Journal 10.21.13

How does writing help you connect?

Writing is a way out for some people, to share, and or express emotions. It is a pleasure for some people, and others just use it in school. School writing is very important, and can usually be longer. On a daily basis, we write all the time to communicate with others. I use it sometimes when I need to say what's on my mind without telling a person. I journal in English class almost every day, and I also journal on my computer. Writing helps me connect to other people without telling them. I like writing to myself sometimes, but it doesn't always solve everything. Most of the time I end up telling a person in the end. Writing is import an to me, and I think reading helps me improve. 

Write to Connect

Writing help me connect to others. That meaning that it helps me understand the perspective of another person. It helps me see the way the world revolves for them. How things work out and how things don't work out. It helps me see into the world and livelihood of the writer. Even if it's a fiction writing "you" can still see and understand the way the writer thinks.

I write a lot outside of class. I use words in order to communicate what i'm feeling. It's all written in a document. I have about five other documents full of feelings and full of things that happen to me all the time. Then another way of writing that we all use is texting, emailing, or writing letters. I use texting in order to communicate with friends and family. I use text to talk to others about projects and work we have to do. Then email is another way to communicate too. I use it the same way that I use texting. The same goes for letters.

Empleados federales vuelven a sus oficinas

Michelle Friedman

Señorita Manuel

Quarter 1

Empleados federales vuelven a sus oficinas

¡El gobierno abrió finalmente! Después de dos semanas sin un gobierno, nuestra país abrió otra vez. Por los dos semanas cuando no tienen un gobierno, todos los parques y atracciones nacionales y sitios web y muchas otras cosas no funcionaron. Porque los parques, atracciones, y sitios web no funcionaron, los trabajadores no tienen trabajo también. Sin trabajo los trabajadores no pueden recibir salario. Esta vez, los trabajadores no pueden recibir salario porque el gobierno cierre y los trabajadores en congreso no pueden hacer un presupuesto. Por otro lado, cuando quien no va a  trabajar, el puede recibir salario.

Todos los atracciones, parques, sitios web, y oficinas federales trabajar otra vez y todos los empleados federales vuelven a sus oficinas y trabajadores. Por el país de los Estados Unidos, este significa que nosotros vamos a recibir más dinero de todos los atracciones turísticas. Cada dia que no fue gobierno, los Estados Unidos no recibia como dinero que el poder recibir con los atraciones nationales. Atracciones nationales importantes están la estatua de la libertad, el parque zoológico nacional, los museos del Smithsonian, y mucho más.  Hoy, nuestro gobierno trabaja con todos los empleados que el necesario y el congreso puede hacer decisiones como el tiene que.

Word Count: 204

"Latino News and Opinion." Empleados Federales Vuelven a Sus Oficinas - . N.p., 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 19 Oct. 2013. <>.

Write To Connect

Writing has always been a way of expressing emotions for most people. Comfort can be found in simple words. Words can be depressing or cheerful as they speak of failure and success. I use words to drown myself in feeling, to numb myself from the pain, though I have issues conforming with my feelings. I either express my emotions too much or too little. Pages and pages sometimes can not depict what I feel, though sometimes just one sentence out my mouth is suffice. 

I do not write to connect with my ancestries, though I write to share my thoughts. I tweet, I blog, I text, I write. To simply show a desired notion, I write to please others, to get grades, I write to better myself and my understanding of the world. I write to educate others of the world, I write to share my knowledge. And sometimes I just write and write to write just because it gives me a feeling of contempt.


Writing makes me feel free, focused and blissful. It is my escape from reality, while also my touchstone to overcome what sometimes feels like too much reality. I write to connect with my emotions. My writing both feeds me and at times destroys me when I "fail" to achieve what I hope for in. Writing frees and nourishes my soul.


Writing is a form of expression. I use writing as a way to declare myself to an audience. Many times the audience is myself. I use writing to reflect, and to document my thoughts or feelings that I may not be in the position to voice or publicize. Writing is a form of art and it can pull one away from the real world. Writing is a hobby, but at times it also proves to be a huge challenge. Crafting a perfect piece has always been a difficult task for me and I often feel like the end of writing a strong essay is the best feeling of accomplishment. However it's the process of writing the essay or piece that makes the entire writing experience worthwhile.  

#Write2connect Keyaira Doughty

Writing dares you to connect to that inner self that you may be to scared to reach on a daily basis.
Writing gives you the power to connect to the voiceless, for their voices will now be heard through you.
Writing allows you connect your story with others, do you find any similarities? 
Writing asks you to become emotional, confide in that piece of paper and pen.
Writing pushes you to finish that College application, that high school paper, or that resume for your future career.
Writing provides you the tool to chat with old friends, distant relatives, or that crush you can't go a minute without thinking about.
Writing tells you that your conscious is only a temporary holder for your intelligent thoughts "Share them!"
Writing is your present, past, and future. Connect!

Keyaira Doughty - Science Leadership Academy


If it wasn't for writing, I don't think that many people would know who I really am and why I'm the way I am. When I write, whether it's for an assignment or just for fun, I tell a story within a story. I could write about something real random or crazy, but it still has some kind of connection about me and who I am. If people read the things I write, they could learn a lot about me. Writing helps me to express myself to other people and also to me. My writing helps me to connect to people because I write about the things people know about, something they can relate to. These writings are normally about my life or things I see everyday. My writing can sometimes help entertain people whenever their bored. But other than trying to connecting to people I don't know, my writing connects me to my family and to myself. When I write to my family it is to tell them how thankful I am and how much I care about them, something that will let them know how I really feel about them, things I can't say. Lastly, I write to myself to express my feelings. Whenever I'm upset I write, whenever I'm happy I write. Writing is a part of me and without it I don't think that I would be sane. Writing helps me to connect to other people and that's how they connect to me.


I write to connect to a lot of different things. One thing I write to connect to is my inner self. When I need to get my feelings out and I don't want to talk to anyone I write them on paper and then eventually start to feel better. I also write to connect to others. Like for example, thanks to English class and writing journals I connected to a lot of people in my class who I never would of that I connected to.

I also write to connect with family. There are people in my family that I don't get to see often, I write to them all the time. Whether it is on the internet or texting, we still connect. Even with friends and family I do get to see often we still write to each other all the time. Writing connects me to a lot of different things. 

National Day on Writing

How does writing help you connect?

It connects the years together by showing the history of the past. 20 years ago some people are still alive but 1,000 years ago all the people are dead and gone. There is no way to know how it was back then. Only but so much can be left behind. Objects don't show detail about how life was if all the people are dead. The writing of the people 1,000 years ago shows the details, feelings, and way of living. To go even further the writing of ancient civilizations can show what happened during those times. It might be harder to translate and understand but that is a major connection to history. The many different time periods you can visit just by reading what was left behind. To the walls of an ancient ruins to the pages of a lost journal all share some history. With out these ancient writings the past would be lost.

Write to Connect

I write to connect my life to others. I share my experiences through texts and thought to them to spark their new ideas. I connect writing to my family, I feel that I come from a family of poets they're always writing they never seem to run out of words. I connect to my emotions to my writing, I can relax and get my feelings out with words. I write to connect to my inner talent as a writer, to challenge myself to be better than what I am.

#write2connect - National Day of Writing - Daniel Varnis

How does writing help you connect?

Writing allows not only me, but every other person on this earth connect in various different (and similar) fashions. For instance, some people write in a journal or diary everyday so they can connect with their feelings and let go of some burdens in life. Another case of this is the forms of writing within social networks. As of 2006, Twitter calculated that approximately 300+ million tweets are written every single day. That is A LOT! With all of these messages/tweets being sent out every day, there are 300+ million ideas being written, published, shared, and pursued. This form of connection is probably one of the most powerful, yet simple forms out there. It takes little to no effort to write 140 characters (Twitter's character count per tweet limit), but it requires a lot of effort to write something that has meaning. One last example of writing to help you connect is an author writing a book. For instance, we read a book calledDrown by Junot Diaz. This book was Diaz's way of connecting with people around the world, telling the personal story about his life growing up as a poverty-stricken boy, also have troubles with love and confusion in his life. Him writing this book gives people the opportunity to learn from his endeavors and mistakes. Out of all of the examples of connecting through writing, I'd say that writing a book is the finest and most eloquent. The formality of this type of writing is what really set's aside from the others... but in a good way! To close, I'll say that when it comes to connecting through writing, the number of ways to do so is endless; the sky's the limit.



I am not the most outgoing person however I love writing stories that have bold outlandish characters that each have little parts on myself in them. These characters connect to people on levels that I normally would never be able to. Whether it be through the characters race, past experience, or environment. Writing helps me connect to other people.

National Day on Writing

How does writing help you connect?

For me, writing helps me connect in two ways. Writing connects me to the world  and it connects me to the people around me. For the first, when I write and am able to see the world for what it is. The good and the bad. I need to connect to the world to write properly so that my writing can be accurate. Writing also helps me connect to other people. It allows me to see the point of views of others, and helps me relate to them. Writing can connect to many things, but these are the strongest connections to me.

Write2Connect- Eiva Gallowglass

 For as long as I can remember I've been locked up inside my own little world. A world where no one's opinions could hurt me or tare me down. Being Introverted person I never have an easy time making friends or more importantly sharing my ideals. Then I discovered writing and suddenly I felt my world opening up. I usually never let myself show in my writing, but little by little I let my experiences show. I give people a little taste of who I am and what I know in every little world I create. 

 I use fiction as a door way to who I am and how my mind really works. There is nothing i love more than when someone complements my work because, then it's like a little piece of me has finally been recognized as something more than that one girl who sits all alone in the corner of a room and types. It's like I'm finally being seen as a person. I use my writing to prove to the world that there is more to me than what they think they know or see. I am not just some girl. I am a creative person who has bad experiences with opening up. I am not stuck up or mean. I am afraid of everyone and everything. All you need to do is read a story I wrote and listen to the voices that tell my story and the stories of many others like me. 

That is how I write to connect how do you? 


Write to connect

I believe writing lets out my inner animal. Writing is what makes me sane. Writing doesn't have to be something big and connect to something greater than yourself. For me writing helps me connect to me. Writing is my access to finding myself. When I write I don't just write simple obvious stuff. I write everything and anything that comes to my brain. No matter how vulgar and raunchy it is, I put it on paper. Honestly that's my only outlet. Writing is my freedom. My classmate told me to "write, let yourself free Diamond". Before that I was hesitant to write, like people from the hood don't write. Then when I started it was like. Frank Lucas probably use to write. To sum this all up Writing helps myself connect with the real world, and writing sets me free.

Write to Connect

I write to connect. That is the main reason why I write. I write because it exposes myself. Writing allows me to do this because it lets me share things that I never thought I could talk about without showing people everything about who I am. People know me without knowing me. Writing out these moments and stories that live in my head put myself in a new, slightly uncomfortable position; having others read them becomes even more uncomfortable. For some reason I continue sharing my writing; I continue to expose myself in this way because I love it, it's worth the uncomfortable feeling.

I also write to connect with ideas. Nearly every night I write in a journal. This is an attempt to connect with the ideas that are flying around in my head. Writing them out allows them to form fully and fully formed ideas are much easier to connect with. Even though no one else reads this writing I feel as though I understand myself better.

I am a writer, I am a novelist. My writing has put my into a world full of all types of people. I have met and connected with people over the ideas that we put into words. I have been exposed to new challenges and experiences because of words.


How does writing help you connect. 

     Writing help you connect with a lot of things. Such as your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and etc. Wrting shows your thoughts about what you thing about the quote, story, or the actual subject without saying it out loud in class.  Writing is not only that it helps you connect by showing the readers what are the important things, but it shows other readers your thought, and what you feel is best. Writing is just a better way to answer question without saying them out loud. Another example is a diary. Writing it down in a book and not express you feelings to life you can just express it in writing. Thats how i connect.