Ink Stains

My short story reflects the “chosen family” trope through three friends who all see each other as their family. The story was inspired by Robin Benway’s “Far From the Tree” through my artistic choices through the writing, characters, and relationships. I utilized a few of her writing characteristics and overall the idea of what it means to be a family.

Q1 Benchmark


Finding is about two people, and how they met. They are trying to find their paths in life and so happens that both of theirs intersect. Instead of their path interecting and passing straight through they intertwine into one. This story is also inspired by Robins Benway FFTT on what does it meant to be family.

Multi Narrative Story Draft

The Cake

  My story, "The Cake", depicts the struggles of a family that trying to celebrate their daughter Olivia's graduation. This story is inspired by Robert Benway's "Far From the Tree" which also portrays the difficulties of a family. Benway's use of writing techniques such as motifs and dramatic irony can be seen throughout my writing. I hope you enjoy!
Q1 Benchmark __ Hannah Stein

We Found Each Other Again

This is my first project in English and also my first multi-narrative writing piece ever! The piece I created is about a 32 year old woman named Jasmine who gave birth to her 16 year old daughter Hope at age 16. She was too young to have a baby, so she gave her up. How my story is inspired by Robin Benway’s “Far From The Tree” is I have made a more advanced version of Grace and Milly, the same backstories but 16 many years later. I hope you enjoy my piece!

We Found Each Other Again

One session

My story is about a married couple who are currently having marriage issues. They fight a lot and want to seek help for it. So they go to a therapist to help them out. With the help of the therapist, they talk about their issues. The story also highlights towards the end that they are family.

One session

On The Ice And Snow

My multiple narrative story is about two polar bears and a human and their unique interaction. This is inspired by one of Robin Benway’s books “Far From The Tree”. The story mainly about a polar bear mother who learns that she will do anything for her cubs even though that is not the way she is raised. I hope you all enjoy reading

On The Ice And Snow

Finding The Puzzle Piece

In my story, I decided to incorporate the essential questions by explaining what it feels like to feel alone in the world until you actually find the one person you consider your home (in this case, your twin). “Far From The Tree” inspired this story because while reading it, I saw how meeting each other largely impacted the sibling’s characters, so I decided to incorporate that into my own story.

finding the puzzle piece

Q1 Benchmark Multiple-Perspective Story

I created a short multi narrative story for my Q1 benchmark inspired by robin benway. My story is about a son and a single mom who are struggling to connect. they both face challenges, but along the way they figure out what it truly means to be a family. In my story you will notice all three of benways techniques, thoughtshot, snapshot, and dialogue, along with other important parts like dramatic irony and motifs.

No Connection_ Onna Richburg

The Void Left Behind

My benchmark is a multi-narrative story about two siblings who struggle to accept their stepmother after their father had promised not to remarry after their mother’s death. The story is inspired by Robin Benway’s novel, Far From the Tree, and the essential questions of this unit, what it means to be a family. the techniques that Benway uses and her interpretation of family are both big contributors to inspiration for my project.

Fiona Shi-Benchmark_ Multi-Narrative Story - Google Docs

Love Burns

A story about Amalia and Willow, who are best friends and visit each other for the first time. However, they both seem to be hiding something. This story is inspired by “Far From the Tree” by Robin Benway, built from the starting questions of “What does it mean to be a family” and “How does family affect one’s identity?” Far From the Tree not only changed my definition of family (which influenced this story), but I used story-telling techniques like dialogue and thoughtshots, which was also inspired by Robin Benway.

Diyu Liu - Multi-Narrative Story - Google Docs

When the game stands tall.

This story is inspired by Robin Benways far from the tree. Benways Far from the Tree has inspired me to write my own multi-narrative story about family impact. My story is about 3 brothers in the NFl and their journey and battles. This story took a lot of hard work and time, Down in the story will be some heartbroken moments and moments that will make you understand why family is so important.

English Story

Pieces of the Puzzle

This story is about two estranged siblings, Liz and Rob, that don’t speak to each other for years. When Liz has a baby on the way, she decides to reach out to Rob, which eventually leads to their reunion. The main idea of this story is that if you love someone, you will always hold a piece of their heart. This story is inspired by “Far From the Tree” because they both answer the question of what it means to be a family.

Pieces of the Puzzle

Life Isn't Always What It Seems

My project is basically about a family of three that are from Italia a mom, dad, and daughter they all have had different situations growing up, and then dad and mom have had it the worst. Growing up Omertas (daughter) dad Romeo, dad abused him severely and was a drinking addict it plays a big deal on Romeo with him personally and as a parent, it costs him to do things his father does but also his dad wasn’t really there for him so it’s hard for him to be there and show Omerta he really cares for her. Now Sofia is the mom her mother left at birth so has never ever really known her mom and her dad never really expressed anything about her so she doesn’t know how to be a mom and be there for Omerta for things girls and young ladies go through which makes Omerta really sad and a conversation they have towards the end shows that prescriptive. This is inspired by Benway because we see how grace felt about not knowing her mom and how she wanted to be there for her kid after she gave her up and Joaquin and how he feels about his mom It is inspired because like Benway I will show the huge effect having or at least not thinking you have a parent that loves and cares for you plays a big role on your character. And one more thing just like Joaquin and his therapist and about how he feels unwanted I will show how a nonfamily member makes him feel protected and safe and the same thing with grace and rafe.

Life Isn't Always What It Seems by Yauri Pressley.

Special Holiday

Oliver and Charlotte are two of the best cousins they know. Their excitement grows for the holiday that’s just right around the corner, except. They know that with the holidays a bonus of embarrassment comes along. My story was inspired by Robin Benway due to the fact that Benway put emotion and organization into her book.

English Benchmark Story (1)