Macbeth Creative Piece (Monologue)

I decided to write a short monologue from the point of view of lady Macbeth. Showing how she changes throughout the play and her interactions and feeling towards Macbeth. It starts with her being angry and controlling. It shows how she is angry with Macbeth for acting like such a coward when he knows he should be a man. It is how she controls him. It then shows how she begins to sort of plumet and become much more vulnerable to everything around her. Such as the immense amount of murders and deaths. The guilt eating her alive showing significantly. The process of writing this monologue was fun and frustrating. I loved trying to get deeper inside of the mind of Lady Macbeth while using the quotes and interpreting them in whatever which way was not only fun but helped me analyse the reading to a greater extent. I was frustrated with how to come up with a transition of her attitude throughout one monologue and I did that with the help of the quotes from the book. In order to craft this apart from the writing, I thought it would be more fun if visually the paper that the monologue was written on appeared older that it actually was. In order to achieve this goal, I crinkled it up and burned it in certain places. After that I had put it into the oven to make the creases appear more crisp and obvious. What I am most proud of is the way I interpret Lady Macbeth throughout this monologue I feel like I give the audience a full overview of how she was in the early stages of the killing of duncan and then how she was later on.  If I were given the opportunity to do this differently I would memorize and perform it. I had performed the monologue but it was off of paper and I feel that if it would have been memorised it would have brought more to life in that piece. From my colleagues I learned that there are many different forms of interpretation and events in the story. Many people had done things such as sculptures or videos or drawings. They had all chosen something that worked in their favor for the most part, and I found how I teach people about certain things the best which is through my writing and for others it might have been a power point or a comic.. etc. What I learned about myself is that I do wonderful work when I use all of the time I am given to the fullest, and I feel if I had exercised that more prior to posting this the project itself would be a lot better. The entire monologue reads:

“I once heard willows fall silently under the commands of men. Breaking bows and tragic cries of escaped breathe…Success is never blessed without blood.

and Macbeth will wear a crown of crimson proudly For my smile has been etched on to long in this place and If I were broad shouldered and could push down willows with my breast Oh how I ask!  "Come to my woman's breasts and take my milk for gall!!" for the back of macbeth cannot carry that of a load like an  but his knees buckle at fear of  weight so Unsex me here You murdering ministers obey me like that of a man. Hold me into war that only men can bare but I have hands of a woman and I bare no chest to command those who I see below me, and cowardly Macbeth begs for my satisfaction. "INFIRM OF PURPOSE!" Jumping out of his skin at every shadow, but "The and the dead are but as pictures. Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil." Yet he shutters at the sight of blood, and now that he has grown to be king I feel empty, this skin has begun to hold hands with the bones of my soul and I am hollow. The power that has consumed him into the depths of shadows yet I still see the shallow waters of fear engraved in his face. I AM MORTAL NOW! and my heart is way too heavy.”


This project was about how Macbeth was driven to become evil by the witches, but was still at fault for going as far as he did. However, the video doesn't show that all that well, as it only shows the quotes. However, it served more as a summary of the book than a defense of the thesis. However, it does still show how Macbeth became more evil, and how the witches were involved. It's really just more of an extension of the written project, rather than a straight-up translation into video form.
I had a few time issues in the creation of this project. For example, the weekend it was supposed to be done I had a robotics competition. I ended up doing the whole thing that Sunday afternoon. However, I took the time to make the effort show- a good 6 and a half hours. I used my mom's copy of Adobe After Effects. I did the video by animating objects, such as type and images, in time with the music I chose ("Lunae Deae" by Makkon). I also had some objects' brightness linked to the audio, for added dramatic effect.
I'm really proud that I could learn After Effects in such a short time. I went in barely knowing how to use it and came out knowing the basics. Usually it takes me longer to learn the ropes of software as complicated as After Effects, but I managed to do it somehow. What I would change is how it ties into the thesis. I didn't give myself enough time to think that completely through.
I learned a fair amount from others' projects. First of all, I realized that even the simplest of projects can be the most entertaining. I also learned that Jiwon can play piano. I also gained some new perspectives on the story; such as a different theory about how Lady Macbeth's character evolved throughout the story. I didn't learn much about myself, besides the fact that I now know how to better organize my time when doing projects.

Q3 Art/Design

This quarter, I worked on a number of different art/design projects. The main project that was officially for art class was the Vans Custom Culture competition. I was in charge of designing and applying a design for the BMX, surfing and skateboarding themed classic vans shoe. My idea sprouted from the idea of transpiration and Philadelphia transportation (SEPTA) in the form of a subway map. 

I started out in adobe illustrator looking at real world subway maps and designed my own. After much thought about how to actually apply the map to the white shoe, we figured that the easiest thing to do would be to use packing tape to make a template and paint the lines on the shoe. I stayed for a few days after school working on taping and painting and finally on the day it was due I finished and the shoe was complete and ready to be photographed and submitted. 

vans subway
vans subway

On top of the work in art class, I also worked on a number of personal projects. The biggest of them all has been launching my website. I used adobe muse and have been building the website since December. I went into building the website without a real theme for the website, my only real idea for it, was that I wanted there to be a business card on the home page with 2 buttons going to my graphic design portfolio and the other to a photography portfolio. I built the homepage like I wanted it and continued on to designing the actual portfolios. With the help of my mentor phil, we came up with a side scrolling circle concept. It took a few weeks to finally gt the website into a form that was simple and easy for the viewer to use. 

Now that the website is usable, I’m going back and re-designing the pages and taking a second look and deciding what might be better and adding features that some users asked for. One of the big changes that I’ve made already is re-designing the home page, this iteration pulls from my vans custom culture design and uses the “subway stops” as the buttons for the contact page and both portfolios. The URL for the website is

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​Other projects included:

Re-designing the SLARP logo,

I've also been working on projects with my mentor like, 
Creating concepts for a nascar/national guard project

Final Perspective Drawing Zack Hersh

1. I learned that taking the time for small and individual details really makes the object you're drawing and the picture look a lot better and realistic.
2. This made my drawing look much more realistic and 3D which really added to it.
3. If I were to do this project again, I would draw the floor tiles after the tables and stools because constantly erasing and redrawing them was a pain and sometimes they threw me off.
4. My advice to drawing in perspective is draw everything all the way back to the vanishing point because it really helps with drawing orthogonals and making your drawing look realistic and accurate.
5. The resource that helped me the most was the online room practice. I really got the hang of it on that and I found it really helpful.


Final Perspective Drawing - Green, 2013, perspective.

One Point Perspective

Questions: ​

a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before.

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better.

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

e. What resource helped you the most and why?


       One thing that I learned is when you draw in one point perspective you need to make sure every line goes through vanishing point. It made my drawing to look as you look at it in real life. Also all of the lines look straight. If I did this assignment again I would definitely draw more furnitures and details because I only drew tables and chairs. An advice for someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing is to concentrate on the lines and vanishing point because it is the most important thing that makes your drawing look real. Some of the sources that helped me the most was powerpoint because it showed me which thing I should draw first. Another source was the website where you could click on things in the room and it gave you some of the information about lines and how to draw something. 

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DSC00874 copy

Q3 Art Blog

In this Quarter 3, We were to accomplish art assignments that were on, from F9-H2. During the lessons that we were to learn on our own in order to complete our drawings, had helped me improve my art skills into drawing. The website was useful to me and made mine art skills to improve. Flipping through my sketch book, it actually made me feel good about myself that I had improve and accomplish my art skills. In this quarter, I had focus on the detail on each assignment that was given and the hard work that I had put into. Plus, Each student is required to do an outside project in additoin to all of the drawing projects. I decided to make a melted crayon portrait inspire by Justin Bieber. I know you may be wondering, Why Justin Bieber? We'll he is truly a inspiration and I wanted to make something to give back. 
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Art of Choice
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Other Drawings 
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Final Perspective Drawing

One thing I learned that I didn't know before is that all elements of a drawing are connected by orthogonals and the vanishing point. They keep the drawing in balance and keeps everything in proportion. Learning this made my drawing acceptable. Without these two techniques I would be out of luck trying to draw this art room. My room would look unprofessional and it would all be guess work.
If I had to draw this room over again I'd definitely pay more attention to the details the things in the room. Things in the room like the number of tables there are in the room or the texture of the tables and stools. I would not spend so much time doing everything to exactness. For example, the floor tiles took me an entire class period because i wanted to have the exact number of tiles on the floor (24). 
My advise to someone who has never done one-point perspective is to take their time on a drawing like that. You will make a lot of mistakes and will have to erase all the time. It's good to be patient and not try to rush the drawing. If you're stuck on one thing, go back to it later. The resources that helped me the most was the olejarz website and Mrs. Hull's example. They gave the most direct examples and showed the simplest way of drawing certain elements.

Final Perspective Drawing, 2013, perspective

a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?
One thing that I learned specifically is how to draw tiles on ceilings and floors.

b. How did learning this thing make your drawings better?

This helped make my drawings better because they allowed me to make a more accurate room.

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

If I did this assignment again I would try to see if my back wall was not as small so I could have more space to draw.

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

My advice to someone who has never drawn one point perspective is that to make sure you have a clear vanishing point otherwise you can't do your drawing.

e. What resource helped you the most and why? 

The resource that I believed helped me the most were the guidelines on Moodle because since I was doing the same wall as on the website it helped me with how to accurately create the room better than if I had used another wall.

Final Perspective Drawing

One thing that I learned that I didn't know how to before is to let your mind see the picture. If you don't let your mind see the picture you wont be able to draw it and make it look nice. You have to get through your mental barriers. If I didn't learn this my picture wouldn't look the way it does. It wouldn't be in perspective. If I had to draw this picture again I would probably manage my time better, I procrastinated a lot. My advice to someone else would be to not get frustrated. Also, make sure all your lines are straight. My most helpful resource was Mrs.Hull. She helped me get through all my mental barriers. 

Final Perspective Drawing

I learned that drawing everything from the vanishing point made everything line up and look neat and it made sense when I finished my drawing why the vanishing point was so important. If I did this assignment again, I would draw a different wall from a slightly different perspective. My advice to someone who's first time this would be doing this is always follow your vanishing point. Your drawing will come together nicely, don't try to guess because anything off could make the whole thing wrong. The slide that Ms Hull put up helped a lot, it was a good follow up and made the ending a little easier. 

Final Perspective Drawing


a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before. I didn't know that if I really put my mind to it, I can draw something that is actually presentable. At first I didn't like how we had to use rulers but in the end I really enjoyed the project and I liked using rulers because they helped me make my lines straight. 

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better. It made my drawing better because with straight lines, the drawing can look realistic and detailed. 

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently? I would try to make the floor space not as big and try to add some more details to the project. Also I would like to trace the lines with a black marker to make it look finished. 

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before? My advice would be to draw really light lines because you will have to erase a lot! Also don't get discouraged because if you try hard, you can get the drawing done. 

e. What resource helped you the most and why? A resource that really helped me was the walk-through on Moodle. It helped me because I learn by seeing instead of listening. 

Final Perspective Drawing

Photo 4
Photo 4
1. One thing I learned while doing this project is that art takes time and that it is ok to erase and start over. Art is not something that you are born with but something you grow to be good at. After this, I think that I have really improved as an artist and I am proud of this piece. Also, that perspective drawings are all about orthogonal lines and rectangles.
2. Learning these things made my drawing better because I was not afraid of trial and error like I used to be therefore, allowing me to improve the things I did not excel at in the beginning.
3. If I did this assignment again, I would use all of the time given in class to work on it and not get as distracted. I would also take more time with coloring to make it the best it can be.
4. My advice to someone who as never drawn a one-point-perspective is to take your time and no matter how much you want to rip it into a million pieces, don't do it. It is not worth starting all over from scratch for. Just erase and keep on going. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help or to give it to someone else. You will be surprised at what your peers can help you with.
5. The resource that helped me the most throughout this project was Ms. Hull and my peers. They understood what I didn't and helped me to understand. I am so grateful for them because without them, I would have been stuck for a long time. Especially Jiwon, who helped me with the stools when my attempt was an epic fail.

Final Perspective Drawing

1)  ​I learned that I draw with a heavy hand, and while this is not necessarily a bad thing, when I rest my hand on the paper it smudges the pencil and makes it not look as good.
2)  Drawing this made my understanding of one point perspective better and therefore will help my drawings in the future.  Before, while I knew how to draw it, I did not know that, when drawing a box, there are three types one lines: horizontal, vertical, and orthagonal.  I did know to draw those lines, but knowing that there are only 3 will help me make sure that I do not make a mistake because I think it looks right, while it is not.
3)  I would have drawn the floor tiles in light pencil.  I started doing this but ran out of time and had to erase it.
4)  Remember the three lines!  If you do not remember them, your drawing will turn out disproportionate  and skewed.
5)  My best resource was my mind and my memory.  In 6th grade I had done a cityscape in one point perspective, and the pointers my art teacher had given me then helped me the most.
Photo 2
Photo 2

Final Perspective Drawing

Art Room Drawing
Art Room Drawing
​a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before.
I learned that the slanted lines are called orthogonals; I never knew that term before. 

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better.

I learned how to use the orthogonals correctly to make my drawing be the best it could be. 

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

If provided more time, I would've colored my drawing. I am content with my work and wouldn't change anything. 

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Be very careful. I've done perspective since 8th grade and have always disliked it. I am very OCD-like and my art allows me to be free and perspective is very restraining on my artwork. I would give the advice of watching what you draw; every line shows. 

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

My friends have helped me the most. I would ask them if my drawing was crocked or off and they would help me with it to get it to look right. 

One Point Perspective Art Room

​One thing that I learned from this project was that I learned what an orthogonal line was. The orthogonal line made my drawings better because I was able to use them to make my drawings appear to be three dimensional. If I was going to do this assignment again I would do a few things differently, I would make the lines darker and mor prominent; I would pay closer attention to details; and I would try to make the paper less crumpled. My advice for someone that had never drawn a one point perspective drawing before is to pay attention to the ortogonal lines, they are the most helpful things to your picture if they are done correctly. The resource that helped me he most was the slideshow that Ms. Hull posted on moodle.

The Heart of Lady Macbeth

My project is an art piece that depicts the heart of Lady Macbeth. Because of Lady Macbeth's evil desire for riches, ultimately she was left powerless and under the shadow of the tyrant master of her own guilt. In this piece, the heart as the center focus. Around the heart are flames, which symbolizes the range of emotions that compassed her. Also, the background is red to signify the innocent blood that she shed.

Inside the heart at the top-left hand corner, it is fully black and has the quote “Fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.” That part of the heart represents the point of the play in which she was full of evil and malice to become queen. On the top-right hand side of the heart, the color is a lightly shaded black with a pastel and has  the quote My hands are of yours, but I shame to wear a heart so white.” In this section of the heart, it signifies how Lady Macbeth is still evil but she has not been as covetous as she previously was because she knows she has to be strong for Macbeth. As you go down towards the bottom of the heart, you will start to notice splotches of red and the quote “I pray you speak not: he grows worse and worse; question enrages him.”  Although this quote doesn’t concern Lady Macbeth, it represents a pivotal point for Lady Macbeth because she starts to notice that she is losing control of Macbeth, therefore she covers up for him and claims that he has had convulsions since his childhood. The red represents how she is commencing to feel remorse about the heinous crime she committed. Towards the bottom of the heart, it turns completely black and contains the quote “More need she the divine than a physician. God, God forgive us all.” This represents how Lady Macbeth has totally lost control over the circumstance and no one can help her. At the bottom of the heart, it looks as if something is pouring out of the heart, it is black, and it has the quote,  “The queen is, my lord, is dead.” This point of the picture signifies the death of Lady Macbeth.

My process was short but complicated. It took me a several hours to complete this because of time constraints. It was difficult completing this project because I made several mistakes in the piece. Because of my difficulties with the project I just moved on by covering up my mistakes. I don’t really take pride in this project because it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I learned from my colleagues to get creative and to think outside of the box. If I were to do this project again, I would completely do it over again. It actually wanted to make a sour dish to represent the evil of Lady Macbeth in the beginning of the play and a sweet dish to represent Lady Macbeth at the end because she was became more of a human. I am going to do this and I will be bringing in for the class on Monday April 15, 2013. I learned not to go with the first idea that pops up into my head, but to be unique and artistic. I also learned to put effort into my work.
Although this won't be counted for credit, below is what I actually wanted to do. I made a sour cream and onion snack to represent how Lady Macbeth was evil in the beginning. I made Kiss Pies, which are sweet, to represent how Lady Macbeth became more humane and had feelings of regret towards what she had done, in the end.
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*​Kiss Pies
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*Sour Cream and Onion Snacks 

SLA Poets Claim Victory

From Coach Marchella Baldwin - 

SLA's Poetry Team took Friday's slam by storm with a combination of wit and poise. Our lineup included a hilariously truthful piece by Kaboni Bailey and Josh Melendez about how to appropriately talk to a girl that riled up the audience. Mia Weathers-Fowler was up next performing a piece that asked her fellow poets how she should feel about about the concept of love - which had the audience snapping in appreciation, and helped get into the 3rd round. Then our closer, Soledad Alfaro-Allah, sealed the win for us in the sudden death round. An awesome team effort lead to our first win of the season. Thanks to Team SLA for their continued hard work. 

Deja Vu- Rocket Wins by 15; Beats Up Lamberton 17-2

The Rocket got off to another hot start notching 11 runs in the first inning and cruising the rest of the way to a 17-2 victory over rival Lamberton. Nick Manton, who keeps getting sick run support, had another strong outing holding them to just 1 hit and claimed his third win of the season. 

Team Captain Jeff Schwartz went 4-4 alternating between doubles and Home Runs, the 2nd a Grand Slam- and finished the day with 8 RBIs. Freshman Mike Ostrowski continues to terrorize Left Fielders with scorching shots down the line and in the gap, both turning into triples. Abe Musselman also hit a Home Run in the gap and Kevin Courtney ripped 2 doubles, going 3-4 with 3 Runs scored.

Ethan Reese also continued his hot hitting, belting his team-leading 12th hit of the season and scoring 3Runs. Nick did it on both sides of the ball again by whacking 2 doubles and driving in 2, while Stephen Eager-White consistently turned the lineup back over with a 2-3 day including a 2-RBI double in the first. Seemingly terrified to leave it over the plate for SLA's big man to swat it out of the park, Lamberton's pitcher ended up plunking Raekwon Smith twice. He scored both times, and Mike Sanders was lightening on the base paths as a courtesy runner for the Catcher. Jordan McLaughlin and Antonio Reveron, both called up from J.V. for their hot bats and solid defense, instilled confidence and allowed Nick to challenge batters in his 2nd start of the season. The domination of a normally formidable opponent helped The Rocket (3-1) keep pace with red-hot Randolph (5-0) and University City (4-0). 

Heavy rains washed out Sankofa's field in Frankford, so Friday's game will take place on Fri, 4/26. SLA starts a 3-game homestand vs. Dobbins (Tues, 4/16) and W. Philly (Thurs, 4/18). The Rocket is undefeated at Mt. Airy Park where they have outscored their opponents 33-3. 

The J.V. Squad will look to get even on the season with more stellar plays in the field like a fully extended diving snare at Short by Jordan McLaughlin. He has also been swinging the bat and delivering solidly from the mound. J.V. hits the road vs. Tacony Academy (Tues, 4/16) and will then look to push back into the black against Maritime Academy (Thurs, 4/18).  


Hamlet Close Reading - Double T

“To Be Or Not To Be”: Spoken by Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1

“To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;

This is the oh so famous “To be or not to be,” speech by Hamlet. It is different from his first two soliloquies. This is said out of reason, no frenzied emotion. He sparks a debate in his own mind, to see if it would be more beneficial to continue being, or to end his being. The socially accepted answer would be to suffer through the pain, to “man up.”

When hamlet recites the line, “The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” He talks about a demonic or violent, unfortunate serious of events. The slings and arrows from the outrageous fortune caused Hamlet to declare an internal war with himself. He says, “Or take arms against a sea of troubles,” to show that his war is endless. He then follows with, “and by opposing them? To die: to sleep;” this is his way of showing that he is fighting with himself. He cannot win. If he opposes one side he will die. The reasoning behind him saying these words comes back to when he was a child. He was not a normal child. He had to be sent away which made him even more crazy. When he came back the different thoughts in his head collided, causing a massive brawl in his thoughts to occur. 

The rest of the Quote shown above chooses to lean to one side of the argument. Hamlet tries to decide how things would be if he were dead. He thinks that others would want to die because his presence is gone. He does not understand that if he dies, he is the only one who will die. There is a “heart-ache” from him being alive. Hamlet does not believe that he will feel better then he does now. When he recites, “That flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation,” he says that it is his humanly right to accept death and all of its wonderful benefits. He wishes and desperately wants to take his life. He has made up his mind by this point and wants nothing to do with his life. But, he finally says, “To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub” which contradicts everything he just said. He asks for oblivion. He wants people to think that he is perfectly fine. He wants people to think he was dreaming the whole time and that he does not actually want to kill himself. He does not know what he wants.


MacBeth is a well respected man before he is seduced by Lady MacBeth and tempted by the witches.

At the beginning of the Act, Scotland is at war and they just won. The captain enter the room to deliver a message to King Duncan. He tells the King that MacBeth has won them the war. He took a man and cut him from the navel up to the chin. They give him the title “brave MacBeth.” Duncan decides that The Thane of Cawdor who was a trader needed to learn a lesson. Duncan also has a surprise in store for MacBeth. In act 1 scene 3, The witches who are dressed as nurses, and has also just killed The Captain are greeted by MacBeth and Banquo. Banquo and MacBeth insult the witches and ask what they’re doing. The witches respond to MacBeth chanting, "All hail, MacBeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!  All hail, MacBeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, MacBeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" They become very bewildered and Banquo wants to know more about his own future. They tell Banquo that he will bear generations of kings however he will not be one. The witches vanished in thin air. Right after the witches left and as they foretold he was crowned Thane of Cawdor. Later in the scene MacBeth has a soliloquy about how he want chance to crown him king. Lady MacBeth receives a note from the messenger while at her chamber. It’s a note about what has happened to MacBeth. Immediately Lady MacBeth wants more, she wants the fame and the riches and she will stop at nothing to get it.

Before Lady MacBeth gets MacBeth to kill King Duncan she seduces him.  She flirts and tells him how he will be a man. She says that he has no balls and if he ever wants to be a man he would do it. She also says that if she made a promise no matter how bad it was she would do it. After constantly fighting Lady MacBeth now gets MacBeth to kill Duncan himself. In Act 2 scene 2, Lady MacBeth says, “ Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t. “ This shows that Lady MacBeth is all talk and no action. She talked a lot about wanting to be a man and that MacBeth is less of a man if he doesn’t kill Duncan.  Duncan is now dead and MacBeth comes back to Lady MacBeth with the daggers. MacBeth is remorseful of his actions. Lady MacBeth gets upset of how guilty he is. When she notices the daggers she becomes frustrated with him, so she takes them back and places them on the guards. When she comes back she looks traumatized and has blood all over herself. She tells him that their hands are of the same color but she shame to where a heart so white. MacBeth and Lady MacBeth quickly go back to their chamber and washes their sins away. At the end of the act King Duncan is found dead in his bed and two bloody guards with daggers. MacBeth kills them so they won't have the chance to deny anything. Malcolm and Donalbain flee in fear that Scotland will think they killed their father. MacBeth is now granted the king of Scotland. MacBeth think he’s out of the clear but there are two very wise people who suspect how Duncan died.

At the very beginning of Act 3 Banquo has a soliloquy about his thoughts on Duncan’s death. He says, “Thou hast it now - king, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weïrd women (witches) promised; and I fear Thou play’dst most foully for’t. Yet it was said It should not stand in thy posterity, But myself should be the root and father Of many kings.” After his soliloquy MacBeth walks in and invites Banquo to dinner to celebrate his promotion. Banquo accepts but then acts if though he wants to get away from MacBeth as soon as possible. MacBeth fears that he knows what he has done. MacBeth also fears that Banquo will bear generations of kings as the weïrd sisters told him. His fear leads to getting murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance. While on the train back to the chamber the murders succeed in killing Banquo however Fleance escapes. Everyone arrives for dinner and takes their seats. While the table is being set up the murderers arrive to give MacBeth the news. MacBeth has a fit but calms down and gets back to dinner. As he is eating a ghost walks up on the table and heads straight for him. The ghost stops in front of him and points. MacBeth becomes terrified as the ghost resembles Banquo; bloody and beaten to death. Throughout dinner he sees Banquo and Lady MacBeth tells the guest to leave before MacBeth’s guilt becomes more than he can bear.

MacBeth decides to visit the weïrd sister to see his destiny in Act 4 scene 1. The witches once again gives him information to provoke him and make rash decisions.The witches sends Apparitions to answer his concerns. The first Apparition tells him, “MacBeth, MacBeth, MacBeth, beware MacDuff, Beware the Thane of Fife.” MacBeth now has no one to fear but MacDuff. The second Apparition tells him, “MacBeth, MacBeth, MacBeth.... Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn The pow’r of man, for none of woman born Shall harm MacBeth.” Now MacBeth is pretty sure that he will not fall to anyone. The third Apparition says, “ Be lion-mettled, proud and take no care Who chafes, frets, or where conspirers are. MacBeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against you.” MacBeth is now positive t`hat no man living can kill him. However he is terribly wrong. Thinking he can't be stopped he decides he will act on impulse. He goes after MacDuff not knowing he flead to receive help from England. MacBeth decides to kill MacDuff’s family instead. Meanwhile in England Malcolm and MacDuff gather and army and heads for Scotland.

In Act 5, the army from England has arrived. Lady MacBeth has just been announced dead when the messenger comes in to break some bad news. He says that as he watched Dunsinane hill he noticed the trees of Birnam Wood moving towards the hill. MacBeth was very shocked however he still thought no one could kill him because everyone is born of women. MacBeth later gets into fights with several different soldiers but he kills them. MacDuff has now found his way to MacBeth. MacDuff is ready to blow his brains out but MacBeth says no one born of woman shall harm him. MacDuff responds, “Despair thy charm And let the angel whom thou still hast served Tell thee, MacDuff was from his mother’s womb Untimely ripped.” MacBeth now realizes that he made a huge mistake and regrets what he did. MacDuff tell him that he can live and bow down to King Malcolm or die. MacBeth chooses death and so MacDuff cuts his head off. He’d rather die on his feet than live on his knees.

In conclusion if the witches had not told MacBeth what was set out for him, he most likely would not have done any of those actions that lead up to his death. Lady MacBeth also played a part in these actions. MacBeth wasn't greedy for anything at all when he was announced Thane of Cawdor but his wife seduces and argues with him until he feels that Duncan needs to be dead. Then the witches tell him that that he can not fall to anyone born of women leaving him ruthless. MacBeth was a tragic hero.

MacBeth was an honest man; loyal and respected man

He fought the war for Scotland

Brave MacBeth was his nick name cause he never ran

Unseeming men from navel to throat

Killed that man like he was a roach

Witches told MacBeth he had a lot in store

"All hail, MacBeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!  

All hail, MacBeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!

 All hail, MacBeth, that shalt be king hereafter!"

MacBeth only wanted to know more

Banquo ask what are my plans

The witches say in power will be your kins

King Duncan said someone needs to be promoted

MacBeth said I would be truly devoted

Lady MacBeth is overcome with greed

And won’t stop until pleased

Let’s kill the king, he won’t miss his ring

He won’t even miss a thing

You’re not a man

Unless you give no pics

You know what I want

You know what makes me tic

Please I’m asking you just kill this itch

MacBeth says Fine fine just shut up

What’s wrong with power and a few bucks

Shoot maybe even get a pup

“Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.“ 

Lady MacBeth isn't so blunt

All talk, no action

Can,t walk the walk, don't talk the talk

MacBeth went in for the kill

It was a good deal

Duncan is now bloody and bashed

MacBeth will soon find he wrote a check he couldn’t cash

Bloody was his hands

He killed the king of Scotland

He didn’t mean to end his life

He knows it wasn’t right

Now he has to hide his life

He can’t even sleep at night; can’t get it off his mind

He never thought he’d do it

Whatever happened to him

What started out as simple promotion

Turned into a real bloody situation

He’s just thinking of the army that he’s facing

It makes him wanna cry

The apparitions tells him beware MacDuff

You shall not fall unto anyone born of women

He thought life would be rough

You shall die when the forest walks to the hill

He sees the forest moving know the intentions are too kill

Lady MacBeth couldn’t go on so she swallowed a few pills

MacBeth not so ticked

Ready to kill MacDuff until

He says from my mothers womb untimely ripped

They fought the battle of the king

When MacDuff cut the neck

of MacBeth; The fat lady sang