
Today I stayed home because I was sick. I didn't realize how wiped out my body was. I literally slept ALL DAY LONG and the night before I went to bed at 6 pm. Like my god that is a lot of sleeping. I slept for about 20 hours, every now and then I would wake up due to the urge to pee but fell right back asleep. The funny thing is I'm still tired and I plan to sleep some more and hopefully all night after I am done writing this, so I'm going to stop writing so I can sleep some more. My body is just exhausted.

SPANISH 4 Proyecto

​Aquí está nuestro próximo proyecto.

Unos artistas: Siquieros, Botero, Dali, Rivera, Khalo, Picasso, Joan Miró, El Greco, Francisco de Goya, Diego Velazquez...y aquí hay más!

TAREA: Escoge una obra de arte y explica por qué escogiste esa obra para tu proyecto. Publica en SLA blog.

Love To Hate You; Hate To Love You

I HATE, like hate, the way you make me feel.
I see you around the neighborhood and it just puts my body into shock every time without fail. And then after the initial shock passes every thing goes into overdrive; I get mad butterflies, my heart beats at the speed of sound, I can't actually speak because it comes out a squeak or a cry and my hands start shaking violently. And it's all your fault!
Before, this used to sort-of be a good feeling. I enjoyed the rush of adrenaline, but before I got to use all of the adrenaline up when I got to run up and kiss you. Before, I spent time with you. Before, we went out of our way to make sure that we saw each other. And now I feel all of the same things and feel a surge of some kind of mixture between love and hate. I love to hate you and I hate to love you. It's an extremely complicated way to live out my life.
I guess it isn't bad enough that I think about you all the time, dream of you, wish I were with you, or just plain miss you. No, we have to take it to another level. You are the last person I would want to spend a moment with, but I wish I could spend nights and days in your arms. Every time I see you I want to kiss you and simultaneously want to punch you in the mouth and walk away. You are the one person in this world I want to tell all of my problems to and you're my main problem.
So, thank you… For making seeing you so damn complicated.

Mi Rutina Diaria By Catherine Nardone

What did you learn from doing this project?
I think mostly, what I learned is that most people have a daily routine that they stick to, and that people everywhere do the same things in the morning whether they're in Spain or here, or where ever they are.
How do you feel about your final product? I think it's good. I like the song most of all out of the whole thing.
If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same? Differently, I'd do it in my mom's house. The same, would definitely be the song. I love Jewel.
Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not? I did! Even though my dad was asking me why I was getting ready for school at night. It was fun to show the world how frenzied I am in the morning.

My favorite stories to hear.

Every Sunday on the BIO Channel, marathons of a documentary call "I Survived" are played. "I Survived features several different individuals every episode where they tell a story of how they survived a life threatening experience. This is by far one of the best documentary television series I've ever watched.

Mi y mi mejor amiga

Esta es una foto de mi mejor amiga y yo. Mi amiga menor se llama Jordan. Es muy comica. Es por eso que todos los días ella hablamos de nada importante. Ella tambein comer mucho le encanta comer pollo.Todo los dias nosotras hablamos de los novios. A la noche estamos on ichat. Yo amo a mejor amiga

¿Y yo? Me encanta habla por telefono.

Photo on 2011-03-07 at 10.25
Photo on 2011-03-07 at 10.25

Mi y mi mejor amiga

Esta es una foto de mi mejor amiga y yo. Mi amiga menor se llama Jordan. Es muy comica. Es por eso que todos los días ella hablamos de nada importante. Ella tambein comer mucho le encanta comer pollo.Todo los dias nosotras hablamos de los novios. A la noche estamos on ichat. Yo amo a mejor amiga

¿Y yo? Me encanta habla por telefono.

Photo on 2011-03-07 at 10.25
Photo on 2011-03-07 at 10.25


​We are making progress on my capstone now which is great news. I have the first 6 pages of the script done and the artists have started drawing the actual pages. I have character sketches I can upload here. I can't show the finished pages because they are getting scanned and I don't have access to them.

Photo on 2011-03-10 at 12.37Photo on 2011-03-10 at 12.38Photo on 2011-03-10 at 12.38 #3Photo on 2011-03-10 at 12.38 #2


College is so expensive and I dont understand why? Its shorter in school days, you have to pay before you even get accepted/rejected. What is the point of paying excessive amounts and then being in debt for years after college?

SLA Students Launch Phresh Philadelphia

On March 26th, Phresh Philadelphia, led by SLA junior Rashuan Williams, will be partnering with other organizations in the city hosting a ground breaking ceremony in celebration for the future they plan to build together. Phresh and their partner organizations will be rebuilding the Clearfield Street by rehabilitating vacant and broken properties, constructing urban gardening and street cleaning events, and empowering the community with economic education to help them manage the resources they receive. The location is 1324 Clearfield St. and everyone is invited to attend from 12:00am to 3:00pm. Students can sign up to volunteer with Phresh Philadelphia on the scheduled dates for some of these project development dates.

SLA Slam Team Competes At Home Meet

Come out this Friday March 11th, to see your fellow peers represent SLA in the first slam of the Philly Youth Poetry Movement's Slam League. The event starts at 4:30pm, it is free and will be held in the drama studio at SLA. Schools competing include Germantown High School, Constitution High School, Central High School, Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, Overbrook High School and of course, Science Leadership Academy.


SLA's team is coached by Mr. Kay and Sinnea Douglas after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyone who wants to join is more than welcome. It is not too late! 

SLA placed 2nd in the Mock Slam on February 25th. Gina Dukes, Eryn James, and Joshua Melendez all participated and had tremendous performances. Check out the videos on the teams Facebook page:

Tuesday: Jungle

One year when I was around five years old. We went to the zoo trip that was outside of Philadelphia. I actually forget the area or location now being alot older but there is a video of the story. My family and our neighbor Maryellen went onto a trip to the six flags safari thing where your aloud inside the Forrest t​o see the animals up close. There is a strict policy that you cant feed the animals. But of course our crazy neighbor brang a blue little cooler with all types of fruits and snacks to feed the animals. We started the car ride down into the forrest and two monkeys came upon the car. A mother monkey carrying another child on the windshield and her song hanging from the side view mirror. Maryellen thought it might be a good idea to give some food to the animals. This caused havoc in the forrest and around five hundred dollars of damages. It was a great experience though and funny, it just goes to show you should never feed animals that are wild and if your in a small car.

School is getting old.

I'm really flippin' tired of going to school.
I'm going to college in 178 days.

Bianca just tired a knot in her hair. What the hell, how do you possibly do that?
Oh well.
I'm in Economics.

Here's a poem, wait, Bianca just gave me the knot in her hair..

I don't know why
I don't sleep in class.
I don't pay attention
cause I sit on my ass.
I get really bored
and nothing is fun
except when we color
or when class is done.
I wish it was over
I wish it was through
in 178 days
I won't be seeing you
I'll be in North Jersey,
up by the beach
and I will be so happy
because I'll be out of your reach :DDD

The Light On The Other Side

​I think about my life, my future, and when I think about it I feel like I'm traveling through a tunnel staring at the light that I'm leaving behind. As the light gets smaller and fainter I think about going away. People say that I've taken the easy way out of things by joining the service but trust me I haven't. That tunnel is the representation of how for three months I am going to be cut off from the outside world. If I were going to college it would be a roller coaster ride with many twist and turns but on a roller coaster your still on the outside, I'm on a train set in one direction in a tunnel watching the light from the outside get dimmer and dimmer. But at least I know that there is always light on the other side.

Yo y victroria

Esta es una foto de Victoria y yo. Victoria es muy trabajadora. Es por eso que todos los días lees y estudia. Victoria tiene un hermano y dos padres. Le gusta ir al tele y ves de compras. Victoria es no es activa. Por lo tanto, dormir y comer. Dormir todos los lunes, martes y jueves.
Photo on 2011-03-10 at 09.22 #2
Photo on 2011-03-10 at 09.22 #2

Mi familia

Esta es una foto de mi familia. Mi primo menor se llama Elliot. Es muy hablador. Es por eso que cuando tengo tiempo libre habla por teléfono. Mi abuela  se llaman Millicent . Leen mucho y a veces ven la televisión. Mi hermano se llama  Patricio y su esposa se llama Denise. Denise es muy activa. Por lo tanto, siempre hace ejercicio. Corre todos los lunes, martes y jueves. Patricio es perezoso. Nunca trabaja