Tenzin Chemi Q2 Portfolio

​This quarter, we were able to do some very interesting projects. Freedom in perspective played an important role in each of these pieces. The first project was creating a collage of whatever the artist desired. I decided to make a piece that represented culture. In this piece,  I knew I wanted to have patterns and different colors to show culture in my perspective, rich and colorful. However, I also wanted my piece to have simplicity in it's looks, so in the final product looks both colorful and simple. Our second piece was drawing fabric by shading and showing contrast to see the creases of the fabric. The third part of our project was to take a picture of something showing depth of field and then editing it on a given website. The final piece of the project was to pick a piece of writing such as a poem or a novel and illustrate something out of it. I picked my favorite poem called There, I still will be by Mirtha Michelle Castro Marmol and illustrated the poem in my perspective.  

The poem goes:
I gave you the sun 
But you wanted the moon. 
When I gave you the moon, 
You wanted the stars. 
So I reached blindly, 
for the most infinite stars, 
And wrapped myself 
Around each one of them, 
Just for you. 
The stars, 
the moon and the sun combined, 
Weren't enough for your fickle heart. 
So I took my tears, 
And made you a sea, 
So you can sail the earth 
And find the impossible treasure, 
You constantly seek. 
Yet every morning, 
my sun will be there to wake you. 
Every night, My moon will be there to calm you. 
And if you ever need me, 
Look amongst the stars, 
Wrapped in each one of them, 
There, I still will be.

Q2 Advanced Art

In the second quarter, Ms Hull gave us assignments that require time and effort. They were enjoyable but they took a lot of patience and mistakes. We started off with making collages, then moved on to drawing fabric pieces which was probably what took the most time and patience with making numerous mistakes. You can see that in the drawing itself. Then we had to take a picture that showed depth of field and also had to be edited with an editing tool. And lastly we had to create an illustration that represented a written book. I did mine on my favorite childhood book, The Giving Tree. 

Ms Hull was very hands on this quarter with helping me figure out where I needed to strengthen my art skills. She took her time and explained and even demonstrated on my artwork until I had a clear idea of what to do. That was what helped me the most through this quarter. My artwork this quarter represented only a small portion of what I am capable of achieving. 

Azaria Burton Art Portfolio Quarter 2

This past quarter in Art has been very interesting. Between juggling classes and college work I've been very busy and stressed. So it was very nice being able to come to art four times a week and being able to let my guard down and have fun. I wasn't  as imaginative this time, but I used a lot of colors. I especially had fun creating my Golden Triangle collage because I had previously heard about the Fibonacci Sequence, but I never bothered to learn what it actually was. I used this assignment as a way to learn more about the Fibonacci sequence. I used different colored  shapes to create my collage because I thought that would be very cool to see. I think my artwork this quarter is better than my artwork last quarter because of all the colors I used. I think colors draw attention and make art look better overall. I hope that people will enjoy looking at my colorful drawings and collages because I enjoyed making them! 

MP2 Art - Nia Hammond

Throughout this marking period, we worked more on illustrations and drawing things we both imagine and see in real life. The illustrations we produced include drawings of fabric, a collage made from old magazine paper, and an illustration of any form of text that spoke to us. Also, we edited photos via the Pixlr app. 

Q2 Art Portfolio

Artist Statement

During this quarter I have made 4 pieces of art I am truly proud of creating. I made my first collage that form something else, inspired by two of my favorite fantasy worlds. I created a fabric drawing, without tracing anything. The fabric had to my best, due to the fact that I went with my own gut on how to draw it. Throughout this quarter I was able to express myself using more mediums. I found it both challenging and a little "weird", but the finishing products came out very well. However, I would say that as an artist in "A" band's class I still represented myself through my artwork. Every artist has their own style, and I think I've found my own during this quarter.

Q2 Art Portfolio — Breathing In the Sky

I have produced and portrayed in my art a wide variety of emotions precipitated when watching the sky. The moon shooting into the clouds, scaling the largest monoliths or falling into the vast oceans, it is painting the night sky along with all the stars, in both its absence and its wonderful, shining presence. As intelligent and sensitive creatures, humans are psychologically and emotionally affected by that perfect rock. We inevitably smile upon the moon's art—the cold blue clouds and tired purple sky. And those who immortalize this magic with pencil and paper? They are daughters of the moon, burning with an infinite love—a passion for art and creation and life. This daughter who, when all else dies, will burst from the top of the tallest mountain. This daughter who, when the moon falls away from the earth finally, will be left only to reimagine our sanctuary of deliverance upon her page in long lines of magic. Art will save us.

MP2 Art Blog

 Art does not come second nature to me. In art class, we get to pick where we feel the most comfortable out of 3 sections. Passive, Middle and Future Art student. I chose middle because  I wanted to challenge myself. The knowledge that I had about art was limited. I knew about "The Mona Lisa" painting by Leonardo Da Vinci and I knew a little about "The Starry Night" by Van Gogh but not much.  From the new things I learned this quarter, I created artwork that I am proud of.
 Below, you will see the best versions of my work. In every image, I added vivid colors in all of my work. Vivid colors are my favorite. These colors are very interesting because they have the power to cheer you up. I feel as though they bring cheerful, positive vibes.

Advanced Art A2 MP2

During Advanced Art this quarter we had four main projects. The first was an art collage, in which I created an eye out of words. The second project was to do a fabric drawing, which was very interesting to create. The third project that was assigned was to take a photo, put a filter on it and edit it. This was a beautiful assignment, and it really captured how the world changes everyday. The final assignment was an illustration of a child's book, poem, or novel. I chose a quote from the Hunger Games that I feel depicted how people want to change. The art was very diverse, and captured a lot of different aspects the term "art" can fall under.

Bailey Britton Q2 Art Portfolio

During this quarter of Art I complete the 4 assignments, which were an art collage, a fabric drawing, a photo that was edited, and a drawing from a piece of writing. My favorite assignment I would have to say was my drawing from a piece of writing but it was also the hardest. I feel like the easiest assignment was editing the photo, but I really liked that also. I think my least favorite piece of art we had to do this quarter was because I couldn't decide on what to do. I feel like I have grown as an artist because my work looks at least a little bit better than it did in quarter one

Alexis Dean Q2 Art

For quarter two art, we had four assignments to complete. We had to complete a 8.5 x 11 photo collage, a fabric drawing, photo editing and an illustration. For my photo collage I decided to do a vacation collage for my dream vacation and what that would look like. I decided to use colors that complemented each other well and that I feel are happy colors. For the fabric drawing I decided that I wanted to do a very detailed drawing and therefore chose silk. I chose a red silk that flowed very nicely and executed that very well in the drawing. When it came time for photo editing and illustration, I decided to use my sister and one of the books we have recently read. I used a basic filter in which highlighted the basic focal features of the photo and then drew the one scene from “Brown Bear, Brown Bear.” I enjoyed doing all of these projects and spent a great deal of time on them even though I had an extensive absence. 

Alexis Dean Q2 Art

For quarter two art, we had four assignments to complete. We had to complete a 8.5 x 11 photo collage, a fabric drawing, photo editing and an illustration. For my photo collage I decided to do a vacation collage for my dream vacation and what that would look like. I decided to use colors that complemented each other well and that I feel are happy colors. For the fabric drawing I decided that I wanted to do a very detailed drawing and therefore chose silk. I chose a red silk that flowed very nicely and executed that very well in the drawing. When it came time for photo editing and illustration, I decided to use my sister and one of the books we have recently read. I used a basic filter in which highlighted the basic focal features of the photo and then drew the one scene from “Brown Bear, Brown Bear.” I enjoyed doing all of these projects and spent a great deal of time on them even though I had an extensive absence. 

Jade Schweitzer Q2 Art

I created all these different pieces of art for Quarter 2 at very different times in my life. I've had a hard time personally, with three deaths in my family, one family member in the hospital and the pressure of having to set up the building blocks for the rest of my life. I create the art I do, to get people's attention, to show them what I can do, and that I matter. 
To show my creative spirit, and that even though I might not understand Algebra, or Physics, or World History that I understand other things. Like how people can change over time, and what people think when everything falls apart around them. 
My art is my venting time and my emotions. 

Q2 Edgar Pacio

This quarter focused on the Fibonacci spiral and negative space. I found it intriguing that the fibonacci spiral is shares both mathematical and artistic occurrences in nature. For my fern drawing I wanted to revisit pastels, because of the wide variety of colors available. My collage was an attempt to recreate the golden triangle using different symbols. My dog was my inspiration for my block print and I think it turned out better than I expected. 

How To Make Sautéed Garlic Pepper String Beans

Instructions for making sautéed garlic, pepper string beans:


-Vegetable oil
-String beans
-Black pepper

1. Pour vegetable oil in a frying about the size of a quarter.
2. Lift the pan and move it around so that the vegetable oil coats the surface of the pan.
3. Add a spoonful of garlic to the oil.
4. Move the garlic around the pan same as the vegetable oil and let it simmer.
5. Pour string beans into the pan and cover them.
6. Take the cover off and move the string beans off with a spatula, fork, etc. and add black pepper
7. Let the string beans become a nice green and turn the pan off.
8. Enjoy!

Food Analysis:
I feel that my dish would only be considered "processed" because of the vegetable oil unnatural additives and properties.  The vegetable oil is taken through a lengthy process before being sold to supermarkets across the country.  Other than that, my dish is pretty healthy.  It is a vegetable and contains natural ingredients such as garlic and black pepper.

The dish is not fattening because it is vegetable-based.  Also, the garnishes and seasonings are natural and do not contain any added chemicals, additives, etc.  It also helps with bowel movement because of it's vegetational state.  If eaten too much, there will be limited to no waste inside of the body.

I think that the food mostly comes from the Midwestern part of the country.  This part of the country is the most occupied with crops used to grow fruits and vegetables.  The food is conventionally grow but its organic counterpart can be purchased at stores that whole foods like Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc. for a slightly inflated price.

This dish is better than any fast food that can be purchased.  This dish is healthier because of the lack of fats, oils, grease, processed additives and extra chemicals.  The only way that this dish can be used to make money is by the company it was made by or if the cook decides to sell it.

Since the food started on a farm, it had to be grown and washed by selling to different grocery stores.  Then the consumers buy those vegetables and take them home for preparation.  The problem is that it was taken through a lengthy process to be bought and eaten so if you were to grow your own string beans, garlic and pepper, you'll be saving gas from going to the grocery store and the money that you were gonna pay for the groceries.

Personal Reflection:

From this unit, I learned that some people do not have access to healthy foods because of their geographic location and their income.  Healthy foods are expensive compared to fast food which are seen as a way to not break the bank and feed yourself and the family, if any.  While realizing this, I am glad that I was taught good eating habits such as eating vegetables and starches and not just fats, oils and grease.

I also learned that the essential food knowledge that children should learn has to start at home.  With good knowledge on food, the child can take it everywhere they go and share it with others who may not be as informed.  The opposite can happen with little to no food knowledge which results in carrying bad habits throughout the course of life and imposing those habits unto others.  We all need to learn the basics of food in order live healthier lives.  That in turn will promote better living and in turn a happier nation.

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Lauren Thomas Q2 Art

The reason I create art is to express myself. Even though the art may not be something amazing or profound, it is something I am proud of and happy that I created. When I look at my art, I see myself being reflected. This quarter my art had a common theme almost. There were a lot of drawings and detailed work. Detailed art is a bit meticulous but it's something fun. I create what I love and I have to be happy with what I create. I feel that my collage is one of the best things I created this quarter; it shows complex images in a simplistic way with a lot of colors, which is something I really love. 

Melanie Harrington: MP 2 Art Portfolio

As an artist, I always try to create pieces that I know I will enjoy. As part of my process, I always make it a point to carefully think about the subject matter I will be working with. The artwork in this portfolio highlights the child within me and I think it is important to acknowledge our old selves and how we once had very imaginative minds. My old self fueled my creativity whenever I created a piece this quarter.

Q2 Art Portfolio

Hello, I'm Klarissa Hudson and this is my work from my senior art class. In this class we have students who are "passing", "middles", and "college preps." Each section has different artworks to be completed based on their level. I'm in the "passing" group, so I have the smaller and easier assignments to complete. This quarter I had to:

1. Create an art collage from magazines

2. Draw a fabric

3. Filter a picture

4. Draw a picture to represent a passage, book, quote, etc.

For my first assignment, I worked to create an art collage. We had to cut out pictures and words from magazines and have it say something without us having to explain it. For the second assignment, I drew a red fabric. I’m not really good at shading and drawing sheets or covers. For the third assignment I made filters of a picture I took during sunset. My first filter was playing around with waves while the second one was with night vision. And for the fourth assignment I did an illustration of a book I read in english class called “The Bluest Eye.” Please enjoy and comment if you like; thank you for taking time to look at my work.

Melanie Harrington Q2 Art Portfolio

As an artist, I always try to create pieces that I know I will enjoy. As part of my process, I always make it a point to carefully think about the subject matter I will be working with. The artwork in this portfolio highlights the child within me and I think it is important to acknowledge our old selves and how we once had very imaginative minds. My old self fueled my creativity whenever I created a piece this quarter.

Q2 Artwork by Leah Kelly

At the end of the first quarter, I set the goal for myself that I would challenge myself to create the best artwork that I possibly could in the second semester. I can say with confidence that I achieved my goal.

Drawing has never been a skill of mine, but the second quarter in Advanced Art was extensive in drawing and I can say that I created some works that I am really proud of. Also, especially for the art collage, I was challenged to be really creative and not just cut out a bunch of things and glue them to the page. So instead, I came up with the idea of diversity and created an amazing collage around it and it then became my favorite piece of art that I produced this quarter.

This quarter I drew inspiration from all around me, specifically for the collage and the photograph. When we were told to take a picture of a photograph displaying depth of field, my mind immediately jumped to all of the easy options: taking pictures of lockers, pool balls, words, etc. However, I became inspired and decided to challenge myself using a mundane object such as string to represent such an important photography element.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with my performance this quarter and with the entire semester overall. I look forward to continuing to grow as an artist and a person through this class.

Sci-Soc Food Project

​Food Rule
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Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 11.15.32 AM

Recipe & Analysis

Baked Parmesan Mashed Potatoes

Yield: 6 servings

Cook time: about 1.5 hours

Prep time: 30 minutes

9 medium organic russet potatoes (about 3 pounds)

1/2 stick of salted butter

1 cup of milk

1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil

5 medium garlic cloves, thinly sliced

Sea salt & freshly ground black Pepper, as much desired

Crushed red pepper flakes, as much desired

1 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese

1) Take the potatoes and rinse them under cold water; peel them until completely bare. Place the potatoes in a large pot with cold water over medium heat, and bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Strain the potatoes, then put them back into the pot.

2) Take the potato masher to your root vegetable, that way, when you add in your first couple of ingredients, they become absorbed by the potatoes, creating a tastier dish. Add your milk and butter, but portion the milk as you stir it in. Do the same for the olive oil.

3) Add your salt, pepper, garlic slices, and red pepper flakes.

4) Add in all of the cheese, or leave some on the side to sprinkle on top before baking. Stir the potatoes until creamy.

5) Pour the mashed potatoes into a baking dish, place on top shelf of oven, uncovered. Leave in for 30-45 minutes, or until golden brown.

6) Serve hot.


Processed vs.Whole Food

3 out of 8 items are processed, about 38% (37.5% to be exact)

Salted butter


Parmesan cheese


Since only 3 items have nutritional info available on their container, I can only write about them.

Salted butter

Calories: 100

Fat: 11g

Cholesterol: 30mg

Sodium: 90mg

Vitamin A: 8%

Butter can be good and it can be bad. Even though it contains 8% vitamin A, which is needed for the health of the thyroid, and also contains a number of anti-oxidants that protect against things that weaken the arteries, it can also be really harmful to other parts of your body. If the butter is conventional anyway (contains GMOs), and you’re continually consuming it, it’s most likely giving youorgan damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, is accelerating your aging, digestion problems, and many more. Butter is fattening; it turns into actual fat in your body.


Calories: 150

Fat: 8g

Cholesterol: 35mg

Sodium: 130mg

Protein: 8g

Vitamin A: 6%

Vitamin C: 4%

Calcium: 30%

Vitamin D: 25%

Milk is amazing for getting potassium (which can avoid Charley Horse’s), and stronger bones. A downside to consuming milk, is that if you are a person who consumes a lot of sodium, and then you consume a lot of milk you have a higher chance of acquiring high blood pressure.


Calories: 120

Fat: 14g

Cholesterol: 0g

Sodium: 0g

Omega-6: 9.7%

Omega-3: 0.76%

Vitamin E: 72% of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

Vitamin K: 75% of the RDA

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the best oils and fats for you and your body. Not only is it good for your skin and hair, but it’s also good as an anti-inflammatory and provider of nutrients. If the oil is pressed naturally, the EVOO would be high in phenolic antioxidants, the main reason why olive oil is so beneficial (phenolic antioxidants offer resistance to illnesses ranging from cancer to arthritis). EVOO is easily digestible and tasty start to any dressing.


My potatoes and cheese are organic and came from a farmers market near my house; the farmers are located here in PA. Everything else was purchased at Shoprite. Shoprite uses food from Wakefern Food Corporation located in Keasbey, New Jersey. So the food I purchased from Shoprite traveled the furthest.


Butter: $2.19

Milk: $4.99

Cheese: $10.99

EVOO: $12.00

Salt: $2.29

Pepper: $3.49

Red Pepper Flakes: $3.00

Garlic: $2.69

Potatoes: $6.00

= $46.14 (about $50)

The price I spent on making this meal is equivalent to about 5 regular meals not from the dollar menu at McDonalds. Shoprite and its corporations (Wakefern Food Corp., specifically), and the farmers made money off of my meal.


People have the option of gaining weight because of the ingredients within the meal.The parmesan cheese at Shoprite, already grated, was $3.99, but the whole cheese from the Farmer’s Market, same amount of ounces as the Shoprite brand, cost $7 more. Similar to my potatoes, the organic potatoes from the Farmer’s Market, cost $2.00 more than potatoes at Shoprite. The potatoes were grown in PA, on an organic farm, and the cheese came from grass fed cows, so it’s all healthy.

I love to eat. Food is such a large part of my life, and being able to taste something new everyday is an ultimate goal of mine. The glorious part of this unit, was getting to know where all of this “glory” came from. Learning that some things that I eat are not necessarily the most healthy is shocking because the marketing that is done to draw in customers is genius. The “no GMO’s” scandal is fascinating, because you would think these large corporations would fear having information leaked saying that their products actually do contain GMO’s would persuade them to stop falsely advertising, but since they have billions of dollars, and countless lawyers, I’m sure they would win the case either way. I really enjoyed reading the article about processed food, sometime last week. I was able to resonate with what was said about the ingredient labeling on the back of food products. “The more ingredients it has (mostly being words no one has ever heard of or will never be able to have in their pantry), the less healthy the product is. As I make my dish for the class on Friday, I’m pleased to keep in my mind that by using whole products, I will be producing a dish that is tasty and nutritious all at the same time.

Joe Louis

For my NHD project I decided to research about the sporting world in American during the 1940's. The sporting world was dominated by the white people which made African Americans harder to fit in. During my NHD, I decided to research Joe Louis, who was the first black athlete to move race barriers. He was truly one of most important athletes that has ever lived because he joined blacks and whites together. 

Heres the link.