Lobbying Blog Post #5

Overall, I have been proud of the work I have done with learning about the rules and regulations of election campaigns. In my first blog post, I unfortunately did not dig down deep enough into the rules. This is understandable since the laws are constantly making small, specific changes with new Supreme Court cases and legislation. Also, public opinion is constantly changing. Luckily, through my work on my first quarter benchmark surrounding the Federal Election Campaign Act, I was able to get a better grasp on the information. I'm certain that there is still more for me to understand. There are numerous cases to look at and court decisions to examine to really understand the history of election campaign regulation and its current situation. Knowing that there was one big case (Citizens United vs FEC) just two years ago tells me that there is more to pay attention to. And what about the Occupy Protests? Surely, the citizens of America are just getting more and more dissatisfied with how the government is running. 

Disclosure is one specific subject that requires further investigation. Yes, the public has the right to know who is funding the presidential candidates and their ads. But, when do we get to know this. How much time do we have to examine these facts before it's time to elect someone to office? Is there even enough time to connect all the kinks in the chains that connect different government officials and corporate heads? I can't exactly speak out to government officials before I have a better idea of the current situation. Once I do a little bit more research, I can catch up on what I missed with the last assignment: contact. In my 2nd blog post I named the senators and representatives that have taken an active role in solving the problems in election campaign regulation. So, first up, I need to show my support. There is online petition I can sign, so I might as well go ahead and sign it. Next, I need to reach out to my local officials and speak out about my frustrations. 

I know that my best strategy to continue is to write personal letters to the government officials while at the same time increasing awareness with the public. Most people see the campaign ads on television, but most people don't understand who is behind them and how they ended up on TV. How would people feel if they knew just how many little strings corporations can to pull so they can dangle their favorite candidates in front of us for voting? I wasn't happy about it. As I mentioned in my posts, public trust in government is a huge thing. Officials know it. If they see that people are just angry, which they are, and that they are starting to lose even more faith in the government, they will be compelled to make a change. So, I can just start with my school. Just talk to students about it. With the current Republican primaries and the upcoming presidential election, this will definitely be a relevant discussion to have - especially with all the newly-18 and eligible voters in our school. Meanwhile, I can also reach out to my community through my parent's friends and connections. This is what I have in front of me in terms of my lobbying topic. 


Franklin MancebO

So when im walking with my friends i speak different then if i was at home and also at an interview/meeting. I think that if we speak the same way to our parents to your friends we would not be accepted in our modern society, as if we were to do the same thing in our opposite order it would either get us in trouble or would not be understandable. For example, when i am at home i speak predominately spanish because in my family our culture/herritage is spanish. Now the conflict arises when i go to school and hove to speak english to my friends because if i speak to them in spanish they well respond to me with a “Huh?” or “What did you say?” And that forces me to have to explain it to them or change my orriginal answer. Its like having one identity forwhen you are around family or when you are with “grown ups” from your “Bario” or “Comunidad” and then like a secret under cover one for when your friends and you say things like “dog.”
Unknowingly our minds are set and/or wired to speak a certain way to people in a private firm or at an importand job interveiw becaus again we are afraid that we well not be accepted if we speak “Callejero” meaning, “ghetto” or “hoodlem”, due to the fact that it is not a representable image to the modern world or to other important people in the city and/or world. “Coño” is what i would like to say when i get something wrong or when i want to say “damn” but since my spanish heritage/culture is so heavy on my tounge and and the way i speak comes out to a spiced up and edgy “ coño.”
I wish that the “discriminacion” or discrimination towards people would stop, i mean think about it for a quick second... if people from the “bario” werent afraid to be turned down at a job interveiw in a good job, the “bario” would be an actual place recognized for something good instead of “Ledónes, queros, estedores”- translation, a bad and fucked up place.

HOPE YU ENJOY https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/New%20Project%20-%20Medium.m4v?w=60b0227c

Devante Taggart's Language Autobiography


In this unit we were talking about ​the connection between language and identity. I decided to talk about how the setting someone is in affects the language they use and their identity. Some other themes were code switching and how power ties in with language. In my paper you will read all these themes and how they connect with my personal life and how they might effect the life of others in ways that most people would not notice.

Settings and Their Influences

The setting a person is in for an extended period of time affects them in multiple ways. For example, I travel to the South a lot because that is where majority of my family is from. Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and Virginia are the main states I travel to. They each bring a different influence into my life. Sometimes I pick up new slang, sometimes I come back with an accent and sometimes I don’t change at all.

The reason some settings are more influential than others is all based on how comfortable a person is. The more comfortable a person is changes how much it influences them and how much they can influence it.

People can be influenced by culture, language and actions/activities for example. I for one never played sports as a child until my brother and me started to hang out more. That's when i got comfortable and started to part take in the activities he was into. He played a lot of football and I wasn't into that. One summer my brother, my cousins and me were all hanging out and they started playing and I just jumped in the game. I started to like the game, but the point is that wasn't something I did but was influenced to do so by my environment.

My family in Louisiana speaks English but they also speak Creole. For those who don’t know Creole is a form of broken down French. I myself don’t know much Creole besides words that form basic conversations. The way they influence me is with an accent. Their English is spoken with an accent and that usually rubs off on me while I’m there.

When people are comfortable (or extremely upset/frustrated), they often fall back on the language they feel more comfortable expressing themselves in. This example connects with me, because when I’m in Louisiana with my mother and grandma, who were raised there, they often mix their English with Creole when talking to our cousins.

In class we discussed how people often “ code-switch “ and I think this connects with setting the most. When people are in an uncomfortable setting they get nervous and switch codes. By this I mean they change their tone of voice and the way they pronounce certain words.

I switch codes very often. I usually speak in proper English in a proper tone with a few slang words thrown in.  When I’m talking to people in powerful positions (i.e. principals, teachers, staff) I speak strictly proper English. This happens with most people who get into a setting that involves lots of people who have great effects on their life.

When I’m around my peers I speak slang, because I don’t have a reason to speak proper. I think the main reason people speak slang around their peers is because they feel comfortable enough to speak how ever they want with out fear of critical judgment. For example, mispronouncing a word with my friends doesn’t affect me as much as mispronouncing a word during a presentation.

That’s when setting connects with “ power “. By power I mean they have a very important position in the community. Peers don’t have much power because the judgment they pass doesn’t affect a person’s life as much as the judgment from a principal or a parent.

Some settings don’t influence people at all. Someone traveling to a job that they don't enjoy will come back the same, because if a person doesn't enjoy their work environment then they must not be comfortable.

People often influence the setting they are in. I influence my school and home setting a lot. One example would be when I come home speaking slang that I recently picked up at school or while I was out and after I say it a few times it rubs off on my family.

Me: Wassup?
Devon (brother): what you getting into today?
Me: I don’t even know fam hbu?
Devon: Chilling, now ride out.
Me: What
Devon: Ride out nigga
Me: Stop playing!
Devon: Whatever boul
Me: That’s not you.

Neither one of use really knew the slang the other was using but context helped out a little. That scene involved us both exchanging slang. The phrases “ ride out”, “ That’s not you” were exchanged and now we both use them in everyday conversations.

All of these ideas connect making a setting seem more complex than most people think. Many people don’t think that their setting influences them as much as I expressed in this essay. Most people don’t notice the little changes in their language when their environment changes, maybe now they will.

The Right to Assemble

1st Amendment (Right to Assemble)
We can come together and act as a collective voice. We bring awareness from a grass-root level to what we think the issues are and how to solve them. Our unity can convince the government and officials to reform policies and have the interest of the people in mind.

·       Why did you choose this topic?

    • With Phresh Philadelphia and the things that I’ve been interested in lately, the right to assemble was something that I think is very important. Lately I’ve been into African American society and the problems within the African American community and the right to assemble is something that should be utilized within the community.

·       What did you like about this project? What was most challenging?

    • I liked the video aspect of the project. The most challenging part for me was the editing and putting it all together. The question I had was, “What do I say?” because the right to assemble is important.

·       Describe the most interesting fact or event that you investigated.

    • The most interesting event that I investigated would be Fracking. I know it is pretty overdone however I liked the approach that certain people made. I loved Gas Lands and the fact that people actually are trying to assemble and fight off this abomination.

·       How could this project be improved?

    • I don’t think we had a lot of historical evidence. It was unclear as to how much we needed. We were unsure of whether the project was what does this amendment mean or was it what does it mean and information.

·       Where did you run into trouble with the project?

    •  Changing Partners.

·       What went well with this project?

    • The videos and the things that were used and put together.

·       If you had it to do over, what would you change about your decisions or your process?

    • I would have definitely started the project a bit earlier just to establish more historical fact.

·       What did you learn?

    • I learned a lot about partners and equal work ethic.


http://scienceleadership.org/users/tkidd   <-------The video don't work

The Right to Assemble

1st Amendment (Right to Assemble)

We can come together and act as a collective voice. We bring awareness from a grass-root level to what we think the issues are and how to solve them. Our unity can convince the government and officials to reform policies and have the interest of the people in mind.


I liked the fact that I was able to go over the things I already do in my city. We were given the ability to create a video that took the form of anything we wanted it to be, which is one of the easiest ways to express yourself and your opinion. Specifically to me, I embody my opinion so personally, I feel like what ever I have to say actually holds some weight to it.

It's always interesting knowing that even after you assemble as a people, there's the possibility that your collective voice might not make an actual difference. There are many times that is the case, which makes me think of the best ways to come together with people and bring people to together. An example of this is Occupy Wall Street, which didn't seem to do much but make a lot of noise, but that's not to say it was pointless.

I could have improved my project by going deeper into the work I do and try to get done in my city. People would then get a serious feel for how deeply the right to assemble actually is to me.

Normally I do all the project myself if I'm working with a group, but this time I didn't because my computer was down. My partner and I added a member to the group after we were already established, my group and I were late, and the communication seemed good, but everyone had their own agenda, which shows of course in the overall work. What did work was the fact that the project came together, and for all the issues we had as a group, it isn't terrible.

If I had to do things over again, I might have worked by myself or took lead more. I normally do, but this time I decided not to be "that guy" which didn't work to my favor too well.

This project reenforced my knowledge that with the right to assemble, there most be movement there after. Without it, a collective voice speaks loudly, but doesn't make progress.

200 Photos

For this assignment Ms. Hull wanted us to edit 5 photos. For this project Ms. Hull showed us how to use photoshop. I happy she did because I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT! Now i am sorta good at it.I played around with the effects for awhile because I liked using different lighting to make it a whole new picture. For my pictures I either changed the lighting or cropped it. Or added more tones for it. It was very fun to do. Now photoshop is simple to use.
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Q2- Relationship Questions and Answers ft. Freshman

        This project required me to take a topic and ask students about it. I asked the upperclassman at Science Leadership Academy the questions that I should ask the freshman at Science Leadership Academy. Once I found out what questions I wanted to ask, I asked 6 different freshmen for all four of the videos and one senior for one of the videos. I filmed this video in the same space so that the background in this video is constant. Also, the videos have the same overall flow. Below is a list of the questions I used with a link to the post that contains the videos.




1.     How do you think women should be treated in a relationship?

2.     What would you do if someone hit you/ How do you feel about being hit?

3.     What are your views on sex?

4.     How do you feel about relationships in High school?



Q2- Internet Sculpture

           This Project required me to take a photo from the Internet and try to recreate it but keep a certain aspect about it. This picture, the first picture below this post, shows a girl standing in front of birds on a clothesline attached using clothespins. The picture below is a recreation of the picture above. The aspect of the picture that remains the same is that the birds are secured on the clothesline using a Clothespin. Also, my recreation still has a vintage and rustic feel to it. The color of the birds is the true color in this as it is in the picture that I got from the Internet.  However, I did take out the person standing in the picture that I got from the Internet. I wanted the birds to really stand out.

           The remaking of the picture from the internet took a lot of time. First, I dyed clothespins different colors and let it dry over night. Then, I cut square sheets of different color construction paper and made origami swans. Next, I used hemp rope as a Clothesline and tied it to the tree in my front yard. Then, I tied hemp rope around the neck of the origami swans. Then, I attached the swans to the tree using the dyed clothespins.  Overall, this project was a great learning experience.

Close pins
Close pins

The 14th Amendment and Why It Is Important to Me.

For my Quarter Two Benchmark in American Government I choose the 14th Amendment; Section One in the Constitution and relate it to my life. Particularly my work life. I am employed at Rolling Thunder Roller Skating Center. There I must conform to the ADA. Meaning that people of disabilities are by law allowed to skate at the skating rink. The 14th Amendment also proves the ADA to be true. The 14th Amendment in a brief sense is an Amendment, giving all of the citizens of the United States equal rights. Therefore hoping for no discrimination amongst people in the United States. 


Ginsburg, Justice. "Conversation with Justice Ginsburg."C-Span. Interview by Joan Williams . 09 15 2011. Print. <http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/JusticeGinsb/start/1774/stop/2273>.

McCullough, David. "The Great Journey." C-Span. Interview. 09 25 2011. Print. <Ginsburg, Justice. "Conversation with Justice Ginsburg." C-Span. Interview by Joan Williams . 09 15 2011. Print..>.

"The Americans with Disabilities Act." accessible society . Accessible Society, n.d. Web. 5 Nov 2011. <http://www.accessiblesociety.org/topics/ada/index.html>.

United States . Department of Justice . Americans with Disabilities Act. 2009. Web. <http://www.ada.gov/pubs/ada.htm>.

McClain, Johniera. "American with Disabilities Act."ToonDoo ToonBook. ToonDoo, 04 011 2011. Web. 24 Jan 2012. <http://www.toondoo.com/myBooks.toon>.


(Photos Courtesy of)

Special Thanks to Michael Coughlin

Reflection: The reason I chose this topic was because I find that people of disabilities surround me and I personally feel like  all people are titled to equal rights and that is stated in the Constitution really clear in the 14th Amendment; Section One. Also the topic was really convenient to relate to my job at Rolling Thunder Skating Rink. Something I liked about this project was the fact that I could relate it to my previous Benchmark for Quarter One. Here is the link. Something that I found to be a challenge for this project was to actually come together and make the final project. I am content with the product but I feel like any and everything can be improved and this project can definitely be improved. However I do feel like the project is up to par academically. The most interesting fact that I have learned doing this project is that the 14th Amendment; Section One, and Americans with Disabilities Act really does affect home base with me. I work at a rolling skating rink that has to abide by these two important pieces of authorized material.  Even when people are blind, in a wheel chair, deaf, etc, it is my duty to accommodate them at my job where I am employed so that they can enjoy their time there. There was no real trouble actually making the project it was just that I know as far as time management went I didn't do so well and by me not doing so I definitely could of came up with a different product.  Something that went well with this project is me creating a piece of work that is relatable. Many people have jobs and have to sign a paper when hired that they're to abide by the ADA. If I had to do the project over, I would take the time I had to actually do it and make more use of it. My time management would definitely be better which would assure me of a better product. I learned that the Constitution really does affect my life and can be presented via video with footage/data from outside sources.  

Martez Card Language Auto Biography

I was sitting at a table with my friend and said ,

“Yo u hear about that jawn who was rumblin”  

“Naw but who was she rumblin and why?”  

“Man you kno how girls always fightin over the dumbest stuff but i dont really know why she was mixin”

“Oh trizz but yo you heard bout jawn that was bout 2 get jumped”  

“yea thats crazy”

This would be how i would talk to my friend at a public place and this relates to my life because when i go out to public places i have to switch the way i would talk and act if i was with my friends. Also this goes for the same with adults if i am talking to an adult then i won’t talk like I’m talking to my friend and sometimes its hard to switch between these. When I’m outside

walking somewhere relates to my life because i have had problems with people trying to fight or jump me and my friend or friends because we say the wrong thing and it doesn’t have to be directed at them at all.


In my life I use many different ways of speaking and i code switch a lot. For example If i am outside with just my friends then i will joke around curse a lot and basically just have a good time and not care about what I’m saying and hardly ever speak proper, but if I’m in public like at a restaurant or something then i will still joke around but not curse because I’m in a public place and if I’m talking to my friends I would use slang but if I’m talking to an adult then i would talk properly. If i am in my neighborhood but I’m walking somewhere i don’t talk a lot because that could attract attention and people would then try and mess with me and my friends or start a fight if i say the wrong thing or if they don’t like the way i talk or the way i sound. If I’m at home and my mom is home i will not curse because then she would probably hit me because I’m not suppose to curse around adults, if I’m at school in a class i wont curse but when I’m in the halls or at lunch i will curse because i would be with my friends. When i talk to adults i talk to all adults with respect because that’s what i was taught to do by my mother and i don’t use slang because I’m suppose to speak proper to adults. This matters because if i talk to a certain person the wrong way i could get hurt or in trouble and i could be looked upon differently then i want to be looked upon and how my family is looked upon.


This also relates to code switching because depending on who i am talking to depends on the way i talk . For example if I’m talking to an adult I’m not going to be cursing or yelling or cutting them off or being disrespectful because that would be wrong, I would talk to an adult like this



“how are you”

“good and yourself”

“Fine thanks for asking”

“have a nice day”

“ok thanks you do the same”  


If I’m talking to my friends i will curse and joke around and things in that nature like this.


“Sup Fam”

“yo my ni**a wats good”


*laughs* “that doesnt make since” *jokingly*

“Yo u did that nut a** homework”

“Naw motherfu***a i was jus gonna copy jawnski’s”

“true that gucci my ni**a”


If I’m outside and I’m walking somewhere then i wont be just saying anything i want because if i say the wrong thing it could start trouble and i try to avoid trouble as much as possible. When I code switch i don’t like it because i want to be able to talk to everybody the same way but if i do that it could end me up i trouble. For me code switching is like a good skill to have so then you can know how to talk to different types of people and would be able to accept more people or to be able to withstand people that others might not be able to because of there personality or something. To me the way a person talks could be how there personality is and if you don’t know how to code switch then you might have a hard time accepting other people for who they are and might have trouble in the work world so that’s why i think that being able to code switch is a good skill to have.


For example of a reason you need to know how to code switch in my neighborhood one time i was with two of my friends Rondel and Survon and it was a hot summer day and we were walking to our friend Juniors house. When we were walking we walked pass edmonds which is a playground where there is a basketball court at in my neighborhood, and there were 3 boys playing basketball. Then the boys started walking toward us after we were at the end of the block and one of them was yelling "COME HERE" but we didnt know the boys so we kept walking. Then the 3 boys caught up to us on the next block and one of the boys said to Survon


and he said "nothing much chilling" then the other boy said " i dont mean watsup i mean watsup wit a mix". Then Rondel said "we dont want to fight we dont want no problems" then the boy said "i didnt ask you that but wat if i wanted a problem" so we kept walking and they kept following us until we got up to st raymonds which is a school/church in my neighborhood and thats when the boys were next to us so we were trying to get away from them. Then the boy said to Rondel "yo rumble me" and Rondel said "why u wanna rumble u dont kno me and i already said i dont want no problems" then the boy said "i dont like you cuz i dont kno u so rumble me" then Rondel said "why dont u and one of them slap box if you wanna rumble so bad" then the boy said "cuz they like my bros" and the other boy said "WHAT!" to what Rondel had said. then we just kept walking and they left us alone because we were going to west oak lane and the gang BI is in west oak lane and 1-4 is in mt airy and they dont like each other so they didnt want any trouble really. In my neighborhood if you dont know how to code switch then you could end up in trouble because if you are from a different neighborhood then you might talk differently then people in my neighborhood. If your not from my neighborhood and you dont know how we talk then most people are going to want to fight you so code switching is good so that you dont get into trouble in unknown places to you and so you dont get hurt, you could also end up in a scene like me and my friends did.


To me the way i speak influences a lot about me like the type of people i hang with and type of music i listen to. In the future i will have to understand how to relate to may different personalities so that i can get and keep a job because if i dont like my boss i will still have to just deal with him or her and the people i work with.  


​Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre...
Basura y ser una buena persona

Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue...
Lo que puede hacer daño a otras personas, por lo que proteger a la comunidad.

Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque...
Es muy informativo, y comico

Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría...
la musica, y pone todos las personas en el video.