Q1 Art Portfolio

The reason why I do the work I do because I was assigned to do for class or because that's what I want to draw at that moment. When I do my work because it was assigned to me, my goals are to get it done but to also make it look well because my work describe who I am as a student. And when I draw just because I want to, my goals are to make it meaningful and also look well because there's a reason to why I draw these pictures, like sometimes there will be a story behind them.

My favorite tool is pastels because they kind of bring they pictures to life when I mix and smear the colors in. My favorite material is paper that is smooth and thick because the picture looks way better and when I use different tools to draw my work with, it doesn't go through. And I prefer to use smooth paper because when I use paper that has a rough texture to it, the picture don't have the same quality as the picture that was done on smooth paper. The way I make decision throughout my work is that I look at what I'm trying to draw and the texture I want to come out of that. Then I get the materials that give that pictures those qualities and do my work.

While I was working on the figure drawing, I chose the right color that would bring the picture out then I start drawing the shapes that make up the picture. Next I connected the shapes to make the outline of the person and then did the details such as the shading and the creases of the shirt. Finally I went back over me work with a different color to make the body shape even better. 

The first time I ever heard of drawing a clear object was when my teacher, Ms. Hull announced it. I thought that drawing a clear object was just drawing a object but it's not. When she showed us a video about how to draw a clear object it was simple to me now. And now that I know how to draw and shade clear objects, I can work on my progress by working on more on my spare time.

While I was working on the clear object, I shaded the paper before I drew the object. Next I chose the clear object I wanted to work on then I started to draw the shape of the object. Then I drew the details of the object like the bottom part of the object that you can see on the other side. After that I made the light and dark shading of the object and then smeared around the outline of the object because clear objects don't have a dark outline. Finally, I put the object's shadow into the picture and then smeared it a little so it wouldn't be really dark.


Lobbying Blog Post 2 - Finding That Representative

The topic I am lobbying for is Financial Reform. All I want is for people to crack down on the people who cheated the system similar to some of the people who are in New York participating in Occupy Wall Street. So imagine how enthused I was to find a man named Pat Toomey. Pat Toomey being the great man that he is, of course serves on the Financial Institution and Consumer Protection Committee which is a committee that would seem perfect for a man like me who just wants nothing but Financial Regulation so that we don't have another financial meltdown like we did. Pat Toomey is the man. Or so I thought.

After reading this very enlightening piece that I stumbled upon, called "66 Reasons you should not vote for Pat Toomey" my perspective on him changed dramatically. A key example of how media can distort a man, or even how baseless certain claims can be if you don't know all the facts, but that is a blog post for a different day. You, my fair reader, cannot imagine how discouraged I was when I read this article. Heck, how discouraged I was when I got through the first twelve reasons. So discouraged that I didn't know where to look for a reliable state representative for my cause.

So I began thinking smaller and it hit me "What if the people in my district are like minded individuals? Would that not mean that that person on the city council for my district is a fairly good person?" Still discouraged I got my hopes up and I found Anna C. Verna who is a just a breath of fresh air. Actually she is the City Council President and that just puts a smile on my face. But the fact that she is a breath of fresh air is not because she is different or because she signed something as big as the Dodd-Frank Bill but she is doing what I want the Federal Government to do on a larger scale, Crack Down on Malpractice and Restore Stability.(Sorry about that source very hard woman to find info on)

So in so many words what I've read about State Reps. and Senators are disappointing, it doesn't mean that they are all bad it is just hard to find the better things that they have done. But from what I've read about Ms. Verna, I am definitely a supporter and if she could ever become a senator, or State Rep. she would definitely have the vote of a certain blogger.

Lobbying Topic 1: Smoking

My lobbying topic is against smoking. Many people in not only Philadelphia, but the world are smoking and it honestly is not healthy. It turns your lungs grey and puts many people at risk for diseases and even cancer. The reason I chose smoking as my lobbying topic is because many people I know are smokers. I wanted to find out more facts about smoking. I wanted to know what  hooks people to them and also what are some of the effects.

Who represents me -Robert Brady

Who represents me? Robert Brady http://www.brady.house.gov/

What do you and your representative have in common?

Brady was born in philadelphia  After high school, Brady went to work as a carpenter Brady served as a staff aide in the Philadelphia City Council and a staff aide in the state senate

Robert Brady voted for the no texting and driving act in pa i believe that this was a great choice because even though the law seems useless it will lower the rate of accidents 

Robert Brady and I have a lot in common we are both determined to be that best that we can be he also puts forth the most effort that he can. He stands ut to me because from what i know he cares about the community not just district 1


Dbui Glass Drawing

First I put out a blank canvas and then I put a charcoal light background to it because it helps with the shading. I first got into it because my art teacher showed us a video on shading. I felt like I could of added more dimension to my artwork. I feel that my artwork is really nice and I like the depths that were added into this picture. My favorite tol is charcoal because it is really fun to use. My favorite material is charcoal. I like the depths of the shading in my picture. The depths of the shading really add a lot to the picture. Circles emerge a lot in my drawing. This is my first time doing shading like this. Well this drawing is all black and gray and it adds a lot of depth. shading, and color also to this drawing.
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Blog Post #2

Blog post #2


The person that represents me is Maria D. Quinones-Sanchez http://phila.gov/cityCouncil/MariaDQuinones-Sanchez.html from the 7th district. Maria has a lot going in with her life.

-She has gone down in history for being the first Latina woman to have a seat in the Philadelphia city council.

-She is also the youngest in the city council.

-She is also known for her reduced crime rates in the city of Philadelphia.

-She is married with 2 boys and still resides in Philadelphia.

In the past she voted for my issue considering the fact that she is basically focusing on public issues and of course this law, the “curfew” law is indeed very public. She has voted with one of the 15 council members to agree with the overall law at hand. She signed for it and only one person didn’t agree with it.

My representative and I have many different things in common such as helping out in the community. I have worked with community service opportunities and volunteer work in the past. Maria does everything for the community; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Qui%C3%B1ones-Sanchez

-She helps out with community service projects;

-She helps out schools, schools in which my younger sisters go to. I think the work she is doing means a lot to the community in multiple ways she is helping out the community and even thought I am helping out in the community its not in the same way Maria is. She helps out in ways to make the community a better place;

-She is involved with educational purposes

-Crime and public safety as well. She has a strong connection with the community.

My thought on Maria overall is a positive vibe. I believe that she is making the community better starting out with her vote for the approval of “curfews” I believe that she is doing is for the safety of teens. She is making sure that everyone has bright future and I believe she is making sure and sort of testing out teens in way. I believe she and the council member are testing teens out in a way to show how responsible they can be to show leadership skills and to be able to show the drastic change of roles in teens this generation. How much has teens changed over time? Maybe the “curfew” law is a test to see how much society has changed in the view of a teen.

Blog Post #1

I am lobbying for the issue of curfew. There has been a new law about curfews and how children have to be in by a certain time. I completely agree with the law because several kids have to learn how to obey laws and rules. The main reason as to why the mayor, Michael Nutter decided to make “Curfew” for kids under the age of 18 a law is because of “Flash mobs.” http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-08-09/politics/29968295_1_flash-mobs-curfew-young-black-men I completely understand the point he is trying to make. I am not just saying this because the “Curfew” law no longer applies to me considering the fact that I am already 18 years of age but because teens need to understand that things aren’t always going to go the way they want it to go. Teenagers are getting out of control in society each and everyday. What they need to do is stop and we need to put a stop to it. There are rules that need to be obeyed even for the young ones.

The mayor and other council members are clearly in favor of the “curfew” law and so am I. The voting for the signing of the law trial was signed “15-1” meaning 15 council members agreed to the “curfew” and 1 was opposed of it. Teens who have to go inside because of the time obviously aren’t to excite about it and several kids aren’t really acting as if it is a law or acting as if it is serious. There have been teens that have been collected by police officers and had to pay fines. There are several teens that of course obey the rules but there will also be kids who don’t follow rules, changes have to be made even if it has to do with teens causing a big riot of some sort. They have to be stopped one way or another. Changes must be made one step at a time.

The main supporters of my lobbying topic are 15 council members and the mayor of course. There are possibly elder citizens who agree with this as well. The main opponents would be teenagers those targeted because of the “curfew.” Although they don’t agree with it, it doesn’t mean they are going to follow it.

There is a law that has just been passed for a 2-year trial to see the results of it all. Of course the results are going to be pretty accurate, in the way the mayor wants it to be because there are already kids breaking the rules with the “curfew.”

Other background information that would be completely relevant in this case would possibly be way the parents raise the kids and how responsible they are or how responsible they should be. Not everyone has a parent that cares as much or is up to date with societies rules. I think it be best if we had a better understanding and opinion on teens parents who have been fined and arrested. 

Sasha's Q1 Art Blog

​Here I have my figure drawing and my clear object:

Figure Drawing

For the figure drawing, there were a lot of things that I took into consideration when I was drawing her. For of all, I had never done something of this size, so I had to make sure that my proportion were right. Secondly, I took the vibe of the model (Jamie) and tried to put it on the paper. When I looked at her, I got a bubbly yet undertone seriousness from her, so I tried to make her pose look as feminine and relaxed as possible, but the seriousness come in with her neck. For the most part, her neck was very stern, (not to the point where her muscles were visible) but enough where some shading was necessary. As for the choice of colors working with pastels was very different to me, but I just tried to match them with the color of the clothes that she was wearing that day (black skinnies) but the shirt was a different color, so I went with a light red color. To me, it looked very nice against her blond/orange hair. My favorite part drawing her hair. It was layered enough to where I could give is a spiked look, which gave me more flexibility with highlighting certain parts. Each strand was outlined with a darker shade of orange, while the crown was a more mixed with light yellow and peaches- from this, I wanted the hair to appear shinier. As for her body, she had a very petite figure, which was something that I had no problem drawing. She is more slender then curvy, so keeping her shape to more of an unexaggerated pear was key my goal. Basically, I kept her shape to more of a teenager, than one that was too mature and inaccurate. Overal, I felt very confident with this drawing. Even though it was larger is size, I feel as though I portrayed the model as I saw her. I draw people and I like to portray a specific emotion when I do so, and for this drawing, I hoped to show a relaxed and bubbly personality that I saw in her. The main difference from this and my own work is that I am a manga-baed style, and still made me think to try more of semi-realism. While her face has a less realistic appeal, I believe that her body shape was more on point.   
Clear Object
I thoroughly enjoyed making this clear object drawing. First of all, I got to use my favorite medium of all time: 0.7 mm MECH PENCIL! It's my love really. Also, I got to incorporate the use of charcoal, which is something that I'm not very used to,but I was able to use it to be best abilities for this project. I started with choosing the beaker, mainly because it was the first glass that I saw. My first thought was to draw a window, more a rainy scene that portrayed a certain feeling, but I instead went with the beaker because it's new to me. When we watched the video on how to draw a clear object, I liked the technique except for the fact that there was no scene to it. In my head, I couldn't draw this inanimate object without some sort of background. To me, there has to be a place for an object to be set in. So, I first just drew the outline of the beaker from my view, (somewhat of a top/frontal view). I did a really weird thing but shading the mid-tone AFTER I drew the outline of the beaker. Starting with a mid-tone just didn't feel right to me. Afterwards, I starting finding the darker spots to be shading and starting to erase at certain reflections of light on the beaker. After this, I decided to draw the tabe that I was working on (also from my perspective). I then used the shading of the table and set that is my new mid-tone. It made sense to me because seeing through the beaker means that I'd have a skewed vision of the color of the table. I made sure to erase lightly enough that each line across the table wasn't defined, but still visible. Overal, I feel that this was a huge success, because I just wanted to portray a gloomy mood from the loneliness of the beaker, and I think with the dusty grey affect, it got across pretty well.


Still figure
Still figure
Clear object
Clear object

Clear Object Drawing Artist Statement

            I chose to draw a rectangular glass, because its rounded corners were more interesting and challenging to me.  I enjoy challenging myself, even if the end result isn’t as good as something easier would have been.  I’m always looking to improve my art skills and try new things.

            I had never used a midtone in my drawings before, so that was something new in itself.  I also wasn’t used to working with charcoal—I nearly always use pencils, simply because they’re simple and can be erased—but it turned out to be pretty enjoyable.  I ended up focusing on getting used to the new techniques rather than making a perfect sketch of the glass.

            I know that a piece is done when there’s nothing I want to change about it.  I try to look at it from a stranger’s perspective and decide whether or not they would see what I want them to see.  It’s very uplifting to feel that a piece is the way I want it to be.




Figure Drawing Artist Statement

            I’m not at all used to drawing with anything besides a pencil and 8.5” x 11” paper.  I thought the drawing would be a disaster, but it wasn’t so bad.  I’m actually pretty proud about how it turned out, considering how unusual a medium this was for me.  I couldn’t even hold the pastel in the way I usually hold a pencil, because I’m a little neurotic about getting my hands and clothes dirty.

            I didn’t hold myself to my usual standard of total precision and allowed myself to concentrate on getting the general shapes right.  I think concentrating on the big picture (so to speak) is something I should do more even when I’m using my regular pencil and paper.  It helped me a lot.  In the end, my drawing wasn’t incredibly detailed, but I think it actually bears some resemblance to the model, which is pretty cool.

Unfortunately, this picture is a little distorted, and makes the top appear larger than the bottom.


Dbui Figure Drawing

My figure drawing consist of Jamie side. At first the drawing was hard because I didn't know how to draw the features and the body from the side. I like the side profile because it captures her face well. My favorite part was using charcoal because drawing with that was really messy and fun. I really like drawing side profiles because it captures the profile really nicely. The side profile turned out really nicely because it captures all of the model features nicely. The patterns that appear in the image are squares and circles and rectangles appear throughout the picture. Everything was new to me because I never had art in my old school. The teal was my favorite to use because it adds brightness to the pictures. The color teals add brightness , color , and brightness to the picture.

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Q1 Blog and MOODLE Journal Instuctions - Ms. Hull - Art

Blog - Artist Statement - Archive - MOODLE Journal/Blog links

This MUST be on your SLA blog:
1. Photos of all your work
no fingers or people in the photo
no photos that are sideways
no improperly lit art work
clear clean background that compliments the art piece

2. Photos of progress and sketches

3. Photos of finished artwork (or an explanation of why it is not finished)

4. Completed artist statement proof read and no grammatical errors.
      Here is the link to help write an artist statement - Artist Statement
Remember this is public

1. make a list of the projects you completed
2. put in the link to your blog to show your work
3. make a list of the projects you didn’t complete (if there are any)
If you only missed one list it, but it does not count against your grade
4. write AT LEAST 5 sentences that describe your work and work ethic for this quarter
5. look at the assignments for next quarter, and state 2 goals you have for yourself in the up coming quarter

Clear Object Drawing

my favorite tool was the black charcoal because i had fun coloring with it. the best material that we used had to be the paper because the way the black charcoal went on it and was able to erase off of it was to cool. the best part about art is even if you don't know how to be really good at it you still can try and have fun and it stills comes out to look like art work. an art piece that turned out well is an art piece that has had someone put in hard work and time into it so no matter how it looks it still looks well because you have tryed. i don't think that there is a pattern in my work other than i put in hard work for each piece. the way we used the colors. if i learned something different i would want to learn how to look at the picture that i am drawing and draw it in that from. 

When I work with ms. Hull I am reminded that it does not have to be perfect but you do have to put forth effort and try. she always keeps you moving forward. I begin a piece by doing examples be for going straight in to the big piece. I know a piece is done when i feel really good about it and the teaches lets me know its not perfect put it good. When my work is going well, I am filled with a sense of happiness.When people see my work, I'd like them to know that i really did try and put in work time and effort.

during my time in art so far i have worked on a piece of art work where i had to draw a glass cup of my choice and that assignment was not hard at all. it was cool to see how you can really draw glass on paper with black colors. i though that it was going to be very hard but working with Ms. Hull and Emma i felt more confident about what i was about too draw and kew that if i put forth effort then it would come out cool. we were told that we would be using black charcoal to be drawing this and i though that was cool expecclly with the white paper. the way i got though this project was to just color and erase that way you can try to get the full picture. in doing this work i feel as though i am expanding my mind more because i am not the type of person to really  just sit down and just draw a picture so art class gives me that part of me and i get to express my self and what i am feeling that day though my art work. ​
Clear Object Drawing
Clear Object Drawing

#1 lobbying post- cell phones


I  am lobbying for the law to pass for it to be illegal text while driving.Pennsylvania is getting set to join more than 30 other states that ban all motorists from texting while driving.

The reason that i chose this public policy because it directly affects a everyday task commited by the majority of the drivers in philadelphia

The main supporters of my this issue are Sen. John Wozniak, D-Cambria, 


The opposers of my issue are Jake Corman of Centre County, John Eichelberger of Blair County, Mike Folmer of Lebanon County, Charles McIlhinney of Bucks County and Don White of Indiana County.

The pending legislation of this issue is that its been passed in 30 other states besides pa i would like to see the process speed up.

The bill would make texting behind the wheel a primary offense so that police can pull over motorists for that violation alone. The penalty is $50. Police will not be allowed to seize the cell phone or other device.


The Glass cup

Artist statement:


We were assigned this project to learn how to draw glass objects, from the perspective of a human eye. This gave us an understanding of how what makes glass, glass. The shaping of the lines, the reflection, where the light catches the different areas on the glass, and where to draw the shadows to make the glass come to life. The most difficult part of this assignment was to figure out how to make glass, look like glass, on paper. Different areas of the glass had different shadings, and it was hard to determine where to put that on the drawing. Besides that, when my work was going well, I feel as though I accomplished way more than I would’ve thought, and I feel proud of the time and effort I put into it. My favorite part about my work is the shading. I did good on combining light and dark shadings and merging them onto the picture. 

At first when I began the drawing, I drew crosses to make the circles. I did this because Emma told us that it would make our circles much neater than they usually are. Then after I drew the circles I started to draw the general shape of the glass. Doing these steps in this order made it easier to get an understanding of how the glass should be shaped in all areas. Then I began to shade. When I began to shade I started to do it really light and then I used the eraser to make the clearness of the glass, but as I was doing that I realized that not all of the glass is light. There are some dark, light, and white places, hitting the glass in all different areas. After realizing that, I erased the light shadings, and I turned my light shading into a dark shading, and when I found a place in the picture where there was some lightness included I took the eraser, and started canceling out the dark areas. Doing this project I figured that when having a light shading, then having to draw a dark one, seems more difficult to me. I prefer drawing a dark shading first, then start adding the lightness. 

Doing this project I believe I have grown into a better artist, because I’ve learned a lot of new techniques that would help me improve my drawings in the future. Before this project, it would take me 5 minutes to draw a perfect circle. Now it takes me no more than 5 seconds. Doing this project I also got a lot better at shading and analyzing objects, which would be a technique that would be most useful to me, in this art class.           


Tenzin Ngawang Art Class Assignments Blog

Artist Statement on my Clear Object Drawing

When I first saw the video that Emma showed during class, I was completely sure I wouldn't be able to draw such a thing as still object drawing. I've never drawn anything like this. I've always thought only the best of the best artists know how to draw still object with all these different shadings. 

While I was drawing the pot, I was constantly stepping back because it'd give me a different perspective of the drawing.   After drawing this, I may have used almost have of my erasers. So from the start, I began with a charcoal and started shading the main part of the paper, which was the center. Then I made outlines of the glass. By darkening the edges and whitening the outside, it made the object pop out from the dull charcoal filled paper. After that, I shaded in the shadows from one lighting. 

  I've never drawn a clear object before. I knew I wasn't going to be able to make a perfect drawing when i saw Emma's video because I've taken a class at Fleisher, which was oil painting where we also had to work with shading. It was a gruel-some experience because every time we had a shadow, we'd have to darken or choose a different color with same relation. However, in this drawing, we were only using charcoal and eraser, which was easier and it looked a whole lot better than my oil painting piece. 

Artist Statement on my Figure Drawing

I can finally say I've drawn a whole body figure! I've never drawn a person's whole body, either it's a part of their body such as their face or their eyes but I never drew a whole body figure in detail. I mean obviously I've drawn stick figures but never looking at a person and noticing every bit- parts of their clothing textures, their body shape and their hairstyles. 

This is Jasmine. The way I drew her was the same angle/ way she was facing. I've not finished my final drawing because of time issues. I started off outlining her whole body, then I started adding in little detail by detail. At the end, I felt as though I did pretty good but then I'm not a perfect artist, so I do not have a master piece. It was my first time so I think I did good job for a first time. 

Figure Drawing was very difficult because it took more than I could ever imagine. When other artists in my class finished in one class, I felt stupid because I definitely needed more time. I started off drawing Sammy and I was actually really proud of where I was at but then the next thing I knew almost everyone in our class lost their drawings. So I had to redo it all over again. This time, I drew Jasmine, one of my art classmate. 


Puerto Rico (Kemp, Kilmartin)

Hola, es virginia y Milana’s espanol projecto

Nosotros fuimos Puerto Rico!


El DIA Uno

Nosotros volamos al Puerto rico. Nosotros dejamos Filadelfia por la mañana. Puerto rico es muy bueno.

Nosotros Dormitorios es muy grande, la camas es súper suave.

La vista de la habitación es los árboles y el océano, es muy bonita.


El DIA Dos

Nosotros fuimos la playa. ¡La playa es preciosa en Puerto Rico, el agua es súper azul y la pescado es grande! Nosotros comimos en la playa, el comida es delicioso.


El DIA tres

Nosotros aprendimos cómo navegar. El nombre del navegar profesor es Pablo. Pablo vivé en Puerto rico. El Navegar “escuela” es en Ricón. Ricón es navegar central. Ahora podemos navegar un poco.


El DIA Cuatro

Nosotros decidimos para relajarse. Por lo que ir de compras, el centro comercial es plaza del norte. El plaza del norte es muy grande pero las tiendas en la plaza es muy caro. Después de las compras nosotros fuimos bebo’s café. El café comida es sabroso.


El DIA cinco

Nosotros nadamos en la piscina. La piscina es grande. Junto a la piscina es el jacuzzi. La piscina es por la hotel pero el jacuzzi es privado por nosotros habitación.



2nd Lobbying Post (Who Represents Me)

I currently live in the 3rd district making my representative Jannie L. Blackwell.  Jannie L. Blackwell is a graduate of Cheyney University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and a graduate of St. Joseph’s University where she received a Master of Arts in Education.
​Jannie Blackwell was the only member out of an entire council of 17 people to vote No on the new curfew that was passed last Thursday. One of the things Blackwell stated was

“Those people who work hard and work two and three jobs and can’t follow their children and end up with problems, you cost them out of a decent life,” she said. “You’re not going to change it.” (See Full Text Below)


This tells me that she is thinking in the mindset of the average citizen because she once was in the shoes of the middle class citizen. She had to work her way to where she is now.

Blackwell Represents many different areas which can also be found here (19107-3290)


Los Dias de la Semana! (days of the week)

                                    Los Dias de la Semana!

Knowing the day of the week is a key element to your day. When you travel to Spanish speaking places its important to know how to ask what day it is. You may be in Guatemala for a business trip and need to know the schedule.

You need to know:

How to ask, “What is the day”

The correct spelling, and pronunciation

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Screen Shot 2011-10-19 at 12.50.13 PM
​Check out these flash cards. this link. It includes all the days of the week, and the pronunciation.



Alphabet in Spanish!

Knowing the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet is important because it helps you with sounding out words in Spanish and writing them.


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3 Monologues

Robbie McCormac                         White house or death house


It’s been 3 long hours I have been standing out side the tall white house that America looks up to how they look up to it I can not begin to understand. How can you trust people to make choices for a nation not even knowing the full effect of what can happen. The tar sands pipeline will be the death of us all. It will have a huge effect on the environment and it won’t end well. The tar sand pipe is just a failure waiting to happen the first pipe that is all ready made was only suppose to leak once every 7 years it leaked 12 times in one year! This is not a safe project that’s why I am up here next to the white house protesting for what I believe is right. We stand here untied for one cause and we are all going to stand up for what’s right like the great red woods in California we will stand up tall. The cops start yelling through their loud speakers. The words they say don’t faze us they roll right off of us like nothing was ever said. They start to move in with their batons and harsh words we still stand. I see people getting handcuffed people bleeding. I start to move back yelling we must stay put we can’t give up we came this far for a reason! An officer came up to me and through my hands behind my back I just kept a smile on my face. I felt the icy cold steel cuffs go around my wrist, At that moment I knew I did everything that I possibly could.

Robbie McCormac                        Dimitrty Medvedev           


Hello my name is Dmitrty Medvedev I am the current Prime Minister of Russia. I thought it would be in my best interest to express my opinion about the Tar sand pipeline and how it can effect the rest of the world. The oil companies are getting greedy and they don’t understand the risk they could be putting all of us through. The oil that would be pumped out of Canada to America is what we call crude oil. Crude oil is a very dirty form of oil and it can be very dangerous to transport. This oil can have effects on the land, water ,and air. The people of the world could be potentially be facing a crisis and we don’t even realize it we just over look it like it’s just another way to get energy. I’m expressing my view here because I know President Obama has the power to make the final decision about this and he can potentially change the environment, as we know it. The tar sand’s is a catastrophe waiting to happen. It doesn’t only affect the U.S the Co2 from this can go into the air and cause serious problems for other countries to.

As an allies I would just like you to consider the possible negative out comes that may happen because of this.


                                                Dmitrty Medvedev

Robbie McCormac                         Trans Canada


To Who ever may find this.

You are reading my last journal entry. The year is 2016 December 5th We finally got approved to start getting the crude oil that was in Canada over to the united states. We should have listened to all the protesters and the environmentalist. We got all the pipes in place by 2015 but we weren’t aloud to pump the oil until this year at first everything was fine jobs were created people were happy and best of all profit was coming in. We were able to take control of the oil industry in the United States it was a great accomplishment. But weeks after drilling the world was shocked to hear what was happing the current atmospheric co2 number went from 390ppm to a staggering 460ppm in just over a week people were scared with fear and I couldn’t blame them that day I drove to the Trans Canada HQ and sat at my desk looking out the window the sky now red with heat and blistering light. I sat at my all oak desk hearing on the T.V how we doomed the planet the co2 level was suppose to rise by 12 every day eventfully causing the atmosphere to collapse and then the planet would be destroyed people were told to live as well as they could in these last moments on earth. I put my head on my desk and reached under it to take out the little bottle of rum I kept. I took one last swig and opened my vault. Once I opened my vault I saw the letters C.O.L.T .45 and I just gazed upon it.


"Futuro" por Seamus Kirby

The purpose of this project was to create a mask that represented us. We wrote an essay that had two parts, the things that were obvious about us, and the things that were less obvious about us. Our masks could be anything we wanted, I chose to make a mask of a platypus. I chose this animal because the platypus seems like a more "advanced" animal, that can adapt to many environments and situations. It seems like a creature well suited for the future, which is what I would like to be; prepared for whatever comes my way in the future. After creating the masks, we put the parts that were obvious about us on the outside of the essay, and the parts that were less obvious on the inside. Masks are an important part of Spanish culture, because many festivals and celebrations use masks to represent animals and spirits.


Lo obvio:

Una de mis cosas favoritos para hacer es jugar fútbol. Yo empese a jugar fútbol cuando tenia 5 años. Yo he jugado en varios equipos de fútbol, un equipo de Fairmount, Palumbo, y el equipo de SLA. Fútbol es algo que yo puede hacer para reéducar tensión en mi vida. Cuando yo soy frustrado o triste, yo puedo jugar fútbol y me siento mejor. Cuando yo conozco a gente por primera vez, yo estoy muy huraño. Fútbol me presentó a un grupo de gente que gusta algo similar que mi. Los miembros de mi equipo de fútbol eran mis primeros amigos en SLA cuando yo vení aquí por primera vez. Ellos ya están algunos de mis mejores amigos. A mi me importa mucho mi familia, y mis amigos. Mi familia están las personas que yo amo, y nos apoyamos a cada uno de nosotros. Tengo un hermano, llamado Colin. A veces, el me molesta, pero la mayoría del tiempo nos callemos bien. Mi mama me entiendo mucho, y yo puedo ir a ella para ayuda. Mi padre y yo somos muy similares. Por eso, nosotros nos entendemos a el otro, pero también nosotros nos molestan a la otro. Pero la mayoría del tiempo nos callemos bien. Mis amigos son las personas que me mantiene feliz. Sin mis amigos, yo sera mas deprimido en el vida. Yo soy pasivo. No estoy muy pasivo, pero estoy mas pasivo que afirmativo. Eso es a veces útil, pero otros tiempos es malo. Es bueno porque yo raramente tiene argumentos con personas, y ese esta bueno por mis relaciones con gente. Al mismo tiempo, yo no soy proactiva, y yo no haga atemptos para hacer cosas.


Lo menos obvio:

Yo no estoy un persona religiosa, y yo no creo en dios. Yo creo que eso esta bueno en mi vida, por varias razones. En mi opinión la religión esta un barrera para la creatividad y la imaginacíon. Si crees en un explicación por vida y el universo y solo esto, no quieres aprender sobre la ciencia de el universo, y vida. Yo creo que es mucho mas interesante aprender como vida evolvo desde un célula pequeño, hasta animales complexos como humanos, en vez de solamente pensar que dios pono todo en el mundo. Yo creo que la ciencia que explica como funciona el universo, como estrellas, planetas, luz, son muy interesante, pero la religion a veces condena esas estudios. En mi opinión, no creer en dios en un cosa libertador. Yo no haga cosas buenas para apaciguar un dios, haga cosas buenas para hacer cosas buenas. Mis opiniones sobre religión no afecta la mayoría de mis relaciones, excepto por pocos personas con quien me tiene argumentos. Mis padres tiene expectaciones muy altas de mi. Esta no esta solamente de cosas como escuela, y mis grados, pero también cosas no académicas. Esto es bueno, porque me da un empuja para hacer bueno en vida. También, yo estoy empezando de tener los mismos expectaciones de mi mismo. Los únicas cosas malas de esto es que a veces me estrés, y causa argumentos con padres. Unos de los cosas que yo quiere hacer cuando tiene un trabajo, esta ingeniero, o programador de computadora. Estos son mis intereses favoritos, porque para mi trabajo, yo necesita resolver problemas. Yo me gusta resolver problemas porque me da un sensacíon de gratificacíon. No me importa si el problema es sobre un problema en una programa de computador, o si un ciudad no tiene agua limpia. También es bueno que esos trabajos tienen un bien paga, pero la parte mas importante para mi es la trabajo que esta haciendo.


Photo on 2011-11-03 at 11.05
Photo on 2011-11-03 at 11.05