Are you coming to the party? (Text Messages)

Leah: ​Bestie
Me: Wait who is this. My numbers deleted and I have another phone. Leah?, Naima?
Leah: Leah:)
Me: O hey bestfriend:)))
Leah: Lol how r u?
Me: Lol i'm good. You?
Leah: I'm going to Kourtnee thing tomorrow?
Me: Naw i'm not going. Well if I dnt go see my friend then i'm going. You going?
Leah: Yeah u should come
Me: What time does it start again?
Leah: 9
Me: Ard it depends on how long I'm out. I'll try to come though
Leah: Ok i'll hit u up 2moro and if u need a ride i'll come get u 
Me: Alright bestfriend


So I'm running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off because I need a calculator for the ACT test tomorrow. I also don't have any pencils, I am so unprepared.  On top of all of that, my admission ticket wouldn't print out. Plus I'm getting distracted by Nicki Minaj and Kid Cudi on my playlist. For some reason, I can already feel that tomorrow is going to be a bad day. Hopefully I can get this text done and over with.

Incident Z, prolog+chapter1sec1(for2/11/2011)


            I loved her, but that didn’t’ matter, not anymore.. I raised my fathers gun paused for a second that seemed like an hour, then I pulled the trigger. She dropped to the ground, a hole in her head. My hand was shaking and my stomach hurt now. The sight of her brains on the floor made me sick and the look in her eyes.  I could barley stand it. I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger

Chapter one. How it all started.

            My name is Justin A smith.  My full name is a joke devised by my parents. Justin Author Smith, or as it sounds “just another smith” all my friends called me Smitty or just, a name I did not mind. I was  normal size for a 15 year old, not very strong but I liked to fight. My dad was my favorite person in my family, then my younger sister, eve . I had 3 siblings a younger sister, a younger brother, named Dan and an older brother named Jacob.  My mom had died when my younger brother was born.  Her death was hard on all of us.  My dad was a police officer and worked long hours, so  I had to watch everyone, because Jacob just played games all day. I was the official babysitter.

            My dad trusted me probably because iv earned his trust. I never did drugs or had even a sip of beer in my life. I was never a bad kid, I liked to fight, but I fought for good reasons, and my dad saw that, and being the man that he is, he  secretly approved of this behavior. He often took me shooting to relieve my anger on the world; we shot targets, and, after I got my hunters’ license, sometimes small game.

            People are stupid, and it is this thinking that has lead me to have very few friends. The few friends I had were awesome. I had john, and Chris, ted, Jen, Rob, Ally, Ant and Jane. all great friends who understood me.  We went paintballing together, liked the same music, and me john and ted all loved a sport known as parkour, getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. We stuck up for each other and it was as if we were a big family.


            I can see myself reading this and asking what gives, where is the romance, there is always a girl, where is the storyline why are you just telling us about you, who cares. But it’s all-important to understand. I was just a regular kid before it all started. And there was a girl, actually there were a few, it was very complicated because at 15 I was unsure of what to do.


            I was in love with one of my best friends’ little sister, and it seemed wrong and I just never really wanted to say anything. Teds younger sister, Julia was perfect, she was also only 12. A friends younger sister, now I’m no expert, but if it were my sister, id feel uncomfortable . Now while I was secretly in love with her, I also had a crush on two other girls, Chris’ sister, Nicole who was older and Jen. Chris’ sister knew and said to me she loved me. I told her I loved her too, but I’m not so sure that’s true. We dated secretly because we feared what Chris would say, but really, I also feared what Julia would say. I felt wrong about it. I loved Julia and that I knew, but I also knew I could never be with her.

             Now I need to ask do you believe in god? I did before it all started, and sometimes I still do, but then I think, why would all this happen. Why would god let it happen? It all started when we were all together. It was a meeting for our paintball squad, which we took very seriously despite it just being a game.  It was at teds house, and Chris’ older sister was also there, so I felt really awkward.  Luckily when we concentrate on paintball I can get my mind of things. Paintball, and fighting came naturally to me. I’m not just saying that. I really kicked ass.

            That night we decided to take a break from paintball and watch TV. we turned in on and it was in the middle of some sort of emergency broadcast. It was very broad and it did not have someone speaking it was scroll on the bottom of the screen.  The exact words were “ Attention, there is a sickness going around that is considered highly dangerous and everyone should stay indoors and avoid infected, this is for all areas” it was short and badly written. We didn’t think much of it.  As long as we were safe going home we figured we would be good. We were terribly mistaken.

            That night I was driven home by Chris’ older sister, I thanked her more then once and got in the door. Dad was not home, which was odd because it was his day off. I figured he must be at the bar. My little siblings Eve and Dan were asleep already and my older brother Jacob was playing some zombie killing game. As for me I had homework to do. Before I started Jacob yelled in, “yo, dad wanted you to call”

            “What for?”

            “Hell if I know, just do it”

            I nodded and picked up the phone. When he answered he seemed tired

            “Son, I might not be home tonight, did you see the emergency broadcast?”

            “Yeah, dad, why? Is it bad?”

            “Oh yes its very bad, listen to me, you’re the most responsible in that house. If the sickness reaches you, don’t be afraid to defend the house, it’s not a normal sickness. If you see an infected you’ll know….and I want you to kill any that you see”


“ no there’s no time, just listen, you know how to shoot, you know how a gun works, there is a gun in the draw by my bed, its loaded  and ready to go, bullet in the chamber and all, there are extra clips too….I love you son”

             I was speechless all I could say was a faint “I love you too” and not even really register what I has said until he hung up. I felt as if I was in the twilight zone. It felt unreal. My dad told me to kill infected? What the hell was going on, their sick but their still people…aren’t they? I was getting scared so I did as my dad said.

            In the drawer I found the Glock 19, fully loaded 16 shots with the three extra clips of 15. I was hopping I would not have to ever use them

Story #5 Story time in the Hospital

​We got to the hospital around 11ish and I signed myself in because i was a big boy. my sister got sent to my uncle's house around 11:30. After about 12:30ish we started reading Harry Potter and we continued this up until the x-rays and then while we were waiting for the results. The reason this stuck with me is because everyone in the room (there were quite a few people in the same room just barely separated by curtains) was into and enjoying the book. We were able to read a solid 2 and a half hours of the book and we got legitimate cries of disappointment when we left. At about 3:00 am we left the hospital and I am informed that i rambled inane and random questions on the way to the car about things that made no sense.  

I Don't Know What To Write About

I sat in front of my laptop screen with a blank face. Life felt so pressured at that moment. I needed to make a story and upload it to a blog for class. It was so difficult. My mind was cloudy at the time. Other thoughts were floating around my ideas.
"When will she text me? What other homework do I have left to do? What am I going to do when I'm done?" These thoughts kept disrupting my focus. I couldn't concentrate. After a couple minutes of useless thoughts, it hit me. I could write a story about anything. So I decided to write a story about the moment of myself writing this story you are reading now.

Going off the plan

​​ It was one of my final couple days me and cousin Tracy would be spending with my aunt Juanita in Princeton. We had gone out shopping and on our way to Walmart when on a when Tracy turned off the road and onto the highway.
"Lets mix it up! We are going to the beach"
I grinned excitedly from the backseat of the car. For me random little mix up like these I lived for and if it involved the beach I was triple excited. The trip passed by for a long while as I zoned out listening to a shuffle of Owl City's Ocean Eyes on my iPod. All the windows had been rolled down to cool out the hot car. Though it was a bit uncomfortable I ignored it at the thought of the trip being worth it.

 Over a hour into our trip Juanita convinced Tracy we needed more sunscreen and hats to protect ourselves from the sun one we arrived at the beach. Tracy turned the car into a random K-mart (I thought it was funny that we found one of the competitors to the place we actually meant to go to) parking lot. We got out the car, as I did I grabbed the dress I bought earlier in the day. To me it was not only as chance to literally feel cooler in the high heat but perfect moment to wear it. Once inside the store I asked a clerk inside if I could use their restroom or changing room which they allowed. Excitedly I went and changed before me and Tracy went on a scavenger hunt trying on hats and to find better sunscreen. Once done we returned to the car again and jetted off down the high way.

 Within another hour or so we arrived in a small beach town that we didn't even know the name of (and we still don't.) We drove through the town till we got to the other side to the beach. Quickly we found a parking spot then all climbed out. I dug in my purse fishing out my camera then hide my purse with in the seats again. We headed up the boardwalk and walked along. Many people were heading off the beach walking over to restaurants, walking along the board while others were still camped out with their families watching and playing in the waves. I looked around happily snapping away with my camera. After walking for a bit we bought some waters and sat on the side of the board walk looking at the shore line as the sunset began. I sat their admiring it then picked up my camera and tried to time it till I got the perfect shot. When I looked at the screen on my camera I felt proud feeling it was one of the best photos I had taken. The best photo taken on a random family trip that I would never forget.

The Effects Of Evil Warlocks

There once was an island made of chocolate. It rested in the northernmost part of the world and the frozen milk chocolate land held itself proudly and supported the gingerbread people that lived upon it. The meager homes of the ginger-people were made of ginger-elder bodies and ice cream, which may seem cruel but was all they could do to create a shelter for the roots of the taffy trees that held jelly bean fruit dug deeply into the chocolate earth and could not be cut down. The ginger-people of this chocolate land kept up their health by drinking milk from their magical lakes and feasting on the bodies of sour patch children that were scattered along their island.These ginger-people lived in peace and happiness for hundreds of years, oblivious to the world around them.

One day years later…

A ginger-child with golden brown skin and white, creamy hair was out playing and hadn't come home. It was a Sunday and most of the ginger-people had spent the day in their homes with their families when suddenly the village could hear screams of this young child. The mother ran out of her home to look for the ginger-child when she realized she couldn't move. Her feet had stuck in the chocolate ground around her and when she realized she couldn't move she called to her ginger-husband. He stood at the door of his home and did his very best to pull her out, but couldn't manage. He went inside his home, used his magical box that connected them to world through something called the inter-web and looked for a way to save his wife and child from the embrace of their chocolate island.

He found that at a certain temperature chocolate melted! This melting was causing the softening of his chocolate earth and this is how is lover and child became caught. He also found that this change in temperature was due to a magic spell called Global Warming that was being cast by evil witches and warlocks that lived across the globe. What did this mean for his island?For weeks and weeks he researched and thought of new ways to fix this melting of his island, but there was nothing he could do. And eventually, this chocolate island melted and became nothing more than a piece of the sea and the culture of the ginger-people was lost forever.


Bobby was walking in the school park when he figured out he forgot his dignity at his house. Bobby asked his friend johanna for a piece of his dignity.

B: Hey
J: Hey
B: You able to give me some dignity, I left mine at home.
J: Sure, how much do you need?
B:I need a lot actually because my parents are coming from Virginia to visit me and they are going to put me down because of the cheating incident.
J: Okay

Bobby was able to receive enough dignity to get through the weekend with his parents.


​It all started yesterday morning when I was finally woken up by my alarm clock that's been playing "Fireworks" by Katy Perry and Chio talking about the upcoming episode of Jersey Shore. As I rolled out of bed I felt sore and achy, but instead of feeling sad I was ecstatic that my new work-out routine was actually working. So I began my normal stretching routine when I realize I can't quite turn completely side to side. Strange. I make my way to school and I am continuously reminded of the horrible ache in my back. And of what my optimistic attitude hope would happen (it would most certainly get better), it most certainly did not. Instead it got unbearably worse. At this point, near the end of the day, I can barely stand. So I call my dad and he tells me he's working and can not pick me up. Then Deja calls my brothers girlfriend, Nina, to come pick me up because I refused to call because I didn't want to inconvenience her. When Deja hands me the phone I wait to see if she'll pick up. She doesn't. However, she immediately calls back and Ricky picks up. 

"Hello...yea" then he laughs and hands me the phone

"...this grown man on the phone, Where is Pookie!"

"Are you still talking, he's not on the phone anymore"

"Ooooh my goodness who is that picking up your phone?"


"Oh, I was about to say who this grown man picking up your phone, Hahaha, but wassup Pookie"

I then explain to her the situation

"Pookie! This could be serious. You know what, call your mom and see if she wants me to take you to the hospital, how could this happen!"

"I fine I mean you can finish what your doing and then come up here."

"No, Pookie I'm on my way now"

In about an hour and a half I'm stiffly laying in my bed singing also to Natasha Bedingfield "Strip Me" waiting on my mom to tend to what appears to be a back spasm caused by the unknown and provoked by every movement. 

How Rude!

My long strides matched the tempo of the music in my ears as I pushed myself even harder on the elliptical.  The timer read 23:29; my 30 minutes of cardio were almost over.  I turned my gaze back to the TV, showing Giada De Laurentiis frying chocolate ravioli for Valentines Day.  As she pulled the first one out of the pan, I saw a man standing beside me, too close to my body to have simply paused to watch the program.  I turned my head and smiled, realizing in the process that I recognized him.  

"Oh, hi! How have you been?" I asked, removing my earbuds.
"Pretty good.  How's Trevor?"

"Fine.  You know, just chugging along through middle school. And Ethan?"

"He's doing great."  An uncomfortable grin formed on his lips. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I have about 5 more minutes." I said, deciding I could cut a few minutes out of my workout for his sake.

"Because I had signed up for that machine and-"
"Oh! I'm sorry.  Here, you can go ahead.  Sorry about that."

The hidden demand took me by surprise. I jumped off the machine and proceeded to wipe it down.  I bit my lip; no point in getting angry. I maintained my fake smile throughout the rest of the conversation.  Rarely was I kicked off a machine.  It happened occasionally with strangers, but never did I expect an acquaintance to deny me of my final five minutes.  


The other day when I woke up it was cold. When I went to take out the trash it was cold. When I was waiting for my bus it was cold. While waiting for my other bus it was cold. As I walked into school I was still cold. The room where I had my first class was cold. My second class was cold. The school bathroom was cold. The back stairways were cold, actually they're freezing. When I stepped outside of school to go home it was cold. While I was waiting for my bus it was cold. When I was waiting for my other bus it was cold. When I walked in my house it was warm. I like my house.


Me: Kevin ( my younger brother) play monopoly with me!

Kevin: I don't feel like it kat.

Me: PLease I really wanna play!

Kevin: eww that's what she said.

Me:come on kevin, for real... Lets play man.

Kevin: I'm really tiered of loosing Kat, like the game god's hate me, I never get to pass Go, I always get sent to jail, I never collect Free Parking money I only end up buying the ghetto spots on the board and Im always first to be bankrupt, I really can not emotionally take it anymore.

Me:.... so no..?

Keving: No.


Ceasar: Open, Middle of the summer, thuderes yelling, and fighting, “Bang!” singular gunshot rings out, attention focuses large bolder, Ceasar appears at the top of the bolder.

My friends! Welcome.  I am glad to see you have come, I’m glad to see you all leave your nice cool home into the heat of summer. But now is not the time for small talk. You’re standing right now in the center of the canyon tunnel pass, the biggest  drug route known to us. Each of you are the best of the best in you cartels, 10 cartels sending 10 delegates, each cartel having 4,000, and there’s over a hundred more small cartels. That’s over 40,000 hardcore members, 40,000 more counting, affiliates and 30,000 more not organised but ready to fight. Thats more then 100,000 soldiers that are ready to fight! Now there no then tens of thousand policia in the whole country, giving us a massive avantage. Muy buenao, no?
[begins to pace]
Now think of it one all powerful force. One Cartel. One cartel that controls everything! Nothing would move, without us allowing it to happen! Think of it, we can control everything, the air ways, the border, everything! We could tax the crime syndicates, and control the policia. We could own this country.

The problem in the past has consistantly been the policia turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we’ve been fighting for traffic ways, or precincts, and our turf, our little piece of turf. que el total de mierda mis amigos. The turf is ours by right. It is all ours!

With an alliance we would be able to slowly take america as well, branching to every state, controlling their gangs, and crime. We can remold the country into our own image of power. We would have the ability to produce 300 times the amount of coke, marijuana, and meth. And with all this extra product we would be send our products over seas, becoming an international Cartel.

All we have to do is keep up the general truce.”

Tyrone Biggums : Open, sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night, rocking back and forth, pale, sweaty, and paranoid.

I’m a user of some if the most dangerous drugs in the world. I'm talking about cocaine, but not just cocaine, heroin and any other hard drug you’ve heard about. If it could get me high I’m on it. But until now i had to get my drugs from different cartels.

You’re goin be shocked to hear it, I know I was but there is talk about all the cartels are going to form an alliance. Yeah, an alliance,  is the most dangerous thing in the world and the reason it's the most dangerous is because they are deadly and powerful apart, with them as a one thing man, prices are goin through the fuckin roof.

Druggies use to get high so we can escape problems. But with this alliance we are goin to be screwed, shit it wont just be druggies, it will be the pigs too. the cops will be screwed too, they are out numbered, out gunned, have less then half of the resources the cartels do.

Robert Joseph Smith :
Open, leaning back on a chair, boots on the table.

I hate  fucking mexicans! All their drugs, and guns, and the death they bring with them.
[lunges forward in the chair]
They took somthing from me, they took everything from me.  things that i can never get back, they took him away, without even a warning, or a reason. He was incecnt, he was just a boy. after he was killed, she became depressed, an...and, killed herself.
But thats none of your fuckin concern you little prick.
they compensated for what they did very well, offered me a job, pay, very nice pay. You know what I’m sayin santos?
I know i could get locked up if i continue to do buisness with them.
So? So nothin,  i don’t fuckin care! I make more a week then i do in a year, smuggling them over the border, and lettin them destribute wmd’s and drugs. Whos goin to say anything anyway? You? Hahahaha, you would never, who do u think IA is goin to beleive? a rookie fresh out the academy, or a tenured vet? Hahaha even if you snitch on me, they will be after you, and thats the last thing you want right?
How bout this, i talk to Ceasar, see if hes got an openin, and you could get a slice of the bread. What do you say to that, hmmmm?
Well think about this while your at it, you would make twice as much a week, then you would in a year. Your kids would be set for life, you and your wife too.
[Leans back into the chair, putting boots on the table]
Ok, i’ll give you till tomarra then the deals closed. Oh and by the way, if you mention this to anybody, i might make a visit to you wife and kids, do you under stand me?
Good. Now go check the east wing.

Michael Gabriel Santos :
open, Sitting at the dining room table looking at bills

[puts bills down, puts his hand on his forehead slowly swiping back]
Why did he tell me that?
What is the pourpse of tellin me that he works for Ceasar.  is he trying to test me. Is he even legit?
He didnt seem like he was playin around.
And if he wasnt screwin around, why would he offer me a “position” with him?
what the hell should i do? Should I take the deal, he says he makes a lot, and money is a real scarce thing now-a-days.
I really need the money. WE really  need the money, its not every day someone offers you a six didget salary, we’re bearly gettin by with what im making now, and
between the kids schooling, both the morgages, mom and dads care.
But if I get cought, then everythings screwed, my family needs me. My family needs the money.
And even if i dont do this, what would i do bout smith, i couldnt live with myself if i just let him continue to endanger American citizens, but i cant report him, he knows where i live, and i have to protect my family.
And the likely hood of us getting cought is slim.
But i just dont know.
I cant beleive that im really trying to decide between morals, or money.
Thats it i’ve made my choise, im goin to........

High Voice

So last night was the funniest thing in the world. My brother sent my mother and I a box of chocolate covered fruit for valentines day along with a balloon. So I was sitting there with my mother and her friend and I noticed that my mom looked a little sad; so I decided to suck the helium out of the ballon to make my voice really high. I started talking and I sounded like I was apart of the cartoon. My mom laughed so hard that she was crying. I kept calling her and asking her if she wanted to try but she was laughing so hard that she couldn't speak. After all of the helium was gone, I was so high to the point that I thought my head was gonna roll of my shoulders. The funniest thing was that I had a terrible after taste in my mouth because the type of balloon it was. Usually I suck the chemical out of the rubber balloons but this time it was the metallic one. I was just happy I made my mother happy. 

A sentence is worth 250 words...

Be it the 7 Eagles Jerseys, 9 Phillies Jerseys (1 of which is signed), 4 Flyers Jerseys (2 were actually worn on the ice), 4 Basketball Jerseys (1 is Michael Jordan’s McDonalds High School Jersey), 1 College Football Jersey (Joe Namath Alabama), as well as a jersey worn by Donovan Mcnabb in his rookie year, and many more jerseys that I have put away in my garage; But because of all of the choices, the one I have decided to wear today is just one of the many Phillies Jerseys, with the number of one of their “Aces” and Some of my friends have told me that I should consider selling some of my “Collection” or donate them to a charity that gives clothes to kids in poverty in third world countries, so I turned around and told them “You got to be out of your mind to even think for a second I would just give away these jerseys, but I suppose it would be a good thing,” so they told me “ that is just selfish if you think them kids don’t deserve to have them jerseys that you are not even wearing,” so being the type of person I am, I simply took only the jerseys that had no worth of EVER wearing and sent them to the charity organization that takes care of the distribution so a couple of days went by and I had received a couple of letters from places I had never heard of with pictures enclosed of the kids who got the jerseys.

The Ride Home

I was sitting on the trolley on my way to 15th street, nothing unusual as so much goes for my daily routine. I get to 15th street and I begin to wait for the train to come rushing through on the tracks, standing as close as I can to the edge of the tracks so that I could feel the rush of air come through as the train passes. I look over to my right as I see a bunch of other kids harass this one other kid. The kids were speaking in a different language, sadly it was not Polish but something Slavic, probably Albanian. At the point when I looked over it was hard to tell if they were just playing around or if they were actually serious, but as time went by waiting for the train, I could tell that they were serious. I typically am the type of person that would not approach a problem if it is not mine because involving myself would only bring up a bigger problem probably for myself and the victim. As the train moves in on the tracks, I feel the whip of air hit me as it passes by. I could only help but think, how much that kind of bullying affects people and how it just can not be ignored sometimes. It really is a shame things come down to physical contact because of the weakness in other's people self esteem or even possibly boredom? What has this world come down to? What is our next generation going to be like, will things become worse? 

Accidental Trail

We entered the basement  prepared to catch The Greenfield Strangler in the middle of committing what we thought to be his fifth murder, however when we arrived in the basement of 4302 S. Spruce Lane, there was nothing there but an empty room and the echo of our voices yelling "NYPD", the basement filled with the smell of ammonia and Pine-Sol which told us that he had perhaps cleansed his basement to hide any evidence... or maybe it was what he wanted us to think,  but nothing made sense, all of the clues and evidence that he left behind lead us to this address at this specific time; from The Strangler leaving a DVD copy of "The Usual Suspects" that only played through the first several crime scenes, to his gruesome idea of carving the numbers 4-3-0-2 into each of his victims, leaving all four of his victims corpse on the south of every street, The Strangler calling dispatch at 4:32pm after every murder he'd committed, and this street that the killer gave us during the last call to dispatch, nothing was clear and for the first time I felt that we were at a dead end, that was until I pulled up my pad which contained observations from every crime scene and I looked at every detail, Jim Scippio found in a deserted parking lot south of "Gold's Gym" on Singapore Ave, Diamin Johnson found beaten and strangled on south of 25th and Diamond, Nial Braxton found in an Alley on South Street, under her mutilated corpse was a brochure advertising a visit to East Africa and a tour of the Nile River, Shahir Martin found in a bush South of MLK Drive, I started to realize that every victim was found with with some sort of evidence that was a homophone of their name, and our initial suspect Terry Mathews was an English teacher at a local Public School, our missing victim Kristen Matthews was a former student of his and there is in fact a 4300 block of Christain Avenue not far from here.