Spanish article #4

Will (Guillermo) Amari



Blue Jasmine: ansiedad, pastillas, y crisis nerviosas

Blue Jasmine es una película y dirigido por Woody Allen. Es la nueva película de Woody Allen quien dirigido muchas películas famosasas. Antes de la película, Woody Allen fue a periplo europeo. El vuelve a Estados Unidos y en el ciudad llamado Nueva York. La película es sobre ansiedad, pastillas, y crisis nerviosas. Sin duda un típico filme de Woody Allen. Sin embargo, el filme no es muy comico. En lugar es muy triste. Igual a el filme Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Una chica se llama Jasmine vida entera se desmorona porque ella matrimonio con Hal quien es terrible. Por lo tanto ella mudó desde Nueva York al modesto apartamento de su hermana. Su nombre es Ginger y ella vive en San Francisco. Jasmine quiere para intentar recuperarse y recomponer ella vida. Jasmine es un sociedad de Nueva York y ella bebí alcohol mucho. El alcohol y las pastillas, a dios mios.

La elegante Jasmine es interpretado por Cate Blanchett. Hal es interpretado por Alec Baldwin, un adinerado hombre. Ginger es interpretado por Sally Hawkins. Buenos actores son en la película. Alec Baldwin es un de mi favoritos. Yo quiero para ver Blue Jasmine en los cines. Yo aprendí que Alec Baldwin es en la película. Leí el artículo porque me encanta películas de Woody Allen. El hizo más de cuarenta filmes.

Word count: 228

"Blue Jasmine: ansiedad, pastillas, y crisis nerviosas."

ABC. N.p., 3 10 2013. Web. 3 Oct 2013. <>.

Spanish Reflection #4

Chris Tran
Señorita Manuel

Jugadores Claves de la NLDS
Word count: 227

El sumario del artículo es sobre cuatro jugadores de béisbol llamadas Yasiel Puig, Yadier Molina, Pedro Alvarez y Andrelton Simmons. Este jugadores de béisbol es Latino americana. Pero éste jugadores estan el mejor de jugador de béisbol este juegue ahora. Ellos juegan duro por los equipos de sus a estan en el playoffs. La NLDS es dónde los equipos de béisbol juegan béisbol a impuso un campeonato. Jugadores como Yasiel Puig venío a un equipo a impuso y Los Dodgers estan en el playoffs. Durante de año, Yasiel Puig tuve un promedio de slugging de .534. Este promedio es bueno por un jugador de béisbol por un años. Yadier Molina, un jugador quien juegue béisbol duro tuve un año fantástico. El equipo de sus, Los Cardinals tenía un año duro porque de lesión. Pero Yadier juegue béisbol el mejor donde el equipo de sus nesecito. Yo use este artículo porque los jugadores de béisbol juegan béisbol todo las días por el verano y ellos juegan por el playoffs. El trabajo duro inspiró me a trabajo duro también a tuvo un carrera fabuloso. Los vocabularios que yo aprendí en el artículo es la pieza. Por ejemplo en el artículo use el parabla en esta sentencia, “El catcher y líder de los Cardinals es la pieza fundamental a la defensiva”. La sentencia es un ejemplo fabuloso por el parabla.


Pipeline Monologue Project

​I learned a lot about the environment and human behavior in this unit. I liked learning about all this stuff because i find it interesting. We definitely have enough information as a class to be experts on the pipeline. 

850 miles (1,368 km) in the United States (transcanada)

"This pipeline will allow Canadian and American oil producers more access to the large refining markets found in the American Midwest and along the U.S. Gulf Coast." (transcanada)

"require 9,000 skilled American workers" (transcanada) 

"With more than 60 years of experience building and operating pipelines, TransCanada has successfully reclaimed thousands of acres of native rangeland on pipeline rights of way throughout North America." (transcanada)

"Despite growing domestic oil production, both the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the International Energy Agency have forecast that the U.S. will continue to import 3.5-to-7.5-million barrels per day into the year 2035, to meet American demand." (transcanada)

Monologue One (Secret Service Agent)- 

(Secret service walked into his house late but just in time for dinner. He sat down at the table with his family.)

Boy have I had a hell of a day. All these hippie weirdos have been outside of the white house for days now. There hooligans! I can't stand them! They think they can do whatever they want! Not on my watch! So this hippie thought it would be a good idea to walk onto the White House lawn and run for the president! So of course naturally doing my job I ran at him and tackled him. Then he tried to fight me for tackling him! The nerve of this man! We had to evacuate the president and go threw all these security measures which made me late to come home. I don't know why this pipeline is such a big deal to them. Who the hell cares? Well anyway what's for dinner? Ohh pizza my favorite! 
Monologue Two (Pipeline Worker)-
(worker walks onto site and has a conversation with another worker about all the controversy)

Ya know I really don't know why people make such a big deal about this pipeline. Were making a decent living right now. I just really need the money for my family right now. I’m professionally trained. I went threw the training program like everybody else here and got certified to work. Everyone thinks were gonna mess this up. Do you get what I’m saying? I mean people make mistakes and stuff but I feel like we can't. They'll fire us and just replace us at the drop of a dime. Well, I guess we should get back to work before we actually get fired. See ya later.

Monologue Three (a fox living near the site of the pipeline)  

(The fox trots along, past the pipeline looking for a new home)

I can't believe these stupid workers would tear up my home and put this worthless piece of metal on top of it. I was living here peacefully until they ruined it. I had such a beautiful home. Now there going to destroy the earth and possibly spill oil all over the continent. WHats wrong with this human species? Why would they want to do such bad things? I just don't understand humans. I have no home, no food, no water and all they're worried about is this pipeline. Not the safety of all the other species in this world. Well, I guess its time to start over somewhere else. 

Diario Tres

Soy un estudiante seguro casi todo el tiempo, y porque tengo éxito a menudo. A veces, sin embargo, estoy orgulloso y un poquito flojo. Mis profesores me caen bien, a excepción de Sr. Reddy, porque el me molesta un poco. Mis amigos y yo nos llevamos bien, y me dan risa. Estoy contento en mis clases, y en mi escuela. 

Diario #3

Me llevo bien la mayoría de mis maestros. El único que no me cae bien  es el Señor Todd. El único razón por esto es que el es nuevo, you no sabe si va a ser un buen maestro o no. Señor Latimer Be llevo muy bien. El es uno de mis consejeros. El Señor Latimer es simpático y es un maestro de matemáticas exceptional. Me cae bien Señorita Manuel porque su clase es única. Me encanta de tener un clase de Español real estate año enves de tener Rosetta Stone. En general todos mis maestros me caen bien.

Diario #3 Relaciones Académicas

Sla es un escuela diferente.  Tenemos consejerías, mi consejería se llama los Bey-Martins. Me cae bien con todos mi amigos en mi consejería, porque ellos me dan risa y me entienden. Mi consejera se llama Señorita Martin, ella puede ser un autoritaria pero ella es cariñosa , actúa como mi mama. Todos mis maestros son simpáticos y me gusta sus clases, pero hay un maestro que no me cae bien. Creo que su clase es muy aburrido, aprendemos cosas pero no las cosas que necesitamos en vida.  Es que tienes que estar en su clase para entender en qué estoy diciendo. Tenemos un buen principal, Señor Lehmann  es tranquilo el no grito a los chicos cuando hagan algo malo. Es generoso cuando necesitas algo el puede dar esto. En Sla tratamos a todos como familia.

Diario #:

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores es bien excepto con Mr. Miles. Mr. Miles es muy sarcástico y molesta a mí.  Me llevo mal con Ms. Pamahov, no obstante ella es mi profesora no más. Señorita Pamohav es extraña, sin embargo yo quiero como ella. También Srta. Pamohov siempre mirando a mí.Ms. Rami es mi nueva amiga. Señor siempre absento pero gracioso. Me inspira Señor Baird, él es profesor mí favorita. Baird me entiende.

Diario #3

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da risa el señor Best. Creo que me cae bien Señorita Manuel porque ella me inspira. Ella me cae bien porque es permisiva. Cuando nosotros tenemos consejería, podemos comer. Me cae bien la señorita Garvey porque cuando una persona está agobiado o nervioso, ella hablar con la persona. Sin embargo la clase de matemáticas es difícil. Me cae bien el señor VK pero da miedo un poquito. Es un profesor un poquito autoritario pero es muy inteligente. El me da risa un poquito también.

Diario 3

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo tengo un buen relación. Me cae bien el Sr. Sanchez porque me encanta historia y, él y yo hablan de la comida y los deportes. Me cae bien el Sr. Baird porque él es muy gracioso y interesante. Me cae bien la Srta. Rami porque ella es muy simpática y permisiva.  Me cae bien el Sr.Reddy también porque el es muy organizado y sarcástico. Las clases de matemáticas y ciencias en generales son difíciles para mi. Al contrario las clases de español, historia, y ingles en generales no son difíciles, pero no son fáciles. Me gustan las clases de español, historia, y ingles mucho. 

Diario #3

  • Mis relaciones académicas es bien. Mis conserjeria y yo nos llevamos bien, ellos es muy gracioso, amiable, y intelligente. Mis conserjero es Senor Miles, me darisa, es el profesoro bien porque el es aututoritario y simpatico. Mis profesora favorita es Senora Manuel, porque ella es graciosa y ella clase es muy divertido. Yo aprender mucho en la clase de Senora Manuel. Me cae bien con todos los personas en mis escuela porque SLA tienes personas ese esta asambroso.

Diario 3: Las Relaciones Académicas

Mi profesores y mi no llevamos bien. No me da miedo el Señor Reddy porque él es tacaño con los grados y es autoritario, per no es antipático. Me da riza el Señor Baird porque es no serio en la clase. Me molesta el libro "The Things They Carried". Nosotros leemos el libro in Inglés. Yo soy agobiado en la clase de Español, pero Señorita Manuel es muy simpática. 

Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas

  • En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, por la mayoría parte, tengo un buen relacíon con mis profesores. No me gusta matematicas porque Señor Reddy es muy autoritario y muy sarcasticó. Él es no sensible para otras personas. La tarea es muy dificíl y yo hago agobiado y disgustado. Me cae bien Señora Rami. Me gusta la clase de íngles muchas más. Rami es muy graciósa y intaligente. Me otras clases es bien tambien y los profesores es simpáticos.  

Diario #3

Mis relaciones académicas estan muy buenas. Me cae bien con todos mis profesores y con los estudiantes tambien. Todas las personas llevamos bien. Yo estoy timida en muchas cosas  porque soy introvertida y yo pienso que unos profesores son autoritarios pero otros profesores son muy permisivos pero no me cae mal con los profesores porque me gustan mis clases. Colaboración es dificil a veces porque a veces estudiantes no quieren trabajar, pero yo trabajo mucho en los proyectos y todo esta bien.

Diario #3 Alexa

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas mis profesores y yo llevamos bien. Me da risa señor Baird porque es comico y muy sarcástico. Llevama bien con señora Garvey pero me odio Algebra 2. Me llevamos bien con todos mis amigos (y un llevama bien con un porquito de mis amigas), me da risa mis amigos. Ellos es muy comicos y estupidos. Mi amigo Jian, entiende mi amor para manga. No llevamo bien con un profesor de mio porque no entiende, eschuche, o es responsible. y le hace los drogas. 

Diario #3 de Antonio

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da miedo el Señor Reddy porque soy muy sensible y autoritario con trabaja de mi y ellos. Sin embargo, el Señor Reddy me cae bien. Cuando usted no la maestra, usted es simpático. No creo yo hablo simpático sobre Señor Reddy, pero usted es simpático y entiende problemas si tu tienes. La Srta. Manuel me cae bien. Me entiende cuando tengo problemas y cuando necesito su ayuda. Tambíen, usted es muy simpática y graciosa cuando usted aprende la clase de Español 4.

Diario 3

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, me llevo bien con la mayoría de mis profesores. Me cae bien con Mr. Latimer y Mr. Best. Los dos también me hacen reir mucho y sus clases son mi favoritas.También mi consejera, Ms. Jonas es muy amable. Ella siempre puede ayudarme cuando soy inseguro de algo. Ella también es muy sensible de qué hacer en las clases para tener más éxito en los clases. 

Diario Tres


~Relaciones Académicas

En general, mis relaciones académicas son muy buenos, y me cae bien todos mis maestros. Me entiende la Señora Jonas, porque ella es mi consejera, y vamos a tener consejería para los cuatro años que estoy en esta escuela. Me inspira todos los maestros, porque si ellos pueden completar la escuela secundaria, yo puedo completarlo también. Algunos de los maestros pueden ser muy autoritaria, pero está bien, porque saben que están haciendo,  y es para un razón importante. La Señorita Manuel es muy simpática y me da risa porque muestra vídeos en la clase de Español. Con la ayuda de mis profesores, puedo graduar de esta escuela con buenas notas y una cabeza llena de ideas y conocimiento. 

Diaro #3 Las Relaciones Académicas

En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da risa el Señor Baird porque el es muy gracioso. La Srta. Pahomv me cae bienu pero no es muy especial. A veces me molesta el señor Sherif porque el es muy permisivo y me gustan los profesores mas autoritario. Me entiende la señorita Echols porque se caen cuando yo era una freshman y hablamos mucha. La señora Rami me cae bien porque ella era simpática y cariñosa. En total mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. 

Diario Tres


~Relaciones Académicas

En general, mis relaciones académicas son muy buenos, y me cae bien con todos mis maestros. Me entiende la Señora Jonas, porque ella es mi consejera, y vamos a tener consejería para los cuatro años que estoy en esta escuela. Me inspira todos los maestros, porque si ellos pueden completar la escuela secundaria, yo puedo completarlo también. Algunos de los maestros pueden ser muy autoritaria, pero está bien, porque saben que están haciendo,  y es para un razón importante. Con la ayuda de mis profesores, puedo graduar de esta escuela con buenas notas y una cabeza llena de ideas y conocimiento. 

Diario # 3 Las Relaciones Academicas.

  Yo me llevo bien con todos mis profesores. Specialmente con señor Kay. Yo me llevo bien con el porque es muy gracioso y siempre quiere saber lo que estas pensando. Me cae bien la señorita Manuel porque simpre te ayuda cundo tienes una pregunta. Sin embargo pienso que todos los profesores tienen algo que los hace unicos y autenticos. Yo pienso que las qualidades son las mas importantes.

Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas

Este año, volví a la escuela. No quería volver porque el año pasado los profesores ni la gente me gustaban. Soy muy tímida y se me hace difícil hacer nuevos amigos. Este año es mucho más fácil que el anterior. Las clases son mucho más fáciles. Al principio, me daba miedo tomar la clase de matemáticas porque el año pasado me fue muy mal. Sin embargo, este año la clase está súper fácil y me gusta más. El maestro es muy amable y siento que si no entiendo algo, él me puede explicar. Estoy tomando una clase de Español 4 y es muy fácil. La maestra es súper buena y me gusta como da la clase y explica las cosas. No estoy tomando clase de Ciencia porque no la necesito. La clase de Inglés no me gusta porque es aburrida. Hasta ahora, todos los maestros son permisivos. El maestro de la clase de ''Gobierno Americano'' es uno de lo más estrictos, pero como quiera es amable.

En ésta escuela hay gente que me cae bien y otra gente que no me cae tan bien. Pero así es el mundo y trato de llevarme bien con toda la gente que pueda. Me daba mucho miedo volver a la escuela y a la frustración que antes sentía, pero volví y estoy tratando lo más que puedo para graduarme con altos honores e ir a la universidad que quiero. 

Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas

​Usa el vocabulario de la Unidad 1 para describir tus relaciones académicas.

Describe cómo te relacionas con tus compañeros de clase y tus profesores. Es importante explicar por qué y usar el vocabulario (bold the vocab). Por ejemplo:
  • En cuanto mis relaciones académicas (In terms of my academic relationships), mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da miedo el Señor Reddy porque soy muy sensible y él tiende ser más autoritario. Es muy amable sin embargo prefiero los profesores más permisivos. La Srta. Manuel me cae bien. Me entiende cuando tengo problemas y cuando necesito su ayuda.

Pipeline Monologue Project

Part 1:
The theme of this quarter was how do we affect the environment. To discuss this better we learned about the Keystone XL pipeline.This proposal by Trans-Canda to bring oil from Canada to the US will create many construction jobs and help the economy. However the oil they plan to bring over is Tar Sand oil which is dirtier than regular oil. It would also be in danger of leaking and spilling into water supplies. 

Part 2:
    It takes three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. 95% of the water used is so toxic it must be kept in human made pools called tailing pools. 

Several indigenous communities have been forced off there land for tar sand drilling.

"The probability of spills from this pipeline is high and more threatening than conventional spills, because tar sands oil sinks rather than floats, making clean ups more difficult and costly".

The pipeline will "result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads".

"The Keystone XL pipeline would traverse six U.S. states and cross major rivers, including the Missouri River, Yellowstone, and Red Rivers, as well as key sources of drinking and agricultural water, such as the Ogallala Aquifer which supplies water to more than one fourth of America’s irrigated land and provides drinking water for two million Americans".
Part 3:

View of the Birds

“Hello, I’m back”. “Yes, I have food. Open your mouths now”. “Don’t all fight theres plenty”. “Now that you're done eating let me tell you a story. A story of those two-legged mammals. As you know they build huge nests as large as this entire forests. Well today I saw them build something new. It was a giant grey tree. It was cold and smooth not like a tree in any way except for it’s shape. However the most strange thing about it was it was hollow. Also it wasn’t going up as most trees go it was lying horizontally. At first I thought they had cut it down but then I saw them adding pieces to it with their spark-makers. I think it might be a giant tree but Ari told me he saw more of the cold grey hollow trees all the way near water far away. He said they were making a path of the grey trees. However no one know why. Obie say it is to get the black water from the earth. He says he saw them do something similar with the grey trees far away. He had to leave his old home because the black water smelled like the beasts the two-legged mammals ride. He said they cut down trees where the grey pipes are. However some mammals sit in the trees so they don’t cut those down until the mammals leave the trees. Obie says that with the trees coming down we will all have to go to a different forest. However the two legged mammals are cutting down so many trees. Ari told me he had once lived in one of the mammal giant nest. It drove him crazy. They kept him in a small nest that he couldn’t get out as grey twigs went all around the nest. He was given food and a tiny amount of water. He says they refilled it everyday from this small sliver thing that had a stream inside it. He eventual escaped when one of the young ones opened a small door in the side and he flew right out. Still I don’t know what I’m going to do. We can’t move to one of there large nests where there stick us in the grey nests with the grey twinges around us. The only thing we can do is stay here and hope we don’t have to move”.

The person in the tree

“Get down from the tree.” “Look this has gone on for two hours just get down so these people can work.” “Of course I care about the environment but this pipeline won’t hurt it at all.” “If it leaks then there just stop the oil and clean it up. They run surveillance on each part of this pipeline you know. But the point is it won’t leak.” “Yeah, well that was it’s first pipeline this one won’t leak.” “It doesn’t matter how corrosive this oil is it won’t leak. Ok can you get down from there now.” “Do you know how much this will help the US. We can get our oil from a nation we trust and create thousands of jobs. It will also lower the price of oil and for the last time the pipeline WILL NOT LEAK. Ok can you get out of the tree now.” “Look I don’t know what to tell you. These people need to work and you're just being annoying. You see those people over there. Those people are getting pepper sprayed. You know why I’m not spraying you.” “Well yeah you would fall out the tree but it’s mostly because I’m a nice guy. Ok, I drive a hybrid I care about the environment. But not so much that I would sit in a tree just to stop some project that this economy need just because it has a small chance it will hurt the environment and then say no to the nice police officer who is trying to get you down.” “Alright look my brother works on this pipeline and he says it’s good it won’t leak and there not damaging the environment. Ok so you can sit there all you want but you're not helping the environment your just hurting the economy.” “Oh yeah well I’ll just go get someone else to get you out. I’m sick and tired of this you don’t get it. All you hear is “may harm the environment” and you go rushing in trying to stop it. You don’t understand and you probably never well. Have fun staying in there all day.”

A Phone Call

“Hello, I was calling to ask you about work.” “Oh that’s good but I don’t know about this pipeline your working on. I saw this show on the TV about it. It doesn’t look very good.” “Well it uses that tar sand oil which Robert Redford says is bad.” “You know he was in “All the Presidents Men” I watched it last night did you see it.” “Oh well it’s a good movie you should watch it. Well anyway I don’t like this tar sand business I don’t think it’s good. It looks like it’s very bad for the planet. I talked to some of the other people about the show and they didn’t like it either. Nobody in my retirement home liked the pipeline. In fact Mrs.Gonzan went to a rally to stand in a line so they block the path of the pipeline. She really did not like that pipeline they are building.” “Oh yes how is your brother. Is he alright. You know he never calls to say hello and I don’t know his number.” “He had to get someone out of a tree. Why were they in a tree?” “Oh it was to stop the pipeline. You know I just watched a show about that on TV. Robert Redford was in it. He said the pipeline was really bad.” “Oh you know about it did you watch it last night.” “Oh I already told you about it. Well it’s very good you should watch it. Now I don’t think it’s a good idea and I don’t want to tell all of my friends that my son is working on the pipeline.” “Oh you have to go. Ok, well you think about it and say hi to your brother for me and tell him to call me.”    “Alright goodbye son.”

Part 4

Pipeline Monologue Project

In this unit we covered the topic about the Keystone XL/Tar Sands Pipeline. We learned about how the building of this pipeline effected people and their surrounding whether it be good or bad. We learned to view people’s perspective on this topic and created monologues to represent what we got from this unit. 

-"The Canadian company TransCanada hopes to begin building the northern section of an oil pipeline that would trek close to 2,000 miles from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast of Texas." (

-Giant oil corporations invested in Canada's tar sands are counting on the Keystone XL pipeline to make the expansion of oil extraction operations there profitable: The pipeline would double imports of dirty tar sands oil into the United States and transport it to refineries on the Gulf Coast and ports for international export. (

-Besides revising the pipeline's course, Keystone XL would also increase capacity by enlarging the size of pipes' diameter from its current 30 inches to 36 inches. (

-“If we are truly concerned about carbon, it seems to me building a state-of the-art pipeline which is the most efficient way to get -- to move oil around is the best approach.” (

-"This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy." (

No Choice

*walks in and sits at the kitchen table* 

*phone rings, answers*

Ha. You’ve gotta be kidding me right? Out of all things, it would be this huh? Taking away the only stable thing i had. To do what? Build a pipeline? & what is that?... safe and advanced huh? good paying jobs? Like what, the one i just lost? Right, so what does that have to do with the overdue bills? Hungry kids, angry husband? Oh, right. Nothing. Oh 20,000 new jobs? Really? So which one of those 20,000 belong to me? Number 18,142? And what say do i have in this? An unemployed what? Look I’ve never looked at a check that said ‘UNEMPLOYED’ my checks usually say “Hey, thanks for 30 hours this weeks. Here’s you money see you Monday” Do you get where I’m going with this?

*long pause*

 I just don’t understand why this is happening. Listen i don’t even use oil, okay? Well, i use like vegetable oil but I‘m sure this isn’t what all the commotion is about. Yeah, yeah i have oil in my car. Listen it came with that, that isn’t the point! What do you mean what’s the point? The point is there’s gonna be a letter taped to my door in a week if i can’t pay rent. The point is i have 4 screaming and hungry mouths, one including a 43 year old unemployed, angry at the world, man. I’m the only thing keeping this boat floating and now what’s gonna happen? Exactly, you don’t know. Listen i get this is a big project, 830,000 barrels per day. Huge deal, i get it. All I’m saying is, this affects more than me. I’m sure of it. I think this whole thing should like stop. You know? Get your money back or something. This pipeline thing seems like too much trouble to me. Some sections have already been built? Hmm. wonder how much that costed. 7 billion what?! You’ve got all this money to build that and you take away my little salary? Well damn, what’d you do with it? Buy lunch? Listen, to hell with this. I seem to have no other choice so I’ll figure something out. I always do.

A Mother’s Concern

The weather is quite beautiful today, although I do wish Danny was around. *looks down* Hm, i should probably get him to tighten up these screws in this old rocking chair. My favorite chair *chuckles*  I could never get a new one. 

*long pause* 

I heard Danny got a new job today! I’m so happy for him, he’s been looking for so long. He even says this one pays good. 

*phone rings*

Hey Danny! How are you sweetie? Thats good, and hows the new job? Well, what do you do there? .. Building a what? A pipeline? Well, for what? Well sweetie, I’m glad that you have this job, I really am and I’m so proud of you. But I’m not sure this is the right thing for you to be apart of. Yeah well, i know. Thats right. It is creating a lot of jobs and good paying at that. Yes honey, that’s great. But I mean, there are a lot of negative effects that have to do with this pipeline.. You don’t know? Well Dan, people are losing their jobs because of this. It’s not as safe and it could pollute a lot of drinking water. I mean this is an expensive deal, didn’t you say the anticipated cost was $5.3 billion? Exactly, thats a lot of money. What kind of economical growth is that? Well yes honey, i know you have nothing to do with that you just work there i understand. Yes of course I’m still happy for you, you know i just don’t fully agree with the whole pipeline situation but i do know it has some good causes, especially because it brought you a job, so I’m very grateful and happy. Yes, alright. I love you too Danny. Ok, bye bye. 

*puts down phone and sighs*

Well i hope the pipeline does some of us some good. I hope some of us have a voice in this. My dear son is now involved, this better be good..

Through My Eyes

*looking over at the people who are protesting near the fence, pulls out his lunch*

Wow, they’re really a lot of people against this. *squints at one of the signs* 

What does that say? ‘NO TAR SANDS XL PIPELINE’ Wow!

You know, before this whole thing started I didn’t have a dime. Living on corners. Out of shelters, in and out of family homes until they wouldn’t put up with me anymore. I think this is a great thing. You know? I’m stable now. Great income and the job isn’t that bad. Heard its helping a lot of people, well it sure helped me i’ll say. Why are people against this? You know how many people got jobs from that? I can first hand tell you how many, about 750 to 20,000 thats how many. And guess what else? I’m one of those people. Some folks just don’t understand. I mean, i guess i can understand their point of view. The lost of jobs and people getting put out of their home because of the way we’re building it...i know thats not fair but...

*shakes head*

 We’re set to have this thing up and running by 2015! I think thats great, I mean, you know i get why some people don’t like the idea. It is a lot of money being spent and it affects some people in where they live and all of that but you know, its not all negative. I mean if you can have President Obama approve it, it can’t be that bad. Right? Thats the way i look at it. I mean look at it this way, see when we build this thing, American dependency on oil from The Middle East goes down by like 40%. I think thats pretty good for us. The more independency the better, right? I like being independent. Its a great feeling after having to be dependent on so many people for so long. I can relate to that, yeah that wasn’t fun at all. *starts to reminisce about his past* The other day, i heard this lady talking about how bad the pipeline building is and how they should stop it all blah blah blah. And I’m like lady, you know its people like me that wouldn’t be where I am without this thing? She didn’t want to hear it, she’s one of the protesters I bet. They should really see the bright side of things for once. Well, I’ve gotta get back to work now. I just wish they would see it in my eyes and what it’s done for people like me.

Pipeline Monolog Project Shaion and Tomy

Part 1: In this unit we learned about the keystone pipeline. The keystone pipeline is a pipeline that will carry oil through america to the gulf of mexico. It will transport tar sand oil which is dirtier than regular oil. Its been talked about since 2007 and they plan to build it by 2015. 

Part 2:  "$7 billion proposed pipeline" -
" 1,700 miles directly through the United States " -
"$585 million in new taxes for states and communities along the pipeline route.” -
"estimated 20,000 new jobs" -

"1.5 million people that rely on the water supply" -



(On the phone with his boss)

Yes, yes, I understand that you need to save money to pay other workers, but I need to provide my family with their needs. I know that it’s not your problem but would you please.... Oh come on, just this time. Don’t make me beg, it’s not pretty when a grown man begs. Boss, I am your best worker, how would you feel if I walked away from this stupid pipeline? There are other important constructions that would love.... Oh you dare me to walk away? I would do it but I have pity for you so, I wont. You don’t need me? (infuriated) We’ll see about that, I quit! (Hangs up the phone) (To himself) No wonder this man is hated, he has no sensitivity whatsoever. All he cares about is that the works gets done. You know what? I’m going to make sure the work doesn’t get done. He says he can get it done without me, I’ll prove him wrong. This pipeline is not getting built. (He gets out his house and goes the the construction site) Hello boss, or should I say ex boss? You weren’t expecting me huh? I know I quitted, I’m just here to stop you from going through with this construction. How will I do that? Oh no, not with violence. I’ll do it the best way possible. I’m not telling you, just watch me. (to his coworkers) Hey my fellow brothers, what are you doing? Do you not know the cruelty of your present actions? We are destroying the environment. No no no, not just USA, the entire world. This pipeline could, no, will devastate ecosystems, pollute water sources and jeopardize public health. In other words by doing this we are putting ourselves in danger. Nature will not be able to protect us anymore, instead, it will turn against us. No boss, I will not “shut up”, I have to speak my mind and let these people know the truth. Did you know that tar sands oil is one of the dirtiest fuels? The pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into the United States daily, and result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads. The tar sands oil will even augment rates of cancer. We don’t want to be part of this madness. I too, thought that this pipeline was being built for a good cause under good circumstances, but after finding outa bout these side effects, it’s not worth it. Let’s all stand up and walk away from the pipeline construction. (Proudly) Let’s all go home with a clear conscience.

Marta- (waiting to be introduced she is impatient as she has been waiting all month for this speech. now that the day has come she just wants to get it over with.)

Marta- Hello everyone and a special hello for all of the american citizens visiting canada today. I would like to start off by saying God bless canada and God bless america. Today I’m here to discuss the keystone pipeline with mostly the americans because we  already have canadians who started building this precious pipe that God has forsaken us with. Now lets begin to break down this “bad business”. Jobs- created, gas prices- lowered, tax money- separated between important american industries which means anyone near the pipeline pays less taxes. This pipeline won’t cause any new problems that we as a world haven't already found a solution to. Fracking is the only real issue in play all of the other issues are just rumors. America is in debt of 16.7 trillion dollars. 7 million dollars more won’t affect you especially since it will limit the oil you buy from foreign countries by at least 40%. I believe it was America who came up with the phase “you have to spend money to make money” I would happily spend 7 million dollars in order to save almost 300 billion dollars in the near future. Now how can that sound any better? Oh I know, how about with the fact that the pipeline is being built by the top pipeline construction workers money can buy? These pipeline builders have spent months learning how to build a pipeline, and this is after the years of experience they already had building other pipelines. Once we hired them we forced them to take more classes on pipeline building so in a way we overeducated them to do the work. It’s like sending an American football player to training camp every year. Why does he take time to review things he knows? Well let me tell you: its not for him it’s for his coach. His coach will have the satisfaction of knowing that the player does not forget any of the skills he learned.  The rumor that the water we be flammable is in fact true, but it’s not because of the oil, it’s because of chemicals released in the water. Chemicals that were released by fracking. Tar sands oil will affect america as much as tv does young children. Fracking for fossil fuel is what’s gonna kill you. Think of the children, if you allow yourselves to buy foreign oil for too long your children will get use to it. They along with the rest of these beautiful children are the future of not only america but canada, mexico, brazil, spain, haiti, japan, and one of your nations biggest trading markets, (pause) china. The future of america starts by eliminating the thought of your children having to pay off your debt of 16 trillion or 16 quadrillion or, and god please forbid, 16 quintillion dollars, although it would be a piece of cake for them since there are some really creative children out there who won’t struggle to find ways to increase america's debt. Speaking of struggles it was once said that “If their is no struggle then there can be no progress” -great american activist Frederick Douglas. So lets show children the struggle now and they (pause) (with great pride and enthusiasm) will show us progress. Goodnight and may God bless you all.


(Josh is walking home from school and he’s hearing construction noise. With no idea what’s going on, he stays calm. He then stumbles into a friend of his and they start joking around. After a while, he decides to finally head home and they go separate ways)

What’s going on? Why are people digging around my house? Where’s mom? They have no right to do that, at least I think. Is this a joke? I aint got time to play if this is a prank, someone’s gonna pay like for real yo. (Josh is so surprised that he stands still like for 20 minutes). Wait what am I doing? I gotta start asking these people to leave my house alone. ( He goes and asks what’s going and the workers tell him about the pipeline). Whoa whoa whoa, heck no. They are transporting tar sands oil to America? We shouldn’t even have thought about accepting this offer and yet we accepted it? I don’t care how much we currently need money, we can’t be the energy sacrifice zone, we can’t be the place where most of the carbon-based energy flows and spills anymore. If there’s one thing I learned it’s that our country is way too polluted already, and now we accept to let Canada transport, not regular oil, but tar sands oil. That’s one of the dumbest mistakes that the government has made from what I know of. I don’t really care about all of that, well I care, but that’s not the most important point. This is my house, well it’s my parents house but still I live here. I’m pretty sure you gotta have a permit for that. Well, do you?  (He gets no answer, all the construction workers just ignored him because he’s just a teenager) This is not fair. Oh I get it, they’re ignoring me cause I’m black and I’m just a kid. Everyone needs a voice in this society, I’m pretty sure we live in a democratic country. I don’t get this crap, whatever’s happening in the country shouldn’t affect me and my family all the way in Alabama, that’s one of the reasons why we moved here. I need to find a way to contact the president and let him know how I feel. This transportation cannot go through, I’ll start a revolution if I have to. I’d even use violence, me and my gang don’t play.


(Johnny walks into class late and as punishment his teacher Ms. Anna gives him a different project by mistake)

Johnny: Why do I always get harder projects. Its not fair. She hates me I know she hates me. Why should I have her class anyway. Now I have to waste my whole week on finding out stuff for this stupid pipeline. (Johnny slowly walks into the house so he won’t wake his mom) If my mom finds out I have a project thats worth my whole grade she’ll make me spend all day and night working on it. Hey mom my day was fine I’ll just leave you be, oh and I don’t have any homework so I’m bout to go chill wit Mike. Ugh come on why she always gotta draw. I always do my projects its just I like to get all the thoughts together then do the rest of the work on sunday nights. The project is on the keystone pipeline. She says ( in a sarcastic voice) it may really open your eye’s on life. Man fuck this shit Imma just look at the plans. Okay okay its a pipeline for oil and it looks likes it goes straight down through america. Wait that can’t be legal. Hey mom is it legal to build things on another country and not have their permission. Oh it is as long as they have permission before building okay thanks mom. Okay so they have permission but I don’t see how it affects us as americans. Hey mom we live in Montana right. Cool this pipeline is going to be built not to far from our house then. Mom calm down it’s not that serious. Wait let me show you the plans for it. It’s really cool and this government site says that it will create jobs and other cool things for people who live near it. That means that you could work for them. This says that it will create 20,000 jobs and give back millions of dollars in tax money. Most of the jobs go to the canadians but like 900 of them go to american citizens. It also says about $585 million dollars in tax money. That means we’re gonna be rich… oh the government gets the money. But wait this says the money we be given to people who live near the pipeline and gas will be cheaper. It also says that the country might go in debt by 7 million. Thats okay, we can just use some of the money we make from it to pay them back then boom we’re out of debt. Oh how much are we in debt. BILLIONS!! but millions are the biggest number. (At school the next day working on his project) Oh my god this will be super awesome. Think about it, I can be standing there washing my hands when a robber comes in all I have to do is splash him with water then throw a match at him. Oh my fault I forgot to tell you but this thing I read said that if the keystone pipeline breaks or leaks out any toxic chemicals, once built in our lake, then our water supply would be flammable. Hey miss. Janet didn’t you say your sister Jane was working on this pipeline? Can you tell her that she’s awesome I love everything about it. I hope they go through with it.

Jane- (alice has just gotten home and is now laying out the blueprint for the keystone pipeline. When suddenly she finds out that the plans for the pipeline are scheduled to go straight through her family's land)

Jane: OH MY GOD THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT! I’ve gotta change this before we get permission to dig on American soil. This has to be wrong. Let me call the president. Hello, these plans say the pipeline goes through Montana, please tell me that this is either the wrong copy of the blueprint or that I’m looking at the wrong line. Okay are you sure? I’m asking because my family still lives there. Where will they go? I know I know it’s something we have to do but…… ugh okay let me call my family. (hangs up and calls her sister) Hey sis how’s it going, its been a long time since we talked but I called to ask you a quick question, do you and mommy still live at daddy’s old farm? Oh you do, well if you don’t mind me asking, when are ya’ll moving out? Well you remember how I got that job in Canada and I told you we build pipelines? Well long story short I need you to vacate the premises and find a new place to stay because I got a pipeline that needs to be built right where the farm is. Calm down sis you won’t be homeless you all can come live with me because that pipeline is gonna save us millions especially since I’m the vice president of this project. If you move to canada then you won’t be affected by the gas fumes that will spread in the waterline, the $7million debt the U.S will owe to private sector funding, you won’t have to worry about the 830,000 barrels of tar sand oil, which is dirtier than normal oil by the way, and you won’t have to worry about mom getting laid off because the pipeline is basically gonna take jobs from the U.S and give them to  Canadians. Yes I understand that our family has been there for hundreds of years but this pipeline will basically help us bond as a family. Okay Im listening. Yes, 7 million in debt, 830,000 barrels of poisonous oil, jobs employment decrease, water may be flammable and/or cease to exist, and thousands of people getting evicted from their own property. Now that you say it like that It does sound like our family would suffer from it along with other families in that thousand mile radius. I’ll call my boss and see what I can do, okay love you bye. (hangs up and calls her boss) Hey boss I just talked to my sister Janet and she really opened my eyes, we can’t do this to America. No I’m not going to tell you that we need to change the plans we spent years developing but I do know that this project can’t be built if I, the creator of this pipeline quits. Even if you replace me the pipeline can’t be built without the final signature from the original staff so I’m not asking, I’m telling you that we aren’t building that pipeline through america so goodnight and see you at work.

Jane from Denny on Vimeo.