Girls Soccer Advances in Playoffs

The girls soccer team took home a 6-0 shutout win versus Furness on Wednesday. Captains, Alyssa Winner and Aateeyah Sharrieff, each had a pair of goals, while Emma Schwingel-Sauer and Hannah Nicoletti knocked in the other two scores. Co-captain, Imani Holness, and defenders, Jackie Middleswarth, Zoe Schwingel-Saur, Hanna Dunakin and Saraa Fadl fought hard to keep Furness out of their end of the field for much of the game. The Rockets advance to round two of the playoffs on Monday where they will play Northeast, who defeated them in a tough battle earlier in the season.

Home Network, Torres

My Internet service provider would be Comcast Xfinity. The coax wire brings that internet into my bedroom into my modem which is connected to my router through an Ethernet cable. Connected to my router is my xbox. Through wifi ,the phones and laptops throughout the house are connected. I learned that their is a process for internet to come in to your electronics. I thought it was as simple as just tapping ¨Connect to wifi¨ for u to have internet. Illl recommend them to know how their home network is setup ao they can know its not a simple process.
mind mapping software

Home Network,Whyte

This is My Home Network Diagram!! Yay!! My Internet Service Provider is Xfinity. My internet comes through a coaxial cable that enters my house through my living room where my router lives. My mom's laptop, this here Chromebook, my phone, my mom's phone, and my grandma's phone are all connected to this WiFi. OMG moments = 0. I have not really gotten any moments like that and I really don't plan to have any. 
mind mapping software

Home Network, Byrnes

mind mapping software
This is my Home Network.  My Internet Service Provider (I.S.P.) is Verizon and internet comes into my house through a fiber-optic wire to my router which creates a wi-fi signal.  Then, my Roku box, cell phones, laptops and printer are connected to the wi-fi.  I have never had an OMG moment and hope that I can avoid them in the future.  People should mast sure that their Home Network is fast and strong enough to support all of their electronics.

ILP Reflection

ILP Date: 10/10/14

Today we worked on a clinical study with a patient named Ian. He was around his early 70’s and suffered from a stroke 4 months ago. My instructor, Nick, ran a test that involved a wooden box that had different colored cube blocks. The box was divided into two sections. Ian had to move as many blocks as he could from one side to the other with his left hand (since his stroke happened on the right side of his brain, his left side is affected by it) under one a minute. Being a stroke survivor, Ian completed all his tests very well, and seemed to have no difficulties while doing them. Then, a nurse practitioner came in and tested Ian’s physical abilities and performed brain exercises. She tested his flexibility in both arms, hands, shoulders, and fingers. She then played memory games with him where he had to try to remember words that she said or recite the date and his name. I learned a lot from this experience and cannot wait to continue participating in this research study.

PSAT - 10/15

​Freshmen NOT taking the PSATs report to the CAFE.
All other students look for the room you are assigned to below.
Breakfasts will be delivered to rooms (do not stop in the CAFE for breakfast)

Schedule -
8:15 - All students report to testing rooms - Non testers to the CAFE
8:15 - 1:00 - Testing
1:00 - 1:20 - Lunch
1:20 - 3:00 - TFI & ILPs
Screenshot 2014-10-14 22.23.13
Screenshot 2014-10-14 22.23.13

Climate Change Monologue Project

Antarctica Monologue

I am hearing applause  Mr, Thamid is calling me to the stage to talk about “Climate change” in Antarctica. I can see that my heart is pumping really hard and I started sweating like everytime I get frustrated. The applause is still going till I walk to the stage. When I started talking, I didn’t hear no sound.

I started explaining my life to the audience, “ Well, my name is Steven C. Amstrup. I am American zoologist who studies bears, especially polar bears. I was  born in Fargo, North Dakota and I was interested to learn about polar bear. I graduated from the university of Idaho with an masters degree with an wildlife management. In 1980 i started working for united states fish and wildlife in alaska and wyoming and I have also worked for united states geological survey in arctic during his 30 years of career primarily studying about polar bear” Since, the ice is melting in the antarctic, the population of the polar bear is going to decrease each and everyday because of climate change in antarctica. The state of the global climate is shifting dramatically out of proportion with the natural balance of the earth. The Antarctic ice cap is melting and losing mass at a drastic rate. This means that we will see more drastic weather changes and more species of living organisms going extinct. The primary cause for this shift in global climate is the increase in greenhouse gases. Thank you folks and I got a round of applause.

USA Monologue

I was sleeping on my bed, I heard people screaming and shouting I thought that it was on my dream but not really. My mom called me - Aaditya Aaditya, Aaditya…….I abruptly got up and I was told to look at outside. It looks like my house was middle of lake. I saw lot of firefighter’s trying to save people using  boat. We were safe since we lived in second floor. I asked my mom why we were middle of no where, as I was 8  years old I didn’t know that we had flood last night. As I was tired last night because I Worked really hard to help my mom to clean home which took me more than 2 hours . As I was in the room with my mom a firefighter came to help me and my mom like an angel I went to the living room to get my phone so,  I could contact my aunt. He used an boat to help to get to a safe place. When I got to a safe place with my mom I saw many people who were in the flood crying that their house is destroyed. I  asked my mom “Why is happening here? Why is this world like this?” After sometime I called my aunt and told her that we need help…...Our Area is getting destroyed because of the flood. She got a car to pick me and mom to her house. There me and my mom took some rest and ate food. Finally, I realised that “Why can’t I fix this problem when I get older?” I went upstairs to my aunt room to read books about climate change in US. There had an peaceful time.

India Monologue 

  Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary

Spring holiday,  me and my cousin were travelling with my grandpa. We were asking him, where we were going. He said ‘surprise,. Yes, it was a surprise , pleasant and wonderful visit. Finally noon, we reached that place. It was a big lake. I asked my grandpa, where we are, he said, it;s “Vedanthangal “ in India exclusive for bird’s  sanctuary. We were happy and jumping up and down.  He said in spring climate from Nov to feb, birds from different country migrate here  and build nest to breed . I saw lot of diverse birds that I ever seen before like pintail, garganey, grey wagtail, blue-winged teal, common sandpiper, etc. We were there till  they close the place and with heavy heart we left from the place. I never forgot that spring in my life. Since, There is always climate change in australia, at the month of Australia, New Zealand and other countries

Home Network, Linder

mind mapping software
explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. Take this from the 1st assignment, when I sent you home to list the parts of your network. 

  • My local area network is wireless wifi network system that is connected with phones, ipads , television, and tablets.

 reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if so write about what you learned.
  • In tech class i learned that even if you delete things whatever you deleted isn't really gone because anybody can find it  but it all depends on how hard they want to find what you deleted .
  • what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network
  • I would say that they need to know that they need to know what type of wires they have in their system , if the have a motem router or a motem router combo, they also need to know what's connected to it


                      Monologue Draft Number 1: Climate Change?

Whoo I'm running late. [5min later]. Hey! How are you. Sorry, im late I was stuck in traffic. Thanks for understanding. So, lets get right into it. By the way I have prepared some things to get us started. Well, let me just jump right into it. I think climate change is a big deal in the world now, well it has been for awhile and humans cause most of the problems. Excuse me, but we are the ones building factories to burn fossil and that causes so much carbon dioxide to pollute the air. And, if we keep burning these fossils then the air will get heated and melt the ice all around the world. What do you mean the water from the ice can freeze back? If the temperature of the air is too high then there won't be any water to freeze. I think we should think of a way that we can teach the people at this protest thats coming up to  change the world for a better impact  because i’m starting to think I don’t want to be here. Excuse me? I’m not suicidal It just sounded bad the way I said it in my head. Well we have 30 more mins. Left of this meeting and I think we need to start planning ideas. What are your suggestions. Ok, greenhouse effect, energy balance, and reflectivity. Wow guys these are some great Ideas and I think we should focus on greenhouse effect, who agrees? Thanks for coming to an understanding. So greenhouse effect is when the Sun  rays shine to earth and when they try to leave they get trapped. And, this causes heat not to leave our atmosphere. That should be the topic, but what things can we teach them and what can we use to teach the public. I like how you said big banners Mark. Bob great Idea with the build boards. Sally maybe you can make posters at your house . . OK, you're right Jim this meeting took way too long its 2:00 now and we still need to come to an agreement. ok ok ok. . . Yes, I love it. Since, we all are young and social environmentalist I think we should start a protest. That way we can make it to the news and people will be hearing about that, that they would want to join. What day should we start preparing and what day should we be ready to protest so we should protest sept 21 of 2014 and then start getting ready about Now. So I’ll guess i see you guys on friday at 12:00 sharp again and next time I wont be late.


                   Monologue Draft number 2: We Need A Change

[Yawns] Its really late. I should have did all of this researching earlier. Lets see whats on tv. [Gets Remote] Just a bunch of bogus shows. Well this was a waste of time. I felt better on my computer. [ Goes back to computer] Lets research green gas house because there have been lots of climate change in the past month. All those polar bears whose lives have been taken for no reason and I think its just wrong. Some of those polar bears had good lives going for them but climate change is really bad nowadays and lots of environments and living beings are affected by it and die for no reason. I can think of all the possible ways that this world can end because of climate change. People don't deserve to die for no reason even all those kids who could die because of climate change. Its a shame that even people expect us to do what they want us to do don't even care but they will care when people decide to take a change. I don't even feel safe anymore. It feels like now someone dies every second because of the lack of food or clean water because of climate change. And, although people want to stop climate change, it can't be stopped because every act of change the more someone decides to pollute.

                                   Monologue #3: The Protest

Testing, Testing 123l 123. Hello everyone My name is Richard Haverford I am a 35 year old socialist and I think matter of fact I know climate change is a big deal in america and all around the world. And, I have a problem with that. I was almost denied clean water myself because there was a drought in Africa and there wasn't enough clean water for everyone to drink. I know how you would feel if your kids were denied an clean water because of a drought. Bet, you wouldn't like it. I know I wouldn't like it. I have a very sketchy background. I am a hard working Nigerian man. I got in lots of trouble when I was younger I stole clean water, I drank clean water, and I smoked clean water, no not really but, only because I was struggling at the moment and I was being selfish because I only drank while my family was in the house dying and suffering from the lack of clean water. and thought .Then one night I decided to sneak into a refuge camp and take a bunch of clean water for my family. I did it and almost got away with a pride of joy. When I got caught it landed me in a juvenile detention center for about a year. I was charged with burglary. Now I didn’t know this at the time but I had landed myself in the stereotypes for nigerians at the time. Dumb and Dirty and Un-Educated. The refuge camp I tried to burglarize was a camp from the red cross and a group of environmental scientist. They were studying how much greenhouse gasses were stuck in our region. After I got caught, one of the scientist decided to talk to me, he told me not to fall into the stereotypes of nigerians these days because people will not want to help you out if your not right minded too many people are dying because of the drought in your reason, and the last thing you want to do is piss the wrong person off and trust me they will make your life hell until this drought is over. They might not give you clean water and food. He told me that he was also nigerian and he was in the same position that I was in when he was younger. The things he did for me was the same thing that someone did to him. He gave me and my family clean water and food for at least a month. After my time in the juvenile detention center me and the scientist stayed in contact, Then I went to college and I got a bachelor's degree in environmental studies and political sciences. Now what I am telling you guys is to not let your kids go down the same paths we went down but to help them to make better decisions in life and stay focused in whats going on in the world around them. So, just because your background is sketchy and because of your race or skin color, you can still make a change and a difference.

Home Network, Schwingel-Sauer

1. All of the devices connected to the internet connection at my house, my Local Area Network, are: four iPhones (my mom's, dad's, sister's and mine), my sister's laptop, my dad's laptop, my laptop, Roku, and a Wii. My internet service provider is Comcast and my enters my house through a coaxial cable into the office. It is connected with an ethernet cable to a modem router.

2. Something new and interesting that I found when we learned about networks was that one file can go through so many portals through the network just to get to a final destination. The really crazy part though is how fast it happens.

3. What other people need to know about having an Internet Service Provider and Home Networks is that the person who pays for the internet owns the network you connect to at a certain place. They may have certain rules in the Acceptable Use Policy that may be important to know even if the AUP is very long. 

mind mapping software

My home Network

tech home network (1)
My home network consists of many parts. First, my ISP( Internet Service Provider) is Xfinitity. My internet physically comes into my home through a beige, colored wire, that enters through a tiny hole, in my living room floor.  My modem and router are located in the dining room, behind the computer cabinet. An Ethernet cable connects the two.  I have many devices in my home that run off wi-fi. For example, the phones, apple products, and computers in my house work wirelessly.

Home Network, Johnson

After doing these assignments I learned more than what I already knew about my home network. One of my old major hobbies was competitive gaming. Since I was to young to actually travel and compete in LAN tournaments, I had to compete in online tourneys instead. Which would basically mean I needed to have an amazing connection to avoid things like lag or framework switches in game. I made it clear to my dad xfinity was clearly not going work for me because it was just simply to slow, and nearly impossible for me to pull host connection. More or else I learned that Fiber optic cables were just better in every way. Another things that I also picked up from this class was the placement of my router. After hearing the wifi/connection falls down I immediately moved my router from the basement to my third floor which is pretty much where technology stops in my house.
mind mapping software

Home network Manns

mind mapping software
 what does that wire look like? can you name that wire

the  home network in my grandmothers house has a co-ax cable that is connected to a  router which is connected to a laptop and other devices.

b. what room does this wire come into?

the wire is coming into my grand mom's bedroom.

c. do you have a modem and a router or a combination modem and router?

I have a router

 e. name all the devices that use WiFi in your home ?

3 phones, 2 laptops,1 tablet 

Who is your ISP? (internet service provider)


a. how much is does the internet cost per month?

$10.00 per month

 multiply the monthly cost by 12. What is that dollar amount?
$120.00 per month 

Home Network, Taylor

mind mapping software
​My L.A.N consists of my laptop, printer, and cellphone. I have Clear Network as an Internet service provider. During the proccess I was shocked about the price of the internet. Sometimes I forget that the internet costs money. I would tell anyone with an ISP to make sure they make their own acceptable use policy. 

Home Network,Saldivar

Home Network, Saldivar
​My home network is provided by Verizon which connects to my basement which is connected to a combination of a modem/router.What I learned about networks is that it happens so fast it happens in seconds.I learned that theirs multiples things that happen in the the process of getting into a one website,but it all happens in seconds.I also learned that in the process of getting into a website that it throws certain things out and passes the good things only.What I would like to tell people about a home network is that you should start planning on knowing everything that is connected to your modem or router who's you internet service provider how much do you or you parents pay a month.
mind mapping software

Home Network, Gerveni

My ISP is Comcast. I have a COAX wire that connects from my basement to my modem/router which connect to my PC by a Ethernet wire. My modem router provides me with wireless network and these devices are connected to it: 4 Phones, 2 laptops, a PS3, a TV, an Ipod, a printer and a tablet. An OMG moment was when my parents told me the bill that they pay for the internet. It is too expensive!!!
mind mapping software

Home network,Colon

My home network is pretty simple,I have xfinity wifi. the coax cable leads to my router is in the main bed room,then it connects to my devices inside the house,which are phones, tablets, computers, printers and game systems. Yes i did have an OMG moment because i had no idea how the internet work,i've found out a lot from the internet video ms.hull showed us. For one ive learned how much money my internet is per year, i also learned how the wifi connects to my devices.I would tell you to find out your internet information because it pays off to know,it really helped me.

Block Home Network

mind mapping software

My home network is very fast. It works very well but sometimes comcast goes down. I have many things connected to my home network such as 7 computers 2 ipads and 4 iphones. I did not learn much about home networks. I learned that I have a coax cable. If your home network stops working I turn off my motem router then I turn it back on.

Home Network-Meier

mind mapping software

\                 /

  \ ('~ _~') /




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My local area network is xfinity it is connected to my phone, three laptops, my printer, my blu ray player, and my ps3. What I learned about networks is that everything is connected. My OMG moment was when i found out anything you put on the internet can be found again. i think everyone should know anyone can see your search history

Home Network, Tan

mind mapping software

2. My L.A.N connects from my ISP, that gives me internet in my house. Our ISP give internet to our modem that connects to our router through a coax wire. Our router gives wifi for our house. On the wifi, there are 5 phones, 3 laptops, 3 tablets, a mac mini, an xbox one, and a ps3. 

3. I learned that there are many different things that has the be processed before you can get access to a website. It takes less than a second for it all to process which is really fascinating to me. I didn't realized it had to go through lots of stages to access something on the internet. 

4. I would tell people that each ISP/Home network have rules also. If they don't follow the rules that are given they can be in big trouble. I would also remind them that whatever they upload on the internet will never be deleted even if you delete the file on your device.

Home Network, Yemola

mind mapping software
1.The devices that are connected to my internet connection are a 3 iphones 5s, 1 iphone 6, 1 desktop, 2 Xbox 360s, 2 Xbox ones and 1 pad.

2. My OMG moment was when we learned how things travel through the internet very fast, yet having to go through so many different trails, and what amazed me most was how how fast the internet can fix problems that occur and still run fast.

3. Something I would tell someone about having an internet ISP/Home network is to be careful about what you do and don't think that you are always 100% safe while on the internet. 

Home Network, LaBrum

mind mapping software
​Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. Take this from the 1st assignment, when I sent you home to list the parts of your network.
-One family desktop
-My PC

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if so write about what you learned.
- It was interesting to learn that data could travel by light to cross great distances quickly.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

- I think it's important to know how much power the ISP's already have, and what they've done and are doing to attain more.

Home Network, Gilbert

mind mapping software
2. The internet is transported to my ISP which is Comcast. By a coaxial wire, its brought into my house in my computer room. By another coaxial its brought to my motor and router which gives internet to my printer, iPhone, iPod, iPad, laptop, computer, televisions, and speakers.

3. I learned how complex the internet actually is and how a 10 minute YouTube video describing how i get my emails is done in about a second in real time. I also learned how i the internet is brought into my house and why my service provider has all those terms and conditions.

4.i would tell them that receiving the information online is a lot more complex then they think.