
I retook my statistics quiz and i did better than last time, Thank God cause i really want to go to prom i picked out my dress and everything.It will be wasted money if i don't work on this. Well i mean i still have like an F but it's a high F so that's not so bad as long as i keep up tracking and do my benchmark i should be set. 

Aja Wallace_Quarter 4 Artwork

 - Make a sculpture
-Take 200 photos and edit the ones you wants you want, put the pics we think are the best
- Copy a piece by a famous artist (Alexander Calder)
- Draw a bike 3 times
- Draw an observation from outside

    This quarter unlike any other was small so I really had to try and find my imagination so I would make everything but still be content with my end result.
    The first thing was the bird house which too a really long time. It was all worth is because I was and am happy with what it looks like now. The paint was the hardest part, it took about three hours to paint. I did learn that I like oil paint one copper. It looks nice and I actually use real oil along with the paint, it helps it smooth out and the brush move better. The only problem is it takes about one week or a little more to dry.
    The pictures I did i only chose three to edit and and extra two to up load. For some reason I didn't really like any of the pictures I took. When I was using photoshop I was in a way playing with the idea of making the next picture different as if the idea came from another person to make it that way. But to still have it clear that is the same picture. The rose happens to be my favorite because I love a good black and white picture. It's something about it that keeps me content. It's sort of like the second picture it looks simple but it's not. I tried to play around with the texture of the picture and bring out the clouds and at the same time keep some of the focus on the rainbow. The third picture is of my little cousin at her birthday party. she was sitting quite so I thought it would make for a perfect picture. Right after I took it I had the idea of making it look like she kind of sitting in the mist of smoke or something. Thinking of some sort of fairy tale look. I finally choose to keep it with the while and smudging out the background some to blind in. The picture under it with the straw throughout the Capri Sun was something one of my older cousins did. In  a rush because she was very thirsty, after she attempted to put the straw in the drink she was confused as to why she was unable to drink anything. In that moment I could not stop laughing and thought it would be perfect to capture. The last picture I took was of my little sister playing pee-a-boo with me and I thought it was so cute. When ever I play games with my little sister she makes the cutest little farces and I always want to take a picture. This time she kept coving her face when she saw me try to take it, but i actually like this picture better than the one I was trying to take.
    The artist work I choose to copy was Alexander Calder I liked his art because it was something I was not use to trying to do. I like the simplicity of the art. The only problem I had was looking at the colors. I see some of my colors way off or slightly off. When I first looked a the snake on the right it was dark blue but now that I compare it to Alexander's piece it looks more green. But I still am happy with the way I did it. Even though the art might have seemed smile when I first started drawing and coloring it, it became harder to do as I got closer to finishing.
    The bikes were hard for me, it was the first time I ever tried to draw a bike. I've never thought about it before. I liked the different types of ways we had to draw it, it was in a sense looking at it from a different perspective. Only drawing lines, only drawing negative space and and drawing everything but the bike. All the picture look different as they should. Even thought in all three picture I was drawing the bike it was way different aspects and shapes that needed to be drawn to complete the picture.
    The last thing that I needed to draw was an observation form outside. I pick this observation because when I first saw it I tried to imagine it on paper. It was hard for me to do it but I just tried my best to remember what Ms. Hull always says, draw what you see, not what you think you see. Therefor I have my master piece.
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Pabelln Vegetariano y Tostones Phoenix y Jovan

Pabellón vegetariano
  • Tiene (It has...) / Viene con (It comes with...)
    Tiene plantañas, arroz, frijoles negros, y cebollas
  • Es bueno para: (write who this dish would be good for - atletas, niños, todos, vegetarianos, los que están a dieta)
    Es bueno para vegetarianos, y los que están a dieta.
  • Predicción/Opinión: (No) Me gustaría.

    Phoenix: Me gustaría. Parece sabrosa!

  • Screen shot 2011-05-10 at 1.41.30 PM
    Screen shot 2011-05-10 at 1.41.30 PM

    Tarea 5/9

    ¿Qué aprendiste hoy sobre Guatemala?
    No estuve en clase pero aprendiste un poco sobre Guatemala en otros clases. Yo se que es en America central y que fue una colonia de España. 

    ¿Qué aprendiste sobre Rigoberta Menchu?

    Rigoberta Menchu es un mujer de Guatemala. Ella es de una tribu indígena y lucha para los derechos de su tribu y otros tribus de Guatemala. 

    Bus occurences

    Today, while riding on the bus, a woman asked if she could use my cell phone. I was afraid that she would take it and run away, but I lent it to her anyway, mainly because it's a crappy phone and if anything her stealing it would be a good thing for me because then I would have an excuse to buy a new one. Alas, she made her call and gave the cell phone back. True story.