Negative Space Reflection

 What is negative space?
- It is the space or environment around the object or image your drawing. 

Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?
- By looking at the images in a different perspective and looking at them as bubbles and then shaded around them. 

Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps them find certain details of an object that one does notice at first. 

 Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?
- It can in a way enhance drawing because it makes you look at them at a perspective. Also the outlines and shading will be more noticeable. 
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My Incredibly Late Digital Story

Sophia Henninger

Audio of poem is above.

Text is below.

Drawing is located below text of poem.

For the digital story project, I wanted to take the opportunity to write something that I’ve been meaning to for a long time. In grade school we had an assignment to write a poem. What I ended up writing was dark and strange, much unlike what my other classmates had written. Though most of the details of the piece have been lost in the past few years, I can still remember being extremely proud of what I had written. So for this project, I’m going to try and recreate the poem from the few details I do remember. 

The One Beneath the Window

I hear you outside,

You outside my window,

Silly thing.

I hear you shuffle your feet,

Back and forth under my pane.

I hear your words,

Trying to slip between the cracks

And pry open the window.

Your are words calm

And steady.

You have much patience,

But you’ve been here before,

Every morn leaving,

Weary and hollow.

Your words grow louder

With my every denial.

Your pleading flattery falters a little more

With every nay from my mouth.

The veil of kindness

Is dissolved from your mind

By the acidic rage now overcoming it.

Once words so sweet

With only a hint of desire,

Used to trickle through

The faults of my pane.

Now they bombard the window

Giving up

On lulling the lock

Into submission

And gunning straight for me.

You thought it best to change my mind once,

But your patience has worn away, 

Your manners out of commission.

An animal hunger envelopes

Any humanity left in your bones.

The window still stands

Between you and I.

It’s once minor splits,

Now canyons, turning the world

Behind it into a reflection

In a muddled lake. 

One wisp of a breeze

And I will no longer have a choice.

Canyons will erupt and

You will devour me.

I only have one choice left,

Blow a kiss

And welcome you in.


Brianna Perrin Capstone

My name is Brianna Perrin and I am a senior at Science Leadership Academy. For my capstone I decided to create a PSA and documentary about teenage issues. Topics that I went over were depression, self-harm, suicide, homosexuality, sexual harassment, etc. How my capstone addresses the SLA core values is by learning how to test them in different areas to see the outcome. Of course the outcome wasn't always positive but I was able to understand people's views and opinions by using them. Another thing that I did for my capstone was have mini projects throughout the year. Some mini projects were the NOH8 Photo shoot, Teens For Jeans Drive, Blood Drive, etc. Having these mini projects helped address SLA core values while also having the school be involved in different things and be more aware of topics that are heavily discussed in the world.

​Memoir of an Imperfect Angel

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​Blood Drive, NOH8 Photo Shoot, Teens for Jeans Drive
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NOH8 Mural In Progress

2:37. Dir. Murali K. Thalluri. Perf. Teresa Palmer and Frank Sweet. 2006. DVD.

This film has multiple features - lighting, acting, film angles, etc. that I find helpful for my project. This is another teen movie but it still allows myself and other people to see what it is like for a teenager put into situations and how they deal with them.

ABC Family. Dir. Charles Binamé. Perf. Emily Osment and Kay Panabaker. ABC Family. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.

This is another film has helped with different film aspects that I might want to use. Also this movie can give ideas and more insight to how I want to portray my movie.

Crook, Marion. Please, Listen to Me!: Your Guide to Understanding Teenagers & Suicide. North Vancouver, B.C.: Self-Counsel, 1992. Print.

This book is helpful because it allows me to get from personal teenagers how they got help from someone from either telling them or someone found them. Having this aspect will allow me to get across in my movie that getting help is hard for teenagers especially if people don’t see the red flags from the beginning.

"Cutting - From the Teenager's Perspective _____________________________________________________*." Cutting - From the Teenager's Perspective _____________________________________________________*. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

This book is helpful because it again allows me to get insight from different teenagers about what cutting is, what it does to them and how it started. Having more stories to be able to tell helps it be more relatable instead of just using my story.

Danquah, Meri Nana-Ama. Shaking the Tree: A Collection of New Fiction and Memoir by Black Women. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003. Print.

This book is helpful because it is a book of monologues by African American women who have gone through depression and other areas. The monologues talk about their problems, how they get help, having someone try to give them an intervention, etc. This helps with writing my own monologues for when I talk about myself.

Hayman, James. The Cutting. New York: Minotaur, 2009. Print.

This source is useful because it is focused on different characters dealing with different things in their lives. This focuses on a few characters that deal with cutting which is a form of self mutilation/self harm.

Levenkron, Steven. Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-mutilation. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. Print.

This source I found useful because it is giving people a further insight into what self-mutilation it and how to overcome it. This is helpful to people who are actually self-mutilating but I found it also useful for people who found out that someone they care about self-mutilates. It helps them understand what it is, why someone might do it and resources that they can use or get to help that person.

Marcovitz, Hal. Teens and Suicide. Philadelphia: Mason Crest, 2004. Print.

This source is useful because it talks about teens and suicide rates that continue to rise. It has statistics, stories and more resources to further understand and learn why the rates are increasing.

Marone, Nicky. How to Mother a Successful Daughter: A Practical Guide to Empowering Girls from Birth to Eighteen. New York: Harmony, 1998. Print.

I chose this source because I found self help books interesting but particularly this one. A majority of teenagers get depressed because of the high standards and the pressure that they feel their parents put on them. Have this as a source gives me insight to how a mother wants to raise their daughter and the expectations they have for them.

Martin, Michael. Teen Depression. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, 2005. Print.

This source is basically self explanatory. This goes more into the topic of teenage depression and still having good statistics. It also explains the different stages of depression and how if the teenager does not get help for their depression how it can further to worse stuff. This includes an eating disorder, suicidal thoughts and self mutilation.

"National Self Harm Network - Home." National Self Harm Network - Home. National Self Harm Network, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

This source is good because this is a national website that many people might turn to for multiple things. They can help people in how to get to help to clinics to how to help someone who does self harm themselves. It is also a great source for statistics.

"Replace The Blade." Webs. Connie, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

This source is important because it goes into different support systems for people who self-harm. It is not specified for a specific age group but just overall talking and explaining the cons of self-harming and why it is better to get help and put the blade down.

Roleff, Tamara L. Teen Suicide. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2000. Print.

This source is important because it is a book focused on teen suicide. It also does into depth about the different ways teens commit suicide and the objectives that might lead them to consider or commit suicide.

Sheahan, Gwenneth, and Soren Dayton. "Secret Shame (self-injury Information and Support)."

Secret Shame (self-injury Information and Support). N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

This source is helpful because it goes more into depth about different types of self-injury and how people resort to the different types. It also gives insight to the support that each of the different types has.

"To Write Love on Her Arms Vision." To Write Love on Her Arms Vision. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

I used this source because it is one of the organizations that I feel is represented most in my project because of the mission that this organization holds.

Kaitlin, Andrew, Heather, and Michael

1. Group members present: Kaitlin, Mike, Heather, Andrew
2. Our club discussed chapter 4, 5, and 6.
3. We discussed it by passing chapters back and forth, then commenting on each chapter independently.
4. There were no points of conflict, however, Michael was confused on the actual ranges of IQs that are realistic.
5. Our questions: Why didn't they combine chapters 5+6? 
Stats Benchmark 2

Voces Inocente

Amanda Millatt


Español 4

Vi una película Voces Inocente. Voces Inocentes se trata un niño, Chava, quien vive en El Salvador en el 1980’s. Durante el tiempo en El Salvado tenía guerra civil. El gobierno de El Salvado necesitó mucho solados por la guerra. Entonces el gobierno

How to Lie With Statistics: Podcast #1

Group: The Math People (Ronald, Mabintu, and Rugei)
Covered: Chapters 1-4

In this podcast, we discussed our opinions about scenarios and ideas present in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4. For each chapter, we spent a brief amount of time bringing up a point in the book that we found to be controversial or important pertaining to statistics in the real world. Each member of the group would then respond to the point that was brought up, telling whether we agreed or disagreed with the authenticity of it, and why we felt that way. We kept our debates as professional as possible, respecting everyone's ideas. After we exhausted each scenario, we moved on to the next one.
podcast 1 stat

History Journal Entry #32

​Do you think Okonwo's past experience are an excuse for his current behavior?

I think Okonwo's past experiences are & aren't an excuse for his current behavior because he had work a lot independently to get where he is now. Along with that the shame of having a father as the village failure of which must play a big role in who he is now. He never really had a role model or father figure to show and teach him the roles and guide him to gain some moral values. But at the same time it's not okay that he is so controlling and walks around like a total statue. Emotionless. Hard. Cold. but this is a result of what happened to him in the past. being the way Okonwo's is, is probably just his way to get things done without technically having any interference. HI see him as basically by himself. I'm in the middle with my answer because his mental morals may not be straight but It can't totally be his fault for the way he is. 

History Journal Post

History Journal #19

What is your universe obligation?

My universe obligation is built the way it is because throughout my whole life I was told to always put God  first so that's what I do. Next would be family because family is very important to me and I would die for them if it's called for. I also stated that close friends are apart of my universe obligation. And last is animals because I love to help animals that have been abuse.

Audrey's History Portfolio

Written on May 1, 2013

History Entry: #39

I think violence is more powerful. Because I go by the line “no one listens until someone dies.” I don’t think anyone realizes how serious it is until death occurs. For example, it’s not easy to persuade somebody by just talking to someone and that sometimes you just want to point a gun to their head.

This is a link to my response to modern day sweatshop

This is a link to my final thoughts on revolutions

Audrey's English Portfolio

Written on April 22, 2013

English Entry: #36

Freedom is doing whatever the hell you want as long as you’re not harming yourself or harming anyone else. And without someone’s consult or permission. I’m defining freedom in this way because you’re not limited to anything or restricted.

This is a link to my poetry blog. 

This is my language autobiography. 

Journal Entry (12/20/12) "The Ad + the Ego"

- advertising is a system of education
- sells value, roomace, sexuality
- tells us who we SHOULD be
- can ads really get inside our heads?
- everyone says they're not affected my Ads but they wear the Ads
- exposed to 15,000 Ads everyday
- less about the actual product and more about emotions and lifestyles
- goal is to make you feel unhappy with yourself & make you feel like you need the product 
- sense of what beauty is
- force of persuasion
- turns ppl into objects

English Journal

English Journal #10

I wish could… 

I wish I could be over 21 because I would be able to do whatever I want. I wish I could be in the Bad Girls Club because when I match it on tv it seems so much fun. I wish I could be an accountant because I would make a lot of money. I wish I had tattoos. I wish I could fall in love. I wish I cared. I wish I people will notice me. I wish I could be a singer instead of being so shy. I wish I could be smarter. I wish I could be pretty. 

History Journal #17 - Dec 20th, 2012

The Ad and The Ego

• Advertising is a system of education
• with ads comes truth and consequences
• "Can they really get inside my head?"
• Ads try to show who you are and should be
• It's about a whole set of different values
• People in America are overly exempt from Ads
• People who they are not affected by Ads are the ones wearing the Ads
• Ads become an environment
• Average American is exposed to over 1500 ads/day
• It's like breathing air, you don't notice it
• World, power and self understanding 
Teaches us to be consumers, ha[iness can be bought they are instant solutions and products can fullfil our daily needs
• Indirectly & directly, they are intimately involved in our lives
• Everything is advertising
• Informing  --> tool of socialization
• Less about products now, more about emotions and lifestyle
• Rests the fate of American dignity
• Goal is to make you feel unhappy so you need their product to be happy
• "Guarantees"
• Make you become what you buy
• Reverse psychology
• Needs to grasp attention
• False idols
• Mainly white women being advertised
• Ads define beauty for us
• Sex sells
• To appeal someone on levels that they are unconscious 
• No one who sees a commercial will ever forget
• We are their tests dummies or mindless monkeys
• Mythology of independance
• Seeing is believing
• Images are more powerful than words
• Symbols + Images have a force of persuasion that is undeniable
• Ads are an evolvement device
• Symbols = power of social and economics
• First step towards justifying violence towards someone is to treat them less than human, turns people into objects
• "I can be anything you want me to be"
• "What do you want out of life?"
• Not about manipulation or false unconsciousness, it's about getting into their dream life
• Can physically transform you
• Consumes culture
• Ads is the most powerful influence on our society ever
• Integrated communications
• It's a loop --> Ads advertise other advertisements
• One main message is consumption
• Premeditated waste
• We waste as much as a poor country of 100 billion people
• Unfortunately, that's life.

History Journal (1/31/13)

I believe that destruction of ones property is very beneficial.When the circumstance becomes ungovernable and the people have no other option that's a way to get attention. Once one person starts, other people will follow and make an even greater point. On the other hand though, it is kind of redundant. Let's say burning homes gets the attention of the government and you get your justice. Okay, you get the justice... but what are you left with? Or what if you burn the homes and still get nothing in return? You end up with nothing. 

Never Shall I Forget Journal Entry

Never Shall I Forget...

Never Shall I Forget the piercing pain that shoots through my system 
as my mom says to me in a calm weird like voice with eyes full of regret 
"Im disappointed in you."
Never SHall I Forget the warmth that spread throughout the house 
when she laughs & tickles my little sister. 
Never SHall I Forget the dark lonely nights 
and hearing the squeaky sound of my door 
as my little sister opens it to lay beside me for comfort. 
Never shall I Forget those hot sizzling days, 
seeing a ritas water-ice in someone's hands 
and just wanting to drown in its cold sensation.
Never Shall I forget the first time I saw you 
and looking back never knowing 
how important you'd mean to me now.