Changing the World Essay - Jackie Middleswarth


When the Earth was created, life also was created. There are now very different forms of life out there who live everyday just to survive. Everything that lives, eats and poops. These are essential to stay alive. Everything lives to survive even humans, because death is the equalizer to life. Death is a natural cycle of life, which people try to deny. When they do acknowledge it, however, they often become afraid of when they realize how much time on Earth they may actually have left.

In the book “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien, who was a soldier in Vietnam, had two comrades in the war, Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk. They became acquaintances because after a while of messing with each other, they learned to trust each other in the war. When there were ambushes, they teamed up and protected each other. ““Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk made a pact that if one of them should get totally fucked up - a wheelchair wound - the other guy would automatically find a way to end it… Lee Strunk said, “But you got to promise. Swear it to me - swear you won’t kill me(pg 65-66).”” When the two guys, Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen, originally set up the pact Lee Strunk expected for Dave Jensen to be the one to get so badly wounded he would need to be wheelchair bound. It was easy for Lee Strunk to agree to this because he didn’t expect for his life to end this way, he would be killing someone else which is what he has been doing the whole time in the war. Although when it did happen to Lee Strunk, he tried to deny his death by making Dave Jensen not kill him. Strunk didn’t want Dave Jensen to kill him because he didn’t want it to be his time to go. He realized that if Jensen killed him, that would be the end of his existence, and he started to panic; he didn’t want to die then.

Rat Kiley and Mitchell Sanders, soldiers in the same unit as Tim O’Brien, were talking about the gruesome pictures that Rat Kiley kept seeing in his head. They mostly consisted of the insides of a person and his own death. “‘Anyway,’ Rat said, ‘the days aren’t so bad, but at night the pictures get to be a bitch. I start seeing my own body. Chunks of myself… I swear, it’s too much. I can’t keep seeing myself dead(pg. 223).’” Rat started to go crazy, and as he saw this he became scared of his own death. Seeing himself dead was a sort of inception that he couldn’t escape, and by being scared of seeing his own death he started to realize one day he would actually die. Now eventually, Rat did kill himself, and that was because he wanted to escape the thoughts and pictures he was having about him seeing his own dead body. By actually being dead, he was able to escape his fear of death. Rat knew how much time he left since he committed suicide, but he also knew that if he didn’t do it now, someday he will die like how he imagined. He wanted his death to be something he controlled because he was afraid of the other possibilities on how he could die and he didn’t want to live with those dreadful images of his death anymore.

Tim O’Brien is reflecting on the characters that have died and how he has grown over forty three years. He reflects on his young self as he moved too fast, not experiencing everything, but when he looks at why he started writing he came to a revelation. “I’m young and happy. I’ll never die. I’m skimming across the surface of my own history,... and when I come down thirty years later, I realize it as Tim trying to save Timmy’s life with a story(pg. 246).” When Timmy was a little boy and thought he would never die, death never scared him because he wasn’t faced with life or death situations that made him scared or unhappy. Since he was young, he felt invincible. Although, as Tim O’Brien grew older and reflected on his life, he figured out that when he went to the war he was afraid of death because he was put in a life or death situation. Since being out of the war, all of the books Tim O’Brien has written has been about his experience in Vietnam. By writing out his experiences with the war, he was able to save himself, the version that thought he was immortal of death. As Tim started to write, he realized that when he was in the war he was aware of the time on Earth he may have left. He started to write to relieve himself of the terrifying almost death experiences he had in the war so he didn’t have to constantly relive them in his mind. This way he gets to feel happy, and like he won’t die again.

Tim O’Brien was interviewed about his reaction of being drafted to the war. He was also interviewed on other aspects like what he wanted to do with his life, and most of his responses are curved around about his surprise of him finding his profession through writing. “His reaction to the draft notice still surprises him. 'I went to my room in the basement and started pounding the typewriter,’ he recalled. 'I did it all summer. It was the most terrible summer of my life, worse than being in the war.’” Tim O’Brien went to his typewriter because it was an antibiotic that let him get his feelings out. Initially when he got drafted he knew immediately that there was a chance he could die. O’Brien was afraid to submerge himself into a death situation because he wasn’t ready and he didn’t want to know approximately how much time he would have left. He felt as though he wasn’t supposed to go to war. He was, in fact, a political science major. Tim O’Brien almost didn’t go to the Army, he tried to deny it as much as possible because the fear of knowing he could die was too much. That is why when he wrote it, it was worse than being in the war because he started to become aware of what the actual consequences could be.

Although death may only seem important to those who are already dead, it does in fact impact everyone who lives. Everyone who lives, will one day eventually die. And when people realize this, their denial put themselves in a state of fear. The realization that death is inevitable is a terrifying fact to acknowledge because people usually feel like they are immortal until death is close.


All the stars are going past me, along with planets, asteroids and other beautiful things encompassing us in the galaxy. Although as I sit here, in the IMAX theatre at the Franklin Institute, I don’t think it’s beautiful. It’s terrifying. I start to shiver as if I were cold, but I’m not. I’m surrounded by a dome of moving pictures, creating a 3D effect. Heavy quick breaths escape me, and I close my eyes which is worse. There are too many thoughts racing in my mind, too many patterns my eyes see when I close my eyes which gives me a headache. I reopen my eyes, and taste the stale air, and I have to lean forward. My stomach is flipped inside out, and I have no control over how I feel. “Jackie, calm down,” I tell myself, “just try to sleep, wait until the movie is over and you won’t always feel like this.” But I’m having trouble keeping it together next to my friends, it’s taking all my might not to bolt towards the exit signs and never return.

As I watched the IMAX movie in the beginning about space, the feeling of things floating behind me as if I was moving through space was extraordinary. But then the fear of death caught up to me. Seeing the Earth from the viewpoint of space made me feel small,  made Earth feel small. Going through the beginning of time and how the Earth started made me realize that time was a concept to figure out the length of things. For example, the length of a life. And as I watched the space video, I feared that when I die there will be no afterlife. It’s a simple matter of a life is created, lives for a certain time and dies, and that’s how life on Earth works, a continuous cycle. When i’m dead I won’t be able to experience things anymore. I know my life is definite, but I want to experience everything.

Right now as a young teenager I feel immortal. So far, I haven’t seen anything die in front of me. It’s almost as death is a foreign concept. Death is foreign because I haven’t experienced loss, I can’t compare it to something. Death is just the end of road for something, and the scary part is when your heart stops, and you die, you can’t then tell someone what it was like. We’re afraid of the part after death. Knowing one day that I will die, like everyone else before me scares me because I want to always have the ability to feel physical objects, have emotions like being connected to those I love, even the ability to come home after a long stressful day, and take a nap, knowing later that dinner will be ready, warm and fill your stomach with satisfaction. But you don’t get that when you’re dead, the fear is that when you die, you just feel nothing.

The pain caused when someone dies is just useless because the person who is dead won’t be able to see your tears, the large amounts of time you grieve in your bedroom, tears dripping down to your mouth, the saltiness just making you feel worse. Death is an inevitable thing to escape, but to know that is terrifying because you don’t want to give up on the idea of immortality.

Clio Fleece – The Yellow Birds – Q3 Benchmark

Analytical Essay:

Everyone goes through important changes and phases in their lives, whether it be someone very close to them passing away, winning the lottery, or finding “the one”.  All of these things can cause a change in one’s character that greatly affects their view of the world.  In Kevin Powers’s novel The Yellow Birds, the main character, Bartle, goes through one of the most life-changing experiences possible: fighting in a war.  During his service in Afghanistan, he sees himself and many others change in many ways. Many people, when going through or having gone through a big change in their life, may feel like the whole world has changed because their world has changed.

At one point in Bartle’s time abroad, he goes AWOL in Germany, when the troops are waiting to fly back to America.  While he’s away from the base, he goes into a church and has some time alone with his thoughts.  When remembering this moment, he says, “I realized, as I stood there in the church, that there was a sharp distinction between what was remembered, what was told , and what was true. And I didn’t think I’d ever figure out which was which,” (Powers 60).  This is an interesting way of thinking of the human memory, because often times, those three things are seen as the same thing.  Bartle, as he remembers certain events in the war and is talking to the priest in the church, realizes that his mind wants to remember things differently than how they happened.  After he had these traumatic experiences, his view of the world was changed, although he didn’t notice at the time. His changed perspective caused him to believe that things had happened differently than they actually had.

Kevin Powers, when talking in an interview about life in combat compared with civilian life, said, "As human beings, we have the blessing and the curse that we're able to adapt to almost anything. No matter how extreme the circumstances you're in, they become normal,” (Sherr).  The Yellow Birds is written in a way such that one chapter Bartle will be fighting in Al Tafar, Afghanistan, and the next chapter he will be back home in Richmond, Virginia after the war.  The way the book jumps around like this, the reader can see a clearer comparison between his experiences in the war and how they affected him once he was back home.  This quote says that “no matter how extreme the circumstances you’re in, they become normal” (Sherr), meaning that even when Bartle was fighting in Afghanistan, at some point he became so used to it that he felt like that was normal.  The reader notices this once Bartle is back home in Richmond, because he goes out and shoots his gun at the ground to relax; the fact that this action is relaxing instead of stressful or exciting means that he is used to it, and that he believes it is normal in the world he is living in.

When Bartle is back in America and reflecting on his current life, he talks about whether he thinks he and his life are normal.  During this reflection, he says, “The details of the world in which we live are always secondary to the fact that we must live in them,” (Powers 224).  What this means is that humans can never have experiences in life or views of their world without either of those being affected by their own thoughts and feelings.  Bartle is acknowledging this, by saying that even though he feels like his life is normal, he knows that this is partially because of his past experiences and feelings.  If he was completely separated from his past, his thoughts, and his feelings, he would see that this is not normal behavior.  However, there is no way for him to perceive his world outside of his own mind.

Many people who have never fought in a war may feel like there is no way in which they can connect to a soldier.  While it is true that a soldier’s experience is incredibly different from a civilian’s, the fact that a life-changing moment or period in one’s life can change his or her perception of the world is something that applies to everyone.  Whether someone is a civilian who has just had a child, or a soldier who has just lost a close friend in combat, both situations will greatly affect a person.  This is a uniting factor between two different groups of people that should be remembered when civilians connect with soldiers.

Works Cited for Analytical Essay:

Powers, Kevin. The Yellow Birds. New York: Little, Brown, 2012. Print.

Sherr, Lynn. "A Soldier's Story: Returning Home From Iraq." Parade's Community Table.

Parade Publications Inc., 21 Oct. 2012. Web. 08 Jan. 2015.


Narrative Essay:

Ugh, I hate everyone.  Why is everyone so annoying?  Wait...are they talking about me right now?

These are just average thoughts I have had sitting in class, on the bus, or pretty much anywhere when I have gone through more depressed periods in my life.  We all have these types of thoughts every now and then, but they were an almost constant occurrence in my head.  Someone walking in front of me would do something mildly annoying and I would berate them in my head, my mood having been ruined by them during the rest of my walk to school.  This negative attitude towards even strangers is just an example of how I viewed the world in this part of my life: annoying, boring, and joyless.

One way in which my perspective on the world and my life was changed is that I became much more paranoid about my friends or people at school talking about me.  It wasn’t because I thought I was so important, I just thought people were talking behind my back, when I left the room or walked down the hall past them.  A few times, I got so worried about it that I actually would ask one friend if another had said anything about me, or if they thought someone didn’t like me.  Always, the answer was something like, “No, why would you think that?” or “No, why would they be talking about you?” and whoever I was asking would look at me funny.  I’m sure that at least once, the person I was asking about found out I had been asking about them, and it probably annoyed them or made them uncomfortable.  At the time, I never thought about that, but now that I am outside of my depressive state of mind, it seems clear that that must have happened.

Another big affect of my depression was boredom and indifference towards the world around me.  Often times, I just wouldn’t bother to make any plans over the weekend, and because I had no plans, I would start on this train of thought that I didn’t have any plans because no one wanted to hang out with me, when in reality it was just because I didn’t ask anyone.  This would cause me to just sit at home all weekend, incredibly bored and often unhappy.  My parents would suggest all sorts of things to do, and to each option I’d say that I “didn’t feel like it” or I would just say no.  At the time, I really didn’t have any interest in any of the things they were suggesting; I would even think to myself, “Why don’t I want to do anything?  All of those things seem so boring.”  At that point in time, I saw the world as very boring, with nothing exciting going on in it.  Again, thinking back, most of the things my parents suggested were pretty interesting, but that just isn’t how I viewed my world.  

Possibly the worst affect my depressed state of mind had on myself and my life was the actual change in my personality.  I was much more negative and rude or mean towards both my parents, my friends, and my boyfriend.  I believed I was behaving normally, but at one point or another, all of the people in my life confronted me about my behavior, and in some cases it was too late to fix the damage I had done without even realizing it.  Even in the cases where my apologies were accepted, I still felt terribly guilty about the feelings I had hurt and the anger and frustration I had caused.  This would send me even deeper into depression.  Once again, in these situations I had believed that I was behaving like my normal self, even though it was obvious later on that I hadn’t been.

While I will likely never be able to fully relate to the life and experiences of a soldier, I feel that the factor of a distorted reality can apply to both people like me and people from the army.  Like Bartle, I believed that my abnormal behavior was nothing out of the ordinary, even though to others the change was obvious.  The effects of my depression included ruined relationships, lost time, and inaccurate world views.  The effects of Bartle’s return and assimilation back into civilian life were changed relationships, time wasted being angry and depressive, and a distorted view of the world.  This is perhaps the only connection I can make between myself and the character of Bartle.  But it is a strong connection, and a thought-provoking one; a connection that will stay with me as I continue to learn how to connect with others who are different from me.

Self and the Changing World Essay

Analytical Essay:

People experience death everyday. A family member could die of cancer, a family pet could pass away or soldiers could kill or watch their friends get killed. In the book, “The Things They Carried”, by Tim O’Brien, people are affected by their changing world everyday because they are in a war. One of the biggest changes that affects them would be death. Since there are so many different people in the war, reactions to death would differ from person to person. The relationship of the changing world and the self can be different according to how they deal with strong emotions.

Azar was one of the first characters in the book that stood out as someone who wasn’t really the nicest guy in the platoon. He blew up a puppy, made jokes about people when they died and always had something snarky to say. When the main character, Tim O’Brien killed is first man, Azar was one of the first people to comment on it. “Oh man, you fuckin’ trashed the fucker” Azar said. “You scrambled his sorry-self, look at that, you did, you laid him out like Shredded Fuckin’ Wheat.” (pg. 125) Azar needed to deal with death in a way that wouldn’t affect himself directly. He did this by making jokes about the dead and he didn’t try to comfort the person who was shocked by the death. In the quote above, he talks to O’Brien in a way that shows that he is tough and that death doesn’t affect him. He doesn’t know how else to deal with the fact that someone was blown up in front of him. He doesn’t have a filter, so he says whatever comes to mind. Since he has gotten to war, his world has been changing with every death that Azar sees. He has created a person who says that he isn’t fazed by death so that he seems tough, like society’s image of a soldier should be.

When O’Brien killed the man, it was his first experience with death that he had caused. He fills up two chapters talking about how the body looked and what people were saying to him. He also made up a narrative about the man that he killed. He imagined the dead man’s education and his family and his personality. “He liked books. He wanted someday to be a teacher of mathematics. At night, lying on his mat, he could not picture himself doing these brave things his father had done, or his uncles, or the heroes of the stories.” (pg. 125) O’Brien can’t stop replaying the scene of the death over in his head after it’s happened. All he can do is stare at the body and repeat the details over and over again. To cope with the death, he makes up a story about the body. Some people would think that this is a bad idea because then O’Brien would be seeing him as someone who is equal to him with a life and with people who cared about him, which would then make O’Brien have grief and empathy for the person he just killed. O’Brien would want to distance himself from the person, not see the person as someone just like him. In the book he never explains why he does it or if it makes him feel better. In O’Brien’s changing world, he is someone who kills people and that makes him feel guilty and sad.

Death of a real person isn’t the only death that someone in war can see. In one chapter, a man is telling a story about how one soldier was able to arrange his girlfriend to come to Vietnam. No one had ever done it before so people weren’t sure what to expect. The girlfriend’s name was Mary Anne and everybody loved her when she got to camp. The only problem was that she wanted to be in the war. She was taken by the war and she would go on midnight stake-outs with the men. “Vietnam made her glow in the dark. She wanted more, she wanted to penetrate deeper into the mystery of herself, and after a time the wanting became needing, which turned then to craving.” (pg 114) Mary Anne became so interested in the war that a part of her old self died. She didn’t think that she would ever be able to go back to America after what she’d experienced in Vietnam. This is because she came into the war innocent and since the war was such a shock and adrenaline producing, she wanted to stay forever in the war. Before the war she was someone who wore headbands and cotton shorts but after the war she was someone who wore a human tongue necklace and went around barefoot. Her way of dealing with the war and shock of death is by becoming a completely different person.

In an interview, Tim O’Brien talks about how he noticed different people coping with the changes in their world. He said that a way that was commonly used was imagination. “Imagination is important in a couple of ways. One way is as a psychological means of escape. If you can lose yourself in a fantasy, then you're no longer trapped in the horror of, say, Vietnam. You're back home with your girlfriend, eating a nice dinner at the Ritz instead of C-rations.” Throughout the whole book, people have to create a fantasy so that they can deal with death and war. He said this because he wanted to confirm that this a feeling that can happen with the war. He is saying that by pretending that you are in a fantasy world can help you deal with the war and the deaths that happen in the war. Without a way of coping, war can be stressful and quite possibly the worst event in someone’s life.

In war, people’s lives are changing and almost all of the people need a way to deal with the changes. People have to figure out what works best for them and sometimes they don’t even realize that they are finding a way of dealing with their problems. Because of these changes in someone’s world, they react in whatever way they can cope with the changes.

Works Cited for Analytical Essay:

-Sawyer, Scott. "In the Name of Love: An Interview With Tim O'Brien." Mars Hill Review. Winter/Spring 1996. Web. October 20 2009.

-O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

Narrative Essay:

It was late afternoon on a Thursday in the middle of May and I was nine years old. I had just started to set the table for dinner when my mom’s cell phone rang. My mom picked it up with her usual cheery “Hello?” But everything that happened after that was not usual. Her face dropped and she went out the back door to sit on the porch. I tried to listen to the strains of the conversation to see if I could guess who was on the phone. My mom used different tones of her voice for different people, but this tone was something that I had never heard before.

My dad was making pancakes in the kitchen while she was talking on the phone. He gave us some to eat before going outside to talk to my mom. My sister, who was about to turn four, didn’t seem to be bothered by the events happening outside, but I was worried. Why did both my parents need to be outside? Who were they talking to?

I got bored, waiting for them to come back, so I finished my pancakes and went back to my room to read on my bed. Finally, I heard the phone being put down and footsteps coming back to my room. I sat up, ready to know what was going on.

“Mom? Who was that?”

“That was Andrea from Virginia. Um...Lee killed himself this afternoon, and she was calling to let us know.” Lee was my best friend’s step-dad, who was like another dad to me. My real dad called him his best friend as an adult and our families did almost everything together. My best friend and I grew up together in Virginia, living about 200 feet away from each other.

When I heard the news about Lee, the thought that I would never see him again, didn’t hit me right away. I was more concerned about how he killed himself and when the funeral was. The memorial service was the next Monday, which meant that we would be leaving Iowa (where we had been living at the time) on Friday right after school and be gone for the whole weekend. I was slightly relieved at this news because it meant that I was going to be missing my violin recital, which I had been dreading since the date had been set.

Other than those few emotions of relief and sadness, I didn’t experience much more. It didn’t sink in that I wouldn’t ever get a hug from him again or that I would never laugh at one of his crazy jokes. When we were driving to Virginia, all I thought about was that I was going to see my friends again. Once we were in Virginia, I thought about dresses to wear and what toys to play with. At the memorial service, I thought about how hard everyone was crying and how much I couldn’t wait to get out of the dress I was wearing. At the burial, I thought about how it was kind of cold and rainy and how we were going to be leaving the next day. Driving back to Iowa, I thought about how I have school and what homework I have to do. Not once did I think about how Lee was in the ground forever.

Something that I have done since I was young, was bottle my emotions up and push them down. I would deal with them later, when they would rise back up. I would feel sad for the day but then I would put any remaining emotions away. I would do this whenever there was an event that would make me feel strong emotions.

This wasn’t the healthiest habit though. I would have crying spells over smallest things; like my books not fitting on my shelf correctly or getting a bad grade on a homework. I realized that my tears weren’t actually about the homework or the books but actually about whatever else I was angry with or sad about, from years ago. To fix my habit, I would try to make myself cry when something sad would happen, like a death, but it would feel insincere and almost sarcastic because I wasn’t actually feeling that emotion. I learned that I would have to just deal with the fact that I bottle my feelings up. This was my way of coping with the changes that were happening in my world.

My crying spells still happen now, as I haven’t fully grasped the idea that he will never see me as a young woman or that I will never share one of my own jokes with him, but I’m getting there. The thing about changes that are related to death is that many people experience them but the emotions never truly go away. They will always be there to pop back up when called upon and they will make good days into bad days. That’s why every person has a way of coping with the changes, whether it is to push the emotions down, makes jokes about the deaths, makes stories about the victim, or even become one with the dead. Every person has their own way of dealing with death because death is inevitable.

Kadija`s Q2 Benchmark: Self and the Changing World

Analytical Essay:

Imagination is a source that the brain strays from reality. In the book, The Things They Carried by Tim O'brien , dreaming and imaging are constant survival tips that help people from thinking about emotions that soldiers deal with everyday, such as death and pain. In society, people use imagination for everything, especially children. Whether it may be imagining your mom`s vegetables were candy or imaging that someone that died was still here. Imagining can put a perfect world in perspective. It can eliminate the negative things that one may not want to deal with. A perfect world can easily be dreamt and created through the mind and elude any change that may not be wanted. Fantasies and dreaming is a commonly used escape mechanism that individuals use to stray away from the harsh reality of the changing world.

Imagining  someone is still alive is something so many people use to deal with hurt and pain. In the book, O'brien does this a lot. With the character Linda in the book, it brings back unwanted and wanted memories for O`brien. Linda is imagined to be alive and living, because in a perfect world for O'brien, tumors and the disease that killed her would not exist. “ And yet right here, in the spell of memory and imagination, I can still see her as if through ice, as if I'm gazing into some other world, a place where there are no brain tumors and no funeral homes, where there are no bodies at all..” (pg. 245) Tim O'brien sees a place inside his head where disease and dying are a mere faded memory. He plants a seed inside his brain that stimulates a world where unhappiness is impossible. Imagination is used to dismiss the bad things that cause pain or hurt. In war pain and hurt are always emotions that run through the mind and if one can seemingly turn it off by imaging that will be the case. O'brien does this throughout the book where he shows a different world where he is comfortable, because in war , comfort are only found in those that are dead, or those who dodged the bullet, but only for a brief moment.

Again the power that one has over their dreams and what could be reality are astonishing. O`brien clearly has the ability to make his own reality and make the things he want to come true, to be true, by dreaming. “Lying in bed at night, I made up elaborate stories to bring Linda alive in my sleep. I invented my own dreams. It sounds impossible, I know , but I did it.” (pg. 243)

O'brien has a powerful way to dream up what he imagines a perfect scenario that depicts happy people and a happy time. Linda was a escape. She was the dream that made the mind stray away from the unhappy events of war. O'brien uses his imagination with his classmate in from middle school to tell a story about how one can just simply dream that those horrible events never happened and that death is no longer involved. O`brien places himself in a comfortable place where he can control everything, because in war everything is out of your control. When someone can place something in their control and make things easy for them to cope with, that would be the best idea to do.

In the book, a lot of  stories are based again on imagination. Memory has to do with the start of it, but when the brain starts to flow, there is a lot of dreaming and creative power. O'brien definitely isolates that tool. “ The memory-traffic feeds into a rotary up on your head, where it goes in circles for a while, then pretty soon imagination flows in and the traffic merges and shoots off down a thousand different streets. As a writer, all one can do is pick a street and go for the ride, putting things down as they come at you. That`s the real obsession. All those stories.”(pg.35) A lot if the stories are based off of imagination. O'brien says that memory only plays so much into the story before involving imagination.  As a writer O'brien is using his imagination to make the story telling even more true. It makes the reader go on a journey and believe, rather than read a story with chronological events and facts. O`brien grasped the idea of the story and then dreaming and imagination took hold and creates something more deeper and truer to the self.

Creating a world designed specifically for your wants and needs is something incredible. In the book, O'brien makes it seem that all he ever dreams and imagines comes alive through his storytelling. It shifts and makes the mind believe what is wants to believe, conveyed in imagination. Pretending also doesn't have to be bad, people do it all the time. Acting is a way that people imagine also. It allows people to experience lives that they wish the had or pretend to have through imagination. This may even be the reason people love watching movies and going to see them at the movie theaters. If someone could spend 3 hours watching a movie that had a setting that was not the norm of their world, they would go see it. For instance action movies are so exciting because not every day people jump from skyscrapers and save presidents from assassination. If people could even be able to see that on a screen, it would be cool.

Imagination is important in a couple of ways. One way is as a psychological means of escape. If you can lose yourself in a fantasy, then you're no longer trapped in the horror of, say, Vietnam. You're back home with your girlfriend, eating a nice dinner at the Ritz instead of C-rations. Whenever people testify about their life in the concentration camps, they say much the same thing. The one way to3 psychologically endure it all is to escape in your head, in your imagination.” (interview 2)

Imagination is a powerful tool that people use to escape things that they may not want to come in turn with. Especially war soldiers that are not trying to imagine something that they come in contact with and witness everyday, death. Dreaming and imagining is a paradise where anything that someone wants to be real is real, where one can make what is true and what is not. A world where war is non existent. War obviously is something that was so unpredictable. Some days people would be like sitting on the sidewalk talking and others soldiers could lose their best friend right in front of you. While imaging and dreaming people would be able to imagine that  their dead best friend was still alive and both of them would be back home sitting on the sidewalk talking. Someone could imagine their loved ones all here with them, watching over them. One could imagine that the war was all but a bad nightmare and they could wake up in your cozy bed, instead of a dust cot with 45 other men.

Imagination again is a very powerfully designed tool that people use to blur the harsh realities that they don't want to deal with. For kids imagination is at its all time high, because reality is something that is not always fun, for anybody as far as that goes. For O'brien he uses women as a comfort for the harsh reality of war, such as Kathleen and Linda. In other scenarios, a lot of the men in the stories use objects to help stimulate a happy event that once was associated with that object. In a case like mine, imagination was simply beautiful. As a young child, eating your vegetables and such wasn't exactly fun. A child would imagine that that vegetables were tablets that made them big and tall and have super powers, so they could save the world from evil villains. The same thing with cleaning. Lots of children absolutely dreaded chores, so if they could place themselves in a different world, like O'brien did, then they would. Some children would sometimes even go as far as to  put on a different outfit to better grasp their imagination. People loved doing this, it could make them feel like nothing could go wrong. One could also go deeper and still imagine that their deceased loved one, like a grandfather was still alive.

Works Cited for Analytical Essay:

Klay, Phil. "After War, a Failure of the Imagination." The New York Times. The New York Times, 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.

Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

"Leadership University." Leadership University. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.

Narrative Essay:

Remember Kadija, I will always be with you. Just remember these words, Always believe in yourself and when you don`t think you can do it, just imagine me there with you.” said my grandfather, laying in the hospital bed.

I hated seeing my hero like this. My grandfather had been diagnosed with lung cancer and was very ill. He had been in the hospital now for about 2 months in and out. I loved him so much. I didn`t know why God did this to such a great man.

The walls were this yucky white color, not the clean holy white color, but the nasty kind that made you feel even worse. The nurses had to make sure to be very careful, because the medicine had made him very frail and weak.

As he told me that, I could see that he really meant it, that he wanted me to succeed and not to let myself go because he was no longer physically here. He will still always be in my heart, because I love him.

“I love you grandpa, you will always be in my heart.”

Those were the last words that I said to him before he died. He died 2 years ago, and I am now in high school. I miss him everyday, but I still can see him sitting on that same chair on the patio every morning. This is when I really started to use my imagination. It made me feel more at ease, to know that my grandfather would always be with me.  

“Girl, go get the shoes that I just put down over there.” my mom said as she put her purse down at the cashier.

My grandfather`s death really hurt my mom the most, going off of the fact that he is her father. I could tell she wanted to be strong for my brother and I, but sometimes at night I could hear her crying softly. She had told us that he would always be here and that he would never be lost.

“ These or the blue ones.”

“The blue ones, I don't wear that kind of stuff, you know that.” mom said angrily.

I'd imagined she'd  say that, but I just wanted to make a joke. I quickly grabbed the blue ones and ran back to the cashier. My mom took out her coupons as she always had. Which reminded me so much of my grandfather, because he was cheap also.

When we got home there was so much stuff on the floor from our yorkie, Fendi. She was so playful and energetic, sometimes even too much sometimes. She had ripped all the paper towels up and messed her food basket all over the floor. I know it was my responsibility to clean after her, so I didn't even fuss. My imagination had come into play when I cleaned. I hated cleaning, but if I'd imagined doing something else, cleaning wouldn't be so bad. When I would sweep, I'd imagine that it was a big tornado and I had to get the little dust ghosts off the floor or they would try and attack me, and I didn't want that. Sooner or later, I would be finished cleaning, so imagining things like that made it easier for me.

When it really helped to use my imagination is when I was getting ready to perform in my ballet group. I was now in 10th grade and I had been in this dance group called Eye Candy Chicks. It was super fun and I got to do what I loved, dance. We had our first real dance show in November of 2013. I had never performed for more than 300 people before. I was panicking and didn`t know if I could do it.

“Ok, your group is next.” said the stage coordinator.

Everything was happening so fast. I looked out on stage from the back and saw how big the crowd was. Everybody was cheering for the people who were performing. They were doing great, I was just wondering if I would be able to be as great. I looked up and closed my eyes. Someone who I loved so much came into my mind, it was my grandfather.

“Hey baby girl, you scared, aren't you?”

It was like he was standing right here with me. He knew exactly how I was feeling.

“Grandpa, is that you?” I asked

“Yes, it`s me, granddad. Something told me that you needed a little advice before your big day.”

“Oh, grandpa, I miss you everyday. I know I could count on you, when I needed you.”

“Yes, baby. What did I say to you when we were at the hospital. Tha-”

“That you would always be in my heart. How could I forget that, and you are always in my heart.”

“Yes, I am, but what else did I say?”

“You said, you said to always believe in myself and never to give up on myself.”

“That`s right pumpkin. Never, never stop believing in yourself. Now go out there and make us proud!”

“Alright, you guys are on in 1 minute.” said the stage coordinator.

I opened my eyes and felt more determined than ever. I looked around at my team and said a little prayer. We held hands and told each other that we believed in one another. My imagination was something that I knew I would always be thankful for. It helped me in so many ways.

“I love you grandpa.” I whispered to myself as we walked on stage.

That night we went out to celebrate. I had finally overcome that fear that I had. Thanks to my grandad, we made first place in our division. Everyone was so proud, just like how my grandad wanted. I could imagine a world where nothing could go wrong, and for the first time, I felt like I was living in it.

“I`m so proud of you sweetheart,” my mom said, as she hugged and kissed on me.

“I talked to grandpa before I went on stage. I was scared, but grandpa talked to me before I went on stage.” I said holding her hand

“Oh, honey. I'm so glad. I`m very happy. You know we all miss and love your grandad.” she said.

She had a little tear in her eye and I know how much she missed grandad. She never really talked to me about him, I guess that was just her way of grieving and coping.

“I know mom, but he`s always going to be right here.” I said as I pointed to her heart and smiled.

I am now enrolled in college at Oklahoma City University of American Dance and Arts Management. I absolutely loved it there. I majored in ballet. The story of my first time performing has followed me this far. I know perform in concerts and I am planning on having my own studio to teach girls that may not be as privileged. I always think of my grandfather and still does all my family. He will be missed, but never forgotten and never gone.

Self and The Changing World Q2 Benchmark

Analytical Essay:

Everyone is inspired by something and what they do with their inspiration makes them happy. Tim O’Brien, the author of The Things They Carried loves writing and he is passionate about his experiences in the war, so his book is about the war. He wants people to experience the same emotions he felt by reading his book and to see what it feels like to be in the war, and how scary it is. Writers express themselves by making the reader feel their emotions in the story in a way where readers know what happened in order, but also show how it changed their life and how readers are affected by it.

People look back at their experience to not make mistakes and make their future better. The past is important because people remember to go back to it and rethink what they did wrong, and want to try to do better in the present. In the book The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien says, “And sometimes remember it will lead to a story, which makes it forever. That's what stories are for. Stories are for joining the past to the future. Stories are for those late hours in the night when you can't remember how you got from where you were to where you are. Stories are for eternity, when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except that story” (pg. 38). Being in the war for Tim was not easy. Those kind of memories people do not forget because it’s a fear they face. This shows that events that happen to people in the past are connected to the future because there is something new in each situation where people learn something new. It gives a new perspective on things people do not think of, but also shows what life has for people, and that a lot of different stories stay in people’s mind and they remember it. They remember what happened and how it could affect them.

There are things people want to remember from their stories or from stories they’ve heard. It is hard for writers to not have an obsession about one topic because that topic is  something that inspires them, and it is something they look forward to share with the world to let  people know what is happening and how people are affected by things like wars. In the book Tim O’Brien says, “I feel guilty sometimes. Forty-three years old and I'm still writing war stories. My daughter Kathleen tells me it's an obsession...I guess, she's right: I should forget it. But the thing about remembering is that you don't forget. You take your material where you find it, which is your life, at the intersection of past and present… As a writer, all you can do is pick a street and go for the ride, putting things down as they come. That's the real obsession” (pg. 34). Here this quote talks about how no matter what people say people follow their conscience. That strong inner voice shows them what they can achieve and that it is something they want to do. A person’s inner voice can help them express themselves and what’s on their mind. Tim O’Brien listened to what his daughter had to say, but he still thought of being a writer as something that not only writing inspires him, but wars as well. He thinks about writing as his future because that’s what he likes to do even though some of the things are not true, for example in his book he had a daughter, but in the real world he does not have one.

As a person Tim O’Brien wants people to know what it means to go through something that stays with him his whole life. War is something people do not forget because these are feelings and emotions that will stay with a person even though they will move on. Tim says that even if the story is made up he wants people to know what he felt and show what it was like to go through something really hard and frightening. He did not think of what others thought about him writing and said, “But listen. Even that story is made up. I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story-truth is truer sometimes than happening truth.” (pg. 179). Sometimes there are stories where when they are said and made up a little they come out as a better story, than a real story that happened. Tim O’Brien wanted to show how factual stories are not always the best way to explain an emotion one feels in a certain moment or situation.

From the interview “In the Name of Love” with Tim O’Brien, he expresses and answers the questions that are important for readers to know about because they can see what Tim meant and thought about writing his book. He wanted to let people know how it feels to be in the war even though it was not all the factual. In the article An Interview with Tim O'Brien Tim says, "Events, especially those that carry elements of trauma, tend to get scrambled in terms of chronology. And I try to present them that way as much as I can in my writing. I don't clearly sort out for the reader what happened first, second, third, and fourth in a causal chain. I take this approach because I think it's the way our memories often work.” When writers want to tell the story they want the reader know the order of what happened, but they also want the reader to feel what they went through. It is easy to just write a story and say what happened, but writing it in a way that the reader understands the feelings that are happening in the story is very important in literature. It means the writer achieves the goal in writing something that makes people feel everything they went through or even when a story was made up. Stories that are made up can be well written just like real stories, but it is in writer’s hands to see if it connects to a person and their feelings.

When it comes to feelings and emotions it is hard for people to feel what the writer is trying to portray with their writing. In order to feel their emotions the book needs to show situations where readers can imagine the place. It is not easy to do that, but Tim O’Brien did a good job by giving a lot of details so people connect to his story. He also showed people how it feels to be in the war so others can imagine it and realize how they work hard to be there.

Works Cited for Analytical Essay:

  1. O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

  1. Sawyer, Scott. "An Interview with Tim O'Brien." In the Name of Love. Mars Hill Review 4, n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <>

Narrative Essay:

“Oh no. I don’t know what to write about. What should I do?”

“Write about something that you usually don’t tell people because it’s hard to talk about it, ” said my friend Hannah.

Hannah and I became best friends during freshman year. The first time we met was asking each other “What class do you have?” and looking at our schedules, and realizing we have the same classes. Going to our first class was weird and we had that silent/awkward walk to the classroom because we had no idea what to say. I remember having Bio-chem as our first class.

Freshman year we wrote more analytical essays, than personal essays. That’s when we learned to write thesis and how to put all information together to form an essay. The first English class during sophomore year was different comparing to my classes in middle school and freshman year. When we went to the classroom Ms. Pahomov explained to us that we will focus on writing workshop. I had no idea what it was, but in my head I just thought, “Oh no I hate writing.” When we started writing our first essay I started with a personal essay because I thought it will be easy, but that was not true exactly. I did not know what to write about and I did not like writing in general. I started my personal essay with writing about me coming to the U.S. and my first years here. Then I wrote about my grandpa, which was something I did not tell people because it’s a really personal topic to me.

Writing personal essays showed me a way where I can tell people my stories, but also express my feelings. I am a shy person and do not share all my stories with everyone. I take my time to start trusting people because I had situations where people would talk and tell my personal things even though they said they wouldn’t. It is hard for me to start trusting from the beginning. Hannah’s thought about my essays made her emotional after she read them.

“When reading Malwina’s writing I was supposed to just edit it, but once I read the whole story I actually got very into it. I ended up learning more about her through her personal essays. It’s been a while since I read one, but there are still two stories that she wrote last year that I can recall. Her pieces were memorable allowing me to remember the ones she wrote last school year. They were about her grandfather and one about her dad. Malwina did a great job with details in her personal essay about grandpa that I felt emotional. I could imagine what happened and the story brought tears to my eyes.” said Hannah when I talked to her recently.

Usually when I talk to my family about things that happened most of them are emotional and do not like to share these stories. It is hard for them to say things like that because it is something they would want to keep between people in our family. Writing something and sharing how my grandpa was fighting with cancer was something completely different. I did not really tell my family that I wrote that essay because of the fact them not feeling comfortable to talk to people they do not know about personal emotions. From writing these essays I feel like there is another way to express my feelings to others. It is easier to write it and let people read it because if I were to talk to them in person I do not think I would be able because I would get really emotional.

Expressing my feelings through essays feels better because I do not have to face some of the situations that I would not feel comfortable to talk about. I was really surprised that Hannah after reading my personal essays was emotional because I would not think my writing would make someone feel what I felt at the same time. Expressing feelings is something challenging  because it is something you share with readers that you are not sure you can trust, but it is a way to show and make readers feel what you felt.

Q2 Benchmark: Self and the Changing World

Analytical Essay:

Many people believe that change is something that you can avoid. They believe that if they try hard enough they can go their whole lives and not make any significant changes to the way that they deal with life. However, there are some situations where this is not the case. The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien is a perfect example of this. O’Brien’s book is about war and includes himself as a character going through changes in that type of an environment. It teaches a lot about what war is like and how there is no way to avoid it. People tend to avoid change when they can, however, there are some environments that people cannot escape in life, it is in these environments that these people cannot help but change. The change could be physical, but it could also be mental.

The beginning of Tim O’Brien’s story in The Things They Carried starts when he is alerted through the mail that he has to join the army and go to war. The feeling O’Brien describes is one of the least desirable most painstaking feelings one can have. The feeling of shock, surprise, and hopelessness combined. O’Brien knew that his life was about to change is a monumental way, he was scared for his life. He even thought about fleeing the country to get away from this change. At one point he even says, “I felt something break open in my chest. I don’t know what it was. I’ll never know. But it was real, I know that much, it was a physical rupture-a cracking-leaking-popping feeling…..I remember packing a suitcase and carrying it out to the kitchen, standing very still for a few minutes, looking carefully at the familiar objects all around me” (Page 46). At this point, O’Brien’s shock and fear has turned to determination, he says that if his life is going to change it is going to be on his own terms and he flees to Canada. However, the fear of disappointment and shame from his parents and all those that know him is enough to overpower this fear of change and war that he is hiding from. He is eventually willing to come back to the United States and fight in the war. O’Brien was trying to get away from a change that could ruin his life. A war is an inescapable environment in which change is not only common, but even expected.

Later in O’Brien’s story he starts to reflect on how his life had changed from the war. At this point O’Brien had been in the war for quite some time and was starting to notice some changes in himself. Upon discovering these changes O’Brien was disappointed that he let the war change him this way. He explains, “I’d come to this war a quiet, thoughtful sort of person, a college grad….all the credentials, but after seven months in the bush I realized that those high, civilized trappings had somehow been crushed under the weight of the simple daily realities. I’d turned mean inside” (Page 200). At this point of the book the character Tim O’Brien was trying to get revenge against another character named Bobby Jorgenson. After a while he realizes that he acting rashly and not quite like himself. He concedes that the war is changing him, and he does not like what he is becoming. Change is scary for O’Brien along with most people, but sometimes you can’t help but change. The change that O’Brien is describing undergoing is a completely mental change. His body isn’t just changing, and neither is just is situation. The war changed the way O’Brien thought and felt and made him into a person he didn’t want to be. This is why people are scared of change, especially in such drastic situations like war, they do not want to become something that they are not. It is hard to overcome a situation like this, because first you would have to leave the environment you are in. If the environment is not escapable, like war, than you might have to embrace the changes.

Certain changes can come about when an environment takes a mental or physical toll on a person. War is a perfect example of such an environment because one is not able to escape war, and it takes a heavy mental and physical toll on those involved. Tim O’Brien the author recalls such times when war was a hard place. “’Well, yes, I dedicated the book to my characters,’ Mr. O'Brien said. ‘After all, I lived with them for five years while I was writing. In Vietnam people were being rotated constantly, so men you served with you would know six or eight months. These characters are the people I know best’”. O’Brien dedicating his book to the characters within it, or the people he knew is heart warming, but also understandable. The reason that this quote is so important is that it shows another element of change in war. The people that you are with and have your back at all times continuously are changed. This had to be tough on a soldier and even depressing at times. These soldiers do not want this change, most likely if it were up to them they would get to stay with the same soldiers throughout the war so that they know who they are working with and who they can trust. However, it is not their decision war brings on changes that are unavoidable and can be challenging to overcome.

Change can be one of the hardest most emotionally tolling things a person can go through, and while many people attempt to avoid change in their lives there are some environments that people cannot escape and some changes that they cannot avoid. There are various reasons for not being able to escape. Sometimes there is a pressure on a person that is too great that they can’t help but break. Sometimes, as in The Things They Carried there are certain expectations placed on a person that they want to live up to. Some changes affect one in a physical manner, while others can affect them in a mental way. War is one of the rare and scary example of place that can change both your mental and physical state which is why it is so undesirable.

Works Cited:

Bruckner, D.J.R. "A Storyteller For the War That Won't End." The New York Times. N.p., 3 Apr. 1990. Web. 7 Jan. 2014. <>.

O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

Narrative Essay:

Change is one of the hardest things in life. That being said there are many hard things that can occur in one’s life, the thing that makes change so unique is how unavoidable it is. I personally have dealt with change many times in my life, and while there are times that enjoy the adversity and the benefits that can come with change, there are others where the change is just completely undesirable. Sometimes I find that the change can be hard, but the result can be great. Many times change is unavoidable due to the situation that you are in, but you just have roll with the punches.

There was a time in my life when I was much younger that I liked to keep to myself. Even in elementary school my focus was to get good grades. Because of this, I was left out of much of the social experiences that come with being a fun loving, outgoing child. I was always happy with my life and my small core group of friends, but never truly satisfied. I didn’t expect my personality to change as I got older, I even feared the possibility of a change because of the effect it might have on my accomplishments in the classroom. However, that didn’t stop me.

By middle school the time came where I started to notice how much of the world I was missing by keeping to myself. I tried to put myself out there, but it was hard when your knowledge of what is “cool” is limited, and I faced a large amount of rejection early. I started playing team sports which helped a lot, not so much because I wanted to, but almost because I felt as though I needed to. It wasn’t until later that I felt something break in my head. Not in a negative way, it was almost as if my confidence was trapped in a cage, only pouring out slowly and then all of sudden it rushed out. My inhibitions were gone, I became a much more outgoing person. I still felt that same type of fear that I had know all of my earlier life, but I was able to ignore it and do what I please. I was scared of change, but it happened anyway and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Another example of a change happened to my friend Rob. Rob and I were best friends and we would hang out on quite a frequent basis when we were very young. However, Rob had a very unique situation when it came to the careers of his parents. Rob’s mother worked for the mayor and she was continuously changing locations of the office she was working at. On top of this there were some other unforeseen circumstances that made Rob’s life hard. When Rob and I first met we lived ten minutes away from each other. Out of nowhere, disaster struck for Rob and his family when his house burned down for an unknown reason. Rob lost all of his possessions, clothes, and memories.

“Mom, what happened to my toys?” Rob would inquire.

“They are gone honey, a fire came and ate them up, but don’t worry we will get you new ones”, his mother would often reply.

The change was very hard for Rob, he had to leave his home and move in with his grandmother. He couldn’t help the change, it just came out of nowhere and his life took a hit.

Later his parents found a new place to live, it was an apartment in the city. Rob’s mom needed to be closer to a different office, so she moved to the city and again Rob’s life changed. City life was very different for him, we now lived at least forty five minutes away from each other and began to see each other less and less. On top of that he went to a whole new school and had a much smaller place to live than he was used to. Rob eventually got used to his new life, but it wasn’t long before change struck again.

Rob’s mother was offered a higher paying job for the mayor, the catch is that she had to move again. This time it was way out to Oxford, PA. Now Rob lived two hours away, and we were lucky if we got to hang out two or three times a year.

“Where are we going mom, we’ve been driving forever all I see is trees!” Rob exclaimed on his journey.

“We are almost there, our new house is a little bit out of the way, but trust me it’s worth the drive”. His mom would answer.

The good news for Rob is that his home was enormous. It had four floors including a basement that was all completely Rob’s room. The bad news for Rob is that he lived in the middle of nowhere, he had to commute an hour to get to school, and he didn’t get to see his friends as much. It was hard for Rob to adjust to this new lifestyle, especially after finally getting used to being in the city, but after a while he finally did, but then things changed again, and it was the biggest change yet.

Rob’s mom got a call that a high paying job was available and she was first on the list for possible candidates. She was very excited, but there was a catch, and not a small one at that. The job was all the way in Memphis, Tennessee. After ironing out a lot of details, fighting with her family and watching her son shed many tears, she convinced her family that this was for the best and that they wouldn’t have to move anymore once she took the job. So, Rob moved all the way to Memphis. This was four years ago and I have seen him twice since then. I have kept in touch and I was there for him throughout the process of his move. He had a hard time with such a drastic change in his life, and I’m sure if it were up to him he never would have left Philadelphia. That being said he couldn’t stop this change from happening, he was simply in an environment where changes like this were unavoidable.

Self and the Changing World Essay

Analytical Essay:

People fall into many situations that they never imagined they would. The world is constantly changing and each situation affects how a person thinks or acts. Sometimes there is no control over how someone behaves. The only way to cope with these situations is to react and let it go. In the book, The Things They Carried,when burdened with an emotion or experience, people stop thinking clearly and do things in the heat of the moment.

O’Brien uses the story of Curt Lemon who had a fear of the dentist, to show an example of how soldiers react to their environment. All the soldiers were getting dental checkups and when it was Curt’s turn he fainted. Soldiers are always supposed to be strong and cannot show any form of weakness. So when Curt Lemon’s fear of the dentist got to him, he felt cowardly and weak.  Not wanting to live with the embarrassment that he was scared, Curt took it upon himself to get his tooth removed. “The embarrassment must’ve turned a screw in his head...The dentist couldn’t find any problem, but Lemon kept insisting, so the man finally shrugged and...yanked out a perfectly good tooth.” ( 88) People feel the need to be able to do everything that everyone else does.  Even though he was perfectly fine, Curt made an impulse decision to prove to himself that he was not a coward. He could now live with the fact that he was able to do what every other soldier did. It was not to show off to others but for his self satisfaction and to feel equal to everyone else. He made this decision in the heat of the moment because he felt embarrassed about the way he reacted to the dentist and he wanted to resolve it.

The loss of someone beloved is also a reason people lose control over their emotions and behavior. Rat Kiley was best friends with Curt Lemon. The death of Curt was too sudden and shocking for Rat. The only way he could express what he was feeling was by shooting at a water buffalo they had found. Curt’s death was a surprise to everyone, but it affected Rat the most.

“He shot randomly,almost casually, quick little spurts in the belly and butt… Rat Kiley was crying.” (79) He needed a way to let go of the pain he felt by inflicting pain upon the water buffalo.  Often times people who feel overwhelmed with an emotion or experience do not think but just react. This helps the person to cope with the change that has happened to them and will stay with them forever. By causing pain upon something else or destroying something it makes the person feel better. All the emotions are then channeled on that one object.

Throughout the book, O’Brien shows that soldiers have to always maintain a brave front and anything less than that means they are cowardly. Rat Kiley never showed any moments of fear or lack of courage. He was always someone who did his job the way it should be. Being in war can have a emotional or physical effect on soldiers. Feeling burdened with his experiences in war and the emotions that came with it, he decided he needed a way out. ”He took off his boots and socks, laid out his medical kit,doped himself up, and put a round through his foot.” ( 223) He unable to handle the emotional stress of being in war and with the loss of Curt’s death added to it. Rat knew that the only way of getting himself away from the war was to inflict harm to himself and give himself peace. After a person has too many traumatic experiences bottled up they can’t deal with them anymore.

O’brien in an interview answers how these experiences affects humans. It is not just a story, but how the events affect how a person behaves. He says “It is not the politics of Vietnam. It too is about the human heart and the pressures put on it.” (Interview #3) In his book he describes the pressure that is put on soldiers to be fearless and strong. They fall into many predicaments that they have to face and then move on. They are not given a chance to relax or able to express how they feel. They are always pressured to keep everything inside them which can later cause them to make irrational decisions.

The world is always changing, putting people into circumstances that they are not able to tolerate. People have to find ways to vent their emotions or to get away from things. There are certain decisions that are made that can be harmful in the long run. Instead of pressuring soldiers to put on a constant emotionless and brave front, people should also see that they too are human.

Works Cited for Analytical Essay:

O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

Bourne, Daniel, and Shostak, Debra. "A Conversation with Tim O'Brien." The College of Wooster. October 2, 1991. Web. October 20, 2009.

Narrative Essay:

“Maybe if I close my eyes tight enough, it’ll all go away. Maybe if I take a few deep breaths, I can stay calm. Maybe if I just ignore everything I’ll stop thinking so much. Deep breaths. Smile. Everything will be alright.” These are the things I used to tell myself, locked up in the bathroom when I wanted to get away from everything.

Growing up, my father was not able to be a part of my life because he was unable to live in the United States for legality reasons. My mother was the one who raised me and took care of everything. My mom worked long hours on a minimum wage job to support us. As I grew older, I understood how the absence of my father really affected us. During this time period, I gradually taught myself to just hold everything in. I didn’t let anyone see how depressed I felt, I always kept up a front of being normal. When things got too much to handle, I let out all the pent up emotions, let the tears flow and felt the heavy weight of the pain go away in that moment. I never let anyone see me this way, I always thought they would think I was stupid or weak.

“It’ll be okay soon, just keep praying, just keep your patience, things will get better,” I’d tell myself every time I felt like crying or felt myself starting to crumble. I remember I’d always put on a strong face while my mom cried or just looked depressed. I couldn’t bear to see her this way constantly. I felt like I was a burden to her, and that it was all my fault she was struggling so much with working, paying bills, and etc. It all felt too suffocating so I never asked for much other than what I needed.

In school I focused on my grades more than anything. Unlike other kids, I didn’t hang out with friends, have sleepovers, or chit chat with each other. There wasn’t any way I could help my mom, so I thought by doing well in school and just trying to stay out of trouble, that would be one less thing she would have to worry about. Forgetting that anything else existed, I put all my energy into my academics. However, in the process I lost close friends and I became separated from everyone. I became a person that existed among people. I just wanted to make things better, but nothing felt right.

I struggled like this until I reached high school, where I was in a new environment. I thought to myself that I could start new. However, my mom got sick and I had to take care of her while managing school at the same time. Things would always seem to get better and then something would come along the way and it would go back to the same depressing situation. Everything inside me was just slowly building up and I kept praying that maybe one day soon my dad would be able to return to us, so that we could be together and not away from another.

During the middle of my freshman year of highschool, my mom had to get surgery done again for piles which caused her a lot of pain. She was unable to work for some time. I took care of her, from waking up to giving her medication every couple hours to making sure what she was eating. I felt broken and exhausted from everything. People may think that crying doesn’t help. For me it was the best way to just release everything I was feeling. Other times, I just hated when people talked to me, I just wanted to be left alone. I didn’t want any sympathy or pity, it made me feel weak and pathetic.

Now, I’ve learned that keeping things to myself and just letting everything pile on top of one another was not the best idea. It changed who I was, how I felt, and the world around me. This experience has made me stronger and has helped me understand the value of what relationships are. As of 2013, my dad was finally able to be here with us and things have gotten much better for us.

Proyecto Sandra

Yo-Hola!  SOy Sandra . Tengo Catorce años. Mi cumpleanos vienti tres y marzo. Me Identities es africano americano. . Me gusta escribir y cantar.

Ella- Es mi mejor amiga y Ella es gusta hermana. su llamas Tatiyana. Ella es muy cómica y artística.

nosotros-mi y mi mama . Mi mamá es bonita y muy rubia. pero es por eso que lo quiero mucho. YO quiero mi mama porque ella es simpatica y inteligente

Ellos- To presento a Mi primo. Calvin y Shamar.  Ellos son moleston depende del dia  sin embargo Ellos son los seres queridos en mi vida. Ellos son manoso y divertido

Gracias tu por attecion.

( This is not late but I had to do this so you could see it because you could not see the other one and . Wee video did not send be the verication so I could verify my email . Thank you for your patience)

New Slide

I changed my slide because it looked really out of  place and complicated. For example, the slide had a quote text and it also had a background text and I was told that it makes it hard to read the slide and it is very distractible. In addition to this I also deleted my quoted and the background text and made the background text the primary one. In conclusion, I changed the slide so that it can be simpler and easier to read.

Net neutrality Blog

The internet It's something that everyone uses, from women to children to newborn babies everyone uses it. The internet could be very dangerous to us humans. This could be dangerous because we can be glued for hours at a time which is bad . That's why there is net neutrality.

Net neutrality helps everyone stay on task, limiting the amount of data we get each month. I feel like all teens should know about net neutrality. Teens should know because its very important and  every should know about it. President Obama is all for neutrality.

I think neutrality is a good way to help everyone move on with their lives and get outside or  play with their kids this is an amazing rule and I am all for it .

Blog Slide pt. 2 - Tatiana Ream

I made my slide have the same concept but changed a couple things up. On my first slide post I got comments that I had to much empty space, so what I did for the new slide is changed the font of the lettering and made it bigger to show that it's the most important. Then, I made the pictures bigger and fade away just a little bit because I feel like it's should blend in just a little bit to show what the quote is talking about. The last thing I did was change my background color because it matched the background colors in the picture and seemed it went pretty well. 
Blog Slide Pt. 2

Slide pt. 2

I changed my whole color scheme so it would match with the theme of red and blue since the pictures go well with the colors. I didn't capitalize my title or the words I wrote because I wanted to keep it simple and straight to the point. I made my name bigger than the rest of the words so it'll be the first thing people see when they view my slide and they'll know who it's about. I didn't take away the spacing from my name because it looks better when the words aren't crowded, and I also deleted some of the words that I wrote so it would look less crowded as well. I still bled the images off the slide since I learned that tip from the websites and it looks more put together. I also used two new pictures so they would match with the theme, and the pizza sign is a .png because the white background would throw off the red and blue colors. 

Net Neutrality Blog

¨CANNOT ACCESS PAGE!¨ Has that ever popped up on your screen? Do you wonder why? That, my friend, is because you don't have net neutrality. Net neutrality is when the FCC's rules of the internet have kicked in and allow you to access any website you would like.

Net neutrality is important because if you don't have it, your internet service provider can control what content you look at on the internet. This includes blocking sites that don't pay them extra to run fast or looking up competing service providers. This can also block certain elements on a site. On Facebook, Verizon can block out opposing ISP's pages. So net neutrality benefits you and opposes ISP's.

I think net neutrality is very important. It's unfair to let some people look at some sites and others looking at other sites. It isn't equal. That is what net neutrality is all about.,d.cWc,d.cWc
ediuevfq - Edited
ediuevfq - Edited


This is my slide for tech! I aimed to catch the viewer by using three name colors, red, white and blue. In the fanatic word, I spelled it PHanatic, Then I added different colors, those of the Philly Phanatic. These colors appeal to the viewers at a glance, but then also make them observe the details in the slide. The words represent my love for cars. But the colors show my Puerto Rican and American pride, and the phanatic word shows my Philadelphia pride. I then Downloaded my slide as a PDF, and inserted the HTML Embed code to this post. I also gained inspiration from this website.

I hope you enjoy!

Spanish Benchmark (Ijustice Avery)

Ijustice Avery

Hola! Mi nombre es Ijustice.  Soy muy alto, trabajador, cómico, guapo, en muy deportista.  Me gusta practicar deportes, correr, dormir, nadar, en escuchar música.   Tengo catorce anos. Mi cumpleanos es once de julio.  De donde es Filadelfia.  Asisto SLA.


El es Alex.  Asiste a SLA.  El es catorce anos y cumpleanos es veintiseis de marzo.  El es mayor que yo.  El son muy inteligente también cómico.  Bueno en el beisbol.  Tiene el pelo negro.  El es  súper enérgico.  El es uno de mis hermanos.


Ellas es J’Lynn, Sam, y Siani.  J’Lynn es muy extrano y comica.  Sam es súper tonto.  Siani es tambien tonto.


Nosotros es Laith y yo.  Asistimos a SLA.   Muy bueno en el baloncesto.  El es catorce anos y cumpleanos es mayo de trentia.  Laith essúper deportivo.


Tech Slide 2.0

It's time for improvement! As you will notice I have stretched the Lamborghini to take up more of the slide. I aim for this car to attract eyes, as they do in real life. I also changed the background color to grey to allow the car and letters to stand out more. I also noticed that the misspelled fanatic and colorful letters took away from my main point I am attempting to communicate, so I just stuck with silver/white.

Teens and Net Neutrality. Should YOU care?

NEt Neutrailt
Well, you have somehow stumbled upon my blog post. And as you can tell from the title, I am going to talk about Net Neutrality. But first, a little background. Net Neutrality is what is cheapening to your internet data right now! As of the day I am writing this, (12/23/2014) Internet Service Providers are not allowed to treat your data differently than they way they treat mines or anyone else. However, this might change.

Recently there has been a huge debate over this lately. ISP's aren't exactly happy about some of the views in our government. Take president Obama as an example. Many republicans are angry over his view on the matter. Sure, this happens all the time in Washington. You many be interested in this one though, and it does in fact relate to you.

If Net Neutrality is gone, the internet as it is now will be gone. You'll probably run into websites that your ISP ha blocked, because they can. You may also have slower internet, and you will need to pay more if you want faster internet. Which is just what you had before Net neutrally was gone. So chose what you want, a blocked, slowed down internet, or a normal fair one we have now. Because one day, this is going to be in our hands.

All About Aniya

This slide is the new slide that I have created to represent myself. This slide and the slide that I had created before is the same subject but just in a different style. I learned that the first slide that I created was a little bit cluttered and messy so to make it better I had to choose out American Eagle and Pierce The Veil based on which one I am the most attached to and as you can see I picked Pierce The Veil. I think that it is very leveled and that the colors of red black and white goes together cohesively. Then the black rocky background adds texture to the slide and it also adds depth. 

NET Neutrality Blog Sandra

Sandra Watson



Net neutrality

Net neutrality is when all data is produced equally to every person. Net neutrality has keep the internet together and has proved itself efficient in the years passed but some people think otherwise. The net neutrality  word that was created by Tim Wu has been tested by the FCC. The FCC is Federal Communication Commission . The FCC show what content is shown or being produced over tv, , and radio. They decide what is art or totally wholesome to be shown for other people. The Fcc over the years have worked their way into the internet and decided that NO Net Neutrality would be a better way to go for everyone or just them ?

In February the FCC and Tom Wheeler  will be having a meeting on what new rules they want to consider or make for NEt neutrality. This has been a topic that has been circling in media and schools for quite a while now .   NEw rules might new internet service for all of us .    The FCC decides that we should no longer have net neutrality we might all get slower content based on what we pay for and may lose important information which is highly wrong but we do not get a say so in what internet privileges we get even though we are the ones paying for it .

In conclusion we all should agree that net neutrality is good for our whole society. Net neutrality affects no one but all of us. The FCC should stop meddling into the internet and stick to covering content on  the tv, radio . NO one should be treated less than because of their financial income. We fought for equality so lets stay Equal .

Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 9.17.23 AM
Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 9.17.23 AM

Polson, net neutrality video

​Net neutrality is treating a internet equally.
The ISP's coined the phrase
The FCC doesn't like what the ISP's have been doing with charging people for the fast lane.
They have there own internet run the same as everyone elses because it would be hipocritical.
I think that net neutrality is really important because it is important that we all have the same thing. 

Net Neutrality


Why is Net Neutrality important for teens to know about? Net Neutrality is important for teens to know about because it shows teens the basics of the internet. It teaches teens to know more than what they think about the internet. Without net neutrality the internet would be a mess and unorganized. Net neutrality is our internet’s “savior”.

Net neutrality controls ISPs. ISPs are middle mans. Without net neutrality they wouldn't be fair and equitable. An ISP is a middle man because it receives the interweb, and then sells it at high prices to the consumers. It also shortens the speed and access. You have to pay more money to get faster speeds on the internet, and access to more websites.

Also, without net neutrality, ISPs would be able to create new plans to charge customers more for access and services. This affects us because it would be difficult for us to interact online with what we want to do on the internet. The internet can become similar to  cable television. Gatekeepers control what we can and get to watch. This unproductive use of the internet may destroy its access.

Net Neutrality, Feliciano Hayes (tech9 - 014 b2)

Net neutrality is affects us teens and kids more than anyone. We as teens, are the future of the internet. Anything that happens with net neutrality affects us more than anyone. It is very important for teens to know about net neutrality. Why? because as a generation that does everything through the internet, we should know what is going on with it.

Net neutrality controls ISPs, or AKA the middle man. Without net neutrality ISP’s wouldn't be fair. ISP’s receive the inter web, and then sells it at high prices to their customers, making it the middle man.They also give you a limited speed and access. People have to pay more money to get faster speeds, and more accessibility to more websites.

Without net neutrality, ISPs would be able to create new plans to charge customers more for services.  This would make it harder for people to interact online. The internet could become similar to the cable television because gatekeepers control what we can and get to watch. This use of the internet is unproductive and might destroy the quality.


Net neutrality Blog

Net neutrality is very important for teens to know about, because it can greatly impact their future. Without net neutrality, many of the websites that teens want to visit would be blocked. Teens should know that it will affect their parents also, because their parents will be the ones paying to use certain sites. It is unnecessary, because its already enough that we are paying for internet access, so why should we pay to use it. This generation of teens will not fare well from net neutrality.

Net neutrality can affect a teens learning abilities. For example, many schools, such as SLA are tech based. So if there is no net neutrality, their learning sites will be very limited and their school will have to require more money to pay for the blocked sites. Net neutrality could possibly ruin a school, because it discriminates against the middle and lower class citizens who can’t afford to pay to use certain sites. Public schools will require more money from the government, and this could cripple our financial state.

Teens should know who is supporting net neutrality and who is against it. Once they know all about how crazy the people against it are, they will possibly take actions against it. We must empower young teens to raise their fists for net neutrality. Net neutrality is what keeps the internet growing and thriving. It also keeps I.S.P.’s out of shady deals. This generation of teens is the generation that can save the internet, and that is why it is important for teens to know about net neutrality.

Slide 1 - Friend

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Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 8.48.23 AM

The reason I made my slide the way it is, is because the color blue seems to be a cool color which is usually appealing to the average human eye. I used the Caesar Dressing font because this font is used by The Caesar Hotel which is an eye capturing hotel and most people look at  because of its font. The reason I chose to use the words I did is because people like the truth so thats what I gave them. I added that animated picture of me because it went with the theme of the slide and also told who I am. The picture shows me wearing a hoodie of my favorite color which is blue. It also shows me with a controller and headphones which represents me being a gamer. I left the background white because it would help draw more attention to my slide. In a way it’s like moth to a flame. I left everything spaced out but not too spaced out because this gives people a sense of organization but not a sense of emptiness. This is my slide.

Mekhi by any other name would be just as awesome - William Shakespeare

Net neutrality - Friend

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Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 8.41.59 AM
It is very important for teens to know about net neutrality because it is a huge deal. Making the wrong decision with net neutrality could possibly cause protest. Teens are the future of the world and they need to know about very controversial topics. If we don’t then it is more like we will start controversies. If we do know about it than it is less likely we will have controversies.

Net neutrality is the freedom to view all websites without paying an additional fee to few certain websites. It also makes the speed of the internet faster. Now if you're in the one percent than you probably won’t mind having to pay. But if you're the average joe then you should have a problem with this. If ISPs get rid of net neutrality and teens don’t know about it then they won’t be able to restore it when we become the leaders.

Now lets say every teen new about net neutrality. I guess about 63% of them would protest to keep net neutrality. Now say if the ISPs still get rid of net neutrality. When we become the adults we can just restore it. Why? Because we will know that it is a good thing to have because we had to go through it.