Reflection on the school year.


Throughout the school I have tried my hardest and worked to the best of my ability to do well in school, especially when it comes to English. English class involves a lot of writing and thinking which is what you need to type a well-presented paper. The work that you represents me as a writers, maybe not a very good one but, someone who puts forth an effect to complete a well challenging task.


Some things that I feel are my weaknesses in English are my spelling, I can’t spell to save my life. When writing, I could type for hours if it’s an interesting top I’m writing about, but when it comes down to revising it I find many errors in my writing. Especially when using the right form of the word, such as their, they’re and their also than and then. These are just a few things I need to work on so when I enter 10th grade I’ll be on point with my word context.


I’m proud of myself looking back on my work throughout the year. I feel accomplished with all the hard work I put into my portfolio. A few things I struggled on are finishing assignments last minute and just completing my work the day it’s due. It’s usually because other assignments from other classes I’d be forced on more because they would be due first. Juggling task from other classes is a major thing I need to work on for the new school year.  Another thing I had a hard time with was gathering information or coming up with information to write about in the papers for my portfolio. It very hard because after all ideas and details I’d put it the paper, I’d see that it wasn’t enough to fit the requirements of whatever the assigned pages were.

My piece I am most proud of is my vignette, in that assignment I felt as though I got to express myself because our stories we writing had to be about something that happened to you or your family. Such as a special event, vacation or even your family itself. In that piece I talk about how it was living in my household and compared my family to a family portrait, wishing that would be my everyday life, my family being as happy as in a family portrait.

Macbeth Benchmark. Character Analysis.

Introduction: This project is based off the playbook Macbeth, which was assigned to read for English class. For the project, our job was to chose a character, 10 quotes and explain how that person changes throughout the story.


Victoria Odom

Macbeth Benchmark

Thesis: Lady Macbeth stands her ground as a strong woman who is willing to do anything to get what she wants, but in the end her guilty conscience gets the best of her, leaving her with the wrong act of suicide.


In Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth discovers a letter from Macbeth that he we will soon be promoted as the Thane Of Cawdor and later reign as King.   Since Duncan is still King, and is staying the night at Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth confronts Macbeth on a plan to killing Duncan in his sleep.  She states in Act 1 Scene 5 Lines 64-65, “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t”.  What she means is be a gentle person show no fear, emotion, or signs of murder.  Although she is excited that the King is coming to stay, she hides that eagerness of her husband Macbeth becoming King.  In the quote she is talking to Macbeth and telling him to do this also, she wants there to be no suspicion of them being the murders behind this death, hoping for this to be a perfect kill.


In Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth is having seconds thoughts on killing Duncan and is a bit scared of the outcome.  He is still wondering on whether or not to go through with the plan, but Lady Macbeth questions him and makes him want to change his mind. She says in Act 1 Scene 7 Lines 39-41, “Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valor as thou art in desire?”.  What she is asking him is, is he afraid to act the way he desires.  She questions him on if he is afraid to do want he feels he needs to do, but she uses seduction to convince him to stick to the plan. 


In the beginning of Act 2 Scene 2 Macbeth is on his way to killing Duncan while Lady Macbeth awaits for the conclusion of it being done.  Within this Act and Scene, Lines 10-12 Lady Macbeth says “Th’ attempt, and not the deed, confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready – he could not miss ’em”.  What this means is Lady Macbeth is anxious and can’t wait for the murder to be done with. She is waiting and waiting and wants to know what’s taking Macbeth so long but, when she final hears the good news she is filled with relief.  This indicates that Lady Macbeth is willing to do anything to get what she wants and stop at nothing to make sure that happens. 


In the middle of Act 2 Scene 2 Macbeth is going crazy and starts to feels guilty about killing Duncan.  He starts to regret it and wish it never happened but, Lady Macbeth says in Line 37 “These deeds must not be thought. After these ways; so, it will make us mad.” She tells Macbeth that thinking that way is wrong and if he continues on this path he’ll go insane.  Lady Macbeth is now starting to take command and shows that she now has power.


In Act 3 Scene 2 Lady Macbeth starts to get worried and feels regret of what has been done, although she was the one telling Macbeth to man up and feel no guilt.

Macbeth starts to keep to himself and tells Lady Macbeth that he’s been thinking a lot and having nightmares about the night of the murder. Lady Macbeth states in Lines 12-13 “Things without all remedy should be without regard. What’s done is done.” What she means is what is done can’t be fixed so stop giving it a second thoughts.  She wants Macbeth to stay focused with his role as King and stay on path with his power in command.


In Act 3 Scene 4 Macbeth is at the banquet dinner with all the other Lords.  Before the dinner he sends out murders to go and kill Banquo but, during the dinner Macbeth starts to have illusions and see ghosts of Banquo. This makes him seem as if he’s crazy and talk out loud let the ghost is really there.  Lady Macbeth watches as this happens and talks to the Lords and tries to play it off.  As she shows the Lords out the door she says to Macbeth “You lack the reason of all sleep”, Line 142, she starts to give up and lose that willingful power.  She’s telling Macbeth to go to bed because she knows he is tired, she also feels tired too. Tired of the lies and worries, and so she starts to die off and lose that empowering control.


In the beginning of Act 5 Scene 1 the doctor and gentlewoman are in the hall, and are talking about Lady Macbeth and her continuous sleepwalking.  The gentlewoman says in Lines 28-29 “It is an accustomed action with her, to seem thus washing her hands”.  What she means is that she’s been seeing Lady Macbeth do this a lot lately for many minutes at a time. What she doesn’t know is that what Lady Macbeth is doing, is replaying that moment in time where she was washing the blood from her hands from the murder of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth has let all this go to her head and this guilt she is holding in making her go insane and feeling she has done wrong.



In the middle Act 5 Scene 1 the doctor and gentlewoman are still discussing Lady Macbeth and her sleepwalking.  They observe the things she says and does, and soon they find out that her and Macbeth were the masked murders behind this killing of Duncan.  As Lady Macbeth is walking she says in Lines 50-51 “Here’s the smell of blood still.  All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hands”. What she means is in her mind the smell of blood still lies on her hands, and nothing no perfume or cleaning can make it go away. Again she feels this guilt inside of her and its eating her alive. 



At the end of Act 5 Scene 1 the doctor and gentlewoman are still listening and watching Lady Macbeth sleepwalk and soon are on their way to bed.  Before they go off, the doctor says to the gentlewoman in Lines 58-60 “I have known those which have walked in their sleep who have died holily in their beds”. What he means is he doesn’t know vary much of this disease but those he’s known who have done it weren’t guilty of anything.  Although, Lady Macbeth is spilling the beans about the murder in her sleep these truthful words warn the doctor and gentlewoman about what Lady Macbeth might do next.


In Act 5 Scene 8 the battle is on for the taking of thrown, now that everybody knows that Macbeth is the murder behind Duncan’s death.  Before the battle beginning news is brought to Macbeth that Lady Macbeth is dead but, really shows no emotion of this terrible news. Macduff enters the castle and slays Macbeth leaving him with nothing.  At the end of the battle Malcolm states in Lines 70-71 “Of this dead butcher and his friend like queen who, as ‘tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life”. This indicates Lady Macbeth took her own life because of all the guilt tearing her apart.


In conclusion, Lady Macbeth has definitely changed throughout the play.  At first she was excited and happy her husband was becoming King.  She was also hoping to be satisfied with the murder of Duncan and felt that she had some say and power in the decisions made.  As time moved on she started to feel guilty and less and less powerful while her husband was king.  Then she started sleepwalking and having nightmares about the day of the murder. Finally the day or a few hours before the big battle Lady Macbeth took her own life because she good no longer take the guilty conscience in her head.






Vignette Benchmark.

Introduction: This benchmark was to write about a special moment in your life and describe it with stylistic devices, such as magic 3, dialogue, and similes.


Red Stream

Victoria Odom

Family Portrait


            Families aren’t always what they look like in family photos. (opener) I guess, “I’m blessed to even have a family”(dialogue) as my mom would say, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like that. I remember the first time my family and I went to take our first family photo. My mom was looking in the car mirror trying to get her hair the way she wanted it, my dad still inside trying to figure out what to wear, and my little brother crying for a reason of which I don’t remember, we all were excited to get our picture taken. (magic 3) As my dad entered the car, a few minutes later we pulled off and were set out for reaching our destination. 

Arriving at the photo shop within 30 minutes, we all hopped out the car, as my mom unstrapped my brother from his car seat.  (magic 3)  While we entered the building, I discovered that we weren’t the only family getting our picture taken today. Minute after minute after minute (rep 4 effect) went by, and finally it was our turn under the camera light. The cameraman, whose name was so hard to pronounce I couldn’t remember it, told us to sit, positioned us all in an appropriate angle, and told us to smile. I smiled wide and proudly as if I was a superhero in a comic book, that had just saved the day. (simile)With all the positioning just right the camera man kindly said “ 1…2…3…smile”. (dialogue) He took a few photos so when it came time to selecting the best ones we had a variety of them to choose from. My family and I left the photo shop with great excitement, so when the pictures were delivered to my house and the photos were hung on the wall, we had some sort of happy memory to look back on in the near future.

            By the time the weekend was over I was so ready to go back to school, at that age you think school is cool and learning was something you’d be interested in the rest of your life. Back then I had already gotten tired of people pronouncing my last name as if it was “O your dumb”. (dialogue) Coming home from elementary school that day I heard strange voices I wasn’t expecting to hear after a good day of learning. “Its your fault its all your fault” (dialogue) words that never seemed to make sense to me at such a young age, were all part of a puzzle I’ve always been hoping to but together.  The voice came from upstairs, I walked into the kitchen as if I didn’t know what was going on, although I could still hear the arguing. Being young then, it was hard to understand why my parents were always mad at each other one minute then loving and caring the next. I guessed that’s what real love was all about, and you just had to except the similarities and differences of each others’ open-minded company, and if you didn’t like it then leaving was the only other option.

I always thought my parents would end up in divorce, with my brother and I juggling from place to place to go to one parent to the next.  Especially since on our last family vacation, filled with great joy and amusement, my dad didn’t join us. Before we left for the vacation I ask my dad “Why aren’t you coming with us?” (dialogue)he responded ask your mother, and indeed I did. As I walked to my parents’ room to find my mom still packing her things. She seemed pissed but I still intended to ask her “Mom”(dialogue) as every average American girl called their mother, “Do you know why dad isn’t coming on vacation with us?”, “He’s mad at me I guess” (dialogue) replying with an irritated voice. She started mumbling under her breath, I got tired of listening to my mom’s complaining similar to what I heard on a daily basis, so I left and waited with my brother down stairs in the living room. Over all the vacation was great with splashes, laughter, food and fun but I wish we could of spent it as a whole family.

If I was to really think hard about it seems to me that they fight over about the any and everything, especially when it comes down to money, bills, and sometimes even me and my brother. That’s what hurts the most, sometimes I think we’re the cause of the problem, between my brothers reckless behavior and my so called nasty attitudes, it’s easy to believe that’s why they argue, but harder to imagine.(magic 3)

The arguing is mind blowing, it’s hard to study or even complete homework with all that noise. It’s not always the arguing though, I would say sometimes its not that at all, I’d say its mainly the yelling, screaming, and complaining at me. (magic 3) This gives me major headache, along with the fact my brother’s room is literally right next to mine. He’s always gaming, and talking on the phone, he talks on the phone more then a female does. Although there’d be nothing for a 7th grade middle schooler to talk about, he indeed spends hours in conversation. The vent from his room is connected directly next to mine, so it’s as if he’s in the same room as me. I’ll tell him to “Shut up”(dialogue), that just results to me yelling “Shut the hell up!”(dialogue) but still that butthead continues to disrespect my elderly authority.

My life isn’t what I want it to be but it does have its happy sides, like good family outings. It’s always fun then, spending time together, having a good laugh, and just chilling. (magic 3) Quality time together seems to be the best time I enjoy with my family, even if they’re a pain, but overall it’s better then not having a family at all.  My parents are still together, for now anyway, but sometimes I wish living in a house with them was a great happy feeling as you see in a family portrait. 

Odyssey Benchmark. Penny and Penelope Comparison

Introduction: This benchmark assignment was to compare and contrast a character from the book The Odyssey and another person that related to them but  at the same time showed some differences.


Victoria Odom

Red Stream


Penny And Penelope Comparison



Could you stand being a single mother raising your children alone, while your husband is away on a journey? Well Penelope and Penny could. The book The Odyssey and the movie O, Brother Where Art Thou are being compared and contrasted based on the characters Penelope and Penny, the wives of the main characters, Odysseus of The Odyssey Penelope’s husband, and Everett of O Brother Where Art Thou Penny’s husband. Although Penelope and Penny were both left pregnant and alone their stories of struggle and husbands’ journeys home are different.


Penny and Penelope both remain confident throughout their stories. Penny divorces her husband Everett, after he has to leave and go to jail. With a need to support herself and her family, she seeks out to find a new husband, who has better qualities than Everett, one who she says has to be “bone-a-fide”. Penny knows what’s best, so she finds herself “a suitor” who is up to her standards and is formally engaged to her fiancé, Vernon T. Waldrip. Penelope is left with a baby boy to take care of while her husband Odysseus is away for 20 years trying to find his way home after the Trojan War. Penelope has her house invaded by a group of 100 plus suitors, with one who she has to marry. She still feels for her husband and doesn’t want to marry any of these suitors. She wants him to come home but has a feeling he is dead. According to Penelope the suitors are nothing but a bunch of greedy pigs, and she wants out of her home. One day she has enough of the suitors and says” And you, if you have any shame in your own hearts, you must leave my palace! See to your feasting elsewhere; devour your own possessions, house to house by turns. But if you decide the fare is better, richer here, destroying one man’s goods and going scot-free, all right then, carve away” (Book 2 lines 156-160). The both of these ladies know what they want and if it’s best they’ll strive to get it.


Penelope and Penny are the reasons why their husbands want to come home.

While Everett is away serving his jail time, Penny sends him a letter that tells him she is getting married to her fiancé Waldrip. So Everett lies to his companions who is he is chained to telling them that they are escaping to find treasure. He is dedicated to returning home and getting his wife back. Penny stubbles upon Everett in a store and he realizes that she has been telling her daughters that he is dead because he was hit by a train. Penelope, on the other hand can’t communicate with Odysseus because there is no way she can. Odysseus is coming home from the war but along the way faces many great challenges occurring by sea and islands. Penelope has no idea he is alive and when he comes home Penelope doesn’t know it is Odysseus because he is disguised as a beggar. The only people who she can talk to,  are the suitors who she wants nothing to do with.  “These men drive me mad, hedging me round, right and left, plotting their lethal plots, and no one takes my side”. (Book 18 Lines 261-262) Penelope has no contact with Odysseus but Penny has contact with Everett. This shows that Penny as a chance to talk to Everett and work things out in there relationship. Penelope has no way of talking to Odysseus and explain how she feelings about him but, she can’t all she can do is worry and hope he makes it home safely.


Penelope and Penny both want their husbands’ back but at different times. Penelope remained faithful to Odysseus for 20 years and didn’t want to marry anybody else, but when he returned home things were a little different. He came home in disguise, as a beggar, but Penelope doesn’t know that it’s him. “… my husband in their ships, Odysseus if he could return to tend my life the renown I had would only grow in glory.”.  (Book 18 Lines 284-286) When the competition arrives Odysseus proves himself worthy because he is the only one who successfully completes the challenge. He tries to tell Penelope that it is really him, her husband and not just an old man. So Penelope tests Odysseus to see if it’s really him. She tells the maids to move the marriage bed and once Odysseus sees this he quickly fills with anger because that bed was made special, made from a firmly planted tree trunk. Penelope immediately knows, it’s Odysseus after she sees his reaction. Penny found herself a new man, “a suitor” who met her standards and could help support her family. She forgot about Everett as if he was really dead and told her children that a train had hit him. Once Everett proves himself to Penny and shows that he is “bone-a-fined” she plans to remarry him but only if he finds the wedding ring he gave to her when they first were married. Both women Penelope and Penny take their husbands back but with a catch.


These stories of Penelope and Penny are different but in some situations they are alike. They both were single mothers who took both parent rolls while their husbands were away. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus but, Penny on the other hand could care less about Everett.  Their husbands wanted them back so Penelope and Penny were the reasons why the wanted to come home. When their husbands arrived Penny and Penelope took them back but both at different times in their stories. Over all, both women remained confident throughout their stories and got their husbands back with an amazing story for them to hear about Odysseus’s and Everett’s journey.




Independent Reading.

Introduction: We were assigned to read a book over the first and second quarter and write a book review to turn in at the end of the second quarter.

To Kill A Mockingbird

Book Review

By: Victoria Odom



To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee. The book was first published in 1960 and in 1961 won the Pulitzer Prize. It was lately made into modern day movie, which some people like to call a great classic. In the story, the setting takes place in the deep south of Maycomb, Alabama during the time of the Great Depression.


In the book the main characters are Scout, Jem, Atticus, Tom, Bob and Mayella. The book is told through Scout’s eyes and as you read you’ll discover, as a young girl, Scout is learning a lot about what really goes on living in the deep South. Scout’s father, Atticus, is a lawyer and is appointed to represent Tom Robinson, a black man, in a rape case. Although everyone knew that Tom wouldn’t stand a chance on trial, the sheriff knew with Atticus as his lawyer that at least Tom last longer.  Tom Robinson was accused of rapping a young white girl, Mayella but, truth is Tom is innocent. Her father Bob has been beating and raping her for as long as she can remember. Growing up this is what Scout is a witness to this racist unfair trial, and later discovers what racism actually is.


Although I have not really experienced any of the things the characters have, I have experienced of racism in my daily life. When I walk into a store usually owned by a different race they follow me around as if I was going to steal something. We as black people have come a long way from all the wrongly accused acts, I feel that peace has gotten better since that time period.


Over all I really enjoyed the book, it was very interesting to read and I have read it many times before. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest books ever written. It combines the act of racial discrimination with the everyday life of a young girl. If Harper Lee ever continues from this book I would love to read the next book. I think she is a great author and when she writes she really bring in the reader’s attention. There’s nothing I disliked about this book.


Yes I would recommend this book to others because of its truth relations in history. It inspired me to read more books just like it. It shows that some people are caring and kind the stick up for others. As Atticus did with Tom in court, all though everyone knew they didn’t stand a chance on trial. I wish this book was longer because I think 376 pages wasn’t enough, it will have you thinking what happens next even after you’re done reading the book.


Journal Entries.

Introduction: These are my top four journal entries, that we were assigned to write about in class throughout the school year.

Journal Entries

Victoria Odom



I thought school was suppose to be a place of peace and learning but, some people make it seem like the total opposite. I think some girls feel so bad about themselves that they talk about other people to make themselves feel better by degrading others. If they something to say, then they should say it to your face rather than behind your back. This is why I hate two-faced people the want be your friend to get all the n they talk all this trash about you. This is why it’s hard to get along with people because you never know who you can trust. Making friends comes easy but, finding the true ones are the hard part. I feel that you shouldn’t judge people on how they look or was others say about them, what really matters is what’s on the inside, was things like a good personality.



A lot of times I wish I could drop my race because of the racist stereotypes. When I walk into a store that’s usually own by a person of high class or different race, they follow me and or my friends around. I hate the fact of stereotypes, just because I’m black doesn’t mean I steal because that surely is not true. I think no one should be thought of a criminal just because of their outer skin appearance. Or even thought to be a drug dealer or murder just because their black, live in a not so fancy part of their city and may or may not own a gun. People need to stop judging others on racial aspects and judge based on personality.



I am who I am


I am who I am

each and everyday

I am who I am

no matter what you say

I am who I am

when I go to sleep

I am who I am

when I don’t say a peep

I am who I am

standing tall and proud

I am who I am

speaking very loud

I am who I am

no matter what I wear

I am who I am

no matter if you care

I am who I am

each and everyday

I am who I am

is what I have to say





My winter break wasn’t so great. Spending the majority of it sick wasn’t what I had planned, but over all I guess you can say it was okay. Christmas was interesting, I got everything I wanted and more, seeing family I haven’t seen in awhile was great too. Family time is usually fun, when there’s no drama but, that’s all it seems to be lately. New Years was even worse, BECAUSE I DIDN’T GET TO CELEBRATE IT! I guess you say it was my fault, it’s all because I was on the phone from 3 to 8:30 am the night before. So when the new-year came around I was knocked out on the couch fast asleep. Although I was sick for 2 weeks straight I feel much better now.

Journal Entries

At the beginning of some classes, we would be given a prompt on the board that we had to answer in our journal entries. These prompts could vary from asking why people write, to if we have ever done something with a group we were ashamed of.

Why do we write?                                                                                                       11/24/10


            We write because writing expresses what messages we want to give to the world, whether they are expressed in a serious or a comical way, we can give these messages even if we believe them or not. Other than that, there are many other reasons we write, if we want to write a story, to complete an assignment in school, or to get something on paper and off our mind. Everyone can write, even people who are illiterate, because writing to me is less the physical act of putting words on paper, but more an act of self expression, like art, or music.


Is it important to you to fit in? Have you ever done anything as part of a group that you’re ashamed of?                                                                                                                       12/2/10


            It isn’t that important to me to fit in, I don’t want to be completely excluded from a group, but I don’t want to be the same as everyone else either. I have never done anything as part of a group that I have regretted later, and I think that fitting in is important because people want to feel wanted.


What makes someone an adult? Do you ever finish growing up?                                  1/25/11


            I think that what defines someone as an adult is maturity. Just because you are over 18, doesn’t mean you are mature. You are never finished growing up, you are constantly learning and growing.


What are some expectations set on you by others? How do these compare to expectations you put on yourself?                                                                                    4/5/11


            Expectations put upon me by others are that I do well in school. I expect myself to do this also, but I also expect my self to do well in things other than academics. These expectations are somewhat different, because I expect more from myself than others expect from me.

Portfolio Reflection

     My portfolio shows that I am a hard working student. For every project or assignment I never go anything lower than a B. That might not say how good of a student I am, but it does show that I work hard and try my best most of the time. As viewers I would expect you to see how different my work is. The work I do is unique, different than most peoples work, but it works for me. Getting into class reading assignments is one of my strengths in English. For example when we did Macbeth in this class I did an amazing job on the projects we were supposed to do. I procrastinate and I don’t like reading a lot, this can be considered as o huge weakness in English class. I always wait until the last minute to do my projects or to read a book for a book report. This can really hurt me in the future and I need to work on it. It was fun looking through all of my past projects and seeing how I grew in vocabulary and over all work since the beginning of September. I didn’t come across many issues in my work, but there were a couple of things I could have done better on. Some of those things are my first Independent reading project and my Vignette. I resolved these issues by reflecting on what I needed to change and what could have made it better. I am most proud of two pieces that I did in this class and they are my Me Magazine and my Macbeth Creative Piece. I am most proud of my Me Magazine because it was the first project that I did in this class and I really talked about my life, I never wrote so much in my life before I started going to this school. At previous schools before SLA we never had acting class or got a chance to do something really creative, my Macbeth Creative piece is an imovie of me acting as Lady Macbeth so obviously it is pretty special to me. I am proud of all of the work I did this year and I want you to see my best creations showcased.
Photo on 2011-05-08 at 12.49 #2
Photo on 2011-05-08 at 12.49 #2

Quarter 4 Portfolio

Introduction/ Reflection:


I think my work says that I am a very creative person and I put a lot of detail into my work. I love to use keynote, because it allows me to put color and be creative on my work. As viewers, you will see a lot of me in my work in the way I write and the way that I express myself. For example, the memoir vignette, you will learn a lot about me just by reading it. I think my strengths in English are comprehending the work and doing the work on time. Also, I think that I’m good at participating in class and engaging in the conversations that we have.


Quarter 4 Portfolio

Quarter 1:

Macbeth Character Analysis:

This project was to demonstrate the one of the characters growth throughout the book. The goal was to have 10 quotes that the character has said and illustrate the transformation of MacBeth or Lady MacBeth.


Thesis Statement: Lady Macbeth is a greedy person but then turned into a regretful person who was soaked with guilt.


In Act 1 scene 3 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth stating that he received a prophesy from the witches that he was going to be Thane of Cawdor and will be the King. Aside, Lady Macbeth reads, “Glamis thou art Cawdor, and shalt be what thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature” (Act 1, scene 5, lines 14-15). What this means here is that Lady Macbeth now wants this phophesy to come to pass. Now, Lady Macbeth is going to do everything that she can in order to make this happen. She fears his nature or his personality because he could react a certain way that Lady Macbeth wouldn’t like.


In Act 1 scene 5, Lady Macbeth wants to become like a man so that she can have the guts and the strength to kill Duncan. Her desire now is the make sure that she forms an alliance with Macbeth and set out to kill Duncan so that he will no longer become Thane of Cawdor. To herself, Lady Macbeth talks to the spirits and says, “Come you mortal spirits…unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe topful of direst cruelty…make thick my blood” (Act 1, scene 5, lines 39-42). What she means is that she no longer wants to be like a woman. She wants her blood to be thick as a man and so that she can think and fight like a man. She want the “feel” of a man so that she can have the ability to set out for Duncan.

In Act 1 scene 5 of Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are talking and Macbeth states to Lady Macbeth that Duncan is coming home and staying over for dinner. At this time, Macbeth is unaware of what Lady Macbeth wants to do, so he is unmindful of what she wants to do. Lady Macbeth states to Macbeth, “O never shall sun that morrow see…” (Act 1, scene 5, lines 59-60). What she means is that Duncan will not live to see tomorrow because by that time, he will be considered dead.


In Act 1 scene 5, “Lady Macbeth thinks that she has everything under control and she’s going to do this all by herself. She is now starting to be very selfish and egotistical about killing Duncan. She explains all of what she is planning to do to Macbeth and says, “Only look up clear. To alter favor ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me.” (Act 1, scene 5, lines 70-72). This means, she’s telling Macbeth to not to worry about what she is planning to do because she has it “under control”. Lady Macbeth’s ego is really getting to her, which causes her to act out in this way.


Act 1 scene 7, Lady Macbeth feels like Macbeth is trying  to back out from killing Duncan. She also feels like he’s  thinking twice about what he is going to do especially if it’s going to lead to him getting into some trouble. Lady Macbeth says, “And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man.” (Act 1, scene 7, lines 50-51). This means, she doesn’t think that Macbeth has the guts to kill Duncan anymore and that he doesn’t have the courage anymore. He is second guessing  himself because he thinks that he is going to fail. That shows that Macbeth is now thinking that he isn’t thinking like a man and doesn’t show any signs of being a man. Lady Mac manipulates him to try and get inside of his head.


In Act 1 scene 7, Lady Macbeth is now planning in what they should do in order to kill Duncan. Her plan is to set him up along with his two chamberlains. She says to Macbeth, “Soundly invite him, his two chamberlains, will I with wine and wassail…shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason…when in swinish sleep their drenched natures lies as in a death.” (Act 1, scene 7, lines 64-69). She means that she is going to get the chamberlains and the guards drunk so that they won’t be aware of what is going to happen. She is later going to have Macbeth sneak in and kill Duncan. She is now being very mean and self-centered.


In Act 5 scene 1, Lady Macbeth has been found sleep walking with a light. The gentlewoman and the doctor are trying to figure out what she is saying. She is now regretting the fact that she has pressured Macbeth into killing Duncan. For her, she is now feeling guilty. While in her sleep, she says, “ Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will now sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!” (Act 5, scene 1, lines 50-51). What she means is that she still smells and feels the smell of the blood of Duncan. The Gentlewoman and the doctor found out that she was apart of killing him. Mentally, she is not feeling well and is struggling because she can’t figure out how to get the blood off of her.


In Act 5, scene 1, Lady Macbeth is sleep walking and is talking about her killing Banquo and Duncan. She says, “Out, damned spot!” (Act 5, scene 1, line 35). She is rubbing her hands because she still see’s blood and it is reminding her of the killing of Banquo. She is now blameworthy of what she did.


In Act 5 scene 1, Lady Macbeth claims that Banquo is now dead and that he is in his grave. She doesn’t realize that she is saying this but this is big news to the gentlewoman and the doctor. She says, “I tell you yet again, Banquo’s buried. He cannot come out the grave.” (Act 5, scene 1, lines 62-62). This means that Lady Macbeth is soaked with guilt now since she was the cause of killing Banquo. Not only is she talking to herself, but she is talking to Macbeth because she wants him to know that her work is done and now Macbeth is now king of Cawdor.


In Act 5, scene 1, Lady Macbeth is now going to go to bed and at least try to relax. She see’s that what she has done can not be undone so, she’s full of regret. Still sleep walking, she states, “ To bed, to bed; there’s knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand. What’s done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed.” ( Act 5, scene 1, lines 64-66). That was the last time that Lady Macbeth had spoken until she died. She was not feeling well. She died full with regret and guilt.


These quotes all follow the path of Lady Macbeth. She was a greedy person who wanted anything and everything just do that her husband could be king of Cawdor. When she was done her deed, she realized that what she did was wrong and now she’s filled with guilt. She had to suffer the consequences of what she has done.

Quarter 4 Portfolio

Quarter 2:

Memoir Vignette

This project was to take a snapshot of my life and make it into a small story. This was to utilize and create my personal piece of non-fiction. A vignette is a stand a lone story that you can fit into the bigger picture of your life story.



      The Miracle Child

             What? When? How? Why? She’s not going to live? Inconceivable. Confused, maybe? Unimaginable. Scared. What is going to happen to her at such a young age?  Is she going to live or die?  Is she going to live to see 5, 10, or even 15 years old? (Repetition for effect)These are just some of the questions that probably ran through my parents mind when they found out that I was really sick and possibly not going to live. Come to find out, I had this horrible sickness called sepsis. It was a horrible condition in which my body was fighting a severe infection that has spread to the bloodstream.

            It was on December 17, 1996, that I was transported to the hospital at such a young age. No one knew what was going wrong with me. Not even my parents knew. They only suspected that something wasn’t normal with me. When I arrived at the hospital, I was immediately hooked on to tubes and machines. I had tubes going in and out of my body. Breathing tube, feeding tube… You name it, I had it.  After doing multiple tests and blood work, the doctor noticed that I had this rare sickness and that there was a possibility that I wasn’t going to live. The doctor said, “I’m so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Maddox but your daughter has a chance of not living.” (Dialogue) It got even worse. I had to stay at the hospital for four months. (Dialogue) I wonder how they could’ve felt. Maybe scared, mad, or even upset. I just know that they weren’t happy.

            Hours have gone by. Tick, tock, tick, tock, (repetition for effect) and I’m still hooked onto these machine. Next thing you know, most of all of my family was there in the hospital praying for me and staying at the hospital for days waiting to hear any new news from the doctors. My mom was so scared. She didn’t want me to go, especially since I was her 5th child to be conceived, but only one to survive. My mom had 4 miscarriages before she birthed me. I bet that had to be tough for her and my dad.  It would have been hard for her to hear that I have passed away. All they could do is not just depend on what the doctors said but what God had to say. They knew that if it was my time to go, then it was just my time to go. Would it be devastating? Yes. However, things would not have made sense as to why I would survive the birth but not the sickness. If I was the 5th child to be conceived but then the only one to survive, then there had to be a reason why I was the only one to make it into what you call life. Hmmm. Now that I try to look back and listen to the stories and the pictures, I realize that as a get older, I have a story to tell and let people know that miracles do happen.

            It was the cold morning of Christmas Eve on December 24, 1996,  my mom was shopping at the Kids R’ Us shopping for gifts. As she was walking down the aisle, she bumped into this lady. Of course when you bump into someone, you say excuse me. The lady said, “Just know that your daughter will be fine and everything is going to be okay.” (Dialogue). My mom never met this woman or ever heard of her a day in her life. As soon as my mom turned around and looked back, the lady wasn’t there anymore. She looked for her all around the store. But the funny thing is that they were in the back of the store so the lady couldn’t have gone far. My mom looked high and low like she was investigating a crime scene (metaphor). It was like she was an angel sent from heaven just to let my mom know that I was going to okay. (simile). To hear that being said, I bet it was a sigh of relief. She went back to the hospital knowing that everything was going to be fine. Still, there was like a sea of people just standing around waiting and waiting and waiting. At least I know that my family cared enough about me!

            I stayed at the hospital for a couple more days. Doctors were monitoring me making sure I was doing okay. When they said that I was going to be okay, it was a miracle that I was even going to survived. I could have died right there on the spot. However, there was some bad news. The doctors said that I had to take physical therapy for a whole 6 months. I had to learn how to breathe and how to sit up again. Having all of those breathing tubes coming in and out of my body just messed me up big time!

As I look at the pictures of when I was sick, what I saw was something that I knew wasn’t going to control me for the rest of my life or even take my life. I know that I have a purpose for living on this earth and I am destined to do great things. It’s a miracle that I survived and I’m glad that I am here 15 years later healthy, and just fine!

Quarter 4 Portfolio

Quarter 3:

The Odyssey Compare/Contrast Essay

The quarter 3 benchmark was to compare and contrast the book “The Odyssey” to either the movie “O’ Brother Where Art Thou?” or someone that you may know or a movie that you have watched. This was to see if there are any similarities and differences between the characters.


 The Odyssey (Penelope)


O’ Brother Where Art Thou? (Penny)

 In the movie, “O Brother Where Art thou?” and the book The Odyssey  both of the characters have families that they have to provide for and take care of them. The three points are that Penny decides not to take back her husband however, Penelope does. Both of these characters make decisions that can either jeopardize or bring together their families. Even though Penelope and Penny share many qualities, Penny is very selfish and unwilling to wait to work it out with her husband.

 Both Penelope and Penny show signs of untrust when rumors were going around that their husbands were back. While Everett and Delmar return back to Everett’s hometown, they all find out that Penny is engaged to Vernon T. Waldrip. He is willing to get back with her and tries to convince her that he has changed. However, she doesn’t believe that he has changed and he is the same way as he was before. She tests him to see if he would give her back the ring that she deserves. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the ring because it’s ten thousand feet below the water. As a result, she does not reunite herself with him. Instead, she stays with Vernon. This shows that Penny was very hurt by the fact that her own husband was sent to jail and she doesn’t want to get back with him. Similarly, when Penelope first finds out that her husband is back from being gone for 20 years, she doesn’t believe the suitors. During this time, Penelope is still faithful. However, she tests Odysseus and was asking him questions to see if it was really him. She said, “Come, hand him the bow now, and let’s just see . . . “ (Homer, The Odyssey 21. Line 375). She says this so that she can test the suitors to see if they can shoot the arrow and hit the target.

Even though Penelope and Penny may have some similarities, they also share some differences.  Penny is not willing to wait for Everett. When he was sent to jail, she wanted to divorce him. Overtime, she ends up being engaged to Vernon. She tells her children that Everett was hit by a train and that he’s dead. This shows that Penny was making decisions based on her feelings and what she wanted to do. In contrast, Penelope was always faithful to her husband. She spoke very highly of him. She loved him a lot and always cared about him as well. For example, while Odysseus was gone, she tricks the suitors so that she won’t have to get engaged to any of them.

 Penelope and Penny are very different when their husbands come back. When Everett comes back, Penny doesn’t want to listen when he asks to come back into her life and their children’s lives. She feels this way because she thinks that he is not a good provider for her and her children. Everett has no job and would have no way of taking care of his family. Instead, Vernon has a job and is able to provide and take care of the family. Unlike Penny, Penelope takes Odysseus back. After she tests him, she is still the faithful wife that she was before he even left. This shows that she stays committed to the relationship that she and Odysseus have. For example, when Odysseus comes back she said, “Odysseus- don’t flare up at me now, not you, always the most understanding man alive!” (Homer, The Odyssey Line. 235 -36) This shows that Penelope trust Odysseus and loves him very much and they sill have trust in each other.

 Penelope and Penny do share some things with each other. However, they share a lot of differences. Both of their personalities are different therefore causing them to not have many similarities with one another. Penelope and Penny share similar qualities that effected them when rumors where going around that their husbands had retuned back. Penelope made her decision to stay with her husband and remain faithful to him as well as her children. Unfortunately, Penny decided not to because of her Everett’s choice that resulted him to going to jail. Both families were infected by this in a good and bad way. In all, both families made a choice that they thought would benefit them as well as their families.

Quarter 4 Portfolio

Creative Piece

Macbeth Creative

This creative piece was to describe either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth in how the have changed throughout the book. We were able to be creative and put in it our own way.  It was a fun project to it.


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Quarter 4 Portfolio

Independent Reading

First Independent Reading

In the beginning of year, we were assigned to read a book and write a book review on it. The book that I choose was called “Blessings In Disguise” by ReShonda Tate Billinsley. Not only did we have to read the book, but we had to understand what was being read and how comprehend it.


The book that I read was called “Blessings In Disguise” written by ReShonda Tate Billingsley is the second, of an 8 part novel series listed in Essence Magazine as a #1 bestseller. The book is a continuation of the first book, “Nothing But Drama”, which is about four teenage girls – Camille, Angel, Jasmine, and Alexis – who experience difficulties, trials, and conflict as friends. ReShonda also wrote many other books such as: “My Brothers Keeper”, which she received the Gold Pen Award for Best New Author from the Black Writer’s Alliance.

             “Blessings In Disguise” centers around two of the four teens, Jasmine and Alexis, who find themselves dealing with the dysfunctions, chaos, and challenges in their families and personal lives. Jasmine is raised by a single parent, who is in search for her dad. Jasmine is sick and tired of always being the one trying to sustain her family together and always cleaning up after everyone, so she escapes from her home and tries to find her father to go and live with him. Alexis seems to have the “perfect life”, however, no one can see what’s she’s really going through as her parents are heading to file for divorce. Both of the girls are terribly tempted to do something substantial that they know will get them into a lot of trouble but instead do it anyway. My favorite character in the book is Jasmine because she goes through a lot as far as family and friends. She tries to find her way through life and is searching for someone to talk to that will understand her in a way that they would know where she is coming from. After the reader is finished with this book, I think they should learn to obey their parents and never to steal. Following these lessons will help them in their everyday lives.

I can relate to the story more on Jasmines side. Even though I don’t have any siblings and my parents aren’t divorced, I have felt like I have wanted to run away and try to live a life that I wasn’t living in the past. I have never done any of the things that Alexis and Jasmine has done but I can relate to how they felt.

I really like this book and I hope to read the rest of the books to see what will happen has far as their relationships and attitudes. Some of its strengths are that the author explains each of the characters in a way that the reader is able to understand. To me, this book doesn’t have any weaknesses. I can apprehend the book very well and know where each of the characters is coming from. There is nothing in the book that I will try and change.

I would defiantly recommend this book to other teenagers to read because it teaches them life lessons that they can carry out and take with them in their everyday lives. Readers will take pleasure in the captivating characters, emotional power, and the down to earth messages of this novel and the other books that follow.

DJackson Musical Instrument Blog #2

My instruments produces sound by plucking the strings or running a bow over the different strings. The vibrations of the strings create waves and out of them sound comes out. The pitch is changing with the thickness of the string and the lengths of the strings. Also the pitch changes when you tighten the strings from the top.
I will use wood and have something to use to model the shape of my instrument. I will need wire for the strings and nails to help with the tuning of the strings. I will also need horse hair so I can use it for the bow.

Quarter 4 Portfolio

Four Top Journals:

My Choice:

Throughout the year, we occasionally were assigned to write in our journals. Sometimes, we got the chance to write what ever we wanted, however, there were times when we had to answer questions that the teacher wrote down.


Journal entry #47

Do I like being a female? Of course!! I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, in being a female, comes a lot of challenges physically, mentally, and emotionally. From deciding what to wear everyday, to body parts changing, to mood swings…it’s just a lot. Sometimes it can be very painful and uncomfortable each month. Each female is different and they can either take the pain or just can’t. These are the times that I wish I was a boy just for the couple of days. For me, I have mood swings and don’t want to be bothered with anyone. Sometimes I get so sick that I don’t even come to school. Not only the physical changes that I as well as a lot of other females go through, but we also go through a lot of emotional changes. Personally, they can get in the way a lot because you would have feelings that later on you would think about it and then it would be stupid that you even thought about it.


I would like to be a boy and have the mentality of a boy for one day just so that I can see and experience how they function on a day to day basis. To me, it’s kind of difficult to understand them and know their ways; for example, how they think, what they do when a girl walks by, etc. I think that it would be cool, however, I wouldn’t want to go through this for a long time. I think being a girl is better than being a boy J


Journal Entry: December 16, 2010

I really never wanted to be apart of a group. For me, it was mostly me hanging out with the same group of people. Hanging out with that same group of people has made me realize that hanging out with the same people is not making myself available to other people. I always that when those group of people weren’t in school, I thought that I was alone and there was no one for me to talk too.


But I realized that if I continue to hang with the same people over and over, then I won’t ever make myself available now and later in the future. Now that I am older, I now go up to people and introduce myself and network. Im not really good at meeting new people because I can be very shy in the beginning. It sometimes feels awkward, but I make the best of it.


Journal Entry: February 2, 2011

To me, a hero is someone that you look up too as a person of integrity. That person might have done something nice or has helped someone out in hard times. A hero must be someone that you can look up too and count on for anything possible. That doesn’t mean to take advantage of them but use them for legitimate reasons. They also are people who have wisdom and can guide you threw the roughest times that you may encounter in your life.


Journal Entry: April 4, 2011

Some of the expectations that are put upon by others aren’t always the best. They could be sometimes be uncomfortable for me and I won’t want to accomplish those expectations. On the other hand, some of the expectations that make me “uncomfortable” is good for me to bring me out of y comfort zone and explore and experience different things. Some of the expectations that are put upon me are to continue to get good grades, and continue to do what I do. Also, they want me to be a leader and not so much a follower. Some expectations for myself are too also get good grades, be an example for others that are younger than me, and some times older people.


End Of The Year Digital Portfolio - Reflection

My portfolio shows that I am hardworking 9th grader. I had trouble in getting the grades that I wanted but I was still passing. As the year went on, I got better and better at writing papers and getting A’s on benchmarks.  

I think my strengths in English are coming up with ideas for papers. I would pick topics that no other person would pick to write about, or I would come up with reasons that no other people would even think about having. Also, I tend to be different that everybody else, so I bring different ways of doing things.

I think my weaknesses in English are participating in class and writing papers sometimes. Also, reading aloud in class.  I am always scared in all classes that I will say the wrong answer or that my idea is stupid, so I don’t say it. I would always try to get A’s on my papers in English, but it never worked out well. I would always get B’s, when I tried so hard to A’s. Reading aloud is very hard for me, the fact that everybody is listening to me read, scares me. I will get nervous and then mess up reading.

I would work on writing better, reading aloud, and not being so shy in front of class. I would work on being more confident about my answers and ideas so, I could say it to the class. I would work on reading aloud by reading to my friends or family. I would work on my writing by proofreading my work more than once and then give it to the teacher to read. So finally, I could get it to be an A.
I had issues with correcting my papers from the teacher’s comments. I never know what to change. I just sit there and look at the essays and think about what I should change. It is annoying. So, I go home, sit down, and really look at them. I realize what I need to change and then I proofread. The outcome is better essays than before. When I go through my old work, I just wondered why I would write something so weird. I feel like I matured in my writing because I think what I use to write is just goofy.
The piece that I am most proud is the ‘The Odyssey Compare and Contrast Essay’. This was the Quarter 3 benchmark and it was the highest grade I received on ANY of the benchmarks. I’ve always had a difficult time in English, getting B’s mostly on my essays or missing parts that were missing on all my benchmarks. This benchmark was different; I let a whole bunch of my peers read it. They all came to conclusions that it was too boring and that I should change everything, 3 days before the benchmark was due. I stood my ground and didn’t change anything. I was proud that I could write something so long and descriptive, so I turned it in. I received a 92%, 92% was higher than all my friends’ grades. They wanted me to change it; if I had changed then the grade would’ve been lower. I didn’t change it and I toped all their grades. I toped my own grades for the benchmarks. I was so immensely proud that I could get a 92% in English. 

Portfolio Reflection

My portfolio shows that I am a hard working student. For every project or assignment I never go anything lower than a B. That might not say how good of a student I am, but it does show that I work hard and try my best most of the time. As viewers I would expect you to see how different my work is. The work I do is unique, different than most peoples work, but it works for me. Getting into class reading assignments is one of my strengths in English. For example when we did Macbeth in this class I did an amazing job on the projects we were supposed to do. I procrastinate and I don’t like reading a lot, this can be considered as o huge weakness in English class. I always wait until the last minute to do my projects or to read a book for a book report. This can really hurt me in the future and I need to work on it. It was fun looking through all of my past projects and seeing how I grew in vocabulary and over all work since the beginning of September. I didn’t come across many issues in my work, but there were a couple of things I could have done better on. Some of those things are my first Independent reading project and my Vignette. I resolved these issues by reflecting on what I needed to change and what could have made it better. I am most proud of two pieces that I did in this class and they are my Me Magazine and my Macbeth Creative Piece. I am most proud of my Me Magazine because it was the first project that I did in this class and I really talked about my life, I never wrote so much in my life before I started going to this school. At previous schools before SLA we never had acting class or got a chance to do something really creative, my Macbeth Creative piece is an imovie of me acting as Lady Macbeth so obviously it is pretty special to me. I am proud of all of the work I did this year and I want you to see my best creations showcased.

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Photo on 2011-05-08 at 12.49 #2

End Of The Year Digital Portfolio - Macbeth Character Analysis

​The first book we read in our freshman year was Macbeth, that was the most difficult book for me to read. We had to analysis the change of either Lady Macbeth or Macbeth throughout the book. I decide to do Macbeth and this is was interpreted from the book. 

Macbeth Character Analysis

In the beginning, Macbeth was any normal person – polite, kind-hearted, and likeable - but by the end of the play, his heart was cold and his mind was evil. Macbeth never second-guessed anything and he was just looking at his position to stay king. Nobody could get in his way because he couldn’t be killed be a person birthed from a woman.

            In Act 1, Scene 3: Macbeth received a prophecy from the witches that he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor and then the King of Scotland. He stated: “If good, why do I yield to that suggestion. Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair? And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, against the use of nature?” Macbeth is basically wondering why he is thinking about murdering King Duncan, but the thought is so horrifying that it makes his hair stand on the back of his neck and his heart pound against his chest.

            In Act 1, Scene 6, and Duncan: Duncan has come over for dinner and is looking Macbeth, so he can praise him. Duncan says, “Conduct me to mine host. We love him highly and shall continue our graces towards him.” This is important because even other people can see how kind-hearted Macbeth can be. Duncan trusts him with everything and honors Macbeth.

            In Act 1, Scene 7, and Lady Macbeth: Lady Macbeth is trying to convince Macbeth to go with the witches’ prophecy. Macbeth wants to be king but he can’t take the risks needed – killing Duncan. Quote: “Like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?” In this quote, Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth a sad poor cat that is too scared to do anything. This is important because even Macbeth’s wife is saying that Macbeth is too polite to kill Duncan. Also, that he isn’t brave at all.

            In Act 2 Scene 1, and Macbeth: Macbeth is convincing himself to Duncan. He is thinking about all the good things, so he is basically pumping up himself up. The beginning of the soliloquy Macbeth is nervous and doesn’t want to do it, but by the end, he is pumped and ready. Quote: “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven or to hell.” This quote is important because this is where Macbeth starts to become evil. He finally decides after a little convincing from Lady Macbeth and himself that he will kill Duncan. From here, everything goes down hill.

            In Act 2 Scene 3, and Macbeth: Macduff and Banquo came to visit Macbeth’s castle, but they found out that Duncan is dead. They tell Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who play it off, as they had nothing to do with the killing. Quote: “Renown and graceful is dead. The wine of life is drawn, and mere lees is left this vault to brag of.” This quote is important because this shows how evil Macbeth can be. He is now hiding the fact that he killed Duncan to all his close friends and that had any idea of it. Macbeth is using words to praise Duncan, even though he killed him.

            Banquo comes over for the feast and tells Macbeth that he may be late for the dinner, Act 3 Scene 1. Macbeth is worried about what Banquo will do because he knows about the prophecy that the witches said. Macbeth is alone and says to himself: “Rather than so, come fate into the list. And champion me to th’ utterance.” When Macbeth states that he is planning on killing Banquo, he doesn’t even hesitate with his decision. Macbeth’s servant then brings in the murders and tells them what the plan will be. This quote is important because this is where Macbeth’s evil rises, he doesn’t even talk to Lady Macbeth about it. Macbeth doesn’t talk to anybody about it. He is determined to stay in his position of being king and nobody can stop him now, but there are people that want him to be stopped.

            Act 3 Scene 6: Macbeth’s feast has just ended and it is the next day, Lennox is talking to another Lord about Malcolm, Macduff, and Macbeth. Lennox is suspicious about Macbeth; he thinks that Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo. Lennox clearly states “May soon return to this out suffering country under a hand accursed” which basically states he wants Malcolm to come back and take out Macbeth as king. Lennox thinks Macbeth is a tyrant and a liar, this is important because even other people don’t trust Macbeth. Lennox is having a conversation with another Lord which may mean that he wants to know if his theory are also, suspected.

            The witches has told Macbeth another prophecy but this time with apparitions - Act 4 Scene 1 – they tell him to fear Macduff, the woods, and Banquo’s children. Macbeth takes this prophecy into his own hands and says this “The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line.” Macbeth is ready, the witches just gave him advice and he is once again taking it upon himself to deal with it. Basically, Macbeth is planning on going to Macduff’s castle and killing everybody. This is very important because Macbeth is once again being cold-hearted and he doesn’t even hesitate with this plan. He knows that Macduff could stop him from becoming king, so he is killing everything that Macduff loves. Macbeth doesn’t know that other people aren’t to sure about him.

            Act 4 Scene 3, Macduff is in England to have a chat with Malcolm. In this chat, Malcolm basically complains to Macduff about his father – Duncan – being killed and that he was blamed for it and Macduff just listens. Malcolm tells Macduff that he suspects that Macbeth killed Duncan. This is what Malcolm says, “This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues, was once thought honest; you have loved him well; he hath not touched you yet.” Malcolm is calling Macbeth the tyrant and that it hurts to say his name because he is traitor. Macbeth use to an honest man and people loved him especially Macduff, Malcolm says. But, now he is doing reckless things, but Macduff doesn’t know about it because Macbeth hasn’t hurt him yet

In Act 5 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth is sick from guilt and Macbeth is preparing for the war that is supposed to happen. Lady Macbeth has just screamed and after this Macbeth thinks about himself in the past and present self. Macbeth says, “ I have almost forgot the taste of fears. The time has been my senses would have cooled

To hear a night-shriek, and my fell have hair would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir, as life were isn’t. I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts, cannot once start me.” In this quote, Macbeth is talking about when he was scared of everything, when he was kinder, and didn’t have courage for anything. Now, Macbeth believes that he is prepared for any scary thing he has seen because he had many horrific things happen or done by him, that horrible things are familiar to him now.

            By the end of the play, all his followers were following him out of fear but everybody was scared to do something about it. Macduff successfully kills Macbeth and give throne to the rightful owner, Malcolm. Macbeth turned into the evil cold-hearted man from being a kind-hearted man who followed the power of suggestion. Macbeth turned into a person that he could never be and got killed for it. In the end, nobody should ever try to be what they know they can never be because there will be a downfall in the end. 

End Of The Year Digital Portfolio - Memoir Vignette

​During the year, we read Freedom Writers for our 2nd Quarter Benchmark. Freedom Writers was about stories about different kids and this teacher. We wrote a memoir vignette about something that happen in our life. Mine was about my parents divorcing when I was about 7 years old.

Maybe Love Isn’t Forever


 I hoped and dreamed that he wouldn’t leave, but their life was such a hell being together. (Opener) Now my parents, they put up a front. Every time they come to my school for a meeting or conference, they have on a front

“Nobody needs to know our situation,” my mom says.

“But, some people already know cause it isn’t a big deal.”

“I don’t want anybody teasing you.”

“It is fine, nobody cares anyway.” (Dialogue)

I always thought that parents would always be in love, be together forever, and be happy together. (Magic Three) I was wrong, and I realized it when I was just 7 years old.

            5 A.M waking up in a cold room like any other day like every other day. At my age, no one should know about this time of day. The house was dark as a cave (Simile); I rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. The house, it feels different. It is like the house is angry, maybe even sad about something. (Personification) Maybe, I should just ignore it. My teeth are now brushed and they are white as pearls. (Simile) and off I go to get some breakfast with my parents! I walk in the kitchen; there isn’t a piece of bacon to be found, or my dad. My mom is standing in the kitchen alone with this blank expression that I don’t recognize. “Morning, Dakota,” (Dialogue) my mom says in a monotone voice. Her tone, her eyes, and her posture it is different. (Magic Three) I can’t identify what it is, but it isn’t happy and it isn’t tired.

“There isn’t breakfast today,” she says.

“Why not?”

“Dad and I need to talk to you about something.”

“Is it bad? Cause you seem sad.”

“You won’t be happy about it.” (Dialogue)

What could I not be happy about? Whatever it is, my dad always makes the best of it.

My dad, his footsteps, they aren’t peppy. They are loud and sad. The floor vibrates, more than usually. I can barely keep still. I want to see what is going to happen. I run over to my dad fast as a cheetah, (Simile) “HI DAD,” (Dialogue) I say enthusiastically.  “Hello Dakota.” (Dialogue) We walk over to my mom. Her eyes, I can see them better now and I could see the horrible emotion that filled them. Puffy, red, and cloudy, it is like somebody just punched her in the eyes but, they haven’t swollen up yet. (Simile, Magic Three) I look at my dad. His eyes, his breathing, and his clothes, they are all out of sorts. (Magic Three) He is never this messy.

“What is going on,” I ask cautiously.

“Your dad and I, we need to talk to you about something important.” My mom states firmly.

“What is it? I am shaking in my pjs!”

“Your mom and I have been having some problems. Problems that aren’t getting ironed out.”

“What kind of problems?”

“Your dad and I aren’t getting along as well, as we use to.”

“WHAT? What does that even mean? You guys love each other and you are supposed to get along, perfectly. I’ve never seen you guys argue.(Dialogue)

            The tension in the house becomes thicker. The house creaks, waiting in anticipation for the answer (Personification). The answer isn’t coming fast enough. I stare at my parents, in agony. I want, need, desire to know what it is going on.(Magic Three) Am I too young? Will I not be able to understand? I just want to know. My mom, she hasn’t said anything. My mom is holding on to the table as if it keeps her from falling. My dad is holding on to the wall like he is an old man and needs a walker (Simile). I am frightened, what if somebody died? I don’t know what I would do. I need answers and I need them now. TALK, PLEASE!

“Your father and I need some time off.”

“Cheryl, don’t lie to her. This time is off, Dakota. It is going to last forever.”


“Your dad and I are separating. He has to move out.”

“SEP-ER-ATING? What does that mean?”

“Dakota, your mom and I aren’t getting along. We argue a lot more than is normal.”

“Wait…Dad. You are leaving…forever?”

“Yes, Dakota. I can’t live here anymore.” His voice is cracking like he is a teenage boy going through puberty (Simile).

“Dakota, this isn’t your fault. Your dad and I just don’t love each other anymore. We need to become different people”

“You said that love last forever! This isn’t forever!”

“I know. But remember, your mom and I will still be your parents, even though we aren’t together. We will still love you. I will still love you. You are my daughter, I will never stop loving you.”

“Dakota, mommy loves you. I will always love you.”

“Who do I live with?’ (Dialogue) I say as the tears fall like a stream from my eyes, to my nose, to my chin (Simile, Magic Three)

“You will be living with me. Your dad will be moving in with somewhere else.”

“Dad, you can’t leave! I need you! Your hugs when I have awful days! Your jokes when I need cheering up. You..can’t..leave!”(Dialogue)

            I am yelling and they don’t even seem to care. The room quiets down and I hear my mom sobbing. She has no reason to cry, it is not like she loves him anymore. I still love him and I will always love him. I have these memories and I can’t even make new ones with my dad anymore. He is basically gone. His hands, his embrace, his laugh are so warm (Magic Three) and they are leaving me. Now, I won’t be able to have them everyday, they are my own personal drugs and I am addicted. (Simile)

“I have to leave now, Dakota.”


“I have to leave. I will be back. Not to live here, but to see you. Promise.”


“Don’t follow me.”

“Don’t let go.” (Dialogue)

            He lets go. I am standing in the middle of my parents, my mom is holding on to me and my dad has let go of me. I haven’t let go and I need to chase him back to where he belongs. I dash after him and grab hold of his leg. He isn’t going anywhere now because I won’t let him. The scent of tears travel to my nose, they are my dad’s. (Imagery) I didn’t know tears existed in my dad’s body. I thought he was too manly to have tears or to even cry. I feel his huge arms picking me up from his leg to his chest. My forehead is gently kissed as tears spill on to me. My dad’s shirt is drenched with my tears and the hallways echoes from my wails. My dad carries me back to my mother, who has fallen to the floor, and sets me down with her. She grabs hold of me and her touch is cold; (Imagery). My mom is making my dad leave the house; how can she think to even touch me. I am furious at her and try to wiggle out her grip but she just grips harder.

            My dad’s footsteps become quieter. The front door opens, shuts, and my heart stops working. (Magic Three) He is officially gone and I am with my mom. There is nothing else to do. She puts me in my bed and I cry until I fall asleep. I awake later on that day and realize that what happened wasn’t a dream. I yell as if somebody just broke both my legs (Simile) and my mom comes running in. Her eyes are worst than before, which I imagine my eyes look like too. I gaze up at her, turn over, and go back to sleep.(Magic Three) I want nothing to do with her right now. She closes the door and walks to her room. Sleep comes easily because I am fragile like glass. (Simile) Just a few hours ago, all the water in my body rushed out through my eyes. (Hyperbole) Life goes on and school comes the next day. The rest of the days, months, years of my life are different. (Magic Three). I become more and more unlike the person I was before the separation. I am stronger but I am weaker. I don’t fall for peer pressure but I get mad at meaningless things. Things like somebody bumping into me and saying excuse me. Things that I didn’t notice before my dad left. I am older now and understand everything. They won’t tell me the reason why they separated because they say I don’t need to know. “Not everybody can keep up with the changes a person goes through and they eventually fall out of love,” (Dialogue) says my mom. People can’t control if they fall out of love, it just happens,”(Dialogue) says my dad. Sometimes people take on bigger roles than they should of. As the years past, I realized that my dad was never actually gone he is always still here. My dad still loves me and I see him often. I realized that things happen and marriage isn’t always for everyone. Divorce was made for a reason. 

Q4 Benchmark Part 7


My portfolio shows my growth as a person and as a writer over the course of the year. Throughout this year my writing has improved, as you can see by my benchmarks, for each I got higher and higher marks each time, 85 to 92 then to a 96. My strength has always been to learn from my mistakes and I have truly done that this year, taking my weak areas and making then my strengths. One area I do need to work on still is my design. Creating this portfolio was as hard as I first thought. I have always looked back on my projects to make them top notch. The hardest part would have been when I had to shorten some of my statements in my projects due to a lot of content. I am most proud of my 3rd Benchmark because it is the results of all my hard work throughout the year.

My 6 Best Journal Entries


            Almost every English class the students would walk in and see a journal on the board. The students would sit down and do the journal. Here are 6 of the many journals that were given and my responses to them.

Journal #1: Have you ever faced what seemed like an impossible task? How do you get through it (if you did…)? Were you alone?


GROUP PROJECTS! I really don’t like them, especially when your “team mates” don’t do what they are supposed to. This event happened in about 7th or 8th grade. It was a project that was worth 20% of your final grade. I had to get this done. I collaborated with my team mates and we decided what each of us were supposed to do for our project. But one of the people in my group was a horrible partner that didn’t do any work they were supposed to. The day before the project was due she skipped school. So the other two people and myself had to do that part of the project in 20 minutes and put it on the poster board. But we didn’t have a computer to type it up on. So we had to write it by hand. Ends up we got an A so everything turned out ok.



Journal #2: Why write?


I write to express myself. When I have no one else to talk to but myself, my pen and my paper. I feel like people don’t understand me sometimes so I go and sort of talk to myself and think about what to do about a certain situation. Or maybe I just want to write about life, something inspirational so when I need advice I can always go back and read it over. This is why I write.



Journal #3: If you really knew me…


If you really knew me you would know that in public I seem like a happy soul a person who has a care free life (which sometime I do). But on the inside I am an angry person. I do have anger issues. If someone pushes me over or close to the edge I will flip, go over board and not be able to control my actions. I do have to go to therapy to try to take control of my problem. If you really knew me you would know that I have anger issues.



Journal #4: How important is it to fit in?


People who know me know that it is every important for to be liked. I need to fit in to feel good about myself. I need to have friends, I need to feel like if I’m going to fall someone will be there to catch me. I love being liked by people it makes me feel good.



Journal #5: What are people’s expectations of you? What are your own?


Peoples expectations of me are to do well in school, to be responsible and wary and to be me. It is hard doing all these things and when people have these things on their shoulders and more they crumble under the pressure. My expectations are the same but a little bit more strict. When I do things I want myself to go above and beyond and when I don’t I feel bad about myself. It is hard living up to other peoples standards or expectations, but it is even harder living up to your own.



Journal #6: What is your response to seeing/reading and saying the ”N” word?


Seeing this word all over this book is hard and upsetting but at the same time ok. It is ok to see because it reminds you how things in the past really were and how things have changed for the better. It is refreshing to see how well African Americans are treated today knowing that things have changed forever and for the better.



Q4 Benchmark Part 1


This was my first English Benchmark, which was to analyze 10 quotes out of Macbeth and make a thesis on Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. I chose Lady Macbeth and got 85 as my grade. 



Lady Macbeth Examination

By Nicholas Murray


Thesis: Lady Macbeth is a strong willed and wicked woman in the beginning of the play, but in the end she was not strong enough and too fragile to live with what she has done or keep her title as queen.


In act I scene 5, page 16 Lady Macbeth has received a letter From Macbeth, containing the prophecy of being Thane of Cawdor then King. He tells her that he has already been named Thane of Cawdor, which fills Lady Macbeth with joy. She (alone) then says, “That which cries ‘Thus thou must do’ if thou have it;/ And that which rather thou dost fear to do/ Than wishest should be undone”(lines 23-25).  Basically, what Lady Macbeth is saying that there is only one-way Macbeth will be king and she does not think Macbeth is up to it. Since This is the first time seeing Lady  Macbeth, a bad first impression is mad. She is pondering what must be done for Macbeth to be king, which includes sinful things. This first impression shows us that  Lady Macbeth has an evil mind.

            In act I scene 5, page 17 Lady Macbeth confirms what she is going to do. She has now become aware that king Duncan is coming to their home with Macbeth so she thinks more about what must be done. She says, “Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/ And fill me from the crown to the toe topful/ of dearest cruelty” (Lines 39-42). Lady Macbeth is asking the spirits to make her bold like a man. By “unsex me she” means she wants to be cruel like a man not kind like a woman. She knows that for Macbeth to be king Duncan must die. She does not think Macbeth is cruel enough to kill him so she wants to be the cruel one and pull the strings. This gives the reader a clearer picture of what kind of person Lady Macbeth is. It shows that she might not be as bold now, but she wants to be bolder. That fact that she wants the strength to kill somebody shows that she is already cold hearted.


In act II scene 2, page 27, Lady Macbeth waits alone for Macbeth. Macbeth is out executing king Duncan to become king after Lady Macbeth’s pleas. She quotes,  “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold;/ What hath quenched them hath given me fire. (An owl/ shrieks) Hark! Peace” (Lines 1-3). Lady  is talking about the plan in this scene. The plan was to get the guards drunk, take their daggers when they pass out, then frame them for the murder of Duncan. She thinks that because she went through with the plan, she has become even bolder. The truth is that she is kind of scared. She must be if she was scared by an owl’s shriek. This shows her inner turmoil. She may put on a brave façade, but like anyone in this situation, she was kind of scared

In act II scene 3, page 35, the king is found dead in his room. When everyone realizes the king is dead they all panic, even Lady Macbeth.  In her apparent “shock” Lady Macbeth says, “Help me hence, ho!” (Line 116). This simple line was enough for the lords to drop the talk of the king’s death, while throwing off any suspicion. Even though Lady Macbeth is kind of scared, she is able to put on a good act. Lady Macbeth must still be a strong willed person. In spite of her guilt she is un-phased. 

In act III scene 2, Page 46, line 13, Lady Macbeth speaks as the new queen. The children of king Duncan have fled leaving no one to be king except for Macbeth. Macbeth enters and seems worried. She quotes, “What’s done is done” to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth sounds content as the new queen with all her goals accomplished. But she may just still be shaken by what she has done to the king. She must not want Macbeth to worry about anything so they can act like nothing happened and try to live as happy as they can. She has no intension of what she has done to found out so she just wants to keep everything as it is.


In act III scene 5, Page 56, line 142, Lady Macbeth is worried about Macbeth. After Macbeth kills Banquo, because it was prophesized that he will have more sons and they will be king, and leaves Lady Macbeth out the plan, and there is a party hosted by Macbeth, Banquo’s ghost appears but only Macbeth sees it. Lady Macbeth takes Macbeth aside and tells him, “You lack the season of all natures, sleep”. She is worried about her husband. She does not want things like this happening in her new life. At this point she is worried.

In act V scene 1, Page 84, line 35 Lady Macbeth begins to sleepwalk. In her sleep she says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”. She must be talking about the blood she has on her hands after all those crimes. That much blood would drive someone mad. Her will is probably breaking.

In act V scene 1, Page 85, lines 70-71, the doctor hears all the deeds Lady Macbeth confesses in her sleep. Context: Lady Macbeth confessed all that has happened in her sleep. He says, “Unnatural deeds/ Do breed unnatural troubles”. He realizes that Lady Macbeth has done horrible things. These horrible things drove Lady Macbeth mad. Lady Macbeth is now a fragile woman.


In act V scene 3, Page 89, lines 39-41 the doctor tells Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s condition and why she is sleepwalking. He says “Not so sick, my lord,/ as she is troubled with thick-coming fancies/ that keep her from her rest”. She is not sick but a mental trouble is making her sleepwalk. This proves that she is losing her will. She is currently unfit for the crown.

In act V scene 5, Page 92, line 16, a woman’s shriek is heard. Afterwards Seyton appears with bad news. He says, “The queen, my lord, is dead”. Lady Macbeth died and lost the crown because of the things she did to get the crown. This only happened because she had a change of heart. She lost her will became fragile and died.

Conclusion: Lady Macbeth was a very unstable woman in this play. From start to finish she went through many changes in her personality. First she had started out as an evil manipulative woman to become queen. After the plan to kill Duncan was formed she became nervous. After she became queen she had nothing to worry about. That is until Macbeth went mad with power. She couldn’t handle it all and went mad herself. Because of all the guilt she had she became weaker. Because of her weakness she died and lost the title of queen. Because she became weak her dreams were not fulfilled