Meymey Seng Capstone

My capstone revolves around the inquiry of how to remove the negative stigma around bugs and other exotic animals. Going hand in hand with that idea, having an understanding of them would bring awareness to the way we treat the world, which ends up actively affecting the animals and us. Then, I realized that it may be due to a lack of exposure from an early age. Personally from a young age, having these fears inflicted upon myself was a roadblock. Only now developing an understanding of these animals, I wish that I would have learned about them earlier. That encourages my goal of reaching out to younger children. Having an interactive game that incorporates fun facts about said animals will hopefully lead it to become a more embracing subject. During the process of creating this game, I tossed many ideas away trying to find a balance between facts and the idea of it being engaging for the kids. Something that I realized is that when a topic is seen as interesting, the likelihood of it being memorized is much higher. This is when the idea of creating a board game for the two kindergarten classes at D. Newlin Fell Elementary School striked me. Researching the topic of the science behind joyful learning, these games will be incorporated into their play area. As the name suggests, doing so will allow them to gain knowledge each time they play the game. Doing this capstone gave me the realization that people are simply afraid of what they are ignorant of.

Board game for one class.
Board game for one class.
Board game for the second class.
Board game for the second class.
The board game and on the side are two stacks of cards. One pile corresponds with the pictures of trees, with fun facts debunking bad reputations of the animals and how they help the environment. The second pile of cards corresponds with the pictures of t
The board game and on the side are two stacks of cards. One pile corresponds with the pictures of trees, with fun facts debunking bad reputations of the animals and how they help the environment. The second pile of cards corresponds with the pictures of t
The spinner and animal figures.
The spinner and animal figures.
Annotated Bibliography

“Animals in Educational Settings: Research and Practice.” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 22 May 2015, This is an excerpt from the book Animals in Educational Settings: Research and Practice. Something that this informs is what live animals can provide in typical education settings along with special needs education throughout the age group of preschool and eighth grade. Throughout this book, with the exception of not including invasive animal species, the fact that an incorporation of animal interactions gives children a sense of support and can be therapeutic. Being able to have an exposure to this can even lead to having a healthier adult life. This shows that a part of the reason why there is such a fear of exotic animals such as bugs is simply due to the fact that there is a lack of exposure in it, even in the STEM fields. 

Barash, David P. “Why Did Humans Evolve to Be so Fascinated with Other Animals? – David P Barash | Aeon Essays.” Aeon, Aeon, 25 Jan. 2019, This is a website on animal magnetism through providing an excerpt from David P. Barash’s book Through A Glass Brightly, discussing why humans are so drawn to animals in the first place. Maybe it comes from the desire to see things that we cannot see on a normal basis, animals in other continents for example are not as easily attainable to view unless they are through a screen or if you actually travel there. Something that I noticed is that this website only mentioned the mammals at the zoo, excluding the bugs and even reptiles. It seems that there is a reputation and certain emotions associated with certain animals. A conclusion that was made is that this fascination could have stemmed from humans being dependent on animals, but the question of why it lead us to being captivated by animal-watching made me realize that this question is something that I want to look into during my own research. 

“Benefits of Insects.” Mealworm Metamorphosis: Effect of Temperature (Development) | Entomology | Nebraska, This website is based on research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, from their Science Literacy and Outreach Department. The variety of information provided is all of the different ways that these bugs help us and the world that we live in, whether it is with pollinating or serving as our decomposers. All of this information is useful since it is a large part of my interactive activity, the goal of it enlightening people on the positive benefits that they provide. With things such as even running out of spaces to put our trash and waste, some of these insects help eat dead animals (carrion), therefore freeing up space. 

Fritscher, Lisa, and Steven Gans. “How Do People Cope With a Fear of Insects?” Verywell Mind, Dotdash, This is a website by Lisa Fritscher on entomophobia stems from. Something that she mentioned is the fact that people who do not typically encounter bugs see them often on different forms of entertainment depicted as something that is humorous yet depicts fear. Especially from those who have a lack of interaction of insects in nature, it is a human instinct for survival to question the things that are unfamiliar to them. This is where paranoia then comes in, with being afraid of contamination, being bitten, infestation, just being ways to precaution. A way that this is helpful showing how to counter these fears with true facts that will help ease the audience. 

“Honey Bee Colony Losses 2017-2018: Preliminary Results.” Bee Informed Partnership, May 23rd, 2018, This is a website from the organization Bee Informed Partnership with support from the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. It provides the statistics on the decline of honey bees in the United States, studying their health by looking at the growth of different colonies. Something that this proves is the danger there is when it comes to the decline in these colonies since we need them in order to get the food that we eat, they are our biggest pollinators. With the bad reputation of wasps that people mistaken with honeybees, some initial reactions are the kill the insect. Although, by continuing to provide information to people on the fact that they are actually harmless, people will slowly stop and instead use that effort that they have into helping. 

McMahon, Frances Nankin and Jesse. “Helping Children Overcome a Fear of Bugs.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 12 Apr. 2017, This is a website provided by PBS to parents for advice on how to allow children to overcome their fear of bugs. Here, there is an acknowledgement that having a fear such as this builds barriers for children who want to explore, but this fear prevents them from doing so. Some of the techniques that they mentioned is explaining that some of the bugs that may seem scary are actually harmless, think about their own reaction, and make it more of a common topic to talk about. This intrigued me because one of factors why I feel as though kids are afraid of bugs is because their parents are and may share this similar mindset. 

Miniland. “The Benefits of Interactive Games for Children.” Blog about Educational Toys and Trends in Early Childhood Education, Miniland Educational, 7 Mar. 2017, This website was created to provide the best means of learning styles when it comes to children, touching on the topic of interactive games. It provides an explanation on the fact that children generally lose their span of attention in a matter of minutes. Having a game that can also include competition will give them a sense of entertainment, making them feel as though they want to learn, versus that they are being forced to. Not only that but it also helps their motor skills to think in certain situations and build relationships with others while working on that specific game. Using this knowledge, it gives me an idea of how I would like to make my activity, possibly leading into something that requires teamwork. 

“Nature vs. Nurture.” - Find the Right Therapist, Therapy Blog, 28 Sept. 2018, This is a website from Good Therapy, discussing nature in comparison to nurture and the differences, although that they both affect mental health. A big question is when people start developing these fears such as insects in the first place. Something that is debated on is that in some occasions, children are blatantly brave when it comes to insects since many things are new to them, and curiosity being a natural thing that occurs. Although sometimes this leads into it being a fear of what they do not know of instead. With the topic on nurture, even if they may be curious, growing up around people or the idea that bugs are harmful and scary, whether it is in media or surrounding people, will influence that mindset into something that is rather entirely different. 

Romm, Cari. “Insects Are Scary Because Your Brain Confuses Disgust With Fear.” The Cut, The Cut, 31 Oct. 2016, This is a website by Cari Romm from The Cut on why there is such a prominent fear when it comes to bugs. A claim that she made is that people commonly mistaken disgust for fear. She brought up a point that even an ecologist like Jeffrey Lockwood who works with bugs, had a panic attack when he was encountered with a swarm of grasshoppers, the amount and behavior of them overwhelming him. A part of this is knowing that there are certain bugs that do cause harm, bringing people to the conclusion that all bugs are harmful in their own sense. Along with that is the idea that there is something programmed in humans called a “rejection response” since these animals are not cuddly nor fuzzy, some of the few traits that people associate with cuteness. It is said to be that when things are seen as cute, people feel a need to protect it. Knowing these certain phrases from psychologists will provide me with another branch of information that I could continue my research in. 

“The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.” Butterfly Life Cycle, This is the official website of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University containing the different types of activities in the museum revolved around children, where they can meet the scientists and have animal encounters. This source is useful because it gave the realization that many people have the ideology that creepy crawlers, even that name has a negative connotation itself, but when it is presented to them in person, a feeling of fascination takes over. In a sense it is the fear of the unknown that spurs this feeling of uncomfort out from people. Along with that, it gave me different ideas of what can be included during my presentation at school, where I would want to be able to present an animal. Once granted the permission to do so, having a bug in person may also teach the audience to be interested in these animals, setting back their fear.

Kaitlyn Petroski Capstone

There are two parts to my capstone. The first is a website, which acts as a resource that holds information about pet adoptions and the negative associations with puppy mills. The second part is an Instagram account that aims to engage an audience and draw them toward learning more. To get the final product, I first had to decide what I wanted to actually do. It’s changed a lot since my first idea, but I settled on the website and Instagram and quickly started my planning phase. I outlined the pages that I wanted to include on the website and brainstormed ideas for posts. After that I had to research, a lot. This was probably the longest part of my project, partially because it is ongoing. After I compiled enough information I started making posts and captions and the website. This took a lot of trial and error and editing, but in the end I can say that I am proud of the final. Even though the project is turned in, it will never be finished, there will always be things that can improved, edited, and added. 



Jacobo Pastor Capstone


During the past 6 months, I have struggled with the idea of what to do for my capstone. After thinking and rethinking, I came up with the idea of making a website where I would teach prospective SLA students some skills to survive the most rigorous benchmarks. I called my benchmark, "The SLA Survival Guide." 
Everyone coming into Science Leadership Academy knows that it is a project based High School. This means that students come in with the idea of making thousands of projects throughout their high school career. Looking back, it sounded terrific  - No Tests! But little by little I realized that most of these projects needed to be done in a software that I hadn't use in my life. The purpose of this Capstone is to teach upcoming SLA students to learn some of the most common softwares teachers will ask their students to learn along the year. After watching my videos, students will be ready to create a fully polished document, video, and a handful of engineering softwares and shop tools.
As I was creating my capstone I realized that I could make this much bigger than it is. I want my capstone to be the beginning of a big community where students and teachers from SLA, can upload videos, documents, and other helpful knowledge to survive SLA. By doing so, we will enrich the learning experience as well as have this sense of community where students can work together to help each other.

SLA Survival Guide:

“3D CAD Design Software.” Getting Started | SOLIDWORKS,

This source will help me get a better understanding of how Solidworks functions. At Science Leadership Academy Robotics Club I have been able to work first hand with the software. It has been 4 years learning and understanding almost most all functions which have guaranteed me a leading job on the team when Computer Aided Designing the different mechanisms. By no means I am a professional, I am currently still learning and this is why this source is important. Before teaching about a topic I would get informed the best I can.

“Try Fusion 360 for Free.” CAD Software | 2D And 3D Computer-Aided Design | Autodesk, Redshift EN,

Fusion 360 is a program that I am not that comfortable with. In my CTE Advanced
Engineering class, I have been able to learn along with other students basic skills of the program. This source is specifically helpful because it does not only give you an overview but it comes with hundreds of summaries and videos. In addition, it even provides practice problems that I can use in my videos in order to teach others. “Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects.” By Noctiluxx -
This source is a website filled with innovative and unique done designs of 3D parts that I could use for my videos. I have found several designs that I can open on one of the CADs software I would teach and then print them and show them on the videos. I specifically like this website because it is not only engineering related but you can find hundreds of fun designs from your favorite movies, tv shows, cartoon, and even sports teams.

“Adobe Illustrator CC.” Adobe Captivate-Unlock The Future of Smart ELearning Design,

In order to print an object on the laser cut, machine one must have their 2D design on Adobe Illustrator. Just as with Solidworks or Fusion 360, I am familiar with the program thanks to my CTE Advanced Engineering class but by no means, I am an expert in it. I am hoping that this source will help me get a deeper understanding of the software so I before teaching about a topic I would get informed the best I can.

Haslam, Karen. “You Can Create the next Blockbuster on Your Mac - Here's How!”
Macworld UK, Macworld UK, 6 July 2018,

This source will hopefully help me set up guidelines for my video on iMovie. This source is not from apple because they didn’t have such a detailed description of the program. I really like this source specifically because of the detailed steps for each section. I am hoping that this source will help me get a deeper understanding of the software so I before teaching about a topic I would get informed the best I can.

“Adobe Photoshop CC.” Adobe Captivate-Unlock The Future of Smart ELearning Design,

This source is for the Adobe Photoshop video. Just as the Adobe Illustrator source, because it is from the same company, this source is very detailed and provide multiple examples, videos, and designs that will inspire me to create an aesthetic yet functional video. Along with this source, I will search up for other examples to make the Photoshop video the most useful possible.

Harris, Tom. “How Cameras Work.” HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 21 Mar. 2001,

Being an engineer I know how mechanisms work, how structures function, or what materials will serve different conditions. I have never been taught how a camera works so hopefully, this source will help me function it. Without proper knowledge on the camera that I am using my videos won’t have the quality that I want them to have, which means that they won’t look as professional as I could make them. This source is especially useful because it is not focused on just one set of cameras which means that no matter the camera I use I will be able to make it function.

“How to Be Successful on YouTube in 10 Easy Steps.” Blue Fountain Media, Blue Fountain Media, 18 Oct. 2018,

Just as the “How Stuff Works” source, this source will be extremely important to understand common mistakes and tips in order to succeed with my youtube channel. To be successful it is important to understand what professional people have to say about the topic because since they are experts on the topic they can share valuable information which will hopefully help me get on the successful path. It is important to note that I want to prioritize a useful capstone rather than a successful one that won’t help others.

“Engineering Tools.” Young's Modulus of Elasticity for Metals and Alloys,

This is probably one of the most resourceful tools that I would use in my capstone. Since I form part of the CTE Advanced Engineering class I must do my videos engineering related. Therefore, along with the videos I would like to provide the science behind them and this source will be a key factor in it. From temperature pressure to water movement to other physics laws, this source contains all of this useful information. I believe that providing the science behind this software or shop tools will really enhance the quality of my project and my understanding of the topic.

“How To Design A Website (Jan 2019) | 7 Essential Steps.” Best Website Builder Reviews for 2018, Best Website Builder Reviews for 2018 Best Website Builder Reviews - So You Can Pick the Perfect Website Builder for Your Unique Needs,

Along with the videos on the different software I would like to publish those with a little descriptions on what the video is about as well as additional information and links to the topics discussed. To do this I will use a website, but without knowing how to properly make one and even more important design an appealing one, the capstone will not be up to my expectations. This source included a series of steps that will be very useful in this process.




For the past four months I worked on this short film. I wrote the script, crafted the sets, built the characters, filmed and animated them, and edited them into this two minute piece. One of the greatest things about animation is the amount of control that one person can have over the work. I wanted to create something that was entirely me. And I feel like I did that.


“Into To Animation.” UARTS PreCollege Class. UARTS PreCollege Class, Oct. 2018, Philadelphia, UARTS.

From September to November, I took animation classes at UArts. They were by far the most helpful thing to completing my capstone. The ability to talk to working animators about techniques and programs and equipment and tricks was a huge time saver. Hours and hours of research were saved with these conversations.

“The Sandman.” IMDb, Paul Berry, 1991,

This is one of the first animated films that I saw that I really loved! The style here is gorgeous and unique. It's not hard to see why this is such a classic. The dark themes that my animation and this animation share make it easy for me to draw stylistic inspiration for their exaggerated yet simplistic spaces and designs.

Anderson, Wes, director. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Fantastic Mr. Fox, Wes Anderson, 14 Oct. 2009.

It’s hard not to love Wes Anderson. I’ve wanted to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox since I was a kid, so this was a great excuse. The animation here is lively and amazing and I found myself trying to emulate their perfect movement. Key word being “trying”

Vimeo, Jeremy Clapin, 30 Apr. 2019,

Sofia Powers showed me this animated film and it was an amazing inspiration! It is so beautifully done! Most of my inspiration came from very popular films, so it is good to be able to see what can be done on a smaller scale.

Stauber, Jack. “JackStauber.” YouTube, YouTube,

I found Jack Stauber right before I started my capstone. He’s one of the reasons why I wanted to make an animation in the first place. I’ve always been a fan of mixed media. I feel like Stauber’s been doing the kinds of things that I wanted to do anyways. So, his accessible style was a great place to start. I would watch the things that he makes and try to reverse engineer the techniques to get similar effects for my own film.

Dixon, Barnaby. “Barnabydixon.” YouTube, YouTube,

I found Barnaby Dixon around the same time as Jack Stauber. He made a stop motion animated film, Eskos, by himself when he was 19 and it is AMAZING! Age wise, he wasn’t too far away from me. I found myself pushing harder and hard to try to match the quality of what he did. Now, Dixon does puppets. His mastery of movement, even though it’s not stop motion, was extremely beneficial to study.

Caroline Pitone - Capstone

I´ve always been an individual wondering what the world was like and how it would run once I was on my own. In school we learn important subjects such as math, history, english, and so forth. While I always felt that these were important subjects that should be required, I always wondered how I would take on the world without any real advice. Not everyone has a companion to teach them. For my 2019 Capstone for senior year, I chose to create a website that is informative relating to what to expect after graduating high school and being your own adult. I collected answers from a survey asking individuals what they knew about information from money, savings, homestay/care, all the way to nutrition. I wanted to create this website for an easy access to some quick questions one might have while discovering life on their own. While being around high schoolers for the past four years, I´ve heard many talk about what it would mean to them to have a lecture for what to expect and how to deal with things as they grow up and take on their own responsibilities. Since the beginning of senior year, I have wanted to this as my capstone. Thinking of an idea was tricky, and I wanted to do something that could really help another student. While creating my website, I did research to collect all of the information needed for my site. I sat and thought about what would really be useful for teenagers and reflected on myself for what I wish I knew.

Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 8.36.10 PM
Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 8.36.10 PM
"The Best Ways to Pay Bills." Money Advice Service. Accessed January 25, 2019. The purpose of this project is for me to find the best information for students. While reading through this link, I found that it gives information on how to pay bills on time, ways to pay your bills (including online or over the phone), and what to do in a crisis situation. Each section has short and brief description per topic. This will be helpful for me when think about my design layout, while I am trying to keep my word count short on the website. It is inspiring me to create a logical design for my website. It also is giving my information on these topics that I did not think about including before hand. "Tax Basics: A Beginners Guide to Taxes." Findlaw. Accessed January 25, 2019. This website is a website where it shows the understanding of taxes for beginners. I am expecting my audience to mostly be beginners, in the sense that they are just learning what taxing/taxes means, and how it is effective. This a very resourceful website since it shows all of the different kinds of taxes. It gives a list of all of them, that I can then further research. It also talks about deductions, which is a critical part in learning about the way this routine works. This website does not give super detailed description, but it gives me quick and easy things to look at in order to further research for this project. Johnson, Holly. "What I Wish I Knew Before Buying Rental Property." The Simple Dollar. December 06, 2017. Accessed January 25, 2019. This website is very opinionated, and less factual. This is really important for me to look at. I do not want my website to be all factual, but also opinionated. This is because it gives the audience something to relate to. It talks about rental scares, and what people wish they knew. Key thing, what people wish they “knew”. This is a very big deal, since this is the whole point of my website. I am trying to show what people wish they knew. It talks about being careful with decision making, and explanation as to why. With this, it will be very helpful to cite a source on my website. Advisors, EP Wealth. "The Importance of Teaching Your Kids About Money." TheStreet. July 02, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019. y-14638381. 1 This website talks about our capitalist world, and how many is very involved. When kids graduate, or obtain jobs, they don't really know how to control or manage it. I’ve struggled with this myself, and I wish I knew more information about how money worked before starting my bank account. This will give me information on why it is important to teach your children about money and so on if schools don't. This information is given by someone who has experienced trouble with learning about these things. It is similar to my last source in the sense of coming from a different perspective

Avi Cantor-Capstone

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Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 8.25.54 PM
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Screenshot 2019-05-01 at 8.42.28 PM
What happens when the fact-driven world of journalism clashes with the unruly but thriving underbelly of underground rap? A multi-media platform that both promotes and critiques up-and-coming rappers from across the country through written, video and social media journalism. 

The two driving principles for my capstone were to create a platform for under recognized artists to flourish and have their content promoted. From that promotion, I wanted to allow my audience to learn about these artists in the hopes that they’d find their favorite new rapper.

In order to make these ideas a reality, I first created the Instagram page for the platform back in January. Since starting the page, I have promoted over 80 artists, been shouted out by rappers with major industry connections, and connected with industry professionals who have worked with big-time acts like Blacc Youngsta, NLE Choppa, Lil Baby, and many others. 

After creating a social media following, I decided to video my ‘Heaters and Seaters Review’ series where I evaluated projects from a range of up and comers. I rated their ability to compose cohesive tracks that caught my attention as well as if they were able to veer off their typical vocal and instrumental style to create something unique and original. This allowed my audience to either weed out rappers they didn’t like or look into their catalog more extensively. 

Throughout this process, I’ve learned how to network, promote effectively and write in a way that entices an audience to want to learn more about an artist they’d never heard of. 

Annotated Bibliography linked below:

Sydney Rogers Capstone

This was the very first day of my mini course. We were in the middle of a discussion about poetry.
This was the very first day of my mini course. We were in the middle of a discussion about poetry.
This was from one of my favorite lessons that I taught about behavioral reactions.
This was from one of my favorite lessons that I taught about behavioral reactions.
This was from a lesson about how our environment has an affect on our reactions.
This was from a lesson about how our environment has an affect on our reactions.
For my capstone I taught a mini course for eight weeks for freshman girls. During those eight weeks I organized a lesson plan for every day. The theme of the class was the rise of feminine power through understanding different topics. The goal of the course was to empower women through the exposure of knowledge. Over the eight weeks I taught them lessons about different topics such as behavioral study, philosophies, relationships, healthy living, and handling stress and fear. I also organized activities for the students to do that related to what I had taught in class. They would present their own lessons and the ideas to the class and we’d learn from each other. 
The majority of the time I’d bring up some discussion points and we’d get into a deep conversation. In the beginning of every class I’d start it off with a journal or opening question and then the girls could share their thoughts and answers. After this we’d spend some time giving each other advice if there was something going on. I was able to create a strong community that was a safe place for them to be themselves in. That was a huge part of my course because it sets the foundation for the whole course and how successful it is.

Kamil Kielar Capstone

​For my senior Capstone project, I had decided to create a foosball table which I hoped to donate to an after-school program or boys and girls club. Seeking Braskem funding in early February, I, unfortunately, received only partial funding for the continuation of my project. Working with a smaller budget than expected, I had begun to redesign my foosball table determined to complete my goal. Using plywood instead of solid wood, steel conduit instead of aluminum rod, and creating my own foosball players instead of purchasing them, I minimized the cost of the original table sevenfold. Originally the goal of the project had been to use woodworking techniques and joints in order to create a high-quality table, focusing much of my time of the creation of the table itself. Without the available funds, I made the decision to create my own foosball players which had taken a greater time than expected. First CADing (Computer Aided Design) my foosball player, machining halves out with a CNC router, gluing them together, sanding them down and finally drilling the hole for rod had been a tedious process which I underestimated and ended up spending a great deal of time on. In the end, I had created a stained and polished foosball table even if it hadn’t been the one I originally envisioned.
20190501_181154, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This source is of a website which had previously designed his own foosball table. This source is particularly helpful because it gives an idea of a possible budget I may have for this project. They had completed something similar and it seems that seems like this would be helpful as well to know the steps in which to complete the project. This source doesn't seem to have any biases because it is purely a description of the authors process and what he had learned along the way. The audience of this website seems to be anyone interested. The language is simple and easy to follow so this is really open to anyone.

“Background.” Analysis to Maximise the Efficiency of Anaerobic Digestion - Celignis Biomass Analysis Laboratory, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This is very thorough analysis hardwood and the different properties which it is made up of.  The company Celignis does many different specimen testing on biomass samples of all different types. This is a very scientific look into hardwood and the different material which make it up. It is for a highly educated audience that understands science and would be interested in this. There most likely is no bias in this source because this is a research company which needs to uphold their reputation and reliability. This company seems to have tests and analysis other than woul which shows that this is a large company.

Baez, Joe. “Physics 111: Fundamental Physics I.” Self-Driving Cars Become a Reality, 1 Jan. 1970, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This source tells you the physics behind a foosball table and the math that goes along with it. It uses the equation that are needed in order to show you how the rotational force of your arm is changed into work. This is very detailed explanation and the math seems to be very intricate. The audience is most definitely going to need to know physics equations and have an understanding in physics. This source most likely does not have any biases because this is just some analysis of the forces used when operating a foosball table.

Borysiuk, Piotr. “CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PLYWOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM MODEL.” Management and Production Engineering Review. 10 February 2013,łek_Grzegorzewska.pdf. Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This article talks about the production of plywood and the range of market value for it. The portion of the article which I had mostly talked about had been the quality of the plywood and the properties of the wood sold. The audience that this would be for is someone most likely in the business field wanting to know more about the plywood market. This is more of a business analysis but there are aspects which are useful to me in this project. There are not biases in this source because this is just a pure description of business of selling plywood.

Editor. “Woodworking Joints: Which Wood Joints Should You Use?” WoodWorkers Guild of America, Woodworkers Guild of America, 10 Dec. 2018, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This article tells the readers about the vast number of wood joints that can be completes and how each of them are used structurally. The Woodworkers Guild of America is a large organization which has many members which receive information regularly. To a point this source is trying to promote itself to the audience and shine itself as this helpful and useful tool. The audience seems to be people who are beginning woodshop or maybe slightly higher like an amuatuer at woodworking. The article is simply written and easy to understand how each of the joints are made and how they can be used.

Gu, Jiyou. Cai, Zhiyong. “Development and Application of Wood Adhesives in China.” Wood Adhesives 2009: Plenary Session Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.  

This is a thorough analysis on the different types of wood glue and how they work in different applications. This is how different wood glues affects different types of wood and the strength curves of the glue. This is helpful to me because it helps me to see which glue would be the best for my application. The audience for this would be people who are in need of knowing how different wood glues have different strengths. This source most likely doesn't have any bias because this a research article. This has many different curves  and graphs which tell the audience info about the strength of the glues.

Neokentin. “Common Types of Wood Joints You Should Know • 1001 Pallets.” 1001 Pallets, 1001 Pallets, 16 Oct. 2018, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

The organization 1001 Pallets is committed to reusing making projects out of wood pallets which isn’t always the highest of quality wood. They don’t seem to a for profit or profitable organization and they seem to care very much about their audience. Connecting to the Woodworkers Guild of America source, this source goes much more in depth about wood joinery and the different applications for it. This source talks very much about exactly how to make many of these different joints. It gives specific instruction along with the limitation of the joints. No bias seems to be present within the source.

“WOOD ANALYSIS.” What Why How RSS, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

Very in depth analysis on wood and wood identification. This is definitely for a highly educated audience which understands much information about forensics science. Saying that, this document explains everything from wood anatomy to wood identification. This goes very in depth along with detailed imagery of wood under a microscope. Seeing as this is a research study on wood, people have their own reputation they would like to preserve and seems like it would be very reputable. There doesn't seem to be any bias due to this being purely a research article.

“ Build Your Own Foosball Table .” Build Your Own Foosball Table | The Foosball Shop |, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This is an article which describes the process of how someone had already built a foosball table. This will be very helpful in terms of helping me with my process and how I should order things. This will be similar to the other source which had described making a foosball table in the sense that it will help me develop a budget for my project. The audience for this source will be anyone who wants to make a foosball table. This is not very complex language and I think this could be for almost anyone. In terms of biases, I don’t there are any biases because there isn’t a motive for the author to be biased.

Ülker, Onur. “Wood Adhesives and Bonding Theory.” Intech Open, IntechOpen, 23 Nov. 2016,

This is a scientific study which explains different adhesives for wood. This will be important in my project because it will be important to know because understanding how good bonds together will be essential in my project. The audience for this is highly educated people who are interested in different properties and material science. There don’t seem to any biases in this source because it is a research study. This corporation has a reputation to uphold and they would not intentionally give bad information. This corporation has the name China on it and China is a big country which doesn't like to look bad.

Leo Cassel-Siskind Capstone

The two photos above are of me coaching. The first shows me coaching my current team, the Flash. The image shows me speaking to the girls right before one of our games. The image below shows my previous team dumping the water cooler on my head just after winning the championship.

“7 Great Reasons Why Exercise Matters.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 14 Dec. 2018,

I’m using this as an introductory resource to show off the benefit of exercise and risks of not getting enough. Exercise is imperative to being both physically and mentally healthy in life and I am using this to show how important it is not only that they join sports leagues in the first place, but that they stick with them. I know of many friends that had a bad experience with a ineffective or mean coach and I want to balance my coaching style so that they want to quit, but enjoy their experience and want to continue with it.

“CDC | Physical Activity | Facts | Healthy Schools.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

This source has many similarities to my first source, but shows a lot of the risks to both not being active and not taking proper caution when being active. You use calories when you’re running around and that means you have to eat not only more, but better. The risks to not being active are much worse and only minor precautions are necessary to make sure that one is going to be their safest playing sports. I want to be more informed about the benefits to playing and also prepared in case something does happen when I am coaching.

Interview with my baseball coach (not sure exactly how to cite this)**

My former baseball coach is a certified PIAA coach who has been coaching for the past 15 years. He has had a lot of experience working with kids of all ages and talent levels. By interviewing him I was able to get a first hand account of the best techniques and drills to help players get better. Even more importantly, he gave advice on how to communicate with players and their parents. 

Interview with student (again, I don’t this can be cited)**

For my project I interviewed a friend of mine who has been active on both the SLA baseball and SLA basketball team (he has also been playing sports his entire life). I met with him to discuss his experiences with coaches and what methods of coaching have had the greatest impact on both his enjoyment of the sport and his skill. 

Interview with someone I had previously coached (again, I don’t think this can be cited)**

For this source I’m going to use someone who actually is now a freshman at SLA. She and my sister were on the team that I originally coached five years ago and I have coached her more previously and she became an assistant coach on the 7-9 team that I coached in the spring of 2018. She can give me feedback (hopefully honest) on my coaching and will have different perspectives having been coached by me at different ages and working with me as an assistant coach. While again I haven’t been able to interview her yet, she’s been flexible about when we could meet.

“Coaching Through Conflict: Effective Communication Strategies.” Association for Applied Sport Psychology: Sport Imagery Training,

Kids, especially as they become teenagers, and their parents are very often not easy to deal with. Kids don’t want to practice, want to play the position they want, and sometimes be on their phones in the dugout. Parents want to believe the best in their kids and sometimes take that mindset too far in that they want their kids to get opportunities that as the coach I may believe they aren’t ready for. This article gives me the official way to deal with these conflicts so that I can diffuse situations before they deteriorate. While I luckily have not had many bad incidents over the years they do and can always come up.

Klika, Author Brett Klika Contributor Brett. “Top 10 Reasons Children Should Exercise.” ACE,

What you do in your childhood is of course well known to have an effect on the rest of your life and the article shows many of the scientifically proven examples of that. It also shows the effects in the classroom and other parts of your life. One’s mental state is greatly affected by whether or not they get at least some exercise and again this article shows me some of the consequences to not doing that.

“What Makes a Good Coach? (for Teens).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, Nov. 2015,

This source gives data taken from surveys on what the most important factors of a coach are. One of the keys to the source is that winning is supposed to be a secondary thought to team morale which is true. I personally agree with this as a coach, but I also believe that winning is part of a good team morale and the challenge is a good thing. Regardless, this information provides a very interesting and informative check on some of the practices that I’ve believed in. It also talked about tough but fair which is something I really do live by as a coach and overall it can provide a good balance to individual feedback that I get from other coaches and players.

“Effective Coaching: Improving Teacher Practice and Outcomes for All Learners.” National Center for Systematic Improvement, 2014,

This source discusses how to find a balance of helping a player get better and also be nice and positive. While it may start out being the goal for every coach it becomes challenging when people don’t listen or simply continue to struggle. I think that knowing how to restrain yourself as they discuss in the article is essential as a coach because you are responsible (as it states in the article) for being the bigger person and calming down tougher things on the team. While I may have other similar sources this talks about you not as an individual coach but as being part of a greater coaching community.

“The Science of Coaching Work/Life Balance.” International Coach Federation, 7 Dec. 2017,

Coaching is challenging. I will be the first person to admit that, but it is also rewarding. I love doing it the whole time I am there, but there are other factors to contend with especially for someone that spends over 24 hours a week coaching and doing other volunteering in the spring. How to stay on top of everything has always been hard for me and I think this article teaches me how to take more responsibility for all of the things I need to do by telling stories of people who have been there before.

Chloe Hart Capstone

In my Capstone I wanted to create a form of media that got people to look into mental health stigma. My overall goal was to give people an opportunity to look at the stigma around mental health without criticising people for the beliefs they may have previously had.  I personally believe that ignorance can’t be fought with anger and must be fought instead with the correct information. I chose to share this information in a short documentary titled “We As A Society.”  I chose to do my Capstone in a documentary-like format because it allowed me use people's experiences directly to impact the people watching. It also gave me an opportunity to share it more freely without charge.

Blogger, G. (2015, October 27). Learning With Documentary Films: Strategies to Engage Students. Retrieved from

This article helped me to start on the project because I wasn’t originally sure what kind of form of media would be the best to present my information. After a lot of deciding and a few rejected ideas I decided on a form of film because of this article. While it’s not a fact based article, it was helpful in what I needed it for. It gave me the idea and showed me why it might actually be better for the final product that I wanted, which was to engage both younger and older people and teaching them about mental health stigma in an entertaining way.

Corrigan, P. (n.d.). How Stigma Interferes With Mental Health Care. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from

This article explains the problems with having a stigma around mental health. Unlike a lot of other articles on similar topics it both has an easy to understand photo that explains the point and explains the information in a professional way. This article is very helpful because it not only explains the immediate problems but also the long term impact of having mental health so stigmatised in society. This is something that I want my documentary to have an impact towards. This document is also fact oriented rather than opinion based, using statistics to prove its points rather than other forms of persuasion.  

Corrigan, Patrick. (2005). On the stigma of mental illness: Practical strategies for research and social change.. 10.1037/10887-000.

This book explains both the problem that society places upon people with mental health and how to start to reverse this stigma. It is an analysis on how to deal with both self stigma and societal expectation. Exploring both the causes along with the impacts everyday people make. While it backs up its information with facts and scientific studies, it does this in an easy to understand way similar to how I want my documentary to be laid out. Having a book like this can start to be a good template for how to gather the information im presenting.      

C. (n.d.). What is Stigma? Retrieved January 24, 2019, from

Understanding the problem is the key to being able to fix it. This article explains the problems with stigma in an easy to digest way. Unlike other more complicated articles, this is a quick summary about what a stigma is defined as and real examples. While this article is less helpful for the documentary itself, it was a good starting point to help me understand the articles, books, and videos that have more complex and in depth information that will eventually be synthesized down to the documentary. It was also helpful between it gave me an example of what how to show the information in a way that people will be willing to pay attention.

Don't call me crazy, call me mad. (2016, July 22). Retrieved from

The man being interviewed for this video is a man that has dealt with mental illness all of his life. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It's an interesting experience that a lot of people never get or even begin to understand, so while I’m not focusing on schizophrenia as my entire project it can be very helpful to understand other people's experience for many reasons. This video also lets me see what it looks like both video wise and in terms of what kind of questions and things I should include in my own interviews.  

Ottati, V., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Newman, L. S. (n.d.). Social psychological models of mental illness stigma. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from

This article explains the problems with mental illness being stigmatised. Unlike previous articles, this one further explains on why people believe these different negative stereotypes.  This is important because in order to make an impact on people, you have to understand both what they believe and why they might hold this theory. This can further deepen my understanding of both stigma and the impact that is has on everyday people, but also the impact it has on society as a whole, even going as far as explaining the difference between stigma and discrimination and how they are interconnected but not interchangeable.

U. (n.d.). Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental illness. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from

The information present in this article further explains the problems that plague society from the mental health perspective. This article however goes further into depth about the social aspects of the stigma, rather than the impact of the social basis on a single person, as other articles have done. It also goes further into depth about the difference between stereotypes and stigma.  This article also further supports the belief that education can help people's understanding of problems and how to fix them and states studies that further push this argument about how to further fix this issue.

TED. (n.d.). 12 talks on the struggle of mental health. Retrieved from

These talks are helping to understand other people's perspective. While the scientific information is very helpful, this playlist also has videos that explain how to start a conversation about something like this, which is very important when you are talking about an important but often personal topic such as someone’s mental health.  I plan on trying to go into detail with a few peoples stories and how that has impacted that and its important that I understand how to do it right since a topic like this is often portrayed wrong and I don’t want to perpetuate bad stereotypes.

Trice, A. (2013, September 11). A Crash Course In Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Retrieved from

While this isn’t information pertaining the the documentary itself, it allows me to better understand how to use the resources available to me through the SLA community. I don’t have as much experience with video editing as a whole and using this video, coupled with help from my fellow students and some of the video teachers, I should be able to learn a lot. This should help me get a kickstart on learning a new skill such as this. Learning this skill is a vital part of my project and the primary learning experience of the project.

Wellness, P. S. (2018, March 12). Teen Health: Mental Health. Retrieved from

This video is a quick and simple explanation of teen mental health and why it matters. It's helpful as shorter version of what I want my documentary to look like. This allows me to better picture and write out the entire product. It is also a good source of a lot of statistics that draw your attention, which are important to try and get people listening to what you have to say, which I personally believe is the hardest part of creating a form of media. It's different than the other articles because of the video aspect. It's not just information, but information in a way I can emulate and learn from.

Jason Chen's Capstone

For my senior year capstone, I decided to create a frisbee launcher in hopes of benefiting the Ultimate Frisbee community. The purpose of this was to combine two of my favorite hobbies, Ultimate Frisbee and Engineering, incorporating it into something special. My initial thought when coming up with this idea was having some type of machine that could be your throwing partner for frisbee. Not everyone knows how to throw a frisbee efficiently right off the bat, so I wanted to make a machine that they can operate, all they have to do is insert a disc. The physics of frisbee is really interesting and there is a technique to throwing it. When going into building, I had to follow the basic engineering process which includes many different designs and ideas of how I could launch a disc. Once I decided which method would be best, I had to learn how to mount a wheel onto a cim motor. In the progress in learning how to do this I came by many difficulties because there were all kind wheels and there is a certain way to mount a wheel. Once I was finally able to have a running motor with a wheel on it, then came the structure. While making the structure, I had to run many tests and make many tweaks. After that, I was able to launch a frisbee a decent distance. In a frisbee term, it would be call a passing distance making my capstone to be a success.

"Automatic Frisbee Launcher." Accessed January 24, 2019.

A few years ago there was a robotics competition that requires launching a frisbee. This site shows one of the designs a team approach in order to make a robot that can shoot a frisbee.

Eisenhood, Charlie. "This Homemade Frisbee Launcher Is Amazing | Livewire." Ultiworld. Accessed January 24, 2019.

Ultiworld is like a news site that preview a lot of ultimate frisbee stuff. On this site ultiworld shares an homemade frisbee launcher made by someone along with a video of how this person created this launcher.

"Finally Disc Golf with This New Launcher." New Mobility. January 14, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019.

Along with ultimate frisbee there is another sport that is call disc golf. It’s similar to gift where you have to throw the frisbee into a bucket of some sort to score. This site shows a invention someone created that allows someone to throw a frisbee using this support stick.

Instructables, and Tecn. "Ultimate Frisbee Launcher." October 10, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019.

Instructables has been around for a pretty long time and is known to many engineers. This site introduces all kind of creations and design made by people and shows it to the world. On this site a group of teens design and creates a Frisbee launcher with a in-depth guide.

Ultimate Football. Accessed January 24, 2019. the Frisbee Flies.htm.

The laws of physics behind an frisbee is a important aspects to this project because I will be attempting to launch one. This site goes into the laws and physics behind a frisbee allowing me to have a better understanding of how a frisbee flies in motion.

"Ultimate Frisbee Top 10 Lists." Ultimate Frisbee: Rules, History, Throws, Terms | Disc Ace. Accessed January 24, 2019.

Ultimate frisbee has all kind of different cool throwing techniques. This site goes into the top 10 throws people like to do when they throw a frisbee. This gives me ideas of how I can simulate throwing a frisbee.

"USA Ultimate." About Spirit of the Game. Accessed January 25, 2019.

USA Ultimate is another huge organization that runs frisbee. They run many tournaments in all kind of levels. This site goes into the idea of how ultimate frisbee is fun and the history behind it. It speaks a lot about the community and how it’s great.

Pludodog. "Frisbee Launcher." YouTube. April 26, 2008. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This is a video of a cool frisbee launcher made by someone. The machine looks really interesting and has cool things like how the machine can adjust its height. Otherwise there is a lot of power in this machine allowing the frisbee to fly in a smooth motion.

"Vikings Robotics Team 2984." Vikings Robotics - FRC Team 2984. Accessed January 24, 2019.

This is another robot that was created by the Vikings Robotics team 2984. This shows a video of a mock battle with the frisbee robots which can give me some cool ideas.

World Flying Disc Federation. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This is one of the major federation that start ultimate frisbee during, it started in high school with a small group of people. It’s cool to see the background of how ultimate frisbee formed. It all started in a parking lot.

Jakob Klemash-Kresge Capstone

For my capstone project, I have been running a hockey clinic every Wednesday and Friday after school, the clinic took place at my former home rink located in Mount Laurel New Jersey. Each session was an hour long and the Primary focus is on training younger goaltenders on how to be better goalies. The kids I worked with ranged from the ages 5 to 16 and I am not the only coach there are others who help me but I was the main person running drills. I also have volunteer shooters that shoot pucks at the goalies because that’s the main purpose of the goalie's job is to save pucks so in order for them to practice we need them to help shoot pucks at the goalies. The different components of the projects include collaborating with the players and how they can improve and collaborating with the players how to complete the drills correctly. I learned that I need to be prepared before and have a set agenda and making sure that there is room to adjust and that need make players do side drills so that they are constantly moving and not sitting around doing nothing. During the process, I have made long life friends and learned how to become a hockey coach and when I am done playing college hockey I would like to give back to the community and coach in the future. 

Anotated  Biligorghy

“Tips for Running a Hockey Practice.” How to Hockey: Hockey Training and Hockey Tips, 13 Jan. 2010, This source provides me with information on how to run a hockey practice, gives general information on the basics because I have never run and practice by myself and provides helpful.

The source was written for people who starting to become hockey coaches and gives tip on how to run a successful practice. This was an article written from other coaches in the past and the things they suggested are things that have worked from them and there team. The most valuable piece of information I have gained for this source is that players can get bored and need to physically show the  players what they are doing wrong because if i would just tell them they would forget.

“Content Search.” Membership Statistics, The source is from the governing body of hockey in the United States, USA Hockey provides coaches with training plans for their teams. This source provides drills for goalies and drills at all levels which is key because I have to work with all levels of players so I need to accommodate for the skill level and the age, generally the older the kid’s the more advance drills. The drills provided will help me maximize the goalie's development. The middle T-push drill would be great for younger kids to begin practicing positioning, I will also include this drill in the warmups.

Wilson, Eli, and Brian Van Vliet. Hockey Goaltending. Human Kinetics, 2018. The book Hockey Goaltending by Eli Wilson goes over the basics of how being a player is just not about me physically good it’s also about the mentally strong and the author has provided strategies how to make a player mentally strong and focused, The method is spraying water in the air and focusing on one drop of water hitting the ice, I like how the author worked with current NHL- all-stars to gain knowledge on how to get the best information from the best. The author also provides more drills which are good so I have more knowledge and can change the drills up so the players don’t get bored.

joedimagiovideos. YouTube, YouTube, 22 July 2013, The source is a short video about drills. The video provides me with more drills that I can possibly conduct at my practice sessions. The videos also provide me with visual examples of the drills which helps me learn them better because the rest of the drills are on paper but actually seeing the drills in live action helps me run the drills better. One valuable drill that will take away from this source is the shot+ corner attack and the drill involves pushing toward the puck and the goalie making the save then turns back and then push back to the post.  The drill would be perfect for one of the goalies who need to work on positioning

“Hockey Made Easy .” Wildcats, Early Season Tips for Youth Hockey Coaches, Parents and Players.pdf. The source is an article about giving helpful tips to first time coaches, the article stated that coaches should have the practices planned out ahead of time even months of head of the practices so that the practices are organized and challenging and if something needs to be tweaked then you can always change what you have planned, I will make a schedule of the practices and drills that we will conduct and alter them if needed to be. The article stated that I was the leader should always have a positive attitude because not all players respond well to negativity

“How to Run an Effective Minor Hockey Practice.” Tim Turk Hockey, 17 Jan. 2018, the article was written by a good respect Hockey coach Named Tim Turk, Tim made the point that the most important job of a hockey coach is too teach the players to make sure that there learning new skills and that they are safe in learning to mean that they should feel comfortable in the environment. I should guide the players I am training and making sure that strengthen their abilities. The coach should notice what good skills a player has and the skills that they need to improve on. The main focus is noticing what certain skills players are swelled at and skills that they need to improve and then collaborating with them how to improve.

Niclos , Stefan, and Elsi Rassi . “Goalie Coach Training .” Hockey Eastern , The source provides me with general information on how to make sure that the goalie's equipment is safe. When I train the goalie’s I should always make sure that the helmet that they are using is certified because the head is the most dangerous area and in order to make sure the players ate safely. The source also provides information on how I should evaluate the Goalies. My goals should be (smart) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and measurable. The coach needs to provide direction before so that all the players remain focused.

“SCOREBOARD.” Team Canada Alumna and 2010 Hockey Hall of Fame Inductee Angela James to Be Honoured at 2010 4 Nations Cup, The source was written by hockey Canada the governing body of hockey for the country of Canada, They provided me with a list of drills to work with kids who are at the beginner level of playing goalie. We work with a kid who just started playing so these drills provide would be perfect for that kid. The article suggests that the average travel distance when doing drills should be three to four feet. The goalie should have the right mechanics and then everything else will continue after that

“Hockey Goalie Training for Flexibility.” Kevin Neeld, 25 Nov. 2009, The source was written to educate players on stretches they can use to improve their hip flexibility and this will make the player to a better player because they can make more athletic saves and also will help prevent injury. I will suggest these to the players that I help train so they can prevent injury. The players will be expected to do these off the ice or at home so that they don’t waste valuable ice time.

“Off-Ice Hockey Workouts and Exercises.” Ice Hockey Systems Inc., 23 July 2017, The source provides me with workouts that I can suggest to my players. The Glute bridge would be a great excuse To work the Glute muscle because that is a muscle that hockey players comply injure. Provides work out plans for every type of player, the workouts are not mandatory but are highly suggested for the players to stay in shape expected if they're not going to skate or miss practice. The source was written by a trainer.


Jayla Wright Capstone

Around when I was 12 I had gotten into webcomics. I grew inspired by this niche storytelling format and decided that sometime in the future I would have a webcomic of my own. A few years later, I was a freshman in SLA, I learned the ropes of this school, including the capstone project all seniors were expected to do. From there on, I knew that my capstone just had to be a webcomic.

Webcomics start like any other storytelling medium. Ideas, characters, and events hazardously fly in the creator's mind. I went through numerous ideas for my story before settling on one. At this point, the characters, setting, and events needed development. As I wanted the comic to be character driven, I fleshed out the people of the story first. After that, I began writing the script where the setting and the events came naturally to me. After the script and characters were giving multiple trials of critiquing I knew my webcomic was ready to go. I put all dialogue and visual descriptions into a spreadsheet and created character designs to help me plan each comic panel. I planned over 200 drawings and decided to break them up into small weekly updates to make the comic easier to consume. The last thing to do was to make a website that could host my comic.

There were unexpected hiccups along the way, but I did appreciate learning the storytelling process. I plan to work on this after I graduate so I can continue to contribute my art and writing to the storytelling world.  

Barr, Brian. 2017. “The Ultimate Guide to Running Instagram Stories Ads That Will Generate Massive ROI.” Single Grain. Single Grain.

Will use this to understand advertising on social media. The article briefs on Ads on social media being short, and its viewer’s attention spans being even shorter. Based on that information, I can gather that advertising on social media requires storytelling that is quick and eye-catching. I don’t want my audiences to be bored, I want them engaged and interested. Using storytelling allows me to ensure that my audience will remember and look into my webcomic.

Bois, Jon. 2AD. “What Football Will Look Like in the Future.” SBNation.

Will use this webcomic as an example of experimental online storytelling. 17776 incorporates facets of the internet such as infinite scrolling and videos. Both are things people interact with on the daily during their internet surfing. But, these techniques are rarely seen in webcomics, which typically follows a book’s format of being flipped page to page. The formatting of this website is similar to social media’s, where users scroll through their feed and browse texts, videos, and pictures. I believe by taking inspiration from this website formatting I can create a website that considers how people currently use the internet.

Brown, Kieron. 2013. “The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.” The Comics Grid. Musical Sequences in Comics.

Will be used to consider how music interacts with storytelling. I plan to have a multimedia webcomic and I would need to effectively use music that would help move along the plot or character development. The article also discusses the importance of reader engagement with music, as the more the reader is involved the more the story moves on. Music and storytelling interacting will make scenes and character traits more memorable.

“Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget.” 2018. Reedsy. Reedsy Ltd.

Will be used to write more detailed character descriptions. The exercises help me understand my character’s motives and behavior better. The source has a lot to choose from ranging from templates that help kickstart a character to psychology questions used on real people. So far, this source has been used to get me started with a character but it will probably be used in the possible case of writer’s block.

Darcy, Jen. Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil: The Creation The Inspiration The Fascination. New York, New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2017.

Will be used for character design. As this book goes into depth towards Disney’s decisions when visually designing their characters. Disney typically considers what humans find uncomfortable to look at in their designs to get their desired reaction. For example, using a sickly green color in scenes whenever a villain is present. These techniques almost train audiences to react according to Disney’s plan. This book is useful for considering key aspects of design in not just villains, but all characters and settings.

Dune, Will. The Dramatic Writer's Companion. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Will be used when fleshing out a new character. This book lists exercises that jog the brain into thinking of material for characters and setting. I plan to mostly use this source as a way of getting to know my characters, as well as making them feel real. This source considers small aspects of characters such as their insignificant interests and beliefs. Both details most likely won’t affect the plot, but it will help with understanding their motives.

Hussie, Andrew. n.d. Homestuck. Andrew Hussie. Accessed January 24, 2019.

Will be used as an example of an experimental webcomic. Homestuck is one of the few webcomics to use flash animation, games, and music instead of just static images. I will take this webcomic’s techniques of inserting different mediums into my story when appropriate. Homestuck’s use of more than one medium is part of the reasons why it’s so memorable, as it takes advantage of its placement being on the internet. I intend to consider using unique aspects of the internet in my webcomic as well.

Lund, Martin. "Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection" 2013.

This thesis considers how identity is expressed in comics. Whether intentional or not, comic book writers and artists tend to make statements depending on how their characters’ identities are regarded in stories. Although the thesis focuses on a Jewish-American angle, I will consider this topic when writing all my characters. I want to avoid making an unintentionally harmful statement about a character’s identity. I also want the statements I do intentionally make to be powerful and meaningful.

Radner, Jo. "On the Threshold of Power: The Storytelling Movement Today." Storytelling, Self, Society 4, no. 1 (2008): 36-49.

Will use this source towards making my webcomic look appealing enough to read. The book focuses on traditional storytelling’s competition for popularity with other art forms such as dance or theatre. My chosen medium isn’t as traditional as a book, but it does face the same treatment that books receive due to their lower entertainment value. However, considering what makes these forms of media regarded higher and applying it to my work can make my webcomic stand out.

Undertale. Videogame. United States: Toby Fox, 2015.

Undertale has a simple plot and art style, yet it rose quickly in cultural importance. This endearment it received can most likely be traced back to its heartfelt design, due to each aspect of the game feeling thoughtfully crafted. It also has a unique soundtrack, characters, and concept which helped its booming popularity. I intend to keep the aspects in mind when creating my webcomic. While it does need to be different, it also needs to have a heart as well.

Aysha Siddiquee- Capstone

Coming from a culturally diverse background one of the recurring themes in my life is how many family and friends have come over time to the U.S. based on preconceived notions. I wanted to create a document that would not only make their lives easier when it comes to adjusting to a new country, providing more insight on what to expect, while simultaneously helping their kids along the way as well by providing stories relatable to different age groups. This document has many layers to it which includes my personal story about adjusting to a new culture given parents who both come from two different countries and backgrounds, explanations of different aspects of culture shock, specific locations and regions as to where a certain group of people is located in the U.S., and the stories of people of different age groups in order to not only help those deciding whether or not to come to the U.S. but what the reality of it all is. One of the most common themes in my document is religion, not only for the educational purposes for those coming here but to create a better understanding of the culture shock. In general, this document is to be a guide for those who are coming from abroad and for anyone else who would like some insight into the lives of immigrants and their stories, while doing this project I learned more about the different obstacles that people face coming to the U.S. and the reasoning behind why they choose to make the big move.

Clark, Ximena, et al. “Explaining U.S. Immigration, 1971–1998.” Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 89, no. 2, 2007, pp. 359–373., doi:10.1162/rest.89.2.359.

Cox. “Over 1,300 Rohingyas Flee India for Bangladesh Fearing Deportation, More on Way.” bdnews24.Com , eportation-more-on-way.

Doyle, Alison. “What Is the STAR Interview Response Technique?” The Balance Careers , The Balance Careers,

Espenshade, Thomas J. “Unauthorized Immigration to the United States.” Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 21, no. 1, 1995, pp. 195–216., doi:10.1146/

Fahmida Yasmin. Never Again. 1/27/19

Hamida Siddiquee. One Move. 1/26/19

Naqvi, Naseem. “Editorial, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2018.” The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, vol. 1, no. 2, 2018, pp. 1–1., doi:10.31585/jbba-1-2-(10)2018.

Nizam Uddin. Lastime. 1/ 22/ 19.

Talks, TEDx. “My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDx Carver Military Academy.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Feb. 2016, MOVebo.

Farhan Uddin. One Direction. 1/22/19

Nanziba Tabbasum. One Way. 1/22/19


Julia Hood Capstone

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"Chapter 1: Why Is Early Childhood Important To Substance Abuse Prevention?." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

A substance abuse guide that was made by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that talks about how early childhood can affect a person’s likelihood to become addicted in the future. It also talks about how exposure to different things can affect addiction issues in the future. This is important because a lot of children who grow up with people who are close to them addicted or abusing substances it becomes something that is “normal” to them and makes them more likely to have their own substance abuse and addiction problems as they get older.

Coyer, Sharon. 2001. "Mothers Recovering From Cocaine Addiction: Factors Affecting Parenting Skills". Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing.

This clinical study done by Sharon Coyer in JOGNN, the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, studies mothers who are recovering from cocaine addiction. It talks about how addiction affects how mothers parent through the way that they interact with their children. This shows how parents themselves feel that their addiction affects their families, a side that isn't normally shown when researching how addiction affects families.

"Harvard Study Pegs How Parental Substance Abuse Impacts Kids." Psychology Today. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

An article written by Psychology Today that analyzes a multiple studies on how children who grow up in households with parents or caregivers who have substance issues are more likely to suffer from behavioral and emotional problems. This is important because it explains, through statistics, that increased rates of behavioral problems as well as emotional problems are not just things that the people that I will be and have interviewed for my project suffer from, but are a widespread issue.

How Family Member's Addictions Affect You. 2019 Anonymous Interview by Julia Hood. In person. Science Leadership Academy.

This interview that I conducted with an anonymous person talks about how their parent’s addictions affected them growing up and now that they’re older how they deal with it. It addresses how they view addiction as a whole as well as how it’s affected their relationship with their parents. It shows how people in situations where a family member is addicted view things as well as how they cope with things, this interview shows specifically that the coping mechanisms that are recommended are not always carried out when not promoted at home.

"How Addiction Affects Children - Life With An Addict Through A Child's Eye." The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare. N. p., 2018. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

This article written by a behavioral healthcare center in Texas talks about the different ways that addiction affects children. It also talks about some of the different ways that children can cope with their parents being addicted. This is important for my project because it talks about how addiction can emotionally affect how children act as well and develop regarding relationships as well as “basic” tasks.

"How Your Substance Abuse May Have Affected Your Child | Phoenix House." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

An article published by Phoenix House that talks about how substance abuse has affected children whose parents suffered from addiction. It talks about how even though a parent may have been present physically the whole addiction it still can still emotionally affect the child, it also talks about how neglect or abuse can affect children. It also talks about the different ways it has psychologically affected children as well as how it may have affected their learning of basic tasks such as personal hygiene practices and can affect their intimate relationships in the future.

Publishing, Harvard. "How Addiction Hijacks The Brain - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

This article by Harvard Health Department talks about the science behind addiction as well as what addiction does to the brain. It talks about how addictions are formed as well as how tolerances are formed and why they’re formed. This is important because to understand how addiction affects families it must first be understood what addiction is and why it is a thing. It is also important to understand why people become addicted to things and how the brain functions while addicted.

"Relationships And Addiction | Dual Diagnosis." Dual Diagnosis. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

This article done by the Foundations Recovery Network talks about how addictions affect people’s relationships, it has many different subsections that discuss the different ways that addiction can affect people’s relationships such as gender dynamics, economic issues, and how developing healthy relationships can help with addiction.

"The Importance Of Family When Recovering From Addiction » Alo House Malibu." Alo House Malibu. N. p., 2017. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

An article published by Alo House Recovery Centers that talks about the importance of family members while someone is recovering from addiction. This shows the different ways that different family dynamics can enable recovering addicts as well as different ways that family members can help their family members recover. This is important because even though many people are currently in a situation where a family member is addicted, there are also many people whose family members are recovering and it is necessary to understand what to do while recovering.

"What Are The Dangers Of A Codependent Drug Abusing Relationship?." American Addiction Centers. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.

An article written by American Addiction Centers that talks about how even though positive relationships can help addicts, certain relationships, codependent relationships in particular, can cause many negative effects on recovering addicts. It also explains what codependent relationships are and how it affects both people in the relationship. This article shines a light on addiction and how it affects family members in a light that isn’t just that it affects the family, but that depending on the person they could actually be harming the recovering or current addict.  

Ailin Li Capstone

Annotated Bibliography of Ailin Li

Source #1:

1553827318275256. “Back to the Basics: 6 Important Tips for Documentary Filmmakers.” Video Strategist, Video Strategist, 5 Jan. 2017,

Not knowing how to record certain things, or being familiar with any angles or lighting, or anything that contributes to having a high quality video, and nice shot of something, this source will not only benefit me when creating my movie, but it will also guide me along the way. I will be allowed to have a much better understanding on how to shoot my movie. This will allow my movie to be smoother and more appealing for the eye to see. This will also allow my movie to have diversity when it comes to the angles, the lighting, and etc.

Source #2: Courage, Film. “My Interview Tips To Documentary Filmmakers by Paul Blackthorne.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Dec. 2013,

With my project, interviewing people will have to happen. Although I have been interviewed plenty of times before, I have never been the interviewer, just the interviewee. In order to have a successful interview, I will need help. I will need to learn from to talk, which tone of voice to use, and etc. This source is tips from someone who not only knows how to interview someone, but is also associated with the film and digital world. The tips provided will allow my movie to have a nice flow to the interview when including these interviews into my movie/film/documentary.

Source #3: “Creative Tips | How to Interview People.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 July 2016,

With my project, I will need to interact with others that are involved and active in the community I am a part of. I will need to interview them. I have never interviewed someone in a way where it is important or for something that I am creating, especially not something as big as a senior project. With this being said, this source will help and benefit me when doing this because it will help me be a better interviewer, and giving my interviewee a better interview. I will also learn more and be able to accomplish more out of the person I am interviewing when using tips given from this website.

Source #4: Hartford, The. “7 Tips and Tricks to Keep Yourself Motivated in Any Situation.”, Inc., 10 July 2018,

For me, personally, when it comes to projects that I have to do something in my interest. I tend to somewhat lose motivation and I start to procrastinate only due to the fact that I feel as if I can easily get done. This is because I believe that since this is a topic I am familiar with and I am dictating, I can easily wing it, but knowing how big of a project this is, I know that I will need as much motivation as I can get and I will need as much time as I can possibly get as well. This being said, I wanted to look up ways to keep myself motivated because my project is something that I actually want to invest my time into, and naste it. This source can help guide me into being a better student when it comes to completing this project that I feel passionate about.

Source #5:

“How to Make a Documentary.” Adora Learning Center,

Although I know that I can simply use my phone to record and edit and etc, I would also like my movie to be the best it can possibly be. This being said, it can only be done if I use the correct equipment as well as the correct tools. With this source, it tells me what specifically to look for when completing my movie. What techniques to use when completing my movie will also be needed, and this source provides this information. A movie/film/docu consists of so many different aspects and this source is only one of the many sources that will help provide different parts of creating a film like piece.

Source #6: Kessler, Sarah. “How to Conduct a Job Interview.”, Inc.,

The interviews that I will be conducting will most definitely not be job interviews, but rather interviews that allow me to understand people more, how they have evolved and grown as a person through this community we are all a part of. Although this source does primarily focus on conducting job interviews rather than the interviews that I will be doing, I believe this source will help guide my interviews. Interviews should include being professional and the most professional and successful interviews consists of job interviews. This will help me visualize how the interview should go and what I should leave thinking and with.

Source #7: “Making Documentaries: A Step By Step Guide.”,

As I said before for the source above, I am not familiar with the digital world, nor do I know where or how to approach/start this “movie” of mine. Although this source does somewhat relate to the source above this one, this source helps me when creating my movie step by step. This will allow my movie to have a better flow and also have a variety of different things that can bring my movie to life. It will allow my movie to be more captivating and be more interesting for myself, as well as the audience to see. This source will help guide me as well.

Source #8: Moore, Michael, and Michael Moore. “Michael Moore's 13 Rules for Making Documentary Films.” IndieWire, IndieWire, 10 Sept. 2014,

I have chosen this source to use when completing my capstone. I am not one who is good with film or documentaries, or anything related to the recording/digital world. With this being said, I  believe feedback and advice from those who know what they are doing and completely familiar with the digital world can help guide me to create the ‘movie” I know I can make. With this source, examples are given as to how to approach certain things, and which certain things to approach when creating this movie of mine. With this source, I also learned to make this documentary not a documentary or film, but a movie.

Source #9: Stibbe, Matthew. “How to Interview Someone like a Journalist.” Inbound Marketing for B2B Technology Companies, The Articulate Marketing Blog,

When it comes to collecting information and recording information based off of what people are saying, there are certain elements to pay more attention to. There are also different techniques that can be used when focusing and collecting data/info from the interviewee. Although I have a general idea of what I should be paying attention to and focusing on when interviewing people, it doesn’t harm me to have more understanding and techniques as to what to pay attention to, and tips to gather more or close to all information. The best thing I believe doing is writing or collecting almost word for word what the interviewee says and when I can’t exactly record maybe, this source will come in handy.

Source #10: Tips, Science Filmmaking. “6 Tips for (Documentary) Filmmakers.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Aug. 2015,

With this project that I have in mind, I will have to, to the best of my abilities, become almost a director. I am the director of my own film/docu/movie. Knowing nothing about how to be a director, how I want my movie to go, or anything related to how the finish product might look like, this source will definitely help me. Any tips that will allow me to have a better understanding and put together a piece that will capture what I have in mind will help me. This is also specifically towards filmmakers who are created a documentary type piece, which I am, so that will help me as well.

Cynthia To Capstone

For my capstone, I have realized this year a bunch of high school students including myself have been really stressed with the transition of a shorter school year, the college process, benchmarks/projects, work, SAT/ACT, and etc. I wanted to find a better way for us to relieve that stress and what is not a better way than Playful therapy. A playful therapy allows people who are stress to express their thoughts without having to speak while they are having fun. The goal of my capstone was finding the best ways for teens to distress and understanding why we stress.

For my process, I have interviewed people who were really stress to people who don’t even stress that often to see what they do to cool down the stress level and if that really worked. After that, I started to research for the best of the best ways teens can maintain their stress level and why teens stress so often. From the research, I have made my events: making slime day to yoga to walking outside and lastly to playing games with your friends. I was really surprise that the students who came to the events enjoyed it and said that it have helped them a lot and they will do this more often. Since the events have helped my clients, I wanted to also make a website for anyone can go to distress while having fun.

Here is the link my website:

Here is the Link the Annotated Bibliography:

Making Slime Day!
Yoga Day!
​Walking outside to clear some thoughts and for fresh air!
Games with the people you can count on!

Ayala Silverman Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to explore the importance of an author’s voice and what makes a literary work distinctive. I aimed to bring attention to the subtle details and nuances in the way authors write that gives their stories depth and character that differ from other authors. To do this, I researched how writing styles change over time and what components factor into making an author’s style unique. I wrote four short stories emulating four different authors’ styles using my research and initial idea. Instead of directly trying to copy the styles of writing, I took frequently used plot-lines and literary elements from each authors’ works and integrated it into my own writing. Throughout my writing process, I began to appreciate each authors’ writing style more and it also made me more aware of the distinctiveness of my own style.

Annotated Bibliography

1. Brundage, David. 2019. "Elements Of Writing Style". Accessed January 24 2019.

A large part of what makes up an author’s distinct writing style is how they utilize literary elements. This article aims to explain these elements and how they should generally be used. It explains in depth what each element means and provides examples of how they’re used in writing. For my project, I will need to take notes on how the authors use these elements in their stories and I will use this article as a source for what stylistic choices to look for while reading. I believe this source is reliable because it was adapted from an English course text from Athabasca University by an academic author.

2. Dumas, Alexandre. 1844. The Count Of Monte Cristo.

“The Count of Monte Cristo” is a hefty novel by Alexandre Dumas, one of the authors I aim to emulate in my project. The story consists of a young man that is sabotaged by his business partners and goes to prison. Once out of prison, the man becomes involved in crime in order to get revenge against those who wronged him. I will be using this book for my project because it was written in a significantly different time period than the other novels I am emulating. This will give me a lot of content to compare how writing has changed over time, especially between the 1840s and the 2010s. I will also read through the brief introduction written by Richard Church in order to gain further understanding of Dumas and his novel. This is a credible source because it is a novel written by Dumas himself.

3. Famous Authors And Their Writing Styles - Craft Your Content". 2017. Craft Your Content. Accessed January 24 2019.

This article delves into different famous authors and how and why they were so influential. It mentions many great writers from across all time periods and genres. It marks the importance of each authors’ unique writing style and how that difference made them so “revolutionary” (as the website kept referring to them). I won’t be using this source actively within my project, but instead more passively. The concept of unique writing styles based on time period, experiences, and the potential to change an environment through writing is something that I should keep in mind while emulating authors that have had a significant impact in the writing world. This is a credible source because it was written on a website made for writers and writing tips. (The author, while not well known to my knowledge, also makes sure that her name is both before and after the article.)

4. Harmetz, Aljean. 1987. "STEVE MARTIN REVISES 'CYRANO'". Nytimes.Com. Accessed January 25 2019.

This article explains in detail the process that writer Steve Martin went through recreating the 19th-century play “Cyrano de Bergerac”. It starts from the beginning, with him drawing inspiration from the play to create a more modern, less tragic story. It also documented his struggles with writing and editing the script in order to be the best he believed it could. I have drawn both inspiration and insight from reading this article. I believe that my process will be somewhat similar to Martin’s even though I’m simply emulating instead of recreating in a new setting. In the article, Martin mentions that he would constantly scrap ideas and that a writer shouldn’t be afraid to start over -- this is important for me to remember so that I don’t get stuck with writer’s block. This is a reliable source because it was an interview of Steve Martin from the physical New York Times written in 1996.

5. "Moses And The Man Of Steel ". 2019. Psychology Today. Accessed January 25 2019.

Writing, especially in the narrative style, consists of embellishments and implementation of fantasy. This article first criticizes how humans tend to state things literally and accurately before commenting on human morality. This is connected to heroism throughout history where the article’s author compares the story of Moses to that of Superman. He draws comparisons between each story and of the main characters’ lives, explaining how the similarities were intentional so that Superman could be a source of comfort for people. This source does not comment on emulation, but it does write about a concept that is similar. The article gave me insight as to how I could potentially emulate themes or ideas from my chosen authors. This is a reliable source because it written by a professor and writer.

6. Mummini, Swathi. 2019. " ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY - West Side Story And Romeo And Juliet". Eportfolios.Macaulay.Cuny.Edu. Accessed January 25 2019.

This article discusses the similarities between Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and the movie “West Side Story”. The author describes the similar concepts and themes within both media and how “West Side Story” drew inspiration from the play. Similarly, the concept of forbidden love has been used across media for decades. I will be using this source because the process of recreating a story and emulating a story is pretty similar. Since I am emulating an author instead of using my own writing style, I will have to give a personal twist on the story itself. This source has given me insight on how to do so. This is a credible source because it was published by a student attending CUNY.

7. Paris, Ask, Submit Question, Submit Review, Hat TIPs, Get TIP, and Ivan Ross. 2017. "How Important Is An Author’S Writing Style?". Blogs.Tip.Duke.Edu. Accessed January 24 2019.  

Writing style isn’t necessarily always about technique, but also about the author’s voice. An important part of narrative writing is the author’s voice and this article discusses this idea. It also provides examples of how different styles can affect the flow and meaning of a passage. I will be using this source as inspiration and an example for how my emulations should turn out. The article has given me insight on the idea that how I write should be the focus of the story, not necessarily what I write. This is a reliable source because it is a blog post made by members of Duke University.

8. R. R. Martin, George. 1996. A Game Of Thrones.

The book “A Game of Thrones” is the novel I chose to help me emulate George R. R. Martin. I’m not entirely sure what the book is about, as there are many different character lines to follow. However, it is filled with plenty of death, angst, and character building. I will be using this story in order to gain a concept of how to write similarly to R. R. Martin. For this author in particular, I will be paying close attention to his sentence structure and general flow of the story. This is a credible source because it’s written by the author that I am drawing inspiration from in my project.

9. Schwab, V. E. 2015. A Darker Shade Of Magic.

This novel is also one of the main books that I will be emulating in my project. This book and the two others listed have significant gaps in time between the dates they were published. This is so I can make note of the change in styles through history and over large spans of time. “A Darker Shade of Magic” follows two main characters: a young man yearning for freedom from his surrogate family and a young woman desperate to travel the world. This author will be slightly easier to emulate because of her more modern writing style (and while not extremely similar, it’s closer to my own style than the other novels). This is a reliable source because it is written by V. E. Schwab, an author I will be emulating.

10. "Writing Styles". 2019. Whs.Wsd.Wednet.Edu. Accessed January 24 2019.

This website follows the most popular writing styles and topics that authors used throughout American history. It documents the form of writing in which the stories were transcribed and the eras that the style of writing was most used. I will use this website to compare the popular style of the era and the writing of the author from that time period. Using this website to check the author and their era, I will be able to more accurately document how styles might change over time (disregarding an author’s personal taste, to an extent). This is a reliable source because it was put together by an English teacher from Wenatchee High School.

Eli Zimmerman Capstone

After six months of extensive research and communicating with city officials I have concluded we as people should provide the homeless with free easy access storage. The ability to store ones belongings should be treated as a human right. In order to have security and self being one must have the right to sanctuary and access to secure their belongings. For the homeless population the goal is to return people back to society. Studies and pilot programs done in progressive west coast cities like San Diego and countries like Finland have shown that public storage reaps positive results. Everyday some people struggle to find dependable places to place their belongings. For this reason it would be detrimental to continue to not prioritize a method of public access lockers for the homeless if we wish to ensure their protection. This report explores two possible solutions to public storage, each on a different scale. The purpose of this project is to introduce, propose, and flesh out methods of tackling the issue at hand.

Emily Pugliese Capstone

Screenshot 2019-04-29 at 12.28.50 PM
Screenshot 2019-04-29 at 12.28.50 PM
For my capstone, I’ve decided that I’d like to put together a book. The theme of it is you are not alone. The goal is to have people understand that we are all in this together and hard times are often times part of the human experience. This being said, I will be having the help of co-authors to write this process. The book is called, I Am Not Alone. In its spine, holds stories of hardships that my co-authors have went through and how they were able to overcome them hardship. The idea of them sharing their story will hopefully influence and encourage the people around them to seek the desired help struggling people might need.

Jenkins, Jerry B. “How to Write a Book: A Proven 20-Step Guide from a 21-Time Bestseller.” Jerry Jenkins | Proven Writing Tips, Jerry Jenkins, 19 Dec. 2018,

While searching for sources and answers to where to start in making this dream come true. I came across this site and the first sentence said, “Becoming an author can change your life—not to mention give you the ability to impact thousands, even millions, of people.” That right there was all I needed to keep reading, for the main purpose of my book is to encourage others. I found Jerry Jenkins Blog to be reliable because he is a famous author that has approximately 21 New York Times bestseller novels.

This specific site helps me understand that it’s okay to take not see the full picture of the final product at first. The author even encourage not to see it that way, for a good book doesn’t have to be measured by time well spent or how many pages it turns. A good book can be as simple as having a completed beginning, middle and end. And personally that's the most encouraging thing to read because that takes unneeded stress that I’ve placed in myself, off my shoulders. Because in the end, we all have different views.

Bryan. “How Much Does It Cost To Self-Publish a Book?” Become a Writer Today, 15 Sept. 2018,

This website really helped me narrow down on how much money I will need to spend. It really opened my eyes to see how little I know about how to publish a book properly. Based on the website it showed me that I need to do more research on how much my typical story will be. I really didn’t like that the writer didn’t really specify how much it would be, they didn’t really give me a small range at all. This was a very informative read, however now I am left with many questions.

Swets, Paul W. The Art of Talking so That People Will Listen: Getting through to Family, Friends, and Business Associates. Simon & Schuster, 1992.

While reading through some of the chapters, I was sad to find that this source wasn’t as resourceful as I’d hope. Although it showed me how to be a more vocal person and stand strong when trying to speak to people. It didn’t really share much about writing so people will listen. However, some of the things that the book mentioned could be implemented in my book. Some may beg to differ, but the way I interpreted the writing was useful to an extent.

“How to Use Real People in Your Writing Without Ending Up in Court.” Helen Sedwick, 24 Aug. 2016,

This website was written by an attorney. Which I consider to be very reliable because out of all people, they’ll know the most about the ins and outs of writing a book that are similar to mine without getting sued. This site was very useful for me because it gave me hope that it is still possible to have my book officially published allowing people around the world that they aren’t alone in their tough situations and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The site was a little confusing at first hand because the writer was trying to explain that no matter how you word specific things it's best that you don’t say it at all or that you change not only the characters names but also their characteristics and tweak some of their history.

Henneke. “5 Ways to Make Your Words More Powerful (and Get People to Listen).” Enchanting Marketing, 4 Aug. 2017,

As a writer and person I always found it hard to share something with someone without them getting distracted or spacing out. I found this website very encouraging because it listed the things that I’m doing wrong. For example, the writer says that it is very unpleasant and unrealistic to read a really long sentence (run-on sentence) they encouraged to break it down. Instead of having a 43 word long single sentence break it down. That right there will be easier to read. Also the website helped me to understand how to word things properly. It gives a quote by Albert Einstein “If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself.

Treasure, Julian. Ted, Ted,

Like the book I read, this Ted talk was more about speaking to others in the present rather than writing. However the one thing that I felt was very intriguing about the Ted Talk was H.A.I.L At first I was very hesitant to follow through with the video but as I watched and listened I realized that HAIL should be applied to my stories so people find it more believable and relatable. H-honesty be clear and straightforward. Implying don’t go on a rant about one specific moment for 3 pages. A-authenticity be yourself. I-integrity be your word. L-love wish them well. Although Julian Treasure was directing it more to conversations between people, it can also be implied for stories.

“How to Publish a Book: An Overview of Traditional & Self-Publishing.” How To Publish a Book: An Overview of Traditional & Self-Publishing | WritersDigestShop, Writers Digests,

         This website opened my eyes to what the process of publishing will really look like. It taught me the difference between self publishing and having an agent. Though there is a major difference between the two, I never really thought that I could make money off of my project for that was not the point for it. However I was really hoping to be able to publish in some sort of way. From the article, my best option would have to be self publishing. Although that may cost some money, I am willing to either use my own cash or have fundraisers to help fund what I believe to be a good cause.

Bittner, Lauren "Best Ways People Tend to Relate." Personal interview. Jan. 2019.

         I believe that Lauren is a great source that is available to me because she has a masters degree in psychology and has recently started her own practice. Although she wasn’t allowed to share much about her patients specifically. Lauren was able to share with me things that worked and didn’t work with talking to some clients. She shared with me that people are coming to her in a vulnerable state. Hearing her say this reminds me that I also have to keep that in my mind while reading my co-authors stories. Not also them but those who might be reading my book as well because they will be coming to my book most likely looking for answers and support.

“Learning to Relate.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,

Psychology today wasn’t as hopeful and informative that I hoped it would be. Although it did talk a lot about relating to people. It talked mostly on the foundations of relating and how it originated from when we were children. The site was talking about how we developed the skill of learning at young age due to our parents. Although it is a very interesting idea to learn about, it doesn’t actually help me with my developing project. I was expecting a lot from this sight however was slightly disappointed.

“Create, Publish and Sell Your Book for Free.” Journal of Camus Studies 2013 by Camus Society (Paperback) - Lulu,

This website is a publishing sight. Although I might not necessarily use this site specifically. I found it interesting to look and scroll through for it informed me more about what I will be getting myself throughout the process of creating this book.

Catherine Long Capstone

For my capstone I wanted to put a few of my interests into one thing. History, fashion and Asian traditional culture. Since I had traveled/planned to travel to these countries, I decided to use them as my main focus. My capstone overall is research and pictures of the evolution/variety of traditional clothing worn by women in Vietnam and Japan, being the Ao Dai and the Kimono. Other than being of my interests, I wanted travelers/foreigners who travel to Asian countries and wear the traditional outfits to know the significance of it to the citizens and the country, not just wearing it to wear it or because it looks nice. 
Traditional clothing of a country shows the history and importance. It means something and presents the citizens in a certain way, normally making them look elegant and beautiful, just like the scenery that is around them. I wanted to educate them on this topic so they have this knowledge when they travel to either country. Hopefully in the future I will be able to expand this with more Asian countries and their traditional outfits for women. 

Cynthia Green. “The Surprising History of the Kimono.” JSTOR Daily. December 8, 2017.

Ellis, Claire, and Global Directions, Inc. "Ao Dai: The National Costume." Razor Tie Artery Foundation Announce New Joint Venture Recordings | Razor & Tie. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This article is also about the Ao dai itself, bringing in some historical background. Overall mentioning how the to pronounce the outfit name, as well as the difference in regions. It mentions a lot about the how the ao dai is seen as a national costume and how it is perceived from the citizens of Vietnam. The article has stuff on the comfort of the outfit, how it’s shaped, cut and also how it looks physically, from the fabric choices to the neck cut choices. The ao dai is perceived now to the Vietnamese citizens as “elegant, demure and yet sexy outfit, that suits Vietnamese women of all ages.”

Huyen. "The History of Ao Dai – Vietnam’s National Dress." Discover Halong. December 28, 2016. Accessed January 24, 2019.

I chose to use this link/website as it is very difficult to find information on the ao dai when in the states. It breaks up the history of the ao dai by time period of change, how it looked, what it was called and how society viewed it. Starting from the original design, ao tu than. It ends with the now more modernized version of the ao dai, seen with leggings or skinny jeans. It shows the changes with style, who was either first shown with the change or created the change. As well as photo evidence of those designs during those periods.

Thuy Design House. "CO BA SAI GON." Thuy Design House. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This is the collection of the outfits created in partnership with the movie Co Ba Saigon. I’m using this collection and a few other collections from Thuy Design House to take inspiration for my sketches of the Ao dai. This collection shows the different ao dais and dresses inspired by the 60s era in Vietnam. Where it started to modernize a bit more. The owner of Thuy Design House has an emanicd love for the ao dais, this she created this company. As well as an ao dai museum. To show citizens of Vietnam and foreigners the beauty of our nation’s costume.

Week, Vietnam International Fashion. "THUY DESIGN HOUSE | VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL FASHION WEEK FALL WINTER 2017." YouTube. November 02, 2017. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This is a video the walk from the Vietnam International Fashion show in 2017. Clothes created in partnership with the film Co Ba Saigon. The ao dais are the 60s twist on the ao dai, made by the Thuy Design house. Thuy Design House is dedicated to the ao dai and it’s timeless beauty. This presents the fashions used within the movie and not with the movie, just using it as inspiration. The movie wouldn’t have been made without the partnership and love for the ao dai by the director and Thuy Design house. In the end the love for the ao dai create a beautiful show.

Yuki Ling. "10 Different Types of Kimono for Women." Tsunagu Japan. July 6, 2014.  

Daniele Fiorenza Capstone

Hi this is Dani and this is my Senior Project. Since I'm an exchange student I could notice a lot of differences in the everyday routine between the U.S. and Italy. I like a lot to talk about myself and showing to people who I am and what I do. When my experience started in August I brought with me my GoPro thinking about doing a documentary about the whole 10 months trip but I abandoned this idea after a while. I wasn't using the camera but, once we had to work on the Capstone, I remembered that I could have used that for it. I started recording the most interesting parts of my daily life such as my free time. I expressed my passions, traveling, doing sports above all playing soccer and some shades of my culture, cooking pasta. I purposely wanted with a POV camera angle because in my opinion the viewer can see the events in the same way I did. 
Hope you enjoy the video and have a great end of the school year.

This source represents to the best the part of my project with the GoPro. The idea is to give my point of view, in fact this perspective it’s called POV. Instead a day in the city, my project will be a day at school with a GoPro. This is not the only part of my work but it’s the base idea where all starts. This video’s author was able to use some scenic effect and I want to replicate him but probably in a different way. Of course I’m gonna record some clips in center city to give an idea to who is watching the environment outside the school
This source explains which kind of mount is better to use with the GoPro, it puts  in comparison the head mount with the chest mount. Seen that the perspective is one of the things that matters more I had to do this kind of research. At the end the chest mount is the better one for me because it gives a better perspective of what you are doing. There was the chance to buy an “external” mount but it’s not the perspective I want to give. The documentary will be like if I don’t even have a camera that is recording
Since I never tried to put clips together I thought it would have been helpful to follow a real tutorial on how to do a documentary (I actually don’t know if mine I can define it as a documentary). It tells step by step how to be successful in making a video and the steps are listed. Tell a story you care about, research best ways to record, make a plan creating an outline, be careful to copyright issues. I’m a beginner so this research is gonna be helpful at the beginning of my editing part of the project.
My video will not be a documentary so I looked for something smaller to get instruction from. The link says Mini-documentaries’ length is between 2 - 25 minutes and it’s exactly what i’m looking for. There are instructions similar to the last link but in this case the source focuses on the purpose of it. The website offers a video tutorial, “How to make a mini-documentary” which could be very helpful. Even if I already took another similar source I find this better because it approaches more to my idea.,2817,2397215,00.asp
The first question I was wondering was “Which is the best program to edit a video?”. I did research on it and I found this source which is basically a review made by a computer scientist and he expresses his best choices that are free. I actually have to check what apps I have available at school. Since there are Macs at school I could probably use iMovie which supports 4K and it’s one of the best editor choices, the other one is Apple Final Cut Pro but I think I have to download it which is not my idea
Since I’m recording with the GoPro (special videocam), I researched if there were some tips for using it. One thing that was underlined in the source is the fact to be selective and don’t let the camera record everything because there will be so much work to put the clips together and cut the less important parts. It tells about technical skills to like the frame of the clip and angles but the only angle I’m giving is what I see because the camera will be only on my chest
My first part of the project is GoPro clips but I think it’s not enough to this kind of project so I decided to add the clips to some interviews to high school students and maybe teachers. It’s a step by step tutorial and the steps are 8 and the most idea said in this source is to take notes which I don’t think it will be helpful for me because I’m gonna record it but it still tells some important things like conduct the interview in an organized manner.
I explained in the last source the second part of my project, interview to students. Even if the main question is “What do you think about exchange student program?” “What do you think about this year’s exchange students?” I thought it would have been helpful to find some random question to ask during an interviews even if won’t use them. Some of the categories are “What work is like?” or “Skills and Experience". Even if it doesn’t match with my cause maybe I could find a couple that I can use in my video
“How to be successful in editing?”. This video tells 5 skills to be a good editor. The second point was pretty interesting because it says “Being a sculptor and knowing what to take away from your work”, the guy says our idea will be the main block of the sculpture and slowly labor it. He says to have a good imagination and be clear about your final idea. The last point explains that even if you’re going to cancel lot you are not satisfied so he says that it’s important to be a “good solver”
Of course music plays an important factor in a documentary so I decided to research some cool music to put in the background of my clips. I had to research songs without copyright because it’s not legal. This playlist is very cool and it seems perfect for Vlogs which is the type of video I want to make. I won’t talk I think during the GoPro clips, I didn’t decided yet but when there are some silence moments I’m gonna put this music. Linked to this there are other songs but I thought that one source is enough