to fall back on. 

About 3 years ago my grandma passed away. This was a hard thing for everyone in my family to deal with. My family is on the small side, with about 10 close members. So losing my grandma, which was the first person in my life to die, it was extremely hard. My grandma died on July 7. The last holiday we all spent together as a family was July 4th and we made sure it was special. From the day we found out she had cancer and that the cancer was slowly just going to kill her, we made every day amazing and with her. 

My grandma had been on oxygen tanks for as long as I could remember and basic everyday tasks were a big struggle for her. She did a lot of sitting and eating and asking us to get her things from around the house. When we went out I use to roll her tanks around and everyone watched her close to make sure she was doing okay and wasn't straining herself. I know she had a hard life.

The doctors told us she was going to live for about 3 more months but within the following 3 weeks she got extremely sick and passed away, and she passed when she was alone in the room and soundly in her sleep. I know she was a strong woman and held on as long as she could. 

She meant so much to us, and dealing with this is still hard to this day, but as my mom has always said, "everything happens for a reason." We try to keep this mind set when dwelling on the lose. It was time for my grandma to be put out of her suffering and to relax. God had called on her and wanted her to come home. The death of my grandma was suppose to happen and it had been planned from the day she set foot on this Earth that on July 7, 2009 she would part from us. 

This lose is still hard to deal with, but knowing that this is how things are suppose be and that she is happy and enjoying herself, it makes me able to bare with the absents of her. I know one day I will join her and so will everyone in my family; we will, one day be a whole family again. 

And that day I know is planned out and I will wait for that day to come. 

This I Believe: Harry Potter

I spent my mornings in second grade sitting in line reading Harry Potter. I had just moved to Philadelphia and had no friends. I would sit and read getting sucked into the story until the sounds of kids shouting and footballs being thrown would disappear and be replaced with the beating of owl wings and the chorus of voices in the great hall. I was an only child, going to a brand new school. So Harry Potter became my friend, and then more and more book characters began to come into my life to make me see things in a new light, to let me into their stories so I could see everything they were going through. I would often get in trouble for reading under my desk that year. 

This thirst for books never died, I still spend most nights reading. When I am really sad or need to escape the world I grab a book and let myself slip from reality into this land of magic, or maybe into the ocean, or I can even explore the future. In the time that I am reading the book though I am free from the things that weigh me down daily. I can thank Harry Potter for that, for being there when I needed him and still being here when I want to go back to Hogwarts.

As I was in the theater with my mother surrounded by other Harry Potter nerds, watching the final movie I cried, I actually did not stop crying until I got homem because to me Harry Potter had always been there, had been my friend had been my first exploration of a world different from our own. Harry Potter had opened up my love for reading, and as I watched the last movie I could not help but feel like I was growing up and leaving my childhood behind me. 

I believe in Harry Potter

This I Believe: Girls and Boys

I believe that girls and boys can be just friends. Nothing more than that. They can keep it on that level. Many people think other wise but I never have.
When I was a kid my mom had a friend and her friend had a son. This little boy and I grew up together. He was the first one to know everything about me. My first pet. 
My first kiss. My high school acceptance. My family problems. Everything. But somewhere along the line we started getting comments about us being a couple. We understood where they were going but we never went out, frankly we were to much like brother and sister to even think about that. Then once we reached our high school years we really were getting drilled with comments. People would tease us all the time. He's had girlfriends, none of them liked me because of the friendship that we had. 
Out of this, I don't think I would be the way I am around guys if I didn't have that friend in the first place. I think you need to have a friend of the opposite gender to really be able to get to know other ones. Honestly, I think boys are a lot more fun. With girls there so much competition and its not worth it. Boys are so much more comfortable to be around, not for the attraction, just to have fun with. 
One  of my other best friends, who is a girl, never really had a guy friend. She's 16 years old and she's practically afraid of the male gender. But if you think about it you could actually understand why she would be like that. If you aren't exposed to something then you most likely going to avoid it. 
I still do talk to my first boy best friend. He is probably one of the closest people to me. I believe that everyone should have someone of the opposite gender to talk to, and to understand.

Q2 Media Fluency


Nadir Meeks


            I used a zoomed picture of a bass so that it only shows the body and part of the neck. Then I put what each string is in music terms such as “E” or “G”. After I named each string I then I made it so that the string say something to represent that I prefer bass. Then I put “bass” in the corner of the slide so those who don’t know what the instrument is now know. I chose to use purple for the words so that they stand out and are easily legible.

Tech Project

Michael Nicolella q2 media fluency

Slide Explination


            This slide explains my obsession for reptiles. Everything on this slide has to do with reptiles. The thing that I wrote “scaling the road to victory” because I think I have a good future.






            The things that I learned from these web sites is that you need to;


1.     Keep it simple

2.     Limit the amount of words

3.     Use color well

4.     Make the words big and simple






Matt Schreiber Q2 media fluency

For technology We had to find websites for a slide. I learned from the websites on moddle and from stuff I learned in class like using alpha. I choose the background for my slide because it makes all information on the slide easy to see.  The picture of the turtle is there because it’s the best picture I could that would go with my background. I made my name big so it would be the first thing people would focus on and to show what I would rather be called “Matt” instead of my full name. The picture of the house is there to show that I live in a normal home just like most people.


Mschreiber y2 PDf

Blog Post #3

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 Curfews have reemerged recently as a popular option for policymakers in their efforts to deter juvenile victimization and delinquency. Imposed on and off since the turn of the century, curfews tend to receive increased attention when there is a perceived need for more stringent efforts at social control. For example, curfew ordinances were originally enacted in the 1890's to decrease crime among immigrant youth. During World War II, curfews were perceived as an effective control for parents who were busy helping with the war effort. More recent interest in juvenile curfew ordinances came as a response to growing juvenile crime during the 1970's Curfew laws vary with respect to the locale affected, timeframe, and sanctions. Most restrict minors to their homes or property between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., with some jurisdictions allowing exceptions for weekend nights or summer months. Many curfew ordinances provide exemptions for youth who are going to or from a school-, religious-, or civic-sponsored event. Youth traveling from places of employment or responding to emergencies often are excluded from curfew provisions as well. Several ordinances allow unrestricted mobility for youth who are married, accompanied by an adult, or traveling with a parent's permission. 

In addition, some curfew laws impose more stringent curfew parameters in specific zones of the city, usually in targeted high-crime or commercially important areas. A recent example of this type comes from the city of Austin where, in 1994, the city council took action to limit youth activity in the nightclub district of the city. In that area, the curfew begins at 10 p.m. each night, compared with the 11:30 p.m. curfew for the rest of Austin. This isn’t a good year because there is still problems going on with this issue, there are people under age still outside pass 10:00 pm. They can get in trouble if they are being seen out side under age with a crew, they can be blamed for flash-mob or any other thing out there that kids are being blamed for. Teens can be fine with being in the house at this time but they just chose not to listen and follow what there friends are doing, and that’s what will screw them up. I didn’t notice anyone working on this currently since this law has passed on October27th. 

Theirs really nothing anyone can do at this point but if anything do come up they can always address it to someone. I just think curfew is important because is respectful of the responsible party's time. For example, if a curfew is set by your parent or guardian, it is respectful to the them to be home by it. Otherwise, they are left worrying about you and left to decide if they should start an emergency search for you, etc. If a curfew is set by city officials, it is important because it allows law enforcement officials the ability to know right off that someone out after curfew is most likely causing trouble. It would also allow the city quiet time, in which residential folks could count on being able to sleep without noisy cars, yelling or other disruptive behavior.

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Quierda Angie Gonzalez

¡Hola! Soy Allen Harmon
.Tengo 15 años.Me cumpleanos ed 30 de Octubre.Soy de Filadelfila. Me gusta baloncesto y béisbol, y tú? Me no gusta leer y cómer. Secundaria es difícil. Mucho tarea,me tengo que ir.
Photo on 10-26-11 at 9.47 AM
Photo on 10-26-11 at 9.47 AM
This is me.