Site for JOVEN

By Veronica Pham, Isabella Farrell, Elena Britton and Carlos Itzko of 2E.

video is on the site (it auto plays on the homepage, be prepared, music will automatically play from the video!) 



Hand in hand.

Walking to a place unknown.

Complaining to not go.

But then.

Through the open door, lie

so many little faces unknown.

All sitting on a carpet, starring.

Starring as I stand besides mom.

I look up at her and into her eyes,

as my eyes start to water.

I begin to cry.

A unknown lady walked forward.

Speaks in a language so unknown.

They all speak in the language unknown.

But a language I must learn.

She looked at me, pulled me toward

the carpet but I didn't let go of mom.

She asked mom to sit on a chair 

in the back of the room.

I didn't want mom to go and

leave me with these unknown people.

But mom letted go and made me understand.

The lady pulled me to sit on the carpet again.

I went and sat down next to my mom's, friend son.

The lady spoke and the children answered her questions, 

as I sat there quietly being unknown. 

I looked back at mom but she told me to focus.

So I did. Listened and tried to understand the lady. 

She went on and on about something I didn't even know.

But then came the fun part. She gave us books with pictures

to color in and some colorful pencils. I got busy.

Then I looked back. 

I didn't see my mom. 

Didn't know where she was.

Then I ran to the window.

Pushed my face so close.

Looked through.

Tears rolled down my small cheeks.

And there she was, outside. 

Walking away from here and

leaving me in a place unknown.

Do's and Don'ts of being me

Do go to school and get a really good education; so you can succeed in life. 

Don't get below A's in report cards. 

Do the right things.

Don't do the wrong things. 

Do think before you say something. 

Don't say and then think.

Do dress yourself in a nice way. 

Don't dress this way.

Do make friends at school.

Don't talk to boys because we won't let you have him.

Do tell boys that you can't love them because your different.

Don't love someone out of your own race or religion.

Do listen to your family and have them first before falling for another.

Don't love any other men besides the one your family picks for you.

Do have a nice heart.

Don't build up a cruel heart.

Do smile everyday.

Don't make mistakes or break rules.

Do listen to your heart and have fun.

Don't forget to life


Part Of My Life
Writing assignment: 

 The instructor said, 

Go home and write 

a page tonight.

And let that page come out of you ---

Then, it will be true.

I'm sit here thinking, wondering how to fill up this page. 

I'm a girl who's fifteen, born in Bangladesh but now living in Philly.

My parents moved here so my older siblings and I

could get a better education and succeed in life.

I went to Charles R. Drew and now in SLA.

Along the way I've made so many friends that have 

changed my life in so many ways. Out of all my 

friends there is one that completes my life every 

second that I'm alive and means the world to me.

I can never thank them enough.

But for now I'll sit here and write:

On this path of life I have always had 

ups and down but it hasn't all been bad.

I've had those crazy mood swings. I'll be 

happy one second then maybe mad,

and then at night I might end up crying. 

Call me crazy but cryings maybe the only

way I get my crazy fillings out. People 

barley know about this because I hold it in

and stay strong. Their is one person 

in my life that knows all their is to know

about me and like I said I'll never be able

to thank them enough.  

From the outside I'm the type of girl thats 

so happy, always telling jokes, smiling, laughing 

and having the time of my life. Most of the time

I am that girl in every way but sometimes 

deep inside I'm dying, my heart's broken 

but not bleeding. I'm tired of crazy drama 

but never of life because I have so much

planned for it. I act like everything is perfect 

so for most I am one of the happiest girl they know. 

And Some think that I have no problem and that my 

life is completely perfect. I don't mind that at all because

I know whatever has happened in my past has made

me the girl I am now.

Someone has to really get to know me well enough, 

in order to know the truths, before they can

know me and all that is hidden about me from the world. 

And this is my paper for English B.



Annotation 1:

Fazlollah, Mark. Lawsuit: Cops plated evidence on trio.February 01, 2013
The Philadelphia Police Department got removed from the elite drug unit because apparently they were accused of arresting the suspect on invalid charges after breaching the wrong apartment. This is a great example because the Police were accused of planting drugs on the suspects but there are no evidence that states such. It’s situations like these that make it hard for there to be a one hundred percent sure case in the Philadelphia Police Department because there is no evidence that proves such and there is no evidence proving that the suspects are lying or not.

Annotation 2: Fazlollah, Mark. Lawsuit: Cops plated evidence on trio.February 01, 2013 Also, there were six officers involved that have not yet made a comment about the situation. The officers were withdrawn from at least 260 criminal cases because they were just accused of planted drugs on the suspects. There are no evidence that proves so so why is everything happening with out no real proof?

Annotation 3:  Fazlollah, Mark. Lawsuit: Cops plated evidence on trio.February 01, 2013 The lawsuit says that the Agents that deal with narcotics busted in the apartment and there was a statement stating that the warrant that they were using wasn't for that apartment it was for a completely other apartment. But there is no proof that states all this? The article's most commonly used word is "apparently" and "accused" witch means that they are not one hundred percent sure that everything is.

Annotation 4: Fazlollah, Mark. Lawsuit: Cops plated evidence on trio.February 01, 2013 "After finding no drugs, the suit said, one officer "planted a bag of narcotics in the apartment and claimed to have found it there." It did not identify the officer supposedly involved in planting drugs." was a section that stood out for me in the whole article because what proof is there proving that the officer did the act? Why are the officers being treated such when there are just witnesses that could be lying or covering for someone. I think that they should be more organized when dealing with cases like this.

Annotation 5: Slobodzian A. Joseph. Case Of Philadelphia Priest raping. January 25, 2013 This article titled "Case of Philadelphia priest and former teacher accused of raping altar boy headed to jury" was an article that was surrounded by assumptions towards the 49 year old man. Just because the man has a criminal record, everyone attacks him and believes everyone else towards him with little evidence just because he has a history. I think that the man should not be treated in such manner just because he is accused with little evidence which could be proven wrong.

College Rate


   This website gives you a over view of the rates of cost in colleges over the years.

  This site talks about how the colleges are failing with their graduation rates. It mainly talks about the university of Massachusetts and how it’s rates have fallen over the years. 

Interview with Kerina Hershfiled 

 In the interview we tried to talk about collage graduation rates and found out that they are very hard to calculate. They only just recently found out how to do that and only just recently put them up.

 This cite has a graph showing the changing rate from 1940 to 2008. This is a useful visual source.

  This source tells about how over time the graduation rates haven’t increased. IT explains how and why this might be.