Q3 Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the world in many ways. One way it relates to the real world is in architecture and design. Contractors really do the things that we did for a living. They make blueprints of the building that they are making changes to and they measure everything.Then they take that, and they start making real renovations to the house that they are working on. They use the same math and technique as well. Even people who actually need to build a house or remake one probably uses the techniques that we used. Basically everything that we learned is used in real life by people who really do this type of stuff. 

The most exciting portion to this project was actually going outside because we never do that. The least exciting portion to this part was also going outside because it was really cold. Also it was annoying how my measurements came out differently each time so I didn't know which one was right. I also didn't like the google maps part because the tutorial link wasn't working. So I didn't know how to submit the heights of my group's buildings. Other than those minor things, the project was fine. It helped a lot to know how to calculate my measurements. If I didn't it probably would have been harder since that was basically the bulk of the project. 

I learned the different methods that can be used to find the heights of buildings. I didn't know that you could use a picture of something to find the hieght of a building (known as the picture method). I would have never thought about that. I also learned that you should check to see if your height is accurate because not every method gives you the accurate height. I got a better understanding about the mirror method as well. For a more accurate height, it's best that you don't lean towards the mirror. That would help with a more accurate height. 

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Sean Morris Geometry benchmark

-    How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the real world in several ways. A primary way it relates to the real world is for architects. It can relate to architects because by using the methods demonstrated architects can plan out how tall a building is which can be useful when adding new features onto a building. Another way it relates to the real world is it is useful to business that need to tear down a building so they can know the total area of destruction would approximately be. It is also useful for realtor who need the know how tall a house or apartment is so that they can give that data to their customers.  

-       What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The most exciting portion of this project was to go outside and see the method in work. I thought this was the most exciting because I thought it was interesting to see the variables being used hands on here. For example on how our individual heights could effect our answers. I thought the least exciting portion was having to do the verifications. I thought this was the least exciting because at sometimes my verifications didn’t match up with the heights I had in my paper so it was just frustrating to have to constantly fix and change map on something that I believe should have been easier.

-       What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned more on how to use stick method correctly. I learned the various factors that could play into using picture verification. I learned on how to use the mirror method correctly in a real life situation. I learned that there are many different ways on how to verify your calculations for a building and what different factors play into them. The project has taught me a new appreciation for Geometry and how potentially complex it can be at many times. I found that even relatively simple buildings can become  much more complex when using its measurements and calculating its measurements in Geometry problems.

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Q3 Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world because when you live in your house and you you need to repair things you will need to know how to find the area and perimeter of items. And the other way is you might need to get on the top of your roof but you might need a ladder. Now you could just go buy a ladder but what if it’s too short. This is when finding the height of your building comes in. You will need to know how tall your building is to get the correct ladder. Everything we have learned in this benchmark project could effect how well you are with fixing things in your house and taking measurements.

I think the most exciting portion of this project was taking all the measurements. I said that because it was very easy for me to find the measurements. The other exciting part of the project was finding what I wanted to change on the building. This was because I felt like I was a contractor and I have the power to tell what I want to change on the building to help it look better. The least exciting portion to the project was writing the difference between my calculations and verifications. The reason why I saw this as the least exciting portion is because I couldn’t really put my thoughts onto the paper correctly. It was a little difficult for me to explain.

I’ve learned that every little inch matters when it comes to finding the height, area, and perimeter of a building because leaving out one small inch of a measurement could change everything. Also, I learned that timings very important. You need to use every consecutive minute that you get. This is 100% important because if you waste time or miss a lot of days of school this could really effect want you have to do and at the end it will cause you to rush. In conclusion, there is a good amount of likes and dislikes of this project but at the end you learn a lot of new facts, you learn your mistakes that you made so the next time you know not to make them again, and you realize that this is beneficial to your life when it comes to construction.
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Q3 Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?

We learned a lot doing this project that you would need to know in the real world. ​I think this project could relate to the real world because there are a lot of jobs where you would need to learn how to find heights and things. You need to know how to use a scale to draw blueprints and things like that. 

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

I think that the most exciting part of the project was when we had to decide what we were going to change about the building. I liked that because I think it was the easiest. The least exciting part to me was when we had to actually go out and do the measurements. I didn't like that because I kept messing up, by leaning forward too much and I would get weird answers. At first it didn't make sense, but that I figured it out.

What did you learn from completing this project?

When we had to do this project I learned how to use the mirror method to figure out the height of something. I also learned how to use a scale to draw the buildings.
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Geometry Q3 Benchmark Reflection - WGeary

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How does this project relate to the real world?

I was poking around the easy measure app and I found their instructional video, and I realized how many uses the app (and the mirror method etc.) really have. In the video these people were trying to re-arrange their apartment and they were trying to figure out if they would be able to move the couch in a certain place and still be able to see the TV. So I think that’s a totally legitimate real world use.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

I’m always excited about a project involving art. Since I love art and all that junk it just makes the project a lot more mentally manageable for me, knowing that after I finnish all the calculations that I can do art. My least favorite part of the project was probably having to go measure the building, the realizing your measurements were wrong. Then having to go back and re-measure only to realize that your new measurements aren’t much better. I've realized that the mirror method is a little funky, anything that relies on human involvement isn't going to be super accurate. I'd like to compare all 3 methods and see if there is one that tends to get a more accurate answer. 

What did you learn from completing this project?

I don’t think I’ll be finding myself measuring the heights of building too often (but hey, who knows).  I think the easy measure app really showed me that there are a lot of different ways to use this concept.  I feel like I’ll use this to find the height of things in the future though, like in the video I could see myself moving furniture and having to make sure that everything would fit properly.  

Benchmark Reflection

This project relates to the real world because you can't always be exact and sometimes approximations are good enough if done correctly. Exact measurements are not really crucial anyway unless it comes down to that point because you can't be off by the smallest bit. Otherwise approximations are much more convenient.  Also it is not realistic to measure the height of the building using a yardstick or tape. It relates to the problem of finding long distances without being able to measure them which can easily be solved with trigonometry. This project showed me how math specifically trigonometry can be applied in real life.
The most exciting part of the project was to go outside and taking the measurements. I loved it because it was easy and it helped be understand trigonometry better since I am a visual learner. I love to go outside to get fresh air. Also I never expected to go outside for a geometry benchmark since I always had projects where math was just on paper. The least exciting portion was to actually do the math and calculations. I do not like to do calculation because you can be wrong easily and naturally it is the most boring part of most math projects. I also feel that most of the time when doing calculation I am missing something but, I am just being paranoid.
I learned that approximations are essential when you can't get an exact answer and that trigonometry is important in everyday life. Trigonometry is found in life all the time and is in the most unexpected of places. Such as GPS and like the project we were doing. Also when finding the distances between two points trigonometry, if used correctly can easily be used to find the length, and if the correct requirements are met for the calculation your answer would be extremely close for an approximation. It is amazing how one of the most common shapes can go unnoticed so easily to the point where people forget there is a whole science behind that specific shape.
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Q3 Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?
Say architecture is something that you are interested in, the calculations used in this project would help a person find the measurements of a building that would be designed or reconstructed. Another example would be if a person loved to design. Designing or redesigning the exterior of a house is not as easy as it seems. If you wanted to put a fresh layer of stucco, you would need to know the height of the building or the object you are laying it on. Maybe the height of an object determines the weight of stucco making materials that is needed. 

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least
exciting portion to this project and why?
I think the most exciting portion of this project was the redesigning of the facade of our building. My goal in life is to become a designer or to work in the industry of design/fashion. I enjoy colors and textiles. It was enjoyable to create something of my own. I don't think there is one thing in the project that I dislike the most. It was not a difficult one, however, it was a bit time consuming. I had to measure distances outside about five times and the blueprint was not given a sufficient amount of time to work on and be completed. 

What did you learn from completing this project?
That you should never stand in front of a garage door while using the mirror method. It was the second or third time a partner of mine was using the mirror method, and as I began to measure distances from the mirror to the garage door and the mirror to her feet, the garage door began to open. We were frightened and ran to the house next door and proceeded with our calculations. Even though we almost were run over by a car, we learned that math is not easy, and you need to be careful when choosing the next step.
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Benchmark Reflection

This benchmark is very relevant to the world. Especially to certain professions such as: architects, construction workers, contractors and even business men need to understand indirect measurements. For these jobs you would have to know indirect measurement to alter buildings or even create new ones. Business men and investors could use indirect measurement so that they can see which buildings have the most space and are worth investing. Also the verification methods are important because if they measure and don’t verify it then they could mess up the building and put people in danger. Indirect measurement and verification is important and relevant in the real world.

I think that the most exciting portion was being outside and measuring. I wouldn’t say that it was exciting but I would say that it was really fun. Being outside was nice and I think that my group worked really well together. We all did our part and helped each other which made I more fun. The part that was least exciting was when we had to put it all together. It was stressful because not everyone knew what they were doing and we just had to spend a lot of time sifting through things that should have already been done. It was just a long process but we got it done and I am proud of our product.

I learned a lot from doing this project. I learned things about geometry and about woking in a larger group like a group of 4. Indirect measurement was something I had never heard of before this project. Now I have a really good understanding of it and if I ever need it in real life or in another project I can easily figure it out. For working in a group I learned a lot about how to delegate so that everyone is getting a fair portion of the work. Also I learned that if you do your individual part than it just makes the group outcome better.

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Q3 Benchmark Reflection

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​How does this project relate to the real world? 
For this benchmark we had to estimate a building's height and then construct a blueprint based off of these estimated measurements. This process can relate to the real world because people in the construction industry need to know a building height to create a scale replica, like we did. The blueprint they created helps them determine materials needed to construct the building. We used perimeter and area to determine the quantity of materials we would need if we were to add a makeover to our facades (such as area for pain and brick and perimeter for window and door linings).

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
The most exciting portion of this project was deciding what to change on a building. I liked this part the most because you usually don't have the choice of what to change on building facades. It was fun cool to discover what stuff you could actually change and use things like area and perimeter to find out the quantity of the items needed. The least exciting portion was the process. I didn't really enjoy going outside and doing these measurements, it wasn't the best. I also didn't like how rushed it felt. I feel like we had so much to do per class that I didn't have enough time to get my things in order. For example, we had to have the manual calculation, verifications, area and perimeter aimed to be done in one class period and I felt like that was too much to do efficiently.

What did you learn from completing this project?
From completing I learned that you can effectively and correctly determine a buildings height by using a person, yard stick or tape measure, and a mirror. I kind of just assumed it worked but it was pretty cool to see it actually happen and come up with almost correct measurements. I definitely learned that if a building is 3 stories it's most likely 30 feet. I never realized some of this stuff. I already learned about scale/actual = scale/actual but I never applied this technique to something this "real". I learned a cool technique that can be applied to the real world, but it's not like you'll ever go, "I want to measure a building! Get me a mirror!" It may be cool, but not something I'd use everyday. Another thing I learned is that people look at you funny if you're measuring their door ways. 

Reflection for 22nd St. Between Cherry & Arch

This project related to the real world because it's feels like this is the start to architecting. This relates to engineering somehow someway. Also, if I needed to measure a building on the spot, I could alway use these methods to measure it. 
The most exciting part of the project was drawing the entire blue print onto the huge yellow for the final presentation. I personally always like to the artist role of each project I do. I just enjoyed drawing it, it was also very easy to draw. 
I learnt from this project is that it isn't easy to work with everybody. Every number to every single calculation is extremely important. 
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111 North 21st St.

Reflection Questions:
  •   How does this project relate to the real world?

The project relates to the real world because people need to know the dimensions of buildings all the time. They need to know this to plan the street designs for neighborhoods. Building dimensions need to be known by architects, building commissions, and others. Building dimensions need to be known in order to make maps. They need to be known in order to design the buildings themselves, and the buildings around it. It’s how cities and neighborhoods are designed. That is way building dimensions are important. This project relates to the real world because what we did in the project is applied to every day life. 

  • What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The part of this project that i likes the most was drawing the buildings. This is probably due to the fact that I like to draw. It was also a pretty easy part of the project. This least exciting part was using google map maker because it was annoying to use, and it took a while. It wasn’t particularly enjoyable. I didn’t mind doing the calculations because they were pretty easy. Using the different methods to determine the hight of the building was interesting. I likes the mirror method the best. I liked learning about the varies methods. 

  • What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned a lot about hight finding methods throughout this project. I learned how to use methods like the mirror methods, and others. I learned about how to calculate area and perimeter. I also learned how to use google map maker, which I had never done before. I also got better at using google maps, and google earth. I learned how to use the stick method, and the picture method ( even though I didn’t use them). I learned a lot about how to draw buildings to scale. This project taught me a lot about how to find the area, the perimeter, and the height of buildings.


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Photo on 3-18-13 at 3.00 PM

Reflection by Will Amari

Will Amari 




  1. How does this project relate to the real world?

If I ever want to figure out the height of the Statue of liberty, I will be able to figure that out, or at least get a reasonable estimate. Although I do not understand the value of this information, one can assume its just nice to know how to find the heights of random objects. I guess if I wanted to be a geometry teacher or a engineer or a blue collar construction worker, this information would come in handy. 

  1. What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The least exciting portion of this project was a tie between making the blue print and trying to figure out all the math. More specifically the ratio part. I don’t like making ratios because I’m not very good at it. I understand ratios, but the mirror method didn’t get me a reasonable conclusion to the height of the building. I did all the measurements and the math part correctly, but the conclusion didn’t seem accurate. I got 26 feet. A ten story building is no where near 26 feet. I did the mirror method twice, checked my math numerous time, and I still got the same result. It was very frustrating. I didn’t like making the blue print because it was very time consuming and it was annoying trying to get the right ratios to fit the final presentation. I enjoy actually going outside and constructing the mirror method. It was a good change in pase. 

  1. What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned that these projects take more time then expected. I really wanted to get at least a B and shoot for an A in this project, but I don’t think this is going to happen because I think my project has the wrong math, I’m probably missing something, the presentation could be better, and I’m turning it in late. I need to focus on every aspect of this project and not wait so long to decide to aim for an A. I wish more people in this class would aim for As so that way I have more of a reason to aim for it myself. When people step up their I get inspired to step up mine. I honestly don’t see this happing in this class. I’m going to sign up for standard retakes now, because right now I have a 82 and I want this to rise.  

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Benchmark Reflection

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This project relates to the real world by comparing to jobs such as construction and architecture. For those jobs, you need to find dimensions and areas and perimeter to get the correct dimensions. You need to be precise and by doing this benchmark it teaches us different lessons in life for the future. Some lessons are that you need to use different methods because one may not be perfect and you getting extra data is helpful. This project also relates to the real world by helping people figure out how much interior furniture they need so they can measure the size.

The most exciting part of this benchmark for me, was definitely drawing the buildings on the final paper. To me, this was the most exciting because I had to draw the basic shape and then get to add detail. In the end result, it looked really pretty and attractive and I was proud of my work. I also got to use some techniques from Mrs. Hull's class in my drawing. Although, my least favorite part of this benchmark was going outside and measuring the buildings with different methods and verifications. This seemed to take a while, and really hard. It also was really cold.

From completing this project, I learned to work with your group members is really helpful and takes less stress away from you! Also, don't take all the work on yourself and keep your members on task. This helps with completing the benchmark and making it pretty and over achieving the goals for your project.

Q3 Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?
This relates to the real world because in some occupations you need to know the heights and certain buildings. 

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

The most exciting portion was going outside, I like the outdoors. The amount of work that was needed towards this benchmark. I had a lot of other work to complete plus this was very overwhelming. 

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned not to procrastinate and to ask for help when I need it.
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BM Reflection

​This project relates to the real world architect wise. This is the type of stuff they have to do in order for buildings to make sense and go along with the neighborhood.

The most exciting part was just going outside to look at the buildings because it was just nice to be outside doing work instead of inside. The least exciting was the drawings, it was a lot and I don't like drawing

I learned that height of buildings can be determined with measuring the building itself. To me that's pretty amazing
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Benchmark Reflection (Rafi)

Reflection Questions:

How does this project relate to the real world?
This project relates to the real world because it shows real life methods of measuring buildings. People may not always have measuring tape to measure buildings so the stick and mirror method make the process very easy. Furthermore we showed how architects realistically measure the area of a building so they can do things such as paint buildings while accounting for the space that windows take up on a building. Another example of how this project relates to the real world is that we found the area of windows which many carpenters do in order to replace them or make them bigger.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least
exciting portion to this project and why?
The most exciting portion of this project was when we got to go outside and do our methods of finding building height. It was a nice change of pace to be able to go outside and smell fresh air whilst still continuing our mathematical studies. Also I got see more of the buildings surrounding Science Leadership Academy. The least exciting portion of this project was doing the calculations for each method. It was tedious and problematic to understand how the stick and mirror methods worked but when we set up the proportions everything became clear.

What did you learn from completing this project? 
From this project I learned how to manually calculate the height of a building with very simple objects. I learned how helpful a mirror and stick can be when I need to find the height of something. Also I learned how google earth works and how people update building dimensions on google map maker. One of the coolest things I learned was how to find elevation on google earth. I saw that the elevation of the ground on google earth was not zero feet and I had to subtract what ever number was at ground height from the elevation that the building was via google earth.

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Greta's Benchmark Reflection

​1. How does this project relate to the real world?
This project relates to the real world because this is how people might measure the height of a building to make estimates and stuff. I think they would use this in like the construction business to estimate the height of buildings and stuff. This could also be used for projects like we did in this class. You could also use it to measure the height of other things besides buildings like we did before to measure doors and lockers and things like that. The mirror method is really useful for measuring shorter things like that. The stick method is better for measuring taller things like my building. 

2. What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
The most exciting portion of the project was when we got to go outside and measure. I liked it because we weren't locked up in the math room being bored. It was pretty interactive and it gave us some freedom. Its good cause we are good kids so we dont do anything bad but we dont have to stay up in the class and be bored. The least exciting portion was doing the calculations and stuff cause thats just boring but it was useful that we got to do it in class so that we didnt have a lot of homework and stuff. 

3. What did you learn from completing this project?

From completing this project I learned a lot of things. I learned that the mirror method is the easiest but it also does not really work well for tall buildings like mine. I did it twice but both times the results were wrong and not even close so I had to do verification methods so that i could find out close to the right answers. I also learned that if i dont do my homework im not going to be caught up with what we are doing in class so i have to do it. 
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Q3 Geometry BM

-    How does this project relate to the real world?

-       What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?

-       What did you learn from completing this project?

This project relates to the real world by us taking measurements with mathematical methods on taking height measurements. It tells us how to take measurements of buildings by using the shadow, stick, and mirror methods. 

  The most exciting part of this project was when I drew the entire block because I love drawing. In the other hand, the least exciting part was when I had to take the height measurements because it was stressful. I had to redo it several times because the height measurements were not similar to each other at times.

  I learned how the methods work and I have a better understanding of why actually learn about what we learn about. 

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Q3 BM Reflection

In the "real world," many professions involve math, and some even incorporate geometry. For many of these jobs, workers will be sent to streets to measure buildings and find building attributes. For instance, Google Maps is a program that has details and pictures of all over the world, and members of Google are sent out to take pictures of and take measurements of these places and buildings. This project provided a view into the life of a Google Maps street worker and someone who uses Geometry in their daily life.
The most thrilling part of the project, in my opinion, was the scaling of the buildings and creating the final drawing. I was able to create a relaxing work environment after school under Mr. Pilla's supervision that was ripe for my enjoyment of the project and catered to my creative side. I was able to give it my all and really bring it home for my group with this final drawing, something that felt really good to accomplish.
There wasn't too much I disliked about the project, being that it was based so much on reality, something I think gives a project real value. If forced, I'd have to say that the part I liked the least was the actual measuring of the buildings using the mirror method. It was not only cumbersome and required validation, but my group needed a bit of push in the process. That being said, the whole project moved very smoothly for me, and I feel I surprised myself in the mathematical aspects of it.
I learned about applying geometrical concepts to architecture, something I've been passionate about for awhile, and realized a value in mathematics. I learned that, although mathematics isn't a necessary subject passed elementary school, it is a valuable resource for understanding the world and the way we live today.
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1) This project relates to the real world because we had to go outside and take measurements from houses in the area around our school. People who built these houses and buildings had to measure the height, width, length , area and perimeter to build it correctly. Our group had to measure these building and get the height, width, length, area and perimeter to complete this project. Measuring different things was the main point of the project. We also measured different things on the buildings we were assigned like the windows, doors and bricks. By doing this project it gave us a bigger insight on the building around us. 

2) The most exciting part of this project was going outside and measuring the buildings hands on. We used tape measures and yard sticks to get the measurements of the buildings we had. Even though our tape measure was broke, we mad it work. We got to help each other with our buildings and take pictures of us standing in front of the building for one of the methods and I enjoy taking pictures so that part was fun for me. The least exciting part for me was drawling our blue print. Even though i enjoy drawling the buildings had to be very detailed and that took longer than I expected.

3) What I learned from completing this project is different types of ways to measure a building and different ways to get the height of the building. I learned many different methods that I thought were difficult but ended up using them when I understood it more and that made it much easier for me. I also learned how to do different measurements using technology. I used different apps and I also used google maps to determine a lot of things I needed for my building. I used google maps to draw my blueprint of the building I had and that was very helpful cause I could see everything without being there in person.

BM Reflection:

1) This project relates to the real world because if you want to become an architect and remodel building or fix it up buildings or certain areas in a place you'll need to know the area and perimeter of the building knowing how much space it takes up to that. But nobody has actual time to measure the building by hand. You can just use one of the methods we used. Also if you want to rebuild your home or make some changes and make it look better (like change the windows or doors..etc.) you need to know the perimeter and area of those objects.
2) The most exciting part of this project was actually letting people see my building through my eyes. Which was when I got the chance to draw and color out my building on poster paper. Another exciting part was when our group was given the chance to go outside and measure what we needed for the project and take pictures of our building with us standing next to it. The least exciting part of this project was doing the math and calculating the height, area, and perimeter of my building. I also did really enjoy having to worry about printing and putting the paper together and making sure my group members we on track. it took too much of my time having to go back when I got the wrong calculation and worrying about my group members.
3) From completing this project I learned that there always alternatives in measuring buildings, if you make one mistake in math it can mess up everything so make sure everything is done accurately, and that math includes a lot of time and patience. I also learned a lot about how to use the mirror method and the picture method and I got a full good understand about it and why it's used. 
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SLA Debate Dominates at Voices of Philadelphia Tournament

For the second year in a row, SLA"s debate team crushed the competition at the annual Voices of Philadelphia tournament!

Nikki Adeli and RubyJane Anderson swept the competition, amazingly going 6-0 straight through the day to win the tournament. In the final round, Nikki and Ruby debated none other than SLA's Mohamed Marzouk and Manna-Symone Middlebrooks, who came in second place in the tournament! Not stopping there, every SLA team advanced to the Quarterfinal rounds, with Jhonas Dunakin and Allison Patterson coming in 5th place and Katherine Hunt and Klarissa Hudson coming in 7th overall. Adding to their incredible achievements, SLA Students Mohammed Marzouk, Jhonas Dunakin, and Allison Patterson tied for the third-highest speaker score! Lastly, but certainly not least, the 2013 Voices of Philadelphia Sweepstakes Champion Award was presented to SLA! Coaches Ms. Rami, Jeff Kessler, and the Penn For Youth Debate volunteers could not be more proud of the team's achievements. Please congratulate these students on their incredible success!

1st Place in the Tournament: RubyJane Anderson and Nikki Adeli

2nd Place in the Tournament: Mohammed Marzouk and Manna-Symone Middlebooks

5th Place in the Tournament: Jhonas Dunakin and Allison Patterson

7th Place in the Tournament: Katherine Hunt and Klarissa Hudson

Tied for Third Highest Speaker Score: Mohammed Marzouk, Jhonas Dunakin, and Allison Patterson

Voices of Philadelphia Sweepstakes Champion Award: Science Leadership Academy

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Q3 Geometry BM Reflection - JCruz

Reflection Questions:

How does this project relate to the real world?
-I believe that this project can be use in a real life setting. There are many occasions where we want bigger and better things, for instance remodeling our homes. What if we wanted some new windows or just paint those ugly window shutters. In these cases it would be similar to get an estimate of your building in order to buy the proper amount of materials so you’re not spending over the amount you would normally have to spend. Also, there might be a time where you have a budget and want to know if you’d have enough money to buy all of your materials once you’ve gotten the perimeter of your home and then found out how much the materials would be in all according to that. So you see those are only two example of how this project could come in handy in the real world. 

What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least
exciting portion to this project and why?

-This project was very hands on. I would have to say that was one of my favorite parts of this project. Being able to go outside and work with our partners in an outside community was a change but a good one. I also would have to say that I had a good group and we worked very well together. One thing that I didn’t like about this project was having to use the new material to find the height of the building, it was difficult trying to confirm the exact height of the buildings and there might be some miscalculations with them. 

What did you learn from completing this project?

-What I learned about this project was that calculating height is hard! Not really, it is a long process but it’s fairly simple once the formula is familiar to you. It is also a very useful tool to use if you ever needed to calculate the height of something. Also learned that you should have serval verifications because it’s fairly easy to mess up when trying to calculate numbers and what not. Have a good measuring tape or tools in general would be very useful and help you complete the calculations more accurately. 
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Q3 Benchmark Reflection

How does this project relate to the real world?

This project relates to the world by comparing to the house

builders. House Builders were made to design there own

building and to able to design they would have to figure 

out the measurements for the right size of the building. By

figuring out the height and feet.

What was the most exciting portion of this project and 

why? What was the least exciting portion to this project

and why?

It was great to work outside and work well with my team mates 

for the project and it was very detail to explain for our measurements.

I think something excited about the project was to learn something new.

What did you learn from completing this project?

I learned how to figure out to measure the height of the 

building and figuring out the feet to the house. I learned 

how to use multiple equations in order to find out the


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