clase: Español
profesora: señorita Manuel
actividades en la clase: hablamos Español, trabajamos duro y proyectos
responsibilidades: no hablar Inglés, hacer la tarea, participar y prestar atención 
materiales- la carpeta, la computadora, unas plumas y unas hojas de papel 
opinión- Me fascina porque es divertida y informativa. 

clase- Consejería
profesora: señorita Gierke 
actividades en la clase: Hablar con mi amigos y hablar sobre la parte major y la peor parte de mi dia. 
responsibilidades: No hablas cuando otros estan hablando
materiales- la computadora y mi cerebro 
opinión- Mi gusta la clase de consejería. Es muy relajado y divertida. 

My daily Pasos Tyler Creighton

-Introduction (In English):
  • What was the assignment?  
    This assignment was my steps of the day for the morning and after school.
  • What did you enjoy about this project?  
    I enjoyed recording and showing you guys the real me and my real process

-Reflection (In English): 

  • What did you learn about yourself after mapping out your daily routine?  
    I learned that because i take so long to do each of these things it makes it seem like I have more steps to my day than I thought. 
  • What skills did you acquire related to the Spanish language?
    How to conjugate the yo form.
  • How did you use each of the 5 core values in completing this project?
    I collaborated with people that peer edited my work. I researched my rubric and what is required for a A or  B grade.  I inquired what I do during the day and how many steps I take. My presentation was very fun and entertaining. 
  • If you could do this over for the purpose of improving your final product, how would you change it or what would you add to it?
    If I could do this over I would make somethings longer , I would make the video brighter and I would add a few more steps.


​Clase: Bio Química
Profesor: Señor Sherif
Actividades en la clase: Hablar, vida del estudio y presente los resultados
Responsibilidades: hacer la tarea, trabajo en computadora, y trabajo en el laboratorio
Materials: sólo el computadora
Opinión:La Clase es muy interesante y se aprende mucho

Clase: Historía
Profesor: Señor Baird
Actividades en la clase: El trabajo en 'Evernote y aprender sobre la historia afro-americana
Responsibilidades: Completar la tarea, el trabajo en clase, y prestar atención
Materials: la computadora
Opinión: La Clase es muy fácil e interesante

Sinopsis : español y Mathemàticas

clase : Español
profesora : La Srta. Manuel
Actividades : cantamos , tenemos platicas 
Responsibilidades : prestar atenciòn , estar preparada y no hablar inglés
Materials : la computadora , la carpeta , el lápiz y la hoja de papel
opiniòn :me gusta la clase de Español porque es muy intersasnte.
clase : mathemàticas 
profesora : La Srta Garvey 
Actividades : Proyecto(s)
Materials : el làpiz , la carpeta , la hoja de papel y la computadora
Opiniòn : no me gusta nada la clase da mathemàticas porque es difìcil.

Describe SLA

Mi escuela es SLA. SLA es pequeña y mas o menos alta. Tenemos un biblioteca, una cafeteria, y much mas. Hay mas o menos quinientos estudiantes y veinte profesores. SLA esta en centro de la ciudad. Me encanta SLA. Es muy divertida

Jamie Murphy- Copy a Master

​This copy a master art project was to copy a professional famous artist work. So I decided to look for some Andy Warhol paintings. I really love his art work, especially his pop art designs. I then took his famous tomato soup can painting and found his colorful more abstract version of it. While copying this painting I used the paints found in Ms.Hull's art room. To get these soft creamy colors I mixed the solid colors with white. Then for the bottom half of the dark purple color I used washable markers as well as for the black fill in the word "soup". I also used marker for the top of the can. I loved this assignment, it was very fun since I used two different mediums to get my outcome of the Andy Warhol painting.

Rosemary Flite Spanish

Primero, yo me levanto, a las 6:00 de la mañana. Después, me quito el pijama. Me pono la ropa favorita. Entonces, me peino y alisar el pelo. Después, me maquillo. Entonces, me ir el cuarto de baño. En de baño ya cepillo los deintes y lavo la cara, los manos y el pelo. Luego yo voy a  la clase para escuela, SLA. 3:05 o 3:50 yo voy SLA. Por último, en me casa, completare la tarea y duermo.

-Introduction (In English):

  • What was the assignment?  
    We had to write out what our daily routine was and if you wanted, make it into a video. 

  • What did you enjoy about this project?  
    I enjoyed that I could make this my way an be creative with it.

-Reflection (In English): 

  • What did you learn about yourself after mapping out your daily routine?  
    I learned that I don't do as much as I thought I did
  • What skills did you acquire related to the Spanish language?
    I learned how to describe things more then I did before
  • How did you use each of the 5 core values in completing this project?
    We were asked a question. I wrote out what my routine was and found out how to say it in spanish, I worked with my peers to make sure everything was correct. Im presenting this right here now. And this is my reflection.
  • If you could do this over for the purpose of improving your final product, how would you change it or what would you add to it?
    Well my camera wouldn't upload videos and I didn't have time so I would use videos instead of photos

Jamie Murphy- Internet Sculpture

The internet sculpture assignment was to find a sculpture from the internet that we found interesting enough to create on our own. So I decided to make my own duct tape wallet. I used tie dye "duck" tape as my medium in creating this sculpture. It was very difficult in the beginning but as I continued with the assignment it became easier. This sculpture was very fun to recreate, as it was also an ideal one. I had always wanted to make a duct tape wallet and through this assignment I was able to. This was a step by step recreation. I used a website that helped show me what to do by having pictures with side notes on how to follow through with each step. 

Second Quarter Art Projects

art shit
art shit
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blah blah blah ablh
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​Large Clear Object - During the first quarter of art we were asked t draw a clear object, the second quarter we were asked to do the same thing however this time the object had to be drawn to a even bigger scale. When I heard this I expected everything to go smoother then it did. I thought it would be easy since I had already completed a similar project. I didn't think much about the size. When it came down to it I found this to be a bit harder to work on. Mostly because of the size we had to draw it. I found it harder to keep everything proportional. I also struggled with being patient. Im not a patient person to begin with and the fact that some part were easier to draw in a big scale other weren't. In the end I am content with the final product and I believe it looks nice. 

Internet Sculpture - For this project I had a lot of ideas but ended up dismissing them all cause a lot of people were doing them already. I ended up going for something a bit les traditional and something the every day person could use. I chose to make coffee cup placers. These are helpful when having coffee in the office to prevent from any of it getting on your desk or even your papers which would be horrible. I opted to used Cd's for this because its something that is easy to find in the house that is no longer being used. I also choose to shower it with white glitter to give it more of a sophisticated look since glitter is really in. The glitter would also prevent the coffee mugs or cups to slip due to the roughness it gives the CD.

Ceiling Art - When I noticed other tiles being painted on to create a personality for the room I was excited to paint a tile myself. I knew I wanted something to reflect the freedom we had in the room and the different aspects of art. To me art is about creating a vision and reaching for the best it can be. Being able to be creative allows me to dream and fly. Which is what the tile says. When it came to thinking about something else to go with it. I opted to draw 3 dream catchers. Each one stands for learn create lead. The biggest one is the one in the middle which stands for create. I decided to make this the biggest one since it is the one standing for creation, and of course we all know the art studio allows us to create all things possible.

Photoshop - Going in to doing this I found myself really excited about using photoshop. Even though I didn't know much about how to use it I was very excited to learn how to be able to use in future projects or just for fun. I came across a variety of things I wanted to do. However I drifted away from them and chose to instead try different things outs until I was content with it. I went through a bunch of effects and layers to come up with most of them. I had a lot of fun doing all of them. Even though for some I dont even remember what I did. I had fun learning how to use photoshop. It allowed me learn a new skill. As well as open my mind to learn more.

Jamie Murphy- Large Clear Object

​For this assignment I was to take a clear object and use a medium of charcoal and create my drawing. I looked at a clear glass mug while using my medium to draw what I saw. I also used an eraser to edit and go over my artwork for best results. I enjoyed this project since I have never used charcoal as a medium before. It was both an experiment and a great out come.

My Daily Routine By: Morgan Taylor

For this project we had to describe our daily routine by showing a video and explaining in spanish
I learned how to use imovie better and I also had a lot of fun making this project.
This project helped me with my fluent speaking and pronunciation of words as well as the conjugation of verbs.
Inquiry- We are asked to describe our daily routine. I had to ask myself exactly what I d almost every day and how I was going to present that in a short 3 minutes.
Research- I had to find different words like agarrar mi cosas which means grab my things and how to find different verbs and conjugate them to mean different things.
Collaboration- I worked with my peers so that I can make my project better they peer edited my work and I perr edited theirs.
Presentation- I made an interesting imovie with clips of what I do in my daily life, although I did not add my extra curriculars I think it captures what I mainly do. I also added sub titles to explain exactly what I was doing just in case you couldn't tell.
Reflection- I would try to add more about what I do at school and with my friends. Every day I have a different schedule and I go a lot of places and maybe next time I will add that to my project.

Reflexión Para el PSA

Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre reciclaje. 
Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue reciclaje es muy importante por el medio ambiente.
Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque nosotros muy trabajamos. 
Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría los fotos en video 

Jamie Murphy- 5 Edited Photos

​This assignment was to to take 200 photos. Out of these 200 pictures we were to find the 5 best ones. I used Photoshop to edited the 5 pictures I had chosen. For some I had used color boosting effects, black and white saturation. Then others I used alpha to take away the picture from the background, then had another layer from a rainbow picture used from As for another picture I used the text input tool to add text into a picture. Which also had a gray label created from the marker tool.I liked using the Photoshop program as an editor. I love working with photography. This assignment was really fun and I worked very well with it.
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Q2 Benchmark aeddy

A Basic summary of my daily routine monday through thursday
In this assignment I had to talk about my day and I enjoyed it very much.

I learned that I am actually a calm person and don't really do much monday thru thursday.
The skills I needed were comprehension and speaking.

Inquiry- I inquired on how I can express my routine.
Research- I sat to think about what I do.
Collaboration-I worked with my classmates to help improve my project.
Presentation-Added music, used cool slides, used alot of pictures for motion
Reflection- I think I did very well.

If I had to redo this project I would add more photos and not pictures

Refléxion de PSA

Escribe una relfexión personal en español sobre el PSA en tu blog usando este formato: 

Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre contaminacíon de aire en Filadelfia. 

Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue en Filadelfia tienes much cotaminacíon de aire.

Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque es tiene importante informacíon y soluciones.

Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría la tema.

Mi trabajo!!!!

·       Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre...My group and I did a PSA about...

·       Mi grupo hicimos un PSA sobre arbolas!!!!!

·       Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue...By creating this PSA, the most important thing I learned was...

·       Por crear el PSA, la cosa mas importante que aprendi fue arboles muy importante con enviromente, porque CO2 es no bueno, y O es muy bueno!!

·       Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque... Ellos en muy comica, pero muy “hard” a trabajo y completa proyectos, es possible, pero “hard”

·       Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría...If I could do the project again, I would change...

·       Si puduera hacer el proyecto otry vez, yo cambiaria pasado frases, porque los frases no es bueno.

Advanced Art: Dakota Foster

AdvArt: Quarter 3 - Dakota Foster

Copy the Master & Large Clear Object 

     I am doing the Copy the Master and Large Clear Object because it was assigned to me as a classwork grade. I wanted to try to make it the best projects I did before. For the Copy the Master, I used a picture from a collection by Ali Jabbar called Simple Public Figures. I drew everything with pencil and measured it out. I finished the rest with paint.  For the Large Clear Object, I did a glass. For the background, I shaded it with charcoal, lightly. Then, I drew the outline of the glass darker with a charcoal. I made the inside of the glass lighter by blending with a paper towel. 

     I wanted to make the glass look lighter in the middle because it needed to look like a clear object. I made other parts of the glass darker because the way of the sun hitting the glass. Since, one side of the glass is being hit my sun, the other side of the glass would have a shadow. I wanted the illusion that the glass was clear even though, it was a 2-D drawing. For Copy the Master, I wanted to picture to be an exact copy of the original. The painting wasn't the exact same but, I did the best I could. The color may be off some in the suit area,but it is a good replica.


Q2 Benchmark ETO

  • What was the assignment?  
    For the quarter 2 part of this year, we were learning how to talk about our daily routine. At the end of the quarter, we were assigned this project. We had to make a video and describe our day.
  • What did you enjoy about this project?  
    I got to get together with my family and act out my day.


  • What did you learn about yourself after mapping out your daily routine?  
    I wake up very early. My daily routine just repeats itself and changes on the weekend. It was fun writing it out.

  • What skills did you acquire related to the Spanish language?
    I learned the different parts of my house. I also learned how to use the verb form of the words/vocabulary.

  • How did you use each of the 5 core values in completing this project?
    Inquiry: We talked and asked about how we spend our days.
    Research: I searched up the vocabulary words and learned them in order to do this project.
    Collaboration: We did a lot of peer and teacher edits.
    Presentation: We are doing indiviual presentations.
    Reflection: I am currently doing my reflection.

  • If you could do this over for the purpose of improving your final product, how would you change it or what would you add to it?
    I would like to add music and more pasos.

Art "Sculpture"

I decided to put my own twist on the internet sculpture project. Instead of doing the common clay recreation, I wanted to do something different. I found a photo of a lego mindstorm robot called, "Alpha Rex." I already had the lego mindstorm kit that my mother bought me years ago. So i recreated my own version with the parts that I had and there you have it.

Clear Object and Copy A Master

Clear Object

​I had some trouble with the clear object drawing. It didn't really understand how to "shade" and make the object more 3D like. I started with covering the entire paper with the black charcoal and then faded the color to a lighter grey by taking a paper towel and lightly brushing the canvas. Next I proceeded to draw the outer edges of the vase. I tried my best to shade the picture to make it "pop" a little more, but I don't think I did a good enough job.

Copy A Master

I saw the picture on google images and it immediately caught my attention. I always had a fascination with outer space and when I was little I used to go to the library to read books about the behemoth objects that filled our outer atmosphere. I started with drawing lightly the outer shapes of the planets which I would later fill in with colors. With the help of my friends Shi and Toni, I was able to make recreate the image to the best of my abilities.

Q2 Art Work

I had a wonderful experience with doing this pieces of art. I look at different things and did then differently. I think I made progression since the first quarter in this art class. Ms. Hull has help me a lot to become more comfortable with the way I draw. I know my work my not be perfect but at least at the end of the day I can say I tried!
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Q2 Advanced Art

​In Q2 advanced art I have seen many improvements in the art creations that I have made. Many of these art pieces were made from past skills that I have learned from recent art projects that I received in Q1 of advanced art class.

Q2-  Clear glass object drawn of a VOSS water bottle with charcoal pencils.
Q2- 1 of the 200 pictures, edited in PhotoShop.