One Independent Reading Review Project

My book review of Monster by Walter Dean Myers 

Roger Bracy                                                                                                            1/11/11

Book Review


            The book I read this semester was Monster by Walter Dean Myers. This book has won many awards such as:

·                Coretta Scott King Honor (Author)

·                ALA Best Book for Young Adults

·                ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers

·                Kentucky Bluegrass Award

·                ALA Best Book for Young Adults

·                ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers

·                New York Times Notable Book of the Year


The story of Monster follows the court trial of Steve Harmon and James King, Who are being charged with the murder of drugstore owner. The story is told as if it were a movie from Steve’s point of view. This Murder was not Steve’s fault, but because he was near the crime scene as a supposed look out Steve was found in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the movie rolls on the life of Steve goes with it, seeing that when the trial end for the day he goes back to the cell where he feels uncomfortable and doubts himself in a way that he mite loose this trial.

The main conflict was between Steve and him self as he dealt with the fact that he was being labeled a monster. Steve didn’t want to believe that he was monster, but the fact he watched out as a James took another persons life must have been hard to swallow. Even though the conflict still is still in his head, Steve sets morals for himself to become a better person after this trial. Unluckily, James is charged with murder and Steve is sent out to begin his new life.

  My favorite character throughout this story was Steve Harmon, he shows the strength and courage to believe that he is not something that people label him as, a monster. That shows that the moral of this was just that, if people label you as something, would you let people decide who are; or will you decide who you become? I could relate to Steve the best because he went through something that I

 Have dealt with when I was in grade school, I was stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time.

            I would recommend this book because Walter Dean Myers is a good auther and can relate his topic with many people.

Journal entry 4#

Quarter 3, January 3rd 2011

If I pulled off a great trick, I wouldn’t tell people who would tell the people that the trick was pulled on. But I wouldn’t keep it to myself either. I would probably tell 2 of my best friends and then I’d wait a little while until the reaction to the trick had blown over or if I was far away when I played the trick on someone, I would wait until I got home to tell people about the trick. I would do this to ensure the people I played a trick on didn’t find out, and to keep myself out of trouble. Also, I’d have to take into consideration what the trick was, and who it would effect before I considered telling people about it. I think that this all depends on who, what, when, and where. 

Quarter 3 Benchmark (The Odyssey Compare/Contrast Essay)

​This was about comparing the story of Everett and the story Odysseus 

Roger Bracy                                                                                                             3/6/11


Everett vs. Odysseus


The Odyssey and O’ Brother Where Art Thou featured two adventurers who went down similar paths and confronted several dangers during their journey to get back home. O’ Brother Where Art Thou spotlighted Everett, a criminal who wants to get back home to his wife and kids.  He had to take two men with him to escape the chain gang, a group of prisoners working along side the road. Likewise, in The Odyssey, Odysseus was a leader in the Trojan War, and was trying to get home to his wife back in Ithaca with his crew. Even though Everett and Odysseus had a long journey, full of anguish and battle, one crew returned intact because of one man’s leadership skills. This great leader was Everett.

Odysseus and Everett both spotted one-eyed creatures in both their quests. However, when they confronted the beasts, they had different outcomes. When Odysseus first met Polyphemus, the Cyclops was a huge obstacle that he had to conquer. Odysseus, a man of pride, wasn’t going to let his men be trapped in the Polyphemus’s cave, so he made a plan to get the barbarian drunk and opened up the cave so his men could be free. “Hoisting high that olive stake with its stabbing point. Straight into the monster’s eye they rammed it hard.” (Book 9: lines 427-428) Odysseus not only makes the beast pass out, he outdid himself by piercing the eye of the Cyclops, blinding him forever.

This reflects Everett’s journey where he encountered a man of one eye, Big Dan Teague. While eating at a fancy restaurant, Everett and Delmar are confronted by a holy man, by the name of Big Dan Teague. He then took the men outside to eat and teach them the rules of selling the bible, and as soon as they weren’t paying attention, Big Dan pulled a branch off of a tree and beat the men with it. Dan took their money and car and left them stranded, but Everett would encounter Big Dan again. He made his second appearance when he chased and stormed after Everett and his crew while they interrupted the Homer Stokes KKK clan. Once the men got away they cut the rope of the burning cross the end the life of Big Dan Teague. Although Everett and Odysseus both faced a Cyclops the after math was very different.

Everett and Odysseus’s journeys are comparable by their Knowledge of their last obstacles. As Odysseus met his last challenge the advice from Circe aided his quest forward and helped them reach the island of Thrinacia. Her advice was “First you will raise the island of the sirens.”(Book 12: line 44) “Once you crew has rowed past the sirens a choice of routes is yours.” (Book 12: lines 61-62), talking about the routes between Scylla and Charybdis, and don’t eat the cattle, “Leave the beast unharmed, … and you may still reach Ithaca.” (Book 12: lines 148-149) Odysseus’s knowledge of the situation helped guide his men past the sirens and the two routes. To conclude his task, Odysseus’s men ended up eating the cattle leaving him to return without his crew intact.

Identical to Odysseus, Everett while at the end of his journey remembered information that was crucial to his crew’s survival. While facing their death, Everett and his men were going to be hung and killed off for all the crimes they have committed. Everett stood strong, as he knew that the dam was going to brake and flood the county by the lake. The men were saved from their death by the knowledge of Everett and they soon returned home. The ending of both men’s voyage was very similar as they both got home safely, but only one of these men came home with his crew; Everett was a better leader then Odysseus because he was able to get his crew home safely.

Furthermore Everett and Odysseus encountered similar quests and faced identical obstacles along the way, but only one man showed great leadership and got his men home. Everett has proven, multiple times, that he could save his men in his passage to get home; he wouldn’t leave his men in any situation that he wouldn’t overcome with them. As for Odysseus, he was hesitant to save his crew throughout his Journey because he had one task in his head; to go home. Everett and Odysseus, who come from different centuries, both found their way back home, but one man’s journey proved to his fellow crew that he could conquer all tasks that he was faced with to get his men out of trouble.


Quarter 2 Benchmark (Memoir Vignette)

​This was about telling a story about our life through our eyes.

Roger Bracy                                                                                                            1/7/11


The Ride of My Life


            Forty-two stories of solid medal of stood in my way, and I wasn’t backing down from a challenge. (Interesting opener) That day at six flags changed my life; (Foreshadow) and the sign had stated “Kingda Ka”(dialogue) was my death ticket.

       I was wondering why my friend had chosen this route to the other side of the park seeing that it had no outlet filled me with curiosity. Then I looked up, there stood the tallest coaster in the World, they called it “Kingda Ka.” Standing there trying to scare us on to this monstrosity was my friend Frank. Even though Frank is a loyal friend he has a way to trick you into doing things, such as, making you say stupid things, practical jokes, or things like getting on a scary ride.(magic three) As my sister and my cousin shied away from the ride I felt a little sorry for him seeing that it was the only ride that he enjoyed the most, and I gave in.

            Walking through the maze of the line (metaphor) I questioned myself by saying, “Am I really going to risk my life over a friend.” Next I noticed that we were moving through this line really quickly was there absence of people. This had to be a mistake because this was the most popular ride in the park. We continued on to find that the ride had stopped temporally; this was my chance to leave. Having second thoughts about a ride made this experience even worse and frank wasn’t having it. Watching the ride load up, go up, and come down (magic 3) the ride got more and more intense.

            The line finally caught up to us at the bridge, an area where the coaster was very clear. The train slowly would pull out onto a long track, STOP; shift back an inch and “CLICK” (onomatopoeia). Speakers shouting phrases of “don’t do it!” and “there’s no turning back now!” (Dialogue) The riders are consumed by terror as if they where a little kid waiting for a monster to jump out of a closet. (Simile) Like a rubber band, the coaster was ready to be released (simile) and the riders flung out at speeds of 85mph to climb the 42 stories which is known to be Kingda Ka.

As we approached the front of the line I was overwhelmed by fear buy some of the sights I was witnessing. There were foreigners, who had thick accents, they where very excited and had traveled all the way across the world to ride this giant piece of metal. Then religion started to show as I found people praying before the ride the left, right, up, and down hand motion of the cross gave some the strength to go on. Noticing that the line was beginning to congest, it was because of the exiting area, many people where exiting I guess felt a little like me.

Frank and I were next in line so kind wanted to get rid of my fear so I decided to ask people in the line some questions. I found a kid who was about my age and was very excited to go on, “what the hardest part of this ride?” I asked, (Dialogue) He answered going up this gave me the idea that if I can make it through to the top the rest would be pretty easy. Next Frank and started to count how long it takes to reach the top, it took about 14 seconds.

We were next; we hopped into our seats and waited for instructions. The worker told us to strap the harness as far as it could go down on our bodies. At this moment in time I was regretting that I had ever made fun of a fat person because they were the only people who could be held down properly on this ride as I was skinny and could shift all around the car. As we left the loading station the car slowly move us forward we stop the speakers were all around us shouting “No, No don’t do it!” and then all of the ride shot out like a cannon and we coasted our way up to the top. The ride became slower as everyone could now see that we hung over the parking lot and the view of black and white confronted us as we dropped down. It felt like an elephant was dancing on my stomach as we when down as it caved in. when it was over I was full of relief ans gave Frank a high five.

The ride ended, and I felt on top of the world and I thanked Frank for taking me on Kingda Ka. I figured that the only thing that held me back was the fact that I saw a challenge and I shy away and let my fear guide my mind. I never backed down and found that I would get through this nightmare. 

Quarter 2 Benchmark (Memoir Vignette)

This was about telling a story about our life through our eyes.

Roger Bracy                                                                                                            1/7/11


The Ride of My Life


            Forty-two stories of solid medal of stood in my way, and I wasn’t backing down from a challenge. (Interesting opener) That day at six flags changed my life; (Foreshadow) and the sign had stated “Kingda Ka”(dialogue) was my death ticket.

       I was wondering why my friend had chosen this route to the other side of the park seeing that it had no outlet filled me with curiosity. Then I looked up, there stood the tallest coaster in the World, they called it “Kingda Ka.” Standing there trying to scare us on to this monstrosity was my friend Frank. Even though Frank is a loyal friend he has a way to trick you into doing things, such as, making you say stupid things, practical jokes, or things like getting on a scary ride.(magic three) As my sister and my cousin shied away from the ride I felt a little sorry for him seeing that it was the only ride that he enjoyed the most, and I gave in.

            Walking through the maze of the line (metaphor) I questioned myself by saying, “Am I really going to risk my life over a friend.” Next I noticed that we were moving through this line really quickly was there absence of people. This had to be a mistake because this was the most popular ride in the park. We continued on to find that the ride had stopped temporally; this was my chance to leave. Having second thoughts about a ride made this experience even worse and frank wasn’t having it. Watching the ride load up, go up, and come down (magic 3) the ride got more and more intense.

            The line finally caught up to us at the bridge, an area where the coaster was very clear. The train slowly would pull out onto a long track, STOP; shift back an inch and “CLICK” (onomatopoeia). Speakers shouting phrases of “don’t do it!” and “there’s no turning back now!” (Dialogue) The riders are consumed by terror as if they where a little kid waiting for a monster to jump out of a closet. (Simile) Like a rubber band, the coaster was ready to be released (simile) and the riders flung out at speeds of 85mph to climb the 42 stories which is known to be Kingda Ka.

As we approached the front of the line I was overwhelmed by fear buy some of the sights I was witnessing. There were foreigners, who had thick accents, they where very excited and had traveled all the way across the world to ride this giant piece of metal. Then religion started to show as I found people praying before the ride the left, right, up, and down hand motion of the cross gave some the strength to go on. Noticing that the line was beginning to congest, it was because of the exiting area, many people where exiting I guess felt a little like me.

Frank and I were next in line so kind wanted to get rid of my fear so I decided to ask people in the line some questions. I found a kid who was about my age and was very excited to go on, “what the hardest part of this ride?” I asked, (Dialogue) He answered going up this gave me the idea that if I can make it through to the top the rest would be pretty easy. Next Frank and started to count how long it takes to reach the top, it took about 14 seconds.

We were next; we hopped into our seats and waited for instructions. The worker told us to strap the harness as far as it could go down on our bodies. At this moment in time I was regretting that I had ever made fun of a fat person because they were the only people who could be held down properly on this ride as I was skinny and could shift all around the car. As we left the loading station the car slowly move us forward we stop the speakers were all around us shouting “No, No don’t do it!” and then all of the ride shot out like a cannon and we coasted our way up to the top. The ride became slower as everyone could now see that we hung over the parking lot and the view of black and white confronted us as we dropped down. It felt like an elephant was dancing on my stomach as we when down as it caved in. when it was over I was full of relief ans gave Frank a high five.

The ride ended, and I felt on top of the world and I thanked Frank for taking me on Kingda Ka. I figured that the only thing that held me back was the fact that I saw a challenge and I shy away and let my fear guide my mind. I never backed down and found that I would get through this nightmare. 

Journal entry 3#

I didn’t really feel anything when the “N word” was said to us from the book we are reading in class. We are getting older and becoming more mature and there are words we’ll have to encounter as we grow older. It’s an important thing to encounter because the world isn’t always going to be rainbows and butterflies. No one has a perfect life, and people who try to avoid these words are avoiding the real world. In the real world there are sometimes people who don’t think about their actions, or they’re bad and disrespectful people. You will come across all sorts of people in your life time, And I know that isn’t something we have any control over. People are going to use fowl language and it is more important to know how to react, than to be angry or disappointed with them because that isn’t always the best approach. The word is awful, but inevitable. And in my mind words are only what you make them out to be. I also think that it’s inappropriate because nobody should be insulted in that way but unfortunately people will use that language.

Q4 BM- Creative Piece

Overview: This assignment was done in the beginning of the school year, possibly the first couple weeks of school. For this assignment, it was about us as well as and incorporating who we are throughout our writing. The purpose was to be able to distinguish who we are, and what makes us unique from others as well as seeing what we had in common with others as they presented their interests and hobbies.

Click picture to view:
Me Magazine , Bm

Q4 BM- Independent Reading Project

Overview: This independent reading review project consisted of us reading a book that interested us and righting a review on it. In the review, personal opinions were accounted for as well as if we would recommend this book to another person. The main purpose was to talk about the book, but mixing up some spices without adding in the entire flavor before the meet starts to cook.
In other words keeping the reader entertained was the main purpose as well as making the book sound interesting without giving away all the details. This is now my edited version of the assignment, since slight adjustments had to be made.


Book Review

Jason and Kyra is a book that has been written by Dana Davidson. The book was published in December 2005 and has reached a sales rank of about 31,000 books. Jason and Kyra won a couple awards, which are the Virginia’s choice award, National book award, and the Michael L. Prints award.

In Jason and Kyra the main characters are Jason and Kyra, hence the name of the book. In the story they seem to live in totally separate worlds, although they are both seniors at Cross High School. Jason being the totally popular jock that everyone wants and Kyra being the quiet girl that just doesn’t seem to stand out to many.

Their worlds seem to collide when they are both assigned to be partners for a project, of course Kyra didn’t seem too excited since she didn’t expect that Jason was smart. On the other side Jason looked forward to working with Kyra. As time goes by Kyra realizes that Jason is truly smart and has such potential when it comes to being in the classroom. They both start to gain a small connection for each other and Jason tells Kyra things that he isn’t even comfortable telling to his best friend.

Sooner than later, Kyra and Jason began to bond and end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Only there is one problem, since Jason was known to be and jock and the popular one and Kyra was the silent girl that was mainly into the books, Jason’s ex girlfriend would do anything in her power to see them apart. Like Jason’s ex many people didn’t want them together asking them why they were together and on top of that Jason’s ex was trying to get him back, which many could say was hard. But Jason and Kyra found in each other beauty, confidence, and with that they learned to love one another and get past societies thoughts.

Throughout this story Jason was my favorite character. He was able to live above what others thought about his relationship and smarts, and decided that being himself was the best thing to do in his situation. Also, another reason that Jason was my favorite character was because he was able to thrive in his path to success and what was on him mind usually became the prize.

With that in mind, I believe that readers will be able to take away a lot from this book. Many can learn that confidence can lead a good path and that sometimes other people’s negative opinions don’t matter. Also, some people will take out of this book that in life you have to learn to be willing to surpass those little things in life that wont better your well being. Lastly, this book teaches you to chase after your dreams because your dreams surely wont chase after you.

Personally, from this book I am able to relate to Jason and Kyra because they were both confident when it came to getting what they wanted and they seemed to be the outcast of the school, which isn’t always bad. Of course they were known as outcasts because not many people wanted them to be together, but the fact that they fought through it is what made their love stronger for each other. Like Jason I wasn’t always able to speak to the people that I thought were close to me, so that is probably what made me enjoy the book even more.

The book to me was well written and I surely enjoyed the way that the author portrayed the character’s feelings throughout the story, which made me attracted to the book as a reader. Although, I feel as though the book could have talked more about Jason’s ex girlfriend and her feelings toward Kyra. Also, the author could have possibly written more about Jason’s ex girlfriend and let her speak throughout the book; therefore I found that portion too be a weakness of the piece. Even though, this book had its weakness’ like any other book, I would definitely recommend this to other people because it teaches others the benefits of confidence, unconditional love, and inner & outer beauty.

Q4 BM- Journal Entries

Overview- Everyday during English class there was a prompt or it said “free write” on the board. In these 15-20 minutes of class everyone was able to have a moment where they could write about anything they wanted whether it was something amazing or tragic. These 6 entries that will be showcased are the work that have been written on my part whether well done or poorly written. These entries just show my growth in general.

Journal 1- There has been moments throughout my life where there are things that were difficult to get. The struggle was to find in which manner would be best to go about pursuing what it was that was difficult to get

 This often happens to me and from personal experience, although it is difficult it is best to pursue it directly rather than indirectly. For ex. when my friends invite me to places and there is no doubt throughout my mind that the idea is amazing but the problem is asking. When I really want something though, there is no doubt in my mind that I will strive for that certain something until I get it.

Journal 2- To fit in isn’t much important from my personal perspective. Fitting in is bland, boring and the same old stuff. When being yourself there is room for you be who you are; unique, creative and most importantly you. Putting yourself in a position where you act like something you’re not, is mainly glib.

Journal 3-A time where I have felt where I could drop my racial, cultural, or gender identity is when people feel the need to judge me. They feel as though just because I look a certain way I’m expected to be “ghetto” or not be as educated as I have been so far. With that in mind, another time I wish that I could drop my culture is when I’m beyond hungry and my best friend asks me for some of when I’m eating.

 It picks a nerve because I want to say when people ask me for food but sometimes the words don’t come out and even if I say no I still give in and give her some. Its all because I can imagine my mother saying “Katherine no se le niega la comida a nadie”. In other words my mother is saying its not good to deny others food. I mean I’m not a greedy person, but when it comes to sharing and im starving that’s when it becomes a problem.

 When people look at me they automatically think I am of African American descent, but they thought wrong because I am not black I am Dominican and Puerto Rican. When people ask me what race I am proudly I can say “I’m Dominican and Puerto Rican”.

Journal 4- There hasn’t even been a moment in my life where there has been an impossible task. Although time get rough, in my mind there isn’t a situation that as a human that is impossible to surpass. Considering that the easy way out isn’t always the best thing to, so when doing things that are difficult it really helps to learn more. With this characteristics that end up defining myself are hardworking and determined.

Journal 5- Your environment shapes who you are and who you become because you usually are influenced by your experiences. This behavior can be influence people in a negative or positive manner. When seeing terrible things you can either flow with it or live above the influence. When seeing things on a daily basis, you can assume that it isn’t terrible if you haven’t had background information on the concept.

Journal 6- When encountering the word “nigger” there was a pause throughout the reading. It seemed to be insolent behavior on Rufus’ part (he’s from the book). In this time he is a child and his father was using this word as well as many other people in his surroundings. Therefore, from his perspective the word “nigger” was okay to say.

Rufus didn’t seem to understand the power behind the word “nigger” . He didn’t understand how much hatred, agony and hurt lies beneath it. Therefore, I wondered if Rufus ever encountered his father whipping the slaves and hear their brutal screams the way that Dana had to.


Journal entry 2#



December 9th, 2010



I can’t remember anyone exceeding my expectations. This kind of upsets me, because I think most of my childhood I spent dreaming about fairies, being a princess, and stuffed animals being real. I was a dreamer, and I guess nothing can live up to those expectations. Wait. I just remembered one… When I used to go down to my grandpa/great aunt’s house I had these neighbors. I don’t remember them that well, but I remember they had a son. Their son and I would always play in the neighborhood. He taught me how to boogie board and we would play detective looking for interesting things with his “detective dog” in our backyards.

I remember one morning I woke up really early and went to knock on his door, I didn’t think that he’d be awake but his mom opened the door for me and smiled. “Wait right here” she said letting me in to sit down at their breakfast table, she ran up the stairs and woke him up. She had been making pancakes and invited me to stay for breakfast. I guess because I don’t remember spending much time with both of my parents and brother, it felt very homey and nice. They asked me about myself, and only having known me for 2 weeks or so; they invited me into their home life. It felt so nice. That boy and I spent what was left of my time there at the beach on boogie boards, or playing with his and my grandfather’s dog Winston. It’s such a fond memory because every time I think about it I remember the beach, laughter, people caring about me, and happiness.

 As for me I don’t really feel like I’m exceeding anyone’s expectations often. I go out of my way to make certain people happy sometimes, and they act grateful and happy but I just do it to see them smile. Also, I don’t know what anyone’s expectations are for me, and I think it’s more important to live up to my own. Sometimes I exceed my own, but my parents’ praise seems so paper-thin. I just think I don’t live up to what they expect, my mom’s very loving and stuff, and my dad always wants us to do well in school. I feel as if I haven’t really exceeded their expectations, and I used to mind it a lot but now I think it’s more important to live up to my own goals. On the other hand, My little brother makes me feel like I exceed his expectations all the time. I like the feeling of having him look up to me, and he always seems more genuinely impressed when I do something I’m proud of than my parents do. I guess I love him more than I realize…. my cousins are that way too. Not that I don’t love my parents. They just don’t ever seem as genuinely impressed as I’d hope for, but they still praise me.

Journal entry 1#

My environment has shaped me. I didn’t want my environment to ever affect me but it has as I’ve grown older. I can’t change that because I didn’t plan it but it’s just the truth. Many of my friends do bad things and I thought they’d never change. I know everyone and everything from 15 year olds on acid and speed, kids who’ve done cocaine, kids who have piercings all over their bodies, kids who have sex like it’s a hobby, kids who cut, throw up, kleptos, drinkers, smokers. Everything. And I never thought I’d ever even associate with it. I thought I was better than those people, that I’d never even be their friend. I hate society for not finding a better way to teach us about reality because it’s a lot scarier than anybody ever warned me. When it hit me that drugs and violence, and people throwing their lives away were everywhere around me I just felt overwhelmed. Because of this I just sort of get frustrated with the way people deal with things. Everyone’s gotten MORE immature due to these things if you ask me. I just get upset with how people deal with things, and that makes me a hypocrite because I don’t always deal with things in the best possible way either. When people are hurt, or upset they do horrible things to themselves to self medicate, and make themselves feel better. It’s something that everyone is going to see at some point in their life, and some people will get trapped by it. I think that even so? What really matters is that I try. What hurts me the most about seeing my friends fall into these dirty, dark, habits is that they begin to forget everything that ever mattered to them. And even scarier they begin to forget themselves. That’s what separates me from them, is that no matter what happens in my life and no matter how hard or painful it is? I won’t let it affect me negatively. I’ll only keep getting stronger, better at dealing with these situations.  I would never purposefully hurt myself in any of the ways that my friends do. I just couldn’t let something consume my life before I’ve had my full chance at becoming everything I can.


Book Review on The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Isabela Aznar

Book review

Red stream English

Mrs. Dunn

                                                            Mitch Albom

                 The Five People You Meet in Heaven


The book The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a very interesting book about life and death and the possibilities of afterlife. The Five People You Meet in Heaven opens your eyes up to a whole new level of things that could possibly happen when you die. This book was on the New York Times best seller list for 95 weeks straight in 2003 when it was released. The novel was also turned into a movie in 2004, staring John Voight.

The book starts out with the main character Eddie (an old man) who has worked at Ruby Pier the amusement park for almost his whole life. He dies trying to stop one of the rides at the park from falling and killing the passengers inside, but once the passengers are safe, the carts of the ride fall and Eddie gets killed.

When he arrives at heaven, he notices that the sky changes rich, beautiful, colors and he feels his youth come back even though he is still inside his old worn looking body. He meets one person at a time in his or her own heaven and they explain to him certain events in his life, how it affected them, and why his life had purpose. When he is done in the first heaven, the sky begins to change beautiful colors again, and he arrives in his second person’s heaven. He feels his body growing older every time he reaches a new heaven as the people explain their relevance to his life. When he is done meeting all five of the people, he gets to choose his heaven, and then the book ends.

            The main character in the story is Eddie, but some of the other characters that played big roles in his life where is wife Marguerite, his father,  a little girl named Tala, Ruby, the Blue Man, and the Captain. Marguerite is Eddie’s first and only love in the story. He comes home one day and tells his brother that he met the girl he is going to marry. And one day, he does. His father played a big role in his life because his father was hard on him, and pushed him to follow in his exact footsteps, working at Ruby Pier. This is something that Eddie regrets and resents his whole life, as it is the life he wishes he had escaped. The little girl named Tala, Ruby, the Blue Man, the Captain, and his wife Marguerite are the five people that Eddie meets in heaven, all of which somehow played an important role in his life, weather he knew it, or met them, or not.

            This story has many conflicts, because it focuses on Eddie’s life as a whole, and throughout his life there are many things that weren’t right like his relationship with his abusive father, and the way that when he came home from the war he was a broken man.

My favorite character in this book was the Blue Man, because I leaned about the way silver nitrate was used as medicine long, long ago and how this man drank so much silver nitrate to help ease his tension and his jumpy behavior that he turned blue. After he turned blue, he had to change his name to “The Blue Man” and his father never spoke to him again because he saw him as an embarrassment, so he went and joined Ruby Pier’s freak show. He is my favorite character because I think his story was the most interesting one, and he seemed very relaxed, and okay with himself the way he was.

            The most important thing to take away from this book is the fact that life isn’t something that we can label or define, we can’t fully understand everything that’s happened in our lives until they are over, and we really don’t know what comes next, if anything. An important theme in this book is that we don’t know what happens when we die, and the form of life after death in this book makes you really think about the fact that when you die, anything is possible. Regardless of what you believe in.

I could relate to Marguerite (Eddie’s wife) in the story because she was the type of woman who was always happy with what she had. She loved children, and when problems like being infertile came up, she thought of alternate options without feeling upset or depressed for very long. I am similar in the sense that I try and make the best out of every situation as well.

            Eddie always felt like he could never live up to his father’s expectations. Nothing he ever did was enough for his dad. When I was younger, I remember wanting so much to live up to the rest of the world’s expectations. I think back to it now, and I’m glad that the only expectations that I live up to now are the ones I want to live up to, and my own. I don’t think it’s good to live doing what someone else wants you to do your whole life. Living up to a stereotype or doing things that influence your life to please someone else isn’t smart, and it won’t make you happy although completely understand what that feels like.

My opinion on this book is that it is really keeps you interested. I liked it a lot because it was a different style of writing than the kind I am used to, and because it had a lot of valuable lessons worded perfectly. One of the strongest things about this book is that it was very well composed, and Mitch Albom is great at setting scenery in your mind. Another thing that I think Mitch Albom did very well is that he created connections to everything in the story, and in the heaven he created he decided that everything important in your life would get explained. This book was very well written, and I honestly don’t think that there were any weaknesses. If I could change anything in the book I’d change the ending to find out what Eddie’s heaven looks like, but at the same time I think that might be hard to do since it was a great book.

I would very much recommend this book to people because it really gets you wondering about how things work. We don’t know how many things are going to happen and when they’re going to happen, so it’s nice to have that subtle reminded to keep our minds open to the many possibilities.

Creative piece

Me Magazine!!
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Top Journal Entrees

I chose 6 journal entrees, that was from the middle and beginning of the school year. They are mainly form the book Freedom writers, that was my favorite book this year. These journal entrees are true and very expressive, I think you all would enjoy these.

Journal 1

I write because writing is am addiction. I’m addicted to the way the pen makes music too the paper. The way it balances between two lines. The way my soul and thoughts just fall out of the pen. It tells all of your inner thoughts, the intertwine between the paper, pen, and your soul is a match made in heaven. I fein for the way the pen races across the line paper, it never gets tired. I don’t write because a teacher told me or because it is an assignment. I do writing freely, just the way my small chocolate hand grabs a pen and my soul just opens up though the pen. It’s almost like I’m conversing with someone. I don’t need a clinic or hospital, but with out writing I would be sick. I love my addiction.


Journal 2

They say I’m cocky, I will never be anything. Coming from the deep dirty streets of south Philly, I’m just another black girl. Trouble only come from girls like me, well at least that’s what they think. Their looks cut me; I can hear their thoughts screaming so loud. She going be pregnant by the age of 16, she going be addicted to boys. Only if you really knew me, no question is do you really know me? I’m the girl who had to grow up to help her mother. I’m the girl who smiles to make others happy. I work my fingers to the bone to have a great education and to try to satisfy my insatiable appetite to learn. I’m the girl who’s scared to step her foot out side her door, or to even watch a movie with shooting in it. I’m that girl you people think so bad of that helps her sick dad. The girl who doesn’t believe she is conceited but confidant enough to walk with her head held high, never looking down. That same girl who loves her family. Yes, I’m a black girl and from south Philadelphia, but also this girl if not a whore, and I’ll not be pregnant by 16. I’m glad you don’t know me, because frankly I do not want to know you.


Journal 3

I feel sorry for you. They spit in you face and treat you like dirt. They look at you like you’re a piece of dross. They look at you like you’re a piece of gum on the bottom of shoe. They spit on you when you’re down; you slice your arm and the red pain leak from your skin. You will have sex for attention. You are insecure and feel your self-esteem is at a low. Now you wear tight clothes, and show off the little you have on your body. Suicide won’t be the answer. Show people you are a human just like them. I never thought we would hate people for what they like. Race, creed, nationality yeah maybe, but not for what they like. You hide who you are for friend’s bullies, and families. You cry at night, because you don’t want to like what your heat like. Be proud of your self; be proud to be gay and who you are.


Journal 4

The S sounds funny when people say it; it rolls off there tongue in a stumble. They spell it so wrong; my family says it means something special. People joke about it all the time, but I still yet to see what’s so funny.  My name seems so sudden and scary, like the color grey. Grey is not to dark and not to bright, but dull and unfriendly.

            My name is a mixture of my aunt and grand mom name. My aunt name is Trina, my mother youngest sibling. My grand mom name is Sarah my mom’s mother. She feels I remind her of them in some way, but I don’t think so. My grandmother is so loud and rambunctious. Her attitude frightens people, and she has a problem with listening to stuff people has to say. My aunt on the other hand has attitude that people walks away from. She thinks she is still a young girl, and her character seems like it should be forbidden off this earth. She feels that she is better than every one; she doesn’t help with our family most of the time. She takes responsibility for stuff that’s her, but not others. She fun to be around and has the ability to relate teens.

My grand mom appearance seems so young and sassy; her hair color is a shimmery gold. Moles on her face, and perfect square bright teeth. I love knowing my grandmother she is spontaneous and full character. My aunt dressy fun and sexy, her butt attracts much attention.

            I have a mixture of two names that has two personalities. That’s probably why I act the way I do, I don’t know weather to be shy or jus have outburst. Does my name say anything about me? Does it even mean anything special? These the questions I think of, like why did my mother think of this name? But I know the answer to that question it’s because I’m special to her, just like my grandmother and aunt.

            When I get home my real name is never said, its always Re or Re Re. At Home it’s like my name doesn’t exist, unless it’s a serious occasion. They throw Re around but its only two letters from my name, the two letters smack dab in the middle. I don’t love my name but I like my name sort of. Does it define me? Watch when I try to say it, Sarena the S rolled off my tongue in a stumble to.


Journal 5

I’m scared; I’m afraid, and petrified. They do it but not me; I got a mind of my own. When it comes to this one specific topic, my skin, and tummy, does a cartwheel. I’m on my own as I walk with a straight posture; they stare and can smell the virgin on me. Girls got gaps between their legs you can tell they been poked before. We are so young in high school, and me having the attitude I have. I know for a fact that Sex, won’t be for along time. I hope my scent lingers. But sometimes I wonder does my mature ways and strong personality cause me to be different. I hope the smell of my virginity makes them insecure and jealous.


Journal 6

I would gravel on the ground and eat dirt. I was in my own unknown world, fresh meat. I seen this one group, they were it. They seemed special, amazing, I would love to be part of that group. I realized being fresh meat, means you are not ready to be tenderized yet.


Q4 BM- Myth Project

Overview- The purpose of the myth project was to research about a mythical God who we found to be very interesting. There was one catch though, in order to choose this God it was best to know the least information about this mythical character. It was best to learn information that was fresh to the mind, in order to ensure that new information was gained and doing the project wasn’t boring.

(For some reason the file wouldn't upload, so here is a link:

Quarter 3 BM


I think that Odysseus and Max are very similar in the sense that they both take control in every situation. But at the same time, Max would rather die than let anyone in her flock be killed. Odysseus on the other hand is all about getting himself home safely and finishing his journey by himself.  Odysseus just wants to get through his challenges so that HE can get home to his wife and son. He doesn’t really care too much about the well being of his other shipmates who are just there for him, and trust him completely.


Max and Odysseus are fierce, strong, and confident leaders. They both are attacked with challenges and face them without fear. Both leaders are very strategic and unafraid of the frightful experiences they must face. Odysseus had to face the horridly beautiful Sirens which makes a point about how things never are what they seem. The Sirens are beautiful but awful creatures that if given the chance would kill any man they see. Odysseus barely escaped them. Max likewise has to get past the unknown sea creatures that have been formed by toxic waste in the depths of the oceans. The creatures lure them in with their mysterious shapes and sizes and leave them in awe, and almost destroy them. On the contrary though, Odysseus is lured in by the sirens’ beautiful voices, and Max and her flock are lured in by the mysterious sight of the unknown creatures in the sea.


              Max and Odysseus are both strong, confident leaders, but every leader has his/her flaws.  Max is impatient, and Odysseus is selfish. There are people constantly attacking and throwing challenges at both crews and they handle everything in similar ways. The only thing that isn’t similar about the crews is that max is selfless and does everything to protect the people she is with/that are backing her up. Whereas Odysseus just about lets all his men die and be killed by monsters he knew he couldn’t stand a chance against like Scylla. Odysseus is all about getting himself home safely and finishing his journey by himself while creating as much glory for himself along the way. Nevertheless Max is all about protecting her flock and trying NOT to draw attention to herself. There are people constantly attacking and throwing challenges at both crews and they handle everything in different ways, both portraying them in my mind as strong and confident leaders.

Another thing that is different about Max and Odysseus is that Max is a girl, and regardless of how tough she comes off as she still does have her breakdown moments where everything overwhelms her. Due to the fact that Odysseus is a good 30 years older than Max at the least, and the fact that he is a man I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to battling and staying strong and confident, it’s easier for him. Max has to leave her mother and her sister at home and take the flock of genetically mutated kids whom she cares very much for with her, and she worries about everyone of them every day. Odysseus hardly ever thinks about his men as people and sees them more as sidekicks who aren’t quite as important as anything else.


More than anything, I think Max and Odysseus have about as much in common as they don’t. By that I mean that they are very similar when it comes to their rough lifestyles, constantly traveling and not sure whom they can trust, and the tough challenges they have to live through. But at the same time, they are different because Odysseus is only thinking about himself and Max has a deeper bond where she is honest with the people that accompany her on her insane adventures and journjourneys.



Quarter 2 BM

Mischief Night

Isabela Aznar

Red stream

January 16th, 2010

You know how people say great things happen when you least expect them? (Opener) Well that’s the way it all began between Nick and I. It all started on a Friday, (October 30th, the day before Halloween to be exact) a day that I didn’t expect to be out of the ordinary. I had dressed up like a vampire to school for the costume competition, full with plastic fangs, chalky white makeup, and a cape.(Magic Three) Of course, I ended up being one of the only people who dressed up, but on the bright side, that never fails to make people laugh, right? My field hockey team had a very important game against a very good, prestigious team that day after school. We on the other hand just referred to them as “that snobby annoying school with a bigger field than us”. Some of the younger girls on my team decided that since it was the night before Halloween, we should try and “scare” the other team. I happily supplied white and black face paint,  (glad that some use came of it) painting every girl on my teams face white with black circles around their eyes. We were all laughing and making fun of each others bad makeup, and I guess our game plan to distract them worked, because even though we overheard them calling us freaks in the girls bathroom the victory was ours.

            My best friend is named Emmi. Emmi has long blonde curls, and fierce, deep blue eyes(Magic three). We do everything together and she had stayed to watch my game. I went downstairs and she waited with me while I washed off the messy face paint and changed out of my clothes, looking like I’d been tossed around in a tornado(Metaphor).We were going to a haunted house that night with my step brother, and his friend who I’d never met.

Emmi and I walked out of school, and over to love park where everyone hangs out after school when it’s warm. The cold hadn’t hit yet, and fall was at its warmest point. We went and met up with some of the kids we usually hung out with, skaters. Swoooosh, swiiiish, swoooooosh, their boards slid by us as they jumped around us doing skateboard tricks, and we laughed eating junk food from the Seven Eleven (repetition for effect).We didn’t feel like going to the haunted house anymore because we were having fun with our friends, and left in dismay when my dad called.

We hopped on the train and talked about school and field hockey, and how the other team looked when they lost. We trudged into my house expecting a quiet, dull and boring night and I had pretty much forgotten that Grace, Johnny (my step brother) and his friend were coming to the haunted house with us(Magic three).

Emmi and I were never pessimists, so I turned on music, and made both of us soup. We sat at my table laughing and  eating when suddenly the front door opened, and a boy walked into my house. I didn’t know him, but saw shortly after that Johnny was right behind him. The boy looked around my house and made small talk with Johnny while they walked up the stairs. I barely ever liked anyone at first sight, but when I saw him I immediately thought he was attractive. I turned to Emmi and cupped my hands around her ears  “he’s cute!” I whispered into her ear, she whispered back “I know!” they walked towards the table where we sat and I searched my mind for something to say. I ended up asking them the first thing that came to my head. “Want some crackers?” they laughed and looked at each other “no I’m okay” said the boy smiling. My step mom walked in through the door then and  the introductions were made, I analyzed the boy standing in front of me, he was tan with dark brown hair that flipped over his eyes. I signaled at Emmi and stood up from the table, “we’ll be right back” I said grabbing Emmi’s arm and pulling her into my room. We sat on my floor, my music was on as always and we brushed our hair and wiped the left over Halloween makeup from our faces. Just then there was a knock at the door. “Grace is here!” I said standing abruptly, Emmi right behind me. We opened the door and introduced her to Nick and Johnny. “Hi!” Grace’s freckle dabbled cheeks turned into a grin, and she hugged Emmi and I.

            On the car ride over, I made small talk with Nick and Johnny, and Grace and Emmi stayed moderately quiet. I found out that Nick played ice hockey, one of my favorite sports. He lived in New Jersey, and according to him he “never got scared”. We teased him, hoping that the pennententary would scare him the way it always scared us. We got out of the car and signed our wavers, walking through the long line of people and listening to the screams coming from the inside of the haunted jail. People dressed as monsters crawled on the floor and ran around, screaming and cackling with gouged eyes, rotten teeth and bloody wounds, but I was more interested in the boy named Nick (Magic three). Him and I decided to exchange numbers, solely for the slight chances that one of us got lost, of course. As we walked in, there were foggy lights and sirens going off. The jail looked like something straight out of a horror movie and every five minutes an actor that looked like he’d fallen into a bucket of toxic waste, would jump out from behind us or beg us to let it out of it’s jail cell (metaphor). Nick started squinting and saying he couldn’t see because of the strobe light, he kept walking into things so I grabbed his arm and he walked with me. Johnny, Emmi, and Grace were all in front of us and every now and again we could hear Johnny shrieking like a child at the doctor’s office(Metaphor). Every little while I’d check in to make sure Nick was ok, and he just kept blinking as if he were blind. Emmi, grace and Johnny went ahead and Nick and I were walking slowly. Everytime I got scared I’d jump and  he’d occasionally ask if I was ok. Eventually we reached one of those bridges where the walls spin around you in circles with creepy patterns on them. More actors were standing underneath the bridge scraping the metal walkway with their fingernails. I got really dizzy and couldn’t keep walking so Nick grabbed my hand and put his arm on my back, helping me out of the tunnel. When we got out of the tunnel, we didn’t let go of each other’s hands. I stood still for a second, (I’m known to get dizzy very easily) “are you good?” he asked me, I nodded my head and smiled. I was still holding his hand we braced the rest of the haunted house. My heart felt full and  I felt comfortable with him. I remember thinking to myself  “I don’t even know this guy…why do I feel so comfortable with him? Why am I holding his hand?” but I never said anything. Eventually we got out, and if it were up to me I would have made the haunted house a LOT longer. We saw Emmi Grace and John, and awkwardly let go of each others hands mutually feeling as though Johnny would not be happy if he saw. When Anne (my stepmom) and my dad arrived, we took some pictures in front of the prison, and piled into the car.

            Back at my house, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as if an anchor were weighing it down, knowing that I would probably never see the boy named Nick again (Metaphor). We played with a football in my house, ate some chips, and then asked if we could walk around the neighborhood with the boys. By then it was like 11:30 but my dad said sure. We walked them to Market Street, and everyone was quiet except for Nick and I. We were making jokes and having silly arguments. We all eventually sat and talked trying to figure out who was taller, about school, how Johnny didn’t like the kids where he was from, Emmi and I teased them about being from Jersey, and Grace joined in every once in a while. Eventually we had to go back home and I felt my heart sink even more. We hugged them goodbye and I watched them close the door with brief smiles. Grace got picked up shortly after, and Emmi was sleeping over so that the next day (Halloween) we could go trick or treating together. We layed on my couch and watched Chuckie, when all of the sudden I got a text that said “Hey it’s Nick :P” my heart skipped a beat, and I showed my phone to Emmi. I remember staying up until 2AM texting him. Eventually we became closer and closer, and he asked me out. He was literally the boy version of me, and it still amazes me how when your not looking, you find some of the most important things in your life. Nick has now been my boyfriend for a year and five months, and he’s like my best friend. This story isn’t supposed to be one of those lovey stories, but it’s supposed to show that things happen when you least expect and that’s the greatest suprize. That night will now forever be special to me, even if Nick and me don’t stay together, he’ll still be special to me. 

Quarter 3 Benchmark

Introduction: this is my compare and contras benchmark for my third quarter. This was about comparing big Dan from the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? And the

Cyclops is from the book odyssey. All this is about is how both of them are alike.


Thesis: Even though Big Dan and Cyclops have some of the same characteristics, they are portrayed differently in the stories.


Body Paragraphs:

#1. Point of Comparison—Big Dan and Cyclops the same

                                   Specific examples: Both have 1 eye

                                                                       Both big and strong

                                                                      They greedy



#2. Point of Contrast—Big Dan and Cyclops different (tricking)


Specific examples: Big Dan tricking Everett and taking all his money

Cyclops he got tricked by Odysseus when he gave him wine that made him drunk then he fell asleep. Odysseus stabs him in they eye and blind him.




#3. Point of Contrast—Big Dan and Cyclops different (Big Dan is smarter than Cyclops)

Specific examples: Big Dan did not lose his eye, didn’t get        tricked. Cyclops falls for Odysseus’ trick.

                                       Big Dan was more prepared. He expected Everett to come. Cyclops didn’t know that Odysseus was going to come.



Conclusion: Restate your thesis. Your conclusion is that while both men have physical similarities, they are portrayed differently in how they handle situations.  Big Dan seems to be smarter than the Cyclops because he is prepared for Everett and doesn’t fall for his tricks.



Portfolio- Reflection/Intro

Introduction/ Reflection

I have enjoyed myself in English class for my freshman year. I have learned a lot and have grown a lot. In portfolio, you can see that I have grown a lot, the more recent my work get. My project tells that I am not a person that gets my emotions out all the time and like to get it out on paper. Also, from my projects you can tell I try my best in everything I attempt.

Even though I have grown being in this class for the last past couple of  months, I still have things I need to work on. One big weakness that I have and need to work on is to stop procrastinating. My work is not as good if I do it the night before and most likely, I won’t complete my work on time. I do think a strength is connecting my emotions to my piece of writing or to a book. Making this portfolio was really interesting. It almost seemed to me like an evolution. It was fun looking through all my work. It was easy to edit because I had all of my papers right in front of me. I am most proud of my book review. My book review was one of the best papers I have ever written in my life. My grammar was perfect and I scored really high on it. Maybe the highest I have ever scored on a piece of writing.



Blog Post- Macbeth Character Analysis

Quarter one Benchmark was my first benchmark ever for English. This was a project based around a Shakespeare’s play called Macbeth. I was walking into this project naive and a little nervous. This was a project I wasn’t used to because we had to create a thesis and I had to create a essay on a Shakespeare play.



Thesis- In the beginning of the play, Macbeth was a beast on the battlefield and a very loyal friend, but by the end he had a frozen heart and would do anything to get to the top.


In Act 1, Scene 3 of Macbeth, King Duncan has sent Angus and Ross to go pronounce the title Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth. King Duncan gave this title to Macbeth because he heard of the incident on the battlefield and felt that he deserved it. Also, the previous King of Cawdor was not trustworthy and sneaky. So, King Duncan sent someone to kill him and sent Angus and Ross to pronounce the title to Macbeth. Macbeth and Banquo had just got their prophesies from the weird sisters. Macbeth’s prophecy stated that he would be pronounced Thane of Cawdor, and later would be pronounced King.  Angus and Ross surprised Macbeth and Banquo to pronounce Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor. After this, aside Macbeth says, “Two truths are told, as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme” (Act 1, Scene 3, lines 128-129). Macbeth is in shock right at this minute. He really can’t believe all this just came true because he didn’t believe the weird sisters. Macbeth was saying that part of his prophecy came true and he can’t believe it. He has all these different emotions stirring up inside.


In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth started to think of what the murder of King Duncan would do to his reputation. Also he felt that he didn’t have the guts to do it. King Duncan was very good to Macbeth and trusted him. Macbeth just felt that he couldn’t betray King Duncan’s trust and loyalty. In a result of this, Macbeth went to Lady Macbeth and says, “We will proceed no further in this business” (Act 1, Scene 7, lines 31). What Macbeth means is that Lady Macbeth and himself will not go through with the plan of murdering King Duncan. He can’t cough up the courage to do something that cruel. He seemed to be very upset and stern with this statement. Lady Macbeth was enraged with this decision that Macbeth has made. She feels that he is being a wuss and needs to man up. She tries to convince him in a very sexy and sneaky way to be back in tune with the plan.


In Act 1, Scene 7, Lady Macbeth is trying to convince Macbeth to go through with the plan. However, Macbeth was being kind of stubborn and strict with his decision not to murder King Duncan. Then Lady Macbeth started to become convincing and Macbeth started to become very gullible. Macbeth started to kick back in gear with the plan and started listening to Lady Macbeth. Macbeth was feeling uneasy with the plan so he asked Lady Macbeth “If we should fail?” (Act 1, Scene 7, line 59). Macbeth asks Lady Macbeth this he wanted to know if she knew what they were going to do if they did fail. However, Lady Macbeth came back with a very confident answer. Basically, she told him to man up and don’t think about that type of stuff and that they were not going to lose.


In Act 2, Scene 2, King Duncan is a guest at Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s home. They decide to go through with the plan. They were going to get the guards drunk and wait till Duncan was asleep and murder him with daggers. After that, they were going to plant the bloody daggers on the guards. Macbeth noticed that King Duncan was asleep and wanted to get the deed over with. He had murdered Duncan and walked in the room. Lady Macbeth was in the room and stated to Lady Macbeth “I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?” (Act 2, Scene 2, line 15). He said this in a very shaken up tone. Macbeth was terrified and paranoid. He couldn’t believe he just did what he did and swore someone was going to find. He was so shaken up, that he brought back the bloody daggers. Lady Macbeth noticed that he had them and told him to go plant them on the guards while they were still out of it. He was so paranoid that he couldn’t do that.


In Act 3, Scene 2, Macbeth has decided to kill Banquo because he is getting to suspicious about the murder of Duncan. Macbeth hires three murderers to kill Banquo. This was going to take place while Macbeth and the lords were at dinner. Banquo was suppose to attend this dinner, but this was all Macbeth’s plan so he could kill him. However, Lady Macbeth wanted to know what was going on with this plan and wanted to know what it was about. Macbeth wanted this plan to stay a secret and on the “down low”. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth “Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed” (Act 3, Scene 2, lines 46-47). What Macbeth was saying was that he was not going to tell Lady Macbeth until his plan was accomplished. He wasn’t going to tell anyone about this because he didn’t want it to get out to anyone. He also wanted to think of this on his own and didn’t want anyone to change his mind or manipulate his plan. He even went through lying to his wife to successfully accomplish his plan.


In Act 3, Scene 4, Macbeth was at the dinner with the lord and Lady Macbeth. Banquo was suppose to be there, but Macbeth sent out hit men to kill Banquo. The murderers came back and told Macbeth that the deed was done and Banquo was no longer alive. The murderers then started to explain what they did to him. They told Macbeth that Banquo’s throat was cut. Then Macbeth states “Thou the best of the cut throats” (Act 3, Scene 4, line 19). This is when Macbeths really starts getting mean and cruel. What he means by this is that he is glad that Banquo is out of the picture and in an indirect way, he is saying good job to the murderers. Macbeth starts to get hardhearted at this point.


            In Act 4, Scene 1, “The Weird Sisters” had came back. There were also three Apparitions, which are ghost like images of people. These Apparitions were telling Macbeth to be aware of Macduff and his family. Macbeth took this in to great consideration when they had told him this. Macbeth then starts to think and wonder why should I fear of thee. Macbeth says “But yet I will make assurance double sure and take a bond of fate” (Act 4, Scene 1, lines 105-106). What Macbeth means is that he will make sure that Macduff and his family is out of the way. In other words, Macbeth is going to kill Macduff and his family. He goes about doing it the same way he kills Banquo. He sends murderers to Macduff’s home and only his family was there, there was no Macduff. The murderer ends up killing Macduff’s family.

In Act 5, Scene 5, Macbeth has just found out that Lady Macbeth has died from her mind disease. Lady Macbeth had went in sane because she was guilty about the murder of King Duncan and that was haunting her. Seyton has informed him about this tragic news. However, there was also a very important war going on right now, so Macbeth states to Seyton “She should have died hereafter” (Act 5, Scene 5, line 17). What Macbeth is trying to say is that there is nothing he could have done about her dying or keep her from dying. However, he is kind of glad that she has died because that is one less thing he has to worry about while he fighting a war.

In Act 5, Scene 8, Macbeth and Macduff are in the battlefield. “The Weird Sisters” had told Macbeth in a Act before that Macbeth could not be harmed “none of woman born”. Because of this Macbeth did not fear the English army. Then Macduff and Macbeth start to fight and Macduff reveals to Macbeth that he was born form his mother’s womb untimely ripped. Macbeth starts to get frightened by the situation now. However, Macbeth is to stubborn to even back down. He says to Macduff “I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet and to be baited with rabble’s curse” (Act 5, Scene 8, lines 28-29). What Macbeth is trying to say is he is not backing down. He is not going to apologize for what he has done because it is already done. He is not going to back down to Malcolm basically.

In the play Macbeth, Macbeth started out as a very loyal and caring friend. However as the play went on, Macbeth started to get very greedy, stubborn, and in some way evil. My quotes support my thesis very well. In the beginning you could see that Macbeth was just not one to betray his friends and cared about them. He also cared about what people would think about him. However, by the end of the play, Macbeth would do anything to get what he want and didn’t care about what a soul thought about him. He also became very careless about people’s feelings. Shakespeare’s lesson or message to the readers could have been don’t let anything take away your self-respect, no matter how much it means to you to get it because it can do you dirty at the end.

Blog Post- Q2 BM Vignette

Quarter two Benchmark was one of my favorite Benchmarks this year. It was a personal vignette. This vignette let me get a lot of feelings out on paper and softened up hard feelings. I had multiple connections to this benchmark and was very surprised that I didn’t mind sharing this story with my teacher.


Only If…


Lexus Forman


This day was a beautiful day. Walking out of school, the sun was shining, kids laughing, and my mom outside waiting to pick me up as usual (Opener-Magic Three). When I got in the car all I could feel was negative energy. I knew something was up when she didn’t say the usual, “What did you learn today, Lexus?” (Dialogue). I thought maybe someone had said something to her that got under her skin, or she got a dent in her car, you know, just a bad day. So, I asked if we could go get something to eat. We went to KFC and as I was “grubbing” on my food she sprung some devastating news on me out of nowhere. It was “Lexus… Grand mom is in the hospital because she is in a diabetic coma”. I dropped the greasy chicken, popped mouth wide open, and automatically started thinking the worst! (Magic Three). “Is she dying? Am I never going to see her again?”

We pulled up to hospital and I saw a swarm of people in front of the emergency room. I knew that was my family because we have always hated to be waiting in the emergency room with a whole bunch of angry sick people, who have been waiting to hear their names called so they can be relieved from their sickness and that room full of germs! I knew grand mom wasn’t doing to well when all five of her children were at the hospital, all her grandchildren were there except for AJ who lived in Atlanta, and a few people from the church too. By this time everyone had been in to see her but me. I hate hospitals! I tried every excuse in the book to keep me from going in there to see her. However obviously I did not win, so I sucked it up and went in there. When I walked in her room I could not believe what I saw. She was connected to so many tubes and needles. I knew that couldn’t be comfortable at all. I felt so bad because I knew I couldn’t do anything to help. I needed to get out that room; I just couldn’t bear the pain.

As I went outside looking for some comfort, I walked outside to a bunch of arguing. I knew I had a dysfunctional family, but right know, were they serious? I needed to get away, and plus I had to use the bathroom. So, I went into the lobby and used the bathroom. I was so overwhelmed and upset at the whole situation that I broke down into tears. At the time when we need each other the most, they wanted to argue. The only sane ones there at the time were my three-year-old niece and me. I was thinking maybe they could learn something from us.

By the weekend grand mom wasn’t doing any better. There was no progress made. By this time, I kind of knew that she was not going to make it. However, I stilled kept my faith and still kept my conversation with the man upstairs to pull grandmom through this. I woke up one morning and went down to the hospital to spend time with my grand mom. As walked in to my grand mom’s room there was a surprise… My cousin AJ! It was an awesome moment that we shared when he hugged me because I hadn’t seen him in two years because he lived in Atlanta. He gave me a little joy. He was the only one that could really make me laugh and anyone else for that matter. He didn’t only bring his luggage from Atlanta; he brought his joy and bandages to fix the family. When he was there was no arguing because every time he would feel a heated argument coming on, he would tell a joke. I think the family started to notice that this is not the time to argue, this is the time to come together because we all needed each other.

I woke up for school this one morning and the hospital called my mother and told her they wanted to speak to the family. I had the option to go to the hospital or to go to school. I choose to go to school because from watching soap operas, anytime a doctor wanted to speak to the family the sound effect “duh duh duhhhh” (onomatapeia) came on. Surprisingly, I hardly thought about the situation all day in school. When I walked out of school, I saw my mom standing outside her car, my sister and cousin in another car, and my uncle and aunt in the other. (Repetion for Effect). They all had on sunglasses, although the sun was beaming that day I knew for a fact that was not the case. I got down to the car, and my mom gave me the biggest hug in the world. I could feel her pain trickling down my back. I pushed her off of me and jumped in the car. I hate for people to see me cry because I think I’m going to be viewed as a weak person.

Grandma, I need you! Please come back. I don’t know how to make it without you! You were my rock, my soul, and my sanity. (Magic 3). I promise I will do anything you would like to do. You want to play cards? We can even watch those western cowboy shows you loved so much. I can say I am a pretty strong human being and some people even say I hardly have emotions, however I knew for this one I needed strength. After the news of my grand mother’s death, I knew I needed to go home, grope my bible, and pray till no end. (Magic 3). After I had done this I had no emotions. I didn’t cry at all, I just thought. This tragedy could not be amputated from my brain. When thinking about this, all I could think about is how I didn’t make her the brownies I had promised for millions of years, and how I never came over to help water the plants like I had promised. The thing that gets me is my grandma lived right across the driveway. I couldn’t do this for her anymore. Basically, I lied to my grandma! I wish there was a postman for heaven, so he can come pick up the diabetic brownies I made and deliver it to her mansion in heaven.

I was drowning in my guilt. The anguish had captivated my body and soul. All I wanted to do is sit in the bed and let the guilt suffocate me. I tried to convince myself that what I had to do was so much more important than watering plants and baking brownies. I was sure that going over friend’s houses and going to the park was more important. Then I came to realize that those were only excuses grand mom used to get me to come over and chill with her for a while. I never knew how much I would miss my grand mom once she was gone. I would give anything up to see my grand mom for just three minutes. Never will I take another human for granted like I did my grand mom again. I treat my mom like the queen she is now because I can wake up tomorrow and she can be gone! I would just love to be able to hug my grand mom right now and if you have the opportunity to, then don’t take any moment for granted.