It happened

I left the bathroom stall and waited for my friend, Heather, to come out. I stood in front of the mirror like any teenage girl, messing with my hair and lip gloss.  After 5 minutes, I realized she wasn't in a stall, so I walked outside to look for her.  I soon realized that she wasn't in the amusement park at all! In fact, none of the group was. I quickly called Vernon to find out what had happened.  After missing my call, he called me back.

"Uh, who's this?
"Vernon, it's Taylor."
"Taylor who? Oh right. Why are you calling me from-" I heard a muffled sound as he turned around in the car to look for me. "Oh." "OOHHH!"

They were pulling out of the parking lot, never noticing that I wasn't there. I was almost left in an amusement park and that's how it happened. 

Last Benchmark Reflective Post

During the two week gap before the main event occurs, Claire simply acts as though Natalie's harsh words and rumors are not affecting her on the outside.  In school, Claire tries to ignore the people pestering her and bottles all of her emotions up inside. After all, there is no one Claire can turn to anyway because everyone is so caught up in the lies that Natalie is spewing about her.  Claire feels even more alienated then she did before.  In her most recent post on GupShup, Calire says, "I am stuck in a whirlpool of pain. And I swear, it's all because of you. But you'll get yours in the end, I promise."  Claire feels helpless when it comes to the suffering that she is experiencing from the actions of Natalie.  However, she knows that within about a week, Natalie will get what's coming to her. 

Benchmark- What I've done so far

In the past couple days not much has happened in the twitter.  Yesterday I made one tweet, and today I will be making another tweet, but it has to be during the middle of the night because that's when it occurred in the story.  Then of course I have to deal with just writing tweet for two months where the main character just writes messages.  *sigh*

Q3 BenchMark

 January : Hand-Pencil

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       For this  I was kind of unsure about how to do this, but once I got my shading right, it was pretty much cool. Personally I don't like my hands because I have very dark knuckles and I made sure that you could see that in my photo. This is one of my beginning photos, my shading does get better.

 January : Self Portrait-Pencil


        This is my self portrait that I drew,  I hadn't got the technique  of shading and such down, so its still a bit raw.  So the different things I started to pick up and recreate were my nose, the way my hair was going to be  put into bun, which hair was sticking up, the sides of my glasses, the way my mouth curved down on my top lip  etc.  Byt he time I finished and thought I did a good job, but really , I look more like a grandma.

February : Full Body-Charcoal


            This is one of my favorite things to draw because it gave the realistic feelings of being in a professional art class, drawing our model. it was cool that we all did it from different angles and used charcoal as our medium. I also like this because this is where I start to find my artistic patterns, I draw boldly. This is the first of my projects to be done with my style to it.

 February :Still Life

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 This to me was the hardest to draw because you had to look at every single detail in the picture. For example, I chose where I wanted to cut off my picture at, but I forgot that on the other side of the skull at the bottom there is Orange vase that reflects of the metal paint can. In here you can also see my artistic style, the boldness of the pieces.

March :Clear (Small)

Clear Small

March :Clear (Big)

Clear Big

 I was really surprised when I pulled it this off, and it actually came out nice.  in this bigger one you can see the boldness of my artwork and the personality of the painting.

For this project my artist that inspired me was Andy Warhol, an American Painter who was a leading figure and well known for the visual art movement, pop art.
 Some of his famous painting include the Campbell's Tomato Soup, the lovely Marilyn Monroe , or the late great Michael Jackson.

      Andy Warhol and Nicki Minaj inspired me to do these three pieces pieces simply because I love them both. From their style to their way of life,  and ultimately the talent that they share with the public. These are, "The Artists' That Inspire".


Kimberly Parker's Portfolio

For the third quarter, we had to complete various drawing that I found quite challenging. I had to teach myself how to draw these pictures and make them proportionate. I also had trouble with putting some things into perspective. My favorite part of this project was getting to pick an artist and copy their work. My inspiration was Vincent Van Gogh. He painted both of the pictures that I copied but I altered it and used charcoal. Charcoal is my favorite to work with because I can get the shadings just right. I did work very hard on all of my art pieces, I hope you like them!


self portrait small
self portrait small
pencil clear bottle
pencil clear bottle
gabby top
gabby top
Gabby bottom
Gabby bottom
Cler bottle large
Cler bottle large
still life full
still life full
Still life piece
Still life piece
still life piece2
still life piece2
still life piece 3
still life piece 3
My hands
My hands
GR128 - Vincent van Gogh - 1853-1890 - Sorrow - 1882
GR128 - Vincent van Gogh - 1853-1890 - Sorrow - 1882

Alex Johnson Q3 Genre Focus

I decided to study graffiti. I think graffiti was really a challenge because it's a very complex form of artwork and is often controversial. A lot of the graffiti I used to do were just sketches on paper and now I think I'm really more into the style of graffiti. 

I did a lot of different things this quarter. For one, I decided to use a lot of inspiration. The main inspirations were a picture of an eye and some modern L.A graffiti. Here are my inspirations:

BASHER's crew, Melrose, 2003
BASHER's crew, Melrose, 2003
graphic eye stack
graphic eye stack
DOC Crew
DOC Crew
My first piece was my own rendition of the graphic eye. It took a lot of tedious work to get all of the lines just how I wanted them. I stuck only to a few colors because I didn't want to make my first piece overly complex.

Photo on 2011-04-08 at 23.10 #3
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 23.10 #3
After finishing most of the eye, I really wanted to work more on my lettering. I decided to use my Aim name and turn it into something cool. The hardest part for me was making the letters. I couldn't decide on how I wanted them to look.

I only have to finish the backdrop for this and erase any excess lines from the pencil.
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Photo on 2011-04-08 at 23.22


            I didn't like is project that much because I feel as though we did not have enough time to complete each parts. We were given a week to complete each parts which is not enough time if you are trying to do it right. There are two of my arts that I did really well on, I guess is because I spend more time's doing them than I did for any other ones. If I were given more time, my project would have been even better. I did worked hard on each one of my arts, and I worked best to my ability. 


One of my arts was not done because it was suppose to be Callie Monros but she was out of school for about three weeks and I could not complete my art without her. I would have done so much better if I had enough time to finish. I’m every grateful for doing those arts because they make me feel like I have learn so much about art. That I can draw a picture on my own without anyone’s help.



           My current work I do them because I had to do them but I really work hard on this one. Doing this project send a message that I’m really doing well at drawing, I guess is because I now understand the messages behind my arts. Art wasn’t always my thing because I thought art had no purpose and you can’t express yourself with art like how you can with words. I was wrong because I’m expressing how I feel about my own work and how seeing my own work like this, affects me. I’m looking forward to the next project.

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Photo on 2011-01-19 at 11.44
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Photo on 2011-02-13 at 10.16
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Photo on 2011-04-08 at 15.56 #2
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.01
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.01
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.39
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.39
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.39 #2
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.39 #2
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.06
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.06
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.27
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.27
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.16
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.16
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.29
Photo on 2011-04-08 at 16.29
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.34 #2
Photo on 2011-04-06 at 11.34 #2




Eduardo - Farmer, Husband to Eva.

Carmen - Daughter of Eva and Eduardo.  

Martin Baines - Drug dealer.

Eva - Wife of Eduardo.

Federal agent - Has a way with words

Ben Walsh - Reporter in U.S.







(Three men come near the house, two with guns and one with a suit)

(Wife is outside watering plants)


Oh, these Dahlias are beautiful this time of year.  When spring showers bring may flowers.  Hopefully that will happen with the crop this year.  Hopefully...  It just wouldn’t grow last year.


Whats- Whats that over there?  I never saw that car before.  They’re getting out.  Why are they getting out?  They have no business here. Or with us, for that matter.  Oh no, they have guns!

(Eva goes inside to the screen door)

Who are those men out there?

(Looking outside)

The ones outside! With the guns.  One guy has a suit.  Yes…  The other two- don’t you see?  The other two have dress shirts.  No, they’re, they’re, just looking around at our field.  I don’t know why.  Maybe the cro- No, but there mad at something.  Will you let me finish a sentence?  I said maybe the crop.  Why are they mad?  See you don’t listen to me I told you.  Look Ed, they’re picking up the soil.  I’m not sure.  No he’s on the phone screaming about something in Espanola. I can’t make it out.  Probably the field.  They’re coming toward the house

(Motioning to Ed)

Go see what they want, before they destroy our property.  Please, honey.  Do it for me.  Be careful.  No, no, don’t take the gun; we don’t want them to know we have one.  Wait let me go lock Carmen’s door.

(Locked the door)

(Walking to the front of the room)

All right, come on Ed make them go away, use that silver tongue of yours.  Talk them away.  That’s it.  You’re doing a good job.  Oh, no…  They just flashed their guns.  No, don’t bring them inside, what are you doing?!


(Ed walks in with the traffickers)

(Waiting for Ed to come, whispering to him)

Why did you let them inside?  Huh?  I know but you could at least... never mind.  So, what did you find out?  You’re not sure what they want?  All right, let’s see.  Don’t make them mad. They might kill us.

(Talking to the traffickers)

So, uhhh.

(Clears throat)

Good afternoon. Can I get you guys anything to drink?  Want some lemonade, or... cold tea?  Oh, I know! How about some Orange juice?

(Walking to the kitchen)

No? Not thirsty right now?

(Walking back)

Okay, then.  So, uhh, what brings you gentlemen here?  I would be better if I sat down?  Okay, sure. Fine, what’s this about?


(Looks to Ed shocked)

You want, what? Or else? ...No, no, no ,no. You don’t understand.  We already planted our seeds.  You're too late.  What’s your name?  Mr. Diaz.  Huh?  You people come into my house wanting our property... and labor?  For nothing?  You’re out of your damn minds!  Who do you think we are? Morons?  There isn’t any way you’re getting our land! No way. No, you're so lucky I don’t reach for your throat now... Don’t call me a bitch!  I’ll rip your head off.

(Whispering to Ed)

Tell them no, make them go away.  Before I hurt them.  Come on, you know this is ridiculous?  Right?

(Talking to traffickers sternly)

Can we talk for a second? ...Alone?

(Ed and Eva go off to the side)

Ed, listen, we can't do this.  No, it's too late in the season anyway to do this.  We will get the money another way; we will get the money another way.

(Rubbing the tears from her face)

Their criminals!  Crooks!  Thieves!  Cowards!  Don’t patronize me! They are going to make us do all the work so- and what if the drug police come, huh?  What the hell do we do then?  No please don’t do this, what about- Yes, what about Carmen.

(Hand motion)

I know she needs the money but its drug money!  We can’t raise her in this mess, we just can’t.  She has a good life ahead of her in spite of her illness.

(Rubbing her face)

No, Ed she's only seven she can't handle this kind of thing.  You should have never let them in.  All right I’m sorry but we can’t do this.  There are other ways.  There are!  I know it.  I just can’t think of them yet but they’ll find us.  They’ll find us...  Just, just tell them we’ll think about it okay?  Tell them 3 days.  That should be enough time to get a plan going.  We’ll think of something.  No, not tomorrow.  Okay fine...  Promise me.

(Carmen some how unlocked her door comes up to Eva)

(Talking to Carmen, kneeling)

Wait.  No, no honey go back to sleep.  Don’t worry about them honey you need your rest.  Okay?  Don’t ask questions honey.  Just go back to sleep. Okay?  Okay.

(Carmen goes back to her room)

(Staring down the traffickers, talking to them)

If you ever touch her... I’ll kill you myself.

(She walks to Carmen’s room)

(The men walk out the house)






Act 1 Scene 2





(Slowly paced)

(Out in the field planting more seeds)

Great, just goddamn great.  One more thing this year and I’ll…  My head will burst!  First the bad harvest.  Those tomatoes just went bad for some reason- I used the best fertilizer.  The best seeds.  And fresh water from the stream.  I, I did everything right, I don’t know went wrong.  What happened?  They were fine until... Until august when I started using the pesticide.  How stupid could I have been?  I should have known.  Goddammit.  Then Carmen…  Going for a routine check up and then bam.  She’s horribly sick and we didn’t even know it.  Or at least I didn’t.  I thought it was just the flu-I mean she had a fever and threw up.  A cough.  Those are classic flu symptoms.  Right? I guess not...  So, we went to the doctors and come to find out its kidney disease.  What the hell kind of sickness is that for a 7 year old child?  Fist off, how does it even happen that young?  I mean that’s something older people get.  Like me.  Why not me?  Why her?  Why her this young?  It should have been me!  I’m the old person in the house.  Why not?  Why the hell not?  Plus, the damn treatment for her is too much.  I can’t… I can’t afford it. Two days a week at Hospital Regional.  The only reason I can get her some treatment is because of the hospital and whatever insurance she has.  I don’t even know what she has.  They can only do it for so long, soon they’ll need money.  I barley have enough money to feed us.  Not with the crop last year.  Now there’s a way to help her but it’s with Criminals!  Damn it!  I can’t do a deal with criminals.  They came into my home threatening my family.  Then Eva went berserk...  If I don’t do this deal and they come by again.  That will be the end of them.  No, more problems.  But if I get over powered.  They’ll kill me or…  At the very least they’ll kill Carmen or Eva.  Or even worse take them!  I can’t live without them…  No, no, no, they are not going to die or be taken advantage of, Ill make sure of it.  I can’t think about the what ifs...  Next time they come I won’t be alone though.  I guarantee it.  I’ll-


Ill some how get the police to know about this

But how?


There has to be some police in Iquitos.  I’ll tell them what happened and next time they come they’ll be here and imprison them-



(Nods head)

(Shakes head)

No.  No, I’ll make the deal.  She needs the money.  For that um.  Um.  What’s it called?  ...Dialysis.  Yeah that’s it.  I can get her that and some new clothes.  It’ll make her happy...  I’ll make her happy.  These seeds better grow more than just plants.  They better grow hope because... This is the only thing we have left.



Act 1 Scene 3





(Sitting on her bed)

I’m so confused.  What’s is going on around here? ...I’m sooo scared.  I showed him everything that was wrong with me.  And mommy told him everything thing else I missed.  I think it started a week or two ago.  When I threw up...  I can’t remember...  But the doctor told me bad news.


It made me really sad. And- and papa was crying about it, because he didn’t.  He didn’t have enough money yet to get me better.

(Stops crying)

I hope I do get better.  I donn wanna be sick forever.  I have to go to this place, two times a week.  And they take out bad stuff in my blood, I forget what the machine is called but

I dunno how but it makes me better.  I’ll get better.  I know it.  I can’t stand Mommy and Daddy sad like that it hurts my heart.  But then yesterday.  I heard noises in the living room.  So I came out of my room to see what it was.  And there were three men on the couch.  And Papa.  And Mommy.  Were whispering, about something.  I donn know. I couldn’t hear them too good.  But, It seemed bad.  Then they all noticed me and made me go back to bed.  It wasn’t fair; I wanted to know what was happening.  I deserved to.  I mean I was awake and plus, I don’t want to be in bed all day, It hurts after a while...  I wanna go out into the fields and play, like daddy and me used to do. We would play hide and seek from dawn till sunset.  But no....  My ankles are all puffy and I can’t walk too good.  I almost fell when I tried to get up.  So, the doctor said to get rest and come every Tuesday and Saturday.  I gotta sleep he said.  That’s fine I guess, I’m always tired anyway.

(Goes back to sleep)



Act 1 Scene 4




(Ring, Ring)

Yo man wassup?  It’s me Martin.  What?  Yeah you know me. Remember the thing on Wednesday and I told you about the thing?  Yeah you got me.  Nah, I got the stuff.  Mhm.  You come and get it.  Yeah ill be there.  Go to the spot we went to before.  Nah, don’t you remember?  The one right behind Publix.  You know.  To the right of Acme, behind Publix.  Nah.  Yeah that one.  Nah don't worry about the policia.  So what if they are around the corner, dey stupid man.  Nah, nah it’ll be cool.  I know man and plus this stuff is extra strong.  When did I start doing this?  Recently man.  Ever since I got out of small time stuff.  Goin with the big guys.  What?  Nah, I don’t do no robberies any more.  That’s some old small stuff. Think bigger.  I know people way down south.  Yeah, so, where’d you here that.  Around?  Oh, okay.

(Waiting for the guy to come)

(Walking up to the guy)

Yo, man how you doin?  Yeah, boss man is getting a new setup in Peru.  Yeah but this stuff is extra strong once you take it, woooo you’re off.  Yeah, yeah. Nah don’t worry they’re going off somewhere else.  What the sirens getting louder? Oh shit.  Book it.  RUNNN!

(Trying to run away)

Hide it man hide it!  Did you set me up?!  Did you set me up?!  I knew it man.  I knew it...


Act 1 Scene 5





(In an interrogation room with the drug dealer that was in the previous monologue)

(FBI agent walks in slams a folder on the table and sits leaning back)

(Felon is standing)

Sit down


Do you know why your here?  Uhh Martin Baines.  What?  You don’t know?  You didn’t do anything? Ha-ha, Alright.  So the 6 kilos of cocaine, in your vehicle. You know the car that you own... 88’ olds mobile... license plate number B36 MLK, isn’t yours?  You know the Cocaine in the glove compartment.  You do know its illegal right?  I mean I hope ya do.  Uhuh right...  Oh I see some planted it there right?  You want me to believe your story right?  Not going to happen.  Lets look at your record down here in scorching Miami shall we?

(Reaches for a folder and opens it, crosses his leg)

Lets see.  Grand theft auto in 06, on NW 45th lane.  A break in, in 07.  Same street.  And now this, 6 kilos of cocaine...  Behind Publix.  Not even a block away.  Now tell me, see, I don’t understand how you could go from grand theft auto to 6 kilos of cocaine?  Oh, you were set up, I see...  Okay, listen. Cut the crap

(Unfolds his leg, sits up straight)

We are not interested in you.  We are interested in your new boss, Jorge Diaz.  He’s known for forcing people into his business.  We know about his operations in Peru, and your relation with him.  He is setting up a new workshop for making Cocaine from plants grown there.  He is also needed for questioning here for the cynical murders and beatings of his wife and three young kids.  Madison at age 4...  Franklin at age 3...  Stephanie at age 7...  And, Esmeralda, his wife at 28... Nearly beaten to death. Still in the hospital... You never heard of him before?  Why did he kill his family?  Because they threatened to go to the FBI.  The only difference between you and them is you are already in custody.  You won’t get hurt.  You’re still not talking?  All right, when you have a revelation about if you want to talk or not knock on the window and maybe, just maybe I’ll talk to you.  If other people die because of you, lets just say you’re getting more than 10 years in prison, with accessory to murder

(Gets up)

(Starts walking away)

What’s that?  Oh, it is yours?  Well, didn’t you say it wasn’t?  You do know him?  I’m terrible confused.  Inform me!  Now!  On everything.  Names.  Numbers.  Even what they eat for breakfast.  I want know every damn little detail that you know about them.  Or else you’re going to get a minimum of 10 years in prison.  And believe me when I say minimum. 


Act 1 Scene 6





Good evening, I’m Ben Walsh.

Justice is in the air tonight, here in downtown Miami.

FBI agents report that they have Jorge Diaz in custody today.

He was responsible for three cold-blooded murders of his children and the vicious beating of his wife just two weeks ago.

The lead the FBI agents got a tip from an informant, which proved to be the only thing standing in their way.  A drug dealer in the area, Martin Baines, was arrested today on drug charges, which proved to be the missing link to solve the case.  He told the FBI where Jorge was located, hiding out in the Peruvian city Iquitos. Jorge was extradited today on 3 accounts of first-degree murder and an attempted murder charge.  Officials escorted him off the plane in chains and handcuffs earlier this evening and will charge him later this week.


Miami news Mbz

Back to you, Bob.

(Pushes on his in-ear head phone)

What’s that?

Yes, the wife is still in serious condition but doctors say she is going to be all right.

Thank you, Bob.

Catch you later.


Act 1 Scene 7





(Overlapping a little with the monologue above)

Mommy, Mommy!  Guess what mommy!  Remember when Daddy went into town?  Well he got a newspaper and I started to read it and I saw that Jorge Diaz got arrested!  What do you mean what does it mean?  It means that those mean people won’t ever come again.  Well the other day I woke up and heard you yelling.  And you said Mr. Diaz and some other stuff.  But that’s him mommy. Look!

(Shows her the paper)

See, isn’t that him?  I knew it was him!  Now we are going be fine right mommy?  Okay mommy I believe you.  What?  What is dad going to grow now?  Not tomatoes again right?  Cocoa?  Oh, is that used to make chocolate?  Oh, yummy.

Okay, mommy. Go and water the plants.

(Walks to another part of the stage)

Daddy, Daddy guess what!

Look!  Here!  Yeah, that’s really him.  

(Carmen hugs Eduardo)

Oh, wait before you go.  What did you plant today?  I asked you but you never told me.  Cocoa?  You mean chocolate?  We’re growing chocolate?  Yay! Daddy, can we make chocolate when it’s ready?  What else? You’re the best.  Mommy, Mommy, guess what?


Sophia Henninger, Quarter 3 Art

In the third quarter of Art 2, we had to complete several drawings, each teaching us some of art's foundations. We had to learn how to draw translucent objects, shading, and to draw what you see in front of you as opposed to what you think you see. Also, we had to choose a genre of art in which we would copy the style of to make our own drawing. All of the following are my pictures of this quarter. Please, enjoy. 

Our own hand:


A translucent object:

Still life:


Self-portrait 2:

Full body drawing:

Genre: Figure Drawing


Joan Miro (Uyen Nguyen)

​I chose Joan Miro's art work because his style is different, but it bring out the unique side of the artist. Joan Miro art work is passionate and really abstracted, however it is classy at the same time. I decided to use one of his painting calles "Rooster" as an inspiration because this painting is really simple but at the same time, it created an elution feeling for the viewer. My piece of work is base on this style of coloring and abstract. 
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One of the last painting was created by my own interest and style. This painting was just to express my feeling for nature and the spring time. 
Photo on 2010-11-22 at 20.20
Photo on 2010-11-22 at 20.20

Uyen Nguyen's Artist Statement

For the third quarter project, we were giving a task to draw different objects from drawing a self-portrait, hands, and still life to full life figures. Also the task was to draw from what we see onto different sizes of paper, from 8x11 to 24-36.This projects was to help us identify the sizes and shapes of the object that we exam and draw. Also it was a useful way to help us identify the positive and negative lights, along with the shading of the object. This project put us though a process of interacting from live objects to still life and so on to clear/see though items.

         The most frustrated thing about this project for me was the process when we have to identify the object by viewing them as shapes and the shading of the object. It was a bit of a challenge working on different sizes of paper and drawing a clear/see though objects. I really enjoy this assignment at the end because it was not easy but it help realizes a lot more about lighting and shading. 

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Photo on 2011-01-19 at 21.49
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 7.58.26 PM

Uyen Nguyen's Artist Statement

For the third quarter project, we were giving a task to draw different objects from drawing a self-portrait, hands, and still life to full life figures. Also the task was to draw from what we see onto different sizes of paper, from 8x11 to 24-36.This projects was to help us identify the sizes and shapes of the object that we exam and draw. Also it was a useful way to help us identify the positive and negative lights, along with the shading of the object. This project put us though a process of interacting from live objects to still life and so on to clear/see though items.

         The most frustrated thing about this project for me was the process when we have to identify the object by viewing them as shapes and the shading of the object. It was a bit of a challenge working on different sizes of paper and drawing a clear/see though objects. I really enjoy this assignment at the end because it was not easy but it help realizes a lot more about lighting and shading. 

Photo on 2011-01-19 at 21.49
Photo on 2011-01-19 at 21.49
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 8.10.02 PM
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 8.10.28 PM
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 8.12.29 PM
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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 7.58.26 PM

Kammii's Q3 Art-ness

So basically in quarter three, I focused on a vast variety of things. The main focuses of this quarter were shadowing, still life, and the human body. To mirror those focuses is my art work. Behind all of this though, each picture is supposed to show something about myself. 

The first drawing of this quarter was just a pencil drawing of a hand. IF was the smallest picture of the year. In the picture that I drew, the hand looks like its reaching out for help. From the shading and shadows of the picture you can tell that something is hanging over the hand. The picture is symbolism, saying that there are always things that hang over our shoulders and try to hold us down but it is up to us to try to get ourselves out from under them. 

The second drawing of this year was a pencil drawing of myself. For this picture what I did was take one of my favorite picture of myself and then just try to remake it with pencil. In this picture, I was wearing a hoodie and my head was tilted down. When i tried to portray the tilt in my drawing it didn't come out as well as I'd liked but the picture was still okay. Once I finished the picture in pencil I went over it and colored it in just to enhance the emotion behind the art. The picture gives off deep and somewhat sad pictures. 

Photo on 2011-03-30 at 13.50
Photo on 2011-03-30 at 13.50
In the third drawing of this quarter I had to do another self portrait but this time it had to be bigger and in charcoal. This was my third favorite picture to draw this quarter. In this picture I attempted to draw myself looking off to the side again, using a picture I took of myself as my model. This picture was hard at first because it took a while to try to proportion out the drawing. At first the head was too round or the shoulders came out too far. In the end though, I was proud with the outcome of it. The picture shows a stronger, serious version of me which is a side of me people aren't used to seeing. 

The fourth picture in this project was a full figure charcoal drawing of someone. I chose to draw my friend Michael Chase. I had took a picture of him a day or two before hand and so I used that picture in order to draw. This was the most annoying picture of the quarter just because I could not, no matter what i tried, get the picture perfectly the way I wanted. Lines were too far up or down and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. In the end I just gave up working on it and stuck with what it was. 

The fifth drawing was a drawing of a clear bottle. Now originally I started and completed a drawing of a soap bottle. I liked the way the shading and lines looked. But the picture felt kind of empty so I ended up drawing a second drawing. The second drawing I'm submitting is a sketch of a water bottle that my mom constantly buys. It's in the shape of a baseball. At first I was going to place the bottle on a table but when I thought about it, I figured it would be more interesting to have it in my hand. 

The sixth draw was a still life of a an area in the art studio that Ms.Hull set up for us to draw. This drawing was the most fun because I wasn't really interested in doing it but I did anyway. It turned out okay.

The seventh drawing was a charcoal drawing of a clear bottle on big paper. I enjoyed making this picture slightly just because of how I set it up. I placed the bottle in a window seal and then attempted to draw literally everything in the picture. That included the car driving by that got caught in the picture. I think this is one my my favorite pieces because of the fact that it can be taken to have a humorous yet sinister tone. When I look at it, it makes me think that an evil bottle is looking down onto a car that it's hated for years, plotting ways to bring harm to it. 

To finish this off, I'm going to talk about the finale piece. For our final piece I chose a specific genre and then drew a couple pieces that took up 6 hours. The genre I chose was anime because it's my favorite type of art. To display it, all I did was take my school lab coat and then design on it something pertaining to anime. The reason I chose to design my lab coat is because I've always looked at clothing from stores like fye and hot topic and liked the cartoons and anime themes that are placed on them. I've always wanted to design my own. So I did. 

On the lab coat I drew a girl playing the flute because that's what I love to do. And so the theme of the coat is music. 
Originally she had arms and hands but it was very difficult to draw on the cloth so I ended up just not giving her them. 


After I did that I decided to make two hand draw sketches of anime and then on on a white board. 

Q3 Drawings

​For the third quarter we had to create a compilation of drawings. For a short run-down it was: a sketch of a hand, a sketch of a self-portrait, a full self-portrait, a full-size figure drawing, a full size still life, a sketch of a plastic bottle and a full-size plastic bottle. The medium was simple, mostly charcoal or pastel. The drawings were all from observation which also, for me, made them easier.

Basically, this was my forte. I have been learning how to draw for years and I finally got to exercise them in a classroom setting. Starting with the hand and portrait sketches, I was able to smoothly transition into the larger 24 x 36 pieces. I feel as though the content wasn't too challenging; it was nothing I hadn't done before. 

However, for these I chose to being working in color which I had never done before. I used them first, simply, in my large portrait. I used conte (sanguine and medici) and white conte. For the full figure I went back to using only black and white because it was larger than any drawing I had ever tried before. For the other drawings I chose to work in multiple colours. 

I feel as though all of my drawings turned out really well. I think that the water bottle and the still life, as well as possibly the full figure, could be used for portfolio pieces. I showed the water bottle to admission counselor at Tyler and she really liked it. Regardless, I learned a lot this quarter about how to use my medium to make new looking things rather than the same old things I've been drawing.


Reflective Post #3

I have officially completed my story! This morning, my character experienced a complete transformation on the steps of a Bronx apartment building. She projected her thoughts via successive tweets (all within the course of 3 hours) as the pressure of her new life began to sink in.  

Overall, I am very happy with the way my project turned out.  I loved using the descriptive aspect of the Facebook profile in conjunction with the short and sweet tweets.  Patricia Lebow came to life within the last few weeks, so much so that a few people asked me if I knew her in real life! By using a real Flickr account (courtesy of Lauren Piper), I was able to create a believable visual component to my character as well.  She had a face and a life that could have existed outside of fiction.