Do You Care About Your Environment? #2

After reveiving more information about environmental issues I had noticed that we are at high risk's of suffering big consequences. The reason why I am saying this is because we are really abusing our environment. We are not taking care of it the way we are suppose to take care of it. It is the smallest things that can cause big problems. Such as throwing away trash or even driving to work in a car. These things can really impact our world on so many levels. The EPA said that certain toxins were released and could have major impacts for our environment. From 2004 to 2005, dioxin releases decreased by 23 percent and mercury releases fells by 9 percent. Petroleum refining releases dropped 10 percent, transportation equipment registered a 6 percent decrease and chemical manufacturing cut releases dropped 4 percent. Everyone seems to be very concerned because no one knows what will happen in the future. Also people are very concerned about the water that we drink after the disaster in Japan. As you may know the chemicals that were released from the power plant got into the ocean. People are afraid that the water that we drink could have the chemicals in it. I think that now in some stores they might raise the prices of the water because of this great tragedy. It would be much harder to find cleaner water now that this had happened.With out clean water many people would die because of dehydration.

So Far...

Today was a mellow day started off bad but ended on a good note. I guess it didn't start off that bad since I woke up this morning to have another day on this earth but, after that it sorta went down hill...I woke early this morning to prove to my friends that I can make it someplace on time & not be an hour or more late. While in the mist of getting dressed I stepped out on the porch to check the weather & shut the door behind me so my dog won't run out while doing that I locked myself out. Its raining on & off locked out no ones home & I have to wait for an hour to get back in thus making myself an hour late & having to rush to the school to hand my note in. After that I met up with friends & had a great girls day with except of Cody. I did some last minute shopping but didn't bug anything & need to push it all tomorrow. At this moment I need some last minute determination to get my work done in the last stretch of my high school career. I need to really bake on my Capstone & benchmark for Caitlin this is really killing me I'm so unmotivated.

Dear SLA Teaching Professionals,

(Before you begin, I must apologize for the word choice, grammar, and punctuation of this short letter. It was written in haste and on a somewhat empty stomach, which I believe are the two leading causes of literary disasters.)

        Though I applaud your determination to see your students reach their full potential, be the best they can be, and other hallmark card appropriate phrases,​ I request that you please stop telling my parents of my work habits. They are wonderful people who, sadly, birthed a horrible first child. Se la vie. But let us do what we can to keep their knowledge of me small and carefully monitored, ensuring their dispositions remain forever sunny.
        In order for this goal to be met dear teachers, I ask of you but one thing: squash down that perfunctory need to involve my adult caretakers any and every time and instead treat yourself to a pastry of some sort, allowing each calorie to remind you that you have just done a great service by simply turning the other cheek. (Perhaps you may even find a way to write the pastry purchase off as charitable giving.) Please ruminate upon my recommendation.
        On one final note before you make you decision, I ask that you consider this: within you lies the power to protect the well-being of two extraordinary people. This pair may, nay will in turn rescue other sensational souls and so on and so forth until one day you wake up to a world born anew in all that is good and grand. A world you helped create with but a few moments of well-timed silence.


               Christine Walden 

Gay rights moving faster than civil right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

From my last blog, I just finished telling you about how some people think of same sex marriage as a flaw. However, we all have flaws that we don't often wish to show. The Gay Rights movement is going quickly. Gay Rights activist are now getting their points made to the people in power to legalize same sex marriage.
    I recently read an article called " A tipping point for Gay marriage". In the beginning a statement was made of a scenario where an client gets fired for having a very strong opinion. However, this was a true scenario when a client wanted to defend same sex marriage, however the law firm said that it wouldn't go against federal law, the constitution. This incident has Gay Rights activist speaking up louder than ever. The great thing that came out of this incident was that it reached to people in power. THAT WAS THE GOAL. People recognized that the law firm was wrong.
    At the end of this article the statement was made "those turning points still have a ways to go. I certainly can see that day coming. Compared with the civil rights movement for African-Americans, the movement for gay rights has proceeded with a remarkable degree of speed." I am happy to see this statement. I think that when the Civil rights movement was going on , people were WAY more stubborn, for lack of a better word. The fact that the Gay Rights movement can be seen is remarkable. It is finally shown that they should have the same rights as everyone else.


My cat moved the kittens to the side of my bed so at night they meow alot and it's a little annoying sometimes i wanna roll over and glare but when i see how cute they are i just can't be mad. Plus they're fun to watch when you don't have anything to do. They also have more fur now and it's not as slicked back as they were before the picture is dark but i'll take a few more later when it's a little brighter
Photo on 2011-05-17 at 12.40
Photo on 2011-05-17 at 12.40

Silencio, por favor!

Last night, I tiny-chatted ten of my future classmates.  It was after 11, but I was purposely in the kitchen so I wouldn't wake the entire house. A few minutes in, I got a phone call. From my mom. Who was upstairs. 

"Hi honey.  I know you're enjoying your conversation, but I can hear all of it!"

Just trying to make some friends before the fall, goshh..

Tarea 12/5/11

1. Qué opinas: ¿Sabe la mayoría de la gente que tenemos 30 derechos humanos universales nombrados por Las Naciones Unidas?

No pienso que a mayoría sabe lo. Para países como E.E.U.U. es muy obvío la importancia de derechos humanos y para países como Africa maltrato de humanos esta normal.

2. ¿Crees que es importante saber que tenemos los 30 derechos humanos universales?

Claro es importante! Es muy triste que hay países donde chicas jovenes necesitan que casarse y chicos trabajan por doce horas cada día.

3. Si todos supiéramos nuestros 30 derechos humanos universales, ¿crees que lo sociedad sería diferente?

Si todos supiéramos, sería dificil controlar la gente porque personas lucharía para sus derechos.

A day in the life of.

Life for a 12 year old girl in Haiti in the conditions that it's in today would be very difficult. Given the circumstances, the girl would have already been in poverty to begin with; after the massive earthquake that destroyed homes, the land and killed thousands of people; the chid growing up in poverty would already have basic knowledge and instincts and living techniques that would help them survive the conditions that Haiti is in.

My life wouldn't compare at all to that of a 12 year old i Haiti when I was 12. The only comparison would have to be when I was about 11 living in puerto Rico, I did experience being in an earthquake, the house didn't fly away or anything, but that fear of not knowing whats going to happen and being completely out of control and helpless is something I know those people in general had to of felt at some point.

This 12 year old girl who lived threw one of the worst earthquakes in history will grow up watching the "re-birth" of a new nation. She will only have barely finished the seventh grade because of the country's shortages in educational supplies and qualified teachers. She will have a routine lifestyle that would seem impossible for me and soon marry and have children. They will grow up in a better environment then she did because of the changes over the years and be at a higher chance of a good education and stable job opportunities. 

A day in the life - Kroman

Life for a 12 year old girl in Haiti in the conditions that it's in today would be very difficult. Given the circumstances, the girl would have already been in poverty to begin with; after the massive earthquake that destroyed homes, the land and killed thousands of people; the chid growing up in poverty would already have basic knowledge and instincts and living techniques that would help them survive the conditions that Haiti is in.

My life wouldn't compare at all to that of a 12 year old i Haiti when I was 12. The only comparison would have to be when I was about 11 living in puerto Rico, I did experience being in an earthquake, the house didn't fly away or anything, but that fear of not knowing whats going to happen and being completely out of control and helpless is something I know those people in general had to of felt at some point.

This 12 year old girl who lived threw one of the worst earthquakes in history will grow up watching the "re-birth" of a new nation. She will only have barely finished the seventh grade because of the country's shortages in educational supplies and qualified teachers. She will have a routine lifestyle that would seem impossible for me and soon marry and have children. They will grow up in a better environment then she did because of the changes over the years and be at a higher chance of a good education and stable job opportunities. 

Whitney Washington Libby, Montana Asbestos Contamination

After the initial infographics we made were proven to be completely incorrect, we worked quickly and hard to get the second set finished, and I believe that that went well. We were not very organized, but overall, we overcame that problem. If i could go back and change things around, I would have made sure we understood the project description before hand. 

Be Concise- We knew or information very well

Be Visual- Being visual was accomplished, but the words were too small :[

Be Smarter- We believe that we were very smart about the information that we did decide to use.

Be Transparent- We were transparent in the sense that we were un biased. 

Be Different- We chose a different approach than that of our peers

Be Accurate- We presented 100% correct information from our sources

Be Attractive- I looked pretty darn good the day of the presentation :D 

Be Varied- The different styles of presentation we used in our project were different for each person

Be Gracious- being gracious did not work through out project becuase the topics did not flow well

Be Creative- We werent too creative 

Asbestos Contamination

Whitney Washington Reflection Libby Montana Asbestos Contamination

After the initial infographics we made were proven to be completely incorrect, we worked quickly and hard to get the second set finished, and I believe that that went well. We were not very organized, but overall, we overcame that problem. If i could go back and change things around, I would have made sure we understood the project description before hand. 

Be Concise- We knew or information very well

Be Visual- Being visual was accomplished, but the words were too small :[

Be Smarter- We believe that we were very smart about the information that we did decide to use.

Be Transparent- We were transparent in the sense that we were un biased. 

Be Different- We chose a different approach than that of our peers

Be Accurate- We presented 100% correct information from our sources

Be Attractive- I looked pretty darn good the day of the presentation :D 

Be Varied- The different styles of presentation we used in our project were different for each person

Be Gracious- being gracious did not work through out project becuase the topics did not flow well

Be Creative- We werent too creative 

Asbestos Contamination