Quarter 2 Benchmark

Choosing the laws, cases, and offices was the hardest part of this assignment. I had difficulty choosing which ones to use. Once I found a good sources of court cases or laws or offices, the process became much easier. It wasn't too hard to figure out which laws affected me because a lot of them have to do with minorities or women.  I do anticipate my life being affected by different laws as I get older. A lot of the ones I used had to do solely with students. So once I am out of school those will go away. So I don't think there will be more or less laws that affect me, just different ones. Something interesting that I learned from this assignment is how much decisions on court cases affect my life. I thought those would be the hardest to complete, but in reality, they were the ones that I finished first. 

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Emma's 2nd Quarter Government Benchmark



 It was really hard for me to find 12 laws, cases, or offices that impacted me directly. Whatever I found first I used as one of my 12 laws or cases. After much research I discovered that as I get older and as I begin to pay taxes, buy a house, own property, get my own health insurance, etc. more laws, acts, and cases will affect me. The government affects my life a fair amount right now with such acts, laws and cases like the No Child Left Behind Act, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, FAFSA, and Tinker vs. Des Moines. However, as I get older the government will GREATLY impact/influence my life, because the older I get the more I participate in society like having a job and paying taxes. All of these activities are monitored or set by the government meaning the government has more authority over my life. Overall, this project gave me a better understanding of the three branches of government, which are legislative, executive, and judicial. By having a stronger knowledge on these branches I now am more aware of my rights and restrictions, and the overall and basic knowledge of how the government functions.

Blog Post 5 lobbying

So for the remainder of this assignment I'd like to see if we could come up with better questions and maybe try calling different welfare offices who actually work one on one with the recipients and see what they think. We could also attempt writing a letter to someone else (although I'm not sure who just yet) about our ideas to change the way things are​ currently being handled like giving welfare recipients an incentive to go out and do better for themselves instead of using the government checks as crutch to support them for the rest of their lives. I know this isn't much but it's where we're starting from at this point. Since our first attempt wasn't as successful as we'd hoped 

Blog post 4 lobbying

My method of communication was telephone. Ashley and I spoke with some of the representatives in the welfare offices for our city and then we were directed to their main office. We weren't really able to get a lot of feed back from them the way we'd anticipated i.e. finding out what they thought were some of their glitches with their method of doing things. The reason the feedback wasn't helpful is because the reps have sort of a biased opinion since the ones I spoke to didn't think there was anyway around their system which is clearly not true since I know people personally who find ways around doing things correctly where welfare is concerned. I think that had we had time to sit down and think of more thoughtful questions since we didn't have a lot of them, we would have definitely gotten a better response. I'd also like to see what thoughts the mayor or someone from his office had about our topic and what they'd like to see change. 

American Government: Quarter 2 Benchmark

​View Benchmark Project:

            For this American Government Benchmark project, finding a way that incorporated the laws, offices, and cases, seemed difficult at first. I attempted to relate the various examples, to situations that were happening in my life at this very moment, in relation to the college process, sports, and everyday living. This process wasn’t as easy as it seemed, having an objective to find laws and regulations that affected our everyday lives.

            I would deem this project with having a very difficult and strenuous process, simply because there are certain rules which only correspond to certain people. I had some difficulty when it came to finding offices that implement the rules of a specific Executive Branch. I thought we had to find actual laws of the executive branch, but then that would coincide with the legislative branch.

            The anticipation of my life becoming more affected by the government was recognized, because once you get older and reach certain limits, then your life is then intertwined with a whole new set of rules. The older we get, the more responsibilities we take on as humans. We have to live our lives responsibly following our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

            By completing this benchmark, I now understand most of the processes of government; whether it is how it is run in perspective to its specific branches, to how a law is passed. I understand the rules and regulations I have to follow, and will result in following as I get older.

Dominque Miller's 2nd Quarter Benchmark

Link to my project.

The way I went about choosing the items that I felt applied was just thinking about what truly affects me in my every day life, which was easy. Paying taxes, and filling out the FASFA are things that I am facing right  now, so it was only natural that I decided to write about it for this project. I feel as though this project was harder as went a long. I say this because I knew about the items I had chosen but when I had to actually put it into words it became difficult for me. Certain parts like unemployment were easy to write about, I just did not know what pages I should link it too, and it was almost impossible to find a legitimate author for the items.

I feel as though as I get older the way the government affects my life will definitely increase. Now I am affected but once I get out on my own things will most certainly change. I'll no longer be under mother anymore and will be seen as an adult so things are going to change whether I like it or not. I feel as though the process will be very difficult to get use to because the government is always so extra. I feel as though I didn't learn that much from this project that I hadn't already learned from this quarter. The only thing this really did was make me realize how much government affects out every day life, sometimes in a negative and sometimes in a positive way.

2nd Quarter Benchmark: Government's Impact on my Life

Click here to view the project.

For this project, I tried to choose items that were most prevalent to my life, even if they were slightly obscure.  For example, Loving v. Virginia abolished statutes that prevented interracial marriage.  I had never heard of this ruling before, but as a biracial young woman, it directly applies to my life. I utilized a lot of web articles that outlined important decisions or offices.  Overall, it was a more difficult process than I thought it would be.  In general, I believe that my government has my best interests in mind and makes decisions, laws and processes that are beneficial to me.  Finding examples that negatively impact my life required significantly more research and analysis.  

As I get older, the government will impact my life more frequently and severely.  Currently, I'm just beginning to interact with certain offices, like Federal Student Aid and to be affected by laws, such as the Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act.  Soon, I will have to pay taxes, one of the biggest impacts that the government has on anyone's life.  When I begin to vote, purchase a car, get married, have children, etc., I will only increase my interaction.  

This was a great way to conclude the learning that I've done it this class.  I was able to apply what I've learned during the last five months about American government and directly connect it to my life.  The project required me to take a long, hard look at my life and see exactly how it is affected my an entity that I often take for granted. 

2nd Quarter Benchmark Description

  • Three Branches - Legislative, Executive and Judicial
    • For EACH branch identify TWO positive and TWO negative examples of how the branch of government impacts your life. (can be STATE, LOCAL or FEDERAL)

  • Identify at least one reputable source for each of the 12 different pieces of the project. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE
  • Cite the source using the MLA format
  • Write a one paragraph for each of the 12 pieces that summarizes the law, bureaucratic office or court case AND then EXPLAIN how that law/bureaucratic office/court case positively or negatively impacts your life. **If you would like to communicate the information in some other format than writing... clear it with me, I am open to creative suggestions. I REALLY welcome a more creative approach, don't be boring. please.

For instance... for me I would write for one of the legislative negatives:


No Child Left Behind Act of 2001


"No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" Pub.L. 107-110 January, 2002. 23 Dec. 2009. <http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html>.


No Child Left Behind is a piece of legislation that brought stronger federal control over individual state and locally run schools. Under this legislation, federal monies were only disbursed to those schools and districts abiding by the stipulations outlined within the law. Throughout the tenure of this legislation, schools have increased the number and intensity of multiple choice testing to adhere to the accountability requirements. After beginning my teaching career in 1997, I was given free reign to teach the content and in the manner that suited project based learning. After the passage of NCLB, project based learning became an unpopular approach to teaching because of its inability to easily assess the student's learning. This devaluing of project based learning has had an overall negative impact on the teaching and learning that I witness in the vast majority of schools. In effect, this law has turned my profession into a less thoughtful and reflective career, thus negatively impacting my life.

2nd Quarter Benchmark Description

  • Three Branches - Legislative, Executive and Judicial
    • For EACH branch identify TWO positive and TWO negative examples of how the branch of government impacts your life. (can be STATE, LOCAL or FEDERAL)

  • Identify at least one reputable source for each of the 12 different pieces of the project. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE
  • Cite the source using the MLA format
  • Write a one paragraph for each of the 12 pieces that summarizes the law, bureaucratic office or court case AND then EXPLAIN how that law/bureaucratic office/court case positively or negatively impacts your life. **If you would like to communicate the information in some other format than writing... clear it with me, I am open to creative suggestions. I REALLY welcome a more creative approach, don't be boring. please.

For instance... for me I would write for one of the legislative negatives:


No Child Left Behind Act of 2001


"No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" Pub.L. 107-110 January, 2002. 23 Dec. 2009. <http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html>.


No Child Left Behind is a piece of legislation that brought stronger federal control over individual state and locally run schools. Under this legislation, federal monies were only disbursed to those schools and districts abiding by the stipulations outlined within the law. Throughout the tenure of this legislation, schools have increased the number and intensity of multiple choice testing to adhere to the accountability requirements. After beginning my teaching career in 1997, I was given free reign to teach the content and in the manner that suited project based learning. After the passage of NCLB, project based learning became an unpopular approach to teaching because of its inability to easily assess the student's learning. This devaluing of project based learning has had an overall negative impact on the teaching and learning that I witness in the vast majority of schools. In effect, this law has turned my profession into a less thoughtful and reflective career, thus negatively impacting my life.

Q2 Spanish 5 Benchmark

Elona Myftaraj

Ad #1         

        Los efectos de anuncios y lo que no nos quieren decir

Por este proyecto yo decidí seleccionar a Chips Ahoy como uno de mis anuncios porque en el momento que lo vi me di cuenta de lo que significa. Casi toda mi familia, y todos mis amigos comen a Chips Ahoy, y la única cosa que sabia sobre estas galletas fue que tenían mucho chocolate. Y pensándolo sabia que muchas dulces no le hacen bien a nadie, y lo escocí por esto también.

Cuando estaba investigando la compañía (Nabisco) de las galletas encontré que Chips Ahoy son en segundo lugar en ventas en los estados unidos con un media $355 millones de dólares en ventas cada ano.

También encontré que un “Single Serve” sola tiene  2.5g de  satúrate grasa, 190 calorías, y 13g de azúcar. el público objetivo es todo el mundo porque también lo vendan en Latino America, Sud África, Canadá, México, España, Portugal, Australis, y en Stockman Latvia. Pero se venden mas por los niños y los adolescentes y se eso porque los anuncios de las galletas son muy bonitas y interesantes a ver. El tipo de estilo de vida, valores y opiniones que representan en la compañía son, apoyar la creatividad los niños "la promesa nota almuerzo" y que cuando uno come esta galleta será inmediatamente feliz, sano y salvo.

Información crucial en este anuncio que el público debe saber es que no es tan bueno por ti como te hagan pensar, y tiene mucha garza mala.

Las compañía no nos engañe a todos, los ingredientes utilizados en la fabricación de las galletas que se acaba de destacar lo buenos que son y pongan los insolubles de ellos en pequeñas letras en la espalda.

           Elegí este anuncio porque la gente no se dan cuenta de la cantidad de grasa insaludable en las galletas y cómo mucho más saludable que sería sólo por no comer o comer pequeñas porciones de las gallets.  El producto que estoy hablando es Chips Ahoy y la compañía detrás de ellos es Kraft Foods 1999-2011.

Con la venta de esto creo que lo único que la empresa le importa es hacer dinero, especialmente cuando los anuncios son para el populación de jóvenes. Dudo que los adolescentes en la escuela SLA que son muy técnicos pongan todos los anuncios en línea, así como en la televisión para tirar en los  espectadores mayor y esto nos afecta porque estamos siempre en línea y cuando tienen hambre se ven un anuncio para Chip Ahoy y sin pensarlo dos veces, lo compran y comen, sin saber los ingredientes en los alimentos. Hay muchos estilos de vida representados por las galletas tres de los más comunes son "el wizzard de Oz", "Rockey" y "Backstory."

En mi contrapublicidad yo sustituye las cosas buenas que el anuncio dijo sobre su producto y lo sustituyó por todas las cosas malos, con la verdad.

La información mostrada sobre el producto que no estaba en el original de

la cantidad de cada tipo de grasa y otros ingredientes Cambios estéticos y / o adiciones que cambio  los trozos de chocolate con trozos de grasa.        

Esto es muy importante porque sólo añada al problema de la obesidad que tenemos hoy. Y por eso escogí escribir sobre chips Ahoy como mi primer anuncio.


Elona Myftaraj

Ad #2

                Los efectos de anuncios y lo que no nos quieren decir

Cuando estaba buscando el segundo anuncio estuve viendo por algo que afecta los mujeres, y  el anuncio que me afecto lo máximo cuando lo vi fue uno con una mujer bebiendo cerveza (beer). Escogí este anuncio porque afecta todo el mundo las mujeres y los  hombres. El estilo de vida y los valores presentados son que una mujer embarazada también puede, y debe ser tratado como un juguete sexual en lugar de respeto. También nos dije que son más fáciles de aprovechar porque están embarazadas.

         Parte de la información mas importante que el anuncio no nos dice es que, el alcohol es muy malo para los bebés por nacer, causa de mortinatos (still births), defectos de nacimiento y muchas problemas de salud después del nacimiento.

Elegí este anuncio porque las empresas están empezando a utilizar las mujeres embarazadas en los anuncios de cerveza, cigarrillos y cosas que no son saludables, no sólo para la mujer embarazada sino para todos.

la empresa que fabrica estos productos es Nova Schin beer by Primo Schincariol.

Creo que lo único que valoran es el dinero, que no entiendan la vida, y que es preciosa por eso usan las mujer embarazada a su favor. Esto incluso puede ser peligroso, si la mujer embarazada convertido en un tema caliente y luego se aumenta la posibilidad de que sean perjudicados (violaciones, atacados).

Con la venta de esto creo que lo único que cosa que le importa la es hacer dinero, especialmente cuando los anuncios a la desventaja de todo el mundo, especialmente la mujer.

Se dirigen a las mujeres de SLA más que los hombres, ya que es básicamente enseñando a los jóvenes que se pueden tratar a las mujer embarazada de manera terrible y seria bien.  Y el hecho de que están borrachos y mujeres embarazadas seria más seguro por los hombres, de esa manera pueden tomar ventaja de ellas y no tienen que preocuparse por ellas porque ya están embarazadas.

La información que no nos dicen es que si una mujer embarazada bebe le duele al bebé, y si ella es bajo la influencia entonces un hombre puede tomar ventaja de ella y posiblemente darle enfermedades de transmisión sexual, que podría incusar en la mata de su bebé.

No nos dicen que una bebida alcohólica afecta los sentencia y la capacidad de tomar decisiones correctas.

El anuncio efecto valores de SLA porque nuestra escuela es parte y tome el educación más alto de la ciudad, y el hecho de que este anuncio influye los jóvenes negativamente debería significar en no está permitirlo que se publicarán en cualquier cosa.

Yo personalmente Crecí creyendo que uno debe respetar a sus mayores y por lo menos a mí valorar la vida,  una  mujer que está a punto de dar la vida a un bebe en un anuncio así es el último objetivación de la mujer. Y siempre me enojo mucho  cuando veo las mujer tratadas y devaluado y tratadas como animales, es injusto y cruel.

Creo que mi contrapublicidad va a ser muy afectiva, especialmente por las mujeres porque me cabe duda de que se sentirían bien viendo una mujer que está a punto de dar la luz haciendo algo que podría hacerle daño a ella dañaría  o inclusa en la mata de su bebé, el hecho de este anuncio  es inhumano.

Voy a mostrar esto anuncio en las salas de SLA porque, quiero que todas las chicas aquí serian en contra de este anuncio y quiero que todos vean la cantidad de las mujeres embarazadas efectos negativos de este anuncio .



Civil Rights Act of 1964

To visit my site download this zip file. Hope you enjoy- Jesse

Jesse Weinberg

Process paper

National history day


My Topic was how the process it took the Civil rights Law to sign into the act. I choose this topic because without this law beginning signed into place there would America would not look like the way it is formed today. A lot of things would be separated with individuals going to separate places due to their ethnicity and race. The majority of individuals do not realize how hard it was to get Freedom for African Americans and what had to be done.   Equality is the biggest issue that was around.   Equality was the biggest issue because people who believed in non -violence and got murdered just for trying to make peace.  Just because people believe in non- violence do they deserve to die just for trying to make changes in society? Some of the individuals that got murdered was MLK,  Gandhi just for believing in non- violence and making changes in society.  This made me realize that certain individuals can be really cruel to people and do things just for no reason just because they can but in the end they got what they deserved what was their death.  To this day I still wonder why people who try so hard to get what they have to be murdered just for no reason. Even though a law was signed and passed there is still people that are still prejudice towards other people.   The design I chose to do was a weebly. I choose to do a weebly because I thought it is the best way to organize information and the clearest way to present the information The way I went about going and doing research is that I went to different websites containing different information. One of the best websites I went to was the digital website which gave a lot of information. This one website helped me a lot for the project. It taught me a lot that I didn’t know about the civil rights act law being signed into law and also a lot of new information that I didn’t know about.  The civil rights law taught me a lot it taught me not to be judgmental towards others people and it taught me how hard you have to work to get want you want. Doing this research made me realize that certain individuals can be so cruel to others and that people have to ignore them and continue being who you are. Don’t let other bring down the person you are. Continuing and being that you are will have a positive effect in the long run.  Being an individual that brings other people down will have a negative impact on you latter down the road. People will have a difficult time understanding of this.  “ What Comes around Go around.”  As the saying goes. This saying plays a key factor in society. Most people don’t realize that this saying can play a major role down the road. 


Mi cuento del Robo

Eran las once y medio en un noche muy frio. Vi a una niño gordo viaja. Era muy pequiño. Tenía sobre ocho años. Llevaba ropas de todos negros. El niño gordo entró en el banco. Sacó un negro revólver. Se llevo el dinero. El revólver era un juguete de el color de negro. El niño gordo salío del banco. El se quitó su ropas.
¡Fue Pinky y el Brain vestieron a el niño! Subieron el triciclo de Playskool. Y el triciclo se fue de prisa.

Emma Hohenstein - Clay Masks

During the first marking period in another class we built masks out of a pitiful sort of sculpy clay. I chose to take it a step further and used some of my own red clay to make a mask. I had never worked with clay in any other way that ceramics so molding it into a face was interesting. I decided I wanted to make more animated and human-like forms. Over three weeks I ended up with four new masks dried in brittle red clay. After that I left them with my uncle to be bisqued. That's where they are presently. When they're done I will paint them with acrylics. 
Each mask is completely different. The first is shaped like a porcelain baby doll. It has small lips that will be painted red, huge round cheeks that will be painted white and a smooth forehead. This mask was created to juxtapose my favourite mask - the old man. It has a sort of calm, simplicity to it's child like face where as the old man has a sad, heavy demeanor plastered across his face. 
There are two others, also meant to sort of pair. One is a fresh faced, eager, rebellious warrior and the other a passive, tired veteran. With these two the colour is important. Though it hasn't been added yet they will be very thick and smooth. The colours of the young man will will sharp reds and blues and yellows. The veteran will have grays and greens, a symbol of ld military work and such.
This process opened up a new world of clay to me. I had often been involved in pottery when I was younger but this was something I hadn't thought of. The idea of scultpure, for me, is t display an image or idea that doesn't fit in two dimensions. That requires a depth and texture. And that is exactly what I was trying to do with my masks. 

(pictures to be posted as soon as the masks are done in the kiln)

Don't Ask Don't Tell: Blog Post 5

For the past semester, I have been lobbying for the senate to repeal the blatantly homophobic policy that prohibited gays from serving in the military, called Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I have attempted to help this cause by writing letters to senators who were seemingly “on the fence” about this issue, and publishing regular blog posts revealing the truth behind Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

 I have witnessed a complete turnaround in regards to the support it received in the senate. Originally, it was placed inside a larger defense bill; however, rejected the bill, deeming it too complex to be able to sufficiently debate the topic before the Christmas break. When the bill was apparently dead, Susan Collins presented the bill in a piece of stand alone legislation as a last attempt to get it through the senate, and on December 18, In a 65-31 vote, the Senate passed the repeal that would allow thousands of Americans to serve in the military being openly homosexual. This was a historic achievement by president Obama. This victory was symbolic of several victories Obama added to his repertoire throughout a very productive lame duck session. Although failing to pass the Dream Act, he was able to sign a nuclear arms treaty with Russia, and cut taxes for millions of Americans.

This was a pressing civil rights issue that had taunted the gay community for 17 years. I personally agree with President Obama who strongly advocated for soldiers to serve in the military being openly gay. "I don't know what it's like to be picked on for being gay. But I do know what it’s like to grow up feeling that sometimes you don’t belong. It’s tough.” This was a historic moment in Obama’s presidency.  He was able to come through on a campaign promise that reigned in thousands of voters, and he was able to repeal a law that had hindered our nation’s security and the freedom of thousands of Americans.



Final Blog Post - Lowering The Drinking Age


​This is the final assignment for our Lobbying topics, as you may have seen below my Lobbying topic was to lower the drinking age to 18. My partner Evan and I have been trying to get in touch with the National Youth Rights Association and have been getting people aware of the situation. Our main concern has been the fact that you can fight for your freedom in this country at 18 but you cannot celebrate with a drink when you get home. I have been trying to get in touch with the National Youth Rights Association over the past few weeks, and have heard nothing back yet. I have asked them about creating a chapter here in Philadelphia, or just contributing to a different chapter somewhere close by. Evan and I have created a Facebook Page about this topic where we will post news as we find it.

Q2 Project-Gabby

​     In the second quarter we had a choice of what we wanted to do. At first I had a set plan of drawing something dealing with the seasons. That completely changed! I ended up drawing sketches of cartoon couples. This also changed! My next project was dealing with ducks. I only chose ducks because I had an obsession and wanted one for Christmas. Then once again it changed. My final project was two swans under neath the sunset in the water forming a heart in their necks. I colored this project in with charcoal. Screen shot 2011-01-16 at 10.44.54 PMPhoto on 2011-01-16 at 22.13Photo on 2010-11-25 at 01.22 Screen shot 2011-01-16 at 10.43.00 PMPhoto on 2011-01-05 at 11.33
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 11.33
Photo on 2011-01-05 at 11.33

Final Lobbying Blog Post (#5)

I don't have too much to say in this post, because the second meeting has been postponed. However, I do intend to continue working with the CORA group throughout the year, or as long as I can be helpful. Ms. Mary has also told me that she could connect me with the Director of the Office of Addiction Services for the city, which is a huge opportunity. I have started up the survey I had planned to, and got 15 responses which is really great. I'm hoping that this information could be useful to the group. I don't know when the next meeting will be, but I'm excited to see what's in store for me here!

Quarter Two Benchmark

Kimberly Parker

I started this patch quilt during the first marking period. I have crotched the entire thing over the passed few months. I would have never been able to produce such work if it wasn’t for my great-great aunt Stella. This special woman taught me how to crochet when I was seven and I haven’t been able to put the habit down since. My piece that I am in the process of working on now is a giant patch quilt with many colors. I am crocheting rows of patches and then going to crochet them all together to form a quilt. This piece is going well because I am following my own pattern and crocheting my own way. When I say my own way I mean my style of crocheting with adjusting the tightness of the stitch and flow of the yarn. This piece isn’t quite finished yet because it takes a long time to construct such a large quilt and will need more time to finish.

            These pictures were taken in this way to symbolize my great-great aunt Stella and what she had taught me. In the background you see another quilt in which she made forty years ago. I put my work over top of her quilt to show how great her skills were and how it inspired me to make a quilt of my own. My great-great aunt was very skilled with crocheting and she passed this skill down to me with her teachings and patience.

            Crocheting to me is very soothing, and relaxing. My favorite thing about my work is that I can just sit down with my piece in my hands and watch television or have a conversation with someone. I can be creating a piece of artwork while relaxing and having time to myself. I see this as a major stress reliever in my life.  My favorite tool to my artwork is my needle. With my needle I can create just about anything I put my mind too. My needle is my gateway to my finished product.

            Finishing my product is the best part for me. My quilt isn’t finished yet but I can feel that point coming soon. The process of completion is satisfying, but not as satisfying as seeing my finished product lay out, nice and pretty. Then I can reflect on this work and think about how much hard work I had put into this piece. I look now at my rows and rows of finished patches and I think about all of the hours I had put into making these squares with neat and tight stitching. That brings me to think about my hands. My hands really wove all of this yarn into something big and useful without giving it much thought. My hands are my main tools and with them I created this giant patch quilt. 

            My favorite color in this quilt is the dark green. It is very appealing to my eye and engages the sense. The color has good qualities such as blending in with all of the other colors I used. It engages my senses and gives me a sense of warmth because it is a gentle color and it is on a quilt, which is warm. If I were to crotchet this entire quilt all over again, I would have made sure all of the yarn was of the same thickness or gauge. Some of the patches are thinner than others, which are fine, but in order to maybe look better, the same constancy of yarn should be used. I would have kept the tightness of the stitches the same because they are very well held together and will probably never rip apart. That is what makes a quality quilt! 


Cuento increble de un robo

Eran once por la mañana y estaba nevando. Vi un chico tenía siete años. Él era muy adorable, bajo y gordo. Llevaba manoplas no hiciste juego con el uno al otro y zapatillos viejos. El chico entró la tienda. Sacó una mochila y se llevó un manzana y dos polos. Como Él era saliendo la tienda los polos empezaron derretirse. El chico salio corriendo de la tienda. Se quito los zapatillos y manoplas. Fue un mapache. Subió a la motocicleta se fue de prisa.

Qianna Nelson Second Quarter Project- Shinobi Traceurs

For this marking period I wanted to draw a picture of the Shinobi Traceurs. They are a mixed martial arts and parkour group. I wanted to draw them while they are actually doing some martial arts and parker. So I found some pictures of them in actions. I then drew a forrest background and drew them beside their animals. I decided to draw them with a forrest background because of their animals even tho some of their animals are not forrest creatures. This project was hard to do because I wasn't simply drawing people standing around I was drawing people I know and see everyday so I wanted to have them actually look like the people I was trying to depict. I decided to use both crayons and rakers so that certain parts of the picture would stand out more then others. For example, the words Shinobi Traceurs stand out against the trees because they are colored in red and in marker so they look bolder then the trees surrounding them. I also colored the people in marker so they would stand out against the trees and the grass. 

The people in the picture are the Founder Andre Wiley (the lion), Co-Founder Will Thomas (the wolf), and their student Rashaun Williams (the ram), they are the leaders of the Shinobi Traceurs, and in second rank of the Shinobi Traceurs is Tyreé Wright (the dragon). Shinobi by definition is a covert agent specializing in the art of stealth and combat. Traceurs by definition is a practitioner of Parkour, the art of displacement, overcoming physical obstacles in one's environment. Combine the two, and you have the essence of the Shinobi Traceurs.

I decided to draw them because I think what they do is really cool and I wanted to draw a picture of them to show off that coolness using my artistic talents. 

The Title:
The Founder Andre Wiley (the lion):

Rashaun Williams (the ram):

Co-Founder Will Thomas (the wolf):

Tyreé Wright (the dragon):

The Whole Picture:



By:DaVonte Martin & Edward Abbott

For this second quarter digital video project, we were given the assignment of creating a 30second-2minute commercial advertising a product or idea of our choice.The product my partner and I decided to advertise was a glove.With visual and motion graphics we were able to create effects with the glove to emulate a variety of tasks the glove could perform.

Bria Jackson Q2 Art Project "What I Can See"

The title of my piece is "What I Can See" it is an abstract painting that shows everything that one see's when they first look at someone. It shows the physical qualities of person that would attract another. Everyone has at least one physical quality that they want would like their partner to have. 

For my piece I asked others to help me out by answering two questions. Such as When you first see someone what is the first thing you notice? What do you like the most about yourself? Some of the answers I received were eyes, face, smile, hair, complexion, body, lips and more. So I wanted to use as many of those answers as possible. 

After putting some thought into it I came up with my painting. I like you or want you for what i can see.  

This is the unfinished product 

Quarter 2 Art Project

For this marking period i decided to paint something that i loved, Japanese Characters. Specifically from anime (Japanese Cartoons). The anime i choose was Naruto. It's interesting to me how a single miss placed brushstroke or one too many could make the character mean something entirely different. The characters in the blue box stand for nin-dog (Ninja-dog) and Jashin (A type of religion). The ones in the green box stand for
四- forth or four
目- japanese counter
火- fire
but when said together it reads
四代目火影 - Yon Dai Me Hoo Kage or Yondaime Hokage.
The characters in white stand for shi, which means death. The one with a black frame and red background stand for shoku meaning food. In yellow near the bottom, that symbol means flower. Lastly the one in the bottom left hand corner is an eye. That eye is the mangekyou sharingan belonging to a character in the Naruto anime.
I also did a second painting of a moon and stars. There are no sketches becuase it was something i just felt the need to draw.
Name of moon painting: Starry Night
Name of Japanese Character painting: 忍者の生活 or Ninja no seikatsu meaning The Ninja Life
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