G9 Science Mini-Capstone

Project-Science Fair Project

Inquiry- What Imani and I wanted to know from doing our Science Project is how many bacteria colonies are on phones depending on how long they are used.

Research- We used websites that gave information about how to clean your phone and what type of bacteria can be found on phones.  

Collaboration- Imani and I worked together on doing the experiment and creating the board.  Also, by doing the science fair we got our information out to our peers.

Presentation- I think just our project was effective because teens could relate.  Pretty much all teens have cell phones that they use all the time, so it makes people curious about what’s on their phones.

Reflection- If I was to do this project again I would do more trials.  I think it would have been cool to see if the trend that was happening continued.  

Dissection Portfolio Reflection

Dissection Portfolio:

Inquiry- We were comparing the body ratio of organisms

Research- a frog and grasshopper were dissected to measure the different body systems to find the ratio.

Collaboration- I worked on the project with Isabel Medlock and Dejah Smith

Presentation- We presented the project in a slideshow and we used carp to organize everything.

Reflection- Some of the slides seemed a bit crowded so if I were to do it again I would put in a way on the slide so that it didn't seem so crowded.

G9 Science Mini-Capstone


I think the project that I enjoyed the most is the project where we turn a penny to gold by boiling it in sodium hydroxide and zinc, then burning it to make it gold.

Inquiry: In this project, we simply wanted to turn a penny gold. WIth that explained, our abstract for this project was to test out alchemy.

Research: We first studied about the definition of alchemy and what it is. Then, we got a guideline for the experiment and we read over it. Finally, we did the experiment to see how alchemy really works.

Collaboration: For this project, I worked with Ishmael. We helped each other by setting up the experiment because there were a lot of steps.

Presentation: Our project was very effective because we successfully made a penny gold. The guideline helped us out a lot because it gave us the steps to the experiment.

Reflection: If I were to do this experiment again, I would read the directions more carefully because we didn’t have a control and a experimental 1 when we were suppose to.

The Macromolecules Portfolio


Core Values

Inquiry - I wanted to know more about Protein, Lipids, Carbohydrates and DNA and what they’re made up of.

Research - We research mostly through the internet and organized what we found through in a Google Presentation with a dedicated section for each marcomolecule

Collaboration - I worked in collaboration with three other people of my table group and the four of us took upon one of the four macromolecules.

Presentation - Our Google Presentation was very simple, repeated and  designed in the same way for each macromolecule and it was effective in this way.

Reflection - Add more information, graphs if possible and  make sure we all had similar points in the information we presented.

Luke W-S Reflection


Project: Photosynthesis.

Inquiry: I wanted to know the process and the way photosynthesis.

Research: We used textbooks in our classroom and we used Google throughout our presentation.

Presentation: We worked as group was our collaboration presenting because we entered and knew what we were gonna do.

Reflection: I'd been by doing different orders in our presentation and do more info through textbooks.

Periodic Table Project

The most intriguing project that I did was the Periodic Table project. 

Inquiry: I wanted to learn about the element I was assigned which was silicon. I wanted to know where it came from, what it’s used for, and who discovered it.

Research: I did a lot of research on the internet, and created a Google Doc to organize the information I found. 

Collaboration: Although I did work independently on this project, I did get to learn what my fellow classmates had learned on their elements.

Presentation: I had done so much research on my element, that if anybody asked me about it, I could answer them in a very detailed and informative way. 

Reflection: If I had to redo this assignment, I don’t think I would change anything I did.

DNA reflection

Intriguing Project: DNA Construction

Inquiry: I wanted to know what was the building blocks in DNA

Research: I went on the internet and research building blocks of DNA.

Collaboration:  I was working with another person to make this project happen.

Presentation: We used bright colors.

Reflection: I won’t hot glue candy together next time.

Periodic Table Wikispace Reflection

Project: Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt



- For this project I wanted to know what exactly nickel was and what where it’s uses and properties. I also wanted know why it was called Nickel and who discovered it.


- To gather information I researched my element online and I also used the periodic table.


- In this project we had to compare some of our element’s properties to others. By doing this we collaborated to learn more about other elements. Other people also helped me learn how to make the graphs for the wikispace.


- For my presentation I included some pictures so that people would be more interested in reading my project. Also I used CARP and made sure all the font and alignment was appealing.


- Next time I would add more pictures. I would also add more details about how it was discovered and how it was named.

DNA Sequence Project

My most intriguing project in my ninth grade science class was my first benchmark. It consisted of writing a paper on DNA and making a 3D model of it. I started out think of my school’s Core values, inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. Inquiry is thinking of questions you want to ask and thinking of what you want to learn. I specifically wanted to learn about genetic mutations. Then I moved on to research and gathered my information. I searched online and asked my classmates and peers for help in order to put together my project. This also coincided with the third core value of collaboration. I was able to work with my friends and help them with their projects and in return they helped me with mine. In the picture below you can see my presentation board. I created a poster which included a full DNA sequence on top of the board, and I also included an up close version on the beneath it. If I could do this project any differently I definitely would start my board earlier. I wrote the paper fairly quickly, but I waited until the last minute to make my 3D model. I had so much fun working on and completing this project.
DNA project
DNA project

DNA - Who Am I?

  • Inquiry:

    • I wanted to know how DNA works and affects the human body.

  • Research:

    • I gathered and organized information by using useful sources and knowledge that I’ve learned in class.

  • Collaboration:

    • I worked together with my partner and would collaborate with my classmates sometimes, when I needed information I did not know.

  • Presentation:

    • Our presentation was a DNA structure sample made out of pipe cleaners. They were color coded according to their part.

  • Reflection:

    • What I would do differently is time management. Everything was done last minute really and if there was more time, maybe there would've been more thought into the presentation.

G9 Science Mini-Capstone

SFP-Battery made out of coins

Inquiry- wanted to know how much electricity a nickel and penny can produce compared to a AA battery.

Research- I gathered information by research on Google and also finding different websites.

Collaboration- I asked many of my classmates for nickels and pennies to donate towards the experiment.

Presentation- The most effective write-up for our presentation was by drawing people in with our homemade battery.

Reflection- If I was to do this project over I would definitely work on the presentation setup because it was a very boring design.

Acid Wiki Reflection

Inquiry:We wanted to know what made the effects of acid rain so terrible and how it was created.

Research:We searched up the effects of acid rain on google and wrote down what we knew on a google doc. We found about 5 useful sites for the info gathering and utilized them for our information gathering.

Collaboration:All if us: Ari, Hanna, and Reily shared the work we did equally on the google doc and the retaining of information. All of made a diagram of acid rain in action and the symbolic equations as well as the pictures of it on a particulate level.

Presentation: The fact that all of us had focused on a certain portion of the project ensured that all of us knew a lot about our information. Also, the fact that all of us went back and peer edited the project contributed to our success in this area.

Reflection: I would probably try talk more because I am a sort of quiet person and i’m not good at talking to others. Maybe if I had communicated more with my teammates it would’ve gone quicker.

Science fair

Reily knott


1- My partner and i wanted to know which soda contained higher corrosion levels.

2- We gathered our information from previous research that was done online and through asking questions.

3- I was part of an community by asking others for help and having my peers review my writing that was done for projects.

4- I feel what was effective about our presentation was definitely the fact that  both partners knew the information and we were both able to speak knowledgeably.

5- I would not wait till the last minute and be more proactive.

Inquiry Science Fair - Filtration Project Mini Capstone Reflection

My most interesting project so far and what I have learned the most from has been the SFP project.

Inquiry: We wanted to know more about water filtration because of things we had done earlier in this class, and so we focused on that.

Research: We did research online, but we also researched stuff from a pamphlet.

Collaboration: I worked with a partner, Ben, and Mr Sherif.

Presentation: Our presentation looked cool and colorful.

Reflection: I would make the graphs right and be more precise in my measurements.

DNA Model and Earrings

​My most important and interesting project that I have done this year was my DNA model and earrings.

Inquiry: In this project I wanted to learn about the different parts of the DNA and the different nitrogenous bases in it.

Research: I gathered information from websites and text books.

Collaboration: I completed this project with my classmates Reily and Hanna. Therefore, I collaborated on this project.

Presentation: What we did that was effective was the fact that we made an interactive piece of the project. We made a model as well as a pair of accurate DNA earrings. 

Reflection: If I were to redo this assignment I would keep it the same. I felt I did very well in exercising all of our core values in the process of this project.  

Microscopy Project: Ben Fink

Inquiry: When I completed this project with a group, we wanted to know how the cells of different kingdoms of organisms are organized and to see the similarities and differences between all of the kingdoms.

Research: We organized our information by using the microscope to examine the cells of each kingdom and found internet sources to distinguish each kingdom.

Collaboration: I was part of a community because I helped to gather up the necessary information and I described a few of the kingdoms.

Presentation: I think that our presentation was effective because we used photographs of the cells to emphasize what we learned.

Reflection: If I were to complete this project again, I might use organisms that can be seen without a microscope instead of micro-organisms.

Link To Microscopy Portfolio: https://docs.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/presentation/d/1O8fysgEvxpia6P2i3rsJX4tUA5Yt_xP0LURfvMe8spo/edit

Negative Space Drawings


Negative space is everything in a picture except the subject. It defines the subject so that it is the main focus of the design.

I found negative space in my cut out picture and in my stool drawing within the spaces in and around the subject. For the cut out piece I focused on the black and grey in the picture we were given. First, I cut out all of the parts of the picture of the house and traced them on one of the pieces of construction paper. Then I arrange the pieces that matched the black parts of the picture onto one half of my other piece of paper. Then, I arranged the remaining pieces that matched the grey parts on the second half of the full sheet of paper. The finished product was a picture of a house with the negative and positive space colors reversed on each side. Also, my technique for my stool drawing was that I shaded the entire paper and then erased the shapes of the subjects which were the table, stools, plant, and wire.  

It helps an artist to see in negative space so that it is simple for them to notice and portray the subject. When they recognize negative space, either they can sketch everything around it so that then they have a guide to make their subject. From that point the artist can pay attention to the details of the subject in order to finish the piece. They can also alter the proportions between negative and positive space to make the design look good. From there the artist can easily focus on details inside of the outline and finish the piece.

Negative space is useful in creating art, because it brings balance to the composition. When negative and positive space are unproportional in a picture, it looks wrong and unpleasing. Also, negative space is used to define a subject. Therefore, when there is not the right amount of negative space there is either too much of the subject or the subject becomes lost.

World History Final Portfolio 2014

I entered Mr. Block’s classroom on the first day of school, the euphoric touch of summer still lingering in the air. It seemed like we were immediately split up into groups- sharing M&M’s amongst each other, trying to understand global inequality. I figured this was probably a one day thing, an interactive icebreaker- a little fun for the first day of school. Little did I know, all year I would be learning and engaging in the world around me with projects, worksheets, class discussions, role plays, and mock trials. From the Age of Exploration to following the Ukrainian Revolution day-by-day, I learned more and more about myself as a global citizen. I realized that, in order to comprehend another person’s lifestyle, culture, situations, etc., it is imperative that you step into the shoes of that person as best you can- and this year’s World History course helped me do that.


“Understand that everyone has their own spiritual beliefs- whether those beliefs are varied, similar, trying, or nonexistent (even the belief in the nonexistence of something is still a belief). Do not drown in your ignorance, but grab onto the life preserver that calls itself the pursuit of knowledge and happiness therein.  “Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace” (The Dalai Lama)”

In this class, whenever we spoke about religion in any way, I was fully intrigued. Usually a topic like religion would be overlooked or heckled by someone like myself- a 16 year-old, God-mocking, ball of inquisition. However, just as we have been required to walk in another person’s shoes in an attempt to truly understand who they are, I treaded uncharted territory and uncalm waters. I found that whenever we spoke about religion, I was pulling back bigger things on life, on society, on cultures, filling my knowledge bank with lump sums of information, gaining interest with each new drop of knowledge I gained.  I found this especially pertinent when it came to our first quarter benchmark, which explored and compared two religions and debunking (or proving) some of the myths that social media has put forth. In my benchmark, I dissected Satanism and Scientology, two of the most popular, yet occultic, religions. This opened my eyes, forcing me to overlook my previous convictions and explore a new realm as open-mindedly as possible. Granted, I did end up backing up some of my previous thoughts, but I came out of the process having so much more knowledge that I entered it with.

Another piece of writing that explored religion, rights, and belief systems is my response to and analysis of an excerpt from Battle for God by Karen Armstrong. The novel, an explanation and exploration of fundamentalism in different religions lead me to create a very dense and almost insignificant piece of writing, but one that I’m extremely proud of. The excerpt actually dove into the idea behind extremism and what may even be beyond extremism and I found that very interesting, wondering what could possibly be worse or more extreme than, well, extremism.  


Our Revolution Guidebook was one of my favorite projects although my end result was less than desired. After long nights of perfecting Keynote animations and timing, exporting it to QuickTime, and further editing it in iMovie (which kept shutting down)- I finally had a finished product.

Well, an almost finished product. There was a requirement for me to have some sort of voice-over or narration during the project- but sweet irony played its role when the technology wouldn’t work on a project about how great technology is. Regardless of the lack of narration in my project, I loved what lead up to this benchmark- all of the videos we watched, all of the research we did looking at the news, following the Ukrainian Revolution day-by-day. This revolution unit was truly an exceptional experience; it was one of the few times in my short high school career that I’ve truly felt engaged and part of something much greater than myself. We were able to step into others’ shoes and see what freedoms we would not be granted in other countries. At one point, we were split into groups and had to research a specific part of the Arab Spring and we also read an excerpt of Diaries of an Unfinished Revolution; at one point, the narrator said the following:

“From that point onwards, I lost the ability to estimate time, in fact, from that point onwards we stepped outside time altogether; lost our link to the passage of night and day.”

I found that particularly interesting. My commentary on that quote was “I think that time is the thing humans truly value most because it is the only thing that is both very sure and unsure. We know we have now, but we many not have later. To take away someone’s perception of time is one the cruelest acts.”

All in all, this part of our revolution unit really harbored a sense of awareness within me. It fostered an understanding that I have a myriad of basic human rights that I take for granted on a daily basis. But that wasn’t the end of it. We then went on to learn about the famous French Revolution and how it affected Europe and other parts of the world, namely, Haiti. The highlight of this unit was a role play that we did, indicting the King for his crimes against the French citizens. Many people were asked to step out of their comfort zones to become a bit more humble or incredibly pious, which made it all the more interesting. 

I played the Duchesse de Tourzel, a noblewoman and close friend to the royal family. As a woman of her status, she didn’t want to be bothered with the revolution, swatting it away as if it were a gnat near her tea. She thought very little of it, seeing it as nothing more than a nuisance and a danger to her nobility. When all was said and done, we were told to write a reflection on the entire Revolution. My favorite quote from my reflection is something that I never really thought about before, but is incredibly important.

It says, They chased after liberty as if it were something to be saved from captivity, or something being held for ransom. They ran after justice as if it were something that would disappear with time. This race against the clock, this idea of “We want it now!” being carried through with immense bloodshed is something that embodies the decline of a revolution. Revolutions must happen with urgency, but without haste. They must happen effectively, but rationally. When weapons and rebel yells come into play, that is when people lose their judgment. That is when people lose sight of the original goal. Granted, it may do the job,, but it doesn’t always harbor a sense of calm and security, a true sense of The End, when all is said and done.”  I think that goes for anything in life- there must be a balance of fervor and calm, of passion and humility. I loved the French Revolution unit, as it was one of the most interactive units I’ve ever had in any of my classes.

Finally, one of my favorite responses that I’d written was to an article called Return to Nigeria written in the New York Times by Enuma Okoro. The article explains how Okoro, growing up the United States, began to lose her African identity. Because of that, she decided to return to her motherland, Nigeria, and dive back into her heritage. I think a really important quote from that response is, Why not return to a place where, as Enuma Okoro mentioned, you don’t ‘have to explain some aspect of your identity on a daily basis, where you did not have to offer people a reason, no matter how subtle, for why you were among them.’ It’s something we require in America that segregates this melting pot. It’s like when kids pick all the vegetables out of a stew and eat just meat and potatoes. I think that it’s important for people to identify where they are from with conviction, especially because there have been hundreds of unprecedented and unwarranted diasporas of people of color throughout the years...”

This year, I found myself thinking about my surroundings and how I affect the world rather than how the world affects me. I enjoyed having the spotlight taken off myself for a while, being asked to try and mold myself into many different types of people and characters to try and understand what I could not come close to comprehending before. I learned more about myself as a global citizen- and that’s something that I’m very proud of.

Final Portfolio

Throughout the year in World History Class, there was a rush of many thoughts and ideas that rooted within the minds of students as well as I. Working on certain topics that focused on issues past and present in the world, we gain an understanding of how the world and people think.  

   Participating in the sweatshop trial was a turning point for me in this class. It was an awakening, I realized how certain governments and companies (ie. ours in the US) only look out for themselves. I believe that for the world to ever change, selfishness must cease. In the sweatshop trail, the US multinational corporations, the US consumers, and the government of the poor developing countries were taking advantage of the sweatshop workers. I played one of the sweatshop workers in the trail, what I had to say to all of the people who were forcing me to work was: "We are just a worthless tool used to fulfill greed. But by today, you shall know that we worth more, and we deserve more. You are nothing without us." (Iron Sweatshop Trial). In the trail it made us, the workers, seem as if we had a choice to work in the factories. The workers choices are very slim. It’s either you work in a factory and get some type of income to support you and your family or you along with your family die from poverty, starvation, disease and other things. Also being in the factories exposes you to disease so either way life all around is just crashing. Us, the U.S. consumers also have a part in this because we are blind and naive because we don’t know what’s going on but it’s our responsibility to find out because the government and the corporation tried to put a wool sheet over our heads to make us think everything is fine. Basically human life means nothing to them as long as theirs isn’t endanger.

However, people’s struggles wouldn’t be going on if colonialism didn’t happen. If countries weren’t greedy and took over other lands people would be living peace in their our society. "Colonialism in Australia forever changed the natives, these changes can’t be fixed. They left a scar on the people that will continue to the end of their exist." (Colonialism Benchmark) Colonialism in Australia started with the English taking over an invading the land where the aboriginals once lived and thrived. Colonialism dramatically affected the people, the English exposed them to alcohol and they killed most of their people.  

In countries when the people are worn out to the maximum of what’s happening, rebellion begins. In our Revolutionary Digital story, I focus on revolutions from the past, researching I came to the conclusion that "All of these revolutions are just evidence that a revolution is a continuous battle that seems like they’re over but it’s actually the physical fighting that has ceased." (Revolution Digital Story). With selfishness, people who are degraded will never get what they are entitled to. Therefore revolutions go on and on… "Revolutions don’t end, they kindle on like an ember deep down within the hearts and minds of freedom seekers."  (Revolution Digital Story)

Even in our own country (ha! It’s not really ours because of colonialism!) troubles from the other countries knock us in our faces. The media tries to make the Keystone XL Pipeline seem like it’s a good thing. Actually it’s not. The corporation building the pipeline is forcing people to move from their houses so they can place those pipes where their houses once stood. For the monologue project, I was a reporter that went corrupted because I turned my back on the lies the media was feeding the people of America. "But I’ve got news for you, your cheap propaganda doesn’t work for me.  I will not conform to your image. You are not going to turn me into something i’m not. You thought that I could be another mouthpiece for the creed but I'm not ashamed to tell you that I'm not." (Pipeline Monologue) I thought it was important to tell the people what the government tries to cover up. Even though the pipeline creates jobs and made gas cheaper, people were suffering because they were going homeless and the earth is being ripped apart to dig for this oil.

Reading an article about this women from Nigeria but lives in the United States, she talks about how the media made her country look so bad. "An ongoing problem in the United States is that the media tries to only show the bad problems within a country instead of the good things that are actually happening." (Return to Nigeria). This not only happens to other countries but it happens in the US too. The media targets certain areas that are poor urban communities and always talks about all the bad that happens there. Rarely any good is talked about.

This world only looks out for itself. There are deceivers who only look out for themselves and steal from the poor to gain more profit. There needs to be change, in order for that to happen, we need to lend a helping hand to our neighbors. We can’t leave them worrying, and feeling helpless.  "The 50 year old child who has to rome the streets worrying about what to happen in his future." (The Somebodies - Journal # 50).

My greater understanding of the world leads to my change which all started from Mr. Blocks World History Class. Thank you Mr. Block.  




This year in world history I experienced things and explored new levels of thinking. History class wasn't basic or boring as I expected. With a new topic came a new lesson. Each lesson was unique and creative. Mr. Block used food and made us interact with each other. These lessons challenged me to do SLA's core values, inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. Overall I learned a lot through this history class. I've learned how to put myself in others' shoes and how to respect others' culture. Here's a link to a project were I had to do a momolouge. I also learned how we as people all grow and learn with the help of others.

Throughout the year Mr. Block has given us a numerous number of projects and papers we had to complete. We've done plays, trials, roleplays, and more. We've gotten a chance to experience the different aspects of people in different places over the world. We’ve learned about sweatshops, human trafficking, colonisation, and more.  Out of these three topics colonisation stood out to me the most. It was intriguing to me how someone can feel like they have the need to fix one’s society. Its like social media. In social media people are always painting a picture of how things should be. It’s either you’re too fat or your hair isn’t straight enough. And sometimes our worth and equality is based off that. In an assignment “Pathologies of Power” a similar topic was discussed. I think that “A cause of our society’s failure to face up and deal with is the erosion of equality”.  As a society we base too much of our worth on external things rather than eternal things.

Colonisation can be described in different ways. It can be good or bad. If colonisation happens in a multipathing way then it can hurt the colonizer and the natives. I think that variety is a great thing. If everyone was the same life would be pretty boring but, with variety new conversations and ideas strike. Its the same with Biology. Everyone couldn’t have the same DNA because if one person became infected then every onc would become infected and die. Knowing this I was a little frustrated to why colonizers would try to change someone’s culture. In a journal I wrote “I think everyone grows and learns from the people around them. One can’t develop himself”. I think the world would be a better place today if people were respective of others’ way of living. I think that they should have learned from each other instead of despising each other. I also think that colonizers tried to hard to push their opinions on people who didn’t need them. In an assignment “Custer Died for Your Sins” I wrote “American try to fix things that aren’t broken. Sometimes when the oppressed side is fed up they rebel and start a revolution. Here's a link to a project of similar topic.

In conclusion I think this world history class was a great experience. I was never too thrilled about coming into a history class but Mr. Block’s class was different. It was a lot of reading but Mr. Block incorporated many activities to balance it out. I think I had a pretty successful year.

Final Portfolio

Taylor Washington

Final Portfolio

In september of my sophomore year I found out that I was in Mr. Blocks world history class. When finding this out I went to my sister which is and alumni of SLA for advice, thinking back I didn't really take it. I walked into the class thinking that it was going to be super boring because history is not what I would call my favorite subject in school. But immediately Mr. Block shut down the idea that it would be boring. The first day he gave out m&m’s and did an activity with us which I believe really engaged the class to learn more so they could possible get more m&m’s. This was just the beginning of many more interactive activities.

11 quotes from my work

1.) A messages that "The world is just" cartoon may be trying to get across to its audience is that the world will never be able to agree on what justice for all really means- Journal # 40

2.) People who work for social justice see the world as incredibly sad - pathologies of power worksheet

3.) American live in a fantasy land and fall in love with un real things- Vine Deloris worksheet

4.)It made us seem like freaks and that we do a lot of unnecessary things that when in reality thats not what the american culture is really all about. They totally twisted up our culture so just for this reason its not acceptable to judge another culture.- Journal #3

5.) How can another child of Buddah be trusted with knowing the truth?- Sacred text analysis

6.) Go to combat with HIV/AIDS, malaria and other popular diseases , without the education no one would be able to have the knowledge on how to control or overcome the disease.- Different views of development

7.)The point is that foreign investments are not the key to solving poverty. it might just be making them sink even deeper into poverty.- "Globalization worksheet"

8.) All I do is try.. I try but can never succeed in what I do. Being a stay at home has not been as good as the rich people make it look. My husband can not do this all alone… He is constantly losing his jobs because of his pride.-  Keystone pipeline monologue

9.) The Congo exhibit it to show that colonialism comes from hatred of one culture to another culture and trying to enforce change- quarter four benchmark

10.)Good afternoon jurors we are all here today to to figure out who is the blame for “dehumanizing" workers and corrupting the environment of the workers.- Sweatshop Trial

11.) Though each party shares the blame we believe the consumers and poor party allege make up the largest  portion of the shared blame. the country ruling elite are responsible for encouraging global sweatshops which is an important part in the problem. Without the encouragement from them there would be nothing pushing to have people working in ridiculous conditions. The consumers also take on majority of the blame because more than most of them are aware of the conditions the poor workers are living in and the ridiculous wages they make (or a lack there of), but they decide to ignore what they are paying for. we the System are innocent. the system is completely run by the people and the people who are running us  could also put in the effort to change us if they feel the system is not good enough. there is us  there are many other systems  that need some changes but we can only change if the people change.-Sweatshop Trial

Screenshot 2014-06-11 09.56.03
Screenshot 2014-06-11 09.56.03

Final Portfolio

Final Portfolio

This year in World History, I learned about different countries throughout the world. If I was asked to give a theme about my history class this year, I would say the main idea was change. People all over the world have been fighting oppressors for their rights since the beginning of time. Earlier in the year during our revolution unit, we focused a lot on Ukraine. The people were trying to start a revolution to change the government. They read books and studied different revolution tactics. They took a lot of strategies from Egypt's revolution a few years earlier. The key thing they learned is that the point of a revolution is too see change, and in no circumstance should you leave before you see drastic improvements. I learned that strategies in revolutions evolve over time due to trial and error.

Majority  of the countries we learned about this year are not considered first world countries so I did not learn a lot about them previously. One thing a number of these countries had in common is that they started off wealthy. When I found this out, I spent the first three marking periods wondering how they went from these amazing dynasties to the state they are in today. When the fourth quarter began, I learned how this decline was possible. The explanation behind it is colonization. And another thing these countries had in common is how they were colonized. The countries acknowledged that the land was not theirs but everyones. Western civilizations had a different opinion on the land and felt that they should claim everything for the name of their lords. I find it fascinating that every group of natives accepted the explorers and welcomed them into their land. In some cases the natives even seemed to help and aid the explorers in taking over their land.

Alot of people have problems with the way society is today, but they seem to forget you don't have to sit back and wait for an epidemic, you can start one yourself. In the beginning of the year, we learned about the Keystone XL Pipeline. We talked about the pros and cons to extending the pipeline. Alot of people in the classroom had different ideas and views and opinions on what should be done. We didn’t realize it, but we ourselves can really get involved and make a difference in our communities. Petitions are a great way to create awareness about problems and issues in our communities. This may not be the biggest way to create a change, but it is a great start.

This year I learned many lessons I will never forget. I think the one I remembered most was in the Things 
Fall Apart unit. I will never forget this because Mr. Block bought in cola nuts to eat. These were the most desgusting things I had ever eaten, but it shows how different cultures are. Come to find out people in Africa love them.
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Final Portfolio

In September 2013, I entered my World History class I was assigned to and found that my teacher was Mr. Block. I wasn’t very excited to have history because I never really liked the class, or the the things that were taught in it. But, the first day of history, we actually were having a discussion and ended up using M&M’s. M&M’s? Oh, I could tell that it was going to be a fun year!

My favorite activity and project in history this year was the first trial. Actually, it was all of the trials. I loved those. I loved that I could put my opinion in the trial along with all the research that I did, depending on what I was assigned to. It was also hard for me because other peoples opinions weren’t always right in my eyes and I don’t agree with people easily.

In one of my first journals, I said, "Not to procrastinate and to get my work done when I first get it.." (Journal Entry #4). This made me think about all the struggles I had in History class this year. It was hard for me to adjust  to the “sophomore lifestyle” but I think I did an okay job. I did slack for some quarters, and in the end I tried to pull everything together and I think I need to work on that the most. Next year I really need to begin to procrastinate less, because it is a very crucial and important year.

Creativity happened in history class this year during the keystone pipeline monologue project in the beginning in the year. For that project, I used creativity in the way I wrote my monologues, the way I talked in my video and just the whole thing overall.

So I did have some bad expectations and things that I didn’t like, but it turned out okay. There were a bunch of assignments I loved and a bunch that i hated. The projects and the worksheets were a little intense since we did sometimes get them back to back, but it was fine. I think that from all of this, I have learned to just be more productive at an earlier time.

Links to my work:





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