Yet again

I am sick yay but on top of that yesterday before I departed school early my charger broke my accident because of a friend. At least I have this mini one but not all of my work is on it nor dose it work to well as it randomly kicks me off the net.


I am not a particularly spiritual or religious individual.
I am merely one who decided years ago that I wanted magic to exist and have been consistently surprised to see that it does, though it often goes by different names.

       I am a great admirer of the world.

            It is marvelous.

Blog #2 Musical Instrument

The xylophone produces sound through the vibrations created when the mallet hits the keys. The vibrations displace air molecules, which creates waves because the air molecules are now bunched together and they are trying to rearrange themselves, but that causes more areas of bunched up air molecules.
These sounds are changed when the waves are altered. This can happen when the tension in the instruments changes or when the size of the object creating the waves changes. The latter is what the xylophone uses. Different keys of different sizes change the pitch: the smaller create higher notes and the bigger keys create lower notes.
To get the best sound, I will use metal tubes to create my xylophone. I think metal creates clear, sharp sounds and it will be easy to change the size of the tubes. I will need to research how the size changes the pitch in much more detail. Then, I plan to attach them to a base and hit them with mallets with metal tops to them.  

Blog #2 Musical Intrument

xylophone/wood blocks
Sound is produced by using a mallet style stick of either metal, rubber, or wood. It is hit against the metal or wood surface. When this happens, the energy from the mallet transfers into the energy of sound waves which are then created. The shape can have two closed ends or one loose end depending on the design. This creates different types of resonance. The vibrations are continued through the shape of the instrument (tubes or blocks). The length of these tubes or blocks is what changes the pitch. When building these wooden blocks or tubes, keeping the width constant is going to be very important. The only varying factor should be the length. This gives less variables to think about. As the length of the tubes or blocks increase, the pitch will decrease.

As far as the actual construction of the instrument goes, I am not entirely sure whether I am going to be making wooden blocks put together in a xylophone style or an actual metal xylophone. I think this will all depend on the actual plausibility of building the wooden blocks which were my original idea. I need assistance from Echols on this one. Building either will be a lot of work but I can use my engineering class periods to work on it. I will be playing this instrument using mallets. The only outstanding question I have is whether wooden blocks seem possible to Echols or if I should do a xylophone instead. 

musical instrument blog 1

The instrument my group decided to focus on was either wind or percussion. Percussion instruments consist of everything you can hit with sticks. In percussion instruments the sound foundation is a pulsing covering. These instruments are known as membranophones or beating part of dense substances that is called idiophones. The percussionist usually makes these resources to pulse by beating them. This is where percussion comes from, but numerous of percussion instruments are played shaking, rubbing, or any other method that can make the sound within the percussion instrument. 

Since there are difficult behaviors in which the sound starting place tremble, a good number of percussion instruments do not have exact pitch. The majority of instruments that do have significant pitch are idiophones. The pitch of instruments relies on the quantity of substance that is beating. In all- purpose this means that the instruments should have a unique throbbing body for every note.   So I am either considering either chimes or a guitar but still undecided. Didn’t want to choose something that would have over whelmed me. still choosing between a guitar and chimes.

Favorite Benchmark

            Throughout the year, I have taken part in completing several statistics benchmarks that helped further my knowledge on statistics, all while having fun doing so. One benchmark in particular that I enjoyed the most was the most recent benchmark I completed. The assignment was to create an informative study guide, which dealt with topics that were going to be presented in future math classes at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, the college I will be attending next year. This benchmark was truly helpful, and I can honestly say that I will take this study guide with me to college, to help remind me of how complete math problems that were mentioned in my created study guide.


            I actually took my time with this benchmark, because I figured from the start of this assignment, that I might need this study guide in the future. I first researched the math classes that I will be taking part in next year at West Chester University. After figuring out the math class I would be taking, I wrote down the main topics that were going to be discussed throughout the course. I compiled a list of useful information needed in order to complete problems that were related to the topics that were going to be discussed in my future math classes. I provided several example problems per topic along with the solutions to the sample problems, as well as definitions to key vocabulary words and notes relating to the topics. I organized all my information into an informative, and easy-to-read packet for myself for the future.


            One thing that was interesting and surprising to me while completing this project was that I realized that all of Science Leadership Academy’s core values were used during the completion of this assignment. I inquired information from outside sources in order to figure out what topics were going to be discussed in my future math class. I then researched how to properly approach and complete problems that were related to the math topics that were going to be discussed in my future math class. I collaborated with a math professor from West Chester University, and he confirmed the topics that were going to be taught to me next year. After my information was finalized, I compiled my information into a study guide, which is how I presented my information. Now here I am, writing a blog post reflecting on my experience completing this benchmark.


            All in all, this was my favorite benchmark of the year. I learned a lot, and it’s one of those assignments that will stick with you in the future. I benefited greatly from this benchmark, and I highly recommend students do the same benchmark, to help them with their future math class in college. Like I said, I will absolutely take this packet with me to college, and I strongly believe I will reference this packet when completing future assignments in my college math classes.

Musical Instrument Blog #1

Since I was a little kid, the one instrument that’s always captured my attention was the guitar. It was something that could be used for so many different types of genres for music. Hip hop, rock, classical. It captured every sound. So the beginning of this year our school finally got a real music. Who was cool, fun, amazing at some many different types of music and he was an awesome friend. Mr. Newman has taught me a lot about the guitar, some good, some awesome. But such an amazing and interesting kind of instrument.

Playing the guitar takes a little time to really grasp, because you can play the guitar in two types of methods, using tabs and/or chords. For personally chords are much more fun and easier to play but tabs always good to learn especially if you want help with fingering. First you would place your fingers on the chord or sting you want to play then depend on the volume of mood of the song give the strings a strum and if you playing tabs you may have to play that one string first and move to another string so you strum the one string first then move onto the next one using the beat of the song to guide your strumming speed and/or strumming pattern.

To change a note:

For chords you would simply move from the previous chords to the next one while continuing you strumming pattern. Same thing for tabs except in some cases you would be moving from one string to another or one tab to another.

A guitar has a strange shape but it’s very helpful for playing and for the player.  But a fun way to describe its shape is to say it’s like an 8 on a stick.

Basically I want to be able to try and make a guitar that is as professional as possible which means I can’t take too long to make it. I know I’ll be able to get real guitar strings for it so that’ll help with the sound and I can try and make a guitar that represent my personality as well.


2011 PJAS State Competition

Congratulations to the 7 SLA students who attended the PJAS state competition at Penn State's main campus.

Cecelia Baez, Morgan Marant, Manna-Symone Middlebrooks, Cheyenne Pagan, Allison Patterson, and Shamarlon Yates all received 2nd award. Jeff Kessler received 1st award. Jeff also submitted his project to's virtual science fair and won 3rd place, which earned him a cash prize!

Congratulations everyone!

Jared Leto.

​I'm not sure if i blogged this yet but i'm gonna too anyways before i post something sad and unconventional. After my transplant i had to stay 3 months more in the hospital for recovery and too check if my body was accepting the heart like it should. During those 3 months I was in the play room on the computers in the middle day. it was a normal hospital filled day doctors walked up and down halls and the heels of their shined shoes clicked as nurses told them the status of the patients they were caring for. Babies cried then were soon hushed by the nurses or mothers. My mom had gone to work so I was alone for the time being. I was surfing youtube when one of the child life specialists came inside the room looking for me. Her name was Sherry. I always remember her name by combing the words Sherbet and Cherry together "Sherry" Her hair was in a ponytail like it normally was and it was jet black. I always wondered what her life was behind the hospital walls but I never asked. She walked to me excitedly like a small school girl. " Jared leto is coming to the hospital" I could only respond with " Whose that?"  Sherry face turned from happy to shock and she said to search him on youtube and started to tell me how he used to be on a show called "My so called life"  he was of course the cute teen actor out of the cast. So I searched him and watched the video " The kill" and i was impressed with his artistic view and morals so i watched other videos then when i was done i left the room to get some to drink. I got distracted and sat in my room for a little bit until sherry told me he was here. I got up  and walked back to the playroom and sure enough he was in the teen room hosting tuesday bingo. when i saw him i got nervous then star struck. What would i say to this guy?I hadn't had time to prepare questions. so I did what anyone else would do. I watched him for a bit and he saw me from the window and waved with a smile I waved back and pulled down my mask to show him I was smiling too. when you got your heart transplant you had to wear a mask so you wouldn't get infected with anything airborne  cause your body is very weak. so when he was down hosting bingo he stepped out the room with his manager . I was kinda startled cause i didn't expect the door to open so fast and he hugged me like I was a friend hadn't seen in years. Then he held me for a bit and told me everything would be okay and the creepiest thing that came out my mouth was " you smell nice" He blinked and he said "that's good cause when your on a hot tour bus with sweaty men your not sure what you smell like" or something on the line of that. I looked up at him he was pretty tall, but then again everyone is tall to me. He had the whole laid back look his hair was long and black and his nails had chipping black nail polish. His eyes i can't describe they said so much but I did see happiness and thoughtfulness. The guy was really really nice. Mr chase and him would get along perfectly. he went around the entire room talking to the kids and playing game with them and playing one of my friends banjo who was hospitalized too.I went back to the computer looking at random videos. From here the story seems pretty farfetched but i swear it happened. one of the videos were playing fallout boy song from the newest album at the time and he said " hey you like fallout boy?"  " Yes"  my voice came out smaller than i wanted too and i gotten nervous all over again he pulled out his phone and started to call pete wentz and told him this girl in the hospital really likes your music and here she is wanting to talk to you. I froze on the inside and he handed me his phone and i put it too my ear " Hello? "  " Hey Evett!" if i died that day i would have died happy. I wouldn't have cared if my heart gave out there. we talked for a bit i can't remember what we talked about but i handed jared his phone back and he smiled at me and gave me a Cd and signed poster and his mangers e-mail I e-mailed him thinking he wouldn't reply but he did and told me good luck and to get well soon.  I really hope that one day i can come to one of his concerts and just have fun. That guy is the nicest person i ever met. 


Well now the time comes where i rush to do all the work that is due during this week. That means my Calculus benchmark will have some pretty iffy problems on it, and the presentation for my capstone will be pretty meh. I mean not that it matters because from what I understand, as long as you have something done, which I do, your in good shape. Im really looking forward to the end but not this final stretch...

Die, or Live

The paradox about having something to die for, is that you also have something to live for, so whats more important? to die for something, or to live for something? or purchase both? live for it until you have no choice but to die for you? and if you live for it, and then die naturally, have you died for it as well?