Beyoncé Knowles

Beyonce Knowles tiene una carrera como cantante y bailarín. Ella es muy bonita. Pero no importa lo ocupada que esté, ella siempre encuentra el tiempo para tener tiempo de calidad con su marido Jay-Z. Beyonce es tiene treinta años.

Nombre: Su nombre es Beyonce Knowles

Edad:Tiene treinta años.

Origen:Es de Houston, Texas pero vivo en Nueva York.

Fiscamente: Es alto (5'9)

Personalidad: Contenta

Actividad :) : Le encanta cantar y bailar

Actividad :( : No le gusta nada estudiar y ayadar en la casa. 

Food Benchmark


A lot of things we learned this year were talked about in chases talked about last year because his food class he was really interested in and it poured over into our english class. I looked up the movies we watched before so the information was not new but did contain a lot of information. My role in the larger food system is to simply be a consumer and consume what I want so my taste will be reflected in the sales of said product. The biggest problem with our food market is the lack of competitiveness between diffrent companies. Food companies have monopolies over certain aspects of the food creation process so they can pocket exorbitant amounts of cash while reducing spending costs and making the food cheeper.  So changes I could make in my food choices are to eat more meats for protein which helps repair muscle tissue and tastes delicious. The impact would likely be only for me and that would be my experiencing a decrease in soreness post work out and probably increase in muscle mass but likely also it would be more costly. I am not willing to actively make the change I live more by if it it happens kinda thing.

Fruit Salad yummy yummy
Get a bowl


20 strawberries


1 chopped up pinapple


1 chopped up cantuelope


1 chopped up honey dew


half a chopped up watermellon

Presto fruit Salad.



The recipe to making it was extremely simple as it was just fruit products chopped up into little pieces. The labels claimed the fruit to be organic so the environmental impact was likely helpful because more plants means more fertile soil and air for us all yay fruit. It was entirely whole food literally what comes up from the ground when you plant a seed and care for it and pluck what grows from it. There was no nutrion label on the side of my food because fruit doesn't come with that. However the nutritional value of a strawberry is 4 calories and 1 gram of sugar. The nutritional value of watermelon for a slice in 86 calories 22g carbs 18g sugars and 2g proteins. The nutritional value of a pineapple is 28 calories per slice and 7g of carbs and 6g of sugar. one wedge of honey dew is 45 calories 11g carbs 10g sugar and 1 g protein. All and all the food seemed to be high in sugar and carbs but it was all natural if you ate a lot of it you would need to produce more insulin to lower your blood sugar levels because of the increase in glucose your body received. I am pretty sure that the items went straight from farm to market to plate because you can not do much else with fruit in between it grows you pick it then eat it the end.

Food rule
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Screen Shot 2011-11-14 at 9.23.59 PM

Mi encanta Prodigy!

Se nombre es Prodigy.Tiene catorce años, tambien su cumpleaños veinteseis de diciembre .El de Feladelfia per vive en California.El muy guapo y más o menos alto. El timido ,serious,trabajador, talentos y deportista.Le encanta bailar,cantar,jugar videojuegos es fascina Madden 11 y comer muy . No le gusta nada dibujar,tambien el es amigo Ray Ray encanta dibujar.

¡Hola Ryan Renolds!

Se llama Ryan Renolds. Tiene trenta y cuatro años. Es de Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada pero vive en Beverly Hills, California. Él es muy, muy guapo y delgado. Es deportista y muy encantador y muy, muy talentoso. Le encanta practicar deportes y jugar videojuegos. No le gusta nada ir a la escuela ni cocinar. 

Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act

Actual song to come.

The recreational lands Self defense act that's me
Giving the right to bear arms
Even in the presence of bear arms
Was born in Arkansas
Appealing to the masses
Give a man a gun
and he's sure to have some fun
Take the gun away
someone's gonna pay.

As the bill names implies. The bill will give citizens the right to carry concealed weapons on property owned by the federal governments. Including, but not limited to, national parks, and land owned by the Army Corps of Engineers. The bill was introduced on September 21, by Senators Jim Webb and John Boozman. The bill it pretty straight forward.

There are many animals in the forest
Many men may attest.
He is afraid of them
more they are of him
some protection is needed
When warnings are not heeded
Death will ensue
If a bear is staring down at you.

Although animal attacks are a rare occurrence, the fact that they happen at all is scary enough to prevent a lot of people from visiting national parks. The main pushing force behind this is the protection of the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, and a push to get more people interesting in visitation of national parks.

Come to our park
Stay here after dark
Plan a camping trip
Make some coco
Take a sip
Relax and have fun
After all the hiking's done
Should this bill be past
Forever the fun shall last

I chose this bill because it was was dealing with allowing citizens to carry weapons on national properties. I felt as though people should be able to protect themselves no matter where they are. Personally I believe all things are avoidable and in the circumstance that one would be attacked by a bear or charged at by a deer, or elk should be able to fire a couple of warning shots, or at the animal, only if it is still hostile.

I did not chose this format. It was chosen for me by my computer. iMovie decided that I had done to many videos in my time at SLA so it crashed. Since I was already working on a sing for another class I just decided to continue the poetic juices. I was able to write the lyrics above fairly quickly. However My house was too noisy to actually record any of it.

As I stated above I lost all my work and had to redo, basically, the entire thing. It was also hard to research information about the bill, and when I would find something it wouldn't make any sense. Sometimes dates wouldn't match up and I would be forced to discard it and move on.

I would find a simpler way to do it. I would get it all done in one shot and actually start early so I could use class time for peer editing.

Its all a blur now honestly. After I lost my work I kinda shut down for a bit. I was simply too upset to try fixing it. So during the research process it being just as bad, and difficult as the the creation of the movie, some of it was shut out as a way to forget it and come up with the song lyrics above.

The process was only hard because of technological failures. In essence from the beginning the project was enjoyable and fairly simple. However as I said before, the second iMovie crashed it all went south and got harder as I was now starting again after the due date had passed.

Tarea, 14/11/11

Su nombre es Mr. Bean. Èl es de United Kingdom y èl es tiene cuarenta y cinco años. Èl es màs o menos bajo, pero èl es muy muy comico. Mr. Bean favoritas actividades es dormir y correr. Sin embargo, èl no le gusta nada leer ni estudiar. ​
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Screen Shot 2011-11-14 at 8.31.54 PM

Beyonce !

​Su numbre es Beyoncé. Tiene trienta años. Soy de Texas pero vivo en Los Angeles. Es sociable , trabajador. Es tall , simpàtica.  Me gusta bailar y cantar y salir con mi novia y escribir. no me gusta nada coninar y  ayudar en casa.

Selena Gomez

Su nombre es Selena Gomez. Ella tiene diecinueve años edad. Ella es de Grand Prairie, Texas pero vive en los Angeles. Ella es baja y muy delgada. Ella es personalidad tímida sin embargo muy cómica. Ella Le encanta ir de compras y salir con el novio. Ella le no gusta ayudar en casa ni cocinar

Spanish1 homework ((Eric Cartman))

Su nombre es Eric Theodore Cartmen. Eric es tiene ocho anos. Es de pero vivo en el SouthPark, Colorado con su mama, Lianne Cartman. Él es basanté bajo y gordo. Eric Cartman es a muy hablador, antipatico, y comico, poco nino! No le gusta nada, ni pasar un rato con amigos, en lugar él le gusta mucho, comer. 

¡Hola Kanye West!

Se llama Kanye Omari West. Tiene 34 años. Soy de Atlanta, Georgia, pero vive en Chicago, Illinois. Es más o menos bajo. Es africano americano y muy guapo. Es muy increiblemente bobo y extraño, sin embargo es un poquito antipático. Él es súper talentos, y muy muy muy creativo y inteligente. Le encanta escuchar música y cantar mucho. Tambien, Kanye te gusta escribir y ir de compras. No le gusta ni domir y dibujar, nada nada nada.

Heavy D

Su nombre es Heavy D. Heavy D tienes cuarenta y cuatro anos pero murio la semana pasada. El era de Nueva York pero vivo en Nueva York tambien. Es gordo y es muy talentoso. Le encanta comer y bailar pero no le gusta nada correr ni leer.

Klarissa Hudson - tarea - 11/14/11

Se llama es Femi Sekhet. Es tiene 15 años. Es de Ancient Egypt pero vive en Wonderland. Es​bastante bonita y deglada. Es siempre sociable y divertida. A ella le siempre encanta bailar y escuchar müsica y cantar. A ella no le gusta alguna vez ver la tele y jugar videojuegos. Sin embargo es mås o menos boba y loca. Femi también gusta salir con es novio. 

John and Jaden. Tarea: 14/11/11

 Aquí es John y Jaden, John como jugar a los videojuegos y ir a la escuela. También como Jaden  le gusta salir con sus amigos y jugar con sus juguetes y leer. El amor fraternal es tan fuerte y los dos les encanta pasar tiempo con su tía. Me encantan estos chicos con todo mi corazón y nada puede cambiar eso. 

Photo on 11-14-11 at 6.21 PM
Photo on 11-14-11 at 6.21 PM

My Cooked Meal: Cinnamon Strousel

My famous Cinnamon Strousel 

1- 8x4 pan (greased)

2- eggs

1- cup of water

1/3 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup of flour and milk

1 box of regular/plain muffin mix

grease bottom and sides of pan evenly and set aside, mix together ingredients with box of muffin mix until all ingredients and products are combined. Add cinnamon into the mixer as it is still blending together; heat oven to 350 degrees and place pan into the oven leave it in the oven for 25-40 minutes take out and let cool


This meal was fairly easy to make because all that was really needed to make this was muffin mix but you could even use a cake batter to make the mix a lot thicker. I decided to make this meal or desert because I thought of something being able to coincide with the rest of the dishes being created as well as the overall idea of the dish being something that people would enjoy to eat. I believe that this dish is split down the middle in terms of ingredients being both whole and processed because some things like the muffin mix is a processed food ingredient because you don't find anything other than wheat in nature and so with that you have something being processed but as far as the cinnamon, the flour, the wheat all of those things are whole and unfiltered or not touched or messed with chemically. I feel as though overall this dish came out rather well and I did a good job in creating the dish and noticed that a lot of people enjoyed eating it as well as returning to get seconds, and so with that being said I believe this was a successful benchmark for me. 

In this unit I learned about different origins of food and why food is looked at as both helpful for the world population but also very harmful and what exact ways it's been harmful to the world, I also learned about about different organizations and what exactly they are doing when it comes to looking at how food is made and what we're doing as humans when it comes to food consumption. When I look at what my role is in the larger food system I look at how I have an impact on not just what I eat but also what I do when it comes to purchasing food and how I can change that and look to purchase foods that might be organic or even all vegan foods but I also look at how I help move along the progression of food production and food sales by how many times I might purchase a certain product or by how many times I go to a fast food restaurant instead of staying in and eating. I feel as though the biggest problems with our food system is that we try to hard to speed up the process of certain things so that we can get more profit out of it but in fact we're doing the opposite and not only hurting the animals in the process by feeding them food that they aren't used to eating and in some instances not even supposed to be eating but we're also hurting humans by what then happens from animals and food being treated the wrong way ie. salmonila outbreaks and deaths etc, I also believe that big name companies are looking at the consumption of food as just something to get them money without really looking at the consequences of it all and what it can lead to. Some changes I could make to my food choices would probably be not to eat so much food that's heavy in fat or sodium and try to find alternatives and to also look and understand what it is I might be eating better so that I can control how much of it I eat or even decide whether thats a good choice to eat from the start, and then by me doing this and changing my eating habits people around me might start to do the same.

Food Rules Slide Picture:

The idea of the food rule slide came from looking at different weird but also unique foods and the thought that "would you eat something that you didn't really know what it was supposed to be"
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Screen Shot 2011-10-27 at 7.38.09 AM

Alex Pettyfer

​​Su nombre es Alex Pettyfer. Tiene veinte y uno años. Es de Australia pero vive en Hollywood. Es increiblemente hermoso y deportista. Sin embargo, es muy simpatico. Encantador, tambien. Le encanta salir con su novia (me) y escuchar música pero no le gusta nada jugar videojuegos ni ver la tele.