Lloyd Williams Othello Benchmark Journals

1-Bade him anon return and here speak with me,

The which he promised. Do but encave yourself,

And mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable scorns

That dwell in every region of his face.

For I will make him tell the tale anew

Where, how, how oft, how long ago, and when

He hath, and is again to cope your wife.

I say, but mark his gesture. Marry, patience,

Or I shall say you are all in all in spleen,

And nothing of a man.

Now will I question Cassio of Bianca,

A huswife that by selling her desires

Buys herself bread and clothes. It is a creature

That dotes on Cassio, as ’tis the strumpet’s plague

To beguile many and be beguiled by one.

He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain

From the excess of laughter. Here he comes.

As he shall smile, Othello shall go mad.

And his unbookish jealousy must construe

Poor Cassio’s smiles, gestures, and light behavior

Quite in the wrong.—How do you now, lieutenant?

In this scene Othello is raging, and Iago has to pretend to be sympathetic to his cause. For this reason he would be act angry, or at least annoyed. Because Othello is his general, he would be very stiff, and formal. Then when he starts to talk to the audience, he would show his true face, He would put on a scowl, maybe brush himself off, and speak in a low menacing voice. Once he starts talking to cassio he is very playful, laughing and acting foolish.

2-Roderigo is missing for a large portion of the play. He tells Barbantio of Othello and Desdemona’s marriage. He doesn’t show up again until Iago has gotten Cassio drunk, at which point he enrages Cassio. Then he takes a long absence once again until it is time for Iago to goad him into killing Cassio, which leads to his death. Due to Iago’s trickery, he spends most of the play believing that Desdemona will soon come to him.  Based on the scenes he was in, it’s clear that he was not socially important, and had no way of knowing anything that was going on.

3-When Iago was a very young child his younger brother Tiago was born. Tiago was always much stronger, and favored by his parents. Tiago quickly ascended rank in the military. Iago vowed to do the same, and quickly joined the army. When he was placed under a moor, his brother ridiculed him, increasing his hatred. One night at a saloon someone made a joke that Othello had been with Iago’s wife, and his hatred for the moor was born.

4-I have to make sure to accentuate when talking about Desdemona, and be generally sinister. I also have to laugh and joke with Cassio. I am going to use an umbrella as a dagger hooked to my waist. We have decided that all the actions should be really dramatized.

5-“Now will I question Cassio of Bianca. It is a creature that dotes on Cassio. He when he hears of her cannot refrain from the excess of laughter.” This line is important because it explains how a key component of the plan will work. Without this Cassio and Iago laughing at Bianca would make no sense, and disrupt the entire end of the play. Yes it went as planned for the most part, although I messed up a few of my lines. I think we could have been more dramatic and over the top. The livee performance made

Traición Padre Enero

Hola soy Father McEnroe, el sacerdote a Saint Patrick's English School. Creo este todo el mundo tiene un derecho aprender a él mismo como todos los demás. No hace asunto si estas pobre o rico cuales es por que dí Machuca y los otros niños una oportunidad venir a mi escuela. Con la patria a guerra y General Pinchet tentando derrocar Presidente Allende quiero mostrar un ejemplo este cree con Allende. Pinochet es por la clase alta pero más de la patria es clase baja haciendo su un mal líder por las gentes de chile.

En un vistazo ve una mujer buscando a el barril de una pistola. Sin embargo si miras a detalles y colores la mujer representa madre naturaleza . La verde natural buscando musgo creciendo en ella, la cascada caída de ella cabeza y los pájaros volando alrededor de su cabeza estan todos señal este su es madre naturaleza. También yo avistó este la pistola tiene construcción en lo con una mano tenencia; yo pienso lo que representa constricción de humano. También la pistola tiene un boca y madre naturaleza es tentando besar lo. La imagen es supone representa el traición de humanos a madre naturaleza. Pienso lo que es brillantes que el pintor quierió mostrar cómo hombre tiene usé tierra de madre naturaleza y apuñaló su en la espalda.

Chile es en un estado de civil gurrea. Pinochet quiere cambiar la país de socialist a un capitalist gobierno. Este fue cuándo permití Machuca y otros pobre ninos en mi escuela. Entonces cosas fueran duro y allí fueran tensión entre el niños y Machuca y fueran siempre peleando, fue gusta el motín fueron suceso en la escuela. Para mi los objectos en la cuadro simbolizan comó gentes tienen tomado la tierra y cambió por sus nuestro mismo bien. Con nuestro queramos por mas construcciónes somos destruieron la tierra y haciendo la tierra peor por todo el mundo y criatura de dios.

            La mensaje este la obra trae es supone ser un despierte la llamada por humanos darse cuenta que allí necesitan ser un cambiaren el mundo. Pienso este es derecho y allí son ejemplos este mostra este necesitamos cambiar.



Negative Space Reflection

Negative space is the when the space around an object that is shaded to show the outline of an object.

I found negative space in my cut out by having the outline one color so it outlines the bird on both sides out the picture.

 I found negative space in my still life drawing my shading around the area of the object until I started to see the object in real life.

It helps an artist to see negative space because it easier to not think about the details of an object. Also it helps them draw what they see.

Seeing negative space does enhance drawings by making you see the surrounding space of object and still see the object itself.

Negative Space Drawing And Cut Out

A) Negative space is the space around or inside an object.

b)I found the negative space in the drawing by look for the space that was not occupied by an object. For the cut out it was a bit different. The negative space was already pointed out for us.

c)It gives them a better perspective on the space surrounding the object they might be drawing.

D)Yes because it will make it easier to draw the object if they can identify the space around it.

Negative Space

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

    B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?

    C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

    D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

Negative space is the shape surrounding the object your looking at. Usually when doing a normal drawing, first you would draw the object, but when drawing in negative space, you draw the outline of the object and color outside the lines, not inside. When you finish coloring the outside of the lines, the object will appear. I found negative space in both my cut outs and in my still life drawing. For the cut outs, I had a house picture template which was colored in black and white. I put my pink paper behind the template and I started cutting on the line where the two different colors, black and white met. When I finished cutting those parts, I began puzzling the pieces on my other orange paper. In the middle of the orange paper which lied horizontally, I added a vertical line where my art will change from negative to positive space. I thought of how exactly the things will look when the pieces of paper were added to show negative space. I noticed that things were suppose to be flipped when moved into the opposite side of my vertical line. Also, when I was doing my still life drawings, I first looked at the object and lightly outlined the lines of the object, then I colored the outside of those lines, so the object will be seen without really drawing it out. 

Seeing in negative space helps an artist because it forms the object inside the artist's head but on paper, the object isn't specifically drawn. This type of art lets creativity be used in a different, unique way. This negative space enhanced my drawing because of how unusal it is. It lets me think outside the box and to better my art skills. 


Negative Space

  A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative Space is the extra space on a drawing. To make it you have to outline whatever object you are making.

    B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?You find the negative space in the cutout, by cutting out the dark parts on the cut out, and pasting the outline on one side of your paper, and putting the solid part on the other side of the paper. You find negative space in the still life drawing, by outlining an object, then coloring in all the space around to make the object look a certain color. 

    C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

Seeing negative space helps an artist, because it opens their eyes to more details, and the shapes with be realistic.

    D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

I think that seeing negative space in drawings enhances drawings, because you can see more details in the drawing, so it looks more interesting.


Imani's Journals

Imani’s Journals 

Journal 1: 

Now will I question Cassio of Bianca,

A huswife that by selling her desires

Buys herself bread and clothes. It is a creature

That dotes on Cassio, as ’tis the strumpet’s plague

To beguile many and be beguiled by one.

He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain

From the excess of laughter. Here he comes.

As he shall smile, Othello shall go mad.

And his unbookish jealousy must construe

Poor Cassio’s smiles, gestures, and light behavior

Quite in the wrong.—How do you now, lieutenant?

Journal 2:

This scene is when Iago is talking to himself about Bianca & Cassio relationship. He say's 

"Now will I question Cassio of Bianca, A his wife that by selling her desires" he is saying that 

I question his love for Bianca because he is such a lier, cheater, & always has a scheme about him.In this quote he talks about how Bianca is a hoe, & needs to be taking care of her from other people.When I first read the quote I thought Iago was talking about Cassio & Bianca to Othello. But once he said " Here he comes. As he shall smile, Othello shall go mad." I knew he was being his usually self & talking about his schemes.

Journal 3:

Emila didn't have many friends growing up, because she was known as the two faced worst best friend.  Since she was young her problem was not knowing when to interfere or to just walk away. She was raised in a very wealthy home so she was a born into money which made her spoiled, or always getting the answer yes. Her childhood has had an impact on her as an adult & also learning how to become a people person. She had to learn how to life a normal life with challenges, struggles, & being said no. She experienced this in many encounters with Othello & Iago. Learning how to become a different person isn’t easy but learning how to become a trustworthy friend to Desdemona is something new.

Journal 4:

My role in the play is the character Emilia, she is Iago'a wife & has very limited roles in the play. She has different personalities or is just pretreated as that. In some scene's she is known as the peace makers, but in others she is the one known to start the fights & augments. She had a huge impact on the story because she was one of the character when Emilia & cassia found the handkerchief instead of her admitting the truth she decided not do anything which put people's lives at risk & could have changed the whole story.

For the play it's the scene where othello & emilia are in the room talking about the death of desemona & how iago (emila husband) lied bout the whole story of emilia being un-faithful. In the play I am going to be emila while ming-xue is othello in the play we are going to have a sword. we are going to be screaming, backing each other down, and using our fake desemona to interact with the scene. One of the props we need is the sword because in the scene othello pulls out a sword on emilia. We are going to be putting a lot of emition in the story, we also know most of the lines since we practice a lot. We are going to be the best group out there!! I think we are going to be the best since we used our story to help us & we used the comments from the teachers to help us improve on our scene.

Journal 5:

In the play, I become Emilia & almost all of her lies is important but when she say's " He lies to the heart: She was too fond of her most filthy bargain" I believe that was the turning  point in the play, or the nail in the coffin to Othello. This line is really important to not only Emilia but definitely to Othello. Desdemona is dead because of Othello, he only killed because he thought she was unfaithful, but as Emilia just told him it wasn't true. He lies to the heart, is not saying his or her heart but I think she's saying everyones heart but mainly Othello's. She is saying he is telling you something false that knowns will get under your skin or hit hard to your hurt. "She was too fond of her most filthy bargain" is saying she was to good, nice, or peacefully person to do something like this to a person she loved so much who was you Othello. Since I knew this line was so important in the play I made sure to make it stand out. When it was time to say these lines I spoke with anger, & rage. To show how upset she was that her husband Iago falsely accused Desdemona of cheating with Cassio. 

In the group performs I think we did a really good job, On of the best if I may say so. At first I was kinda nervous or worried that I wouldn't feel the fire or connection it takes to pull off this powerful scene. We did a really good job in bring emotion to the scene to bring the connection with us as characters & the connection with the crowd. I think we did really good not only because of the emission we bought to the set, but the placement we had on the set. Placement is very important in a play to know where to stand, how to interact with the crowd, & to make sure everyone can hear your lines form any point in the play. I am really happy with my performs in the play & the only thing I would change is that we had a longer time to remember our lines.

Negative Space

  A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
Negative space is simply coloring but instead of inside the drawing it is out side This gives a strange blank effect, where you have to make out the picture bast on the outline.

    B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?

In my orange and brown cut out I had to make a make half a picture in to the whole thing so I traced the picture and cut it out. I then separated every other piece, After placing them on the paper I have to arrange the sides to be mirrors of each other. The still life images were mainly backwards coloring books as explained above, coloring outside the lines. 

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
Negative space help artists understand which parts stand out and which do not.

    D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

If you are doing molds then it helps distinguish the differences perspective, but in a different style it would be useless.
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Fairy Tales and Sugar Plums

​Everything in this world isnt a fairy tale. Nothing ends how the story book tells you it should. Everyone might look perfect on the outside and have skelentons in their closet. 
The Sugar Plum Fairy By Jennifer Landham And Gabrielle Nigro

Digital Story: Mumzy

If there is anyone in my life that has a tale to paint a picture of, it is my mother. She is end all, be all to my quotidian life. It would be a lie to say my connection to her is based on love. It is more along the lines of admiration, like nothing could ever scratch the surface of her flawlessness.

She is, without a doubt, on a whole other level,
but this is one of the times when I realized she just as human as the rest of us.


Negative Space

   A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative spaces is the space in a piece of art that is not occupied by an object. It is usually one of the darker spaces in the drawing and artists usually fill the space with dark scribbles or ignore it.  

   B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still life drawing?

Negative space was the space in my cut-out that wasn’t occupied by the pink silhouette of the bird. It was relatively simple to find because it was the contrast of two very different colors, pink and green. In my still life drawing, it was also easy to see because the negative space was where the object wasn’t. It was pretty much a black and white contrast.

   C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist to see negative space so you can define the shape of an object without drawing all the tiny details on the object. Negative space helps define the main focal points on a piece of art.

   D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

I think negative space enhances drawing because it makes the contrast of the object and the empty space more dramatic. This means that you can more clearly show the object without having to define all the tiny details.
