The Kids Don't Have A Chance

​B.O.B has a song called "The Kids". The lyrics go as follows: 

The drugged boy’s steady show time,
The streets don’t give a damn.
They’re filled with such pollution.
The kids don’t stand a chance.

We’re trapped inside a matrix,
Forced to play our hands,
We’re filled with so much hatred.
The kids don’t stand a chance

Over the past couple weeks the news has been filled with unfortunate events involving children. A college student found dead, a 9 year old girl kidnapped and strangled, another teenage girl gone missing, a baby dropped from a window, a 6 year old girl given botox, and even a famous young boy was shot and killed within the last week. The kids really don't stand a chance. 

The Kids Don't Have A Chance

B.O.B has a song called "The Kids". The lyrics go as follows: 

The drugged boy’s steady show time,
The streets don’t give a damn.
They’re filled with such pollution.
The kids don’t stand a chance.

We’re trapped inside a matrix,
Forced to play our hands,
We’re filled with so much hatred.
The kids don’t stand a chance

Over the past couple weeks the news has been filled with unfortunate events involving children. A college student found dead, a 9 year old girl kidnapped and strangled, another teenage girl gone missing, a baby dropped from a window, a 6 year old girl given botox, and even a famous young boy was shot and killed within the last week. The kids really don't stand a chance. 

Where we left off..

Since the last time I left off, I've learned a lot more about why teens might commit suicide.

Remember how I mentioned the girls that made a suicide pact and got hit by the train? Well, I talked to my friend who knew the one and I found out all about what made her want to do such a horrible thing. Her father had committed suicide a little while ago, her and her boyfriend were going through a rough time. Her mom was having trouble raising her and her siblings by herself. So as you can see she had a lot going on. With her dad committing suicide alone had to be a lot for her to handle. On top of all this she had school to worry about. Her life was very hectic and she let it get to the point where she thought she would be better off if she wasn't here anymore.

However, teens find many other reasons to commit suicide. For example bullying. Bullying can be so hurtful if you let it get to that point. Another reason could be stress. It's just easier to end the stress by doing this. Another thing could be family problems. Like in the case above, with her dad. It was to much to handle. Or maybe a divorce or new dad/ mom. You never know. That's why I feel it's important to be nice to everyone because you don't know there story.


I'm freaking out because i think i won't be able to go to prom even though i really want too. I have my dress and everything but it looks like math is'nt gonna get any higher and it all depends on my benchmark . I just hope it pulls it through and mr lucci's project is stressing me out cause i have to find random  trees and post them on this site. I honestly am tired of hearing about trees i understand they are good for us and what not and bad things happen to them but i could care less I just want to go to prom cause if you miss it once you can't do it over again 


Women Need Help

So last time I told you on how the government was trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. I explained them shutting them down, but not to much the help that women actually need from Planned Parenthood. Statistics have shown that most women do not practice birth control methods because they simply can not afford them. Most of the women that use Planned Parenthood are high school kids and young adults (ages 14-24). 
Most young females know that if they ask their parents to take them get birth control then it will cause a problem within the family. Planned Parenthood also gives out information to females on how to be sexually safe and what precautions to take. I mean isn't it always better to be safe then sorry? The government really has no idea what goes on with urban women. They have no clue what it is like for a woman to go and try to get sexual health.
In the end it all comes down to proving the point that Planned Parenthood does to many services for it to be cancelled. 


I fiddle with my hair a lot. It's comfort/bored thing.
I have BIG burps after I run.
I sleep on the couch not in my bed.
I have a lot of trouble paying attention when people talk aloud (maybe I do have ADD)
I get a wee bit anxious/nervous when I take the EL.
Bus rides relax me.
Too much snow depresses me
When I learn a new disease I tend to diagnose myself with that disease/sickness
I have cramps right now. FUCK YOU CRAMPS!

Is Your Future Worth Enough Part 2

As follow up research about budget cuts I was able to find out the direct effects on sport cuts. The cut will take away 7% of the funding towards  public sports. This  will result in a complete cut of middle school intersolatic sports leagues and teams. It will also cause minor cuts of some sports in High schools.  

But as a student i will like to know how this is directly effecting how students like me will learn and how teachers will teach. For example is the class sizes getting increase to much larger amount? Or will to be something like school will have less resources to text books or computer technology? This is a group of question i hope to research and answer for my next blog entry.


The thing that went well with my group was the presentation, we where to talk about thing that wasn't in the info graph. Putting it together was hard we didn't know a way to put everything we know on the webpage. Next time i would start putting stuff on the page as i go through the research.
Monsanto Enviormental Infographic_Water Stream_American History-C_wfelinski_briggins_qwhite

Libby, Montana Asbestos Contamination : Nadif, Newon, Whitney

a. What went well? 
Nothing really except that we turned in the project.

b. What did not? 
We barely worked with it each I felt completely useless for this project

c. What would you do differently next time?

I would rather we worked together and actually listened to each other. 

And as for these,

Be Concise

Be Visual

Be Smarter

Be Transparent

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

We were average in all of them except with creativity because our info-graph was nothing but words and pictures.

Final Infographic-Exxon Valdez

Exxon-Valdez bach-alaya-luna
a. What went well?
My group really worked well and was very productive during class time and time when we did research on our google doc at home. We also gathered a lot of information in order to complete the project thoroughly.
b. What did not?
After looking at a project with a perfect score I feel like we didn't do well with the visual aspect. We were going to create a picture timeline put we didn't have time because we spent so much time gathering facts an information to incorporate into our final project.
c. What would you do differently next time?
Timeline of images going around the oil spiral
Chart of oil levels
Timeline of what the spill was the size of

Picher, Oklahoma Lead Contamination

a. What went well?
-We, as a group, did our part as individuals. We worked well as a group.
b. What did not?
-We all did not read the directions correctly that resulted us into making the correct infograph.
c. What would you do differently next time?
-Read the directions carefully
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

When you view our infograph, you can easily see the contamination of what the mine has done and process of trying to clean the mine.

Be Visual

There's not too much going on. It's not crowded on our infograph. . Everything is well organized

Be Smarter

You can see the historical population throughout the years and the decreasing of numbers, as well as the a bar graph to visually see the differences.

Be Transparent

We were very transparent when it came down to sources and much more. We did a great job in that category and gave the reader/viewer a chance to explore more into the topic.

Be Different

We have data charts but we weren't as different honestly.

Be Accurate

Our data is accurate as well as our research. We've sited different helpful sources.

Be Attractive

-Falls into visual, we did a good job making it presentable and organization.

Be Varied

Important info. is only needed into the infograph. Easy for viewers to view.

Be Gracious

-We only put the important facts, enough information where our viewers can understand what the lead contamination is is and few images to back up our info.

Be Creative

-creativity falls into visual and we've made it easier for viewers to read rather than paragraphs but important points. As long as attractiveness with the style of how things were set up.

Lead Contamination Infographic Alsardary, Chhin, Mawson
Lead Contamination Infographic Alsardary, Chhin, Mawson

Cuts in the budget 2.0

​These cuts are really bad for most students. It means that if your only shot at getting to go to a good college was through a sport, then you need to go to a private school. This is difficult if you do not have the money or if your grades are not good enough to get into the school. Not only will this increase the rate of students that do not further their education by going to college, it will also increase incarceration rates because students will have no way to get a job that would be enough to live on, and will turn to illegal things.

If the incarceration does go up it will also take more and more money away from schools because they will have to pay for the students that are now in jail. This cycle will continue unless they fix this law and prevent these budget cuts to the school districts.


Benchmarks and capstones due in less then two weeks. I might otherwise go commando during the graduation ceremony.. I always wondered why people did that but it does fit into my dumb criteria of "funny things to do that surely will get you in trouble."

Final Infographics- Yadi Angeles

Kingston, TN Coal Ash Spill

a. What went well? 
The research and getting everything together.
b. What did not? 
Talking about our research and deciding what to drop in terms of information.
c. What would you do differently next time? 
I would speak up about the decisions for our infographic, because I feel that we could have done a better job in the visualness. 
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

Be Visual

Be Smarter

Be Transparent

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

Some well represented were Transparent, Different, Accurate, and Varied. I feel like creatively we could have done much more and that we didn't add all the information that we could have so that things made more sense. 

tn coal ash spill

1. What went well? 
-the group's whole process went  well, we all split up the project , shared reserch, and helped each other with the different topics as well.

2. What did not? 
-i dont think that there were any bumbs in the work that we created we were on task

3. What would you do differently next time? 
i wouldnt use captions
4. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

Be Visual

Be Smarter

Be Transparent

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

I  think our infograph covered all of above tips Because it was very clear and informative. Not only did we have facts but we added pictures so that the viewers who saw t it could understand what everything looked like and it gave a great visual representation. My favorite partcis the part where we compared the amount of sludge to the different buildings. it helped people understnad just how much it was

Kingston, TN Coal Ash Spill
Kingston, TN Coal Ash Spill

The Pacific Gold Rush- Nashby, Ian and Mike


a. What went well? 

We worked well together. We did not have ANY problems with getting the information, researching and pulling it all together.

b. What did not? 


c. What would you do differently next time? 

Just get a different topic but approach it the same way.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

Be Visual

Be Smarter

Be Transparent

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

Which of these areas did you excel in? We were very creative in our way of presenting our project. We had just enough information that in which the audience can understand what happened. It is attractive. and extremely visual.

 Which were not so well represented? it was not exactly transparent and although it was visual, the story could have been told better.

 Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product? Setting up the story especially with the government side, because we wanted what was important, but also for it to flow well.
