Italy and Libya: Third Quarter Benchmark

Here's the link to my quarter 3 Globalization Benchmark: Click Here

The two countries that I've selected for this benchmark are Italy and Libya. Italy is located on the East hemisphere of the world. With a population of 61,016,804 , Italy is fairly small. Known for their exports of wine, oil, and wheat, Italy's primary exporter is Libya. Libya, located in North Africa is a country that is currently in great depression. In February of 2011, Libya's leader Gaddafi conducted his military to kill citizens and civilians protesting outside of his home. In order to gather information for my benchmark, I  first researched current news, because currently Libya is one of the most "talked about" countries because of the Libyan Civil War. Italy has some relevance in the Libyan Civil War because they have taken in some of the Libyans because their country was in danger.  My 5 point frame work was straightforward because the countries that I've selected to overview are "hit or miss" countries, meaning that either they are in danger of collapsing or not. If I had to change one aspect of my product, I would have made a video/typography like I had initially planned on. 

Bria Wimberly's Global BM

My benchmark:
 Globalization Benchmark
My Reflection:
I selected Japan and Germany to research on. My process was to find information about each 5 point framework of both countries, making it easier to sum up in the information I found. Then I would rate and add pictures to my slide show. The 5 point framework was easy, though climate and environmental change could be the same thing. If I could change something about my project, I would get it in on time, and put voiceovers of more detailed information for my Keynote if I had enough time. The two countries I chosen were very different but surprisingly I found a similarity. It's also crazy how one aspect form a country can effect the global market.

"Watchu Want On Yo Wings Gurll"

"Salt peppa ketchup and hotsauce."

I really like ordering my chicken that way. and I like that song too.
you ever notice how the chinese people in the chinese store say " small fry"
when you ask for fries
" one fry , one fry?"
noooo FRIES . WITH A S
ha , i love it though.
just like i love my chicken with salt peper ketchup and hotsauce.

Why Lie?

Why do people lie to themselves? For example, tonight I went to the Flyers game with my boyfriend and I just posted my status as :had a great night: don't get me wrong I had a great time at the game but I barely talked to steve so I don't get it, why do we lie to ourselves because I'm sure there is many other people that do the same thing.

My pre-school love

His name was Bryce and I was head over heels the first day I met him.  We were three, at the Caring Center and loving every moment of our friendship. At least I was.  I had my first kiss with him, in fact.  It was the end of our play date (the phrase seems so fitting now), but I couldn't just leave, so I kissed him.  Nothing too risque, just on the cheek.  I was a toddler at the time, but it felt amazing.  I rode home with "Won't you marry me, Bryce?" playing in my head. 

I Know I'm Not The Only One

Sometimes when I am on the blogger, I read some of my classmates stories. I read Tajh's and saw that him and Dyamond are going on prom. I am not sure why I never suggested this when I knew the prom situation was becoming frustrating to both of them. Now that I know they are both happy about prom, I really can't wait. It's going to be so much fun!

Good Weekend Ahead

With so much work with benchmarks, classwork, scholarships and family, it's nice to know that I have a relaxing fun weekend ahead. I promised myself to not let anything get in the way of that. If Tajh comes I hope his money is safe and stored away in his wallet, so he cant blame me for it falling out of his pocket.

1st talent show

My first talent show as when i was in the 8th grade before i was going into the hospital. I was singing mariah carey " shake it off " cause i had recently gotten her CD and it happened to be my favorite song on there well the favorite song (whose notes i could actually hit.) i practice everyday and eventually the time came around i wore a red shirt and flared jeans and i was the first person to go on stage. i stepped onto the stage and my palms started sweating and i froze until the music started playing and i sung, and it was really fun and felt good to be applauded and have that rush from dancing around on a stage. From that moment i knew what i wanted to be when i got older

Angler Fish

​Working on my science benchmark. The angler fish is our subject that the group picked. This things are really creepy. Males digestive system slowly degenerate after time. Once it dose they latch onto females in order to thrive. They stay one forever (or until one dies) Very odd workings....very very odd


I made macaroni with Alex, Freda, and Christine in school today. We used a hot water boiler to boil water obviously and then we added in the macaroni and let it boil for 7 minutes. However after 3 minutes the thing started overflowing and water got everywhere. i was running around like a headless chicken while Christine and Alex were yelling. We discovered that taking off the lid fixed this problem and settled down. four minutes later our macaroni was done. We added milk to the cheese mix and poured it over our cups of macaroni. It was delicious. I haven't had mac and cheese in forever. I miss it.

SLA Baseball Opens Season w/25-8 win vs. Comm Tech

Just as the umpires arrived in the lead up to the first pitch of the 2011 baseball season the sun disappeared, the wind picked up and the sky was blanketed by ominous clouds. None of these things seemed to impact the energy as SLA ignored the elements and kept their side of the field warm by posting six runs in the first. Aggressive on the base paths and focused at the plate, the Rockets were patient, fundamental and took advantage of Comm Tech's starting pitcher who struggled to find the strike zone early on. After Jeff Schwartz lined a run-scoring single, Brandon Williams really opened it up with a bases loaded single to right, which scored two to make it 4-0. He would eventually add three more RBIs on two hits in a fourteen-run third inning to cap off his day with five ribbies. Read the full story.

SLA Baseball Improves to 2-0 with 16-5 Win Over Gratz

Given the bizarre start to the day, SLA squared off against Gratz in what turned into a classic tit-for-tat grudge match. SLA scratched out three runs in the first off of timely hitting and heads-up base running, but Gratz responded with two of their own against Jeff Schwartz, who got the start after an impressive relief appearance against Comm Tech. When Gratz's pitcher, Lopez, ripped a double and stole third it seemed as if they would tie it up and potentially take the lead, but Schwartz induced their six-hitter to pop up and strand the runner. Read the full story

Collapsibility Reflection

The countries that I selected were Costa Rica and Luxembourg. Both are countries that I believe will not collapse. I didn't know they both had two extremes though. Costa Rica is the most green planet on the planet, and Luxembourg has the largest carbon footprint. It was a nice realization and made the process of comparing them a little easier too.

The five point framework was fine. Climate and environment were a little difficult to distinguish between. Also, this system gives equal weight to each section, when in reality, I think that some might be more important than others and should hold more weight.

I like my final product, but I think if I could go to these countries and visit them (or visit them again) and take my own pictures with this project in mind, I could come up with a lot more useful graphic images.

Collapse'ability of Sudan and Vietnam

My Project here

During my research, I was able to see that Sudan and Vietnam was more similar than I thought. At first I thought they were totally random and different. But Sudan and Vietnam both have a very warm climate and are both affected by climate change. It was perplexing to figure out the different five frame points because while I did research, the frame points seemed to overlapped a lot of the times. It was a bit difficult because I was confused the more I researched the information. I was super unsure about what to put under the different topics, afraid that I would probably repeat myself. It was also a bit frustrating to decipher the information I was reading because most of it didn't match up and I didn't exactly know which one I could trust. But I was able to get the project done in a one piece.


  • I chose Australia and The Netherlands because they are both very well developed industrious countries. It was interesting to see the prevalence of certain factors within each country. My 5 point frame work was pretty straightforward, I just researched how well developed or underdeveloped each country was in each section. If I could change something I would add more information to the economic categories.