How i'm doing

With my benchmark I am doing pretty good. I have decided to do my benchmark using Twitter as my tool.  I have posted my first post for my two characters.  I hope to make a least one post a day for the characters.  Until around Friday post from the story will not be seen.  Only post where the character talks about her day, or says a positive note.

Away One Day

She threatens to leave all the time. 
I never really react. 
I honestly expect it. 
Wish for it. 
Then maybe there would be peace
For once. 
She threatened to leave last night. 
Packed a bag. 
And left. 
I didn't really react. 
I expected it. 
Wished for it the moment before. 
Hoping for peace
For once. 
Unsurprisingly she came back. 
I knew she would. 
She's too predictable. 
But one day
She'll actually go away
And I doubt I'll react 
Unexpect it
Unwish it 
But there probably won't be any peace 
For a while


I don't know who to blame or direct my annoyed tone at. My Student Aid Report for Penn State was utterly disrespectful. The Office of Financial Aid didn't feel that I was eligible for a work study. I didn't qualify for any scholarships, and though I was offered most of the federal pell grant, I was only offered a few grand in federal loans. My financial aid package would cover less than 1/3 of my freshman tuition. Now, it's not entirely FAFSA's fault. However they decipher information is their own process. But it's still confusing. I live in a house with four brothers and 2 sisters. Two unemployed parents. There are some underlying factors of income, but even still. Where in the equation does it seem that I can afford to pay for two thirds of my education? 


It's funny how a 3 days and 2 nights feel like a week once you have to leave. We left Penn State on Saturday, and like most of my new found acquaintances, I didn't want to leave just yet. It was probably better that way, though. From experience I know that people you find yourself cool with within a few days become nuisances within a few weeks. I'd rather leave Penn State with nice memories of the people I met. 

Not A Party Girl

I don't think I'm gonna party much in college. Maybe it's a fun place to be when you're drunk, but a 110 degree room with stereos blasting the same songs twice just isn't my scene. Once they get a.c and start playing songs I know, I'll be there most definitely. 


 Im am going to be posting parts of my story soon on tumblr , or maybe twitter i have not figured that out yet but Im far in the process. the time line and blueprint of my story is already created . I am having a hard time figuring out how to end it . I am not good at creating conclusions. Especially ones that are not true. I don't even like to fantasize and will I do this? hmm. 

Benchmark Status

Well, I have to finish polishing my story; and today I'm going to create a Facebook for my character and start to add friends to it.  I'm still trying to understand what this benchmark is actually is accomplishing but.. whatevs. Hopefully people actually read it. 


 She was young. Six and a half to be exact. She had been seeing them for 3 years now. Today would be her first seeing in two weeks. Her sister gripped her hand tightly as the train approached. When the door opened she spotted. It was more real than the rest. It's cheekbones were high and sagged. It's hands were frail and the veins that protruded reminded her of a spiderweb. She stood directly in front of it, still with sister in hand. She stood there for a moment until the train began to move. She slowly raised her hand to the empty seat and stroked it's face. It smiled so lovingly and warm, it reminded her of Nana. A single tear rolled down her cheek and her sister looked at her questioningly. 
"She's so beautiful" she said, hand still held in the air
She didn't answer. She couldn't answer. She didn't know who it was, she only knew that she was there for a reason. Only she didn't yet know for what...

(Let me know if there should be a continuation, I just made this up on the spot when I was on the train and I saw a little girl hug this old lady and her sister or some older person was with her.) 

Reflective Post 3/29

All of my characters have their twitter accounts and have started tweeting. I still need to finish up the timeline itself but over all it's going pretty well.

I'm in the beginning of the story were the sister (unknowingly) is giving Phillis and Henry the 15,000 dollars (I didn't get the chance to add this piece into the story itself so the project kinda gives it away. sorry :/)

Ryan Prescot

​He now has an account on Facebook and i'm in the progress of populating his wall with many friends. he plays Mafia Wars a lot. My sister made an account for this and enrolled herself in a real Blackwood High school group, she currently has friends from the real Blackwood.

Reflective Post (3/29)

So far, my character, Claire, has expressed her anger and sadness towards the Natalie.  She is constantly posting notes about how Natalie is ruining her life.  In one post, she writes, “Nobody likes you but everybody wants to be like you. How contradictory! I know I’m so undeserving of what you put me through. I hate you.”  Basically, Claire wants Natalie to know that she is not as popular as she thinks she is and that people only imitate her because she is considered the one with most "authority" in student status.  Later on in the week, Claire began to post notes about people talking about her because of Natalie.  She writes, “I don't understand why you think it's acceptable for you to talk about me with everyone. We used to be friends. Now you're so evil. Why?”  Claire hints to the readers of her blog that she and Natalie used to be best friends.  Now, Natalie is doing nothing but making Claire’s life miserable by spreading rumors about her and being purely evil.


Lamentations! (The Pity Party Musical Sweeping the Nation!)

Here I sit:
Feeling as proud as can be
Because a few colleges
expressed an interest in me.
Yet one look at their tuition
restores my sanity.

On a side note, I would like to acknowledge that a great many of my most upsetting moments are best expressed through lighthearted rhyme. (Evidence of my admiration of Dorothy Parker, I imagine.)


Racing against the clock!

So it is 11:30 and I only have about 30 minutes to post a story. I told myself that I would do EVERY story this quarter now that I have gotten the hang of it.
So today, after school me and Yousef decided to go to McDonald's . The thing was there are soooo many McDonald's in Center City. As we walked down 22nd St, we contemplated prices, value menus, and cleanliness. By time we got to Market St. we had changed our minds about 3 times. In the end we decided to go to the one at 15th st. But the thing is there are 2 at 15th St. Our minds were completely boggled, so we picked cleanliness over anything, and went to the one on Arch. So when we got there and finally fixed our fatty, greasy itch,  Yousef showed me the most awkward, and ridiculous things I have ever saw. This boy put a whole McChicken in between a double cheese burger! What kind of mess? It wasn't even just the chicken patty, he put the whole sandwich bun and all, and completely and destroyed that thing.So, today's trip to McDonald was a very fun and interesting experience.

True Story

Your mother is admitted into the hospital and after various tests, a clot if found in her heart. She immediately goes into surgery.

The next day, your wife is having double vision and her left side seems to be moving slower than her right. You tell a friend and he tells you to rush her to the hospital. The episode is categorized as a mini-stroke. 

It was the worst week of your life.