La casa de Shaq

Esta es la casa de Shaq. La casa de Shaq esta en Espana. Esta cerca de Madrid, y lejos de mi casa en Filadelfia. Tiene un piscina. Hay muchas sofas. Hay un jardin con muchas palmeras. Tiene muchos arbustos. Finalmente, la casa de Shaq tiene un fuente.

Podcast #2 (James, Isabela, Sarah Charlotte, Dan

What group members present during the discussion?

Isabela, Daniel, Sarah-Charlotte, James,

What we discussed:

  • We discussed chapters 4-7

  • We responded to everything that Mr. Miles asked us to talk about, address, and discuss

  • This includes rephrasing a particular paragraph in chapter one, analyzing one of the quotes on the first page, and each finding articles and reading the article given to us with faulty graphs.

  • We then go on to discuss the chapters of the new reading.

How we discussed it:

We discussed it in order by chapter and went through the concepts brought up in each.

We all had points and notes that we wanted to share, and we went over them raising questions and responding to each others ideas and notes.


We really had none this time around.

Questions that come up:

We didn't really have any questions besides is it legal to be giving out misleading statistics?

Our articles:

Isabela -

Sean McAninch Capstone

Abstract: For my project I wrote a book. With the world I created in the book I created a board game based around the this world. I asked some of my classmates to act as beta testers for my game. I learned quite a bit from the process of creating two products. One being if you are gonna create a game you should make sure the story is easy to understand. The other thing I learned is to manage time better, Because you never know when you will lose a good head of steam when writing. Something I would tell someone who is trying to understand my project is. When working with other people set a date and stick to it.

Nightwave GameMastersGuide


"How to speak like a Dwarf ?." The Three Hammers. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>.

*I used this source to enhance my writing for dwarf characters so I could get a real feel for the way they would speak to other people, and I felt this source really empowered my ability when writing.

*This source did have a sort of drawback because I couldn’t see any examples of writing that used this type of writing. Where it was helpful it didn’t and could have had better information about it.

*But this source did help me with getting an understanding of dwarfish culture and language. Where they are a and what type of land they would normally live in. So I could be very accurate with my description.

"Wikia." WoWWiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <‎>.

*This web site helped me see how another game world of warcraft, worked out an experience system with a mathematical equation I used a similar one to create my own guide with a complete workout through 100 levels for the game I am working on creating, With the level guide I need to make it so it was fair and balanced so this webpage helped me a lot on this. It had a lot of questions about levels their levels and how they balanced it with different checks. But even with this source I will still need to test the level system.‎

* This website tells me about the rules that made up dungeons and dragons so I can use this as a guide to make my own game considering it has withstood the test of time and no other tabletop rpg game has lasted as long as it with it fan base. It gives me a good understanding of how they made their game and other hints and tips. That will help me get ahead and work towards making a good working game. They also have an idea of how to create items and special power ups.

*World of Warcraft has given me a great inspirational source, for my writing they have created many books that Describe a fictional world also they have created many tabletop games, Where this source has a drawback they have worked on this for a very long time so it is harder to follow the story because of how much they have developed it and because so many things happen at the same time.

Hallford, Neal, and Jana Hallford. Swords & Circuitry : A Designer's Guide To Computer Role Playing Games. Roseville, CA: Prima Tech, 2001.eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

*This book is explaining that with the game he created people really like the fact that the world was so full, because they could do a lot of side missions and quests. So it tells me that if you want a successful game that last a really long time you need to give the player base a lot of activities in the game/ mini games or assignments so they can keep with the flow of the game and get to point B from point A.

Mayer, Bob. The Fiction Writer's Toolkit : A Guide To Writing Novels And Getting Published. [S.l.]: E-reads, 1999. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

*This book has some good information about starting out writing books because they say in it don’t mess around with writing something you feel about with the fictional book I am writing because I really want to do this then I souldn’t waste my time with short stories I should work on the main story of it. This book does leave a lot of open ended questions and they don’t really lead you anywhere but they do explain somethings.

McAninch, Edward. Personal interview, November 13th 2013

*My brother gave me key points that I used use in written combat he also helped me by writing for one of my characters to in a combat event so that I could get to making a better scene, He also helped me by editing some of my work and advised me about how to make a good dramatic final part of the event. He also gave me a lot of constructive criticism so I could use it to grow and make better plot lines later on in the book. Lastly he has given me pointers about how to change some of the parts of my story so it doesn’t become a repetitive motion.

*This web site has a guide for creating a game, I don’t like to read this type of website because I like to use my own imagination and have a spark of creativity this tells you a nice easy way to create your own game for people who need the extra help. I only looked at this to get an overall understanding of how to create a game the creator tells you the way but I still like to make everything with my own understanding because They may have did it one way and you could do it your own way to truly make it your game.

*This artical had good points about how to write a fictional novel and good ideas that I can use when I go back to look over my book and make edits to it. Also It had many good book quotes to emphasize its points. I feel I got a lot of good ideas and tools from this to edit my book, also I can look over what the other authors do to see how they follow the rules they created. So that I can produce the best book I possibly can.

Herald, Diana Tixier. Genreflecting : A Guide To Reading Interests In Genre Fiction. Englewood, Colo: Libraries Umlimited, 2000. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 30 Jan. 2014.

This source did not really help me much because It was a guide about different genre’s of fiction instead of a focused source but it still gave me a good bouncing point to look into fiction as a whole instead of just books that are fiction so I used it still to start forming ideas about the genre of my book which lead to my game because I was still unsure about sci-fi or mythical fiction so it helped me pick one of the options.

La casa de Drake

La Casa es grande !  Tiene seis cuartos y uno pso y no escaleras . Tiene diez ventanas. La casa  esta en Miami.  Tiene cinco dormitorio. Tiene cocina pero comedor. Hay es cinco banos 

La Casa de Oprah Winfrey

Screenshot 2014-05-05 at 12.43.57 PM
Screenshot 2014-05-05 at 12.43.57 PM

Esta es la casa de Oprah Winfrey. Está en Montecitio, Calif. Está cerca de la casa de Ellen Degeneres. Está lejos de mi casa. Hay un jardín, muchas de las habitaciones, un garaje, y un fuente. No hay piscina. La casa es muy muy muy bien. 

La Casa de Lil Wayne

Lil wayne casa costo catorce millones. Lil wayne casa tienen un tres coche garaje y una piscina. Hay tres dormitorio invitado casa. Lil wayne tienen veinti baños, ello puedo caca todo el día. Lil wayne casa es muy largo y hay quince mil plaza-pies. La casa tienen sobre doscientos ventanas. En Lil Wayne casa tienen sobre diez dormitorios. Lil wayne tienen cinco coches en contando. Y Lil wayne tienen una cocina, mucho grande.

Mi Casa (27/5/14)

          Mi casa claramente es pequeño. Hay ere más que veinte dos ventanas. Fuera hay es un carro. Tiene una lámpara en la sala. También en el dormitorio hay es un sofá. Tiene una nevera en la cocina. Y en sala hay es una mesa y silla. 


La antigua casa de Eddie Murphy

eddie murphy house full view
eddie murphy house full view
Está es la antigua casa de Eddie Murphy. Este casa es muy grande, y súper caro. La sala tiene dos juegos de escaleras, una largo sofá, y muchas sillas. También, hay muchas ventanas, y el piso es muy bonito. Este sala es muy grande. En el habitación principal, hay una grande cama, pisos de alfombra, y una tele encima de la mesa. La casa tiene muchas piscinas, y una cancha de baloncesto. Este casa es muy bien.

La casa de Weezy

Esta es la casa de Lil Wayne y esta es en Miami, Florida. Está cerca de un río, la ciudad de Miami y está muy lejos del mi casa en Filadelfia. La casa es muy grande, por ejemplo, hay tiene cinco pisos en la casa. Lil wayne tiene piano de cola en el sala. Hay muchos sofás en la casa. En el jardín hay muchos árbols.  

La casa de Jay Z

download (1)
download (1)
Esta es la casa de Jay Z. La casa es muy grande y tienes grande jardín. El jardin tienes mucho flor y árbol. Está cerca de Empire state building. Está legos de Las vegas. La casa tiene mucho carros. La casa tienes comedor y cocina. Jay Z casa tienes grande ventanas. La casa tienes piscina.

Math Benchmark #4

(Chapters 9 and 10.)

Group Members:

Lexy Babcock

Goldie Robins

Jessica Maiorano

Gabby Santaniello

What Our Group Discussed:

We discussed chapters 9 and 10.

How We Discussed It:

We went through chapters 9 and 10 in order. We spent most of the time trying to discuss the chapters to understand what the author was saying. We gave a nice little conclusion to the book and our new perspective on statistics.

Any Points of Conflict/Disagreement In Discussion:

During our individual reading time, we all had a difficult time understanding these last two chapters. We had to explain the information to one another.


Because of the fact that like each of our podcasts are twenty minutes and we split them into four, we don't have any questions for this section. 

Podcast #3 Chapters 9,10

Kyler Jones Capstone


For my capstone I explored the medium of digital video production as an expression of political feelings. In this piece I went through all the processes of video production. Pre-production ( script writing, storyboarding, scouting, b-film, recruiting actors), Production ( filming), and Post-production ( editing and finalizing). In this process I challenged myself to sticking to schedule, learning how to use new editing software "Adobe Premiere", and collaborating with others. While at times there was many failures, such as obstacles of delay due to long winters, equipment availability, and a freelance production crew with fluctuating schedules I managed to learn a lot about the differences between guerilla style filming and hollywood level production.

Ahinson Q4 BM


What did you set out to do?

I initially set out to use mentor texts to develop a new definition of power and compare power to leadership with examples in today's society. Once reading the mentor texts I had learned so much and had more to write about simply what I learned from the books. I set up a small collection of ideas and theories I learned from each text and how it could be applied to a social enterprise.

How did this work incorporate storytelling?

This work incorporated storytelling in the sense that it highlighted character development. The process of how an individual can enlighten themselves through education and use this information to make change is a story. Though not in the traditional sense, as it is an unfinished story and will remain that way until the "main character" dies. It is a reflective story

What do you hope your audience gains from your work?

I really hope that my audience can see that there is education beyond traditional school and in this new age where everyone is getting degrees it is important that you have an intellectual edge on the competition. I also want them to see that even if they don't go into business, that they should still keep a business, or entrepreneurial, mindset going about career matters.

What did you gain?

I gained a lot of new information and reflection time on myself. I go further into the things I learned in the actual text.

La casa de Eddie Murphy

Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 11.19.11 PM
Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 11.19.11 PM
Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 11.05.26 PM
Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 11.05.26 PM
Esta es la casa de Eddie Murphy. Está en California. Está cerca de mucho famosa personas. Está lejos de mi casa en Fliladelfia. La casa de Eddie Murphy es muy bonito. La casa tiene árboles. Hay tres piscinas. La casa tiene dos pisos. Y la casa tiene una pista de tenis. 

La Casa de Angelina y Brad.
Esta es la casa de Angelina Jolie y Brad Pitt. Está en Los Feliz, un centro región de L.A. Está cerca de Santa Monica montañas. Está lejos de Florida. La casa tiene dos piscos. Hay muchos ventanas. Hay un sofá grande y tres sofás pequeña fuera. Hay también, muchos árboles. Unos son bajos y unos son altos.