
“Hello class, take a moment to settle down before I begin the lecture. So let’s talk about life, yes? Life’s purpose has been sought after by many philosophers, nearly all of them. A large amount of the theories of the purpose of life are typically something akin to this quote, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, ‘The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.’

*Brief, contemplative pause, then a heavy sigh*

I’m tired of  this. I can’t recall how many times I’ve said those exact words, and they hold no real meaning. I’m just spewing bullshit I read in a textbook because my superiors told me to. I’m wasting my time here. None of you fucking care.

You come to this class because you think you’re better than the rest of mankind, like you’re somehow more unique than the rest of the population because you “think too much” or because you “understand the deeper meaning of life”. But Here’s the thing about life - there’s no god damn point. You’re born, you live, and you die. All the while just eating and shitting and doing what you’re told, assuming that greatness will fall into your lap because you for some reason deserve it, or because you worked harder.

Well tough shit, the universe owes you nothing. You’re just lazy so you follow a study that makes you feel superior to others and that you can brag about to your peers while you sit in your chair writing something Plato would be proud of. That’s not going to happen. That’s not going to happen because next thing you know you’re 45, depressed, tired, and stuck in a shitty job that doesn’t pay well talking to kids who don’t really care about what you think.  

I had dreams too, you know. I was exactly like you. I wanted to be a remarkable, memorable figure in history. I wanted to be remembered for all my interesting and wonderfully new contemplative thoughts. I got out of college, and life kicked me to the curb. I didn’t have any jobs lined up, my major in philosophy was useless, and I hadn’t learned a single thing over the past 4 years. Do you know what you can do with a major in philosophy? Teach philosophy. It’s a completely irrelevant field of study that just feeds into itself. Have you noticed that almost every great philosopher has written multiple books? Why didn’t any of you just take writing classes? That wouldn’t have been very helpful either, but at least you would have SOME sort of skill. You could’ve written for - oh I don’t know - newspapers.

I’m not even angry at you. I don’t care about any of you - you’re not relevant to my life. I’m moreso angry at myself for being so arrogant and foolish as to not only get a superfluous degree, but then feed into an idiotic cycle, keeping it going. I’m sad that I lacked the foresight to see why philosophy was a shit major. I could’ve been a lawyer or something. A job equally soul-crushing but at least I’d be paid well. I fear I may have lost my mental stability - I mean here I am, standing in front of a room full of twenty-somethings, not even listening to me when I’m clearly going off topic. None of you are listening! I walk up and smack one of you and you wouldn’t even notice! Ugh, what’s the point. I may as well just stick to the lesson plan while I’m here, no use screaming when no one is listening.

My slide 2.0

After my first presentation I learned that I shouldn't have a lot of dead room so I chose one of my pictures and made the image the main theme of my slide. I changed the colors from blue and black to red and white because I thought it would work with a red image and white writing because it makes the writing pop out of the image. I made sure that the amount of contrast I used made the background give a little glow which makes the writing pop out more even more. I stead with the large writing so you could see the slide from a distance I kept the same background from my last slide and recolored it and make the batter picture transparent to make the picture look shinier. Thank you signing out.

Reflection on Media Fluency

I learned that while advertising, it should be very exciting and interesting to look at but it has to have organizacion to it. I took out the purple square that was in the center and moved the text to the center of the slide because with the pictures on one side and the text on the other, there was a sort of un balance to it. I just wanted to make it balanced. Research is very important before you start a project because with no research you'll either make up information or rush through it all and the outcome won't be so good.

Media Fluency (revised) -Sam Gualtieri

Media Fluency (1)

Based off of the critique I received on my initial slide, I made a lot of changes.

For my first change, I cut down on the textual notes a lot. I shortened the bullet points and got rid of the main point box. I then enlarged the text box so it was easy to read and filled up more of the space. Then I cropped the tri-pod off of the camera and enlarged that as well. I took the filmstrip texture and put it on both sides of the images, then put a black divider between the pictures. I switched the bottom two images because one of them didn’t match the color of the other two so it looked best to put it in the middle. I took the title of the presentation, made it a bit smaller and moved it to the right a little bit so it wasn’t so close to the edge. Through this I’ve learned that consistency is important and that size is an important factor in visual artwork.

Update! 2nd Slide Media Fluency

When I was presenting my first slide, I learned that not a lot of things was supposed to be going on. I also learned that one thing had to be the center of attention and it could be simple but catchy. I made the choice not to include pictures because the main focus was the letter i, and if people’s attention was going to be focused on a picture, it would be taking away the purpose of the letter. I also chose to put a frame around the phrase because that was my way of trying to get my point across. I also chose to say “I can’t fit into one slide” because my life is too complex and it’s so much going on that one slide is not enough room to define who I really am. Research is so important when beginning a project. It sets a foundation and gives ideas for the direction you want to go in. There are tips and advice that can be given to you and you could actually learn from it. I suggest doing research before beginning a project so that you have a clear idea and foundation on what you want to do and what you’re supposed to be doing.

Teyonna 2nd slide


I have learned that you need to click on everything Miss Hull puts there, also to check if you did it right. I have also learned that you need to give your slide a deeper meaning where it would show something you would like but would have an easter egg in it to show something else that you love. Research is important since you would need to know how to make it or what you would need to do. Also it is key for you to actually know what to do and how to do instead of asking miss hull since she won’t help you whatsoever and might be a bit mad since you didn’t listen to her instructions.  

Tim's Media Fluency(The Second Chance)

From the critique of my peers that I presented my second slide to, I made a few key changes. One of the changes that I made was all of the spacing between all of my pictures that made it distracting to the eye with the already moving gif pictures and the multi-colored, moving background. The actual change that I made was a more basic background, and only one gif image, Which balanced the movement by being unbalanced. What I mean by this is that the Moving image was in the middle of two non-moving images.
Another major change that I made was making big wording with multiple colors that contrasted with color of the background behind them. 
techpresentation (3)

My slide

I decided to redo my whole slide due to the comments I got. For the biggest part everybody liked the quotes I chose to put in my slide.Most of the most common comments I received was that my background wasn't very attractive. I got some help from a college art student and he recommended to make the background about me so i decided to choose one of my soccer pictures. When choosing this pictured I noticed that both quotes related to it. White is one of the coors that has great contrast with any dark color making it pop out and catch peoples attention. I chose the picture of me looking away so people can noticed i'm not focused on the camera instead on the game. I bolded some words because it makes show more importance to those words. The use of empty space because I didn't want things to be to crowded instead to be focused on me and the words only.

Media Fluency Reflection

Michaela Donnelly (5)

From this project, I learned a great span of vocabulary. Like Ms.Hull said, you knew all of this information but couldn’t put it to words. Now I know the words to the information. I basically redid my whole slide. My group and I thought the slide was very haphazard. I might have followed a color scheme of blue and used different shades and hues, but it showed little to no variety because it all looked the same. A few other things that were haphazard were the venturing logo and name in small print in the corner, so I made the decision to remove them from my slide. In my 2nd slide I tried to use symmetry. I put pictures of similar size on the left and right of the slide. I also split the quote so I could have it on both side of the center picture. This whole project was meant to be a learning experience. If we didn’t learn new information, what type of learning experience would that be. Also, learning can give you an anxious feeling. We definitely had that feeling while we were presenting to the class or in small groups. Overall with this project knowing your vocabulary got you a better grade than having a pretty slide. But if it looked nice it should have followed the vocabulary you learned.

Media Fluency (Revised)

Tech Project (4)
I have improved my newer and better slide. I have learned how to make my slide better than my first slide. My first slide is way to cluttered and because of that there was way to much to see and can't focus on one thing. I have taken away a lot of photos and made it a bit more simpler. 
The changes I have made to improve my slide is I made my title bigger and the title is in the middle, so it can catches people's attention. I made it a bit more organized and simpler. I have made some of my photos a bit bigger and I have deleted some of photos. I also have changed that background, so it won't look to plain. 
The research is important because we need the knowledge to do it correctly. And I hope I have made my slide is way better that my first one. 

Thank you, Nasya 

Sarah's Magazine (Revised)

Sarah’s Magazine (Revised)
After getting feedback, I did my best to remake my slide that will be simple and easy to look at. In my previous slide, I wanted one of the pictures to “bleed” but it did not work very well. That was one of my main key points. In my revised slide, I added an image that had a “bleeding” effect so that my slide can pop. My other key point that was for both my previous slide and my revised slide was the font. The font was to make the slide stand out more. Also, it will be easier for people to read when they pass by. You should research because you will have more knowledge before making.

Karen Ossowski Reflection on Media Fluency

second tech slide Karen ossowski (1)

During this project i learned about different kinds of slides. You can do different colors, hence the title, moving pictures or videos, and about the different shades you do in different lights. For example, in the daytime or bright light, you should do duller or darker colors. However if you are in darker light, you should do brighter colors.

In my new slide, i didn't put too many words in and i put more visual stuff. I still kept the books but instead i put multiple books. I also changed the background to a very light gray and put a darker border of gray around the pictures.  In the slide that you see the title is supposed to be all on one line, but the size of the image messed it up.

During this project, research is very important. I say this because without it we wouldn't know what we are doing. If Ms. Hull didn't set us up to fail, we would have failed on a very important project. In the beginning when i did my research, i didn´t know how important it would be. If we didn't do research, we would have done a mess, colors would've been all over the place and we would bleed everything, etc.
Hope you like this slide better than the other one. Thanks for reading.

Media Fluency: New & Improved

Media Fluency (2)
According to the feedback I got. I learned that I have to keep my pictures color backgrounds similar to the rest of the pictures. In my “Fashion designing” picture, I had a tan background, unlike the other pictures which had a white background. So, I changed the picture with another picture that is also associated with fashion designing, and with a white background. Another thing I learned was to make my type really big. I made it 24 size, however there was some people that couldn’t see it, so I change it to a 36, so people could see it clear. Another thing I changed was the theme. My theme had a light pink background, with a couple squares + triangles in the right top corner that is indigo & dark blue, and the picture with my name on it, was cutting through it. So I change the theme and I don’t have those square + triangles on the top corner, so instead I have a pink & purple background. The top is pink, and the bottom purple, and I placed the 2 pictures of my passions in the bottom, and the picture of my name, and the “All about me” text above it. The last thing I changed, was the location of the “All about me” text. I placed it above the my name picture, instead of the bottom. Because according to the feedback I got, my name should be under it, so it could be read as “All about me: Amira”. Research is extremely important in the beginning of the project, because I learned lots of things that helped me understand what to do, and it came to a good result.

Clearly Cianni

Untitled presentation
What I learned from doing this assignment was that when making a slide your things should be centered and should have a theme that is going to catch the viewers eye also it should not be sloppy. For my second slide I decided to just start all over because I felt I could make a better slide. For my new slide I made it plain but something that would catch the viewers eyes. Also I made sure it was centered and nothing came off the slide. It is important to do research before a project because you wont be able to meet all the requirements if you don't do research 

Me Magazine Slide Revised

Me Magazine Slide (1)

I learned a lot about the size of text and the importance of the color of the slide. I also learned that it it good to have blank space. I also learned that you don’t have to fill the whole slide with words and that it bores the viewer. In the end I decided to change the picture and take it out. There was no point in the picture because there was no color coordination with it.

The Micah Slide pt. 2

The Micah Slide (1)
Reflection: After I analyzed everyone's slide I created this. I learned that it is good to keep everything spaced and clear. What I changed drastically is taking out all the words and describing them in pictures. Research is extremely important because the slide will be so much better because you will know what you are doing.

Jays Slide

1 slide (1)

I lI I learned that color is really important and so is the structure of your photos. You need to make sure both are clear and pleasing to the eye. That why I changed the color of my title and changed its positioning. I also played with where the pictures as well to make sure the weren’t going off the slide. I also got rid of some photos because I thought there was too many and that they were distracting.

Media Fluency - Reflection

The Taste of the Future Slide (1)
This revised version of my first slide, is what I'm now happy with. It represents everything that should be included in a ad. Recognizing my mistakes I changed just a few things from my original. I changed the size of almost everything. The bowl was one of the major size changes because the feedback I got before, also it made sense because the size of the vegetables should be life like, but big enough to catch the viewer's attention. The middle part "of the" font was changed to a very contrasted font. It was also moved in between the top font and bottom and separated to not look like one word. This is so important to not confuse my viewers. I learned the eye most diffidently can be caught with some, but important critiques. When researching the format a graphic designer uses be sure to input them in a order that flows with your slide. Flowing is important because if your viewer can't collectively move through the ad. in a ongoing and non-confusing way then your ad. is unsuccessful.

Revised Slide (Black Holes)

Black hole Edits
My original slide has been now well edited with best of my abilities, I put everything I can out there.During this project I learned that you can never be trouble free while presenting even if you are so confidant and nothing can go wrong. You must come up with your own way of doing things. I learned that the only way to get rid of butterflies is by going all out and to do your best. I made the changes I made because it was crapped and words were everywhere. I had lot's of contract but didn't know if it was going to be appealing to the audience, many times like Ms.hull said"People will judge you for the smallest of things. I decided to get rid of one of those quotes I had and then enlarged the quote I didn't erase. I slightly moved the word "Black Holes" up so I wouldn't create a tangent. I also made these changes because I wanted to make the design more appealing to the viewers eyes. Research is very important so that you know exactly what you are talking about to the teacher and the audience. If you do research you relieve the stress on yourself as well, it also opens your mind to learn new things about the world because it's impossible to know everything. Even the most intellectual people if you look at it have only made one big discovery and leave everything else to the hands of the next generation of homospehians and that discovery get's more complex as the years go. I have learned so much about presenting because I push myself to the limit. "Don't ever give up on what you already started someone must finish the job." 

My New & Improved Slide

Tech (1)
I learned a lot about making detailed and intentional points through simple images in media. I liked learning how to get a clear concept across with not a lot words.
I made changes to my second slide, trying to do a better job of using the rule of thirds, as well as getting rid of all tangents that existed. I also changed up my images to make the slide look a little crisper.
Research is very important especially in a new concept like this. When you go up in front of the class I think it's important to look like you know what you are talking about as well as to backup your decision making with research you did.

Media Fluency Reflection

Slide About Me (1)

In this new slide I enlarged my top text and made it a more contrasting color (Red). I enjoyed viewing this slide better because it it more organized and clear to read. I learned how to create something visually pleasing and legit. The research is important so that you know where to place, contrast and enlarge.

Media Fluency

  • What you learned
- I learned that I have to make sure that my letter and words stand out so people can read it. Also, I need to make the picture to not touch the side of the slide.

  • Why you made the changes you did to your second slide
- I made sure people could see the words that I typed, so I highlighted it with a bright different color to show them. 

  • How important research is when beginning a project
-It's important because you need to make sure that you have most of the things and tips that they give you. 
Tech slide (2)

Reflection Media Fluency

Tech  (2)

Through this assignment, I learned how to take a whole bunch of information and create it to be one slide with one point. In the beginning of this assignment, I thought I had to include a lot of unneeded information, but I just had to follow exact directions. I also learned how to contrast in color and at the same time, make the color fit well with following colors displayed as well. I learned how to involve different colors, texture, and value to the slide. There was also a good amount of variation of brightness. I had some rhythm which is the principle of design that indicates movement. I also learned how to follow the requirements correctly. In this case, I decided to make it visual, have one slide with one point, make the font bigger, and contrast whether it’s in shape, color, or size. Another thing I realized is that the slide should not be overwhelmed with information. This should be a billboard with certain qualities of a street billboard. The main part of this assignment allowed me to follow directions. I should do exactly what I was assigned to do. I made a couple changes to my slide. My classmates had gave me critiques in order to improve my slide to meet all of the needed requirements. This may be difficult to do at times, but it’s always good to get suggestions and feedback in order to do better. I was recommended to play with the spacing, color, and size of the words on my slide. On this second slide, I tried to do exactly that. This preparation for this slide required a lot of research which is the most important part. It’s very crucial to follow exact directions when it is given to you. If you don’t do the correct research, you could possibly be doing everything completely wrong. I learned the importance of research and doing exactly what I was asked to do.