
My dad and I roasted a chicken on Sunday night.  The skin was crisp enough to evoke a fried chicken reaction.  The golden brown color perfectly complimented the glistening meat.  There were only two other ingredients, salt and thyme, but they added more flavor than any marinade could.  The meat was tender and juicy; I've never been fond of dry birds. The aroma filled the entire house and I can still smell it.

My ears haven't stopped ringing since.  You see, we have a sensitive fire alarm.  My dad and I spent the entire 2 hours fanning the doors, but the meal was worth it!

Nathan Kamal- "Retrato de familia en las enseanzas de la vida"

Artist- Sixeart (De España)

Obra- “Retrato de familia en las enseñanzas de la vida”

Este Obra de arte es por “Sixeart” (Sergio Hidalgo Parades), un artista de calles en españa. Empezó su trabajo en calles, como un artista de graffiti. Ahora, trabajo con los lienzos. Me gusta el arte de calles, y pienso que la sofisticación de sus obras es muy differente y nuevo. Utiliza imaginería de violencia con temas de niñez, y colores muy brilliantes. Este pintura es de una familia de los osos. Sixeart tienen carácteres que son animales, pero pienso que las temas son universales.

Espanol 4 Tarea--Proyecto

"Woman with Shawl," by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Me escogí ese pictura porque le era muy simplista. Me gusta la obra de arte por David Alfaro Siquieros, un artista de México. Este pinto tiene muchos colores y me gusta que la mujer tiene mucho textura sin muchos trazos de pincel. Esta pintura colabora elementos de dos diferente tipos de arte como surrealismo y abstracto.

Obra y artista

View of Toledo por El Greco

Escoji esta obra porque es mi favorita de El Greco. Es uno de sus obras que son simple. Los detalles son muy bien echo y las pinceladas son intrincada. No se mucho de la vida de El Greco pero se que la mayoría de sus pinturas son religiosas. El recrea los eventos que pasaron con jesucristo. Me gusta como los diferentes niveles son pintado con diferente pinceladas. También comp los colores de mas arriba son oscuro y los debajo son brillante.

¿Quien eres?

Soy Machuca.


​Unfortunately I must bring up the train wreck that is Charlie Sheen. It astounds me how much money he has made spouting complete nonsense. If i can get radio access maybe i should randomly shout crazy things for profit.

English Only?

Script For Live Performance:


The first half will be for the people who do want America to be English only and then the second half will be about the people who don't want it to be English only.


Intro Quote:

Markia will stand at a podium or something that stands up. And read this quote as if it was her saying it.


"We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

-Theodore Roosevelt


1st Video: Pro English-Only Movement Video


Doug and Anna will recite a poem



No hablo ingles

I do not speak English
Is what she told them.

They stared at her with foreign eyes

As if she was a (unknown) species.

With foreign weapons they took hold of her

Then pushed her aside

All because she couldn't understand their language.

With confusion in her mind

And scorn in her heart 

Because she didn't understand their ways. 

Land of the free

Home of the brave.. 

At least that's what she thought..

Reeled in by Lady Liberty's fishing hook

Brought in under the façade (fassssaadd) that everyone may have

The American Dream.

But instead of moving forward into the American Dream

She was pressed into the American Nightmare..

No hablo ingles

Entonces no sé que lo dices.

I do not speak English
So I know not what you say

No hablo ingles

Entonces no puedo quedarse aquí

I do not speak English
Therefore I can not stay here

she can't be in these schools..

she can't reach the American Dream

If she can't grow in America's Community

her lack of Education binds her down

To become a prisoner in this system.

her people came here off of the values 

America no longer holds dear.

Lady Liberty's love replaced by Uncle Sam's greed.

All of us as humans have our rights 

la vida, la libertad, y la búsqueda de la felicidad

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Or was that just another lie.


2nd Video: Anti English-Only Movement


Anna and Markia will recite his last poem to end it all.


Life is what you make it
But to make a life with discrimination
Is like making a building
With sticks
Easily toppled with little stability..
People aren't always understood
Not because of their language
But because of their culture.
The origin of people
Etched in stone on the pages in books of history
Told by word of mouth
But the language in which their stories are told
Is being restricted by those who call this
The land of the free

Spanish 4 Tarea

Quiero trabajar con el artista Dali porque me gusta su trabajo mejor.  Me gusta su trabajo porque los obras de arte son mas moreno con mas significado.  En clase cuando nosotros miramos a dos obras de su arte siente inspirar.  No quiero decir su arte es pesimista pero tienen una realidad de como mal el mundo.  Los colores en su obras de arte tienen mas oro y marrón con mas atención a detalle.  


La Tarea ;)

Yo escogí la obra por Frida Kahlo. El nombre de la obra de arte es "La Columna Rota." Me gusta la obra mucho porque la obra tiene muchos emociones sobre Kahlo's sentimientos. La obra es muy triste pero fuerte. Me gusta la colores Kahlo usado en la obra. Ella usado colores brillantes y colores oscuros. El clavo en su corazón representa los emociones sobre el amor para Diego. Yo pienso que Frida Kahlo es un excelente artista. Ella es muy famousa en el mundo para su obras de arte. Frida Kahlo autorretratos es muy bonita y intelectual.


There is a giant pimple on my nose. I've had it for about a month and it just won't go down even though I clean it EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN DAY.  Anyways, I woke up this morning and was in a terrible mood because my pimple got bigger over night. I felt hideous and was oh so tempted to pop it, but I know in the long run it'll just make things worse. As soon as I got to school I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned the pimple with a napkin and POOF! My pimple was gone. The skin just started crusting off and I now have no more pimple and am in a much better mood. Sorry if this is nasty to read.  I needed something to write about and this is the first thing that came to my mind. I know I'm going to forget to write later so I'm just writing now and I do apologize for the somewhat disturbing story.

College Dilemma

Today I spoke to Mrs. Hirschfield about my college dilemma.  She is very upset that I am not going to be able to go to any college better than CCP.  She feels like my grades are too high and that I am way too bright to have my talents wasted at some community college.  I know that I should attend a school that I can be challenged at.  I have wanted to go to a four-year college my entire high school career.  I never thought that money could hold me back this severely.


Golden Gate Bridge

This is a true story of a friend of mines friend, through which I will tell the story.

One day a couple of friends were driving over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco. It was three friends and the brakes locked on the persons car. The car locked and skidded to the side of the bridge. The person in the passenger seat went through the windshield and over the bridge.

... AND LIVED. She is alive today and tells the story all the time. She went over a bridge through a windshield and a car accident on one of the biggest bridges in the U.S.


Camilo Egas

no soy bueno con haciendo decisiones pero creo que usará "Civil War in Spain" por Camilo.  Tiene aspectos surrealistas pero es sobre algo histórico.  Escogí porque me parece interesante, y es por un artista nueva para mi.  Creo que será Silvana.  